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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Étude expérimentale et théorique de la fragmentation de Composés Organiques Volatils pour des applications environnementales / Experimental and theoretical study of Volatile Organic Compounds fragmentation for environmental applications

Chollet, Alexis 20 March 2015 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse porte sur l'étude expérimentale et théorique de la fragmentation de molécules organiques. Nous avons pour cela construit un nouveau réacteur plasma non-thermique et transformé un modèle statistique de fragmentation nucléaire (Microcanonical Metropolis Monte Carlo ou MMMC) pour décrire la fragmentation d'espèces CnHm. Le plasma non-thermique est créé par une impulsion nanoseconde haute-tension (100 kV) avec un front de montée très raide (15-20 kV.ns-1). Cette impulsion permet d'obtenir un volume plasmagène diffus important et de créer de fortes densités d'espèces réactives (radicaux, métastables, etc.) pouvant réagir avec les molécules organiques. Dans le cas de la fragmentation du propane, la décharge hors-équilibre considérée permet de générer comme sous-produits majoritaires du méthane, de l'éthane et du propène. Son efficacité énergétique de conversion est deux fois plus élevée que celle obtenue dans le cas d'une décharge à barrière diélectrique ou d'une décharge pré-ionisée. Le modèle MMMC décrit, pour une énergie fixée, l'espace des phases accessible au système. L'ensemble des degrés de libertés statiques (dégénérescences, excitation interne, localisation, etc.) et dynamiques (translation et rotation) de tous des fragments de la molécule parent sont pris en compte. Les caractéristiques physiques des fragments (énergies de dissociations, géométries, fréquences de vibration, etc.), nécessaires pour ces calculs, sont déterminées à l'aide d'un code ab-initio. Différentes méthodes de calcul (composite ou DFT) et différents niveaux de calcul (sans ou avec polarisation de l'hydrogène) ont été comparés aux données expérimentales. Nous avons montré que la prise en compte de la polarisation de l'hydrogène avait une influence importante sur les résultats. Les probabilités des voies de fragmentation en fonction de l'énergie d'excitation pour les deux méthodes sont relativement proches. Les principaux écarts s’expliquent par des différences d’énergie du fondamental de certains fragments. La comparaison des résultats théoriques et expérimentaux est indirecte car le modèle MMMC ne décrit que la phase de fragmentation. Les produits résultants vont ensuite réagir entre eux et avec le milieu pendant et après l’excitation plasma. L’évolution cinétique complexe des produits doit donc être prise en compte. D’autre part, la distribution d’énergie déposée dans la molécule parent par les états métastables de l'azote et les collisions électroniques doit également être déterminée. Ces deux étapes sont nécessaires pour obtenir des résultats théoriques comparables aux observables expérimentales. Cette étude sera une prolongation naturelle de notre travail. Les résultats expérimentaux semblent toutefois montrer que le modèle surestime le nombre de ruptures de liaisons CH. Ceci est probablement du au fait que la première étape du modèle, la construction des fragments, opère uniquement par rupture de liaisons dans la molécule de propane ou de propène parent. Les molécules fragments H2 et CH4 ne sont donc pas autorisées alors qu’un schéma réactionnel les produisant en une étape est envisageable (et que les fragments C3H6 et C2H4 sont mesurés en abondance). L’énergie non consommée dans leur production est donc reportée sur la rupture de liaisons CH. / This thesis is an experimental and theoretical study of organic compounds fragmentation. For this purpose, we had to built a new non-thermal plasma reactor and modify a statistical model used for nuclear fragmentation (Microcanonical Metropolis Monte Carlo or MMMC) to describe the fragmentation of CnHm types species. The non-thermal plasma is created by a nanosecond high-voltage (100 kV) pulse with a steep rise front (15-20 kV.ns-1). This pulse allows to have a large volume of diffuse plasma and to create important quantities of reactive species (radicals, metastables, etc.), which could react with organic molecules. In the case of propane fragmentation, the non-equilibrium discharge used allows to product as major by-products methane, ethane and propene. The energetic efficiency of the conversion by this discharge is twice more efficient than the one obtained with a dielectric barrier discharge or a pre-ionised discharge. The MMMC model describes, for a given energy, the accessible phase space for the system. All static (discrepancy, internal excitation, position, etc.) and dynamic (translation and rotation) degrees of freedom for every fragment of the initial molecule are taken into account. The physical properties (dissociation energies, geometry, vibrational frequencies, etc.) of each fragment are needed to perform calculations and are obtained by using an ab-initio code. Different computation methods (composite or DFT) and different levels of calculation (with or without hydrogen polarisation) have been compared to experimental values. We have shown that the hydrogen polarisation has an important influence on the properties. Probabilities of fragmentation paths are slightly identical between the two methods. The main differences are explained by the existence of a variation between the ground energy of some fragments. Comparison between theoretical and experimental results is indirect because the MMMC model only described the fragmentation phase. By-products will react between them and with their environment during and after the excitation phase. The complex kinetic evolution of the by-products must be taken into account. Moreover, the energetic distribution injected in the initial molecule by metastable states of nitrogen and electronic collisions must be determined. These two steps are require to obtain theoretical results, which could be compared to experimental ones. This study should be the following work after our study. Experimental results seem to suggest that the model overestimates the number of C-H bonds, that are broken. Probably, because the first step of the model, the construction of fragments, works only by breaking bonds in the initial molecule of propane and propene. Les fragments H2 and CH4 are not allowed, but their production in one reaction is possible (C3H6 and C2H4 are experimentally measured). Non-used energy by their production is reported to break CH bonds

