Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ehe transforming growth factor beta"" "subject:"hhe transforming growth factor beta""
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Über den Einfluss des transformierenden Wachstumsfaktors beta 2 auf das Zytoskelett und das Proteinexpressionsmuster menschlicher Trabekelmaschenwerkszellen / TGF-beta 2 modulates cell-cell adhesion and the cytoskeleton in human trabecular meshwork cellsWecker, Thomas January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Das primäre Offenwinkelglaukom (POWG) ist eine mit typischen Gesichtfeld- und Papillenschäden einhergehende Erkrankung des Auges, die in den westlichen Industrienationen zu den häufigsten Erblindungsursachen zählt. An Glaukom erkrankte Patienten weisen häufig erhöhte Augeninnendruckwerte und gesteigerte TGF-beta 2-Spiegel im Kammerwasser auf. Der Augeninnendruck wird im Wesentlichen durch den Abflusswiderstand des Trabekelmaschenwerks bestimmt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde der Einfluss des Wachstumsfaktors TGF-beta 2 auf das Zytoskelett von menschlichen Trabekelmaschenwerkszellen (HTM) untersucht. Hierbei konnten die bereits bekannten TGF-beta-Effekte, nämlich verstärkte Stressfaserbildung und Zunahme der alpha-SMA- sowie Aktin-Expression bestätigt werden. Bisher unbekannt war die Zunahme der Expression von N-Cadherin und beta-Catenin unter TGF-beta, die Veränderungen der Zell-Zell-Adhäsionen nach sich zieht und damit auch Einfluss auf die biomechanischen Eigenschaften des Trabekelmaschenwerks haben könnte. beta-Catenin ist hierbei auch unter dem Einfluss von TGF-beta nur zu einem geringen Anteil im Zellkern lokalisiert, was mit einer vermehrten Lokalisation von beta-Catenin in Zell-Zell-Verbindungen vereinbar ist. Da vermutlich unter TGF-beta-Stimulation sogar eher weniger beta-Catenin als Mediator für den Wnt-Signalpfad zur Verfügung steht, könnte ein TGF-beta-vermittelter Wnt-Antagonismus eine Rolle in der Entstehung des POWG spielen. Es ist bekannt dass eine Hemmung des Wnt-Signalwegs den Augeninnendruck erhöht. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass an der TGF-beta 2-Signalgebung in humanen Trabekelmaschenwerkszellen außer dem klassischen Smad-Weg auch MEK/ERK und PI3K/AKT an der Signalübertragung beteiligt sind. Hierbei sind die TGF-beta-induzierten Änderungen der Zell-Zell-Verbindungen von der Smad- und AKT-Signalgebung abhängig, während die Effekte von TGF-beta auf alpha-SMA über den MEK/ERK-Signalweg vermittelt werden. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit zeigen einige neu beobachtete TGF-beta-Effekte im Trabekelmaschenwerk, von denen insbesondere die Veränderungen des Zellskeletts und der Zell-Zell-Verbindungen sowie die möglicherweise stattfindende Depletion des Wnt-Signalweges Bedeutung für die Entstehung des Offenwinkelglaukoms haben könnten. / Primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) is a chronic optic neuropathy with elevated intraocular pressure and ageing as major risk factors. The incidence of POAG is expected to rise in the aging industrial societies. Structural changes in the trabecular meshwork (TM) and elevated TGF-beta 2 levels in the aequous humor have been described in POAG-patients. It has been shown that TGF-beta modulates the amount and the composition of the extracellular matrix and intracellular proteins in the TM. Here we show that TGF-beta 2 modulates the cytosceletal rearrangements and the expression of cadherins in human TM cells. These changes require the canonical Smad-pathway as well as non-canonical signaling by the Pi3K/AKT- and MEK/ERK-pathways. Changes in the cytoskeleton and cell-cell adhesions might influence the mechanotransduction characteristics of TM tissue and thus have effects on the regulation of intraocular pressure with implications in primary open angle glaucoma.
