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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”Vad gjorde kvinnorna när männen skrev historia?” : En analys av gymnasieskolans läroböcker i historia

Krishnaswamy, Rosemarie, Kassman, Per January 2008 (has links)
During our teacher training, focusing on history and Swedish at further education level, we have noticed a discrepancy in the way history is portrayed in further education and higher education literature. Accounts of historical ideas, events and developments have often wrongly been depicted as non-gender specific, that is, of equal relevance to both men and women. To what extent is it made clear in further education textbooks that Rousseau’s treatise on education was exclusively aimed at the male gender, and how are the gender-specific aspects of his ideas described? What role and space are set aside for women in the accounts of the struggle for the universal right to vote in Sweden at the turn of the century in 1900, and how is the unions’ initial exclusion of female workers portrayed? Focusing on the above historical events and developments, this study aimes to examine whether or not gender-specific issues are described as gender neutral in a selection of history textbooks for further education published in Sweden between 1982 and 2003.

Hur ser "Dom" på "Oss"? : En undersökning av kenyanska läroböckers bild av västvärlden / How do "They" see "Us"? : A study of Kenyan textbooks´ view of the western world

Thorsson, Erik January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to examine the Kenyan school and how they describe the western world in their textbooks. To answer this I have asked two questions. How do the Kenyan textbooks describe the west? and How do the textbooks describe Kenyan and African relations with the west? I have used a method of qualitative analysis with a tool based on theories about “us and them” for my study. The textbooks are the four most commonly used in Kenyan High Schools. The west is described in an extensive way in all the books. They describe relations that have influenced Kenya or Africa in one way or another. A lot of the descriptions are about the colonisation. Something that is not only described as negatively, it is instead used positively in the image of the African man. A general phenomenon for the most of the descriptions of the texts. / Mitt syfte med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur den kenyanska skolan skildrar väst genom sina läroböcker. För att svara på detta har jag formulerat två frågeställningar. Hur skildras väst i de kenyanska läroböckerna? och Hur beskrivs och skildras Kenyas och Afrikas relationer med väst i läroböckerna? Jag har använt mig av en kvalitativ analysmetod och utifrån ett analysverktyg, som jag formar utifrån teorier om ”vi och dom”, har jag sedan studerat böckerna. Mina valda böcker är de fyra vanligast använda i kenyanska High Schools. Väst skildras relativt omfattande i alla de fyra böckerna och beskriver saker och relationer som på något sätt har anknytning med Kenya och Afrika, mycket av skildringarna berör då kolonialismen på något sätt. Något som inte beskrivs på ett allt för omfattande negativt sätt utan nyanseras och används till något positivt i den Afrikanska självbilden. Ett fenomen som är genomgående för de flesta beskrivningarna av texterna.

History And Education In The Inonu Era: Changes And Continuities On Perceptions Of History And Its Reflections On Educational Practices

Erdal, Erinc Ayca 01 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This research aimed to put forth changes and continuities in the formation of the official history and its dissemination through education, with particular emphasis to history courses in high schools during the Early Republican Era with reference to the ministerial decisions, parliamentary discussions, history textbooks and also history and educational congresses held during Atat&uuml / rk and In&ouml / n&uuml / eras. 1930s for the Turkish Republic was a time span when the core principles of the regime were formulized to ensure that they were publicly comprehended and posesed. Correspondingly, formal and informal educational institutions were established for the dissemination of these principles, i. e. official ideology. Among them, Turkish History Association played an important role in formulation of official history which was one of the major means to install Turkish identity and a collective memory to the nation. In this respect, history courses and especially textbooks served instilling Republican understanding of history. The presidency of Ismet In&ouml / n&uuml / were the years when the regime was consolidated and intoleration to the opposing views was decreased. This also affected the official perception of history, by dissolving the clear break from the recent past and reconciling it with the modernization process of Ottoman-Turkish history while paying attention to the ccontinuities.

Från Rysk Roulett till "riktigt söta historier" : Hur genus konstrueras i två läroböcker i engelska på gymnasienivå / From Russian Roulette to "really cute stories" : The construction of gender in two English textbooks for High School

