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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The time is ripe for the full recognition and protection by the law of same-sex marriages : blasphemy or benediction?

Chaitram, Arvin 01 1900 (has links)
This short dissertation is an appraisal of same-sex marriages. The traditional arguments against same-sex unions are examined and rejected as being circular, unconvincing and baseless. Some of the international developments on the subject of same-sex unions are examined and it is noted that a slow but distinct change in attitude towards same-sex marriages is beginning to emerge from international judiciaries. The legal position of people with same-sex orientation in the South African legal system is examined with special reference to our Constitution. It is submitted that our Constitution is the foremost vehicle for legal change in this regard and that the equality clause of our Constitution is authority for the recognition by the law of same-sex marriages. This dissertation concludes that same-sex marriages ought to be fully accepted and recognised by the law for reasons, inter alia, of fairness and equality for people of same-sex orientation. / Constitutional, International & Indigenous Law / LL. M.

Picketing in terms of the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995

Leysath, Lindon Clifford 11 1900 (has links)
Picketing, a method used by employees, collectively, to assert their demands against employers, is a controversial subject arising from the conflict of interest existing between labour and employers! Previously, South African law neither forbade nor regulated picketing. Consequently, no immunity from civil liability existed in relation to a person's conduct during a picket. Presently, picketing is regulated by section 17 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Act 108of19% (right to picket) and section 69 of the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995, which provides for a protected picket (one that complies with the requirements of section 69) whereby immunity from civil liability attaches to a person's conduct during a picket. These provisions and their coexistence is examined, comparing foreign law where relevant, in an attempt to provide a foundation for a topic relatively disregarded. Section 69 reveals elements of uncertainty and vagueness. / Law / LL.M.

Правни стандард једнаког третмана у међународној трговини / Pravni standard jednakog tretmana u međunarodnoj trgovini / Legal Standard of Equal Treatment in International Trade

