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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Det nya betaltjänstdirektivet PSD2 : Kommande möjligheter och utmaningar för banker och tredjepartsaktörer inom den svenska finansiella marknaden

Holm, Linn, Persson, Lina January 2017 (has links)
I januari 2018 kommer det nuvarande EU-direktivet PSD att ersättas av det nya betaltjänstdirektivet Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2). Motiven bakom direktivets införande är bland andra att bidra till en förenkling för tredjepartsaktörer att inträda betaltjänstmarknaden samt öka valmöjligheten för konsumenten. Idag domineras betaltjänstmarknaden främst av banker, något som direktivet utformats för att motverka. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur väl några av direktivets motiv stämmer överens med aktörernas uppfattning av direktivets påverkan samt även undersöka vilka möjligheter och utmaningar banker och tredjepartsaktörer ser att det nya direktivet innebär för dem och marknaden. Uppsatsen är genomförd som en fallstudie där semistrukturerade intervjuer med banker och tredjepartsaktörer varit den främsta datainsamlingsmetodiken. Fallstudien visade att aktörernas uppfattning av direktivet till stora delar stämmer bra överens med motiven för direktivet. Samtliga aktörer har en förhållandevis positiv bild av direktivet och ser en mängd olika möjligheter med direktivet. Samarbetet mellan banker och tredjepartsaktörer ses som en av de större möjligheterna. Utmaningarna som aktörerna står inför är varierande beroende på typ av aktör. Studien visade att det finns en del utmaningar som kan komma att begränsa antalet nya aktörer på marknaden. Samtliga möjligheter och utmaningar presenteras i fallstudiens sjätte avsnitt. / In January 2018, the current EU directive PSD will be replaced by the new Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2). The motives behind the implementation of the directive are, inter alia, to help simplify third party providers entering the payment service market and increasing consumer choice. Today, the payment service market is uppermost dominated by banks, something that the directive is designed to counteract. The purpose of this study is to investigate how well some of the motives of the directive are in line with the actors' perception of the impact of the directive, as well as investigate what opportunities and challenges banks and third party providers see that the new directive implies for them and the market. The essay was conducted as a case study, where semistructured interviews with banks and third party players were the primary data collection methodology. The case study showed that the actors' perception of the directive largely complies with the motives for the directive. All actors have a relatively positive view of the directive and see a wide range of possibilities with the directive. Cooperation between banks and third parties is seen as one of the major opportunities. The challenges that the stakeholders face are varied depending on the type of actor they represent. The study showed that there are some challenges that may limit the number of new players in the market. All possibilities and challenges are presented in the sixth section of the case study.

Směrnice o volném pohybu služeb a její implementace v českém právu / The Directive on the free movement of services and its implementation in the Czech law

Hrabal, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the Directive on the free movement of services (Directive 2006/123/EC, on services in the internal market) and its implementation in the Czech law. The thesis is divided into four parts. In the first part, there is a brief overview of the regulation of the free movement of services and the freedom of establishment in the primary law of the European Union. The second part examines the Directive itself while analysing the process of its enactment and then examines its content in comparison with the existing legal regulation and specifies the contributions of the Directive to the provision of services in the internal market. The third part provides an overview of the implementation in the European Union Member States and constitutes the basis for comparison for the assessment of the Czech legal regulation. The fourth part explores the implementation of the Directive in the Czech Republic while assessing its quality on the basis of the analysis of the two implementing acts, comments of the European Commission and comparison with the regulation in other Member States. The result of the thesis is that due to the omission of the country of origin principle from the draft, the Directive was deprived of an element which would make of it a fundamental shift in the regulation of the...

Tarptautinės prekybos paslaugomis plėtros tendencijos Lietuvoje / Tendencies of international trade in services in Lithuania

