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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Quand le journal télévisé fait son cinéma : le cas du JT de TF1 : une mise en scène cinématographique au service de la marchandisation de l'information?

Zunino, Mario 01 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Le journal télévisé (JT) se servirait-il d'effets cinématographiques pour dramatiser certains faits? La course à l'audience souvent évoquée à partir du milieu des années 1980, en particulier depuis la privatisation de TF1, expliquerait-elle cette tendance? Sans pour autant prétendre que le JT relève de la fiction, nous émettons l'hypothèse qu'il existe une « information-cinéma » dans un but marchand. Par « information-cinéma », nous entendons une information que nous nous attendons à trouver dans une fiction mais pas dans une émission censée refléter la réalité. Notre recherche porte sur le JT de la 1ère chaîne française qui deviendra TF1 en 1975. Nous nous intéresserons plus spécialement à l'édition de 20 heures. Car, à ce jour, elle est à la fois la plus ancienne des éditions françaises et, à quelques rares périodes près, elle est la plus suivie tant en France qu'en Europe, toutes chaînes et toutes éditions confondues. Cette recherche a des facettes qui s'entrecroisent : télévision, JT, mise en scène cinématographique, marchandisation. Ceci ajouté à notre propre expérience, riche et diversifiée, notre approche se veut multidisciplinaire et exploratoire. Elle est aussi historique : une remontée dans le temps a été nécessaire pour vérifier si l'information-cinéma n'existait pas déjà au cours des années ou des décennies précédant l'arrivée des chaînes commerciales. Tout en étant restreint, l'échantillon que nous avons constitué s'est révélé suffisamment révélateur pour confirmer notre hypothèse d'une information-cinéma devenue marchande et conclure que, par la fréquence et la combinaison croissantes de l'information aux allures cinématographiques, la mission première du JT est toujours d'informer. Mais il doit aussi et de plus en plus divertir et vendre. Et ce qui est valable pour TF1 l'est sans doute pour d'autres JT en France et ailleurs. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : journal télévisé ou JT, information-cinéma, marchandisation, information, TF1

TF1 face au tsunami du 26 décembre 2004 : construction d’un objet politique et médiatique (déc.2004-fin 2009) / TF1 facing the December 26, 2004 tsunami : construction of a political and media-related object (Dec.2004-late 2009)

De Azevedo, Marlyce 05 February 2010 (has links)
Le 26 décembre 2004, l’un des plus violents séismes de l’histoire a lieu au large de l’île indonésienne de Sumatra, provoquant une série de tsunamis. Si les catastrophes naturelles constituent un type d’événement prisé des médias, celle-ci se distingue en tant que nouvel objet médiatique en mettant en œuvre, selon nous, une sémiotique de la crise fondée sur la confusion, la violence et l’urgence. Motivés par la concurrence et par le caractère inouï du tsunami, les médias ont proposé une information inscrite dans une logique de dramatisation, d’esthétique et de politique. Nous partons du postulat selon lequel la dramatisation s’est exprimée à travers : une couverture importante dans les semaines et les mois qui suivirent et la redondance d’images choquantes, la difficulté qu’ont éprouvé les médias à appréhender un phénomène étranger et le recours à une rhétorique de l’émotion basée sur une dialectique de l’éloignement et de la proximité. La représentation médiatique de l’événement met au jour les trois dimensions de celui-ci : une dimension réelle des conséquences humaines et matérielles de la catastrophe et des actions politiques qu’elle engendre, une dimension symbolique des interprétations auxquelles elle est sujette et des représentations qu’elle véhicule et une dimension imaginaire révélatrice des peurs liées aux catastrophes. De fait, la représentation révèle une vision du monde et de ses acteurs. Nous observerons comment la représentation s’articule à de nombreux questionnements : sur le lien entre catastrophe et écologie politique, entre catastrophe et risque et entre catastrophe et opposition Nord-Sud. Nous avons choisi, par ailleurs, de confronter notre corpus au domaine de la fiction, en nous appuyant sur un téléfilm anglo-américain : « Tsunami : les conséquences ». Ce parallèle permet de mettre en évidence la relation fiction-information, les particularités de la fiction et de l’information ainsi que l’identité politique, culturelle et idéologique de la chaîne. / On December 26, 2004 one of the most violent earthquakes in history hits offshore the Indonesian island of Sumatra, causing a series of tsunamis. If natural disasters represent a type of event valued by the media, this one distinguishes itself as a new media-related object, structured, according to us, on a crisis semiotic, based on confusion, violence and emergency. Motivated by competition and the unbelievable nature of the tsunami, the media offered an information in line with a logic of dramatization, aesthetic and politic. We take it as axiomatic that the dramatization expressed itself through: an important coverage during the weeks and months that followed and the redundancy of shocking images, the difficulty experienced by the media in the comprehension of an unfamiliar phenomenon and the use of a rhetoric of emotion based upon a dialectic of distance and proximity. The media representation of the event reveals its three dimensions: a reality dimension of the material and human consequences of the disaster and the political actions it generated, a symbolic dimension of the interpretations it is subject to and the representations it promotes and an imaginary dimension revealing the fears linked to disasters. De facto, the representation reveals a vision of the world and its actors. We mean to observe how the representation is based on many questioning: on the link between disaster and political ecology, disaster and risk, disaster and the North-South opposition. We also decided to confront our corpus to the area of fiction, by analyzing a British-American TV film: “Tsunami: the aftermath”. This parallel highlights the relation between information and fiction, the characteristics of fiction and information and the political, cultural and ideological identity of the TV channel.