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Albuminurie stört die Kollagenhomöostase der proximalen Tubuluszellen des Opossums / Albuminuria disturbs collagen homeostasis in proximal tubular opossum kidney cellsWohlfarth, Verena January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Hintergrund: Die interstitielle Fibrose spielt bei der Verschlechterung der Nierenfunktion mit dem Endstadium der Urämie eine große Rolle. In diesem Geschehen kommt der Interaktion der im Krankheitsfall vermehrt filtrierten Proteine mit der proximalen Tubuluszelle, dem Ort der Proteinrückresorption, eine entscheidende Bedeutung zu. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, anhand eines Zellkulturmodells den Einfluss eines vermehrten Albuminangebots auf die Kollagenhomöostase kultivierter proximaler Tubuluszellen zu untersuchen, dabei involvierte Signaltransduktionswege aufzuzeigen und die zentrale Rolle der Albuminendozytose im Rahmen des Geschehens zu beurteilen. Methoden: Für unsere Untersuchungen verwendeten wir überwiegend die kultivierten proximalen Tubuluszellen des Opossums, welche – wie auch die LLC-PK1 Zellen - die für die Proteinendozytose notwendigen Komponenten - nämlich die Rezeptoren Megalin und Cubilin sowie den Natrium-Protonen-Austauscher 3 – besitzen und somit eine hohe Endozytoserate aufweisen. Diese wurden mit Albuminkonzentrationen - wie man sie bei erhöhter Proteinfiltration unter pathophysiologischen Bedingungen findet - inkubiert. Für Vergleichsstudien zogen wir Zelllinien mit niedriger endozytotischer Aktivität (MDCK-, IHKE-1-, NHE3-defiziente-OK-Zellen) heran. Die Kollagenhomöostase wurde mittels Kollagenase-sensitiven Prolininkorporationsassay, Kollagen-ELISA und Kollagen-Western Blot, die Aktivität der Matrixmetalloproteinasen mittels Zymographie und Gelatinaseassay erfasst. Die Aktivierung von Signaltransduktionswegen wurde mittels eines SEAP-Reporter Gen Assays untersucht. Ergebnisse: Albuminexposition führte bei den Zelllinien mit hoher endozytotischer Aktivität (OK- und LLC-PK1- Zellen) zu einer vermehrten Sekretion von Kollagen Typ I, III und IV. Bei den Zelllinien mit niedriger endozytotischer Aktivität (MDCK-, IHKE-1-, NHE3-defiziente-OK-Zellen) kam es nach Albuminexposition zu einem Rückgang der Kollagensekretion. Im Kollagen-Western Blot zeigte sich nach Inkubation mit Albumin eine Zunahme des zellulären Kollagens. Mittels Zymographie und Gelatinaseassay konnte eine Albumin-induzierte Abnahme der MMP-Aktivität nachgewiesen werden. Inkubation der OK-Zellen mit Albumin führte im SEAP-Reporter-Gen-Assay zu einer Aktivierung des NF-kappaB-, AP-1- und CRE-Singalweges. Hemmung der NF-kappaB-, PKC- und PKA- Aktivierung hatte eine teilweise Reduktion der Albumin-inudzierten Kollagensekretion zur Folge. Eine Hemmung der Rezeptor-vermittelten Endozytose mittels des NHE3-Inhibitors EIPA verminderte sowohl die Kollagensekretion als auch die Aktivierung der untersuchten Signaltransduktionswege. Diskussion: Unsere Daten zeigen, dass ein Mehrangebot an Albumin die Kollagenhomöostase der proximalen Tubuluszellen aufgrund einer vermehrten Kollagensynthese und eines verminderten Kollagenabbaus stört. Dabei scheinen vor allem Kollagen Typ I und III zur tubulointerstitiellen Fibrose beizutragen. Albuminexposition aktiviert PKC, PKA, NF-kappaB, AP1 und CRE. Für PKC, PKA und NF-kappaB konnte eine direkte Beteiligung an der Albumin-induzierten Kollagensekretion nachgewiesen werden. Albumin muss mittels Rezeptor-vermittelter Endozytose in die proximale Tubuluszelle aufgenommen werden, um die beobachteten Effekte zu vermitteln. Die alleinige Anwesenheit von Protein im proximalen Tubulus reicht dafür nicht aus. Es ist anzunehmen, dass die gestörte Matrixhomöostase zu einer Progression der interstitiellen Fibrose und somit zum Fortschreiten der Niereninsuffizienz führt. Albuminurie ist also nicht nur ein Marker, sondern ein Motor der Nierenfibrose. / Background: Interstitial fibrosis is of major importance for the deterioration of renal function, leading to uremia. Interaction of filtered proteins with proximal tubular cells is crucial for the onset and development of tubulointerstitial damage. In the present study we investigated the effects of albuminuria on collagen homeostasis and signaling pathways of the proximal tubular cells. Methods: Therefore we exposed cultured cells derived from the proximal tubule (OK-, LLC-PK1-cells) with high endocytic activity by expressing the endocytic