Nordström, Martina, Svensson, Fredrik January 2009 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker två läroböcker avsedda för gymnasiets A-kurs i engelskämnet, Progress Gold A (2003) och Solid Ground (2003), i syfte att se vad de kan kommunicera ur ett genusperspektiv. De frågeställningar som behandlas är följande: Hur konstrueras genus i texterna i dessa båda läroböcker? Då läsaren inkluderas exempelvis i ett "vi" eller "du", förutsätts läsaren då vara antingen man eller kvinna, eller har detta inte någon betydelse? Hur förhåller sig resultaten till läroplanens mål om jämställdhet? Den teori och metod som ligger till grund för analysen har hämtats från det fält som kallas diskursanalys. Såsom den utformats i detta arbete kan metoden närmast beskrivas som en kvalitativ närläsning av materialet. Resultatet visar på att båda läroböckerna till stor del tycks reproducera genuskontraktets grundpelare, dikotomiseringen av manligt och kvinnligt samt hierarkin dem emellan som ger det manliga högre statuts än det kvinnliga. Huruvida texterna förutsätter att läsaren är man, kvinna eller om detta inte har någon betydelse skiljer sig mellan läroböckerna. Solid Ground påvisar genusneutralitet i det avseendet, medan det i Progress finns tillfällen där det allmängiltiga underförstått riktar sig till antingen män eller kvinnor. I förhållande till läroplanen framgår av resultatet att dessa båda läroböcker stämmer illa överens med läroplanens grundläggande värderingar om jämlikhet mellan män och kvinnor, samt läroplanens krav på att undervisningen ska återspegla både manliga och kvinnliga perspektiv.

The Indian in Saskatchewan elementary school social studies textbooks : a content analysis

Hammersmith, Jerome Alvin 07 November 2006
The purpose of this study was to examine eight elementary school social studies textbooks using the method of content analysis to analyze the treatment of Indians in the books selected for the study. <p>It was conceded at the outset that not all teaching about Indians is done in social studies programs and not all information about Indians is presented through textbooks. However, it was recognized that the textbook is the basic guide for many teachers and students, and often the single source for historical information presented in social studies courses in elementary school classrooms.<p> For the purposes of content analysis of the textbooks the guidelines of Berelson for content analysis were used to develop the categories. The procedures developed by Dr. Hargopal Dhand of the University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon were modified to suit the purpose of this study.<p>Data Work Sheets and Data Summary Sheets were used to gather and record information concerning frequency of occurrence of paragraphs devoted to Indians in the textbooks, topical classification of the paragraphs, illustrative and decorative features of the textbooks, classification of Indians presented, tribes selected, major topics discussed and approval or disapproval of Indians presented. The data were tabulated in both numerical and percentage form.<p>A pilot study and validation procedure were carried out with students and professors of the College of Education, University of Saskatchewan in order to validate the method.<p>It was found that generally the books analyzed gave an incomplete historical picture of Indian-Canadians. It was also found that Indian themes received low priority in the number and quality of illustrative and decorative features in the books.<p> Indians were presented in such a manner as to detract from an understanding of the diversity of Indian cultures, languages and personalities. Indians were presented in a manner that lends itself to the encouragement of broad generalizations concerning an extremely wide variety of people that are classified as Indians.<p>It was also found that there was a lack of variation in the tribes presented; there was a failure to reflect the richness and variety of Indian cultures in Canada; there was a high degree of unfavourable or negative presentation of Indian characters.<p> For the most part Indians just are not there except for the initial contact-with Europeans, the beginning of the fur trade and a brief re-emergence during the Northwest Rebellion of 1885.<p> It was concluded that for the most part the textbooks analyzed will not contribute positively to helping Indian and non-Indian elementary school students in Saskatchewan know and understand the Indian dimension of Canadian history and culture.

Författarröst och lärobokstradition : en historiedidaktisk studie / The textbook tradition and the Voice of the Author : A Study in History and Didactics

Långström, Sture January 1997 (has links)
The present dissertation deals with the writers of high-school history textbooks and their way of writing history. Questions concerning who has written these books, why and how they have done so, and what they have written, are posed from a didactic perspective. In order to answer these questions, the author has employed the method of oral history. Initially, thirteen of the original sixteen authors were interviewed. After that, life-story interviews were conducted with one author each selected from the three categories of textbook authors determined by the first round of interviews. Seven of these authors' textbooks (comprising fourteen book sections) were studied in a more summary fashion, whereafter a more in-depth analysis of how these authors' books present the period 1914-1945 was undertaken. The study showed that the writers were middle-aged or elderly, middle-class men living in the southern regions of Sweden, whose political sympathies tended toward liberalism. They provided a number of different reasons for choosing to write history textbooks, though monetary considerations seemed to have been more or less overriding. Writing seems to have been a solitary job for them, even if they belonged to a team of writers. There are many uncertainties concerning the main didactic ideas motivating their writing. There also proved to be a distinct difference between those writers who identified themselves as researchers, and those who called themselves teachers. Resarchers have included new results in their textbooks to a greater degree, provided a more multifacetted view of history, and written more on the problems of historiography. The teachers have written a simpler, more story-telling type of prose, while their books have also provided more suggestions for practical solutions to teaching problems. Their books have also sold far better than the researchers'. All of the authors' writing has been influenced by government curricula and inspection committees, commercial conditions, the tradition of history-textbook writing and experiences from their own life-worlds, the latter of which I term "the voice of the author". / digitalisering@umu

