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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fusão de métodos baseados em minúcias e em cristas para reconhecimento de impressões digitais /

Falguera, Fernanda Pereira Sartori. January 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Aparecido Nilceu Marana / Banca: Fátima de Lourdes dos Santos Nunes Marques / Banca: Marcos Antônio Cavenaghi / Resumo: Biometria refere-se ao uso de características físicas (impressões digitais, íris, retina) ou comportamentais (assinatura, voz) para a identificação humana. As impressões digitais são formadas por cristas e minúcias. As cristas são linhas distribuídas paralelamente com uma orientação e um espaçamento característico e as minúcias representam os vários modos pelos quais uma crista pode se tornar descontínua. Graças a sua universalidade, unicidade e permanência, as impressões digitais tornaram-se as características biométricas mais amplamente utilizadas. Entretanto, considerar o reconhecimento automático de impressões digitais um problema totalmente resolvido é um erro muito comum. Nenhum sistema de reconhecimento de impressões digitais proposto até hoje é infalível, nenhum garante taxas de erro nulas. Imagens de baixa qualidade e com pequena área de sobreposição entre a imagem template e a imagem de consulta ainda representam um desafio para os métodos de reconhecimento de impressões digitais mais utilizados, os métodos baseados no casamento de pontos de minúcias. Uma das maneiras de superar as limitações e melhorar a acurácia de um sistema biométrico é o uso da multibiometria, isto é, a combinação de diferentes tipos de informação em um sistema de reconhecimento biométrico. Neste contexto, esta dissertação de mestrado objetiva aprimorar a acurácia dos sistemas de reconhecimento de impressões digitais por meio da fusão de métodos baseados em minúcias e em cristas. Para tanto, foram implementadas técnicas de fusão no nível de pontuação, classificação e decisão. No nível de pontuação, a fusão propiciou uma redução na taxa de erro igual (EER) de 42,53% em relação ao método mais preciso. Para o nível de classificação, a fusão significou um aumento de 75% na taxa de recuperação correta... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Biometrics refers to the use of physical (fingerprints, iris, retina) or behavioral (signature, voice) characteristics to determine the identity of a person. Fingerprints are formed by ridges and minutiae. The ridges are lines distributed in parallel with an orientation and a characteristic spacing and the minutiae represent the several ways a ridge can become discontinued. As to its universality, uniqueness and permanence, the fingerprints became the most widely used biometric characteristic. However, it is a common mistake to consider the automatic fingerprint recognition as a totally solved problem. No fingerprint recognition system proposed until now is infallible, none of them guarantee null error rates. Poor quality images and when just a small area of overlap between the template and the query images exists are still a complex challenge to the most used fingerprint recognition methods, the methods based on minutiae points matching. One of the possibilities to overcome the limitations and improve the accuracy of a biometric system is the use of multibiometrics, the combination of different kinds of information in a biometric system. In this context, this master thesis aims to improve the accuracy of fingerprint recognition systems through the fusion of minutiae based and ridge based methods. To achieve this, fusion techniques on score, rank and decision levels were implemented. For the score level, the fusion lead to a reduction of the Equal Error Rate to 42.53% compared to the most precise method. For the rank level, the fusion meant an increase of 75% in the Correct Retrieval Rate. And, in the decision level fusion the Recognition Rate changed from 99.25% to 99.75%. The results have demonstrated that the fusion of minutiae based and ridge based methods can represent a significant accuracy improvement for the fingerprint recognition systems. / Mestre

Extração de características de imagens de impressão digital / Extration of characteristics from fingerprint images

Medeiros, Luciano Xavier 24 August 2006 (has links)
The fingerprints are lines present on fingers of each human and they are unique, in other words, there are not two people with the same distribution of lines on their fingers. For this reason, it has been used for identification of people for many purposes, such as to check the entrancy and exit of workers in a company, the identify criminals and to restrict the access of people to restrict areas of extreme security. The proposal of this work is to improve the characteristic extraction algorithm of fingerprint developed by Jain and others. The goal of this work is to accelerate the processing time in orientation field estimation, in order to get a better quality of images, resulting of binarization process and to decrease the number of spurious minutiae on the images. The time processing of orientation field estimation improved in these work uses the commutative propriety is smaller than the same estimation wich does not use this propriety in 90%. The method of ridges extration developed in this work uses the DDA algorithm, and results in better quality images. Due to this improviment got in binarization process and the ridges break removing, the detection minutiae algorithm implemented in this work find a small quantity of spurious minutae present in the fingerprint images. / As impressões digitais são as linhas presentes nos dedos de cada ser humano e essas são únicas para cada um, ou seja, não existem duas pessoas que possuem a mesma forma com que as linhas da impressão se dispõem em seus dedos. Por esse motivo é que ela vem sendo utilizada para a identificação de pessoas para várias finalidades, como por exemplo, o controle de ponto dos funcionários de uma empresa, a identificação de um criminoso e o acesso de pessoas a áreas restritas de extrema segurança. A proposta deste trabalho é obter melhoramentos no algoritmo de extração de características de impressões digitais desenvolvido por Jain e outros [1]. Os objetivos desta dissertação são: melhorar o tempo de processamento no cálculo da orientação de campo, obter uma melhor qualidade das imagens resultantes no processo de binarização e diminuir o número de minúcias espúrias nessas imagens. O cálculo da orientação de campo aperfeiçoado neste trabalho utiliza a propriedade da comutação e resultou em uma redução no tempo de processamento em torno de 90% em relação ao mesmo cálculo que não utiliza essa propriedade. O método de extração das saliências desenvolvido nesta dissertação utiliza o algoritmo DDA, e resulta em imagens de melhor qualidade. Devido a esse melhoramento obtido no processo de binarização e a remoção de falhas nas saliências, o algoritmo de detecção de minúcias implementado neste trabalho encontra uma menor quantidade de minúcias espúrias presentes nas imagens de impressão digital. / Mestre em Ciências

