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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bostadsbubbla på den svenska marknaden? / Price bubble on the Swedish housing market?

Rosell, Oskar January 2015 (has links)
Svenska bostadsmarknaden har de senaste åren varit ett hett diskussionsämne i media. Kanske beror det på att bostadspriserna har stigit i en snabbare takt de senaste 15 åren jämfört med de senaste 60 åren, vilket har skapat diskussioner kring en eventuell prisbubbla som skulle orsaka stora problem för många. När nobelpristagaren i ekonomi 2013 Robert Shiller samtidigt som det blev officiellt att han blivit tilldelad priset, gick ut med att han tror att risken för en bubbla är stor på Svenska bostadsmarknaden, var ingenting som fick debatten att upphöra. Efter uttalandet har bostadspriserna gått upp med ännu raskare takt än vad de gjort tidigare och gör frågan än mer aktuell än tidigare. Syftet med denna rapport är att undersöka vilka faktorer som är tillämpliga vid en prisbubblas bildande samt undersöka huruvida risken är stor idag för att en sådan ska inträffa med fokus på vad som vad som skedde under 90-talet när en prisbubbla senast uppstod på den Svenska bostadsmarknaden. Har vi idag en stor risk för en bostadsbubbla i Sverige? Samt vilka faktorer tyder på att risken är stor respektive vilka tyder på att risken är mindre? Det är några av frågorna som ska bli besvarade i uppsatsen För att kunna undersöka huruvida bubbla föreligger har personer med lång erfarenhet inom byggbranschen intervjuats som också har en relevant befattning inom respektive institution eller företag. Resultatet visar att många faktorer pekar på att det inte finns någon bubbla i Sverige, samtidigt som det fortfarande inte går att förkasta att risken finns, då vissa faktorer pekar på just det. Det som visar sig mest troligt är dock en mer jämn marknad där priserna varken går upp eller ner. / Swedish housing market in recent years has been a hot topic in the media. Perhaps it is because housing prices have risen at a faster pace over the past 15 years compared to the past 60 years, creating discussions about a possible price bubble that could cause major problems for many. When the Nobel Prize in economics in 2013, Robert Shiller, while it became official that he has been awarded the prize, went out with that he believes that the risk of a bubble is big at the Swedish housing market, this did not put an end of the debate. After the statement, housing prices have gone up even more rapidly than what it has previously and makes the issue even more relevant than before. The purpose of this report is to examine the factors that are relevant at a housing bubble formation and examine whether the risk is big today to such a thing to occur, with a focus on what happened in the 90s when a price bubble later arose on the Swedish housing market. Do we have a high risk of a housing bubble today on Swedish housing market? What factors suggest that the risk is big and which suggest that the risk is less? These are some question that will be answered during the essay In order to investigate whether a bubble exists or not, people with long experience in the construction industry were interviewed who also has a relevant position within the respective institution or company. The result shows that many factors indicate that there is no bubble on the Swedish housing market, while it still does not reject that possibility exists, certain factors indicate just that. It turns out that most likely, however, a more stable market where prices either go up or down.

How to define gastronomic identity from Cultural Studies: The Peruvian case

Del Pozo Arana, Carlos, Miranda Zúñiga, Ezequiel 01 March 2022 (has links)
El texto completo de este trabajo no está disponible en el Repositorio Académico UPC por restricciones de la casa editorial donde ha sido publicado. / El texto completo de este trabajo no está disponible en el Repositorio Académico UPC por restricciones de la casa editorial donde ha sido publicado. / Identity is a concept that has received a multiplicity of very diverse approaches and references throughout the history of ideas. Cultural studies have approached with special interest the discussion around the contemporary meanings of this term. This study proposes the concept of gastronomic identity and examines its definition based on Stuart Hall's research on discursive identity. The explanatory capacities of this concept will become evident when it is applied to the case of Peruvian gastronomy through the analysis of texts located at the beginning of the so-called Peruvian gastronomic boom between 1980 and 1995. © 2022 Elsevier B.V.

