Spelling suggestions: "subject:"textbooks."" "subject:"extbooks.""
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Διδακτικές ανακατασκευές της ιστορίας των μαθηματικών : η καθιέρωση της ονομασίας Θεώρημα του Θαλή στη νεοελληνική εκπαίδευσηΠατσόπουλος, Δημήτριος 28 August 2008 (has links)
Η χρήση αναφορών από την Ιστορία της Επιστήμης στα σχολικά εγχειρίδια γίνεται μέσα από μια ιδιότυπη ερμηνεία των ιστορικών πηγών από τους συγγραφείς τους, εντός των διαφορετικών κοινωνικών και πολιτισμικών πλαισίων κάθε εποχής, η οποία στοχεύει στην εξυπηρέτηση διδακτικών αναγκών και για το λόγο αυτό την ονομάζουμε διδακτική ανακατασκευή της Ιστορίας της Επιστήμης. Μία σημαντική περίπτωση διδακτικής ανακατασκευής που μελετάμε είναι η καθιέρωση της ονομασίας Θεώρημα του Θαλή στην ευρωπαϊκή και ειδικότερα στη νεοελληνική εκπαίδευση, της οποίας κύριο χαρακτηριστικό είναι ότι αντιστοιχεί σε διαφορετικά θεωρήματα στα εγχειρίδια διαφόρων ευρωπαϊκών χωρών. / Textbook writers uses their own interpetation for the references from the History of Science, through different social and cultural conditions of every era, an interpetation which serves purposes and objectives of the teaching of Science and for this reason we call it didactical reconstrution of the History of Science. An important case of didactical reconstruction which is the main theme our study is the establishment of the name Theorem of Thales in European and especially in Modern Greek education, a name that have as main feature that corresponds to differen ttheorems in the textbooks of different European countries.
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The Marshall Trilogy and Federal Indian Law in 21ˢᵗ Century High School U.S. History Textbooks: Progress (?) Yet Little Has ChangedSimpson, Michael Wayne January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation examines eight 21ˢᵗ century high school U.S. history textbooks for content and omission concerning American Indians. The focus of the inquiry is on the Marshall Trilogy cases and other federal Indian law cases. The Marshall Trilogy cases are three cases decided by the U.S. Supreme Court over 180 years ago that remain the foundational legal principles that guide governmental relations with Native peoples. The treatment afforded these cases is evaluated in light of a master national narrative for the United States. The Marshall Trilogy cases and the master national narrative have had and continue to have global consequences. The way federal Indian law is presented in textbooks impacts the way citizens treat American Indian peoples and their support for various foreign policy options. In addition, the content of high school history curriculum can affect the way students perceive history, Native America, and schooling. By examining history curriculum critically and establishing a truly inclusive narrative, the hope is that schooling and history become legitimate for all students. The primary approach is to use both a quantitative and qualitative critical content analysis using an indigenized critical discourse approach. Generally, the analysis will move from the focused text within each textbook, to other text within each textbook, to text across the textbooks, and finally to larger socio-cultural phenomena. The APPRAISAL analysis (Coffin, 2006) allows a discerning of linguistic attributes that allows for the exposition of the narrative of the specific text concerning the Marshall Trilogy. The general content analysis is given a critical lens by Brayboy's Tribal Critical Theory (2005) and Grande's Red Pedagogy (2004). The curriculum work of Apple (2004) and Hall's (1986) exposition of Gramsci's hegemony add to our understanding of the nature of textbooks and the knowledge that counts for society. Fairclough's (1995) Dialectic-Relational Approach guides the study to determining whether there is a social wrong, and if so, what it is. The wrong is then examined to determine what obstacles are in the way of addressing the wrong and whether the society needs the wrong. Finally, various ways of correcting the social wrong are addressed.