Traitement des lésions osseuses par Ultrasons Focalisés de Haute Intensité : de la simulation aux applications cliniques / MR-guided high intensity focused ultrasound (MRgHIFU) ablation of bone lesions : from simulation to clinical application

Bing, Fabrice 22 November 2018 (has links)
Après un état de l’art sur l’ablation des lésions osseuses, les expérimentations HIFU sur l’os présentées ont montré un échauffement périosté plus étendu avec un tir profond. Les tirs sur le ciment, dont le coefficient α a été mesuré, reproduisent les mêmes courbes thermiques. Une simulation a été réalisée avec 2 valeurs de α (4.7 et 9.9 dB/cm) : l’échauffement est moins important avec α=4.7. La simulation confirme certains résultats de la thermo-IRM : une élévation thermique maximale au niveau du périoste (zone focale) avec le tir superficiel, un échauffement latéral plus marqué avec le tir profond et une tendance à l’inertie thermique. A partir d’une analyse rétrospective des cas traités par imagerie mini-invasive, l’ablation HIFU semble possible pour 50% des ostéomes ostéoïdes et 35.7% des métastases. 35.9% de cas supplémentaires auraient pu être traités par HIFU si une protection des structures sensibles ou une consolidation étaient réalisées. A 1 MHz, l’interférence des aiguilles avec les US n’était visible qu’avec les aiguilles 13G. Si les aiguilles 18 à 22G interfèrent peu avec les US, un écran acoustique pourrait se former à la suite d’injection de liquide. / After a “state of art” on bone lesions ablation techniques, bone experimentations presented showed that deep focalisation allows the best lateral periosteal heating. On cement, from which the coefficient α was measured, the same thermic curves were observed. A simulation was done with two values of α (4.7 et 9.9 dB/cm). A higher heating at the periosteal focal point with superficial focalisation and a higher periosteal lateral heating with deep focalisation with a thermic inertia, were confirmed with simulation. Heating was higher with the high α value. A retrospective analysis of the bone lesions treated with minimally invasive treatment showed that 50% of osteoid osteomas and 35.7% of metastases were classified as suitable with MRgHIFU alone. 35.9% additional cases may have been treated with dissection or consolidation. At 1 MHz, US distortion due to the presence of needles in the US cone was observed only with the 13-gauge needle. However, if 18 to 22G needles may induce few distortion, an acoustic barrier may appear if the liquid injected flows in front of the US.

The effect of Methylphenidate on Energy Expenditure in Individuals with Obesity: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo Controlled Pilot Trial

Hafizi, Kaamel 31 May 2019 (has links)
Objectives: Most weight loss medications target reductions in energy intake while neglecting energy expenditure, a critical predictor of weight loss/regain. This pilot study examined the effect of short-acting methylphenidate (MPH) on resting energy expenditure (REE), thermic effect of food (TEF), physical activity energy expenditure (PAEE), and how changes in energy expenditure relate to changes in body composition in youth and adults living with obesity. Methods: This study was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled two-parallel arm study. In total, 19 participants were screened, of which 14 participants were randomized into the study, but complete data was only collected for 12, and only analyzed for 10 participants. Those 10 participants aged 28.8 ± 6.9 yrs. (5 Male, 5 Female) were randomized to receive either MPH (0.5 mg/kg) (n = 5) or placebo (n =5) twice daily for 60 days. Participants’ REE and TEF (indirect calorimetry), were measured at baseline (no drug/placebo), and day 60 post-treatment (drug/placebo). Participants’ PAEE (Actical) was measured between screening and baseline for a 1-week period (no drug/placebo), and on day 53 for a 1-week period (drug/placebo). Participants’ anthropometrics were measured using DEXA at baseline, and day 60 post-treatment. Results: From baseline to day 60, MPH showed a relative difference to placebo in relative REE (Relative REE: F(1, 8) = 4.235, p = 0.074, d = 0.83, 2 = 0.346) of 10%, evidenced by a 6% increase in relative REE kcal/kg (18.53 ± 1.97 Kcal/day/kg at baseline, 19.71 ± 2.52 Kcal/day/kg at final) for the MPH group, and a 4% decrease (19.08 2.36 Kcal/day/kg at baseline, 18.26 ± 2.04 Kcal/day/kg at final) in placebo, translating to moderate-effect size (Cohen’s d=0.63) favouring MPH. From baseline to day 60, there were no significant differences between groups on changes in TEF (TEF AUC: F(1, 8) = 0.079, p = 0.785, d = 0.15, 2 = 0.010) or any PAEE variables such as sedentary behavior (SB: F (1, 8) = 0.455, p = 0.52, d = 0.02, 2 = 0.054), light physical activity (LPA: F (1, 8) = 0.504, p = 0.50, d = 0.16, 2 = 0.059), moderate physical activity (MPA: F (1, 8) = 0.281, p = 0.61, d = 0.19, 2 = 0.034), moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA: F (1, 8) = 0.120, p = 0.74, d = 0.15, 2 = 0.015), or vigorous physical activity (VPA: F (1, 8) = 3.495, p = 0.098, d = 0.91, 2 = 0.304) . Mean change in body weight (kg) resulted in a weight loss of roughly -2.66 ± 2.00 kg in the MPH group and -1.64 ± 1.41 kg in the placebo group, differences that were not statistically significant. Mean change in both groups for body fat% of -0.33 ± 2.08 %, mean change in fat mass of -1.05 ± 2.59 kg, and finally a mean change in fat-free mass of -0.06 ± 1.19 kg was reported. Changes in relative REE were inversely correlated with changes in body weight (r = -0.599, p = 0.067), body fat (r = -0.524, p = 0.12) and fat mass (r = -0.599, p = 0.096). These associations were stronger in the MPH group. Conclusions: Our data suggests that MPH administration may lead to a meaningful increase in relative REE, and these suggested changes were associated with reductions in adiposity among individuals with obesity. These preliminary findings suggest that MPH should be further examined using a larger sample size and study duration to determine its effectiveness in promoting weight loss and maintenance of weight loss in individuals with obesity, a population at high risk of morbidity and premature mortality.

