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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

D. Pedro II e as reformas administrativas no Brasil colônia / D. Pedro II and administrative reforms in Brazil colony

Carmo, Marcelo Lunardi do 25 May 2018 (has links)
Em 1668, D. Pedro assumiu o governo português, ainda como regente, devido a incapacidade de seu irmão D. Afonso VI. A conjuntura econômica, de finais do século XVII, não era favorável a Portugal. Muitas das possessões do Oriente estavam perdidas e o comércio de especiarias drasticamente reduzido, reflexo do conflito contra a República das Províncias Unidas. A Guerra da Restauração também infligiu grandes perdas aos cofres régios, mesmo com o fim das hostilidades os custos com a desmobilização das tropas foram sentidos por vários anos. O açúcar, que no início do século tinha gerado grandes lucros, sofria com a competição internacional e amargava constantes quedas nos preços. Nesse contexto de redução das receitas e aumento das despesas, medidas foram implementadas visando diversificar as fontes de rendimentos e, aumentar a eficiência dos mecanismos de controle da arrecadação de impostos, com intuito de diminuir os descaminhos das rendas régias. A aclimatação de especiarias, o fomento da economia do Maranhão, o aumento da fiscalização sobre a cultura do tabaco, estão entre as medidas empreendidas no período. A essas ações soma-se a tentativa de revitalizar a indústria açucareira. No presente trabalho pretendemos examinar se as ações implementadas no período foram fruto de um planejamento sistemático, ou, não podem ser consideradas como concorrentes, tendo sido apenas respostas as vicissitudes do período. As conclusões nos permitem afirmar, que observadas pela ótica das ideias econômicas que circulavam por Portugal no século XVII, essas reformas administrativas inseriam-se em um planejamento. / In 1668, D. Pedro assumed the Portuguese government, still as regent, due to the incapacity of his brother D. Afonso VI. The economic situation of the late seventeenth century was not favorable to Portugal. Many of the possessions of the East were lost and the trade of spices drastically reduced, reflecting the conflict against the United Provinces. The Restoration War also inflicted heavy losses on royal coffers, even with the end of hostilities the costs of demobilizing troops were felt for several years. Sugar, which at the beginning of the century had generated large profits, suffered from international competition and bitterly declined in prices. In this context of reducing revenues and increasing expenditures, measures were implemented to diversify sources of income and increase the efficiency of tax collection control mechanisms, in order to reduce the ruin of royal incomes. The acclimatization of spices, the promotion of the economy of Maranhão, and the increase in tobacco control are among the measures undertaken in the period. To these actions is added the attempt to revitalize the sugar industry. In the present work we intend to examine whether the actions implemented were not the result of a systematic planning, or, can not be considered as competitors, and were only responses to the vicissitudes of the period. The conclusions allow us to state that, observed from the perspective of the economic ideas that circulated in Portugal in the seventeenth century, these administrative reforms were part of a planning.

Monitoring intellectual capital : a case study of a large company during the recent economic crisis / Le pilotage du capital immatériel : le cas d'une grande entreprise durant la crise économique récente

Guevara-Espejel, Daniel-Enrique 12 December 2011 (has links)
Now a day, the World has been experiencing the worst economic crisis since 1929, and this is considered as the “perfect storm”. In addition, the businesses and organizations are trying to be safe under this context. Based on Akerman cycle approach, this research focus on an organization case study that is trying to respond to an economic crisis it has been experiencing since 2009. Also, this investigation identifies how some of the businesses’ intangible assets are becoming relevant and they are trying to help during this situation, particularly right after the enterprise experienced some years of expansion and growth. The intangible assets considered are included in the intellectual capital taxonomy of the organization and also are grouped in the human, structural and relational capital sets. Moreover, there is a specific monitor of one of the intangible assets and it is more related to the sales quotation rat / Le monde connaît aujourd’hui la plus grande crise depuis 1929, considérée par les chercheurs comme une «tempête parfaite». Dans ce contexte, les entreprises tentent de s’en sortir en cherchant des solutions et des alternatives possibles. Cette recherche se focalise sur l’étude du cas d’une grande entreprise qui tente de réagir face à la crise économique qu’elle subit depuis 2009. En se basant sur l’approche des cycles économiques d’ Akerman, cette recherche identifie la manière dontcertains actifs immatériels de l’entreprise deviennent importants en constituant des leviers capables d’apporter de l’aide dans une situation de crise, en particulier, lorsque l’entreprise a connu des années de croissance et de développement auparavant. Les actifs immatériels que nous considérons font partie du capital intellectuel de l’entreprise. Nous entendons par capital intellectuel, le capital humain, structurel et relationnel de l’entreprise. Il y a un pilotage spécifique de l'un des actifs immatériels, lié au taux de cotation des ventes.

