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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Educational performance in Mozambique : an economic perspective

Bilale, Fernando Jorge Castanheira 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm (Economics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / The aim of this study was to analyse educational performance in Mozambique by 1) comparing the determinants of education in developing countries with the situation in country, 2) understanding the supply factors that influence enrolments and education attainment, 3) evaluating the efficiency of the current education system, 4) analysing the importance to education of each of the demand determinants and of school quality on education attainment, and 5) contributing information to assist policy makers with decisions regarding education. Mozambique is one of the poorest countries in the world. More than half of the population lives below the poverty line and the general adult literacy is only 54%. The education system is mainly characterized by weak performance as a whole, high grade repetition, high dropout rates, low survival rates, high pupil-teacher ratios and a low percentage of qualified teachers. In addition to this, there is a great deal of inequality in education achievement by province, place of residence, income group and gender. After this preliminary analysis, chapter II (literature review) highlighted critical inputs and served as a guideline for the following chapters of this study. The dimensions analysed in the followed chapters were: 1) Supply Factors, 2) Demand determinants and 3) School Quality. Chapter III therefore consisted of a descriptive analysis of the most important supply ...

The demand for labour in South Africa : a theoretical and empirical approach

Havemann, Roy Charles 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Nearly five million South Africans were unemployed in 2002 and creating employment opportunities is a difficult challenge. Before this issue can be tackled, however, it is critical to understand the problem. This thesis opts to contribute to this understanding by considering aspects around the demand for labour. The analysis considers a selection of the theoretical literature on the demand for labour, estimates key labour market parameters and then undertakes a number of simulations using a structural model. There are many conflicting paradigms that can be used to analyse the issue: microeconomic versus macroeconomic; neoclassical versus structuralist; theoretical versus empirical and so forth. Some of these paradigms are considered as part of the attempt to build an empirical framework that can be used to analyse the issue. The empirical results of the thesis suggest that: • Higher real wages lead to lowering of the quantity demanded of labour. The thesis estimates an economy-wide wage elasticity of employment of approximately -0,67; • Higher output stimulates the demand for labour. The single equation estimate of the employment elasticity of output is between 0,66 and 0,75, whilst the economy-wide estimate is approximately 1,1. The latter takes into account feedback effects from other macroeconomic variables, such as productivity and wages; • There is little evidence to show that the efficiency wage hypothesis holds - higher productivity leads to higher wages, but the converse is not true; • Union power increases real wages, indirectly leading to a fall in the demand for labour. This suggests that the labour market has insiders and outsiders; and • The relative price of labour is also important, with a fall in the cost of capital leading to a decrease in the demand for labour. Simulations suggest that job creation can be achieved through policies that encourage wage moderation and increase economic growth. There is also a potential role, albeit limited, for fiscal incentives such as a mooted earned income tax credit. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Byna vyf miljoen Suid-Afrikaners was werkloos in 2002 en werkskepping is 'n moeilike uitdaging. Voordat hierdie kwessie aangepak kan word, is dit egter noodsaaklik om die probleem te verstaan. Hierdie tesis dra by tot hierdie begrip deur te fokus op punte rondom die vraag na arbeid. Die ontleding kyk na 'n verskeidenheid van teoretiese literatuur oor die vraag na arbeid en identifiseer sleutel-parameters vir die arbeidsmark. Daar is soveel teenstrydige paradigmas wat gebruik kan word om die kwessie te ontleed: Mikro-ekonomies teenoor makro-ekonomies; neoklassiek teenoor strukturalisties; teoreties teenoor empiries, ensovoorts. Sommige van hierdie paradigmas word bespreek as deel van die poging om 'n empiriese raamwerk te bou wat gebruik kan word om die kwessie te ontleed. Die empiriese resultate van die tesis toon: • Hoër reële lone lei tot 'n verlaging van die hoeveelheid arbeid aangevra. Die tesis beraam die ekonomiewye loonelastisiteit van indiensneming op sowat - 0,67; • Hoër uitset stimuleer die vraag na arbeid. Die enkelvergelyking-raming van die uitset-elastisiteit van indiensneming is tussen 0,66 en 0,75, terwyl die ekonomiewye raming sowat 1,1 is. Laasgenoemde neem terugvoerinvloede van ander makro-ekonomiese veranderlikes in ag, bv. produktiwiteit en lone. • Daar is min bewyse dat die doeltreffende loon-hipotese water hou: Hoër produktiwiteit lei tot hoër lone, maar die teendeel is onwaar; • Vakbonde se mag verhoog reële lone, wat indirek lei tot 'n daling van die vraag na arbeid. Dit dui daarop dat die arbeidsmark 'n binnekring en buitestaanders het; en • Die relatiewe prys van arbeid is ook belangrik: 'n Afname van die koste van kapitaal veroorsaak 'n daling van die vraag na arbeid. Simulasies toon dat werkskepping bevorder kan word deur beleid wat loonmatiging en ekonomiese groei bevorder. Daar is ook 'n rol, alhoewel beperk, vir fiskale insentiewe, b.v. 'n loonsubsidie.