Rapid Prediction of Low-Boom and Aerodynamic Performance of Supersonic Transport Aircraft Using Panel Methods

Giblette, Ted N. 01 December 2019 (has links)
The Utah State University Aerolab developed and tested a set of tools for rapid prediction of the loudness of a sonic boom generated by supersonic transport aircraft. This work supported a larger effort led by Texas A&M to investigate the use of adaptive aerostructures in lowering sonic boom loudness at off design conditions. Successful completion of this effort will improve the feasibility of supersonic commercial transport over land. Funding was provided by a NASA University Leadership Initiative grant to several universities, including Utah State University, as well as industry partners to complete this work over a five year period. The work presented in this thesis was done over the first year of the grant. The Aerolab team was specifically tasked with developing a set of tools for rapidly predicting the sonic boom loudness of supersonic aircraft. Specifically, this work included an assessment of the existing analysis tools available followed by the planning, development, and testing of a framework of tools for performing the needed calculations. Results of the framework were compared against high fidelity solutions available from the 2017 AIAA Sonic Boom Prediction Workshop. These comparisons revealed that panel methods perform well for simple geometries. However, localized errors appear when modeling more complex geometries that reduce the accuracy of the predicted sonic boom loudness. It was found that these localized errors were a consequence of the inherent assumptions built into panel methods. Consequently, in future work, it may be necessary to develop techniques for combining the results of panel methods with higher fidelity methods or to revisit the panel method formulation.

Strategier för fastighetsmäklare i hög- respektive lågkonjunktur / Strategies for real estate agents in boom and recession

Sarwari, Shahzia, Mladenovska, Tea Mishel January 2023 (has links)
Fastighetsmarknaden är en ständigt föränderlig marknad, där priserna och efterfrågan på bostäder varierar beroende på låg- och högkonjunktur. Detta påverkar fastighetsmäklare genom att de ständigt behöver anpassa sina strategier utifrån omständigheterna. Syftet med denna studie är att presentera strategier som kan vara vägledande för en fastighetsmäklare. Vår studie baseras på en kvalitativ forskningsansats med empiri som baseras på semistrukturerade intervjuer med erfarna fastighetsmäklare som är verksamma i Skåne. Studien visar att det finns flera faktorer som påverkar en fastighetsmäklares strategi. Exempel på dessa faktorer är sociala mediers påverkan på förmedling, vikten av företagskultur, word- of- mouth och kundlojalitet. Studien betonar också vikten av fastighetsmäklares lyhördhet och kunskap inom fastighetsbranschen för att kunna ge kunderna korrekt rådgivning och vinna deras förtroende. Genom att använda dessa strategier kan en fastighetsmäklare bättre hantera de ständiga förändringarna på fastighetsmarknaden och utvecklas i sitt yrke. / The real estate market is an industry that is constantly changing, where prices and demand for housing are vary depending on the economic boom and recession. This affects real estate agents in a way that they constantly need to adapt their strategies based on the circumstances. The purpose of this research is to present strategies that can be a guide for a real estate agent. Our study is based on a qualitative research approach with empirical data based on six semi-structured interviews with experience brokers who are active in the real estate industry in Skåne. The study shows that there are several factors that can have an impact on a real estate agent’s strategy. Examples of these factors include the impact of social media on brokerage, the importance of corporate culture, word- of- mouth and customer loyalty. The study is also emphasizes the importance of real estate agents being responsive and knowledgeable in the real estate industry in order to provide clients with accurate advice and gain their trust. By using these strategies, a real estate agent can better manage the constant changes in the real estate market and develop in their profession.

Thermal environment and design considerations of the Foresail-2 satellite mission

Anantha Raman, Deepa January 2023 (has links)
The thermal design of small satellite missions is critical for ensuring the performance and longevity of onboard instruments. This thesis focuses on the thermal design of Foresail-2, a 6U CubeSat mission to Geostationary Transfer Orbit (GTO), specifically addressing the thermal challenges associated with the magnetometer located at the end of a long boom featured on the satellite. The objective of this research is to estimate the orbital loads, study its effects and develop an effective thermal control strategy to maintain the frame, boom and magnetometer temperature within an optimal operational range throughout the mission duration. A steady state thermal analysis is conducted to evaluate the effects of the GTO environment on the satellite structure under different operational scenarios and design conditions. To achieve the desired thermal control, several potential regulation strategies are investigated, including passive thermal coatings, insulation materials, and active cooling methods. Furthermore, thermal simulations are performed to predict the temperature profiles and gradients within the boom and magnetometer assembly, enabling the identification of potential hotspots or areas prone to thermal stress using ANSYS software package. These findings contribute to the implementation of thermal design modifications and the optimization of the configuration of the boom and magnetometer to enhance thermal performance. The results of this thesis contribute to the development of a robust thermal design for Foresail-2 mission satellite. Moreover, the methodologies and insights gained from this research can be extended to other CubeSat missions with similar thermal requirements and constraints.

