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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Développement de l'expertise chez les superviseurs de stage en formation à l'enseignement

Jacques, Audrey January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail présente une étude ayant pour but de décrire le développement de l'expertise chez les superviseurs de stage en éducation préscolaire et en enseignement primaire. Trois objectifs sont poursuivis. Il s'agit (1) d'analyser l'importance accordée aux différents rôles du superviseur par des superviseurs experts en éducation préscolaire et en enseignement primaire, (2) de décrire les perceptions que ces superviseurs ont à leur propre égard concernant leurs connaissances, compétences et habiletés, et enfin (3) de décrire le développement de leur expertise. Les données de cette recherche ont été recueillies à l'aide d'un questionnaire et d'un entretien en profondeur utilisés auprès de superviseurs experts. Le questionnaire a été rempli par 40 superviseurs d'universités québécoises francophones. Cinq entretiens ont été réalisés auprès de volontaires. Les résultats relatifs à l'importance des rôles du superviseur universitaire de stage indiquent que les experts considèrent le rôle de mentor comme étant le plus important, comparativement aux rôles d'interprète et de personne ressource. Ces résultats sont en partie similaires à ceux de Enz, Freeman et Wallin (1996). Par rapport à ces mêmes rôles, les résultats montrent, de plus, que les superviseurs estiment avoir augmenté leur niveau de compétences et de connaissances au cours de leur carrière comme superviseur. Ils estiment que leurs forces se situent dans les aspects pratiques, ainsi que dans les aspects plus personnels tels que des qualités liées à leur personnalité. Enfin, la recherche montre que l'expertise des superviseurs se développe grâce à leur intérêt pour ce rôle, à leur capacité d'analyse personnelle et réflexive, aux nombreuses situations problématiques qu'ils ont à résoudre, aux échanges qu'ils ont avec des personnes de leur entourage en milieu de travail et aux diverses formations et perfectionnements qu'ils suivent, tout cela sans oublier leur vie personnelle qui amène son lot d'expériences humaines. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Expertise, Superviseur de stage, Enseignement, Rôles.

Task Optimization and Workforce Scheduling

Shateri, Mahsa 31 August 2011 (has links)
This thesis focuses on task sequencing and manpower scheduling to develop robust schedules for an aircraft manufacturer. The production of an aircraft goes through a series of multiple workstations, each consisting of a large number of interactive tasks and a limited number of working zones. The duration of each task varies from operator to operator, because most operations are performed manually. These factors limit the ability of managers to balance, optimize, and change the statement of work in each workstation. In addition, engineers spend considerable amount of time to manually develop schedules that may be incompatible with the changes in the production rate. To address the above problems, the current state of work centers are first analyzed. Then, several deterministic mathematical programming models are developed to minimize the total production labour cost for a target cycle time. The mathematical models seek to find optimal schedules by eliminating and/or considering the effect of overtime on the production cost. The resulting schedules decrease the required number of operators by 16% and reduce production cycle time of work centers by 53% to 67%. Using these models, the time needed to develop a schedule is reduced from 36 days to less than a day. To handle the stochasticity of the task durations, a two-stage stochastic programming model is developed to minimize the total production labour cost and to find the number of operators that are able to work under every scenario. The solution of the two-stage stochastic programming model finds the same number of operators as that of the deterministic models, but reduces the time to adjust production schedules by 88%.

Social factors that affect the behaviour and productivity of gestating sows in an electronic sow feeding system

Strawford, Megan Leah 07 March 2006 (has links)
Previous research has shown that the productivity of sows housed in an Electronic Sow Feeding (ESF) system is affected by the housing management (static vs. dynamic), stage of gestation at mixing and parity. Familiarity has also been shown to affect the behaviour of group-housed sows. Thus, the objective of this experiment was to determine how the previously mentioned social factors affect the behaviour, physiology and productivity of sows housed in an ESF system. Sows were regrouped into either the static and dynamic pens. Within an introduction group, a subgroup of up to 24 focals sows was observed. The focal sows were chosen based on whether they were mixed pre vs. post-implantation (<12 vs. >46 days post-breeding), familiar vs. unfamiliar with group mates and parity (1st vs. 2nd and 3rd vs. 4th +). Aggression at mixing and at the feeder, injury scores, feeder entry order, space usage, salivary cortisol and farrowing productivity was recorded. The data was analyzed using Proc-Mixed and the General Model for SAS. Housing did not have a significant effect on the any of the parameters examined. Young sows had significantly more piglets born alive when housed in a dynamic system, while old sows had more piglets born alive when housed in a static system (p=0.03). Pre-implant sows initiated more aggressive encounters than post-implant sows (p=0.01). Post-implant sows ate later in the feeding cycle (p=0.03), rested on the slats more (p<0.001) and had higher salivary cortisol concentrations (p=0.0008). However, the cortisol concentrations increased throughout gestation for all sows (p<0.001). Familiarity did not have an effect on any of the variables examined except, familiar sows spent more time lying against the wall (p=0.03) and unfamiliar sows spent more time lying in the centre of the solid area of the pen (p=0.02). Old sows were involved in more aggressive encounters (p=0.04), spent more time fighting at mixing (p=0.02) and laid against the wall more (p<0.001). Young sows tended to received more scratches (p=0.07), ate later in the feeding cycle (p<0.001) and spent more time lying on the slats (p<0.001). Intermediate sows had significantly lower salivary cortisol concentrations (p=0.003). There was not a difference between the static and dynamic management systems. Sows should not be mixed until after embryonic implantation because they are more docile. The intermediate sows underwent the least amount of social stress due to their intermediate position within the dominance hierarchy.