Die inkomstebelastinggevolge van verpoeling by landboukoöperasies met spesifieke verwysing na koöperatiewe wynkelders

Esterhuyse, Friedrich Hans 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm.)--Stellenbosch University, 1995. / Many co-operative societies make use of a system of pooling the produce delivered to it by its members. The delivered produce is thrown into one common stock and its identity is lost in the process. Each season's harvest would normally form a separate pool. The co-operative keeps record of all the pool transactions in the form of a pool account. In short these transactions consist of the proceeds from the sale of the pooled mass, commission charged by the co.:.operative, expenses incurred in the processing and marketing of the products, as well as advances to the members. The surplus of the pool account is divided among the members at the closing of the account, in proportion to their contributions to that specific pool. Each member's share in the surplus is reduced by advances already received. In practice, only the advances and the final share of the surplus, reduced by advances already received, are included in the taxable income of the members. Realised sales, not yet distributed to the members are therefore not included in the taxable income of the members, nor of the co-operative society. The value of unsold pool stock at year end is further not included in the taxable income of the individual members, nor of the co-operative society. In this study, the treatment of co-operative pools from an income tax perspective is investigated in order to determine whether the treatment in practice is a correct reflection of the law. The study first gives a general background of the co-operative society as a form of a business enterprise. This is necessary in order to understand the creation of co-operative pools. The study further deals specifically with co-operative pools and the income tax consequences thereof. The following aspects are discussed: (a) The legal nature and consequences of pooling are investigated. The rights and obligations between the relevant parties will determine the income tax consequences. The study concentrates on whether ownership of the produce is transferred to the co-operative society as well as the implications in law of the mixing of all the produce and the further processing thereof. The capacity in which the co-operative processes and disposes of the products are also investigated. (b) A discussion is also given on whether the participants of a particular pool form an association of persons. Certainty in this regard is necessary before the income tax consequences of pooling for the co-operative society or the individual members can be discussed. An association of persons is regarded as a person for income tax purposes and is therefore a separate taxpayer. A partnership will, however, not be a separate taxpayer. As the circumstances with pooling resembles that of a partnership, the legal requirements of partnerships are also investigated. (c) The income tax consequences of pooling for the co-operative society as well as the individual members are discussed in detail. The conclusions are reached by applying the general income tax principals, as laid down by the courts, on the circumstances that exist with pooling. The fact that the members are co-owners of the pooled mass and the co-operative society is regarded as the irrevocable agent of the members, has a significant influence on the income tax consequences. From the above, the conclusion is reached that the income tax treatment of pooling in practice, is a correct reflection of the law, not only in respect of receipts and accruals, but also in respect of the treatment of unsold pool stock.

