Spelling suggestions: "subject:"test equipment"" "subject:"est equipment""
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Zkušební zařízení na měření pevnosti pájeného spoje / Test Equipment for Solder Joint Strength MeasuringČechák, Ondřej January 2019 (has links)
This master thesis introduces the problematics of the tensile strength of soldered joints and the correlative mathematical formulas and the use of mentioned problematics in the technology of die shear/pull machines designed for the solder joint tensile strength measurement. It explains the importance and reasons for the use of this technology. The emphasis is then laid on the design and construction innovations of the current laboratory manual shear/pull measuring machine, its semi-automation and the possibility of utilizing the innovated system in a laboratory class of a subject on FEEC BUT.
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Provsystem för marin försvarsmateriel : En studie i tillämpning av produktutvecklingsmetoder på utveckling av Verifiering och Validerings-resurser för marin försvarsmaterielNilsson, Albin, Molander, Josefin January 2022 (has links)
Having well-functioning equipment for the soldiers and sailors in the Swedish Armed Forces to defend the nation’s territory has been a priority since the catastrophic failure of the flagship Vasa almost 400 years ago. The quality assurance of defense materiel that is procured for the Swedish Armed Forces by the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (SDMA) is conducted using qualified verification and validation activities, which are supported using complex resources that either create the conditions for tests or gather data from tests. The department Test and Evaluation Marine (T&E Marine) in the SDMA, which works with verification and validation (VoV) of naval defense materiel, has a need to identify and develop new VoV resources for future naval acquisitions. The purpose is to find which needs the department of SDMA T&E Marine has regarding test resources and from the needs develop a specification of a possible VoV resource. In cooperation with the T&E Marine department, the study has used the Design Thinking methodology in a double diamond context and has through conducting interviews, observations, and a workshop created an analysis of the current state of VoV resources, which of these should be further developed, and which new resources the department could acquire to support future test and evaluation. The result of this study is that the analysis of the current situation shows that the department needs a modular remotely piloted aerial system. The result also includes a conceptual design of the VoV resource which the department could procure to support its future verification and validation work. The conclusion is that there is need for several different VoV resources. One VoV resource could be a modular remotely piloted aerial system, that is both easy to use and to carry. / Att svenska soldater och sjömän ska ha välfungerande och säker materiel för att hävda Sveriges territorium har varit en av statens prioriteringar sedan förlisningen av regalskeppet Vasa för snart 400 år sedan. Kvalitetssäkringen av försvarsmateriel som anskaffas till Försvarsmakten genom Försvarets Materielverk (FMV) sker idag genom kvalificerade verifierings- och valideringsaktiviteter och stöds utav komplexa resurser som antingen skapar förutsättningar för prov, eller samlar in data för proven. Avdelningen Test & Evaluering Marin (T&E Marin) på Försvarets Materielverk, som arbetar med verifiering och validering (VoV) av marin försvarsmateriel, har behov av att identifiera och utveckla nya VoV-resurser för framtida anskaffningar i marina domänen. Arbetet syftar till att ta reda på vilka behov som finns inom T&E Marins område för VoV-resurser och utifrån detta behov ta fram en specifikation på hur en VoV-resurs kan se ut. I samarbete med T&E Marin har studien använt sig av Design Thinking metodologin i en Double Diamond kontext, och har genom intervjuer, observationer och en workshop skapat en nulägesanalys för VoV-resurser, vilka som finns idag, vad som önskas vidareutvecklas, och vilka nya resurser som avdelningen kan ha för att stödja sitt arbete. Resultatet är en nulägesanalys som visar att ett behov är en uppdragsanpassningsbar fjärrmanövrerad flygfarkost. Resultatet innefattar också ett konceptförslag på den önskade VoV-resursen som avdelningen bör anskaffa för att stötta sitt framtida VoV-arbete. Slutsatsen är att det finns behov för flera olika VoV-resurser. En av dessa kan vara en fjärrstyrd flygfarkost med hög förmåga för uppdragsanpassning, som är enkel att använda och att bära med sig.
