Spelling suggestions: "subject:"textbooks."" "subject:"extbooks.""
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A história da ciência nos livros didáticos de química do PNLEM 2007 / History of science in chemistry textbooks approved by PNLEM 2007Vidal, Paulo Henrique Oliveira 29 July 2009 (has links)
As possibilidades de contribuição da história da ciência para o ensino continuam a ser debatidas. Muitos pesquisadores defendem que a história da ciência pode humanizar os conteúdos científicos e relacioná-los aos interesses éticos, culturais e políticos da sociedade. Todavia, é preciso levar em consideração qual história da ciência, e como, deve ser trabalhada no processo de ensino aprendizagem para atingir os objetivos educacionais. Considerando, ainda, a importância que os livros didáticos têm no contexto educacional, este trabalho procurou investigar a presença da história da ciência em seis livros didáticos de química, aprovados pelo Programa Nacional do Livro Didático para o Ensino Médio de 2007 (PNLEM). Foram identificados todos os trechos referentes à história da ciência em cada um dos seis livros didáticos. Em seguida, essas ocorrências foram classificadas e quantificadas. Como resultado, observou-se o predomínio da simples menção a ideias ou descobertas na ciência, em detrimento de descrições mais detalhadas. Assim, em geral, a informação histórica contida nos livros é superficial, raramente permitindo a compreensão da complexidade do processo de construção das ideias. Outro indício nessa direção foi o grande número de menções sugerindo que importantes transformações na ciência foram devidas aos esforços individuais de cientistas. Essa ideia pode contribuir para uma visão equivocada da ciência, segundo a qual o trabalho científico é reservado a uma minoria intelectualmente superior, que vive à margem da sociedade. Também não contribui para modificar essa impressão o fato de que, na maioria das menções, a informação histórica refere-se unicamente ao próprio contexto científico - ou seja, são raras as menções às condicionantes ou influências sociais ou tecnológicas da atividade científica. Observou-se, finalmente, que os autores inserem poucos documentos ou textos originais nos livros didáticos. A inclusão de fontes primárias poderia propiciar discussões mais aprofundadas sobre a elaboração da ciência. Assim, os resultados obtidos sugerem que a história da ciência, da maneira como é apresentada nos livros didáticos, não contribui para que sejam atingidos os objetivos educacionais preconizados por diversos documentos, entre eles o próprio edital do PNLEM. Os livros necessitariam incorporar, em seu discurso relativo à história da ciência, formas que favorecessem a compreensão da ciência como um empreendimento humano e coletivo, sujeito a críticas, e que interage com o meio social. A abordagem de determinados episódios da história com maior riqueza de detalhes, através de estudos de caso que possibilitassem discussões mais profundas, seria mais profícua que a simples menção a um grande número de personagens, fatos e ideias. / Possible contributions from the history of science to science education continue to be discussed. Researchers argue that the history of science may humanize scientific contents, and relate them to ethical, cultural and political issues. However, one has to consider what, and how, history of science is to be used in didactic contexts to achieve current educational goals. Considering textbooks\' important role in the educational process, this work investigates the presence of the history of science in the six chemistry textbooks approved by the Brazilian Program for High School Textbooks (PNLEM 2007). All references to the history of science in these books were identified, categorized and quantified. It was observed that the majority of instances are of simple mentions to scientific discoveries or ideas, rather than more detailed descriptions. In general, the historical content is superficial and do not deal with the complexity of the construction of scientific ideas. Main changes in science are often attributed to the efforts of a single scientist. Such approach may contribute to the misconception that the scientific career is only for an \"intellectually-gifted\" minority working in an ivory tower. Moreover, such idea may be reinforced by the fact that most of the historical references in the textbooks comprise the scientific context only. References to social and technological contexts are scarce. Citations of primary sources, or of up-to-date secondary sources in the history of science, are almost absent. Primary sources could be a rich material for deeper discussions on the construction of scientific knowledge. Results suggest that the history of science presented by the textbooks does not help to achieve contemporary educational goals. Textbooks need to incorporate ways to promote the understanding of science as a collective, human enterprise, which influences (and is influenced by) its social environment, and which is subject to constant criticism. The detailed discussion of selected episodes of the history of science would be more fruitful for science education than the mere mention to a large number of characters, events and ideas.