Assessing the validity of the Structure, Conduct and Performance paradigm as theoretical framework for the application of competition policy in the long-term insurance sector of South Africa

Blaauw, Petrus Arnoldus 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm.)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In the recent past the industrialised world bore witness to staggering growth in the secondary and tertiary sectors of the economy. In the face of this growth process economic theory had to confront new challenges in explaining and interpreting economic phenomena. The complex nature of inter- and intra-firm relationships forced a pragmatic stance on policy makers to ensure that all actions are efficient and competitive. Two prominent schools of thought with contradictory viewpoints emerged. The Structuralists built upon the foundations laid by Bain (1951) and Mason (1939). This implied a theoretical framework, namely the Structure, Conduct and Perofrmance paradigm (SCP paradigm) that could be used to explain inter- and intra-firm relations according to a simple forward causality argument. The Structuralists' interpretation of the SCP paradigm provides strong support for the implementation of deconcentration measures by competition authorities. The Chicago School, however, developed a counter-argument inspired by Demsetz's (1973) efficiency hypothesis. According to them, causality is reversed and deconcentration measures are used at the expense of the most efficient firms. The thesis aims to study these contradictory arguments as well as their evolution in South Africa. Various researchers in South Africa have built on the arguments of the Structuralists and the Chicagoans regarding the manufacturing sector. The theoretical methods implemented by them will be applied to the long-term insurance industry to assess the validity of the SCP paradigm as a theoretical framework for the application of competition policy. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Fenomenale groei in die sekondêre en tersiêre sektore van die ekonomie het nuwe uitdagings ter verklaring en interpretering van inter- en intra-ondernemingsverhoudinge verskaf. Die komplekse aard van die verhoudinge het 'n pragmatiese aanslag ter versekering van effektiwiteit deur beleidmakers genoodsaak. Twee prominente denkskole met teenstrydige argumente het ontstaan. Die Strukturaliste het hulle sieninge op die werk van Bain (1951) en Mason (1939) gebaseer. Hierdie teorieë verwys na 'n teoretiese raamwerk, naamlik die Struktuur, Gedrag en Prestasie paradigma (SGP paradigma), wat gebruik kan word om inter- en intra-ondernemingsverhoudinge aan die hand van 'n kousaliteitsvloei van struktuur na prestasie, te verklaar. Die Strukturaliste se interpretasie van die SGP paradigma verskaf ondersteuning Vir die implementering van 'n dekonsentrasiebeleid deur mededingingsowerhede. Die Chicago Skool het 'n argument ontwikkel wat op die effektiwiteitshipotese van Demsetz (1973) gebaseer is. Volgens hulle beweeg kousaliteit in die teenoorgestelde rigting as wat die Strukturaliste beweer en straf dekonsentrasiemaatreëls die mees effektiewe ondernemings. Hierdie werkstuk het ten doelom hierdie argumente sowel as die evolusie daarvan in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks te ondersoek. Verskeie navorsers in Suid-Afrika het op argumente van dié twee denkskole ten opsigte van die vervaardingingsektor voortgebou. Die teoretiese metodiek wat deur hulle ontwikkel is, sal aangewend word om die geldigheid van die SGP paradigma as die teoretiese raamwerk vir die aanwending van 'n mededingingsbeleid in die langtermyn-versekeringsbedryf van Suid-Afrika vas te stel.

