Spelling suggestions: "subject:"thesespecial work."" "subject:"thesocial work.""
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Geskeide vroue se ervarings en persepsies van hul aanpassing in die post-egskeidingsfaseLe Roux, Memry S. (Memry Sharlene) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Social Work)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this study is to gain understanding of the perceptions and experiences of
divorced women in the postdivorce phase, with specific reference to rural divorcees.
During intervention with divorced women the social worker ought to be informed
about the needs of divorcees, as well as be skilled to deal with the trauma of divorce.
It is therefore necessary to understand how women experience the post-divorce
The Systems, Ecological, Strengths and Feminist Perspectives are used as a frame
of reference to understand the adaptation of divorced women. First, a study of
relevant literature is undertaken which presents a broad review of the process of
divorce; divorce as a mourning process, as well as the influence of divorce on the
women and children. Attention is also devoted to literature on the adaptation of
women in the post-divorce phase. Second a qualitative, phenomenological research
subject is chosen to explore the experiences and perceptions of divorced women’s
adaptation during the post divorce-phase. Factors which obstruct adaptation, as well
as factors which stimulate personal growth, came to light during the empirical
Four themes unfolded from the research. The first theme relates to tension: tension
regarding finances; tension regarding health; tension arising from the overloading of
roles and tension resulting from the relationship with the ex-husband, as well as how
divorce is experienced int the rural areas. The second theme deals with spirituality:
divorce as a spiritual crisis; deepenig spirituality; spirituality in the shaping of identity
and facilitating to a large extent the mourning process. In the third theme various
sources of support are discussed, while the fourth theme focuses on the positive
side of divorce, namely personal growth.
The before mentioned themes contain the challenges divorced women experience
during the post-divorce phase. Recommendations focus on post-divorce intervention
which are aimded to relief stress, strengthen spirituality, to obtain knowledge of
supportsystems in the community, and also to stimulate the process of personal
growth. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie het ten doel om geskeide vroue se persepsies en ervarings van hul
aanpassing in die post-egskeidingsfase te verstaan, met spesifieke verwysing na die
plattelandse geskeide vrou. Tydens intervensie met geskeide vroue behoort die
maatskaplike werker vaardig en goed ingelig te wees ten opsigte van die behoeftes
wat geskeides ervaar, daarom is dit noodsaaklik om te verstaan hoe geskeide
vrouens die proses ervaar.
As praktykraamwerk is die Gesinsisteem-, Ekologiese, Sterkte- en Feministiese
Perspektief gebruik om die aanpassing van geskeide vroue te verstaan. Eerstens is
‘n literatuurstudie onderneem wat ‘n breë oorsig oor die proses van egskeiding,
egskeiding as rouproses asook die invloed van egskeiding op die vrou en kinders
bied. Aandag is ook gegee aan die aanpassing van die vrou in die postegskeidingsfase.
Tweedens is ‘n kwalitatiewe, fenomenologiese navorsingsontwerp
gekies om die ervarings en persepsies van vyf geskeide vroue uit verskillende
plattelandse dorpe se aanpassing in die post-egskeidingsfase te eksploreer. Faktore
wat die aanpassing strem, asook faktore wat persoonlike groei stimuleer, het uit die
empiriese navorsing na vore gekom.
Vier temas het uit hierdie navorsing ontspring. Die eerste tema hou verband met
spanning: Finansiële spanning, spanning oor gesondheid, spanning wat ontstaan uit
die oorbelading van rolle, spanning oor die verhouding met die gewese man, en die
plattelandse ervaring. Die tweede tema handel oor spiritualiteit: egskeiding is ‘n
spirituele krisis, dit bring spirituele verdieping, spiritualiteit help met identiteitsvorming
en fasiliteer in ‘n groot mate die rouproses. In die derde tema word verskeie
ondersteuningsbronne bespreek, terwyl die vierde tema ook die positiewe kant van
egskeiding uitlig, naamlik persoonlike groei.