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Introduction to STATISTICS in a Biological ContextSeier, Edith, Joplin, Karl H. 01 January 2011 (has links)
This is a textbook written for undergraduate students in biology or health sciences in an introductory statistics course. / https://dc.etsu.edu/etsu_books/1061/thumbnail.jpg
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Case Studies in Criminal Justice EthicsBraswell, Michael, Miller, Larry, Pollock, Joycelyn 01 January 2012 (has links)
Building on the success of the popular first edition, the authors provide hypothetical criminal justice scenarios for analysis, having found in their experience as teachers that the process adds depth and dimension to the study of justice and ethics. This expanded second edition offers ten new cases addressing the intricate process of moral and ethical decision making. Focusing on both personal and social context, the authors explore true-to-life situations and encourage readers to think about the possible consequences that could result from the choices they make. / https://dc.etsu.edu/etsu_books/1032/thumbnail.jpg
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Gender-Linked Variation Across LanguagesElhindi, Yousif, McGarry, Theresa 01 January 2013 (has links)
"...this volume presents a collection of studies that highlights the linguistic diversity of the language and gender research currently being pursued, to emphasize the value of such work for the formulation of theories and methods and to stimulate more research across languages...." --Introduction / https://dc.etsu.edu/etsu_books/1040/thumbnail.jpg
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Dermatology for the Advanced Practice NurseLyons, Faye, Ousley, Lisa 01 January 2015 (has links)
This is the first primary care dermatology reference written by and for nurses. It focuses on approximately 60 skin conditions that are commonly seen in primary care settings and provides unique decision trees to assist in accurate diagnosis. Organized for quick access, the book presents conditions alphabetically and includes evidence-based treatment and management strategies along with full-color photos taken during actual office visits. Dermatologic diagnostics cover skin assessment, specimen collection procedures, and use of mechanical devices, along with relevant evidence-based topical, systemic, and surgical treatment options.
The resource provides an overview of dermatology basics including skin anatomy and physiology and skin terminology. Illustrations, graphs, and skin terminology help to accurately document descriptions of rashes, lesions, and diseases during diagnostic evaluations. The book also defines risk factors in relation to skin conditions and diseases and delineates conditions common to specific populations. A broad range of management strategies is presented along with alerts for when expert follow-up is indicated. To promote rapid identification of skin conditions, each is presented in a consistent organization that includes overview, epidemiology, pathology/histology, clinical presentation, differential diagnosis, treatment/management, special considerations and appropriate referrals, and patient education. The Clinical Pearls feature captures the authors" expertise. Additional photos are available from the website as a digital photo archive. / https://dc.etsu.edu/etsu_books/1041/thumbnail.jpg
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Osteoporosis (Oxford American Rheumatology Library), 1st EditionHamdy, Ronald C., Lewiecki, E. Michael 01 January 2013 (has links)
The book distills the available information on osteoporosis into an easily comprehensible format that serves as a practical guide for busy clinicians.
Contents:Definition & epidemiology -- Basic bone pathophysiology -- Bone densitometry -- Diagnosis -- Identifying patients at risk of fractures -- Non-pharmacologic management of osteopenia and osteoporosis -- Pharmacologic management of osteoporosis, part 1 -- Pharmacologic management of osteoporosis, part 2 -- Monitoring patients on treatment -- Vertebral augmentation procedures -- Corticosteroid-induced bone loss -- Primary hyperparathyroidism -- Premenopausal women -- Men -- Atypical femoral shaft fractures -- Osteonecrosis of the jaw -- Osteoporosis in children and adolescents. / https://dc.etsu.edu/etsu_books/1077/thumbnail.jpg
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E-Learning Training Manual: Curriculum Audit and Course Outline Development and Redesign for Colleges and UniversitiesRenner, Jasmine R. 01 January 2015 (has links)
Dedication -- Acknowledgments -- About the manual -- Getting started -- A world on curriculum audit and redesign -- Curriculum audit : the process -- Assessment -- What is needs analysis -- How it aids design and planning -- Addressing stakeholders needs -- Involving students -- What should be considered -- Using model and templates -- SWOT -- Profiling -- Curriculum redesign -- Matching learning methods to needs -- Program and course redesign checklist -- References and other resources -- Appendices 1 -- Appendices 2 -- About the author -- About the E-Learning Solutions Center -- About our services -- About our products -- Thank you.