The macro-economic impact of HIV/AIDS in South Africa

Visagie, Linette (Linette Louise) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South Africa faces one of the world's most severe HIV/AIDS epidemics. Whereas the disease was initially only regarded as a serious health crisis, it is now clear that the epidemic will also have economic repercussions. The objective of this study is to project the extent of the macro-economic impact of HIV/AIDS in South Africa over the next 10 to 15 years. The study commences with a discussion of the key characteristics of HIV/AIDS and the current status of the epidemic in South Africa. The demographic inputs used are based on projections produced by the HIV/AIDS model of Metropolitan Life (the Doyle model). The methodology and key assumptions behind the Doyle model are described briefly, after which the demographic projections are presented and discussed. The paper contains a summary of previous approaches to modelling the economic impact of HIV/AIDS, as well as a presentation and discussion of their simulation results. In reviewing the available literature on the economic impact of HIV/AIDS, it becomes apparent that researchers have not yet reached consensus on the economic impact of HIV/AIDS in South Africa - estimates of the impact on GDP growth range anywhere between a reduction of 0.3 and 2.0 percentage points over the next 10 to 15 years. The approach that is used in modelling the economic impact of HIV/AIDS in this study comprises the following: Firstly, a no-AIDS forecast of the South African economy is generated using the annual macro-econometric forecasting model of the Bureau for Economic Research. Secondly, the channels through which the epidemic would likely impact on the economy are identified and modelled. These include slower growth in the population and the labour force; higher employee benefit contributions by employers and employees; indirect costs to the private and public sectors (e.g. lower productivity and higher recruitment and training costs); and higher health and welfare expenditure by the government, as well as an increase in tax rates. The economic effects of each impact channel are analysed independently, after which the different impact channels are combined in the model for the aggregated AIDS inclusive simulation. The results are presented in the form of comparisons between "no-AIDS" and "AIDS" projections for key economic variables for the period 2001 to 2015. The paper also contains results from a macro-economic sensitivity analysis, in which seven of the key assumptions are altered in order to test the sensitivity of the model to these changes. Simulation results indicate that the epidemic will have a negative impact on economic growth in South Africa - real GDP growth could fall from a projected average of 3.7% over the period 2002-2015 without HIV/AIDS to between 3.4% and 3.1 % per year with HIV/AIDS. In contrast, real per capita GDP growth is projected to be 0.7 to 1.0 percentage points higher compared to a no-AIDS scenario, as the adverse impact of the epidemic on the population will outweigh the negative impact on real GDP. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrika staar een van die wêreld se ernstigste MIV/VIGS epidemies in die gesig. Aanvanklik is die siekte slegs as 'n erge gesondheidskrisis beskou, maar vandag is dit duidelik dat die epidemie ook ekonomiese gevolge sal hê. Die oogmerk van hierdie studie is om die omvang van die makro-ekonomiese impak van MIV/VIGS oor die volgende 10 tot 15 jaar in Suid-Afrika te beraam. Die proefskrif begin met 'n bespreking van die belangrikste eienskappe van MIV/VIGS en die huidige stand van die epidemie in Suid-Afrika. Die demografiese insette wat gebruik word, is gebaseer op projeksies van Metropolitan se MIV/VIGS model (die Doyle model). Die metodiek en die sleutel aannames van die Doyle model word kortliks bespreek, waarna die demografiese projeksies aangebied en bespreek word. Die studie bevat 'n opsomming van benaderings wat van te vore gebruik is om die ekonomiese impak van MIV/VIGS te modelleer, asook 'n voorlegging en 'n bespreking van hul resultate. 'n Oorsig van beskikbare literatuur oor die ekonomiese impak van MIV/VIGS bring aan die lig dat daar in werkilikheid nog geen konsensus oor die omvang van die impak op die Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie bereik is nie. Beramings van die impak op BBP groei oor die volgende 10 tot 15 jaar wissel van 'n vermindering met 0.3 tot 2.0 persentasie punte. Die benadering wat in hierdie studie gevolg word om die ekonomiese impak van HIV/VIGS te modelleer behels die volgende: Eerstens word 'n vooruitskatting van die Suid- Afrikaanse ekonomie sonder MIV/VIGS gegenereer met die hulp van die makroekonometriese vooruitskattings model van die Buro vir Ekonomiese Ondersoek. Die tweede stap behels die identifisering en die modellering van die verskillende kanale waardeur die epidemie moontlik die ekonomie kan affekteer. Dit sluit onder andere die volgende in: stadiger groei in die populasie en die arbeidsmag; hoër bydraes deur werkgewers en werknemers aan werknemer-bystandfondse; indirekte onkostes vir die privaat en openbare sektore (bv. laer produktiviteit en hoër werwings- en opleidings koste); 'n toename in staatsbesteding op gesondheids en welsyns dienste; asook 'n styging in belastingkoerse. Die ekonomiese implikasies van elkeen van die kanale word individueelontleed, waarna die verskillende kanale saamgevoeg word vir die oorkoepelende simulasie. Die resultate word aangebied in die vorm van vergelykings tussen "geen-VIGS" en "VIGS" projeksies vir sleutel ekonomiese veranderlikes oor die periode 2001-2015. Die proefskrif bevat ook 'n voorlegging van die resultate van 'n makro-ekonomiese sensitiviteits ontleding, waarin sewe van die sleutel aannames verander is met die doelom die gevoeligheid van die model vir hierdie veranderinge te bepaal. Die resultate toon dat die epidemie 'n negatiewe uitwerking op ekonomiese groei in Suid-Afrika sal hê - die gemiddelde groeikoers in die reële BBP oor die periode 2001-2015 mag daal van 'n geprojekteerde 3.7% sonder MIV/VIGS tot tussen 3.4% en 3.1 % met MIV/VIGS. In teenstelling toon die resultate dat die gemiddelde groeikoers in per capita reële BBP tussen 0.7 en 1.0 persentasie punte hoër mag wees vergeleke met die "geen-VIGS" scenario. Die toename in per capita BBP groei kan toegeskryf word aan die skerp daling in die groei van die populasie as gevolg van MIV/VIGS.