Global Demand Model to Estimate Supersonic Commercial Services

Freire Burgos, Edwin Ruben 09 November 2021 (has links)
Not too long ago, commercial supersonic aircraft flights were part of the air transportation system. In the 1970's we had the Russian-built Tupolev Tu-144 and the BAC/Aerospatiale Concorde, the latest being tin operation for 27 years. The work documented in this dissertation focused on the viability of bringing back supersonic aircraft as a transportation mode. Throughout three years, Virginia Tech and a team from NASA have been combining efforts to develop a model capable of predicting future air travel demand for supersonic vehicles. The model can predict future supersonic commercial services and allows aircraft designers from NASA to optimize aircraft performance and characteristics by maximizing the potential air travel demand. The final product of this study was the development of the Low-Boom Supersonic Aircraft Model (LBSAM). The development progress took three years to be completed, and during each year, a version of the model with the preliminary predictions was made available to NASA. Each of the three versions of the model predicts future supersonic commercial services. What differentiates each version is the data, method, and aircraft type/design implemented; the latest version of the model is more realistic and provides a higher number of functionalities. The first version of the model predicted the possible supersonic commercial service for three aircraft types: each with two variations. An 18-seat, 40-seat, and 60-seat low-boom and non-low-boom aircraft were analyzed. The second version of the model analyzed a 20-seat and 40-seat low-boom, non-low-boom aircraft with restrictions and non-low-boom aircraft without restrictions. The latest version of the model tries to estimate potential demand for a 43-seat and a 52-seat supersonic low-boom aircraft design. The low-boom concept refers to the implementation of technology that reduces the loudness of a sonic boom. A non-low-boom concept refers to an aircraft flying faster than Mach 1 with the technology's implementation that reduces the loudness of a sonic boom. The final results suggest that for a 52-seat LBSA, the potential worldwide demand is as follows. • 33.4 million seats worldwide. Assuming an overland range of 3,200 nm., an overland Mach 1.7, and an overland fuel scale factor of 0.98. • 772 aircraft needed worldwide. Assuming an overland range of 2,800 nm., an overland Mach 1.7, and an overland fuel scale factor of 0.90. • 1,032 one-way OD pairs where LBSA can operate. Assuming an overland range of 2,800 nm., an overland Mach 1.7, and an overland fuel scale factor of 0.90. The LBSAM is mainly driven by the cost per passenger mile values calculated for each one-way Origin-Destination (OD) pair. Additional uncertainties in the model include the market share and annual aircraft utilization. The market share refers to the percent of the demand that will switch from current subsonic commercial services to commercial supersonic services. During the three-year work, we considered a market share of 50% and 100%. Aircraft utilization refers to the number of hours that the airline will be able to use the aircraft. The majority of the projections were based on a 3,500-hour aircraft utilization. / Doctor of Philosophy / Not too long ago, commercial supersonic aircraft flights were part of the air transportation system. An aircraft flying faster than the speed of sound is known as an aircraft flying at supersonic speed. Current commercial aircraft fly at subsonic speed. Subsonic speed refers to aircraft flying at a speed lower than the speed of sound. In the 1970's we had the Russian-built Tupolev Tu-144 and the BAC/Aerospatiale Concorde, the latest being tin operation for 27 years. The work documented in this dissertation focused on the viability of bringing back supersonic aircraft as a transportation mode. Throughout three years, Virginia Tech and a team from NASA have been combining efforts to develop a model capable of predicting future air travel demand for supersonic vehicles. The model can predict future supersonic commercial services and allows aircraft designers from NASA to optimize aircraft performance and characteristics by maximizing the potential air travel demand. The purpose of this dissertation effort is to provide a better understanding of what could be the potential commercial demand for supersonic flight in the near future. We consider all the benefits and characteristics of supersonic flight and studied in detail what percentage of the travelers might be willing to migrate from the current subsonic market to the supersonic market. We estimated this ratio by studying the spending behavior of passengers in the current market. How much more are passengers willing to pay to save time? We can infer how much travelers value their time by comparing direct flights versus flights with an intermediate stop. The results show that a demand of 33.4 million seats could be reached by the year 2040. The supersonic market would consist of more than one thousand one-way origin-destination pairs worldwide, and more than seven hundred supersonic aircraft are expected to satisfy the forecast demand.

