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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

InfluÃncia da LaminaÃÃo a Frio na Microestrutura, Propriedades MecÃnicas e MagnÃticas, Textura e CorrosÃo por Pites de AÃos AISI 301LN e 316L / Influence of Cold Rolling on Microstructure, Mechanical and Magnetic Properties, Texture and pitting corrosion of steels AISI 316L and 301LN

Paulo Maria de Oliveira Silva 15 September 2005 (has links)
Os aÃos inoxidÃveis austenÃticos (AIAs) sÃo largamente aplicados nas indÃstrias de alimentos, transportes nuclear, petroquÃmica devido à adequada combinaÃÃo de resistÃncia mecÃnica, conformabilidade e resistÃncia à corrosÃo. Dentre estes tipos de aÃo, destaca-se o AISI 301 por sua resistÃncia mecÃnica superior. Entretanto, este tipo de aÃo apresenta um dos piores desempenhos em termos de corrosÃo. Toda a resistÃncia à corrosÃo dos AIAs se baseia em sua camada de filme passivo contendo Cr203 que pode facilmente ser destruÃda em ambientes contendo cloreto. Neste trabalho, estabeleceu-se a meta de estudar os aÃos AISI 301 LN e 316L em respeito Ãs mudanÃas na microestrutura por imposiÃÃo de deformaÃÃo e seu efeito na corrosÃo por pites, visto que o AISI 301LN foi escolhido como material base dos vagÃes que servirÃo o sistema de transporte metropolitano de Fortaleza. Empregou-se difraÃÃo de raios âX, metalografia quantitativa, microscopias Ãtica, eletrÃnica de varredura e de forÃa atÃmica para caracterizar a microestrutura, textura cristalogrÃfica, caracterizaÃÃo magnÃtica, microdureza e ensaio de imersÃo em FeCl3 6H2O para caracterizar o comportamento dos dois aÃos em corrosÃo por pites. A deformaÃÃo provocou a formaÃÃo de martensita â no aÃo 301LN e encruamento da austenita. Isto provocou o mais baixo desempenho em corrosÃo por pites. A textura cristalogrÃfica forneceu indÃcios para inferir que a transformaÃÃo austenita-ferrita se deu obedecendo a relaÃÃo de KURDJUMOV-SACHS.

Avaliação do efeito do Mg nas propriedades de fadiga em alta temperatura de ligas de Al-Si fundidas sob pressão em molde permanente / Magnesium addition effect on high temperature fatigue properties of permanent mold cast Al-Si alloys

José Carlos dos Santos 21 December 2006 (has links)
Carcaças de transmissão estão geralmente sujeitas a tensões cíclicas geradas durante o funcionamento do motor, e estas tensões são mais críticas a temperaturas elevadas e em tempos prolongados. Os gradientes térmicos induzidos no interior de componentes sujeitos a variações de temperatura durante o período de funcionamento podem levar a tensões e deformações internas e a repetição destes ciclos térmicos pode causar a nucleação e a propagação de trincas por um processo denominado de fadiga termomecânica. Este trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre as diferenças das propriedades mecânicas de duas ligas de Al-Si fundidas sobre pressão em molde permanente (injetadas), uma identificada como sendo a Liga A, que contém o elemento de liga Mg, e a Liga B que não contém o Mg, para uso em carcaças de transmissão de veículos automotivos. Neste estudo foram realizados ensaios mecânicos de dureza, de tração e de fadiga isotérmica e anisotérmica e análises fratográficas e microestruturais por microscopia ótica e eletrônica de varredura. A Liga A apresentou resistência mecânica superior à Liga B em toda a faixa de temperatura analisada, apesar da maior quantidade de defeitos de fundição existentes nesta liga. Foi utilizada a metodologia S-N, cujos dados foram inferidos a partir dos ensaios de fadiga termomecânica. A Liga A apresenta desempenho ligeiramente superior à Liga B, especialmente para baixos níveis de tensão aplicados. Entretanto, para ensaios executados sob controle de deformação, não houve diferença significativa na resistência à fadiga entre as duas ligas. / Gear Box housings are usually subjected to cyclic stresses generated during engine operation. Such stresses are more critical at high temperatures and long times. Thermal gradients induced within the components submitted to variation of temperature during working may result in internal stresses and strains. Thermal cycling can result in crack nucleation and propagation by the process of thermomechanical fatigue (TMF). The main aim of this work was to evaluate the effects of Mg content on the mechanical properties of permanent mold cast Al-Si alloys. Two alloys, one containing Mg addition (\"A\" alloy) and another without Mg (\"B\" alloy) were tested under strain temperature TMF controlled conditions. In this study were performed mechanical tests of hardness, tensile strength, and anisotropic / isothermal fatigue and microstrutural / photographic analysis by scanning electronic microscopy (SEM). Using the S-N approach inferred from the TMF results, \"A\" alloy (Mg-added) presented a slightly better performance then \"B\" alloy especially at low stress amplitude levels. However, in the TMF testing conditions was not observed any significant difference in fatigue resistance for both alloys.