machinery typical for the proximal tubule (megalin, cubilin, NHE3) to albumin concentrations in a range expected during enhanced protein filtration. For comparative studies we used renal epithelial cells (MDCK-, IHKE1-, NHE3-deficient-OK-cells) with low endocytic activity. Collagen homeostasis was assessed by collagenase-sensitive proline incorporation assay, collagen ELISA and collagen Western blot; matrix metalloproteinase activity was assessed by zymography and gelatinase assay. Signaling pathways were monitored by SEAP reporter gene asssay. Results: Albumin exposure led to an increase of secreted collagen type I, III and IV in cells with high endocytic activity. In cells with low endocytic activity albumin exposure inhibited collagen secretion. Collagen Western blot analysis showed an albumin-induced increase of cellular collagen. MMP activity was significantly decreased by albumin exposure shown by zymography and gelatinase assay. Furthermore, albumin exposure led to activation of the NF-kappaB-, AP1- and CRE-pathways detected by SEAP reporter gene assay. Inhibition of NF-kappaB, PKC and PKA partially reversed the effects of albumin-induced collagen secretion. Inhibition of receptor-mediated albumin endocytosis by NHE3-inhibitor EIPA reduced collagen secretion and activation of the above investigated pathways. Discussion: The data show that protein exposure, in a concentration range expected during enhanced protein filtration, disturbs collagen homeostasis of proximal tubular cells due to increased collagen synthesis and decreased collagen degradation. Especially collagen type I and III may contribute to tubulointerstitial fibrosis. The signaling pathways activated by albumin exposure include PKC, PKA, NF-kappaB, AP1 and CRE; stimulation of PKC, PKA and NF-kappaB directly contribute to collagen secretion. There has to be efficient receptor-mediated protein endocytosis in order to stimulate collagen secretion and signaling pathways; the mere presence of protein in the proximale tubule is not sufficient. The disturbed matrix homeostasis probably supports the progression of interstitial fibrosis, which is of importance for the development of renal insufficiency. Therefore albuminuria is not only a marker, but also a motor or renal fibrosis.
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Integrierung und biochemische Charakterisierung ektoper BMP Rezeptoren in Zellmembranen / The integration and biochemical characterization of ectopic BMP receptors in cell membranesUlbrich, Jannes January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
BMPs vermitteln ihre zellulären Effekte durch Rekrutierung und Aktivierung von zwei Typen spezifischer, membranständiger Rezeptoren. Die genauen Mechanismen der Rezeptorakivierung und die Komposition eines funktionellen, signalvermittelnden Komplexes auf der Zelloberfläche sind in den letzten Jahren genau untersucht worden. Die dimere Natur aller BMPs, die Promiskuitivität der BMPs sowie der entsprechenden Rezeptoren und die unterschiedlichen Rezeptorkonformationen (PFC, BISC) erschweren jedoch die experimentelle Zugänglichkeit dieser Proteinfamilie. Um den Einfluss der Membranverankerung der Rezeptoren auf deren Affinität zu einzelnen Liganden zu untersuchen, wurden verschiedene Methoden evaluiert, die eine quantitative Kopplung an Plasmamembranen ermöglichten. Die BMP Rezeptorektodomänen wurden u.a. mittels einer lysin-spezifischen Kopplung lipidiert, oder aber als His6-Ektodomänen an membranintegrierte Chelatlipide gekoppelt. / BMPs elicit their cellular functions via recruitment and activation of specific receptor serin/threonine receptor kinases. The precise mechanisms leading to receptor activation and the composition of a functional signal transducing complex on the cell surface has been investigated intensively over the last decades. The dimeric nature of all BMPs, the promiscuity of both, the ligands and the receptors and the different receptor conformations on the cell surface (PFC, BISC) hamper the experimental accessibility of this protein family. To study the membrane anchorage's influence of the receptors on their affinity towards single ligands, different methods were evaluated that enabled us to couple the receptor ectodomains in a quantitative manner to plasma membranes. The BMP receptor ectodomains were, among other techniques, lipidated in a lysine specific way or coupled as hexahistidine fusion proteins to membrane integrated chelating lipids.