Butrimavičius, Nedas 03 July 2012 (has links)
Pasaulyje vyksta aktyvūs procesai dėl eksporto politikos skatinimo, investicijų, didesnio prekių ir paslaugų mainų balanso, inovacijų pritraukimo, t.y. veiksnių sąlygojančių ekonominio vystymosi tempus, vis svarbesnį vaidmenį priskiriant tarptautinei prekybai paslaugomis. Darbo aktualumas siejamas su neišnaudotu paslaugų augimo potencialu tarptautinėje prekyboje, kuris suteikia galimybes paslaugų sektoriui gauti didesnę pelno normą ir pritraukia kapitalą bei darbo jėgą iš tradicinių veiklų įmonių, todėl paslaugų plėtra turėtų išlikti pagrindiniu ekonominių ir socialinių permainų katalizatoriumi. Tyrimo tikslas– išryškinti tarptautinės prekybos paslaugomis teorinius aspektus ir pagrįsti plėtros tendencijas Lietuvoje. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Išanalizuoti pagrindinius paslaugų klasifikavimo principus, atskleidžiant paslaugų plėtros tendencijas, barjerus ir ES Paslaugų direktyvos svarbą plėtros procesams; 2. Remiantis sudarytu tiriamuoju tarptautinės prekybos paslaugomis modeliu, atlikti tarptautinės prekybos paslaugomis plėtros Lietuvos atžvilgiu, tyrimą ir pristatyti ekspertų nuomonių apklausos rezultatus; 3. Parengti tarptautinės prekybos paslaugomis plėtros Lietuvoje prognozės, apibrėžiant galimybes, kliūtis ir pagrindžiant plėtros tendencijas. Tyrimo metodai: mokslinės literatūros analizė, statistinių duomenų analizė, lyginamoji analizė, anketinė apklausa, prognozavimas. Tyrimu atskleista, kad tarptautinės prekybos paslaugomis tendencijas tikslinga vertinti pagal suteikiamų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / International trade in services grown significantly, yet little research has been undertaken to understand international services. Major features of services have much in common with other services, being, however, more closely related to country’s economy. The actuality of the study is related to the potential of increase of services in domestic market in hand which gives possibilities to service sector get higher rate of profit and attracts capital and labour force from enterprises of traditional activity, therefore the development of services should remain the main catalyst of economical and social changes. The goal of the work – to highlight the theoretical aspects of international trade in services and foresee the main tendencies of Lithuanian international trade in services. Tasks are presented: 1. Analyze the main types of International services classification and exploring tendencies of development, to set barriers and instruments of regulation EU Services Directive. 2. According to holistic model of evaluation of development of international trade in services, to make research of Lithuanian International trade in services and set the results form experts’ survey. 3. Forecasts the development tendencies of Lithuanian International trade in services, barriers and propose possibilities. Methods of investigation: referring to the studies of foreign and Lithuanian scientists, analysis and synthesis of literature, survey of experts, forecasting methods. The study... [to full text]

Political Representation in the European Union : A Multi-Channel Approach

Mårtensson, Moa January 2015 (has links)
The European Union (EU) is the most far-reaching attempt yet undertaken to institutionalize democratic policy-making beyond the nation-state. To what extent, and in what ways, do various channels of representation contribute towards the realization of this aim? This dissertation takes stock of current research on the EU’s system of representation, and seeks to expand its agenda so that this central question can be properly addressed. In contrast to prior empirical work in the field, the dissertation employs research designs that incorporate several forms of representation into a unified evaluative framework. This multi-channel approach to political representation paves the way for a systematic comparison of how different forms of representation (electoral, territorial and corporate) perform in the EU context. It also makes possible an empirical assessment of a key proposition in current representation theory: that elections, in large and heterogeneous political systems, are outperformed by other forms of representation. The three articles in the dissertation draw on existing cross-country data, interviews with policy-makers and a new dataset collected by the author. They scrutinize representation in three principal channels: electoral representation in the European Parliament, government representation in the preparatory bodies of the Council of Ministers, and representation through organized interests that seek to influence EU policy. The first article examines the balance of power that has emerged between these three channels of representation in the EU’s legislative process, and how the current balance is likely to affect the Union’s legitimacy. The second article investigates how different channels of representation perform in terms of providing linkage between Brussels-based representatives and their domestic principals. The third article examines the extent to which different channels of representation contribute to the coordination of EU policy-making domestically, at the European level, and across the two levels of government. Finally, this dissertation makes a methodological contribution by applying social network analysis (SNA) to classic problems of representation within and across different channels of representation. This approach is novel to the field. Researchers should be able to exploit SNA and relational data fruitfully in the future, in the study of representational relationships in the EU and numerous other contexts.

Les services offerts sur le domaine public et le droit de l'Union européenne / Services provided in areas belonging to the public domain in the light of European law