Analýza duálního systému televizního vysílání ve Francii z hlediska zpravodajství / Analysis of the mixed public-private system of the TV broadcasting in France from the aspect of news

Švihelová, Veronika January 2008 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Analysis of the mixed public-private system of the TV broadcasting in France from the aspect of news" deals with the TV broadcasting in France, its development and its present. In the experimental part of this work the author tried to describe the principal TV news broadcast of the two most powerful French TV stations and to compare it to the two corresponding TV stations in the Czech Republic. The goal of this comparison was to find out whether the public and private TV stations news have some features in common, concerning for example its content, types of the reports and other universally established methods, how to attract the TV viewers and to increase the ratings. The author tried to find these principles via the research, to describe them by the comparison of the main evening news broadcast in the chosen nationwide private TV station in France and its corresponding counterparts in the Czech Republic and the subsequent comparison with the parallel pair of public stations. The author of this thesis also deals with the premise, that the private TV stations tend to the "infotainment" - the "funny" way of presenting the news in order to attract the viewers to the screens, often at the expense of its information value. This is also the reason why this diploma thesis deals in one...


Schutkoski, Renato 09 August 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Erythropoietin is a sialoglycoprotein which promotes the increase of erythropoiesis. Clinically is used for the treatment of anaemia associated to chronic renal failure. Identification and separation of isoforms of recombinant human erythropoietin (rhEPO) in biopharmaceuticals of different origins, was carried out by isoelectric focusing (IEF) western blotting and, also by lectin binding with Triticum vulgaris, showing 4-7 isoforms distributed in the isoeletric range of 4.4 to 5.2. N-acetylneuraminic acid content was quantified by reversed-phase liquid chromatography method with fluorescence detection giving values higher than 108.74 ηg/μg. Biological activity was evaluated by the normocythaemic mice bioassay, and investigating the TF-1 cell line in vitro. The correlation of the results of both of the methods were significant, as calculated by the Pearson s coefficient (r = 0.9967). In addition, the content/potency of the biopharmaceutical products was assessed by validated reversed phase and size exclusion liquid chromatography methods, showing mean values 2.11% and 1.21% lower, respectively, related to the in vivo bioassay. Sample was degraded under UV light to generate deamidate/sulphoxide forms and treatment at 65ºC for 12 hours to produce dimeric and aggregated forms. The potencies were evaluated by the normocythaemic mice assay and the TF-1 cell culture assay giving mean reduction of 14.05% and 32.87%, respectively, related to the intact molecule. The alternative in vitro assay investigated in the context of the reduction or replacement of the animals, and the evaluation of the correlations between physicochemical and biological methods, represent improvements which can be applied to the production steps and for the quality control of rhEPO, contributing to ensure the batch-to-batch consistency of bulk and finished biological products. / A eritropoietina é uma sialoglicoproteína que promove o aumento da eritropoiese. Clinicamente é usada para o tratamento de anemias associadas à falência renal crônica. No presente realizou-se identificação e separação das isoformas de eritropoietina humana recombinante (rhEPO) em produtos biofarmacêuticos de diferentes origens, por focalização isoelétrica (IEF), seguida de imunodetecção, e também por ligação à lectina Triticum vulgaris, demonstrando a presença de 4 a 7 isoformas, distribuídas na faixa de ponto isoelétrico de 4,4 a 5,2. Quantificou-se o conteúdo de ácido N-acetilneuramínico por cromatografia líquida por fase-reversa e detecção por fluorescência obtendo teores acima de 108,74 ηg/μg. Avaliou-se a atividade biológica pelo bioensaio em camundongos normocitêmicos e pesquisou-se o ensaio alternativo baseado na cultura da linhagem celular TF-1 in vitro. Os resultados dos bioensaios apresentaram correlação significativa, conforme calculado pelo coeficiente de correlação de Pearson (r = 0,9967). Paralelamente, determinou-se o teor/potência dos produtos pelas metodologias validadas por cromatografia líquida por fase reversa e por exclusão molecular, que forneceram média de resultados 2,11% e 1,21% menores, respectivamente, em relação ao bioensaio in vivo. Submeteu-se amostra à degradação por luz UV para obter as formas desamidadas/oxidadas e tratamento a 65°C por 12 horas para as diméricas e agregadas. Efetuou-se a avaliação pelo bioensaio in vivo e in vitro, que apresentaram redução média de 14,05% e 32,87% respectivamente, em relação à molécula intacta. Desse modo, o ensaio biológico alternativo in vitro, pesquisado no contexto da redução ou substituição do uso de animais, e as avaliações de correlação entre métodos físico-químicos e biológicos, representam aprimoramentos aplicáveis para as etapas do processo de produção e para o controle de qualidade de rhEPO, contribuindo para garantir a consistência lote-a-lote da solução concentrada e dos produto biológicos acabados.