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Efeitos de TGF-1 em células-tronco pulparesFernandes, Ana Paula 08 June 2015 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar, in vitro, os efeitos de diferentes concentrações do fator de crescimento transformador beta 1 (TGF-β1) em células-tronco derivadas da polpa de dentes decíduos esfoliados humanos (SHED), com relação à viabilidade, proliferação, migração e diferenciação celular. As SHED foram mantidas em meio de cultura MEMα + soro fetal bovino (FBS) 10% + penicilina e estreptomicina 1% e tratadas com TGF-β1 na concentração de 1,0; 5,0 e 10,0 ng/mL. Após 1, 3, 5 e 7 dias, foram avaliadas a viabilidade celular pelo método MTT e a proliferação pelo método SRB. Após 24 h de tratamento com TGF-β1, foi realizado um ensaio de migração celular por meio de insertos com poros de 8 μm. Para a avaliação da diferenciação celular de SHED em odontoblastos foram analisados por meio da RT-PCR os marcadores DSPP e DMP-1, após tratamento com TGF-β1 nas diferentes concentrações por 14 dias. Os resultados foram submetidos à ANOVA seguido do teste de Tukey. Em relação à viabilidade celular, as diferentes concentrações de TGF-β1 não tiveram efeito citotóxico sobre SHED. As células tratadas com diferentes concentrações de TGF-β1 apresentaram maiores taxas de proliferação que as do controle negativo (MEMα + 10% de FBS) a partir do 3o dia (p=0,000). Observou-se maiores taxas de migração em direção aos meios contendo TGF-β1, mas sem diferença estatisticamente significativa entre as diferentes concentrações utilizadas, entretanto, houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre as diferentes concentrações de TGF-β1 com o controle positivo (p=0,000), controle negativo (p=0,000) e entre o controle positivo e negativo (p=0,002). A expressão de DMP-1 foi observada de forma crescente nas doses de 1,0 e 5,0 ng/mL de TGF-β1 ao longo do período (1, 7 e 14 dias) e na dose de 10,0 ng/mL a marcação foi mais intensa desde o primeiro dia do estímulo. Em relação à expressão de DSPP, o grupo tratado com 10,0 ng/mL apresentou marcação após 14 dias de tratamento. Sendo assim, este estudo permite concluir que as diferentes concentrações de TGF-β1 estimularam a proliferação e migração celular, sem efeito citotóxico sobre as células ao longo do período do estudo. Em relação à diferenciação celular a concentração 10,0 ng/mL de TGF-β1 estimulou à expressão de DMP-1 e DSPP. / The aim of this study was to evaluate, in vitro, the effect of transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-β1) in stem cells derived from the pulp of human exfoliated deciduous teeth (SHED) regarding to cell viability, proliferation, migration and differentiation. SHED were maintained in MEMα culture medium + 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) + 1% penicillin and streptomycin, and treated with TGF-β1 at the following concentrations of 1.0; 5.0 and 10.0 ng/mL. After 1, 3, 5 and 7 days, cell viability was assessed by MTT assay and proliferation by the SRB method. After 24h of TGF-β1 treatment, cell migration assay was carried out using inserts of 8 μm pore size. To evaluate SHED differentiation into odontoblasts, DMP-1 and DSPP markers were analyzed by RT-PCR, after treatment at different concentrations of TGF-β1 for 14 days. The results were submitted by ANOVA and Tukey test. With respect to cell viability, the different TGF-β1 concentrations did not have cytotoxic effect on SHED. The cells treated by different TGF-β1 concentrations showed higher proliferation rates than those of the negative control (MEMα + 10% FBS) after the third day (p = 0.000). Higher rates of migration towards the media containing TGF-β1 were observed, but there were no statistically significant differences among the concentrations. All different TGF-β1 concentrations showed statistically significant differences with the positive control (p=0.000) and negative control (p=0.000). Statistically significant differences were observed between positive and negative control (p=0.002). DMP-1 expression was observed incrementally at TGF-β1 concentrations of 1.0 and 5.0 ng/mL at 1, 7, and 14 days and the concentration of 10.0 ng/mL was more intense from day one of the stimulus. DSPP expression was more intense after 14 days of treatment with the concentration of 10.0 ng/mL. Thus, this study concluded that different TGF-β1 concentrations stimulated cell proliferation and migration, without cytotoxic effect on the cells throughout the study period. From the perspective of cell differentiation, TGF-β1 concentration of 10.0 ng/mL was capable of stimulating DMP-1 and DSPP expression.