The seasonal dynamics of chaetognath assemblages in relation to hydrographic factors in the waters surrounding Taiwan

Mei, Pu-kai 05 February 2010 (has links)
This study aims to study the species composition and distribution of chaetognaths in the waters surrounding Taiwan January 2005 to July 2006, and to explore the relationship between environmental factors and their dynamic distribution. Waters surrounding Taiwan are affected by monsoons and water masses. In winter, the northwestern Taiwan area is under the impact of low-temperature low-salinity China Coastal Current, but in summer, Taiwan Strait is affected by South China Sea Current going northward with high-temperature and high-salinity. As for eastern waters of Taiwan, Kuroshio current passes throughout the year so it is high-temperature and high-salinity. In July 2006, when three typhoons struck Taiwan, excessive fresh water from land flowed into the ocean and stations along the coast where low in salinity. This study identified a total of 28 species of chaetognath under 14 genera of 4 families, with average abundance at 475 ¡Ó 35 ind./100m3, which shows an obvious change related to seasons, relatively low in winter and spring and high in summer and fall. The seven most dominant species are: Flaccisagitta enflata, Serratosagitta pacifica, Zonosagitta littoralis, Pterosagitta draco, Aidanosagitta regularis, Aidanosagitta bedfordii and Aidanosagitta neglecta, accounting for 85% of the total abundance. The distribution of chaetognath in waters surrounding Taiwan is affected by the different water masses. The northwestern area where China Coastal Current passes through has high abundance but less number and low Shannon diversity index, but the eastern and southern waters dominated by Kuroshio current shows a completely different trend. From the results of multiple regression analysis, it is found that the abundance of chaetognath and F. enflata are in positive correlation with that of the abundance of copepod, indicating that the quantity of food might be a factor affecting the distribution of chaetognath. The second dominant species S. pacifica has no relation with hydrographic or biological factors, and the third dominant species Z. littoralis is in negative correlation with temperature and salinity. Along with the results of indicator species analysis, Z. littoralis can possibly be used as indicators species of China Coastal Current. The three predominant species are dominated by the Stage I and significantly less in other growth stages. The average body lengths (ABL) of F. enflata and S. pacifica are the larger in spring and smaller in fall, with obvious changes with seasons, but that of Z. littoralis is larger in winter and summer and smaller in spring and fall. Different water masses have impacts on distribution of weight mean stage (WMS) and ABL of chaetognath; for example, F. enflata and S. pacifica with the equivalent growth have larger bodies in Kuroshio current than in China Coastal Current, but Z. littoralis which prefers cold water shows an opposite trend. In addition, this study found that abundance, species, Shannon diversity index, WMS and ABL of chaetognath has no differences between day and night, but the succession of water masses in waters surrounding Taiwan may be an important factor affecting the distribution patterns of chaetognaths.

Automatic classification of Wake and Light Sleep using different combinations of EEG, EOG and EMG signals

Tsai, Tung-yuan 22 July 2010 (has links)
Currently, sleep staging is accomplished is by clinical polysomnography (PSG). By extracting features from different combinations of electroencephalogram (EEG), electrooculogram (EOG) and electromyogram (EMG) signals, this study uses neural network to perform sleep staging. A whole night and complete sleep stage contains wake stage, rapid eye movement (REM) stage, stage 1, stage 2, and slow wave sleep (SWS) stage. This project focuses on the classification of wake stage and light-sleep (stage 1 and 2). These three stages are classified by a two-step process. At first, wake stage and light-sleep are divided into two parts. Second, light sleep is divided into stage 1 and stage 2. For a fixed number of channels, this work identifies the best combination of signal channels. In addition, by simultaneously considering the Neighboring epochs Rule classifier, this work also introduces an empirical rule to improve the classification accuracy. Among the tested databases which contain two Medicine center and sixteen sets of different signal channels, the best results are obtained from the group of patients with the low average RDI value. They include the group that has a mean 15% SWS and the group that uses CPAP. As a whole, the combinative features of four channels are better results of classification. For our best results, the sensitivity and PPV of wake and stage 2 varies from 85%~88%, and those of stage 1 are respective 44.84% and 53.61%. And the total classification of sleep staging is 84.59%. Apparently, the research has satisfactory results on sleep staging. Keywords: Sleep Medicine, Sleep stage, Neural Networks