Vulnerabilidade de acessos de sementes de Erythrina velutina Willd. (Fabaceae) a estresses abi?ticos

Sena, Eliza Maiara Nogueira De 14 July 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Jadson Francisco de Jesus SILVA (jadson@uefs.br) on 2018-01-26T21:53:28Z No. of bitstreams: 1 disserta??o Eliza 14 de dezembro final.pdf: 1828093 bytes, checksum: 7d102752271132d8745e82e9533c13b3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-01-26T21:53:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 disserta??o Eliza 14 de dezembro final.pdf: 1828093 bytes, checksum: 7d102752271132d8745e82e9533c13b3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-07-14 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / The stress situation in Caatinga is aggravated by climate changes, from which are predicted higher temperatures; water scarcity and higher soil salinization. Studies evaluating differences in seeds tolerance to abiotic stress among samples or genotypes of the same species can constitute physiologic tools and significant and complementary information for the selection of the most adapted group to environmental pressures. This work aimed to compare the seed vulnerability of different samples of Erythrina velutina (Fabaceae) to abiotic stress; evaluate que physiologic quality of seeds and determine the tolerance limits to saline, hydric and thermic stress. The assays were conducted at EMBRAPA semiarido Seeds laboratory and at the Germination laboratory of State University of Feira de Santana. In addition, the assays were entirely randomly mounted, four repetitions of 10 seeds for the vigor test and 50 seeds for the stress test. In the initial vigor, the seeds of all samples showed 100% of radicle emission at the first count. The seeds samples were affected by the addition of sodium chloride in the solution, exhibiting critical limit at 36dSm-1 for some samples. The radicular protrusion was affected with the decrease of the osmotic potential of the solution, which was caused by PEG 6000, limiting the germination in -0,9 MPa. The seed germination of E. velutina occurs at broad limits of temperature, from 5 to 40?C. Generally, the stress imposed by sodium chloride and PEG did not compromise the viability of the seed germinal power as the seeds of the samples showed high rate of germination when the ideal conditions were reestablished, excepting Cai?ara 2011. The great temperature of E. velutina germination occurs between 25 to 30?C. / A situa??o de estresse na caatinga tende a se agravar pelas mudan?as no clima onde se prev? maiores temperaturas, escassez de ?gua e maior saliniza??o do solo. Estudos que avaliem as diferen?as de toler?ncia de sementes aos estresses abi?ticos entre acessos ou gen?tipos da mesma esp?cie podem constituir ferramentas fisiol?gicas importantes e complementares para a sele??o de grupos de plantas mais adaptadas ?s press?es ambientais. Esse trabalho teve como objetivos comparar a vulnerabilidade de sementes de diferentes acessos de Erythrina velutina (Fabaceae) ? estresses abi?ticos; avaliar a qualidade fisiol?gica das sementes; e determinar os limites de toler?ncia aos estresses salino, h?drico e t?rmico. Os ensaios foram conduzidos nos laborat?rios de sementes da Embrapa Semi?rido (Petrolina-PE) e no de Germina??o da UEFS (Feira de Santana ?BA). Os ensaios foram montados em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, quatro repeti??es de 10 sementes para o teste de vigor e de 50 sementes para os estresses. Em rela??o ao vigor inicial as sementes de todos os acessos apresentaram 100% de emiss?o de rad?cula na primeira contagem. As sementes dos acessos foram afetadas pela adi??o de cloreto de s?dio na solu??o apresentando limite cr?tico de germina??o aos 36 dS.m-1 para alguns. A protrus?o radicular foi afetada tamb?m com a diminui??o do potencial osm?tico da solu??o causada pelo PEG 6000 tendo limite de germina??o em -0,9 MPa. A germina??o de sementes de E. velutina ocorreu sob amplo limites de temperatura, 5 a 40 ?C. De modo geral os estresses impostos pelo cloreto de s?dio e PEG n?o comprometeram a viabilidade do poder germinativo, visto que as sementes dos acessos apresentaram alta porcentagem de germina??o quando as condi??es ideais foram reestabelecidas, exceto as de Cai?ara 2011. A temperatura ?tima de germina??o de E. velutina ocorreu na faixa de 25 a 30 ?C.