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Efeitos de TGF-1 em células-tronco pulparesAna Paula Fernandes 08 June 2015 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar, in vitro, os efeitos de diferentes concentrações do fator de crescimento transformador beta 1 (TGF-β1) em células-tronco derivadas da polpa de dentes decíduos esfoliados humanos (SHED), com relação à viabilidade, proliferação, migração e diferenciação celular. As SHED foram mantidas em meio de cultura MEMα + soro fetal bovino (FBS) 10% + penicilina e estreptomicina 1% e tratadas com TGF-β1 na concentração de 1,0; 5,0 e 10,0 ng/mL. Após 1, 3, 5 e 7 dias, foram avaliadas a viabilidade celular pelo método MTT e a proliferação pelo método SRB. Após 24 h de tratamento com TGF-β1, foi realizado um ensaio de migração celular por meio de insertos com poros de 8 μm. Para a avaliação da diferenciação celular de SHED em odontoblastos foram analisados por meio da RT-PCR os marcadores DSPP e DMP-1, após tratamento com TGF-β1 nas diferentes concentrações por 14 dias. Os resultados foram submetidos à ANOVA seguido do teste de Tukey. Em relação à viabilidade celular, as diferentes concentrações de TGF-β1 não tiveram efeito citotóxico sobre SHED. As células tratadas com diferentes concentrações de TGF-β1 apresentaram maiores taxas de proliferação que as do controle negativo (MEMα + 10% de FBS) a partir do 3o dia (p=0,000). Observou-se maiores taxas de migração em direção aos meios contendo TGF-β1, mas sem diferença estatisticamente significativa entre as diferentes concentrações utilizadas, entretanto, houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre as diferentes concentrações de TGF-β1 com o controle positivo (p=0,000), controle negativo (p=0,000) e entre o controle positivo e negativo (p=0,002). A expressão de DMP-1 foi observada de forma crescente nas doses de 1,0 e 5,0 ng/mL de TGF-β1 ao longo do período (1, 7 e 14 dias) e na dose de 10,0 ng/mL a marcação foi mais intensa desde o primeiro dia do estímulo. Em relação à expressão de DSPP, o grupo tratado com 10,0 ng/mL apresentou marcação após 14 dias de tratamento. Sendo assim, este estudo permite concluir que as diferentes concentrações de TGF-β1 estimularam a proliferação e migração celular, sem efeito citotóxico sobre as células ao longo do período do estudo. Em relação à diferenciação celular a concentração 10,0 ng/mL de TGF-β1 estimulou à expressão de DMP-1 e DSPP. / The aim of this study was to evaluate, in vitro, the effect of transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-β1) in stem cells derived from the pulp of human exfoliated deciduous teeth (SHED) regarding to cell viability, proliferation, migration and differentiation. SHED were maintained in MEMα culture medium + 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) + 1% penicillin and streptomycin, and treated with TGF-β1 at the following concentrations of 1.0; 5.0 and 10.0 ng/mL. After 1, 3, 5 and 7 days, cell viability was assessed by MTT assay and proliferation by the SRB method. After 24h of TGF-β1 treatment, cell migration assay was carried out using inserts of 8 μm pore size. To evaluate SHED differentiation into odontoblasts, DMP-1 and DSPP markers were analyzed by RT-PCR, after treatment at different concentrations of TGF-β1 for 14 days. The results were submitted by ANOVA and Tukey test. With respect to cell viability, the different TGF-β1 concentrations did not have cytotoxic effect on SHED. The cells treated by different TGF-β1 concentrations showed higher proliferation rates than those of the negative control (MEMα + 10% FBS) after the third day (p = 0.000). Higher rates of migration towards the media containing TGF-β1 were observed, but there were no statistically significant differences among the concentrations. All different TGF-β1 concentrations showed statistically significant differences with the positive control (p=0.000) and negative control (p=0.000). Statistically significant differences were observed between positive and negative control (p=0.002). DMP-1 expression was observed incrementally at TGF-β1 concentrations of 1.0 and 5.0 ng/mL at 1, 7, and 14 days and the concentration of 10.0 ng/mL was more intense from day one of the stimulus. DSPP expression was more intense after 14 days of treatment with the concentration of 10.0 ng/mL. Thus, this study concluded that different TGF-β1 concentrations stimulated cell proliferation and migration, without cytotoxic effect on the cells throughout the study period. From the perspective of cell differentiation, TGF-β1 concentration of 10.0 ng/mL was capable of stimulating DMP-1 and DSPP expression.