Fatores controladores de sistemas eólicos costeiros carbonáticos: os eolianitos quaternários do Piauí e oeste do Ceará / not available

Valentina Espinel Arias 23 November 2015 (has links)
Os campos de dunas ativos e os eolianitos do litoral nordeste brasileiro compreendido entre Luís Correia (PI) e Paracuru (CE) estão localizados na área de influência da Zona de Convergência Intertropical, de onde vêm os ventos alísios efetivos na sua formação. A variação da direção exata com que estes ventos atingem a costa constitui o principal critério para dividir a área de estudo em três setores: norte, centro e sul. Em cada setor, a direção do vento efetivo, conjugada com a orientação da linha de costa, determina o grau de desenvolvimento da planície deflacionária,o qual aumenta com o ângulo entre vento e costa. No setor norte (Luís Correia a Camocim, CE), o rumo de vento efetivo é ENE-WSW e o ângulo entre vento e costa varia de 60°, no Piauí, a 20°, no Ceará, com extensões das planícies deflacionárias de 7,5 km e 2,5 km, respectivamente; o setor centro (Itarema e Almofala) apresenta rumo do vento E-W e caracteriza-se pela ausência de campos de dunas; o setor sul possui sentido do vento ESE-WNW e ângulo com a linha de costa de 35°, com zona deflacionária de até 3 km de comprimento. Os eolianitos apresentam-se como cordões descontínuos com 1 a 15m de altura, paralelos à direção do vento efetivo, que ocorrem em meio a planície deflacionária e exibem morfologia análoga à dos rastros lineares residuais ativos típicos desta planície. As datações realizadas em grãos de quartzo, pelo método da luminescência (LOE), e embioclastos ou no cimento calcítico, por 14 C AMS, indicam idades de 650 a 5700 anos, mas com cerca de 80% delas concentradas no intervalo entre 800 e 3200 anos. Os eolianitos mais próximos à linha de costa são mais antigos que os mais distantes, padrão esperadoem rastros lineares residuais, os quais são sucessivamente deixados para trás e estabilizados à medida que o campo de dunas migra. Na análise de fácies deposicionais dos eolianitos, reconheceram-se quartzo calciarenitos com estratificações cruzadas de alto e baixo ângulo e com ou sem rizoconcreções; a elevada concentração de grossos e o padrão dedistribuição de azimutes de mergulho de estratificações cruzadas, o qual é predominantemente bimodal divergente, tendo a direção do vento efetivo e do alongamento das cristas deeolianitos como bissetriz entre as duas modas, reforça a hipótese de associação com rastros lineares residuais. A concentração de eolianitos nesta área do Nordeste brasileiro está ligada à constituição da plataforma continental interna adjacente, a qual é rica em algas vermelhas ramificantes; no entanto, o teor de carbonatos nos eolianitos (10 -25%) é baixo, comparado com o registrado na plataforma submersa abaixo da isóbata de 10m (50% ou mais), e similar ao do sistema praia-duna atual e da plataforma interna rasa, o que leva a interpretar área fonte imediata na praia. A análise petrográfica permitiu reconhecer quatro petrofácies, todas dominadas por quartzo (Q) no arcabouço. Elas foram diferenciadas a partir do número de modas granulométricas (uni ou bimodal = 1 ou 2) e das tramas e texturas do cimento carbonático, as quais indicam diagênese dominada por processos meteóricos vadosos(petrofácies Q1v e Q2v), estes mais comuns, ou com influência de processos meteóricos freáticos (Q1f e Q2f). O conjunto de resultados obtidos, confrontado com reconstituições climáticas para o Holoceno do Nordeste do Brasil, permite interpretar que o paleoclima quente, ventoso e pouco úmido, favorável à formação dos eolianitos, estabeleceu-se na região nos últimos 4000 a 5000 anos. Momentos de estabilização das dunas e colonização por vegetação, evidenciados nas fácies de cruzadas de ângulo baixo com rizoconcreções, e mudanças no nível freático, sugeridas pela alternância entre texturas de cimentação vadosa e freática, podem ter tido origem