State provision of social security : some theoretical, comparative and historical perspectives with reference to South Africa

Kruger, Johannes Jacob 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 1992. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Societies are imaginative when setting up non-marl\et responses to deal v1ith insecurity and deprivation. The result is that there are many different services (such as income support, personal welfare services, education, health care and housing) catering for the very general objective of providing security. In addition, a variety of institutions can, and do, provide these services. While the traditional theory of public goods and e::...1ernalities does not provide clear justification for increased state provision of these services (in contrast to market, family, community and employer provision), increased state provision and coordination do seem to be a clear trend both from historical and comparative perspectives. Furthermore, this increased role of the state can be interpreted as representing a reassignment of the traditional roles of other institutions (noted above) to the state. The above trend can be rationalized on economic grounds as being the result of the changing nature of societies which affects the viability of different institutions In the provision of social services. Economic devt~lopment affects the cost of production of social services by different institutions differently. Taking a more in depth view of the costs of production, there are grounds to believe that the comparative advantage of the state in the provision of these_ services grows- a-s economic development takes place. "Nationalization" of the provision of services providing social security as economic development takes place can thus be seen as a stylized fact of economic development, and as representing an adjustment which can be efficiency enhancing. lt is from this perspective that the issue of the affordabiiity of increased social provision in developing countries should be approached. The South African experience provides further evidence of the increasing pressures, over time, for greater state provision of social security. The experience also, how . .:wer, furnishes examples of how in a specific situation these forces can be obstructed by speciric political institutions and how social policy can fail to adjust to changing circumstances. This resulted in the current unequal access to social services, the inequality of benefit levels and the incomplete coverage of risks faced by people in the South African economy. In spite of the incompleteness of the South African social safety net and the inequality which it reflects, fiscal and macroeconomic constraints seem to limit the possibilities for eAtending the safety net and for making it more just These constraints imply, and have resultoo in, the lowering of benefits to the previously privileged _;-( and an adjustment in the nature of benefits, leading to a focus on lower cost services which offer high rates of return. Current demands and envisaged changes in the spht?re of social policy, especially those surrounding a national pension system with universal coverage and G:·.tensive speci31 employm.3nt programmes, however, indicate the strength of the forces making for increase:d "nationali:ation" of income support and other social services. How the perceived fiscal constraints can be reconciled with the alleged rationality of a growing role for the South African state in social provision remains a question. The very general response of this study needs to be evaluated by looking in more d.:.tail at specific programmes and specific aspects of insecurity. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Samelewings is verbeeldingryk met die daarstelling van nie-markgeorienteerde installings om armoede en 'n gebrek aan bestaanssekerheid die hoof te bied. Daarom is daar 'n verskeidenheid dienste (soos inkomsteversekering, persoonlih:e welsynsdienste, gesondheid, onderwys en behuising) om die baie algemene behoefte aan bestaanssekerheid aan te spreek. Daar is dan ook 'n hele verskeidenheid instellings wat hierdie dienste voorsien, en kan voorsien. Alhoewel die tradisionele teorie van publieke goedere en ekstemaliteite nie voldoende regverdiging vir groeiende staatsvoorsiening van hierdia dlenste (in teenstelllng met verskafflng deur markte, families, gemeenskappe en werkgewers) daarstel nie, blyk dit dat toenemende staatsvoorslening uit 'n historiese sowel as vergelykende perspektief 'n duid&like tendens verteenwoordlg. Verder kan die groeiende rol van die staat in hierdle steer oak gesit:m word .:ts die gevolg van die hertoewysing van tradisionele rolle van ander instellings (soos hierbo genoem) aan die staat. Hierdie tend ens kan op ekonomiese gronde gerasionaliseer word as die gevolg van die veranderende aard van samelewlngs wat die ekonomiese lewensvatbaarheid van instellings in die voorsiening van sosiale dienste beinvloed. Ekonomiese ontwikkeling affekteer verskillende instellings, en daarom die produksiekoste van sosiale dienste deur die instellings voorsien, op uiteenlopende maniere. lndien 'n bree konsep van produksiekoste gebruik word is dit moontlik am te argumenteer dat die ataat se vergelykende voordeel in die voorsiening van hierdie dienste toeneem soos 'n land ekonomies ontwikkel. "Nasionalisering" van die dienste wat sosiale sekuriteit daarstel kan dan gesien word as een van die basiese neigings wat met ekonomiese ontwikkeling geassosieer kan word. sowel as 'n aanpassing wat ekonomiese doeltreffendheid verbeter. Hierdle perspektief Is die gewensde een wanneer die kwessie van die bekostigbaarheid van toenemende sosiale voorsiening in ontwikkelende lande aangespreek word. Die Suid-Afrih:aanse ondervlnding in hierdie verband verskaf verdere getuienis van toenemende kragte, oar tyd, wat groeiende staatsvoorsiening van sosiale sekuriteit (sekerheid) In die hand werk. Die ondervinding voorsien egter oak voorbeelde van hoe hierdie kragte deur spesifleke politieke instellings omvorm kan word en hoe sosiale beleid 1\an agterbly by veranderende omstandighode. Hierdie faktore het aanleiding gegee tot die huidige ongelyke toegang tot sosiale dienste, ongelyke voordele en onvoldoende dekking teen die rlsiko's wat die Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie inhou. Ten spyte van die tekortkominge van die Suid-Afrik3.anse stelsel van bestaansbeveiliging en die ongelyh:heid daarin gereflehteer, kom dit voor asof fiskale en makro-ekonomiese beperkinge die moontlikhede am die stelsel te omvorm streng beperk: Hierdie beperkinge impliseer, en het aanleiding gegee tot, 'n verlaging van die voordele van die bevoorregte groepe en 'n aanpassing van die aard van voordele, veral in die rigting van goedkoper dienste met steeds hoe opbrengskoerse. Huidige eise en voorsit3ne veranderinge in die sfeer van sosiale beleid. veral ten opsigte van 'n univo3rsele sto::l3o:.l van 3osiale pensioene en spesiale werkskeppingsprogramme, dui egter op die sterkte van die kragte wat to8n8m-:mde "nasionalisering" van sosiale dienste in die hand werk. Hoe die klaarblyklike fish:ale bepalings ta versoen is met die beweerde rasionaliteit van 'n grater rol vir die Suid-Afrikaanse staat in sosiale voorsiening bly 'n vraag. Dit is nodig am die bree perspektief van hierdie studie te evalueer deur in meer detail te kyh: na spesifiek programme en spesifleke oorsah:e van 'n gebrek aan bestaanssekerheid.