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Localisation des récepteurs pour le TGF-β dans la peau saine et dans des plaies chez le chevalDe Martin, Isabelle January 2003 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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Contração de feridas: revisão bibliográfica e estudo da contração gerada por fibroblastos normais e de quelóides / Wound contraction: literature review and experimental model for the study of the contraction generated by normal and keloid fibroblastsKamamoto, Fabio 05 January 2007 (has links)
A organização de fibras de colágeno no leito de uma ferida é componente importante da cicatrização e contração da ferida, determinando em última instância a qualidade final da cicatriz. Neste estudo realizamos a implantação de modelo de biotecnologia constituído de géis de colágeno povoados por fibroblastos humanos, que foi utilizado como instrumento para a melhor compreensão dos fenômenos ainda pouco elucidados, envolvidos na contração de feridas. Utilizando fibroblastos procedentes de pele normal ou quelóides, observou-se maior contração dos géis povoados por fibroblastos oriundos de quelóide. O modelo implementado foi considerado eficiente para a avaliação da presença de moduladores da fase de remodelação da cicatriz, tais como o Fator de Crescimento Transformador Beta (TGF beta). A comparação entre a curva de contração gerada por fibroblastos oriudos de pele normal sob o efeito do TGF beta e a contração gerada por fibroblastos de quelóides, demonstra que as mesmas apresentam comportamento igual do ponto de vista estatístico. O modelo proposto demonstrou ser adequado para a melhor compreensão dos mecanismos responsáveis pela contração de feridas, bem como possui potencial na avaliação de novas drogas capazes de modular este fenômeno / An important component of tissue healing and wound contraction is the re-arrangement of ground collagen fibers, which can ultimately influence the final quality of scars. In this study we used a biotechnology experimental model with contracting collagen gels seeded with human fibroblasts in order to better understand the phenomena involved in wound contraction. We compared the contraction of the collagen gels using fibroblasts from normal skin and from keloids, and we observed that the collagen gels seeded with keloid fibroblasts suffered a bigger contraction. The model was considered efficient to test growth factors with the potential to modulate the remodeling phase of the scar, for example, the Transforming Growth Factor Beta (TGF beta). The analysis of the changing macroscopic gel area comparing the contraction generated by the normal fibroblasts after the treatment with TGF beta with the contraction in the gels with keloid\'s fibroblasts showed that they have the same behavior. The experimental model proved to be an useful tool to better understand the wound contraction and to test new drugs to modulate this phenomenon.
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Untersuchungen zur Zellproliferation von Maus-Lungen-Fibroblasten am FACS-Flow-Zytometer unter dem Einfluss von Kulturüberständen bestrahlter Fibroblasten / FACS-flow-studies on cell-proliferations of mouse-lung-fibroblasts under the influence of culture-supernatants of irradiated fibroblastsWenemoser, Alexander January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Experimentelle FACS-Flow-Analysen im Kontext einer radiogenen Lungenfibrose zur Veränderung der Zellproliferation von Maus-Lungen-Fibroblasten unter dem Einfluss von Kulturüberständen bestrahlter Fibroblasten. Additiv einzelne Versuche mit Antikörperzugabe gegen TGF-beta zur Evaluation eines hemmenden Effektes auf eine postulierte Arretierung der Fibroblasten in der G1-Phase der Zellteilung durch die Zytokine der Kulturüberstände bestrahlter Maus-Lungen-Fibroblasten. / FACS-Flow-Analyses on changes of cell-proliferations of mouse-lung-fibroblasts under the influence of culture-supernatants of irradiated fibroblasts in the context of a radiogenic lung fibrosis. Additionally some studies on a postulated inhibitory effect of an tgf-beta-antibody on the g1-phase cell-cycle-arrest of mitosis through cytokines in the supernatants of the irradiated fibroblasts.