Drivers of macroeconomic imbalances and their resolution / Déséquilibres macroéconomiques et leur résolution

Diaz Sanchez, José Luis 13 June 2014 (has links)
Déséquilibres macroéconomiques et leur résolution. / Large imbalances in both the US and within the Eurozone preceded the global financial and economic crisis of 2008-2009 (the Great Recession). Ex-post, it seems surprising that not enough attention was given to the fast rise of these imbalances -especially to the development of housing price bubbles- by economists, and even less by policy makers. A long period of relatively low macroeconomic volatility occurring between the mid-1980s to the late 2000s -the so called “Great Moderation”- along with the underestimation of the existence of bubbles in asset prices gave the impression that the large crises of the past were unlikely to reappear. Many economic commentators even saw this as a sign of the decreased relevance of the International Monetary Fund since the global financial stability seemed warranted. The policy of low inflation was viewed by most in the economics profession as more than sufficient to maintain macro stability, and the efficient market hypothesis, developed first by Eugene Fama in the 1970s, dominated the macro-models used in the academia, international organizations, and in central banks (Shiller’s best seller “Irrational Exuberance”was among one of the courageous exceptions). As a result of this inattention, the fast unwinding of these imbalances plunged in 2008-2009 the global economy in an unprecedented crisis -by many measures- since the Great Depression. The recovery from the Great Recession has been slow, with a “double-dip” recession in the Eurozone, and the prospects for a return to sustained high growth still remain uncertain.

Vliv ekonomické krize na podnikatelské aktivity společnosti ČSA

Šemberová, Jana January 2010 (has links)
The thesis deals with economical and accounting results of the national airline operator of the Czech Republic, Czech Airlines, Inc. (further referred to as CSA), and the global economical crisis effect on airline operators. This crisis hit all sectors of economic activity, including air transport, in the years 2008-2009. The main objective of this thesis is an evaluation of the anti-crisis measures CSA adopted during the last 5 years and its impact on the company's economy, especially on the operating income or operating loss which managed to be 3.7 billion Kc in 2009. The thesis is divided into three chapters. The first chapter is dedicated to basic characteristics of CSA, specifically its historical development, transport net progress and the current position of CSA on the air transport market. The second chapter talks about the operational and economical situation at CSA and the third chapter explains reclassification activities of CSA and its attempts for recovery.

Japonská hospodářská krize v 90. letech minulého století a její odkaz dnešku / Japanese economic crisis of 90th of the previous century and its reference today

Bašlajeva, Taťjana January 2011 (has links)
This thesis analyzes the Japanese economic crisis that broke out in the country in the 90th the 20th century after the fall of the mortgage bubble and compares it with the latest economic crisis that began in the fall of the U.S. real estate bubble. The work explores the roots of the Japanese crisis in the 80th years after the actual course of the 90th years. It focuses on the financial crisis of 1997-1998 in detail and its consequences and implications for Japan. Further work briefly addresses new economic crisis, its course in the United States and spread to the world. Furthermore, analyzing the causes and reasons, looking for possible solutions and compares with the Japanese crisis.