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How fractions are introduced in compulsory school : A comparative study of Grade 6 textbooks in Turkey and SwedenYILDIRIM, Nazlı Irmak January 2012 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this study is to provide a detailed description of the way fractions are processed in Turkish and Swedish mathematics textbooks. For our investigation of textbooks, we used several theoretical notions such us different ways of understanding fractions (part-whole, ratio, measure, quotient, decimal and operator), representations (treatment, conversion), making distinctions between routine tasks and problems, classifying contexts of examples and problems in terms of real-life situations, semi-realities, and pure mathematics, and about texts narrative and paradigmatic styles. Through our analyses of these three textbooks, we have come to a result that shows similarities and differences among the textbooks, regarding the topics included and their sequencing, how the concept of fractions is represented in exercises and examples. The findings are emphasized with figures, tables and diagrams that illustrate the similarities and differences between mathematics textbooks inTurkeyinSwedenas well as the textbooks’ development in Turkey. / Abstrakt Syftet med denna studie är att ge en detaljerad beskrivning av hur bråk behandlas i turkiska och svenska läroböcker för matematik. I vår undersökning, använde vi flera teoretiska begrepp såsom olika sätt att förstå bråk (del-helhet, förhållande, mått, kvot, decimaltal och operator), representationer (behandling, omvandling), att skilja på rutinuppgifter och problem, att klassificera exempel och uppgifters kontexter i termer av verkliga situationer, semi-verkligheter, och ren matematik, och om texters berättande och paradigmatiska stilar. Genom våra analyser av dessa tre läroböcker, har vi kommit fram till ett resultat som visar både likheter och skillnader mellan dem, både vad gäller de ingående ämnena och deras sekvensering och hur begreppet bråk har representerats i övningar och exempel. Resultaten beskrivs med bilder, tabeller och diagram som illustrerar likheter och skillnader mellan matematikläroböcker i Turkiet och Sverige och dessutom visar läroböckernas utveckling i Turkiet.
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Ett steg mot Förändring? : En analys av läroböcker i engelska för grundskolans tidigare årAl-Sader, Fatime January 2011 (has links)
The Swedish educational system has taken a step toward change in hopes of a better education by presenting a new national curriculum: Curriculum for the compulsory school, preschool class and the leisure-time centre 2011 (Lgr 11). I have therefore chosen to analyze the textbooks Champion 4 and Portfolio based on the objectives and areas of knowledge for grades 4-6 found in the syllabus for English in Lgr 11 in order to find out whether or not the textbooks are in harmony with the syllabus and if the textbooks can be used to help students meet the requirements found in the syllabus for the English subject. The purpose of this study is to analyze selected textbooks for the English subject for students in fourth grade to find out which of the curriculum’s requirements are met for grades 4-6, that is, goals and areas of knowledge and if they can be used in the compulsory school. The results of this study show that the analyzed books can be used in an education that today follows a new curriculum. However the education should not only be based on the textbooks. The teacher must take responsibility for designing an education that suits the intended student group, but also provides students with different learning styles an opportunity to develop in their individual ways. Therefore it is not a reasonable option to allow the teaching to only revolve around the textbooks even if these books offer exercises that help develop the abilities that are written in the curriculum.
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Vad finns det för värden i matematikböcker? : En analys av värden förmedlade i läromedel för gymnasieskolans kurs i matematik A / Values in Swedish upper secondary school mathematics textbooksPettersson, David January 2006 (has links)
I denna uppsats studeras förekomsten av värden i geometrikapitel i läromedel för gymnasieskolans Matematik A. En metod baserad på innehållsanalys som använts i en tidigare studie om förekomst av värden i algebrakapitel har vidareutvecklats. Sammanlagt 955 uppgifter i geometrikapitlen i fem olika läroböcker har analyserats. Resultatet visar på en skillnad mellan intentionerna i gymnasieskolans styrdokument och det utrymme olika värden ges. Även skillnader mellan det utrymme studerade läromedel ger åt olika värden har påvisats.
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Folkmord i läromedlen : En undersökning om folkmords behandling i fem läromedel för gymnasiets A kurs i historia / Genocide in the school textbooks : a study about how genocide is treated in five high school history booksBjörk, Martin January 2010 (has links)
A large number of genocides have taken place in our history. The purpose of this essay is to examine how genocide is treated in five high school history textbooks. I have studied a large number of issues. I have examined which genocides are discussed in the textbooks and which genocides the textbooks don’t discuss. I have also examined if there are differences between the textbooks about that matter. I have studied in which context the genocides are discussed. I have also examined how the genocides are described and if there are any differences between the authors about that matter. The method of the essay is a quantitative and qualitative text analysis. I have used the following history theories in my analysis: a critical emancipation perspective of history, the materialist conception of history and the idealist conception of history. In the essay a have used Frank Chalks and Kurt Jonassohns definition of genocide. The study has shown that a large number of genocides are discussed in the textbooks, but also that a large number are not discussed. There are differences between the textbooks about that matter. The study has confirmed the critical emancipation perspective of history. The study has shown that the descriptions of the genocides have its similarities and it's differences.