Comportement et cinétique de transformation martensitique sous sollicitation multiaxiale des matériaux métastables / No

Lakrit, Mohamed 26 April 2016 (has links)
La transformation de phase influence considérablement les propriétés thermomécaniques des matériaux métastables. Elle est prise en considération dans des modèles numériques qui simule le comportement de ces derniers dans des codes de calcul et qui nécessitent des résultats expérimentaux. Ainsi, ces travaux concernent la caractérisation du comportement axial et multiaxial de deux aciers iTRIP à savoir l’acier 301L et l’acier 304L ainsi qu’un alliage à mémoire de forme à base de CuAlBe. Cette caractérisation est couplée avec un suivi de la cinétique des transformation de phase entreprise par la mesure de la résistance électrique. Le premier chapitre est une étude bibliographique des deux classes de matériaux métastables cités précédemment ainsi que du phénomène de transformation de phase et les techniques permettant sa caractérisation. Le deuxième chapitre, s’intéresse aux essais uniaxiaux thermomécaniques réalisés sur un acier iTRIP afin de valider la méthode de dosage de phase. Aussi, les essais thermomécaniques multiaxiaux réalisés sur des éprouvettes tubulaires en acier iTRIP 304L y seront présentés. Le troisième chapitre est consacré aux essais uniaxiaux réalisés sur des éprouvettes de CuAlBe ainsi qu’au dosage de phase des cas biphasé et triphasé. Aussi, la validation de l’hypothèse de linéarité entre la fraction volumique de martensite et la déformation de transformation équivalente dans le cas de chargements multiaxiaux proportionnels et non proportionnels est faite. / Phase transformation considerably influences the thermomechanical properties of metastable materials. This is reflected in the numerical model that simulates the behavior of these materials for the calculation codes and require experiments.Thus, the present work concerns the characterization of the axial and multi-axial behavior of two iTRIP steels, 301L steel and 304L steel in addition to a shape memory alloy based on CuAlBe. This characterization is coupled with monitoring of phase transformation kinetics through the measurement of the electrical resistance.The first chapter is a bibliographic study of the two classes of metastable materials mentioned above as well as the phase transformation phenomenon and its characterization techniques. The second chapter deals with uniaxial thermomechanical tests on a steel iTRIP to validate the phase assay. The multiaxial thermomechanical testing performed on specimens tubular steel 304L iTrip will be presented.The third chapter is devoted to uniaxial tests performed on CuAlBe spicemens and realization phase doping in a three-phase case. Also, the validation of the assumption of linearity between the martensite volume fraction and the equivalent transformation strain in the case of proportional and non-proportional loading is done.

Tectonique et architecture des bassins intracratoniques Paléozoïques : impact sur l’enregistrement sédimentaire et la géométrie des réservoirs associés : exemple de la marge Nord Gondwanienne / Architecture and tectonic of Paleozoic intracratonic Basins : impact on the sedimentary record and associated geometries : example of peri-Hoggar Basins (North Gondwana marge)