Bogenoemde temas vervat die behoeftes wat geskeide vroue tydens die
aanpassingsperiode na egskeiding ervaar. Aanbevelings het gefokus op postegskeidingsintervensie
wat daarop gemik is om spanning te help verlig, spiritualiteit
te versterk, ondersteuningsnetwerke in die omgewing te ken en die proses van
persoonlike groei te stimuleer.
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The prevention of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders : an ecological approachDe Vries, Maria Magdalena 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Social Work)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) is caused by maternal drinking during pregnancy. Pre-natal drinking has a range of deleterious effects including physical, mental and behavioural consequences for the affected child. Although FASD is completely preventable, it is irreversible with consequences that last into adulthood. The range of effects of FASD forms a spectrum with fully developed FAS on the one end and no effects on the other end of the spectrum.
The Western Cape has one of the highest recorded rates of FAS in the world. This seriously affects almost all systems in society and strains the already overburdened educational-, health-, social- and judicial systems. For this reason preventing FASD is of the utmost importance and requires a comprehensive approach on multiple levels.
This study explores and describes FASD prevention services in the Bonnievale, Robertson, Ashton and Montagu-areas – a wine-producing area in the Western Cape. Available FASD prevention services on all levels of prevention, the focus-areas of the different prevention activities, collaboration and co-ordination between the role-players and obstacles in delivering prevention services, was examined. By adopting an ecological approach, FASD prevention services could be investigated on multiple levels.
This study used a combination of quantitative and qualitative research. An exploratory design and a purposive sampling method were used. Participants were interviewed individually and with the help of a semi-structured questionnaire.
The findings of the empirical investigation show that, although prevention efforts are applied on the universal, selective and indicated levels of prevention, a lack of formal prevention efforts that are actively pursued - especially on the level of indicated prevention - exists. This is aggravated by the absence of formal co-ordination of services and structured systems of referrals. NGO‟s and government departments are, as a result, not clear about their respective roles and responsibilities and women with the highest risk for having a child with FAS, therefore, fall through the cracks of the system. This happens partly because social workers are often perceived as the only agents for social change in the community. According to the ecological approach all levels (micro, meso and macro) of organizations in the social environment should work together for change by repeating prevention messages on the different levels and thereby reinforcing it. In the study area, however, most FAS prevention services were on the micro-level with few on the meso-level and virtually none on macro-level.
Participants identified a lack of co-ordination, unplanned families, a lack of resources, a lack of training and training material and low levels of education as obstacles in service delivery.
Recommendations resulting from the study indicate that FAS prevention will benefit from structured, formal programs on all levels of prevention. This will require non-government organizations and government departments to co-ordinate services and to develop a formal system of referral amongst the role-players. Training of personnel in clinics, NGO‟s, government departments and volunteers, as well as the development of training material targeted at people on different levels of education, should receive attention. It is, in conclusion, recommended that community organizations and structures such as churches, places of business, farmer‟s associations and liquor outlets are actively involved in the prevention of FASD. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Fetale Alkohol Spektrum Afwykings (FASA) word veroorsaak deur alkoholgebruik tydens swangerskap. Alkoholgebruik tydens swangerskap het „n reeks skadelike effekte, insluitend fisiese, psigiese en gedragsafwykings in die geaffekteerde kind. Alhoewel FASA heeltemal voorkombaar is, is dit onomkeerbaar en duur die gevolge daarvan voort in volwassenheid. Die reeks effekte van FASA vorm „n spektrum met volledig ontwikkelde FAS aan die een kant en geen effekte nie aan die ander kant van die spektrum.
Die Wes-Kaap het een van die hoogste aangetekende voorkomssyfers van FAS in die wêreld. Dit affekteer feitlik alle sisteme in die samelewing en plaas nog meer druk op die reeds oorlaaide opvoedkundige-, gesondheids-, maatskaplike- en regssisteme. Om hierdie rede is die voorkoming van FASA van uiterste belang en word „n omvattende benadering op veelvuldige vlakke vereis.