Usai, Andrea 22 May 2015 (has links)
Tout d'abord, en ce qui concerne le premier chapitre, cette thèse vise à vérifier l'impact des normes des Traités, comme, par exemple, la liberté d'établissement et la libre prestation de services, par rapport aux activités économiques qui sont offerts sur les espaces domaniales. Ensuite, après avoir examiné la jurisprudence de la Cour de justice en matière de services, en ce qui concerne le deuxième chapitre, nous avons examiné aussi l'impact des principes généraux du droit européen et de l'art. 16 de la Charte des Droits Fondamentaux sur les services offerts sur le domaine public. En ce qui concerne le troisième chapitre, nous avons adressé un examen approfondi de la Directive « Services » : après avoir analysé sa genèse, plutôt problématique et difficile, nous en avons décrit les objectifs et la ratio. Le résultat qui a émergé est une fragmentation du marché commun de services, en particulier pour ce qui concerne les services qu’on prend en examen dans cette recherche. L'une des phases les plus critiques par rapport à la Directive « Services », c'est sa transposition. Ce qui semble clair, c'est une fragmentation générale qui entrave l’achèvement et le bon fonctionnement du marché commun. Une fois qu'on a examiné le rôle de la directive « Bolkestein », on a montré la nécessité d'évaluer l'impact de cette norme sur les services offerts sur le domaine public. Dans le quatrième chapitre, on a décidé d'examiner le rôle des directives sur les contrats publics. D'un point de vue juridique, les contrats publics et les concessions sont deux choses distinctes, même si la logique sous-jacente à l’article 12 de la Directive « Services » et le principe de concurrence établissent que les espaces (et, indirectement, par conséquence, les services qui sont intéressés) concernés doivent être attribués dans le cadre d'une procédure de sélection publique. Il convient de rappeler que, avant la présentation d'une proposition de directive de la Commission Européenne pour réglementer les concessions, les principes applicables à ces dernières ont été (et sont encore aujourd’hui) empruntés à la discipline des contrats publics. Nous avons décidé de mettre en évidence comment l'état actuel des contrats publics et les concessions sont interconnectés. On montre aussi que les directives sur les marchés publics jouent un rôle important dans la régulation des types de concessions examinées dans le présent document. On a décidé d'examiner l'impact potentiel de la Directive « concessions ». Dans le cinquième et le sixième chapitre, nous avons examiné et comparé les différents systèmes des États membres de l’Union Européenne. En particulier, nous avons vu comment les concessions des plages sont réglementées en Italie, où, par exemple, il y a un problème juridique qui est loin d’être adressé, en France, en Croatie, en Portugal, et, finalement, en Espagne. Dans le septième et le huitième chapitre, nous avons choisi de parler du risque éventuel de violation des normes en matière d'aides d’État. / With regard to the first chapter, this thesis aims at analysing the impact of the Freedom of Establishment and of the Free Movement of Services on those economic activities which are offered in areas belonging to the public domain. Thus, after examining the relevant case-law of the ECJ in the field of services, in the second chapter what has been analysed is the impact of the general principles and of Art. 16 of the Charter on the services provided in areas belonging to the public domain. In the third chapter, a deep analysis of the Services Directive has been conducted: after addressing its genesis, which was quite problematic, both its objectives and its rationale have been analysed. What has emerged is a fragmentation of the internal market of services, especially with regard to the activities that are examined in this research. One of the most problematic issues related to that Directive is its implementation. Again, what has emerged is a fragmentation of the market of services. Thus, what has been addressed is the impact of the Directive on the services provided in areas belonging to the public domain. In the fourth chapter, the impact of the Public Contracts Directives has been examined. Legally speaking, public procurement contracts and concessions are different, even if the rationale beyond Art. 12 of the Services Directive together with the general principle of competition require the services at issue to be awarded through a selection procedure. Indeed, even before the adoption of what is now the Concessions Directive, the principles applicable to concessions have always been the same as those applicable to public procurement contracts. What emerges is that the public procurement contracts and concessions are strongly interconnected. The potential impact of the Concessions Directive has been addressed as well. In the fifth and in the sixth chapter a comparison between the Italian status quo with regard to those services provided in areas belonging to the public domain and the situation in Portugal, Croatia, France and Spain has been drawn. In the seventh and in the eighth chapter all the implications regarding potential violations of the State Aid rules have been addressed.

Through the Eyes of a Manager : A study on the perceived effects of PSD2 and the preparatory work of Swedish bank managers

Thorell, Jacob, Sjöstrand, Jesper January 2017 (has links)
The European financial market is rapidly changing with emerging fintechs targeting the banks’ traditional value chain, leveraging on their lower pace of innovation. The Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2) is put into force in 2018 and aims to open up the financial market to new competitors, thus, promoting positive competition. This study examines how the managerial perception of changes in the external environment, caused by PSD2, affects banks’ preparatory work. The study uses a mix of Market Based View and Resource Based View along with an extension of RBV, illuminating how capabilities and managerial cognition affects managerial action. Using a qualitative approach through an interview based comparison between managers of two Swedish banks, the study confirms the theories’ stating that managerial cognition of the external environment, comprised of perceived opportunities and threats, affects managerial preparatory actions. Additionally, the study shows that managers’ perception of organisational capabilities affects managerial action.