Perron, Paul 27 June 2019 (has links)
La plate-forme Saharienne paléozoïque, comprenant les bassins péri-Hoggar (Murzuq, Illizi, Mouydir, Ahnet, Reggane et Tim Mersoï) sont définies comme des bassins intracratoniques. Ils ont été dominés par des mouvements verticaux lents et à grande longueur d'onde, conduisant à une subsidence globale à faible vitesse (i.e. ca. 10 m/Ma à 50 m/Ma) et à l'accumulation d'une couverture sédimentaire étendue de type plate-forme (environnements de dépôts peu profonds), rythmée par des périodes pulsatiles d’augmentation et de diminution du taux de subsidence probablement déclenchées par des événements géodynamiques régionaux. Les mouvements verticaux de la plate-forme ont créé plusieurs arches également appelés dômes, paléo-topographies (e.g. les arches de la Tihemboka, d’Amguid El Biod, d’Arak-Foum Belrem et de l’Azzel Matti) et des bassins (en forme de synclinal) de différentes longueurs d'onde allant de plusieurs centaines à plus de milliers kilomètres. La persistance d’un ensemble assez uniforme de mouvements verticaux semble contrôler l’architecture des bassins, ce qui semble indiquer un contrôle à grande échelle (i.e. lithosphérique). Ce dernier contrôle spatialement et temporellement la dynamique sédimentaire de dépôt et d'érosion. Plusieurs périodes d'érosion majeures ont considérablement tronqué les sédiments préexistants sur de vastes zones, produisant des discordances régionales, restreintes et amalgamées sur les arches, qui séparent la couverture sédimentaire de la plateforme. À travers une approche intégrée multidisciplinaire originale allant d’une analyse géologique de bassin, associant le substrat et l’architecture de bassin à une modélisation thermomécanique numérique de la lithosphère, cette étude a permis de décrypter les facteurs de forçage des bassins intracratoniques de la plate-forme saharienne (bassins péri-Hoggar).L'architecture en Arches-Bassins est mise en évidence par l'identification de structures tectono-sédimentaires (onlap divergents, troncatures…). Cette architecture se caractérise par des variations d'épaisseur et des partitionnements de faciès, organisés par des failles normales planes sub-verticales formant des systèmes d'horst-graben souvent associés à des plis forcés dans la couverture. Connectés et nucléés aux grandes zones de méga-cisaillement, les systèmes d'horst-graben sont inversés (inversion positive) ou réactivés (plis forcés) au cours d'événements géodynamiques successifs (par exemple : extension cambro-ordovicienne, rebond glaciaire ordo-silurien, extension/ compression Siluro-Dévonien «Calédonienne», extension/compression du dévonien tardif et compression «hercynienne»).Formée sous une lithosphère précambrienne de type accrétionnaire héritées de plusieurs paléo-orogénèses (e.g. Eburnéenne, Panafricaine), une zonation des substrats sous l’architecture en Arches-Basins est observée : Les terranes Archéen à Paléoprotérozoïque se situent sous les hauts structuraux et les terranes méso-néo-protérozoïques sous les dépressions.Sur la base de ces observations géologiques et de l’hypothèse de densités différentielles conservées (impliquant un potentiel isostatique) entre les différents terranes accrétées héritées (i.e. les terranes archéennes et protérozoïques) dans la lithosphère, un modèle numérique thermo-mécanique 2D est proposé. Les facteurs de forçage du premier et du second ordre, respectivement caractérisés par de faible taux de subsidence et par leurs déviations cycliques pendant de longues durées (250 Ma), sont bien contraint par le modèle réconciliant aussi l’architecture tectono-stratigraphique singulière en Arches-Basins. Les différentes simulations ont montré l’importance des anomalies thermiques, de la tectonique (faible taux de déformation) et de l’apport externes en sédiments sur la dynamique de ces bassins intracratoniques. Le flux sédimentaire contrôle la vitesse et la durée de remplissage du bassin jusqu'à l'équilibre isostatique (…). / The Paleozoic Saharan platform including the peri-Hoggar Basins (i.e. Murzuq, Illizi, Mouydir, Ahnet, Reggane and Tim Mersoï basins) are defined as intracraonic basins. Their histories have been dominated by slow long-wavelength vertical motions leading to overall low subsidence rate (i.e ca. 10 m/Ma to 50 m/Ma) and accumulation of an extensive cover of platformal sediments (i.e. shallow deposits environments), rhythmed by pulsatile periods of increasing and decreasing rate probably triggered by regional geodynamic events. The vertical motions of the platform produced several arches also called domes, swells, highs, ridges (e.g. the Tihemboka, Amguid El Biod, Arak-Foum Belrem and Azzel Matti Arches) and basins (syncline-shaped) with different wavelengths going from several hundred to more than a thousand kilometres. The persistence of a rather uniform pattern of vertical motions seems to control the architecture of the basins indicating a large-scale control (i.e. lithospheric). This latter controls spatially and temporally the deposition and the erosion dynamics. Several major erosion events significantly truncated the pre-existing sediments over wide areas, producing regional unconformities, especially restricted and amalgamated on arches, which separate the platformal cover into divisions. Through an original multidisciplinary integrated approach going from a geological basin analysis, coupling the substrate and the basin architecture to a numerical thermo-mechanical modelling of the lithosphere, this study has led to decipher the forcing factors of the intracratonic basins of the Saharan platform.The Arches-Basins architecture is highlighted through the identification of tectono-sedimentary structures (growth strata, truncatures…). This architecture is featured by thickness variation and facies portioning, organized by sub-vertical planar normal faults (sometimes blind faults) forming horst-graben systems associated with forced folding in the cover. Connected and nucleated to major mega-shear zones, horst-graben systems are inverted (positive inversion) or reactivated (forced folds) during successive geodynamic events (e.g. Cambro-Ordovician extension, Ordo-Silurian glacial rebound, Siluro-Devonian “Caledonian” extension/compression, late Devonian extension/compression and “Hercynian” compression).Formed under a Precambrian lithosphere of accretionary type, inherited during several paleo-orogenies (e.g. Eburnean, Pan-African), a substrates zonation of the Arches-Basins framework is described, where the Archean to Paleoproterozoic terranes are forming the structural highs and the Meso-Neoproterozoic terranes the structural lows.Based on these geological observations and the hypothesis of conserved differential densities (implying an isostatic potential) between the inherited different accreted terranes in the lithosphere (i.e. archean and proterozoic terranes), a 2D thermo-mechanical numerical model is proposed. The first and second order forcing factors, respectively recorded in the subsidence rate pattern by the low long-lived and by their cyclic deviations, are well constrained reconciling the singular Arches-Basins tectono-stratigraphic architecture. The different simulations have shown the importance of thermal anomaly, tectonics (weak strain rate) and external sediment supply on the dynamic of these intracratonic basins. Where, sediment flux controls the speed and the duration of basin infill until achievement of the isostatic equilibrium. The thermal anomaly and the tectonics compel the tectono-stratigraphic complexification such as the arches framework (intra-arches, boundary secondary arches…) and the stratigraphy architecture (wedges, diachronic unconformities) (…).