Machado, Francine Trevisan 12 August 2014 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Erythropoietin is a hematopoietic hormone and the main physiological function is the induction of erythropoiesis. Recombinant DNA technology enabled cloning and expression of rhEPO gene to produce recombinant human erythropoietin (rhEPO). It is a sialoglycoprotein composed of 165 amino acids chain and about 40% of the molecule consists of carbohydrates, important for biological activity due to the presence of sialic acid residues at the termini of chains affecting its half-life. In the present study an alternative in vitro cell culture-based assay using TF-1 cell line was validated, to be used in conjunction with a reversed-phase liquid chromatography method with fluorescence detection (F-RP-LC) validated to determine the content of sialic acids. The values obtained for the sialic acids were higher than 126.83 ng/μg, and the biotechnology-derived products were subjected to the cell culture bioassay giving potencies 2.91% ± 0.85 lower related to the bioassay in normocythaemic mice, with significant correlation calculated by the Pearson coefficient (r = 0.9947). In parallel, it was determined the content/potency of the products by the validated reversed-phase and size-exclusion liquid chromatography methods that showed mean results 3.14% higher and 2.87% lower, respectively, compared to the in vitro bioassay. It was demonstrated that in vitro cell culture bioassay represent a valid alternative to the in vivo bioassay for the potency assessment of rhEPO, in the context of the reduction and/or replacement of animals. Likewise, correlation of the results obtained with the physicochemical methods, represents advances for the characterization of the biomolecule, which can be applied to the production steps and for the quality control, contributing to assure the batch-to-batch consistency of the bulk and the finished biological products of rhEPO. / A eritropoietina é um hormônio hematopoiético cuja principal função fisiológica é a indução da eritropoiese. Através da tecnologia do DNA recombinante foi possível a clonagem e expressão do gene para produzir a eritropoietina humana recombinante (rhEPO). É uma sialoglicoproteína composta por cadeia de 165 aminoácidos e, aproximadamente, 40% da molécula é constituída de carboidratos, importantes para a atividade biológica devido à presença de resíduos de ácidos siálicos nas extremidades das cadeias, que influenciam na meia-vida da biomolécula. No presente estudo foi validado ensaio alternativo baseado na cultura da linhagem de células TF-1 in vitro, e método por cromatografia líquida por fase reversa com detecção por fluorescência para determinação de ácidos siálicos, para avaliação em conjunto da potência de rhEPO. Determinaram-se teores de ácidos siálicos acima de 126,83 ng/μg e os produtos biotecnológicos foram submetidos ao bioensaio por cultura de células fornecendo potências 2,91% ± 0,85 menores em relação ao ensaio biológico em camundongos normocitêmicos, com correlação significativa calculada pelo coeficiente de correlação de Pearson (r = 0,9947). Paralelamente, determinou-se o teor/potência dos produtos pelas metodologias validadas por cromatografia líquida por fase reversa e por exclusão molecular, que forneceram média de resultados 3,14% maior e 2,87% menor, respectivamente, em relação ao bioensaio in vitro. Demonstrou-se que o bioensaio por cultura de células in vitro, constitui-se em alternativa ao ensaio biológico in vivo para a avaliação de potência de rhEPO, no contexto da redução e/ou substituição do uso de animais. Do mesmo modo, a correlação com os resultados fornecidos pelos métodos físico-químicos, representa avanços para caracterização da biomolécula, que podem ser aplicados nas etapas do processo de produção e para o controle de qualidade, contribuindo para garantir a consistência lote-a-lote da solução concentrada e dos produtos biológicos acabados de rhEPO.

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