Daňové příjmy obcí v době hospodářské krize / Municipal tax revenues in times of economic crisis

Fajtová, Kristýna January 2011 (has links)
The economic crisis has affected more or less all areas of human life. One of them is of courese the issue of municipal budgets, whose incomes have experienced some changes during the crisis. In this paper first discribes the various tax revenues of municipalities, briefly characterize how the revenues from shared taxes and revenues from municipal taxes and property tax. It also discusses the situation in specific cities, which are Ždírec na Doubravou, Nová Paka and Teplice, where I analyze their individual income tax and municipal taxes policy and policy related to property tax. In the last part complete my analysis some answers to questions which I gave to members of city council of the reasons to some information. Based on collected information, I found that cities in times of economic crisis, fought with a reduction in the budget and trying to change the structure of local taxes and by increasing property tax rates, but each city dealt with this situation differently.

Vývoj zbožového zahraničního obchodu zemí EU v roce 2010 - v kontextu hospodářské krize / The development of foreign merchandise trade of the EU countries in 2010 - in the context of economic crisis

Červená, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
An important role in the global economy certainly plays international trade. Removing barriers to international trade contributes to better competitiveness and economic growth. This paper is focused on foreign merchandise trade of the European Union countries towards third countries (ie. excluding intra-trade).The aim of this paper is to identify important features of the development of foreign merchandise trade of the European Union in 2010 in the context of economic crisis in the years 2007 - 2009, to determine the potential effects of merchandise trade on solution of the consequences of the crisis and also provide an outline of the economic competitiveness of the European Union and prospects of the future development of EU foreign merchandise trade. The method of work comprises the analysis of statistical data linked to considerations arising from the current social, economic and political development.

Daňové příjmy obcí v době hospodářské krize / Tax revenues of municipalities in times of economic crisis

Konvička, Michal January 2010 (has links)
The thesis looks at tax income development in selected municipalities during economic crisis, that started at the and of 2008. The selected municipalities are Karlova Studánka, Dobrá and cities Bílovec and Opava. The thesis takes into account proposed changes in tax assignment, which have not yet been approved by parliament. The proposed change is expected to increase income of municipalities from shared taxes. The first two chapters contain general description of municipality financing and development of tax assignment since the formation of czech tax system. Third chapter focuses on the impact of the financial crisis on the local and regional governments of European countries. Fourth chapter contains analysis of local and property taxes development in selected municipalities focused on crisis years. Last chapter provides a calculation of tax income from shared taxes for selected municipalities according to proposed model of tax assignment.

Podobnosti a odlišnosti Velké deprese a hospodářské krize v letech 2008 a 2009 / Similarities and differences in the Depression and the economic crisis in 2008 and 2009

Moravcová, Marie January 2012 (has links)
This thesis focuses on two of the biggest economic crisis that hit the world over the past hundred years. Because both crises have several common and different features, the main aim of this work to compare the results of analyzes of both the crisis in terms of identifying their similarities and differences. The main goal is the specifics of disability trends and macroeconomic contexts of monetary and fiscal policy in the crisis decades. The empirical part of this thesis is focused on the economy of the United States of America. In the methodological approach to monitor and analyze financial and economic crisis is distinguished from several time levels. This is an analysis of the same features and heterogeneities of the business cycle in the pre-crisis, crisis and post-crisis period.

Aktuální trendy v automobilovém průmyslu po globální ekonomické krizi se zaměřením na Škoda Auto a.s. / Current trends in the automotive industry after the global economic crisis, focusing on the car maker Škoda Auto, a.s.

Kikinčuk, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
The main aim of this Master's thesis is to describe global economic crisis and analyze it's impacts on these car powers -- USA, Germany, Japan and the Czech republic. The Master thesis includes analysis of current trends in the automotive industry -- alternative powertrains, emerging markets, new car segments or cooperation on the joint venture basis. The situation in the czech automotive industry is described focusing on the czech largest car maker Škoda Auto, a.s. One of the aims of this thesis is to point out, if the car maker Škoda Auto came out from the global crisis stronger or weaker and what about facing of Škoda to the current challenges in the automotive industry.

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