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Prediction of Expected Life Length of Motor Locks : Master Thesis in Electronics, Mälardalen University / Prediktion av förväntad livslängd hos motorlås : Civilingenjörsarbete inom elektronik, Mälardalens högskolaSöderroos, Johan January 2010 (has links)
<p>ASSA AB develops different types of products that can be used in or around doors. ASSA offers a complete door solution to the customers. Many of these products are linked together and work for a complete formation of access control. ASSA has recently developed a new communications bus for some of their products. One advantage of the new communication bus is that each product should be able to offer different kinds of added values to the customers.</p><p>This master thesis main focus is to find a model to describe the predicted life length of ASSA:s motor lock called 811C50, which includes a study that determine which environmental parameters that can affects the motor locks life length. This master thesis is also a pre-study for further work of an existing motor lock.</p><p>The chosen test model, <em>full parameter test, leads to a life length equation. This equation shall later on be implemented in the motor locks so the motor locks itself can predict its own life length. To make the equation completed different parameters, that can affect the motor locks life length, are needed. This can be implemented through different technological tests and to succeed with the test, right test equipment is needed. No establish test equipment was available, which required that new test equipment, which could test all motor locks, were build. On the bases from interviews with engineers at ASSA it was established that the following parameters probably can affect the motor locks life length: temperature, air humidity, dust, corrosion, side load and vibration. Not until certain factors and coefficients have been determined, for the equation, can the equation be used. </em></p> / <p>ASSA AB är ett företag som utvecklar olika typer av produkter som kan användas i eller runt en dörr. ASSA erbjuder en komplett dörrlösning till kunderna. Många av de här produkterna är sammankopplade och arbetar tillsammans för att komplett passersystem. ASSA har nyligen utvecklat en ny kommunikationsbuss för några av deras produkter. En fördel med den nya kommunikationsbussen är att varje produkt kan ge ett ökat mervärde för slutkunden.</p><p>Denna avhandling har som huvudsyfte att hitta en modell som kan beskriva livslängden för ASSA:s motorlås, 811C50. Till detta görs en studie för att undersöka vilka miljö parametrar som kan påverka motorlåsets livslängd. Denna avhandling kan även ses som en förstudie där målet är att vidareutveckla det befintliga motorlåset.</p><p>Den valda modellen, full variabel test, leder till en livslängdsekvation. Denna ekvation kommer sedan att bli implementerad i motorlåset så att låset själv kan prediktera sin egen livslängd. För att göra ekvationen komplett behövs olika parameterr som kan påverka motorlåsets livslängd identifieras. Detta kan ske genom olika tekniska test och för att lyckas med testen krävs rätt testutrustning. Ingen befintlig testutrustning fanns tillgänglig vilket resulterade i en ny testutrustning som kunde testa alla motorlås utvecklades. Utifrån intervjuer med ingenjörer på ASSA kunde det fastställas att följande parameterr troligtvis kan påverka motorlåsets livslängd: temperatur, luftfuktighet, damm, korrosion, listtryck och vibrationer. Inte förens koefficienter, till ekvationen, har blivit fastställda är ekvationen färdig att användas.</p>
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Prediction of Expected Life Length of Motor Locks : Master Thesis in Electronics, Mälardalen University / Prediktion av förväntad livslängd hos motorlås : Civilingenjörsarbete inom elektronik, Mälardalens högskolaSöderroos, Johan January 2010 (has links)
ASSA AB develops different types of products that can be used in or around doors. ASSA offers a complete door solution to the customers. Many of these products are linked together and work for a complete formation of access control. ASSA has recently developed a new communications bus for some of their products. One advantage of the new communication bus is that each product should be able to offer different kinds of added values to the customers. This master thesis main focus is to find a model to describe the predicted life length of ASSA:s motor lock called 811C50, which includes a study that determine which environmental parameters that can affects the motor locks life length. This master thesis is also a pre-study for further work of an existing motor lock. The chosen test model, full parameter test, leads to a life length equation. This equation shall later on be implemented in the motor locks so the motor locks itself can predict its own life length. To make the equation completed different parameters, that can affect the motor locks life length, are needed. This can be implemented through different technological tests and to succeed with the test, right test equipment is needed. No establish test equipment was available, which required that new test equipment, which could test all motor locks, were build. On the bases from interviews with engineers at ASSA it was established that the following parameters probably can affect the motor locks life length: temperature, air humidity, dust, corrosion, side load and vibration. Not until certain factors and coefficients have been determined, for the equation, can the equation be used. / ASSA AB är ett företag som utvecklar olika typer av produkter som kan användas i eller runt en dörr. ASSA erbjuder en komplett dörrlösning till kunderna. Många av de här produkterna är sammankopplade och arbetar tillsammans för att komplett passersystem. ASSA har nyligen utvecklat en ny kommunikationsbuss för några av deras produkter. En fördel med den nya kommunikationsbussen är att varje produkt kan ge ett ökat mervärde för slutkunden. Denna avhandling har som huvudsyfte att hitta en modell som kan beskriva livslängden för ASSA:s motorlås, 811C50. Till detta görs en studie för att undersöka vilka miljö parametrar som kan påverka motorlåsets livslängd. Denna avhandling kan även ses som en förstudie där målet är att vidareutveckla det befintliga motorlåset. Den valda modellen, full variabel test, leder till en livslängdsekvation. Denna ekvation kommer sedan att bli implementerad i motorlåset så att låset själv kan prediktera sin egen livslängd. För att göra ekvationen komplett behövs olika parameterr som kan påverka motorlåsets livslängd identifieras. Detta kan ske genom olika tekniska test och för att lyckas med testen krävs rätt testutrustning. Ingen befintlig testutrustning fanns tillgänglig vilket resulterade i en ny testutrustning som kunde testa alla motorlås utvecklades. Utifrån intervjuer med ingenjörer på ASSA kunde det fastställas att följande parameterr troligtvis kan påverka motorlåsets livslängd: temperatur, luftfuktighet, damm, korrosion, listtryck och vibrationer. Inte förens koefficienter, till ekvationen, har blivit fastställda är ekvationen färdig att användas.