tanto autogênica, ligada ao distanciamento progressivo entre rastros lineares e fonte praial, quanto alogênica, ligada a flutuações de precipitação e/ou intensidade dos ventos. / The active dune fields and the eolianites between Luís Correa (Piauí State) and Pararucu (Ceará State), Northeastern Brazil, are located in the area of Intertropical Convergence Zone influence, from where come the trade winds responsible by their formation. The variation of the direction in which these winds reach the coast is the main criterion to divide the study area into three sectors: north, center and south. In each sector, the direction of the effective wind, combined with the coastline orientation, determines the deflation plain development, which increases with the angle between wind and coast. In the northern sector (Luís Correia to Camocim), the wind direction is from ENE and the angle between wind and coast ranges from 60º in Piauí to 20° in Ceará, with deflation plains 7.5 km and 2.5 km long, respectively; the central sector (Itarema and Almofala) presents wind from E and is characterized by the absence of dune fields; the southern sector winds direction is from ESE and the angle with the coastline is 35°, with deflation zone up to 3 km long. The eolianites appear as discontinuous ridges with upto 15 m high, parallel to the direction of the effective wind. They occur in the deflation plain and exhibit similar morphology to active trailing ridges. The quartz grains dating by luminescence (OSL) and bioclasts or calcite cement dating by 14 C AMS indicate ages between 650 to 5700 years, but about 80% of them are concentrated in the range between 800 and 3200 years. The eolianites nearest to the coastline are older than the farthest ones, a pattern expected in trailing ridges, which are successively left behind and stabilized as the dune field migrates. The eolianites depositional facies include quartz calcarenites with high or low angle cross stratification and with or without rizoconcrections. Field properties that reinforces the hypothesis that eolianites are trailing ridges deposits include the high concentration of coarse grains, the divergent bimodal pattern of cross stratification dip direction distribution, and the lengthening of eolianite crests parallel to the effective wind direction and to the bisectrix between the two dip direction modes. The concentration of Brazilian eolianites in this area is related to the adjacent inner continental shelf constitution, which is rich in branching red algae. However, the eolianites carbonate content (10 - 25%) is low if compared to the record in the submerged shelf below the 10 m isobath (50% or more), and similar to the current beach - foredune system and to the shallow inner shelf, which leads to concludethat the immediate source area is on the beach. The petrographic analysis allowed us to recognize four petrofacies, all of them dominated by quartz (Q) in the framework. They were differentiated by the number of particle size modes (uni or bimodal = 1 or 2) and by carbonate cement petrofabric and textures, which indicate diagenesis dominated by vadose meteoric processes (petrofaciesQ1v and Q2v), with subordinate influence by phreatic meteoric processes (Q1f and Q2f). The set of results obtained, faced to climate reconstructions for the Holocene in the Northeastern Brazil, allows interpreting that the warm paleoclimate, windy and little wet, favorable to eolianites formation, has settled in this region in the past 4000 to 5000 years. Moments of dune stabilization and vegetation colonization, evidenced in facies of low angle cross stratification with rizoconcrections, and changes in the water table, suggested by the interchange between vadose and phreatic cement textures, may have origin either autogenic, related to progressive detachment between trailing ridges and beach source, or allogenic, related to precipitation and/or winds intensity fluctuations.