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Using Empirically Validated Reading Strategies to Improve Middle School Students' Reading Fluency of classroom TextbooksScarborough, Amy C. 06 January 2012 (has links)
According to the National Center for Education Statistics (2007), 27% of the nation’s 8th grade population scored below the basic reading level in 2006-2007. Reading fluency strategies are a viable practice for improving reading achievement yet seldom are they incorporated into the 8th grade curriculum. To be effective, passages used in reading fluency strategies should be at the students’ instructional reading level (Daly, Persampieri, et al., 2005; Welsch, 2007). However, if increased oral reading fluency gained at the instructional reading level fails to generalize to content-area text that a student is required to read, the gain is not clinically significant, as it does not allow the student access to required reading. Stahl and Heubach (2006) recommended providing instruction in more difficult material while providing a strong degree of support. In this study, four middle school students reading one to two years below grade level received strong support for increasing reading fluency while using their social studies textbook. The intervention package consisted of listening passage preview, repeated reading, phrase-drill error correction, and performance feedback with student charting. Two research questions guided this study: (a) What are the effects of a comprehensive treatment package consisting of commonly utilized strategies for improving oral reading fluency on middle school students’ oral reading fluency using their required grade-level social studies textbooks? and (b) to what extent does performance generalize to required literature textbook passages and passages from CRCT Coach in Science (2002) and CRCT Coach in Social Studies (2002)? A multiple probe across participants design was used to answer these questions. Visual analysis of graphically displayed single-case data revealed that the multicomponent reading intervention positively affected student performance on intervention and generalization passages. The results of this study are promising, and given that reading content-area text is the core of education in middle school, further research is necessary.
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Antons och Saras årsböcker : En kvantitativ undersökning av två läseböcker i Svenska för årskurs tvåLundström, Jeanette January 2012 (has links)
In school today pupils come in contact with all kinds of reading books. Education of Swedish reading development sometimes contain reading books organized at different levels of difficulty, with different amount of text. The purpose of the different difficulty levels is to give the less skilled readers an easier book and stronger readers a more difficult book. The purpose with this study is to find out if the book which is classified as more difficult, in reality is the most difficult and if the book which is considered to be easier really is. To find answers to these questions I will examine previous researcher’s theories on difficulty levels in reading books. This is tested in the analytical part by counting the proportion of nouns, compound nouns, main clauses and sub-clauses. The texts are analyzed using LIX-and-OVIX to find out the level of difficulty. The books examined in this study are two reading books aimed at pupils in second year of elementary school.
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Nutrition messages in elementary school textbooks : a study of language arts and math texts used in English schools in MontrealBaron, Vita January 1989 (has links)
This study examines references to foods mentioned in elementary school texts used in Montreal English schools. A study of 58 language arts and math texts used in grades 1-6 revealed a total of 4,391 references to foods in words and/or pictures. A large proportion of these references were to sugar-rich foods. A higher percentage of adult females prepared foods, followed closely by adult males. Boys were shown as eating food more frequently than any other group. Eating with one's peers was far more frequent than eating with the family, while a surprising number of children depicted in texts used in grades 1-3 consumed their food alone. The results of this study suggest that, because unintended information may influence childrens' nutritional habits, more attention should be paid to concomitant messages in elementary school textbooks.
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A study of knowledge representations in grade 6 history textbooks before and after 1994.Bharath, Pranitha. January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate how the knowledge structures in Grade 6
History textbooks have altered since 1994 and how learners in History may be inducted
differently into the discipline of History. The transformation from a ‘content-heavy’ to
a ‘skills-based’ History curriculum, and the teaching of History as a ‘mode of enquiry’
has resulted in an altered form, shape and character of History, as it exists in the
learning area of the Social Sciences in the National Curriculum Statement.
Bernstein’s concepts of curricula types and discourses as well as Bertram’s ‘historical
gaze’ have been used to frame the study. Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy has been used to
identify knowledge types and the cognitive demand of the textbooks. This study is
located within the interpretive paradigm using the methodology of content analysis. It
utilises the mixed-mode approach, combining both qualitative and quantitative methods.
The sampling of the four textbooks (data sources) was purposive due to their popularity,
accessibility, publication and prestige. Similar content in the chapter on the “History
of Medical Science” was analysed across all four textbooks. Whilst the expectation of
the NCS is one of high skill and high knowledge, the findings show that there seems to
be a lack of congruence between curriculum requirements and textbook representations.
An analysis of the two new textbooks indicate that both content of History (substantive
knowledge) and historical procedures (procedural knowledge) are in danger as
everyday knowledge is prioritised in its integration with substantive History knowledge
in Grade 6 History textbooks. The content analysis also reveals an undeveloped sense
of chronology; space and time which has implications for History learners and their
appropriate induction into the discipline of History. / Thesis (M.Ed.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2009.
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