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Knowledge-Based Architecture for Integrated Condition Based Maintenance of Engineering SystemsSaxena, Abhinav 06 July 2007 (has links)
A paradigm shift is emerging in system reliability and maintainability. The military and industrial sectors are moving away from the traditional breakdown and scheduled maintenance to adopt concepts referred to as Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) and Prognostic Health Management (PHM). In addition to signal processing and subsequent diagnostic and prognostic algorithms these new technologies involve storage of large volumes of both quantitative and qualitative information to carry out maintenance tasks effectively. This not only requires research and development in advanced technologies but also the means to store, organize and access this knowledge in a timely and efficient fashion. Knowledge-based expert systems have been shown to possess capabilities to manage vast amounts of knowledge, but an intelligent systems approach calls for attributes like learning and adaptation in building autonomous decision support systems.
This research presents an integrated knowledge-based approach to diagnostic reasoning for CBM of engineering systems. A two level diagnosis scheme has been conceptualized in which first a fault is hypothesized using the observational symptoms from the system and then a more specific diagnostic test is carried out using only the relevant sensor measurements to confirm the hypothesis. Utilizing the qualitative (textual) information obtained from these systems in combination with quantitative (sensory) information reduces the computational burden by carrying out a more informed testing. An Industrial Language Processing (ILP) technique has been developed for processing textual information from industrial systems. Compared to other automated methods that are computationally expensive, this technique manipulates standardized language messages by taking advantage of their semi-structured nature and domain limited vocabulary in a tractable manner.
A Dynamic Case-based reasoning (DCBR) framework provides a hybrid platform for diagnostic reasoning and an integration mechanism for the operational infrastructure of an autonomous Decision Support System (DSS) for CBM. This integration involves data gathering, information extraction procedures, and real-time reasoning frameworks to facilitate the strategies and maintenance of critical systems. As a step further towards autonomy, DCBR builds on a self-evolving knowledgebase that learns from its performance feedback and reorganizes itself to deal with non-stationary environments. A unique Human-in-the-Loop Learning (HITLL) approach has been adopted to incorporate human feedback in the traditional Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithm.
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Modernisering av testutrustning / Modernization of Testing EquipmentGustafsson, Thomas January 2012 (has links)
Rapporten beskriver arbetet med att modernisera en testutrustning för ett robotsystem. Den nya testutrustningen skulle moderniseras till att använda USB-gränssnitt istället för RS232-gränssnitt för kommunikation mellan dator och den övriga hårdvaran. Arbetet börjar med kravspecifikation och slutar med en fungerande produkt. I det innefattas en kortare förklaring av USB-gränssnittet och dess skillnader från RS232-gränssnittet, en utredning för att finna den bästa lösningen för att förverkliga USB-kommunikationen med utrustningen och konstruktion av elektronik för att styra signaler och spänningsmatningar till robotsystemet. / This report describes the work to modernize a test equipmentt for a missile system. The new test equipment would be upgraded to use a USB interfaces instead of RS232 interface for communication between the computer and the rest of the hardware. The work begins with the specification and ends with a working product. In that included a brief explanation of the USB interface and its differences from the RS232 interface, an investigation to find the best solution for implementing USB communication with the equipment and construction of electronics to control signals and power supplies to the missile system.