Short time scale thermal mechanical shock wave propagation in high performance microelectronic packaging configuration

Nagaraj, Mahavir 15 November 2004 (has links)
The generalized theory of thermoelasticity was employed to characterize the coupled thermal and mechanical wave propagation in high performance microelectronic packages. Application of a Gaussian heat source of spectral profile similar to high performance devices was shown to induce rapid thermal and mechanical transient phenomena. The stresses and temporal gradient of stresses (power density) induced by the thermal and mechanical disturbances were analyzed using the Gabor Wavelet Transform (GWT). The arrival time of frequency components and their magnitude was studied at various locations in the package. Comparison of the results from the classical thermoelasticity theory and generalized theory was also conducted. It was found that the two theories predict vastly different results in the vicinity of the heat source but that the differences diminish within a larger time window. Results from both theories indicate that the rapid thermal-mechanical waves cause high frequency, broadband stress waves to propagate through the package for a very short period of time. The power density associated with these stress waves was found to be of significant magnitude indicating that even though the effect, titled short time scale effect, is short lived, it could have significant impact on package reliability. The high frequency and high power density associated with the stress waves indicate that the probability of sub-micron cracking and/or delamination due to short time scale effect is high. The findings demonstrate that in processes involving rapid thermal transients, there is a non-negligible transient phenomenon worthy of further investigation.

Contribution to the local approach of fracture in solid dynamics.