The effect of the global economic crisis on strategy in the engineering manufacturing sector in KwaZulu-Natal.

Fitzsimmonds, Kezia Marie. 28 November 2013 (has links)
The world was caught unprepared for the recent crisis that has gripped the globe. The engineering manufacturing sector is reported to have been one of the hardest hit and has been haemorrhaging jobs since the global economic crisis first reached South African shores. This study aimed first, to establish the presence of a global crisis and second, to determine whether this crisis is of an economic or financial nature. Objectives of the study included determining whether the engineering manufacturing sector has been impacted on by the crisis and whether the affects of this have been of a detrimental nature. This was done primarily to assess the extent to which strategies in the engineering manufacturing sector in KwaZulu-Natal have been affected and needed to be specifically adapted in order for SMEs to survive and grow beyond the current economic circumstances. Data was collected through the use of questionnaires, a typically quantitative research technique, as well as through the compilation of literature reviews. Questionnaires were circulated amongst thirty organisations within the identified sector in KwaZulu-Natal, of which twenty-two were completed and returned for analysis. Primary data was analysed in conjunction with the literature reviews. Typical responses confirmed the existence of a crisis and indicated that strategies had to be specifically adapted as a result. However, strategic alterations were often ill informed. This issue could be address through the application of the outlined models to optimise strategy. The use of these models would better enable respondents to make informed decisions when formulating their strategies and thereby assist the organisation in achieving a sustainable competitive advantage. / Thesis (M.Com.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2012.

The rise in female labour force participation in South Africa : an analysis of household survey data , 1995-2001.

Casale, Daniela Maria. January 2003 (has links)
In the 1990s nationally representative and detailed household survey data became available for the first time in South Africa, opening up opportunities to examine some of the key movements in the labour market especially. This thesis investigates one of these: the continued and dramatic rise in female labour force participation that has occurred in post-apartheid South Africa over the period 1995 to 2001. The rise in women's participation, also referred to as the 'feminisation' of the labour market, is a phenomenon that has been observed and analysed in many countries around the world, and yet has remained largely undocumented in South Africa. The 'feminisation' that has been recorded in the international literature generally refers to the rise in women's share of the labour force coupled with a rise in women's share of employment. What is striking in the South African case, however, is that over the period under review here regular employment opportunities in the formal sector of the economy have been indisputably limited, and yet female labour force participation has continued to increase. The increase in participation has translated mainly into a rise in unemployment and in generally low-paying forms of self-employment in the informal sector. This raises the question why so many more women chose to enter the labour market over this period in spite of their dismal prospects, a question that is explored as far as possible in this study given the constraints imposed by the data available. This thesis is presented in three main parts. The first part consists of a review of the economic theory of female labour supply and a review of the international literature on the trends, causes and consequences associated with the rise in female labour force participation over time. The second and largest part of the thesis consists of an empirical analysis of the factors driving the rise in female labour force participation in South Africa. The broad trends in the labour force between 1995 and 2001 are documented, some of the supply-side correlates of labour force participation are explored descriptively, and then the determinants of the rise in female labour force participation in South Africa over this period are tested more thoroughly in a multivariate regression and decomposition analysis. The final part of the study turns to the question of what the rise in female labour force participation has 'bought' women in terms of access to employment and earnings for those women who did have work in the period under review. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Natal, Durban, 2003.

A computable dynamic bioeconomic model of the optimal utilisation and management of South Africa's renewable marine resources : a case study of the hake fishery.