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Wachstums- und Sekretionsverhalten humaner fetaler Lungenfibroblasten nach Applikation von Gamma-Strahlung in vitro / Growth and secretion behavior of human fetal lung fibroblasts after application of gamma-radiation in vitroWruck, Robert January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Der wesentliche Dosis limitierende Faktor einer Strahlentherapie thorakaler Malignome ist die Strahlenempfindlichkeit des Lungenparenchymes, da sich mit einer Häufigkeit von 25-75 % aller Patienten ein Strahlenschaden des Lungengewebes entwickeln kann. Die Inzidenz einer Lungenfibrose nach 6- 12 Monaten liegt bei 15-30%. Die Kombination zytostatischer Medikamente mit ionisierender Strahlung kann die Ansprechraten verbessern, kann andererseits die Inzidenz einer Pneumonitis erhöhen. Die konkreten Mechanismen, die zu einer Pneumonitis und einer strahleninduzierten Fibrose führen, sind bislang noch nicht vollständig bekannt. Es wird vermutet, daß die ortsständigen Zellen der Lunge eine aktivere Rolle in der Pathogenese als bisher angenommen, einnehmen. Tiermodelle der Strahlenschädiung der Lunge zeigten ein sehr frühe Expression von TGF-ß-mRNA and fibronectin-mRNA nach Bestrahlung. TGF-ß und Fibronectin sind in der BALF und Serum von an thorakalen Malignomen erkrankten, strahlentherapeutisch behandelten Patienten erhöht. Neben Makrophagen und Typ II Pneumocyten als zelluläre Quellen der genannten Cytokine, sind Fibroblasten in der Lage beide Agentien in erheblichem Umfang zu synthetisieren. Ziele Um die aktive Rolle von Fibroblasten in der Pathogenese der strahleninduzierten Lungenfibrose in Abwesenheit von Entzündungszellen zu untersuchen, bestrahlten wir Lungenfibroblasten in vitro und beobachteten folgende Parameter. 1. Zellwachstum 2. Synthese von Fibronectin 3. Synthese von Kollagen ( Procollagen-I-Peptid) 4. Synthese von TGF-ß1 Methoden Humane fetale Lungenfibroblasten (MRC-5 ,ICN Biochemicals Eschwege ,Deutschland) wurden in DME Medium kultiviert unter Zugabe von 10% FCS plus L-Glutamine, Penicillin G , Amphotericin B und Gentamycin; Luftfeuchtigkeit 100% , Temperatur 37°, CO2 5%, Medienwechsel erfolgten zweimal wöchentlich und 24 Stunden vor den Messungen. 24h nach der Aussaat der Zellen erfolgte die Strahlenapplikation (CO 60; 4.5, 7.5, 10.5 Gy ). Messungen erfolgten an den Tagen 3,6,9,12,15 nach Bestrahlung. Hierfür wurden folgende Materialien verwandt. Fibronectin (ELISA), Takara TGF beta (ELISA), DPC Biermann Procollagen-I-Peptide (ELISA), Takara LDH ( kinetischer Assay), Sigma Cell counts (Zählkammer) Alle Messungen wurden zweimal unternommen. Ergebnisse: 1. Das Zellwachstum wurde dosisabhängig gehemmt. 2. Beginnend am 3 Tag stieg die Syntheserate des Fibronectin dosisabhängig. 3. Ähnliche Beobachtungen wurde bzgl der Procollagen-I-Peptid Synthese beobachtet. 4. TGF-ß Spiegel fanden sich nach Bestrahlung ab Tag 6 bis zum 4-fachen über dem Ausgangswert erhöht und kehrten ziwschen den Tagen 9 und 15 auf das Ausgangsniveau zurück. 5. Eine Erhöhung des LDH wurde nicht beobachtet. Dies zeigte, dass eine Zytolyse kein wesentlichen Einfluß hatte. Disskusion: Bei Bestrahlung humaner fetaler Lungenfibroblasten wird das Zellwachstum dosisabhängig limitiert. Dies wurde nicht durch einen strahlenbedingt erhöhten Zelltod hervorgerufen , da das bestimmte LDH ( ein Marker der Zytolyse) in den Zellkulturüberständen nicht erhöht war. Wir vermuten, das durch Bestrahlung eine Differenzierung von Progenitor Fibroblasten zu postmitotischen Fibrocyten erfolgte, wie auch bereits von anderen Arbeitsgruppen berichtet. TGF-ß fand sich nach Bestrahlung in den Zellkulturüberständen deutlich erhöht. Es wird angenommen , daß TGF-ß eine Schlüsselrolle in der Pathogenese fibrosierender Erkrankungen der Lunge, der Leber, der Niere spielt und ebenso in die Enstehung der durch ionisierende Bestrahlung hervorgerufene Lungenfibrose eingebunden ist. Unsere Experimente haben gezeigt , daß Fibroblasten in der Lage sind große Mengen TGF-ß and Fibronectin - sogar in Abwesenheit von Entzündungszellen- zu erzeugen und sich vermutlich autokrin stimulieren können. Dieser Mechanismus wird als wichtiger Co-Faktor in der Pathobiologie verschiedener zur Fibrose führender Lungenerkrankungen angenommen. Schlussfolgerung Fibroblasten produzieren erhöhte Mengen TGF-ß und Fibronectin nach Applikation ionisierender Strahlung. Sie könnten in der Pathogenese der Strahlenschädigung der Lunge eine aktivere Rolle spielen als bisher angenommen. / Introduction The major dosis limiting factor of radiation therapy of thoracic malignomas is the lung which may develop radiation injury with a frequency of 25-70% of patients .The incidence of lung fibrosis after 6-12 months ist 15-30 %. Combination of cytostatic drugs with ionizid radiation can improve response rates, but may result in a higher incidence of pneumonitis. The exact mechanisms leading to pneumonitis and radiation induced fibrosis of the lung are yet unknown.The structural cells of the lung are of the lung are probably involved in the pathogenesis in a more active way than thougt until now. Animal models of radiation injury of the lung showed a very early expression of TGF-beta -mRNA and fibronectin-mRNA after irradiation. TGF-ß and Fibronectin were elevated in BALF and in serum. Macrophages and type-II-pneumocytes are thought to be the cellular source, but fibroblasts also are capable to synthesize both agents in large amounts. Aims In order to investigate the active role of fibroblasts in the pathogenesis of radiation fibrosis we irradiated human lung fibroblasts in vitro. We focused on following points: 1. cell growth 2. synthesis of fibronectin 3. synthesis of collagen (procollagen-I-peptid) 4. synthesis of TGF-beta-1 Methods Human fetal lung fibroblasts (MRC-5 ,ICN Biochemicals Eschwege ,Germany) cultured in DME-medium plus 10 % FCS plus L-glutamine, penicillin G, amphotericin B and gentamycine; air humidity 100 %, temp. 37°C, CO2 5%; change of medium twice weekly and 24 hr. before measurements. 