Comment concevoir la prière adressée à Dieu dans un contexte de sécularisation?

Mathieu, Pierre 24 April 2018 (has links)
Ce mémoire permet de considérer la place et la nature de la prière adressée à Dieu dans un contexte de sécularisation. Le sujet est d’intérêt, particulièrement pour les chrétiens « baby-boomers » du Québec qui ont vécu de profonds changements dans leur vie spirituelle, changements occasionnés par l’après-chrétienté, le présent sécularisé et l’émergence de nouvelles spiritualités non religieuses. Il s’agit de rendre compte de différents points de vue sur la question, lesquels nous permettent, d’une part, de souligner l’ambiguïté des termes en cause — sécularisation, Dieu et prière — et, d’autre part, de conclure à la nécessité d’apporter des nuances lorsqu’il est question de mesurer l’impact de la sécularisation sur la religion, la conception de Dieu et la prière. / My master’s thesis considers the nature and the significance of prayer in a secular context. The topic is especially relevant for baby-boomers living in Quebec who are going through significant changes in their spiritual life in this post-christian era in a secular environment which has witnessed the development of various non-religious forms of spiritualities. It is to account for the different perspectives about this issue which will allow us, on the one hand, to highlight the ambiguity of the terms in question – secularization, God and prayer – and, on the other hand, to conclude that there is a need to bring nuances when it is a question to measure the impact of secularization on religion, God’s idea and prayer.

Output-Only Experimental Modal Testing of Large Residential Structures and Acoustic Cavities Using Sonic Booms

Corcoran, Joseph Michael 10 March 2010 (has links)
In this thesis, an output-only experimental modal testing and analysis technique known as the Natural Excitation Technique (NExT) is examined for use with large residential structures and interior cavities. The technique which assumes a random, stationary input causing the response data is reviewed and extended for the first time to include the assumption of an impulse input. This technique is examined with respect to the experimental modal analysis of single and two room residential structures. Each structure is first tested using conventional modal testing methods. Then, NExT is applied using each structure's response to a simulated sonic boom, an impulsive input. The results of these analyses along with the results obtained from a finite element model are compared. Then, the interior cavities enclosed by the residential structures are examined using NExT. Therefore, this thesis also demonstrates the successful use of NExT on acoustic systems for the first time. Three configurations of the interconnected cavities enclosed by the two room structure are considered to study physical phenomena. Both interior pressure response to random, stationary inputs and the sonic boom response are used with NExT to determine modal properties. The results of these analyses are compared to a theoretical analysis. Advantages to using NExT with both the response to a random, stationary input and an impulsive input are demonstrated for structural and acoustic systems. / Master of Science

Influences de l'oxydation et de la biodégradation anaérobie sur la matière organique de l'argile oligocène de Boom (Mol, Belgique) : Conséquences sur la formation d'espèces organiques hydrosolubles / Influence of air oxidation and anaerobic biodegradation on the organic matter of oligocene Boom clay formation (Mol, Belgium) : Consequences on the formation of the soluble organic species