Produção e estoque de madeira morta de uma floresta ombrófila densa de Mata Atlântica ao longo de um gradiente altitudinal / Deadwood stocks and production in an ombrophilous dense Atlantic Forest along an altitudinal gradient

Quimbayo Guzmán, Luis Carlos, 1985- 25 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Simone Aparecida Vieira / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-25T17:16:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 QuimbayoGuzman_LuisCarlos_M.pdf: 9203667 bytes, checksum: c85d0f23d04d1a3983335f8084f81a62 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: A madeira morta (MM) é um importante compartimento na dinâmica do Carbono nas florestas tropicais. Neste trabalho foi quantificado o estoque e a produção de MM em áreas de Floresta Ombrófila Densa (FOD) no litoral norte do estado de São Paulo, Brasil, ao longo de um gradiente altitudinal (10 a 1.066 m), onde a temperatura média anual diminui 0,6°C a cada 100 m de altitude. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram: (1) identificar o efeito das condições ambientais no estoque e na produção de MM ao longo do gradiente e (2) verificar o efeito a longo prazo (após 25 anos) da exploração seletiva de madeira no estoque e na produção de MM. O estudo foi desenvolvido em 16 parcelas de 1 ha, distribuídas nas formações vegetais: Restinga (10 m), Terras Baixas (10-100 m), Submontana (100-500 m) e Montana (500-1.066 m). A produção e o estoque de MM caída (Ø ? 2 cm) foram quantificados através do método de linhas de interceptação (anos 2012 e 2013). O estoque de MM em pé foi quantificado por meio de inventário florestal considerando as árvores mortas em pé (DAP ? 4,8 cm) da base de dados do projeto BIOTA Gradiente Funcional/FAPESP (anos 2006, 2008 e 2012). A MM caída foi classificada em 5 categorias, de acordo com seu grau de decomposição e as árvores mortas em pé em 4 categorias. A produção de MM caída foi de 4,21±0,5 Mg ha-1 ano-1 (± erro padrão). Não foi encontrada relação entre produção e altitude. Não houve diferença na produção entre os períodos de maior (4,44±0,7 Mg ha-1 ano-1) e menor (3,99±0,6 Mg ha-1 ano-1) intensidade de chuva (teste t pareado duas caudas; GL=15; t=0,53; p=0,6), nem entre locais explorados e não explorados. O tempo de residência estimado da MM caída foi de 1,5 anos para a madeira fina (Ø de 2 a 10 cm) e de 6 anos para a madeira grossa (Ø > 10 cm). A taxa de decomposição estimada foi 0,67 ano-1 para madeira fina e 0,18 ano-1 para madeira grossa (18% da massa de MM grossa é decomposta por ano). O estoque total de MM (caída + em pé) foi 16,4±1,3 Mg ha-1, 81% corresponde a MM caída (13,3±1,2 Mg ha-1), enquanto só 19% corresponde a MM em pé (3,1±0,3 Mg ha-1). O estoque de MM caída não diferiu entre os anos 2012 (13,3±1,2 Mg ha-1) e 2013 (13,1±1,4 Mg ha-1) (teste t pareado duas caudas; GL=15; t=0,15; p=0,88). A MM equivale de 4% a 10% da biomassa viva acima do solo. O estoque médio de Carbono na MM foi de 7,5±0,6 Mg C ha-1. No ano 2013, o estoque de MM aumentou com a altitude (regressão linear; R2=0,3; p=0,02). O estoque de MM foi 7,1±0,9 Mg ha-1 na formação Restinga; e aumentou gradativamente até 22,1±1,4 Mg ha-1 na formação Montana, a 1.050 m de altitude, o que confirmou a hipótese de que as condições climáticas têm influência no estoque de MM, encontrando-se mais MM nos locais mais frios e menos chuvosos. Não houve diferença no estoque de MM entre locais explorados e não explorados. Conclui-se que a relação positiva entre altitude e estoque de MM é determinada principalmente pela diminuição da temperatura do solo com a altitude / Abstract: Deadwood (DW) is an important component of carbon dynamics in tropical forests. In this work, DW stocks and production were quantified along an altitudinal gradient (10 to 1066 m) in an Ombrophilous Dense Atlantic Forest. Along the gradient, the mean annual temperature decreases 0.6°C with every increase of 100 m in altitude. The objectives were: (1) to identify the effect of environmental conditions on DW stocks and production along the gradient, and (2) to verify the long term effect (after 25 years) of selective wood harvesting on DW stocks and production. The study was carried out in 16 plots (1 ha each), distributed in four vegetal formations: Restinga (10 m), Low lands (10-100 m), Submontane (100-500 m) and Montane (500-1066 m). Fallen DW stocks and production (Ø ? 2 cm) were quantified using line intercept sampling (years 2012 and 2013). Standing DW stocks were quantified via forest inventory, considering all standing dead trees (DBH ? 4.8 cm) from BIOTA Gradiente Funcional/FAPESP project database (years 2006, 2008 and 2012). Fallen DW was classified into five classes according to its decomposition state, and standing DW into four classes. Fallen DW production was 4.21±0.5 Mg ha-1 yr-1 (± standard error). No relationship between production and altitude was found. There was no difference in DW production between periods of high (4.44±0.7 Mg ha-1 yr-1) and low (3.99±0.6 Mg ha-1 yr-1) rain intensities (two tailed paired t-test; DF=15; t=0.53; p=0.6), or between harvested and pristine areas. Estimated residence time was 1.5 years for fine fallen DW (Ø between 2 and 10 cm) and 6 years for coarse fallen DW (Ø > 10 cm). Estimated decay rate was 0.67 yr-1 for fine and 0.18 yr-1 for coarse fallen DW (18% of coarse fallen DW is decomposed per year). Total DW stocks (fallen + standing) were 16.4 ±1.3 Mg ha-1, 81% corresponds to fallen DW (13.3±1.2 Mg ha-1), while only 19% corresponds to standing DW (3.1±0.3 Mg ha-1). Fallen DW stocks didn¿t change between years 2012 (13.3±1.2 Mg ha-1) and 2013 (13.1±1.4 Mg ha-1) (two tailed paired t-test; DF=15; t=0.15; p=0.88). DW equals 4% to 10% of aboveground live biomass stocks. Mean carbon stocks in DW were 7.5±0.6 Mg C ha-1. In 2013, DW stocks increased with altitude (linear regression; R2=0.3; p=0.02). DW stocks were 7.1±0.9 Mg ha-1 in the Restinga formation, and gradually increased to 22.1±1.4 Mg ha-1 in the Montane formation, which confirmed the initial hypothesis of climatic conditions influencing DW stocks, given that colder and less rainy areas presented more DW. There was no difference in DW stocks between harvested and pristine areas. It was concluded that the positive relationship between DW stocks and altitude is mainly determined by decrease in soil temperature with altitude / Mestrado / Ecologia / Mestre em Ecologia