Hierdie studie ondersoek en beskryf FASA voorkomingsdienste in die Bonnievale-, Robertson-, Ashton- en Montagu-area – „n wynproduserende streek in die Wes-Kaap. Die beskikbaarheid van FASA voorkomingsdienste op alle vlakke van voorkoming, die fokus-areas van die verskillende voorkomingsaktiwiteite, samewerking en koördinering van dienste tussen die rolspelers, sowel as struikelblokke in voorkomingsdienste, is ondersoek. Deur die ekologiese benadering aan te neem, kon FASA voorkomingsdienste op veelvuldige vlakke ondersoek word.
Die studie kombineer kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe navorsing. Die ontwerp van die studie is verkennend en daar is „n doelbewuste steekproef gedoen. Indivuduele onderhoude met deelnemers is met behulp van semi-gestruktureeerde vraelyste gevoer.
Die bevindinge van die empiriese ondersoek toon dat, alhoewel voorkomingspogings aangewend word op die universele, selektiewe en indikatiewe voorkomingsvlakke, daar 'n gebrek bestaan aan formele voorkomingspogings wat aktief nagestreef word, veral op die indikatiewe vlak. Dit word vererger deur die afwesigheid van formele koördinering van dienste en gestruktureerde verwysingsisteme.
Nie-regeringsorganisasies en staatsdepartemente het gevolglik nie duidelikheid oor hul onderskeie rolle en verantwoordelikhede nie. Die gevolg hiervan is dat vroue met die hoogste risiko om geboorte te skenk aan kinders met FAS, deur die krake in die sisteem val. Dit geskied deels omdat maatskaplike werkers dikwels gesien word as die enigste agente vir maatskaplike verandering in die gemeenskap. Volgens die ekologiese benadering behoort alle vlakke (mikro, meso en makro) van organisasie in die sosiale omgewing saam te werk om verandering teweeg te bring deurdat voorkomingsboodskappe op die verskillende vlakke te herhaal en sodoende te versterk word. In die studie-area is die meeste voorkomingsdienste egter op mikro-vlak gelewer met min op meso-vlak en feilik geen op makro-vlak nie.
Deelnemers aan die studie het „n gebrek aan koördinasie van dienste, onbeplande gesinne, „n gebrek aan hulpbronne, „n gebrek aan opleiding en opleidingsmateriaal en lae vlakke van geletterdheid geïdentifiseer as struikelblokke in dienslewering.
Aanbevelings wat uit die studie voortvloei, dui aan dat FASA voorkomingsdienste sal baat vind by gestruktureerde, formele programme op alle vlakke van voorkoming. Dit sal vereis dat nie-regeringsorganisasies en staatdepartemente hul dienste koördineer en „n formele verwysingstelsel tussen die verskillende rolspelers ontwikkel. Opleiding van personeel in klinieke, NRO‟s, staatsdepartemente en vrywilligers, sowel as die ontwikkeling van opleidingsmateriaal wat persone op verskillende vlakke van opvoeding teiken, behoort aandag te geniet. Dit word laastens ook aanbeveel dat gemeenskapsorganisasies en strukture byvoorbeeld kerke, besighede, boere-verenigings en verkoopspunte vir alkohol, aktief betrek word by die voorkoming van FASA.