Inter-stage and Performance Tests of a Two-stage High-pressure Turbine

Sharma, Kapil 2011 May 1900 (has links)
The existing 3-stage research turbine at Turbomachinery Performance and Flow Research Laboratory (TPFL) facility, Texas A & M University (TAMU) was replaced with a newly designed and manufactured 2-stage turbine in accordance with the design requirements as per DooSan, DHI. This new design of turbine consisted of bowed stator and rotor blades to study the effect on reduction of secondary ow losses and thus improvement in turbine efficiency if any. The new design also incorporated labyrinth seals on both inner and outer shrouds. Extensive Inter-stage and Performance experiments were carried out on this new turbine. Inter-stage measurements were accomplished by traversing three 5-hole probes radially and circumferentially, using the existing probe traverse system in TPFL. Performance tests were conducted for varying pressure ratio, at fixed rotational speed and for varying rotational speed with fixed pressure ratio and the efficiency was plotted against u/c_0. Each condition was tested and measured two to three times to check for reproducibility of the data. The results from inter-stage experiments show that the rotor row loss coefficient is about four times higher than the stator row loss coefficient. This high rotor loss coefficient reduces the total to static efficiency. From the performance tests, the maximum total-to-static efficiency observed was 85.2 percent located at around u/c_0 = 0.75. This relatively low efficiency is in consonance with the inter-stage results (high rotor loss coefficient).

The performance measurement of the Taiwan¡¬s airports: an application of Two-Stage DEA

Hsu, Chin-Ming 23 June 2006 (has links)
Since long ago, the whole performance of the Taiwan¡¬s airports presents the growth tendency besides the Cargo tonnes, the passengers and aircraft movements all present the decline tendency. Compares airport extension project which Taiwan continues to carry on every year, this is implying the performance of the Taiwan¡¬s airports presents bad. This research from 2003 to 2005 the Taiwan¡¬s 18 airports as the object of study, used Two-Stage DEA to do for the main methodology, and auxiliary by Malmquist index, Mann-Whitney test, and the Kruskal-Wallis test, carried on the performance measurement of the Taiwan¡¬s airports. This research divided the airport production process into two stages (include the production interface and the sales interface), so as to set an integral model. According to the analysis, the findings showed that the Taiwan¡¬s airports, had good performance, included C.K.S. international airport, Taipei Songshan airport, Magong airport, Chiayi airport, and Kinmen airport; the Taiwan¡¬s airports, presented the growth tendency from 2003 to 2005, included C.K.S. international airport, Tainan airport, Magong airport, Nangan airport, and Lanyu airport. The site characteristics, including airport class, the airport nature, the airport position, and airport location, have the significance influence regarding the performance of the Taiwan¡¬s airports.

Royalty Rate and Slotting Allowance

Chang, Li-chia 11 July 2006 (has links)

Proteomic analysis of hemodialysis tube binding proteins

Ho, Ya-wen 20 January 2010 (has links)
Hemodialysis is widely used for kidney failure patients, it is well known that oxidative stress is induced during hemodialysis process. To figure out what kind of proteins may adhere to the hemodialysis tube, and were those proteins oxidized during dialysis process. In this study, proteins adhere to hemodialysis membrane are eluted and examined by protein two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and MALDI-TOF technique. The two-dimensional gel electrophoresis results demonstrate 153 proteins binding to hemodialysis tube including Vsm-Rho GEF, Fibroblast growth factor 23, Prothrombin, Glomulin and Nucleobindin-1. The oxidation detection shows that some tube binding proteins are oxidized including MAP4K3 protein and Sulfiredoxin-1, and the oxidation level of hemodialysis tube binding proteins are higher then serum proteins. In conclusion, we find out 20 novel proteins which bind to hemodialysis tube and 5 novel proteins which oxidized during hemodialysis. And protein oxidation level was related to inflammation where high CRP levels were detected.

Stage fright : exploring performance anxiety in an MFA professional acting program

Reese, Christopher Jermaine 17 September 2013 (has links)
Although the topic is rarely discussed, performance anxiety is a debilitating condition that sometimes even successful actors face. This thesis chronicles my experience dealing with performance anxiety in four productions as an actor in the M.F.A. acting program at The University of Texas at Austin. It includes an overview of research on the topic and calls for additional study from researchers of psychological disorders and practitioners of the acting craft. / text

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