Conforto térmico em habitações de favelas e possíveis correlações com sintomas respiratórios: o caso do Assentamento Futuro Melhor - SP / Thermic confort in slum homes and possible correlations with respiratory diseases: the case of \"Assentamento Futuro Melhor-SP\" (housing for a better future)

Utimura, Isabel 18 February 2011 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é verificar a influência do microclima no condicionamento do ambiente de residências representativas da favela do Assentamento Futuro Melhor do Município de São Paulo. A investigação procura isolar e caracterizar os controles climáticos cuja variação espaço-temporal seja significativa a ponto de influenciar a ocorrência e distribuição de doenças respiratórias em população de baixa renda. O estudo foi desenvolvido com base no conceito de ritmo climático e na concepção bioclimática do ambiente construído, que foram aplicados empiricamente em trabalho de campo. Foram realizados monitoramento e avaliação do conforto térmico em ambiente interno de longa permanência de oito habitações com tecnologia e padrão construtivos diferentes, usando mini-regitradores digitais de temperatura e umidade relativa do ar com frequência de amostragem de 1 hora durante o verão de 2009 ao inverno de 2010. Procurou-se isolar a influência topoclimática (orientação e posição da vertente), instalando-os num mesmo quarteirão com declividades muito baixas. Foi classificada, hora a hora, a combinação de temperatura e umidade relativa do ar resultando no índice de sensação térmica humana segundo a proposta de Olgyay (1963). A comparação do ambiente interior das habitações com o exterior foi realizada a partir de dados obtidos junto às estações meteorológicas do INMET - Mirante de Santana (SP) e do IAG-USP, e das informações da circulação secundária sobre a área de estudo obtida das cartas sinóticas da Marinha do Brasil, e imagens do satélite GOES no canal infravermelho (CPTEC/INPE). Para associar o fator conforto térmico com sintomas respiratórios recorreu-se à aplicação de questionários, buscando investigar in loco se havia uma variação da prevalência de sintomas respiratórios em função de atributos das habitações. Foram realizadas entrevistas sistemáticas com cada um dos indivíduos moradores de 150 habitações tomadas como universo amostral. Os dados dos sintomas respiratórios foram associados e agrupados segundo os tipos construtivos de habitações, o perfil socioeconômico e demográfico, além de hábitos da família que interferem no conforto térmico e/ou na saúde respiratória. Essas associações buscaram um controle das variáveis que poderiam influir na incidência de sintomas e serviram para isolar exclusivamente a influência das variáveis construtivas da habitação. Por fim, buscou-se incorporar os dados climáticos registrados às informações qualitativas levantadas junto à população moradora. Os resultados apontam para a influência do padrão construtivo nos níveis de conforto térmico, consistindo em fatores diferenciadores dos atributos microclimáticos do ambiente interior. As habitações em fechamento de madeira e cobertura de telha ondulada de fibrocimento apresentaram um isolamento menor dentre às habitações pesquisadas, sendo que a habitação em alvenaria com laje ofereceu um maior isolamento e inércia térmica em relação ao ambiente externo. As habitações em alvenaria com telha de fibrocimento apresentaram diferenças nas condições de conforto térmico em função das pequenas melhorias construtivas empregadas em cada caso. Verificou-se que nas habitações da favela ocorrem extremos de temperaturas, e que nas habitações localizadas fora do ambiente de favela, tomadas como posto de controle o mesmo não ocorreu. Sobre os efeitos meteorológicos no condicionamento do ambiente das habitações estudadas, verificou-se que os maiores resfriamentos estão associados à MPA; os maiores aquecimentos sob a ação dos sistemas tropicais TC e MTA, e as FFs criam uma situação de homogeneização nas variações das temperaturas médias horárias ao longo do dia. A análise integrada da variação horária de temperatura e umidade relativa do ar permitiu verificar que existe um ritmo sazonal nas condições de conforto térmico humano. No tocante à sensação térmica, todas as habitações da favela mostraram-se, na maior parte do tempo, fora da faixa de conforto proposta por Olgyay (1963), variando entre situações de desconforto ao calor-úmido e ao frio-úmido. Verificou-se que as habitações da favela condicionam ambientes propícios à ocorrência de sensações opostas e extremas no mesmo dia, o que não ocorre nas habitações localizadas fora do ambiente de favela. Os resultados das entrevistas indicam que nas habitações mais precárias, em madeira e alvenaria sem reboco, há maior prevalência de sintomas respiratórios do que nas habitações mais estruturadas em alvenaria com reboco. Houve associação entre a frequência e distribuição dos sintomas respiratórios e as variáveis climáticas e o índice de conforto de forma diferenciada por tipo de padrão construtivo. Os resultados corroboram a hipótese de que as habitações precárias de favelas apresentam maior impacto negativo à saúde respiratória dos moradores. As habitações da favela do Assentamento Futuro Melhor produzem o oposto daquilo que se espera de qualquer abrigo humano, pois pioram a condição do ambiente e prejudicam a saúde de seus ocupantes. / This study aims at verifying the influence of microclime on the conditioning of representative home environments of the Assentamento Futuro Melhor (\"Housing for a Better Future\") favela in the city of Sao Paulo. It is an investigation to isolate and characterize climatic controls whose space-time variation can be of significance in springing up respiratory diseases and disseminating them over a low-income population. The study was developed upon the concept of climatic rhythm as well as the bioclimatic conception of the built-on environment, applied empirically in the field work. Monitoring and evaluation of thermic comfort were carried out for long-term indoor environments in eight domiciles, each with distinct technologies and building patterns, using digital mini recorders for temperature and relative air humidity with sampling frequency of 1 hour, during the Summer of 2009 through the Winter of 2010. An attempt was made to isolate the topoclimatic influence (hogback orientation and position) by installing them in the same block, one with very little slope. The combination of temperature and relative air humidity was evaluated on an hour-to-hour basis, resulting in the human thermic sensitivity index, according to the method proposed by Olgyay (1963). The comparison between the indoor and outdoor environments of the domiciles was performed from data gathered by the meteorological stations of INMET - Mirante de Santana (SP) and of IAG-USP, along with information on secondary circulation over the area of study gathered from synoptical charts of the Brazilian Navy, as well as imagery from the GOES satellite infrared channel (CPTEC/INPE). In associating the thermic comfort factor with respiratory symptoms, question forms were handed out in loco to investigate whether a variation in the prevalence of respiratory symptoms as a function of features pertaining to the domiciles existed. Each individual dwelling in the 150 domiciles within the sample group was systematically interviewed. Data for respiratory symptoms were associated and grouped in accordance with building type, social, economic and demographic profile as well as family habits that interfer in thermic comfort and/or respiratory health. Such associations looked to control variables that could sway the incidence of symptoms, and served to exclusively isolate the influence of the domiciles\' building variables. Finally, a correlation was sought between the recorded climatic data and the qualitative information queried from the dwelling population. Results show the influence of building schemes on the level of thermic comfort, consisting in differing factors for indoor microclimatic attributes. Homes with wood enclosure, roofed with undulated, cemented fiber tiles showed the lowest isolation among the researched homes, whereas homes with mortar walls and ceiling displayed greater isolation and thermic inertia to the outer environment. Mortar homes with cemented fiber tiling showed discrepancies in the levels of thermic comfort as the result of small building improvements applied in each case. Temperature extremes were attested over the domiciles in the favela, but in domiciles outside the favela - used as \"control posts\" - such extremes could not be verified. Regarding the meteorological effects on the environment conditioning of the researched domiciles, the greatest levels in cooling were verified to be linked to MPA; the greatest levels in heating, to the action of tropical systems TC and MTA; FFs caused homogeneity in the variation of hourly average temperatures in the course of a day. Integrated analysis of hourly temperature variation and relative air humidity allowed for the conclusion that there exists a seasonal rhythm in the condition of human thermic comfort. As for thermic sensitivity, all domiciles in the favela showed for the most part as being without the comfort zone proposed by Olgyay (1963), ranging from uncomfortable conditions to humid heat and to humid cold. It was verified that the domiciles in the favela configure environments capable of offering opposite, extreme sensations within the same day, which does not occur in domiciles outside the favela environment. Interview results point to the prevalence of respiratory symptoms in the more poorly built domiciles, with wood or bricks with no plasterwork, rather than in the plasteredbrick homes. A correlation was attested among frequency and distribution of respiratory symptoms, climatic variables, and the differentiated comfort index by building pattern. The results corroborate the hypothesis that poorly built homes in favelas more negatively affect the respiratory health of their dwellers. The homes in the Assentamento Futuro Melhor favela yield the opposite of what is expected of any human shelter: worsening of environment conditions and health deterioration for their occupants.