Zhu, Yongyi 18 December 1992 (has links)
This study aims at the description, modelling and numerical prediction of ductile fracture in inelastic solids undergoing thermomechanical static or dynamic loading. Several research areas of contemporary interest in computer analysis of solids and structures are covered. The theoretical methodologies, computer implementations and practical applications will be treated. This thesis summarizes my recent research works since 1989 at the MSM Department of the University of Liège. However, it should also be useful to those who are interested in the most recent developments in finite element methods and in applying these techniques to the analysis of real industrial problems. Numerous references to original sources are included. For the convenience of the reader, each chapter of the thesis is designed to be self-contained, starts with a summary of the topic addressed, and finishes with an outline of the main results presented. Numerical examples are organized at the end of chapter 2 to 8 to assess the performance and applicability of the proposed mechanical and finite element models developed in each of them. Hereafter, a brief overview of the thesis is given. After a brief introduction in chapter 1, the numerical tools that are necessary to perform large strain thermomechanical static or dynamic analysis of solids are presented. In chapter 2, a general strategy for nonlinear dynamic finite element formulation is presented, including explicit and implicit time integration schemes. A special emphasis is placed on the application of high-speed metalforming and frictional contact-impact problems. Chapter 3 describes a strategy for solving problems involving transient thermal and thermomechanical analysis. A class of unified and mixed solid, thermal and coupled thermomechanical finite elements by assumed strain method is developed in chapter 4. Special care is taken to hourglass ans locking control. Once these developments are validated and their efficiency tested, it is then possible to tackle the problem of ductile fracture prediction and propagation. In chapter 5, a bibliographic research on the "local approach of ductile fracture" is presented. The implementation of six fracture criteria into various constitutive laws for predicting fracture initiation sites is also shown. A fully coupled elasto(-visco)-plastic damage model for isotropic material is developed in chapter 6. This model is based on irreversible thermodynamics theory and on the energy equivalence hypothesis. Chapter 7 presents the theoretical and experimental comparison for isotropic ductile material at fracture. Finally in chapter 8, the isotropic damage model of chapter 6 is extended to the case of anisotropic solids in which the damage growth itself is also anisotropic. The above developments have been implemented to an existing finite element code LAGAMINE developed since 1982 at the MSM Department of the University of Liège and are applied to many real engineering problems such as high speed rolling, magnetoforming, impact upsetting, dynamic forging, deep drawing of axisymmetric ans square cups, hot upsetting, warm folding of 3D sheet, non-isothermal hemispherical punch stretching, and other contact-impact examples.

High consistency refining of mechanical pulps during varying refining conditions : High consistency refiner conditions effect on pulp quality

Muhic, Dino January 2008 (has links)
The correlation between pulp properties and operating conditions in high consistency (HC) refiners at Holmen Paper AB were studied. Two types of HC refiners were investigated: the Andritz RTS refiner at the Hallstavik Mill and the Sprout-Bauer Twin 60 refiner at the Braviken Mill. The objective of the study was to clarify the relationship between the pulp properties and refining conditions such as electrical energy input, housing- and feed- pressure and plate wear in high consistency refining. The results of this project show that worn segments reduce the operating energy maximum input and the pulp and handsheet properties in negative aspects such as lower tensile- and tear index, and shorter average fibre length. Energy input is an important factor in the refining process and influence Canadian Standard Freeness and the tensile index as evident from the probability residuals. Housing pressure and feed pressure influence the pulp quality and should be adjusted in order to optimise the refining process, although the effect is not as great as for energy input or plate wear. The results of the study indicate that Braviken Mill is operating at its optimum for the parameters measured in this project. Hallstaviks goal, to avoid fibre shortening and to obtain better tensile index, can be reached by making slight changes in pressure condition.

Thermomechanical Characterization and Modeling of Shape Memory Polymers

Volk, Brent L. 16 January 2010 (has links)
This work focuses on the thermomechanical characterization and constitutive model calibration of shape memory polymers (SMPs). These polymers have the ability to recover seemingly permanent large deformations under the appropriate thermomechanical load path. In this work, a contribution is made to both existing experimental and modeling efforts. First, an experimental investigation is conducted which subjects SMPs to a thermomechanical load path that includes varying the value of applied deformations and temperature rates. Specifically, SMPs are deformed to tensile extensions of 10% to 100% at temperature rates varying from 1 degree C /min to 5 degree C/min, and the complete shape recovery profile is captured. The results from this experimental investigation show that the SMP in question can recover approximately 95% of the value of the applied deformation, independent of the temperature rate during the test. The data obtained in the experimental investigation are then used to calibrate, in one-dimension, two constitutive models which have been developed to describe and predict the material response of SMPs. The models include a model in terms of general deformation gradients, thus making it capable of handling large deformations. In addition, the data are used to calibrate a linearized version of the constitutive model for small deformations. The material properties required for calibrating the constitutive models are derived from portions of the experimental results, and the model is then used to predict the shape memory effect for an SMP undergoing various levels of deformation. The model predictions are shown to match well with the experimental data.