Popović Aleksandar 09 October 2014 (has links)
<p>Трговина спада у најстарије привредне активности на основу којих се врши размјена добара са циљем остварења профита. Она није само у функцији међународне размјене роба, него представља један од најзначајнијих фактора развоја друштва. Она је истовремено и творац норми које се баштине у најстарије изворе људске цивилизације. На овај начин она је директно учествовала на настанак права и правне науке. Велику улогу у&nbsp; развоју трговине, нарочито у периоду глобализације међународних економских односа и међународног тржишта су имале међународне организације од којих посебно мјесто припада Свјетској трговинској организацији.<br />Националне привреде различитих држава се међусобно повезују кроз међународне трговинске односе, а правна регулатива представља незаобилазну претпоставку њихове реализације.<br />Руководна идеја СТО је оличена у читавом правном систему норми које прије свега почивају на слободи трговине и прокламацији система недискриминације и једнакости свих учесника на тржишту.<br />У функцији остварења ове&nbsp; идеје постоји читав низ начела од којих централно мјесто заузимају слобода међународне трговине, системи најповлашћеније нације и националног третмана, монопол, принцип преференцијалног третмана, начело недискриминације, начело заштите националног тржишта, начело пропорционалности и многа друга, а без њиховог постојања би било немогуће замислити организовану слободну трговину.<br />Стандард једнаког третмана представља средство реализације једнаке конкурентске шансе свим субјектима на свјетском тржишту, а забрана дискриминације оличена у систему најповлашћеније нације и националног третмана представља камен темељац за реализацију система изједначења субјеката спољнотрговинског пословања, успостављања и даљег развоја међународних трговинских односа.<br />Особине стандарда једнаког третмана у праву СТО, данас, ваља посматрати у контексту заштите интереса очекивања као општег правног постулата реализације односа и сарадње њених чланица. Овакав &bdquo;интерес очекивања&ldquo; &ndash; &bdquo;expectation interest&ldquo;, заслужује правну заштиту, а њу&nbsp; обезбјеђује право СТО, активирањем механизма рјешавања спорова. Ови механизми истовремено представљају и кључни камен темељац очувања СТО, без које не би било могуће замислити одвијање међународне трговине.</p> / <p>Trgovina spada u najstarije privredne aktivnosti na osnovu kojih se vrši razmjena dobara sa ciljem ostvarenja profita. Ona nije samo u funkciji međunarodne razmjene roba, nego predstavlja jedan od najznačajnijih faktora razvoja društva. Ona je istovremeno i tvorac normi koje se baštine u najstarije izvore ljudske civilizacije. Na ovaj način ona je direktno učestvovala na nastanak prava i pravne nauke. Veliku ulogu u&nbsp; razvoju trgovine, naročito u periodu globalizacije međunarodnih ekonomskih odnosa i međunarodnog tržišta su imale međunarodne organizacije od kojih posebno mjesto pripada Svjetskoj trgovinskoj organizaciji.<br />Nacionalne privrede različitih država se međusobno povezuju kroz međunarodne trgovinske odnose, a pravna regulativa predstavlja nezaobilaznu pretpostavku njihove realizacije.<br />Rukovodna ideja STO je oličena u čitavom pravnom sistemu normi koje prije svega počivaju na slobodi trgovine i proklamaciji sistema nediskriminacije i jednakosti svih učesnika na tržištu.<br />U funkciji ostvarenja ove&nbsp; ideje postoji čitav niz načela od kojih centralno mjesto zauzimaju sloboda međunarodne trgovine, sistemi najpovlašćenije nacije i nacionalnog tretmana, monopol, princip preferencijalnog tretmana, načelo nediskriminacije, načelo zaštite nacionalnog tržišta, načelo proporcionalnosti i mnoga druga, a bez njihovog postojanja bi bilo nemoguće zamisliti organizovanu slobodnu trgovinu.<br />Standard jednakog tretmana predstavlja sredstvo realizacije jednake konkurentske šanse svim subjektima na svjetskom tržištu, a zabrana diskriminacije oličena u sistemu najpovlašćenije nacije i nacionalnog tretmana predstavlja kamen temeljac za realizaciju sistema izjednačenja subjekata spoljnotrgovinskog poslovanja, uspostavljanja i daljeg razvoja međunarodnih trgovinskih odnosa.<br />Osobine standarda jednakog tretmana u pravu STO, danas, valja posmatrati u kontekstu zaštite interesa očekivanja kao opšteg pravnog postulata realizacije odnosa i saradnje njenih članica. Ovakav &bdquo;interes očekivanja&ldquo; &ndash; &bdquo;expectation interest&ldquo;, zaslužuje pravnu zaštitu, a nju&nbsp; obezbjeđuje pravo STO, aktiviranjem mehanizma rješavanja sporova. Ovi mehanizmi istovremeno predstavljaju i ključni kamen temeljac očuvanja STO, bez koje ne bi bilo moguće zamisliti odvijanje međunarodne trgovine.</p> / <p>Trade is one of the oldest economic activities of exchange of goods with the aim to gain profit.Its main purpose is not only international exchange of goods, but is also one of the most important factors of social development.It is also a designer of norms which are believed to be the oldest sources of human civilization. Thus, it has directly influenced the creation of law and legal science.In the development of trade, especially in the period of globalization of international economic relations and international trade, an important role has been played by international organisations, especially World Trade Organisation.<br />National economies of different countries are interrelated through international trade, and legal jurisprudence represents inevitable assumption for their realisation.<br />The leading idea of WTO is reflected in the entire legal system of norms which are primarily based on free trade and non-discrimination system and equality of all market holders.<br />The realization of the idea is supported by a number of principles where the central place is held by free international trade, most- favoured nation systems and national treatment, monopole, preference treatment principle, non-discrimination principle, protection of national market principle, proportionality principle and many others, and without their existence it would be impossible to imagine an organized free trade.<br />The equal treatment standard represents the means of realization of equal competition opportunities for all subjects at the world market, and ban on discrimination reflected in the most-favoured nation system and national treatment represents a foundation stone for the realization of the foreign trade subject equation system, establishment and further development of international trade relations.<br />The characteristics of equal treatment standard in WTO law today should be viewed in the context of expectation interest protection as a general legal principle of realization of relations and co-operation of its members.Such &bdquo;expectation interest&ldquo;deserves legal protection, provided by WTO, by activating the dispute resolution mechanisms.These mechanisms also represent a key stepping stone of the preservation of WTO, without which it would be impossible to imagine the international trade activities.</p>

Právní otázky limitů využití území v územním plánu obce z pohledu životního prostředí / Legal issues of limitation of land use in municipal land use plan from the point of view of the environment

Kodetová, Kristýna January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this Master Thesis is to introduce the term of the land use limits in context with the urban planning process and protection of environment. The first and second chapter contains of the specification and clarifications of the key terms - land use limits, urban planning process, its instruments, urban planning documentation etc. Third chapter of the Master thesis defines the function and status of the land use limits in the urban planning process. Following chapter which includes the introduction of the individual types of the land use limit including the concrete examples which we can encounter in the urban planning process and which are important for the protection of the environment. The key fifth chapter includes the analysis of the issues of the land use limits classification in the land use plans according to the previous legal regulation and according to the contemporary legal regulation. The explanation of the differences between the municipal land use plan adoption processes follows. In conclusion there is an analysis of the incorrect classification of the land use limits in the land use plans and its consequences. The important part of this analysis is the introduction of case law of the Supreme Administrative Court of the Czech Republic related to this issue (including the case...