Saville, Adrian David. January 1997 (has links)
No abstract available. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Natal, Durban,1997.

Remittances as development tools in the Eritrean economy.

January 2005 (has links)
Migrant workers in the developed countries remit part of their earnings to their families, relatives, and friends left behind in their old communities in the less developed countries. Remittances, as financial resources whether delivered in cash or in kind, have been playing great roles in the development of the economies of many developing countries. Remittances are now taking the lead after foreign direct investment in most aid recipient countries. Remittances are believed to remain a stable source of foreign exchange (Ratha 2003:163). They have great impact on the society at large and on the living standards of most remittance recipient households. Remittances can be classified as private development assistance because they are sent from individual migrants. At the same time, they are family welfare systems or safety nets that are delivered directly to the beneficiaries. Why do migrants remit? There are different theories of remittances that attempt to explain the act of remitting. Such theories range from an altruistic behaviour, which according to some studies about 75 percent of remitters claim to be motivated by enlightened-self interest, implicit family loan agreement and implicit co-insurance. The macro-economic determinants and the social networks also play a part in influencing the flow in volumes and frequencies of these moneys. Eritrea, as a country that has come out of protracted and devastating thirty years of war, started its development from meagre resources. In fact according to Randall (1995), in 1991 - the year Eritrea got its independence - 85 percent of its people were living on foreign aid whether in the form of remittances or food aid. During the armed struggle, the role of the Diaspora Eritreans was significant not only as financial support but also because they acted as spokespersons for the little-known struggle for independence. It was therefore imperative for Eritrea to rely heavily on its Diaspora population for their financial, technical and other material resources to rehabilitate its devastated economy. To regain sovereignty means a lot to Eritreans as a whole and to the Diaspora Eritreans in particular. After independence, hundreds of thousands of the Eritrean Diaspora flew to their country, met their families and visited different historical places. According to the ministry of Tourism of the State of Eritrea, more than 70,000 Diaspora Eritreans visit the country annually, which means a sustainable level of tourism development can be achieved. The Diaspora also initiated different projects. The study has come to realise that indeed there are different projects that are sponsored by the Eritrean Diaspora in concern of their immediate families, communities and investments for their potential profits. Although it is difficult to put it in terms of figures or percentiles, some estimates put the annual remittances received by Eritreans to be between 200 - 300 million US dollars. Remittances, whether consumed or invested, are estimated to contribute enormously to the Eritrean economy, which roughly estimated is 19-37 percent of GDP. As in the case of Mexico, remittances' trickling down effect is 3:1 (Adelman and Taylor 1990 as cited in Ratha, 2003). Likewise, the developmental effect of remittances in the Eritrean economy is also estimated no less, if not more. Furthermore, the Government of the State of Eritrea implemented different policy measures to ease the flow of remittances and to guide the individual remitter in the use of these financial resources in the domestic economy. Different investment opportunities such as housing projects, sale of shares and stocks of government owned enterprises and treasury bonds are to mention but a few. Similarly, the government, to augment the Martyrs' Trust Fund and to increase the tax base of the economy, introduced directives plus nominal tax rates to the Diaspora Eritreans. Institutionalising Diaspora Eritreans and securitization of the future-flow of remittances also helped the government to get access to international markets, to avoid credit rationing in the face of deteriorating sovereign risks. The dissertation attempts to capture the role of remittances as development tools in the Eritrean economy. After introducing the geopolitical and economic background history of the country in chapter one, in chapter two attempts are made to cover extensively the definitions, uses and drawbacks of remittances. In chapter the different theories or determinants of remittances and the transfer channels and their associated problems are described. In chapter four endeavours are made to assess the different policy measures applied by labour exporting countries to influence the flow of remittances and their uses. For comparison of these policies, three countries experiences are presented. Finally in chapter five the paper tries to draw conclusions and advance some recommendations. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2005.

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