The Indian in Saskatchewan elementary school social studies textbooks : a content analysis

Hammersmith, Jerome Alvin 07 November 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine eight elementary school social studies textbooks using the method of content analysis to analyze the treatment of Indians in the books selected for the study. <p>It was conceded at the outset that not all teaching about Indians is done in social studies programs and not all information about Indians is presented through textbooks. However, it was recognized that the textbook is the basic guide for many teachers and students, and often the single source for historical information presented in social studies courses in elementary school classrooms.<p> For the purposes of content analysis of the textbooks the guidelines of Berelson for content analysis were used to develop the categories. The procedures developed by Dr. Hargopal Dhand of the University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon were modified to suit the purpose of this study.<p>Data Work Sheets and Data Summary Sheets were used to gather and record information concerning frequency of occurrence of paragraphs devoted to Indians in the textbooks, topical classification of the paragraphs, illustrative and decorative features of the textbooks, classification of Indians presented, tribes selected, major topics discussed and approval or disapproval of Indians presented. The data were tabulated in both numerical and percentage form.<p>A pilot study and validation procedure were carried out with students and professors of the College of Education, University of Saskatchewan in order to validate the method.<p>It was found that generally the books analyzed gave an incomplete historical picture of Indian-Canadians. It was also found that Indian themes received low priority in the number and quality of illustrative and decorative features in the books.<p> Indians were presented in such a manner as to detract from an understanding of the diversity of Indian cultures, languages and personalities. Indians were presented in a manner that lends itself to the encouragement of broad generalizations concerning an extremely wide variety of people that are classified as Indians.<p>It was also found that there was a lack of variation in the tribes presented; there was a failure to reflect the richness and variety of Indian cultures in Canada; there was a high degree of unfavourable or negative presentation of Indian characters.<p> For the most part Indians just are not there except for the initial contact-with Europeans, the beginning of the fur trade and a brief re-emergence during the Northwest Rebellion of 1885.<p> It was concluded that for the most part the textbooks analyzed will not contribute positively to helping Indian and non-Indian elementary school students in Saskatchewan know and understand the Indian dimension of Canadian history and culture.

Europa som begrepp - då och nu : En komparativ studie av läroböcker

Lythell, Joel January 2012 (has links)
I started this project with the understandning that European hisory has become more important in government documents as a part in a larger European discourse, and that this fact is likely to be reflected in the chools textbooks. Therefore this essay deals with the task of comparing history textbooks over time trying to find changes. Firstly to find out how much space European history is afforded in the textbooks, and secondly how Europe is described and used in the textbooks. In my first task I will use a content analysis and in my second a conceptual analysis. My material consists of eight books and I have three pieces of older educational materials from the years 1949, 1954 and 1962. The contemporary educational material are from 1996, 2002, 2006, 2010 and 2011. My overall purpose is to examine the image and the creation of ´Europe´ in textbooks. My hypothesis is that Europe appears more and has a geater significance in newer textbooks. My result shows that the amount of pages in which Europe appears changes between older and newer textbooks, and that the Scandinavian countries appear more at the expence of Europe. World history has also increased in page numbers but not that much. However, Europe apperas more often in the newer textbooks and the term is used in a different way han before. In the older textbooks the term Europe is not that important. But in the newer textbooks the term Europe is often used to explain geogaphical locations and define Europe as a cultural and political project. The older textbooks more foten use synonyms to describe Europe and do not need to define the term nor use it as a cultural and political unit.

Matteboken: morot eller piska? : Lärares syn på matematikläromedel i årskurs 1-3

de Ridder, Erika, Åberg, Nina January 2008 (has links)
Syftet med detta examensarbete är att få inblick i hur verksamma lärare går tillväga i sitt val av matematikläromedel och om de anser att deras matematikläromedel lever upp till de nationella målen i matematik för årskurs 3 införda 2008. För att nå arbetets syfte genomfördes åtta kvalitativa intervjuer på fyra olika skolor i södra Sverige med lärare i årskurs 1-3. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att samtliga av de intervjuade lärarna ansåg sig ha möjlighet att påverka val och inköp av läromedel och att de alla i någon utsträckning använder sig av ett läromedel i sin matematikundervisning. Av resultatet framgår dock att alla lärarna på ett eller annat sätt kompletterade läroboken där de ansåg att denna inte var tillräcklig för att barnen ska utveckla de kunskaper de behöver för att nå de uppsatta målen. Vid valet av läromedel var det enligt lärarna de ekonomiska aspekterna och layouten i form av färg och bilder som vägde tyngst. I förhållande till de nationella målen för årskurs 3 lever läromedlet upp till dessa anser lärarna. / The purpose of this study is to learn how active teachers go perform their choice of mathematics textbooks and if the teachers regard their textbooks meet the national goals of mathematics in the syllabus for the third school year introduced in the year 2008. These issues were addressed by conducting eight qualitative interviews with teachers in the years 1-3 in four different schools located in southern Sweden. The results of the study show that all the interviewed teachers believed they were able to influence choices and purchases of textbooks and that they all to some extent used a textbook in their mathematics education. However, the results show that all teachers in one way or another complemented the textbook whenever they found that it was not sufficient for the pupils to gain the knowledge they need to reach the goals of the curriculum and syllabus. When choosing textbooks the economical aspects and the layout in form of colors and pictures mattered most, according to the teachers. The teachers considered that their textbooks reach the national goals for the third school year in mathematics.