Sanace rodiny drogově závislých rodičů / Rehabilitation of family drug addicted parents

Dubová, Tereza January 2012 (has links)
DUBOVÁ, T. Rehabilitation of family drug addicted parents. Key words: Abstinence - oriented treatment, Dependance syndrome, Dysfunctional family, Rehabilitation of family, Resocialization, Withdrawal syndrome This thesis addresses the issue of drug addiction and parenting. It focuses on society's view on drug addicted parents and briefly defines the concept of addiction. The core work is the rehabilitation of these families and its various forms. It describes the role of professional institutions that deal with protecting the interests of the child and work with drug addicted parents and contributes to the rehabilitation of the family. The work also includes specific aspects of women's drug addiction and the consequences of substance use during pregnancy on the child. At the end of the theoretical chapter is devoted to professional institutions and their programs to work with the family. The practical part of this thesis includes three case studies that describe families of drug addicted parents and the way their efforts to restore or maintain the family.

Činnost střediska výchovné péče z pohledu kurátora pro děti a mládež / Activities of the juvenile correction centre from the point of view of an officer in charge of youth at risk

Kučerová, Anděla January 2012 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the activity of an educational care centre as an institution which provides services for children who show negative signs in their behaviours and prone to develop behavioural disorders, as well as for their families. The centre also offers help to clients of a children and youth curator, whose role, as part of providing social and legal protection, is mentioned in the first chapter. In addition, attention is given to basic principles of a multidisciplinary cooperation and rehabilitation of a family. Another part describes the activity of the centre, an organisation providing preventive educational care for clients, and specific services of the centre. In the practical part the centre activity is portrayed by children and youth curators. The objective of the thesis is to evaluate the benefits of the educational care centre from the point of view of an OSPOD (a government body for social and legal protection of children) employee and asses what opportunities the centre offers when preventing institutional care and as part of rehabilitation of a family with a child who has behavioural issues.

Právní úprava ochrany dřevin / Legal regulation of the protection of woodspecies

Hodějovský, Michael January 2013 (has links)
The aim of the thesis "Legal regulation of the protection of woodspecies" is to summarize the main instruments of the Czech law to ensuring the protection of woody plants. The thesis focuses mainly on the current legislation in the Czech Republic. The thesis is divided into seven chapters. The first part of the thesis defines the woody plant in the meaning of law, its functions and questions of its protection. The other parts of the thesis describe legal regulation of woody plants in a lot of different czech statutes. In the conclusion were made some suggestions, how to improve the current legal regulation of woody plants in the Czech Republic.

Možnosti využití úkolově orientovaného přístupu v praxi OSPOD / Application possibilities of a task centred aprroach in the department of social and legal protection of children practice

Sedláková, Eliška January 2019 (has links)
140 Abstract GOALS: Intention of my diessertation work was to answer the main research question: "What is the utilazation rate of TCA when working with involuntary clients of social workers from CPS in the capital city of Prague and selected CPS in Vysocina region?". Theoretical starting-points: Basic signs of TCA are partnerships and strenghten. In terms of TCA the success depends on How people can actively participate and understand the process of helping. Clients role is active and he is participating everything what has been happening in the whole process of helping. Task centered approach says, that experience from your own decision is more usefull then just assuming how the future situation could be. TCA holds the idea, which just a little success build up self-confidence and self-esteem. Accomplishing of goals and achieving of another goal motivates a client. When smaller goals are set up there is a much more chance for possitive result of the whole advisory process. METHODS: Semistructured questionnaire has been used. The questionnaire have 47 questions, which are based on operationalization of main research question. RESULTS: The outcome of questionnaire investigation method is that the workers don`t use TCA, but in general in their practice we are able to identify some of the elements of approach.

La protection des écosystèmes forestiers d'Afrique centrale à l'épreuve des nécessités de développement socio-économique : cas du Cameroun / The protection of central Africain forest écosystèmes within the test of socioeconomic development needs : the case of Cameroon