Substituição da eletrotermia por gases combustíveis no setor industrial / Substitution of Electrotherm by Combustible Gases in the Industrial Sector

Fernandes, Flávio 02 June 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho analisa a viabilidade técnica, econômica e financeira para substituir a eletrotermia resistiva pela queima direta de gases combustíveis, sendo eles o gás natural (GN) e o gás liquefeito de petróleo (GLP). Para atingir este objetivo, faz-se um levantamento da presença da eletrotermia nos processos produtivos de algumas indústrias localizadas na grande São Paulo; propõe uma metodologia para a escolha das indústrias com maior concentração na região geográfica estudada com o uso do CEP, código CNAE, histórico do setor e número de funcionários; desenvolve uma metodologia para avaliar o impacto da substituição da eletrotermia na qualidade da energia elétrica resultante da mudança, com o foco no fator de potência e harmônicas; elabora um procedimento para se fazer o levantamento de campo, com a identificação da matriz de usos finais da energia, as características dos processos que utilizam a eletrotermia, analisando as limitações desta substituição, os diferentes custos operacionais de acordo com as tarifas da concessionária e formas de contratação da energia. Este trabalho identifica as políticas e programas governamentais existentes para a eficiência energética e faz análise crítica das mesmas, como também sugere alterações para facilitar a mudança do energético utilizado (cerne da substituição da eletrotermia), buscando aumentar a sinergia entre estes programas e as políticas, com o intuito de apresentar a substituição da eletrotermia como um grande potencial para a redução do consumo de energia elétrica no Brasil e no uso mais racional dos gases combustíveis. / This work analyzes the technical, economical and financial viability to substitute the resistive electrotherm for the direct combustion of fuel gases, such as natural gas (NG) and liquefied gas of petroleum (LGP). In order to do so, a study of the electrotherm presence in the productive process of some industries located in The Great São Paulo has been done; a methodology to choose industries concentrated mainly in the above mentioned geographic region by Zip Code, ISIC Code, historic of the sector and number of employees was proposed; a methodology was developed to evaluate the impact of the electrotherm substitution on the quality of the remaining electric energy, after the change, focusing on power factor and harmonics; a procedure for the field study was also proposed, identifying the final uses of the energy, the characteristics of the processes which use electrotherm, analyzing the limitations of these substitutions, the different operational costs according to the local concessionaries and how the energy has been contracted. This work identifies the existing policies and governmental programs for energetic efficiency and makes a critical analysis of them, as well as suggesting alternatives to the current energy model (core of electrotherm substitution), seeking to improve the synergy between policies and programs, in an attempt to show the electrotherm substitution as a huge potential to reduce the electric energy consumption in Brazil and a more rational use of fuel gases.