Synen på engelskundervisning i årskurs 9 hos en lärare och fem elever : Med fokus på val, användning och utvärdering av läromedel / One teacher and five student´s view on English teaching in 9th grade. : With focus on choice, use and evaluation of teaching materials

Bergman, Catharina, Eriksson, Lada January 2010 (has links)
Läraren står inför ett stort utbud och stora möjligheter till variation i användningen av läromedel idag. Vilka läromedel som väljs i undervisningen beror på olika ramfaktorer såsom elevgruppen, deras prestationsförmåga, intresse, motivation, tid och skolans ekonomiska resurser. I vår studie presenteras hur en lärare och hennes fem elever upplever engelskundervisning och vilka deras åsikter är kring läromedlen. Studiens utgångspunkt är en kvalitativ undersökning baserad på intervjuer med denna lärare och dessa elever. Vårt syfte är att belysa hur elever och lärare upplever undervisning i engelska i årskurs 9 med fokus på val, användning och utvärdering av läromedel. Resultatet visar att eleverna efterfrågar mer muntlig engelska under lektionstiden, vilket inte tycks tillgodoses med de läromedel som används. Eleverna har trots detta en positiv inställning till de läromedel som används samt till engelskundervisning och de ser fördelar med färdigheter i ämnet. Betydelsen av engelska språket för kommunikation med omvärlden anses viktig. Även betydelsen av IKT som läromedel i undervisningen visade sig vara stor för eleverna även om användningen av densamma var begränsad. Att knyta undervisningen till elevernas erfarenhetsvärld visade sig vara mycket väsentligt för elevernas motivation att lära. Läraren underströk betydelsen av diverse faktorer som har en betydelsefull roll i valet av läromedel samt i planering och utformning av engelskundervisning i form av elevernas olika behov, deras förmåga till ansvarstagande och mognadsgrad samt ekonomiska resurser och tid. Väl strukturerad undervisning visade sig vara uppskattad av både lärare och elever då detta tydliggör undervisningen i stora klasser med diverse problem. En strukturerad läroboksundervisning förenklar dessutom för läraren att följa kursplanen. Vad gäller elevers delaktighet i val, användning och utvärdering av läromedel visade sig denna delaktighet vara liten. Eleverna ansåg att läraren med sin kompetens var bättre rustad att bestämma om undervisningen och de sade sig ha fullt upp med alla andra krav som ställs på dem i skolan. / The teacher today is offered a great choice of teaching material that can contribute to variation in teaching. The choice of teaching material depends on various elements such as: student group, their performance, interest, motivation, time, and economic means of the school. Our study presents one teacher and her five students´ experiences of their English teaching and their view on teaching material. Qualitative research method based upon interviews with one teacher and her five students was used in the study. Our aim is to illustrate the five students´ and one teacher´s experience of the English teaching in the 9 and evaluation of teaching material. The result of the study shows that students strive for more spoken English during their lessons but it seems that teaching materials do not provide for it. In spite of that students have a positive attitude towards the teaching materials used for their English studies and they are aware of advantages with proficiency in this subject. The importance of the English language for global communication points out. The students emphasise the importance of IKT as a teaching material for their education but they argue that its use is limited. The teacher emphasizes the importance of various elements and their influence on choice, planning and structure of the English teaching. These elements are: students´ different needs, their ability to take responsibility, their maturity, economic means and time. Well structured way of English teaching is appreciated by both teacher and the students since it clarifies teaching in the whole class. Apart from that well-structured teaching based upon the textbook it simplifies for the teacher to follow the curriculum. Concerning students´ participation in choice, use and evaluation of the teaching materials the study shows that their participation was little. Students considered that the teacher with her qualifications and expertise is the one who should decide about teaching and that in school there is already a great deal of demand on them.

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