Nkoue, Éléazar Michel 05 April 2019 (has links)
Les écosystèmes forestiers d’Afrique centrale en général, et ceux du Cameroun en particulier, sont très riches en ressources naturelles. Ils offrent de nombreuses opportunités aux populations pour leurs moyens de subsistance. Cependant, face à la mise en place du processus de développement socio-économique, ce milieu est confronté à de nombreuses menaces, notamment, la déforestation, la dégradation, le braconnage, la pollution, la surexploitation des ressources biotiques et abiotiques, etc. Le législateur camerounais, sous l’impulsion de l’action de la coopération internationale, a adopté plusieurs instruments juridiques internationaux et nationaux prévoyant des mesures de protection des écosystèmes forestiers durant la réalisation des projets de développement socio-économique. Toutefois, l'analyse minutieuse du dispositif normatif et institutionnel mis en place au Cameroun, montre que les mécanismes juridiques de protection des écosystèmes forestiers durant la réalisation des projets de développement socio-économique, quoique pluriels, restent ineffectifs et inefficaces. Beaucoup d’efforts restent encore à fournir sur certains aspects qualitatifs de la législation. L’application des mécanismes juridiques existants ne favorise pas l’atteinte des objectifs d’une protection efficace et efficiente des écosystèmes forestiers. Les problèmes liés aux ressources humaines et financières, de gouvernance forestière, d’incoordination institutionnelle, d’analphabétisme écologique, de la pauvreté généralisée des populations, de conflit entre la tradition et la modernité ont pour conséquence de relativiser l’effectivité et l’efficacité de la protection des espaces forestiers au Cameroun. Pour relever ce défi, il faut nécessairement mettre en œuvre de nombreuses actions, dont les plus pertinentes sont la reformulation du cadre législatif, l’amélioration du système de gouvernance et l’élaboration d’une convention internationale sur les forêts. / The forest ecosystems of Central Africa in general and those of Cameroon in particular, are very rich in natural resources. They offer many opportunities for people in terms of livelihoods. However, faced with the implementation of the process of socio-economic development, this environment is confronted with many threats including deforestation, degradation, poaching, pollution, overexploitation of biotic and abiotic resources, etc. The Cameroonian legislator, spurred by the action of international cooperation, has adopted several international legal instruments and has legislated on measures to protect forest ecosystems during the implementation of socio-economic development projects. However, a careful analysis of the normative and institutional framework put in place in Cameroon shows that the legal mechanisms for protecting forest ecosystems during the implementation of socio-economic development projects, although plural, remain ineffective and inefficient. There is still much work to be done on some aspects of legislation and enforcement of existing legal mechanisms to ensure that forest ecosystem protection objectives are effective and efficient. The problems of human and financial resources, forest governance, institutional incoordination, ecological illiteracy, widespread poverty of the people, conflict between tradition and modernity have the effect of putting into perspective the effectiveness and efficiency of the protection of forest ecosystems in Cameroon. Meeting this challenge requires the implementation of several actions, the most salient of which are the reformulation of the legislative framework, the improvement of governance and the elaboration of an international convention on forests.

Garantia fiduciária de direitos de crédito na recuperação judicial do fiduciante

Ferreira, Bruno Valladão Guimarães 03 February 2016 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:24:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Bruno Valladao Guimaraes Ferreira.pdf: 1578157 bytes, checksum: 9f0c2395454f5a2caebd72dc0fd1c3bc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-03 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This research is the based on the effectiveness of the private law and the civil freedom, which does not exist if there does not exist economic freedom. In fact, this work considers the idea of the judicial protection to the private investment as it is dedicated to the legal treatment of the credits, which has fiduciary guarantees, before the judicial restructuring proceeding of the debtor, considering that credit comes from saving, and saving is investment. The work presents issues which has been definitely decided by some courts, but which has not by some other courts. In addition, it brings other matters about which the doctrine and the courts has not issued much opinions and decisions yet. In addition, it presents the reason why the interest increases due the Brazilian insolvency law, bringing the opinion of some bank´s credit area heads. Finally, it concludes arguing that there is still legal insecurity from that legal treatment of those guarantees, which makes the interest higher, due to the increasing of part of the bank interest spread related to the cost of defaults / A linha de pesquisa deste trabalho é a efetividade do direito privado e liberdades civis, que não existem se não houver liberdade econômica. Com efeito, este trabalho tem em vista a proteção jurídica ao investimento privado, ao dedicar-se ao tratamento, na recuperação judicial, aos créditos garantidos pela propriedade fiduciária sobre direitos de crédito lembrando que o crédito advém da poupança e poupança é investimento. O trabalho apresenta temas pacificados em alguns tribunais, mas, aberto em outros; bem como hipóteses sobre as quais há escassa doutrina e jurisprudência. Além disso, expõe os fundamentos pelos quais os juros aos tomadores aumentam em decorrência da regulação em comento, com destaque para opinião dos próprios banqueiros sobre o tema. Por fim, conclui no sentido de que ainda há insegurança jurídica a respeito do tratamento, na recuperação judicial, àqueles créditos, insegurança essa que tem por consequência o aumento dos juros ao tomador, que, por sua vez, decorre da parcela do spread bancário correspondente ao custo com inadimplência

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