Implementação e avaliação de um sistema automatizado de monitoramento e controle térmico em um aviário convencional utilizando tecnologia IoT / Implementation and evaluation of an automated monitoring and thermic control system in a conventional aviary using loT technology

Oliveira, Marcelo Eduardo de 04 July 2019 (has links)
A produção avícola está em pleno crescimento devido ao aumento do consumo de carne e ovos em escala mundial. Nesse contexto, o Brasil ocupa a segunda posição na produção mundial de carne de frango de corte e a primeira posição na exportação mundial desta proteína (ABPA, 2017). Considerando, que a procura por produtos diferenciados e de qualidade superior impactam os sistemas de criação de frango, torna-se necessária a utilização de sistemas que otimizem o bem-estar animal, bem como melhore a qualidade da produção, reduzindo custos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi apresentar a implementação de um sistema de controle térmico aplicado em aviário convencional (experimental), utilizando tecnologia IoT. O experimento foi realizado durante o período de 17 de novembro de 2018 a 25 de janeiro de 2019 no aviário 3, do Laboratório de Avicultura do Departamento de Zootecnia da Faculdade de Zootecnia e Engenharia de Alimentos da USP, localizado na cidade de Pirassununga, região Centro-Leste do estado de São Paulo e, segundo a classificação Kppen possui características de clima subtropical Cwa, entre os meridianos de 21°57\'38.43\" S e 47°27\'02.22\" W. O sistema de monitoramento e controle climático foi composto por uma Rede de Sensores sem Fio (RSSF) instalados no aviário 3 que coletaram as variáveis físicas de temperatura do ar (Tar), umidade do ar (Uar), e temperatura superficial interna (Tsi), armazenando-as em um banco de dados na nuvem, acionando ou desligando de forma automatizada através de módulos atuadores, ou ainda, permitindo que o gestor acione ou desligue o sistema de climatização para que a Tar aproxime-se ao máximo possível, naquele instante, da Temperatura ideal do ar (Tid), proporcionando assim, o conforto térmico de acordo com a idade dos frangos de corte em produção. Os resultados alcançados durante o experimento mostraram o bom desempenho do sistema automatizado no controle térmico, uma vez que o mesmo conseguiu manter a homogeneidade térmica, diminuindo a variação de temperatura nos pontos monitorados, ou seja, nas 8 zonas de monitoramento de controle, além da redução em aproximadamente 80% no consumo de energia elétrica, em relação ao sistema convencional (manual). Conclui-se, portanto, que o sistema automatizado pôde contribuir de maneira significativa para o monitoramento e controle de aviários convencionais, inclusive com o seu monitoramento e controle em tempo real e online. / Aviculture is in continuous growth thanks to the increased consumption of chicken meat and eggs in a global scale. In that context, Brazil has the second place in worldwide production of broilers and holds the first place as exporter of this protein (ABPA, 2017). Considering that the search for differentiated products with superior quality impact broiler breeding systems, the implementation of systems that optimize animal welfare and improve the productions quality while diminishing its costs, are very necessary. The purpose of this study was to introduce the implementation of a thermic control system applied in an (experimental) conventional aviary, making use of IoT technology. The experiment was conducted during the period between November the 17th, 2018 to January the 25th, 2019 in the aviary #3, belonging to the Aviculture Laboratory of the Department of Animal Science in the Faculty of Animal Science and Food Engineering of the University of São Paulo (USP). The faculty is located in the city of Pirassununga, which is in the central-eastern region of the State of São Paulo and according to Köppen classification, possesses the characteristics of a Cwa subtropical climate, between the meridians of 21°57\'38.43\" S and 47°27\'222.22\" W. The climate monitoring and control system was composed by a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), which collected the physical variations of the air\'s temperature, its humidity and the internal surface temperature of aviary #3. All of this data was stored in a cloud data bank which was activated and deactivated automatically by actuator modules or by allowing the manager to turn on or off the climate regulation system so the air temperature can approximate, as much as possible, the ideal air temperature, thus providing thermic comfort for each phase of the broilers growth development. The results reached during the experiment, showed the performance of the automated system with thermic control, since it maintained the thermic homogeneity, diminishing the temperature variation in the monitored points, that is, the 8 control monitoring zones. Further on, there was a reduction of approximately 80% of electric energy consumption in regards to the conventional (manual) system. In conclusion, the automated system can contribute in a significative manner to the monitoring and control of conventional aviaries, with its controlling and monitoring in real time and available online.