Bargeldloser Zahlungsverkehr und Drittmissbrauchshaftung in Europa / eine rechtsvergleichende Betrachtung der deutschen, englischen und spanischen Rechtsordnung mit besonderem Blick auf die europäische Zahlungsdiensterichtlinie 64/2007/EG

Stange, Enno 15 December 2009 (has links)
Die europäische Zahlungsdiensterichtlinie enthält ein detailliertes Haftungsregime für Drittmissbrauch im bargeldlosen Zahlungsverkehr, das von den Mitgliedstaaten bis Ende Oktober 2009 in nationales Recht umzusetzen war. Ziel der harmonisierten Haftungsregelungen ist die Verbesserung von Wettbewerbsfreiheit, Rechtssicherheit und Verbraucherschutz sowie die Minderung von Missbrauch. Eine rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung zeigt jedoch, dass die Haftungsordnung diesen Zielvorgaben nicht konsequent folgt und zudem von fundamentalen Grundsätzen des europäischen Haftungsrechts abweicht. / The European Payments Services Directive contains detailed liability regulations concerning the abuse of non cash payments. The deadline of transposal for this Directive passed in October 2009. The key aims of the harmonized liability rules are amendment of competition, legal certainty, consumer protection and future reduction of abuse. However, a comparative analysis reveals a considerable lack of consistency in relation to those goals and a renunciation of basic principles of European liability law.

Implementeringen av EU:s tjänstedirektiv i svensk rätt : Principerna om god förvaltning i EU:s tjänstedirektiv och processuell autonomi vid implementering av direktivet i svensk rätt

Hajdini, Adelina January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine how Sweden has implemented directive 2006/123/EC of the European Parliament and of the council of 12 December 2006 on services in the internal market, in the framework of the member states procedural- and institutional autonomy. The study will focus on the contributions to the Swedish law in the form of expressions of the principle of good administration, as a result of the implementation of the directive. The expressions of the principle of good administration were found in the main law "Act (2009:1079) on services in the internal market" where the majority of the directive's provisions were implemented in Swedish law. The study focuses on two expressions of the principle that simultaneously are news in Swedish law induced by the implementation of The Services Directive: the principle of necessity and liaison points of the authorities. With basis in the study of the implementation of The Services Directive as an EU secondary law act in Swedish law and the new expressions of the principle of good administration in Swedish law to fulfill the directive - the purpose of the study will include an analysis of the EU-law's impact on Swedish Administrative Law with focus on the legislation's format. The analysis will, among other things, refer to the different administrative law traditions in the two legal systems regarding the status of general principles of law, mainly the principle of good administration, in the field of administrative law.

Betaltjänstdirektivets inverkan på svensk rätt och dess processuella och institutionella autonomi

Zenunovic, Alma January 2013 (has links)
Denna magisteruppsats i offentlig rätt är ämnad att behandla implementeringen av direktivet om betaltjänster på den inre marknaden i svensk rätt. Betaltjänstdirektivet är väsentlig vid inrättande av den inre marknaden inom EU:s medlemsstater, då alla inre gränser skall avlägsnas för att möjliggöra fri rörlighet för varor, personer, tjänster och kapital; i det sammanhanget blir det viktigt med en modern och konsekvent rättslig ram för betaltjänster på EU-nivå. Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka implementeringen av de processuella och materiella bestämmelser i betaltjänstdirektivet som knyter an till principen om god förvaltning och därtill medlemsstaternas processuella och institutionella autonomi. Till de frågor som analyseras hör tolkning av begreppet god förvaltning och hur de utvalda principerna kan identifieras i svensk rätt genom implementeringen av direktivet. God förvaltning i denna uppsats förstås i vid mening som ett begrepp motsvarande vad enskilda har rätt att förvänta sig av det berörda förvaltningsorganet vid handläggning av ett enskilt ärende. Uppsatsen har visat att direktivet innehåller ett flertal bestämmelser som knyter an till principen om god förvaltning och som reglerar hur svenska myndigheter skall handlägga ärenden inom direktivets tillämpningsområde. Uppsatsen har också kunnat påvisa en tydlig påverkan på Sveriges processuella och institutionella autonomi.

Jednotná kontaktní místa a jejich přínos podnikatelům / Points of Single Contacts and their benefits to entrepreneurs

BERNARDOVÁ, Dana January 2014 (has links)
Subject of diploma theses "Points of Single Contact and their benefits to entrepreneurs" is to evaluate the contribution of activities Point of single contact for businesses, imposed by the Directive on services to help entrepreneurs doing business in the single market of the European Union. The work pursues the development of the internal market in particular freedom to provide services, describes how successfully the Services Directive is complied and how Points of Single Contact operate.

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