Dynamique spatiale et temporelle de dorsales à taux d'expansion contrastés dans l'océan Indien par une approche hydroacoustique / Spatial and temporal distribution of the seismicity of contrasting spreading ridges in the Indian Ocean by a hydroacoustic approach

Tsang-Hin-Sun, Eve 14 March 2016 (has links)
Les processus volcaniques et tectoniques sont à l'origine de la création de la croûte océanique et de la sismicité des dorsales, mais sont rarement détectés par les stations sismologiques. Les réseaux d'hydrophones, immergés dans la colonne d'eau océanique, sont capables d'enregistrer les phases acoustiques produites par les séismes sous-marins, les ondes T. Dans l'océan Indien, il y a trois dorsales à taux d'expansion contrastés, les dorsales Sud-Ouest Indienne, Centrale Indienne et Sud-Est Indienne; c'est donc le lieu idéal pour examiner les relations entre sismicité et taux d'expansion. À cet effet, le réseau OHASISBIO, a permis la détection de plus de 1400 séismes en un an le long de ces trois dorsales, soit cinq fois plus que les stations sismologiques.Nonobstant leur taux d'expansion contrastés, le taux de sismicité moyen des dorsales est similaire, montrant qu'il n'y a pas de relation directe entre taux d'expansion et de sismicité. La distribution des séismes le long de l'axe de chaque dorsale est contrastée et révèle des modes d'accrétion différents. Le long de la dorsale Sud-Ouest Indienne, la sismicité est peu abondante mais régulièrement distribuée le long de l'axe à l'est de la zone de fracture de Melville. Au contraire, le long des dorsales Sud-est et Centrale indiennes, la sismicité est bien corrélée avec la segmentation. Les séismes sont concentrés aux extrémités des segments et autour des discontinuités; les centres de segments sont majoritairement asismiques à l'exception des sites hydrothermaux de la dorsale Centrale Indienne et d'un segment actif de la dorsale Sud-Est Indienne. Les variations de la sismicité à l'échelle du segment reflètent l'état thermique de la croûte sous les dorsales Centrale et Sud-Est Indienne cependant que les variations à grande échelle expriment des phénomènes plus profonds sous la dorsale Sud-Ouest Indienne. / Volcanic and tectonic events are responsible for the seismicity associated with sea floor spreading. They are yet poorly detected by land-based seismological networks. Arrays of hydrophones, moored into the SOFAR channel, are capable of recording the seismo-acoustic phase generated by low-magnitude submarine earthquakes, the T waves. In the Indian Ocean, there are three mid-oceanic ridges with contrasted spreading rates, the Southwest, Central and Southeast indian ridges; it is thus the ideal place for examining the relationships between seismicity and spreading rate. To this effect, the OHASISBIO network of hydrophones, detected more than 1400 earthquakes in a year along the three mid-oceanic ridges in the Indian Ocean, which is about five times more events than land-based networks.Although the ridges have contrasted spreading rates, their mean seismicity rates are similar, suggesting that there is no direct relationship between seismicity and spreading rates. The along axis distribution of the seismicity, however, is contrasted and reveals fundamentally different modes of accretion. Along the Southwest Indian Ridge, events are sparse but regularly distributed along the axis, especially east of the Melville fracture zone and in good agreement with tectonic extension. On the contrary, along the Central and Southeast indian ridges, the seismicity is well correlated with the segmentation. Earthquakes cluster at segment ends and discontinuities whereas segment centres are mostly aseismic, except at hydrothermal sites on the Central Indian Ridge and one active segment on the Southeast Indian Ridge. Overall, segment-scale variations in the seismicity reflect the thermal state of the crust beneath the Central and Southeast Indian ridges whereas larger scale variations reveal changes in the mantle temperature under the Southwest Indian Ridge.