Efeito do tratamento térmico nos fios ortodônticos de aço inoxidável /

Kasbergen, Geraldo Francisco. January 2007 (has links)
Resumo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do tratamento térmico (ou revenido) nos fios ortodônticos de aço inoxidável de Cromo Níquel (CrNi). Foram utilizados 40 arcos das espessuras 0.014"(0,35mm), 0.016"(0,40mm), 0.018"(0,45mm) e 0.020"(0,50mm). Os arcos foram divididos nos grupos sem e com tratamento térmico e, posteriormente, mensurados nas regiões anterior e posterior por meio do "software" AutoCad 2000 antes e após os ensaios mecânicos de compressão e tração por meio da máquina de ensaio universal EMIC. Os resultados foram submetidos à análise estatística com teste de multivariância ANOVA em nível de 5% (p<0,05). Diante da metodologia utilizada neste estudo, pode-se concluir que os arcos ortodônticos tratados termicamente apresentam suaves modificações transversais na região anterior e maiores aumentos transversais na região posterior, porém, provavelmente, sem relevância clínica. Os arcos sem e com tratamento térmico submetidos à força de compressão não apresentaram alterações transversais significantes nas regiões anterior e posterior. Nos arcos sem tratamento térmico submetidos à força de tração ocorreram aberturas mais acentuadas na região anterior nos arcos 0.020". Na região posterior, a abertura proporcionada pela tração ocorreu com maior intensidade nos arcos sem tratamento térmico. Os arcos com tratamento térmico submetidos à força de tração não alteraram a distância transversal na região anterior. Nos arcos tratados termicamente constatou-se uma maior estabiidade, principalmente quando submetidos à tração ou à abertura. / Abstract: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of heat treatment in orthodontic wires of Chrome Nickel (CrNi) stainless steel. 40 arches of 0.014" (0,35 mm), 0.016" (0.40 mm), 0.018 "(0.45 mm) and 0.020" (0.50 mm) were used. The arches were divided 2 groups: with and without heat treatment and then measured in anterior and posterior regions using AutoCad 2000 software before and after tension and compression tests, using universal testing machine EMIC. The results were submitted to ANOVA multivariance test for statistical analysis with level of 5% (p<0.05). Through the methodology used in this study it can be concluded that the orthodontic arches with heat treatment presented soft transversal changes in the anterior region and larger transversal increases in the posterior region, probably without clinical relevance. The arches with and without heat treatment submited to compression force did not show significant transversal changes in the anterior and posterior regions. The arches 0.020" without heat treatment submited to traction force presented the largest increases in width in the anterior region. Traction force at posterior region led to arch openning with greater intensity in arches without heat treatment. The arches with heat treatment submited to traction force didn't change the transversal distance in the anterior region. It was found that arches with heat treatment had greater stability, especially when submitted to traction or opening forces. / Orientador: Osmar Aparecido Cuoghi / Coorientador: Paulo Henrique dos Santos / Banca: Adilson Luiz Ramos / Banca: Marcos Rogério de Mendonça / Mestre

Efeito de tratamentos térmicos na resistência à tração e na dureza Vickers do Ti c.p. e da liga Ti-6Al-4V obtidos por fundição odontológica

Rocha, Sicknan Soares da [UNESP] 31 October 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:28:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2002-10-31Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:37:33Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 rocha_ss_me_arafo.pdf: 674518 bytes, checksum: 9888e8462ea32b3c607f867bc951afd1 (MD5) / O objetivo desta investigação foi determinar se os tratamentos térmicos podem alterar a resistência à tração e a dureza Vickers do Ti c.p. e da liga Ti-6Al-4V. Trinta corpos-de-prova na forma de halteres com 3,0 mm no segmento central e 42 mm de comprimento, obtidos por meio de uma matriz de alumínio, foram fundidos no sistema Rematitan. Os corpos-de-prova de Ti c.p. e Ti-6Al-4V foram divididos aleatoriamente em três grupos de 10 cada, e submetidos às seguintes condições de tratamento térmico: (1) controle; (2) T1 - aquecimento a 750ºC/2 h; (3) T2 - recozimento a 955ºC/1 h e envelhecimento a 620ºC/2 h. Ambos, aquecimento e resfriamento, foram realizados em atmosfera controlada de argônio. O ensaio de tração foi efetivado na máquina de testes mecânicos MTS modelo 810 à velocidade de 1,0 mm/min. Após o teste de tração uma das extremidades do corpo-de-prova foi embutida em resina acrílica, regularizada e polida antes da medida da dureza Vickers no durômetro Micromet 2100. As médias de resistência à tração e dureza Vickers foram comparadas estatisticamente usando o teste não-paramétrico de Kluskall-Wallis. Nos grupos de Ti c.p. não foram observadas diferenças significativas na resistência à tração, entretanto, na dureza Vickers os resultados do grupo T2 foram significativamente maiores que os outros grupos, que se mostraram iguais entre si. Na liga Ti-6Al-4V os grupos controle e T1 revelaram igualdade estatística em relação à resistência à tração, e significativamente superiores ao grupo T2. Quanto à dureza Vickers, diferenças estatisticamente significantes foram observadas entre os três grupos de tratamento térmico: T2>T1>controle. Não foi observada correlação entre as propriedades de resistência à tração e dureza Vickers.... / The aim of this investigation was to determine whether heat treatments could change the tensile strength and Vickers hardness of CP Ti and Ti-6Al-4V alloy castings. Thirty dumbbell rods, 3.0 mm in diameter at the central segment and 42 mm in length, obtained from an aluminum matrix, were cast for each metal in the Rematitan system. The specimens of CP Ti and of alloy Ti-6Al-4V, were divided randomly into three groups of ten each; then submitted to the following heat treatments: (1) control group, without heat treatment; (2) T2 - heat at 750ºC for 2 h; (3) annealing at 955ºC for 1 h and aged at 620ºC for 2 h. The heat treatments, as well as the cooling process were conducted in the furnace with argon atmosphere. The tensile strength was measured by means of a universal testing machine, MTS model 810, at a strain of 1.0 mm/min. After the tensile testing the specimens were embedded in acrylic resin, grounded and polished prior to hardness measurements, using the Vickers tester Micromet 2100. The means and standard deviations of tensile strength and Vickers hardness were statistically compared using Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric test at a=0.05 significance level. In CP Ti groups, no statistically significant differences in tensile strength were observed; however, in Vickers hardness the results of group T2 were significantly higher than the other groups, which showed similar mean values among themselves. In Ti-6Al-4V alloy, the control and T1 groups revealed statistically higher tensile strength when compared to T2 group, with no significant difference between control and T1 group. Regarding Vickers hardness, statistically significant differences were observed among the three heat-treatment groups: T2>T1>control...(Complete abstract, click electronic access below)