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Design of a Test Equipment : Quality Control on Hydraulic Quick Couplings Used in the Excavation IndustryAndersson, Daniel, Florbrant, Robin January 2020 (has links)
Construction machines use quick couplers to rapidly change the attached tool. The gear lets the machine operator control the hooking and unhooking of the tool from inside of the cabin. This saves time and makes construction work much easier for the workers. The quick coupler is most commonly used on excavators, placed at the outer end of the excavator arm. The tool which the quick coupler connects to needs to have an adapter welded on it for the coupling process to work. Both quick coupler and adapter are equipped with hydraulic quick couplings, the female halves in the quick coupler and the male halves in the adapter. They connect the distribution of hydraulic fluid from the machine to the tool. This master thesis, in industrial design engineering, is focusing on developing a test equipment that can ensure the quality of hydraulic quick couplings. The project is done in collaboration with the company Steelwrist, which requests that the equipment can detect if the couplings are leaking, in both connected and unconnected state, as well as, measuring the internal friction and spring forces that occur during the connection and disconnection. The project was carried out through a design process with four phases, inspired by ‘the double diamond process’. The used process consists of three sessions of diverging and converging in the form of first widely exploring followed by taking focused actions. The focus in the first phase was to discover information about safety, quality, measurements and instruments, along with conducting interviews and observations in order to understand the current state at the company. In the second phase was the specification and workflow of the new test equipment defined. In the following phase the development of the test equipment started. First by generating hundreds of potential solutions to partial functions, which could be divided into five concepts that were parallely developed and evaluated. In the last phase was the best of the five concepts finalized and constructed in CAD, in order to deliver models and drawings on the final design. The main focus in the developing and evaluating process has been to create a as safe product as possible. The positions needed to be performed by the operator were extensively investigated and the ergonomics were highly prioritized. Another important factor was the simplicity of the machine components of the test equipment. The project resulted in a complete solution for a new testing station, consisting of storage for adapters, spare parts and documents, along with the test equipment in the shape of a floor standing machine. The test equipment seals the hydraulic quick coupling half, which is meant to be tested, towards an adapter with a pneumatic cylinder. A servo motor then moves the opposite quick coupling half in order to enable the connection and disconnection. The last mentioned coupling half is attached to a load cell which measures the force. The existing leak detection instrument is connected to the test equipment in order to fill the test object with air in the different states. / Byggmaskiner använder snabbfästen för att snabbt byta det fastsittande verktyget. Redskapet låter maskinföraren styra på- och avkopplingen av verktyget från insidan av hytten. Detta sparar tid och gör konstruktionsarbetet mycket enklare för dem som jobbar. Snabbfästet används oftast på grävmaskiner, placerade längst ut på grävmaskinsarmen. Verktyget som snabbfästet ansluter till måste vara utrustad med en fastsvetsad grind för att kopplingsprocessen ska fungera. Både snabbfästet och grinden är utrustade med hydrauliska snabbkopplingar, honhalvorna i snabbfästet och hanhalvorna i grinden. De ansluter hydrauliken från maskinen till verktyget. Detta examensarbete inom teknisk design fokuserar på att utveckla en testutrustning som kan säkerställa kvaliteten på hydrauliska snabbkopplingar. Projektet utförs i samarbete med företaget Steelwrist, som begär att utrustningen ska upptäcka läckage i kopplingarna, både i anslutet och ej anslutet tillstånd, samt att mäta de interna friktion- och fjäderkrafter som uppstår under anslutning och frånkoppling. Projektet bestod av fyra faser, inspirerad av design processen 'the double diamond process'. De fyra faserna omfattar totalt tre sekvenser innehållande en divergerande del och sedan en konvergerande del i form av att först utforska brett, följt av att smalna av med mer fokuserat besluttagande. Fokus i den första fasen var att ta reda på information om säkerhet, kvalitet, mätningar och instrument, tillsammans med intervjuer och observationer för att förstå det aktuella tillståndet på företaget. I den andra fasen definierades specifikationer och arbetsflödet för den nya testutrustningen. I följande fas inleddes utvecklingen av testutrustningen. Först genom att generera hundratals potentiella lösningar på delfunktioner, som sedan kunde delas in i fem koncept som parallellt utvecklades och utvärderades. I den sista fasen färdigställdes det bästa av de fem koncepten och konstruerades i CAD så modeller och ritningar på den slutliga designen kunde levereras. Huvudfokuset i utvecklings- och utvärderingsprocessen har varit att skapa en så säker produkt som möjligt. De positioner som utförs av operatören undersöktes grundligt och ergonomin prioriterades högt. En annan viktig faktor var enkelheten i testutrustningens olika komponenter. Projektet resulterade i en komplett lösning för en ny teststation, bestående av lager för adaptrar, reservdelar och dokument, tillsammans med testutrustningen i form av en markplacerad maskin. Testutrustningen försluter den hydrauliska snabbkopplingshalvan, som är tänkt att testas, mot en adapter med en pneumatisk cylinder. En servomotor flyttar sedan motsatt snabbkopplingshalva för att möjliggöra anslutning och frånkoppling. Den sistnämnda kopplingshalvan är fäst på en lastcell som mäter krafterna som uppstår. Det befintliga läckagedetekteringsinstrumentet är anslutet till testutrustningen för att fylla testobjektet med luft i dem olika tillstånden.