Blanchart, Pascale 13 December 2011 (has links)
Les Argiles de Boom ont été identifiées par le SCK-CEN comme un éventuel site de stockage de déchets nucléaires en couche géologique profonde : elles font l’objet d’études dans le laboratoire souterrain de Mol (Belgique). Dans ce contexte, il est important d’évaluer les conséquences du creusement de galeries sur les propriétés de ces Argiles. Ce travail de thèse cible plus particulièrement les effets d’oxydation à l’air et de biodégradation anaérobie sur la MO fossile. Les expériences d’oxydation ont combiné des suivis expérimentaux (série artificielle) et des études sur des échantillons altérés in situ (série naturelle) dans les galeries du laboratoire. Elles ont ciblé le kérogène, la MOE et MOD. La confrontation des données des deux séries révèle que nos simulations expérimentales sont représentatives des processus ayant lieu dans les galeries. Ces travaux démontrent aussi que l’oxydation induit (i) une augmentation importante de la quantité de MOD et (ii) une modification majeure de la chimie de la MOE et de la MOD caractérisée par la formation de molécules oxygénées de faible poids moléculaire. Par ailleurs, l’étude comparative des eaux issues des échantillons altérés avec celles prélevées dans les piézomètres du site démontre que ces dernières ne sont pas affectées par des processus d’oxydation et sont comparables aux eaux issues des échantillons sains. Des expériences de biodégradation menées sur des argiles saines et préalablement oxydées artificiellement n’ont montré aucune évolution significative de la MO fossile (MOE et MOD); la biodégradation anaérobie n’est donc pas un processus dominant dans le contexte des perturbations induites par les excavations / The Boom Clay was focused because it is identified by SCK-CEN as a possible radioactive waste storage in the geological disposal site and in situ experiments are performed in the underground laboratory of Mol (Belgium). In this context, it is important to assess the consequences of galleries excavation on the properties of the Boom Clay. The particular focus of this study is the effects of air oxidation and anaerobic biodegradation on the OM. The experiments dealing with the effects of air oxidation have combined studies of artificial oxidized samples (artificial series) and samples altered in the gallery of the underground laboratory (natural series). These experiments focus on the Kerogen, the EOM and the DOM. The comparison of data from artificial and natural series shows firstly that our experimental simulations are the representative of processes taking place in the galleries. These studies show that air oxidation induced (i) a significant increase in the amount of DOM and (ii) a major change in the chemistry of the EOM and DOM characterized by the formation of low molecular weight oxygenated molecules. Moreover, comparison between water extracted from altered samples and piezometers shows that the water of the site is not affected by oxidation processes. The piezometer water samples are similar to that extracted from non-altered samples. Biodegradation experiments conducted on non altered and artificially oxidized clay did not show significant changes of fossil and dissolved organic matter. It seems that anaerobic biodegradation is not a major process in the context of disturbances induced by the excavation

Traduction et réception de la fiction hispano-américaine en France et aux Pays-Bas entre 1960 et 1973 / Translation and reception of Spanish-American fiction in France and in the Netherlands from 1960 till 1973

Savariaud, Christine 25 January 2012 (has links)
A partir des années 1960, la fiction hispano-américaine connaît un essor sans précédent, auquel la critique littéraire internationale a donné le nom très contesté de boom. Le principal problème de ce terme est qu’il renvoie à un phénomène touchant à la fois la production et la diffusion de la littérature hispano-américaine.Notre travail prose une relecture du phénomène à travers l’étude de la traduction et de la réception de Julio Cortázar, Carlos Fuentes, Gabriel García Márquez et Mario Vargas Llosa en France et aux Pays-Bas entre 1960 et 1973.En retraçant l’historique des premières traductions et en analysant le contexte éditorial dans lequel elles sont arrivées, nous montrons l’existence d’écarts profonds séparant les deux pays dans la traduction des quatre auteurs, n’illustrant pas toujours leur position théorique au sein de l’espace mondial de la traduction, et le rôle importants joués par certains intermédiaires culturels. Par le biais d’une étude de traduction et de réception, nous mettons aussi en évidence le rôle de médiation joué par les traducteurs et la critique littéraire entre les œuvres originales et le lecteur final dans les deux pays de référence. / Spanish-American fiction has been developing unprecedented from the 1960’s, what has been given the highly contested name of boom by international literary critics. The main problem of that term is that it refers to a phenomenon affecting both the production and distribution of Spanish-American literature.Our work is a reading of the phenomenon through the study of translation and reception of Julio Cortázar, Carlos Fuentes, Gabriel García Márquez and Mario Vargas Llosa in France and in the Netherlands between 1960 and 1973.In tracing the history of the early translations and analysis of the editorial context in which they arrived, we show the existence of profound differences between the two countries in the translation of the four authors, which do not illustrate their theoretical position in the world space of translation, and the important role played by certain cultural intermediaries. Through a study of translation and reception, we also highlight the mediating role played by translators and literary criticism between the original texts and the final reader in the two reference countries.

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