Thermomechanical Characterization Of Ti Rich Tini Shape Memoryalloys

Yasar, Fatih 01 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Titanium-nickel is a unique class of material known as Shape Memory Alloy (SMA). A thermoelastic martensitic phase transformation is responsible for its extraordinary properties such as shape memory effect and superelasticity. The near equiatomic Ti-Ni alloys are the commercially most exploited SMAs because of the unique combination of these properties and superior ductility, strength, fatigue resistance and corrosion resistance. The properties of Ti-Ni SMAs are very sensitive to composition and the processing parameters. The properties of Ti-Ni SMAs can be modified to a great extent by choice of composition, mechanical working and heat treatment. Thermo-mechanical treatments are required to strengthen the matrix and improve the shape memory characteristics. Plastic deformation and subsequent annealing is the common way to improve shape memory properties. In the present study, Ti- 50 at% Ni wire specimens are produced and used for the investigation of the effect of different heat treatment and cold working processes on shape memory characteristics. To investigate the thermomechanical behavior of differently processed wire specimens, a fully computerized servo hydraulic thermomechanical testing machine was designed and constructed. Testing machine was capable to perform different types of tests that are selected by the user. It can both heat and cool the specimen automatically according to the testing sequence by applying DC current directly through the SMA wire or by sending liquid nitrogen into the cooling chamber. Temperature is measured by a K-type thermocouple directly mounted on the wire specimen with a glass tape. Force that is applied to the specimen is produced by hydraulic power unit with a double action cyclinder and it is controlled by a controller which takes the feedback from the loadcell and LVDT (Linear Variable Distance Transducer). During performig thermomechanical-tests all the data of loadcell, LVDT and thermocouple are collected by a data acqusition system integrated with a host computer that operates the program XPC Target. Ti-Ni alloy with equiatomic composition is prepared in vacum induction furnace. Specimen cast in the form of rod was then hot swaged. Subsequent to swaging, cold wire drawing, intermediate annealing at 500 &amp / #61616 / C and water quenching was applied to obtain SMA wire with a diameter of 1.52 mm. Ti-Ni wires produced were subjected to four different processes. All the samples were initially solution heat treated at 925 &amp / #61616 / C for 30 minutes prior to water quenching. Some of the samples were further treated by an intermediate anneal at 500 &amp / #61616 / C. To see the effect of cold working / prior to intermediate annealing, 20 % or 40 % cold work was applied to another group of specimens. To study the shape memory characteristics of specimens subjected to the above mentioned processes, four types of test, namely constant stress free recovery test, constant strain free recovery test, constant stress constrained recovery test and constant strain constrained recovery test, were designed and applied cyclically. The tests have shown that the stress plateau observed in the first cycle of the tests disappear upon cycling and the shape memory characteristics improve and stabilize with cycling. Once trained by cycling, fractional free recovery was observed to reach to 100 % and recovery stress to reach 120% of the applied stress if shape recovery is prevented.

Short time scale thermal mechanical shock wave propagation in high performance microelectronic packaging configuration

Nagaraj, Mahavir 15 November 2004 (has links)
The generalized theory of thermoelasticity was employed to characterize the coupled thermal and mechanical wave propagation in high performance microelectronic packages. Application of a Gaussian heat source of spectral profile similar to high performance devices was shown to induce rapid thermal and mechanical transient phenomena. The stresses and temporal gradient of stresses (power density) induced by the thermal and mechanical disturbances were analyzed using the Gabor Wavelet Transform (GWT). The arrival time of frequency components and their magnitude was studied at various locations in the package. Comparison of the results from the classical thermoelasticity theory and generalized theory was also conducted. It was found that the two theories predict vastly different results in the vicinity of the heat source but that the differences diminish within a larger time window. Results from both theories indicate that the rapid thermal-mechanical waves cause high frequency, broadband stress waves to propagate through the package for a very short period of time. The power density associated with these stress waves was found to be of significant magnitude indicating that even though the effect, titled short time scale effect, is short lived, it could have significant impact on package reliability. The high frequency and high power density associated with the stress waves indicate that the probability of sub-micron cracking and/or delamination due to short time scale effect is high. The findings demonstrate that in processes involving rapid thermal transients, there is a non-negligible transient phenomenon worthy of further investigation.

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