Interactions magma-roche, déformation à haute température et anisotropie sismique dans le manteau de la transition continent-océan et dans la lithosphère océanique / Melt-rock interaction, High-temperature deformation, and seismic properties in the continent-ocean transition mantle, and in the oceanic lithosphere

Satsukawa, Takako 08 February 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse regroupe deux études distinctes, qui documentent le contrôle des microstructures sur les propriétés sismiques des roches. La première partie traite du développement des orientations préférentielles cristallographiques (OPC) dans le manteau supérieur, associé aux interactions liquide/magma-roche, enregistré dans des xénolites de péridotites du bassin d'arrière-arc de la mer du Japon. Les caractéristiques microstucturales et géochimiques des échantillons étudiés montrent que l'ouverture arrière-arc active est associée à une déformation du manteau supérieure similaire à celle observée dans l'ophiolite d'Oman. L'initiation de l'extension d'arrière-arc n'est pas associée à de fortes interactions entre percolation magmatique et déformation, en comparaison avec les zones de rifting continentales, probablement en raison des taille et durée relativement petites de l'épisode d'ouverture. La seconde partie présente une base de données unique d'OPC de plagioclase de roches mafiques plus ou moins déformées. Les OPC sont classées en 3 types principaux; leurs caractéristiques en fonction du régime de déformation (magmatique ou plastique) sont présentées et discutées. Les propriétés sismiques calculées des roches gabbroiques montrent que l'anisotropie tend à croitre avec l'intensité des fabriques, bien qu'elle soit généralement faible, en raison des effets opposés des olivines/clinopyroxènes et du plagioclase. / This thesis compiles two distinct studies that both document the control of microstructures on rock seismic properties. The first part deals with the development of crystallographic preferred orientations (CPO) in the uppermost mantle associated with melt/fluid-rock interactions, recorded in peridotites xenoliths from the Japan sea back-arc basin. The microstructural and geochemical characteristics of the studied samples reveal that active spreading is associated to uppermost mantle deformation similar to that observed in the Oman ophiolite. At the onset of back-arc spreading, there are no strong interactions between melt percolation and deformation in comparison to continental rift zones, probably due to the relatively small size and short duration of the spreading event. The second part presents a unique database of plagioclase CPO from variously deformed mafic rocks. CPO are grouped in three main types; their characteristics as a function of deformation regime (magmatic or crystal-plastic) are outlined and discussed. Calculated seismic properties of gabbroic rocks show that anisotropy tends to increase as a function of fabric strength, although it is generally weak, due to the competing effect of olivine/clinopyroxene and plagioclase.

Avaliação das cristas oclusais de pré-molar antes e depois de tratamento dental em equinos da raça mangalarga marchador

Dietrich, Lizzie de Oliveira January 2018 (has links)
As cristas oclusais dos equinos surgiram no processo evolucionário da espécie para aumentar sua capacidade de pastoreio e de trituração. A diferença de dureza dos tecidos dentários (cemento, dentina e esmalte) e a pressão mastigatória na superfície oclusal do dente hipsodonte promovem o aparecimento das cristas oclusais afiadas. O tratamento dentário visando o desgaste das desordens oclusais representa a melhor forma de evitar prejuízos digestórios e biomecânicos em cavalos de esporte. O objetivo deste estudo foi mensurar e comparar a altura das cristas oclusais (ACO) do quarto pré-molar antes e após o tratamento de odontoplastia. Foram avaliadas 10 éguas da raça Mangalarga Marchador, na faixa etária de 5 a 12 anos, sob manejo extensivo, mensurando a altura da crista oclusal (ACO) do Triadan 408 por meio de modelos de gesso antes, imediatamente após, 15 dias e 50 dias após a odontoplastia. Logo após o procedimento a ACO era apenas 21,9% da ACO de antes do equilíbrio oclusal; contudo em 15 dias da odontoplastia, 65,9% da ACO já estava reestabelecida, e em 50 dias após o procedimento, 80,3% da ACO. As ACOs dos pontos bucais ressurgiram antes das ACOs linguais, sugerindo uma maior pressão mastigatória destes pontos bucais. A pressão mastigatória e a diferença de dureza dos tecidos dentários oclusais favorece o rápido ressurgimento das cristas trituratórias. Conclui-se que aos 15 dias do tratamento dental, o equino já possui novamente capacidade trituratória do alimento, visto que ACO apresenta-se aparente na superfície oclusal do molar que sofreu odontoplastia. / The occlusal ridges of the equines appeared in the evolutionary process of the species to increase its capacity of grazing and trituration. The difference in hardness of dental tissues (cementum, dentin and enamel) and masticatory pressure on the occlusal surface of the hypsodont tooth promote the appearance of sharp occlusal ridges. Dental treatment aimed at the wearing down of occlusal disorders represents the best way to avoid digestive and biomechanical damages in sport horses, avoid severe fractures in molars. The aim of this study was to measure and compare the height of the occlusal ridges (HOR) of the fourth pre-molar before and after odontoplasty. Ten Mangalarga Marchador´s mares, aged 5 to 12 years, under extensive management, were evaluated by measuring the height of occlusal ridges (HOR) in Triadan 408, using plaster models before, immediately after, 15 days and 50 days after odontoplasty. Immediately after the procedure the HOR was only 21.9% of the HOR before the occlusal equilibration; however in 15 days of odontoplasty, 65.9% of HOR was already reestablished, and in 50 days after the procedure, 80.3% of HOR was. HOR in the buccal side resurfaced before the lingual HORs, suggesting the greater masticatory pressure of these buccal points. The masticatory pressure and the hardness difference of the occlusal dental tissues favors the rapid resurgence of the trituration ridges. It is concluded that 15 days after the dental treatment, the horse already has the triturational capacity of the food, since ACO is apparent on the occlusal surface of molar suffered in odontoplasty.