This training manual serves as a valuable tool to enhance curriculum audit, instructional redesign, and the development of face-to-face (F2F) courses and materials into e-learning and mobile learning for colleges and universities. It is designed for aspiring e-learning and mobile learning course developers who are desirous of developing, implementing and sustaining e-learning and m-learning platforms to promote teaching, learning, service and community. / https://dc.etsu.edu/etsu_books/1090/thumbnail.jpg
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Introduction to Criminal JusticeTravis, Lawrence F., Edwards, Bradley D. 01 January 2015 (has links)
This student-friendly introductory text describes the criminal justice process―outlining the decisions, practices, people, and issues involved. It provides a solid introduction to the mechanisms of the criminal justice system, with balanced coverage of the issues presented by each facet of the process, including a thorough review of practices and controversies in law enforcement, the criminal courts, and corrections. / https://dc.etsu.edu/etsu_books/1022/thumbnail.jpg
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Teaching Students with Special Needs in General Education ClassroomsLewis, Rena B., Wheeler, John J., Carter, Stacy L. 01 January 2017 (has links)
Current knowledge, strategies, and instructional approaches designed to understand and meet the learning needs of all students in general education settings are addressed in this current, research-based resource. Teaching Students with Special Needs in General Education Classroom gives teacher candidates the knowledge and skills they need to work effectively with the broad array of learning needs found in today’s classrooms. Included is specific information about students with special needs, including students with various disabilities, students identified as gifted and talented, culturally diverse students, and students who are English learners. The book details state-of-the-art practices, like response to intervention (RTI), to help readers develop essential professional knowledge and skills of today’s educators.
Part I. Introduction to inclusive classrooms -- part II. Skills for the general education teacher -- part III. Strategies for teaching students with disabilities -- Glossary -- References -- Indexes. / https://dc.etsu.edu/etsu_books/1119/thumbnail.jpg
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The Effects of Open Educational Resource Adoption on Measures of Post-Secondary Student SuccessRobinson, Thomas J 01 May 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to ascertain whether the adoption of Open Educational Resources had a significant effect on student learning outcomes in seven courses taught at seven post-secondary institutions. The use of open educational resources (OER) is increasing in the United States. Initiatives focusing on expanding the use of OER as a replacement for traditional textbooks at the post-secondary level include OpenStax, Project Kaleidoscope, Open Course Library, and others. While researchers have begun to explore OER, few have sought to evaluate the quality of OER as a function of student academic success. In this dissertation, I examined measures of student success in seven courses at seven different early-adopters of Project Kaleidoscope where faculty members chose to adopt OER to replace traditional textbooks. The sample for this study consisted of students using open textbooks in courses at seven Project Kaleidoscope post-secondary institutions, as well as a control group of students at those same institutions who used traditional textbooks in sections of the same courses. I used an ex-post-facto quasi-experimental design, in which I compared students using OER to students using traditional textbooks in comparable courses. In order to control for the threat of selection bias, I used propensity score matching (PSM) to match treatment and control groups on a set of demographic variables. After creating matched treatment and control groups, I used multiple regression and logistic regression to examine whether textbook selection predicts a measurable difference in student achievement after accounting for relevant covariates. I found that students using open textbooks earned, on average, lower grades than students who used traditional textbooks, after controlling for student-level and course-level covariates. Further analysis revealed that this negative differential was isolated to students in business and psychology classes. I also found that students who used open textbooks enrolled in more credits than students using traditional textbooks, controlling for relevant covariates. Because of the finding of a variation in textbook effect from course to course, future studies may seek to understand the effects of particular OER adoption instances rather than the global effect of OER adoption.
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