24hrs. after seeding, application of ionizing radiation (CO 60; 4.5, 7.5, 10.5 Gy ). Measurements on day 3,6,9,12,15 after irradiation: Fibronectin (ELISA), Takara TGF beta (ELISA), DPC Biermann Procollagen-I-Peptide (ELISA), Takara LDH ( kinetic assay), Sigma Cell counts (counting chamber) All measurements have been done twice. Results 1. cell growth was inhibited in a dose dependent manner. 2. Beginning at day 3 cell related synthesis of fibronectin was increased depending on the dose of irradiation. 3. Similar observations were made in synthesis of procollagen-I-peptide. 4. TGF-beta levels were increased four fold after irradiation beginning on day 6 and returned to basal values between day 9 and 15 (the cells treated with 10.5 Gy were an exception. Here we found a furthermore higher secretion rate ). 5. No elevation of LDH was noticed, showing that cytolysis was not important in these effects. Discussion Irradiation of fetal human lung fibroblasts inihibited cell growth in a dose depend manner. This was not due to cell death initiated by ionizing rays, because LDH ( marker of cytolysis) was not elevated in culture supernatants. We assume that irradiation induces differentiation of progenitor-fibroblasts to promitotic fibrocytes as reported by other groups. TGF-beta was considerably elevated in culture supernatants after irradiation. TGF-beta is assumed to play a key role in fibrosing disease of lung, liver and kidney and may be involved in radiation induced lung fibrosis as well. Our experiments show, that fibroblasts are able to produce high amounts of TGF-beta and fibronectins - even if inflammatory cells are absent- and may stimulate themselves in an autocrine manner.This mechanism is thought to be an important co-factor in the pathobiology of different fibrosing disorders of the lung and may be important in radiation injury of the lung as well. Conclusion Fibroblasts produce increased amounts of TGF-beta and fibronectin after irradiation. They may play a more active role in the pathogenesis of radiation injury than thought up to now.
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The Effects of Non-Surgical Interventions on Osteoarthritis-Like Changes in the Mouse KneeAnemaet, Wendy K 31 March 2008 (has links)
Osteoarthritis (OA) is a debilitating condition affecting over 21 million persons in the United States. This number is expected to rise in the coming decades. Treatment approaches for OA focus on symptom modifying measures (i.e., pain relief) as disease modifying interventions do not currently exist. However, some of the interventions used to alleviate the symptoms of OA are also thought to have disease-modifying benefits. Two such non-surgical interventions for OA are intra-articular hyaluronan (HA) injections and physical exercise. In order to effectively study their effects in human OA, animal models that are amenable for studying intervention outcomes are needed.
The research focused on developing and characterizing a progressive non-surgical model of knee OA in adult mice. This model was used to firstly, examine the capacity of intra-articular HA injections to prevent knee joint degeneration, and secondly to examine the capacity of moderate exercise to prevent onset and progression of joint degeneration.
Intra-articular injections of TGF--β1 into murine knees produce synovial hyperplasia, osteophyte formation, and fibrotic changes on cartilage surfaces and joint capsules. However, additional exposure of the joints to high intensity treadmill running (biomechanical overuse) results in more widespread and focal OA-like cartilage erosions of both the tibial and femoral surfaces, similar to that described for the pathological appearance of late human knee OA. Taken together, these data support that synovitis and soft-tissue activation in early OA joints may precede and/or accelerate the process cartilage degeneration characteristic of progressive and late stage osteoarthritis.
Intra-articular injections of high molecular weight HA one day following TGF--β1 injections resulted in decreased synovial hyperplasia, minimized osteophyte formation, and significantly decreased severity of cartilage lesions. A four week, alternate day, low intensity aerobic treadmill running program prior to TGF--β1 injections and overuse also resulted in decreased severity of cartilage lesions.
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