Syn-eruptive degassing of a single submarine lava flow : constraints on MORB CO₂ variability, vesiculation, and eruption dynamics / Constraints on Mid-ocean ridge basalts carbon dioxide variability, vesiculation, and eruption dynamics

Nakata, Dorene Samantha January 2010 (has links)
Thesis (S.M.)--Joint Program in Marine Geology and Geophysics (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences; and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution), 2010. / Cataloged from PDF version of thesis. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 33-37). / Mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORBs) exhibit a wide range of CO2 concentrations, reflecting saturation to supersaturation (and rarely undersaturation) relative to their emplacement depths. In this study, we explore the mechanisms of CO2 degassing and the implications this has for estimating the advance rates and durations of seafloor eruptions. We present dissolved volatile concentrations (mainly of CO 2 and H20) and vesicle size distributions (VSDs) for a unique suite of MORB glasses collected at the East Pacific Rise, ~9° 50' N. These MORB glasses were collected at -200 m intervals along an across-axis track over a single flow pathway within the recently emplaced 2005-06 eruption boundaries; systematic sample collection provides one of the first opportunities to characterize intra-flow geochemical and physical evolution during a single eruption at a fast-spreading ridge. Compared to measurements of MORB volatiles globally, dissolved H20 concentrations are relatively uniform (0.10 - 0.16 weight percent), whereas dissolved CO2 contents exhibit a range of concentrations (154 - 278 ppm) and decrease with distance from the EPR axis (i.e., eruptive vent). Ion microprobe analysis of dissolved volatiles within the MORB glasses suggest that the magma erupted supersaturated (pressure equilibrium with 920 - 1224 mbsf) and in near-equilibrium with the melt lens of the axial magma chamber (~1250 - 1500 mbsf), and degassed to near equilibrium (299 - 447 mbsf) with seafloor depths over the length of the flow. The decrease in CO 2 concentrations spans nearly the full range of dissolved CO2 contents observed at the EPR and shows that the varying degrees of volatile saturation that have been observed in other MORB sample suites may be explained by degassing during emplacement. Vesicularity (0.1 - 1.2%) increases with decreasing dissolved CO2 concentrations. We use vesicle size distributions (VSDs)-vesicle sizes and number densities-to quantify the physical evolution of the CO2 degassing process. VSDs suggest that diffusion of CO2 into preexisting vesicles, and not nucleation of new vesicles, is the dominant mechanism of increasing CO2 in the vapor phase. We also use VSDs, along with estimates of vesicle growth rates, to constrain emplacement time of the 2005-06 eruption to <~24 hours and to resolve variations in advance rate with down flow distance. / by Dorene Samantha Nakata. / S.M.