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Reuse and Verification of Test Equipment for ISO 7637 / Återanvändning och verifiering av testutrustning för ISO 7637Gezelius, Jonatan January 2021 (has links)
Standards exist to unify requirements and to make it possible to make sure that equipment is tested in the same way, even when several different test labs perform the test. But as new technology comes to market, and old technology evolves, so must the standards. The International Organization for Standardization are continuously developing new standards and updating existing standards, and sometimes the specified tests changes, rendering old test equipment obsolete. In this thesis, we will look at the differences between the old and the current versions of the ISO 7637 standards as well as how we can verify if older test equipment lives up to the new requirements. A verification method will be designed, partly implemented and evaluated. Several of the aspects for automating the verification will be considered. The results will show that older equipment most likely will be usable with the newer version of the standard, as well as point out some of the difficulties of verifying that this is the case.
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Testovací metody pro hodnocení radiačních efektů v přesných analogových a signálově smíšených obvodech pro aplikace v kosmické elektronice / Test Methods for Evaluation of Radiation Effects in High Precision Analog and Mixed-Signal Devices for Space ApplicationsHofman, Jiří January 2019 (has links)
The traditional radiation testing of space electronics has been used for more than fifty years to support the radiation hardness assurance. Its typical goal is to ensure reliable operation of the spacecraft in the harsh environment of space. This PhD research looks into the radiation testing from a different perspective; the goal is to develop radiation testing methods that are focused not only on the reliability of the components but also on a continuous radiation-induced degradation of their performance. Such data are crucial for the understanding of the impact of radiation on the measurement uncertainty of data acquisition systems onboard research space missions.
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The development of a framework for an integrated logistics support system within a high technology industry in a developing countryLambert, Keith Richard 31 March 2008 (has links)
Competitive and high-risk environments require complex high technology systems, which need to be supported and maintained over their respective life cycles. These systems often have a significant consequence of failure, and require complex management systems to achieve their operational objectives. Significant leadership and management challenges exist, not only in South Africa, but also in other developing countries, where systems may be utilised beyond the lifespan they were designed for and are susceptible to obsolescence.
This study was conducted by following a structured process; the research consisted of three stages. The first stage dealt with the research problem, including the delimitations of the study. The second stage was further divided into three phases. The first phase deconstructed the appropriate literature, which included the interpretation of numerous definitions of logistics, integrated logistics support, and the integrated logistics support elements. In addition, the research was grounded in the fields of operations management, supply chain management and integrated logistics support. The second phase focused on the deconstruction of six case studies from four different high technology complex systems. From the analysis of the first two phases followed the third phase of research, which focused on the identification of areas requiring further research. Further research was conducted by means of a questionnaire, the results of which were analysed for variable dependency and variable association. The third stage of the research included the collation and analysis of the findings of the first two stages of research. The analysis utilised the principles of Mode 2 research and design science research, whereby an ILS framework and associated grounded technological rules have been recommended.
These recommendations are robust in nature, as they can be applied in the most challenging environment and circumstances as identified. Furthermore, by grounding the theory in the disciplines of operations management, supply chain management and integrated logistics support, the reliability, validity, relevance, and applicability of the study could be substantiated. This implied that the generated theoretical knowledge could be transferred to and applied in practice, and as such, an organisation can reap substantial value added benefits, and gain considerable competitive advantage in the market place by applying this developed ILS framework and associated ILS grounded technological rules. / Business Leadership / D. BL.
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