Mat?ria org?nica no solo favorece o crescimento da alface sob temperaturas estressantes / Lettuce cultivated under stressful temperature conditions

Bento, B?rbara Maria da Cruz 01 December 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Jos? Henrique Henrique (jose.neves@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2018-05-22T20:56:29Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) barbara_maria_cruz_bento.pdf: 1640285 bytes, checksum: 25447d41b250514b826ff4b7ea8e2c53 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-22T20:56:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) barbara_maria_cruz_bento.pdf: 1640285 bytes, checksum: 25447d41b250514b826ff4b7ea8e2c53 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES) / A alface (Lactuca sativa L.) ? sens?vel ?s condi??es clim?ticas, principalmente ? alta temperatura, modificando a sua arquitetura, peso, qualidade e, principalmente a produ??o. A a??o da temperatura do ar ? determinante nas mudan?as dos est?dios de desenvolvimento dos vegetais, interferindo tanto na emiss?o de folhas quanto na mudan?a dos est?dios fenol?gicos, al?m de provocar altera??es morfol?gicas e fisiol?gicas. A faixa de temperatura de 15 a 24 ?C ? considerada adequada ao desenvolvimento da alface, entretanto, quando cultivada em regi?es de temperatura e luminosidade elevadas, esta hortali?a pode deixar de desenvolver todo o seu potencial gen?tico. A aduba??o pode ser utilizada para incrementar a produtividade na cultura da alface. No entanto, os efeitos das condi??es clim?ticas juntamente com a aduba??o e suas influ?ncias no crescimento cultura requerem maior aprofundamento no estudo, pois, o ambiente de cultivo, juntamente com a aduba??o e o componente gen?tico da planta, s?o os grandes respons?veis pelas mudan?as no crescimento, flora??o e senesc?ncia. Assim, objetivou-se verificar o comportamento e padr?o de crescimento de plantas de alface cv. Regina sob diferentes temperaturas e estrat?gias de aduba??es. O estudo foi conduzido em sala de crescimento, em DIC com esquema fatorial 4x6, sendo: quatro temperaturas m?dias constantes para o cultivo da alface (12 ?C; 20 ?C; 23 ?C e 28 ?C) e seis aduba??es (controle, convencional mineral, Geofert - organomineral peletizado, Organomineral UFVJM, esterco de curral curtido e cama de codorna compostada). As plantas foram avaliadas quanto ao crescimento, p?s-colheita e perda de massa fresca em cada ciclo. Nas condi??es do experimento, os tratamentos cama de codorna, esterco de curral e organomineral Geofert promoveram maior crescimento ?s plantas de alface cv. Regina, sendo que essas estrat?gias de aduba??o podem permitir melhor desempenho produtivo das plantas at? mesmo em temperaturas de estresse. Os adubos org?nicos e Geofert s?o alternativas eficientes para o crescimento de plantas de alface cv. Regina e conferem ?s plantas menor perda de massa fresca, quando comparado ? aduba??o mineral convencional. / Disserta??o (Mestrado) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Produ??o Vegetal, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2017. / Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) is sensitive to the climatic conditions, mainly to the high temperature, changing its architecture, weight, quality and mainly the production. The action of air temperature is determinant in the changes of the stages of development of the plants, interfering as much in the emission of leaves as in the change of the phenological stages, besides causing morphological and physiological alterations. The temperature ranges of 15 to 24 ? C is considered adequate for the development of lettuce, however, when cultivated in regions of high temperature and luminosity, may fail to develop its full genetic potential. Fertilization can be used to increase productivity in lettuce culture. However, the effects of climatic conditions together with fertilization and its influences on the growth of culture require further study, because the growth environment together with the fertilization and genetic component of the plant are responsible for the changes in growth, flowering and senescence. Thus, objective was to verify the behavior and growth pattern of lettuce cv. Regina under different temperatures and fertilization strategies. The study was conducted in a growth room adopting a completely randomized design (CRD) in 4x6 factorial scheme with four constant average temperatures for lettuce cultivation (12, 20, 23, and 28?C) and six fertilizations (control, conventional mineral, Geofert - pelletized organic mineral, organic mineral from UFVJM, corral manure and composted quail bed). The plants were evaluated for growth, postharvest and loss of fresh mass in each cycle. Under the conditions of the experiment, treatments composed of composted quail bed, corral manure and Geofert promoted higher growth to lettuce plants cv. Regina being that these strategies of fertilization can allow better productive performance of the plants even in temperatures of stress. Organic fertilizers and Geofert are efficient alternatives for the growth of lettuce plants cv. Regina and gives the plants less fresh weight loss when compared to conventional mineral fertilization.

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