Tunnel Valley Genesis and Subglacial Dynamics in South-Central Ontario

Mulligan, Riley January 2019 (has links)
Glacial sediments are found across formerly glaciated regions across the world and host a variety of important resources, ranging from groundwater to hydrocarbons, aggregate material, and mineral deposits. In southern Ontario, Canada, thick successions (up to 200 m) of Quaternary glacial sediments are truncated by large valleys (>30km long, 2 to >8.5 km wide, and up to 200m deep) that formed subglacially and have characteristic morphology and infill stratigraphy. These valleys are interpreted as (a new class of) tunnel valleys and strongly affect groundwater resources and flow systems at local and regional scales. The overall context of the valleys is evaluated through an introduction to the study area, objectives, and background information on subglacial systems and geologic history of south-central Ontario (Chapter 1). Interpretation of valley genesis in Simcoe County is provided through an integrated, multi-faceted approach, involving: description of the morphology and sediment infill succession within the valleys from surficial mapping, sedimentological logging of continuously-cored boreholes, and geophysical surveys (Chapter 2); delineation and characterization of seismic architecture from high-resolution lake-based sub-bottom profiles in one of the valleys (Chapter 3); detailed site-scale field description of the internal characteristics of the regional Late Wisconsin till sheet in various subglacial settings (Niagara Escarpment, uplands, lowlands; Chapter 4); comparison of the characteristics of the subglacial bed within the study area to adjacent regions in southern Ontario (Chapter 5); and a synthesis of the major findings from all the different components of this investigation and suggestions for future work to shed further light on several questions that arise from this study (Chapter 6). Together, key data from these studies of tunnel valleys and related deposits – a near-continuous till sheet on the surface of uplands and along the flanks and floors of the tunnel valleys, multi-stage drumlinization of the till sheet following development of the tunnel valleys, variations in internal facies and physical properties within the till sheet in different subglacial settings, localized distribution of coarse-grained tunnel valley in-fill sediments, and gradational upward transitions from tunnel valley in-fills to fossiliferous proglacial lacustrine sediments – indicate multiple phases of subglacial meltwater, and direct subglacial, erosion and deformation contributed to the development of the valleys over a protracted time period during the Late Wisconsin. Landform and sediment associations within the valleys in Simcoe County and surrounding parts of the bed of the former Laurentide ice sheet in south-central Ontario, are inconsistent with previous conceptualizations involving the presence of large (>1000 km2) subglacial lakes and the storage and discharge of regional-scale subglacial meltwater sheetfloods followed by ice stagnation. This study provides new data and insight to help refine reconstructions and better understand the evolution of past ice dynamics and subglacial processes, evaluate competing theories of regional landscape evolution, and provide new conceptual and (hydro)stratigraphic frameworks for future hydrogeological investigations related to groundwater exploration and use. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Hydrothermal Transport in the Panama Basin and in Brothers Volcano using Heat Flow, Scientific Deep Sea Drilling and Mathematical Models

Kolandaivelu, Kannikha Parameswari 15 February 2019 (has links)
Two-thirds of submarine volcanism in the Earth's ocean basins is manifested along mid-ocean ridges and the remaining one-third is revealed along intraoceanic arcs and seamounts. Hydrothermal systems and the circulation patterns associated with these volcanic settings remove heat from the solid Earth into the deep ocean. Hydrothermal circulation continues to remove and redistribute heat in the crust as it ages. The heat and mass fluxes added to the deep ocean influence mixing in the abyssal ocean thereby affecting global thermohaline circulation. In addition to removing heat, hydrothermal processes extract chemical components from the oceanic and carry it to the surface of the ocean floor, while also removing certain elements from seawater. The resulting geochemical cycling has ramifications on the localized mineral deposits and also the biota that utilize these chemical fluxes as nutrients. In this dissertation, I analyze observed conductive heat flow measurements in the Panama Basin and borehole thermal measurements in Brothers Volcano and use mathematical models to estimate advective heat and mass fluxes, and crustal permeability. In the first manuscript, I use a well-mixed aquifer model to explain the heat transport in a sediment pond in the inactive part of the Ecuador Fracture Zone. This model yields mass fluxes and permeabilities similar to estimates at young upper oceanic crust suggesting vigorous convection beneath the sediment layer. In the second manuscript, I analyze the conductive heat flow measurements made in oceanic between 1.5 and 5.7 Ma on the southern flank of the Costa Rica Rift. These data show a mean conductive heat deficit of 70%, and this deficit is explained by various hydrothermal advective transport mechanisms, including outcrop to outcrop circulation, transport through faults, and redistribution of heat by flow of hydrothermal fluids in the basement. In the third manuscript, I analyze the borehole temperature logs for two sites representative of recharge and discharge areas of hydrothermal systems in the Brothers Volcano. I develop upflow and downflow models for fluids in the borehole and formation resulting in estimated of flow rates and permeabilities. All three independent research works are connected by the common thread of utilizing relatively simple mathematical concepts to get new insights into hydrothermal processes in oceanic crust. / PHD / Two-thirds of underwater volcanic activity in the Earth’s ocean basins is exhibited in areas where new material for Earth’s outer shell is created and the remaining one-third is displayed along areas where the outer shell is destroyed. In these areas, hot springs that are under water and their water movement patterns remove heat from the solid outer shell and puts it into the deepest parts of the ocean. Hot water circulation continues to remove and redistribute heat and various chemical elements in the shell as it grows old. This heat and chemical elements, which get added to the deep ocean water, influences the way water mixes and forms layers in the world oceans. This also affects the movement of ocean currents. The chemical elements removed from the shell by hot water gets deposited as minerals on the ocean floor in places where hot springs arise. This variety of minerals provides nutrients for different marine organisms. In this work done during my PhD studies, I examine the heat and temperature that was measured in the Panama Basin and Brothers Volcano. I utilize these examinations to build simple math models to find out how much heat and chemical components are being added to the deep ocean water. I also find out the methods in which the hot water springs appear on the ocean floor and the patterns in which the hot water circulates in the Earth’s outer shell. All of these estimates will help the scientists who are studying the patterns and changes in ocean currents by giving them a number on how much heat is released from the inside of the Earth.

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