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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Urban design och dess roll i utvecklingen av mindre tätorter - En platsanalys av Markaryds centrum

Holmström, Louise, Kleregård, Martina January 2018 (has links)
Urban design handlar om den byggda miljöns utformning som är nära sammankopplad med det sociala livet på gatorna. Den urbana designen är därför viktig i utvecklingen av städer. Studien är en fallstudie som utgörs av en platsanalys av stationssamhället Markaryd. Syftet är att bidra med kunskap om hur teorier och metoder inom urban design kan användas som analysverktyg inför en vidareutveckling av mindre tätorter som Markaryd. Platsanalysen presenterar brister och kvaliteter för att belysa platsens potential i den byggda miljön. Det bakomliggande problemen handlar om att Markaryds centrumhandel gått ned, att Markaryds stationsområde uppfattas som anonymt samt att centrum behöver göras mer attraktivt. Vi grundar undersökningen i ett fokus på hur det sociala livet i centrum kan stärkas, men inkluderar även till viss del de estetiska värdena. Undersökningen kom fram till att Markaryds problem i den urbana designen befinner sig på olika nivåer. I en utzoomad skala är tätortens stadsväv spridd som ett resultat av gles och fristående bebyggelse. Centrumhandeln har också gått ned, vilket resulterar i tomma lokaler i centrum. Detta får effekter på gatulivet eftersom det blir färre funktioner i centrum. Stora delar av centrums miljö har modernistiska drag vilket bidrar till en utdaterad design där sociala aspekter inte är i fokus. Tillsammans med bristande mötesplatser i utemiljön får det konsekvensen att få människor vistas i centrum. Studien visade även att de nya tågförbindelserna kan betraktas som en del i Markaryds skifte från bruksort och kyrkby till stationssamhälle. Skiftet är avgörande för den framtida utvecklingen av den byggda miljön i centrum och runt stationsområdet. / Urban design includes the formation of the built environment, which is closely connected to the social life of the streets. Therefore urban design is important in the development of cities. The study is a case study of the railway village Markaryd. It is composed by a site analysis of the urban design of the centre of Markryd. The purpose is to contribute with knowledge of how theories and methods in urban design can be used as an analysis-tool, before a development is implemented in smaller villages like Markaryd. The site analysis presents defects and qualities to highlight the potential of the built environment. The underlying problem is Markaryd’s commercial downfall, Markaryd’s railway station is perceived as anonymous and the centre needs to become more attractive. In our study the focus lies on how the social life can be strengthened in the centre, but partly also its aesthetical values. The results of the study shows that Markaryd’s problems in the urban design lies in different levels. In a larger scale the village’s urban tissue is scattered as a result of scarce and detached buildings. The commercial downfall results in empty facilities in the center. The reduced functions has consequences on the streetlife. Large parts of the city’s environment have modernistic features which results in an outdated design that lacks social aspects. Along with the absence of meetingplaces in the outdoor public space, the results is a general lack of people in the centre. The study also shows that the new train connections have been important for Markaryd, in the shift from mill town and church village to a railway village. The shift is crucial for the future development of the built environment in the centre and around the railway station.

La résilience par le terroir : une sociologie du bien-vivre dans les Hautes-Laurentides

Rainville, Rosalie 08 1900 (has links)
Cette étude sociologique porte sur la Municipalité régionale de comté (MRC) Antoine-Labelle dans la région des Hautes-Laurentides au Québec. Historiquement, depuis le début des années 1900, la forêt a constitué la principale assise économique et sociale de la MRC. Depuis 2005, « la crise forestière » frappe durement cette région québécoise. Un mouvement de la transition s’est installé au sein de la communauté régionale. À l’intersection de la nature et de la culture, le terroir se présente depuis lors comme l’une des voies privilégiées de la résilience. À travers le terroir, c’est le « vivre de » et le « bien vivre ensemble » que les habitants cherchent à repenser dans leur région. Aujourd’hui, plusieurs initiatives mettant en valeur le terroir régional, notamment des projets d’agriculture biologique, sont repérables à l’ensemble du territoire des Hautes-Laurentides. Plus qu’une simple ouverture économique, le terroir est porteur de nouveaux récits sociaux et symboliques dans la région. Dans ce mémoire de maîtrise, notre objectif est précisément de mettre en lumière les représentations sociales du terroir de certains acteurs du domaine agroalimentaire de la MRC Antoine-Labelle. Nous cherchons à comprendre comment le terroir se construit, se pense, se vit et se raconte dans cette région. En interrogeant dix-sept acteurs, notamment des agriculteurs, des artisans du domaine alimentaire, des chefs, des restaurateurs et des représentants de la gouvernance régionale, ceux-ci montrent que ce concept est porteur de valeurs sociales et environnementales qui répondent à de nouvelles aspirations au sein de la communauté. Non sans difficultés, le terroir renvoie pour les acteurs interrogés à des valeurs d’autonomie, de qualité de vie, de convivialité, de conscience écologique, d’éducation et d’espoir pour la relève à venir. Cette étude sociologique du terroir dans les Hautes-Laurentides jette finalement un éclairage nouveau sur le bien-vivre en région rurale au Québec. / This sociological study is about the Regional County Municipality (RCM) of Antoine-Labelle in the Hautes-Laurentides region of Quebec. Since the early 1900s, the forest has been the main economic and social base of the MRC. Since 2005, "the forestry crisis" has heavily affected this region of Quebec. A transition movement has emerged within the regional community. At the intersection of nature and culture, the terroir has appeared as one of the preferred pathways toward resilience. Through the terroir, it’s the ideas of "living" and "living together" that inhabitants are sinking to rethink in their region. Today, several initiatives which highlight the regional terroir, including organic farming projects, have emerged throughout the territory of the Hautes-Laurentides. More than just an economic opportunity, the terroir brings with it new social and symbolic narratives in the region. In this master thesis, our goal is precisely to highlight the social representations of the terroir of some actors in this field of activity in the Antoine-Labelle RCM. We seek to understand how the terroir is constructed, conceptualized, lived and told in this region. By interviewing seventeen actors, including farmers, artisans, chefs and representatives of regional governance, we show that this concept carries social and environmental values that express new aspirations within the community. For the actors interviewed and not without its challenges, the terroir refers to values such as autonomy, quality of life, friendliness, environmental awareness, education and hope for the next generation. This sociological study of the terroir in the Hautes-Laurentides sheds new light on what is meant by “living well” in rural Quebec.

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