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The experiences of mothers caring for their school-going children with physical or mental disabilities in low-income communities : an ecological perspectiveChikusie Chirwa, Leah Ndija 08 March 2012 (has links)
Thesis (M Social work)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to develop an understanding of the experiences of mothers caring for their school-going children with mental or physical disabilities in low-income communities using the ecological perspective. The rationale for this research was a gap in the existing literature re-garding the experiences of mothers caring for their school-going children with mental or physical disabilities in low-income communities in South Africa, which was identified in the preliminary and main literature review. The literature review further indicated that these mothers have to struggle with several challenges, particularly in low-income communities. In order to achieve the aim of this study, four research objectives were formulated for this study. To reach the objectives of the study the researcher employed both qualitative and quantitative research methods to col-lect the data for the research. The research methodology comprised two main parts: firstly, a lit-erature study of all relevant literature on the subject matter, in order to gain the necessary in-depth understanding of the field; and secondly, qualitative and quantitative data-collection, using a semi-structured questionnaire. The first part of this study, the extensive literature review, helped firstly to provide the necessary background information on the mental and physical disabilities of school-going children, sec-ondly, it helped to establish a number of challenges that mothers caring for their disabled chil-dren face and the needs that result from them, from an ecological perspective. These were cate-gorized into four groups of needs: (1) access needs; (2) economic needs; (3) social and cultural needs; and (4) mental/psychological needs. Consequently, ways of meeting these needs were discussed, from formal support, such as government grants, to informal support, for example, the support of family and friends. Assessing the South African environment it was found that while the country has provided a very positive policy environment, through its constitution, policies and grant system, the practical implementation of this is, in many instances, inadequate.
Using the findings of the first part of this thesis to create a questionnaire, its second part, the em-pirical study, presented and analysed the answers of nineteen mothers caring for their disabled children who attend the special school selected for the research study in Cloetesville, Stellenbosch; a low-income community. The questionnaire explored, among other aspects, the physical, social, emotional, psychological and economic needs of the mothers; the role of the school, fami-ly, friends, non-governmental organisations and other coping options in meeting them, as well as the mothers´ awareness of available resources. The findings in the South African low-income community corresponded to a large extent with what was indicated in the literature study. The mothers were found to live under precarious economic and employment situations, having to rely on child support and disability dependence grants. Furthermore, the mothers reported that they experienced stress, emotional and physical, as a result of having to care for disabled children. It was shown that while receiving grants and sending their children to the special school did alle-viate some of the challenges, this aid was not perceived as sufficient. On the other hand, the study confirmed and emphasized the importance of understanding and support by family and friends in helping mothers meet their needs. Moreover, it was found that most of the mothers interviewed for this thesis had a positive perception of their role as caregiver for their disabled child: for example, seeing themselves as good mothers, being proud to be self-sufficient, as well as a positive influence on the mothers‟ relationship with their family. As a consequence of the results this study, several recommendations were made for government (social development) and service providers (social workers, teachers, doctors): firstly, govern-ment should aim to achieve a better congruence between the positive policy environment in South Africa and the implementation of these policies; secondly, among other recommendations for service providers, awareness needs to be raised in communities to decrease the stigma of dis-ability and increase understanding and support. Finally, while this study was a success, it was only a first step in filling the gap in the literature on the experiences of mothers caring for their mentally and physically disabled children in South African low-income communities, and therefore needs to be complemented and tested by further research on the subject. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was om „n begrip te ontwikkel van die ervarings van moeders wat sorg vir hul skoolgaande kinders met verstandelike- of fisiese gestremdhede, in lae-inkomste gemeenskappe, deur gebruik te maak van die ekologiese perspektief. Die rasionaal vir die navorsing was, die gaping in bestaande literatuur ten opsigte van die ervarings van moeders wat sorg vir hul skoolgaande kinders met verstandelike- of fisiese gestremdhede in lae-inkomste gemeenskappe in Suid-Afrika, soos geïdentifiseer is in die voorlopige- en hoof literatuur oorsig. Die literatuur oorsig het verder aangedui dat hierdie moeders, veral in lae-inkomste gemeenskappe, verskeie uitdagings in die gesig staar. Ten einde die doel van hierdie studie te bereik, is vier navorsingsdoelwitte vir die studie geformuleer. Die navorser het beide kwalitatiewe- en kwantitatiewe navorsingsmetodes vir data-insameling gebruik, ten einde die doelwitte van die studie te bereik. Die navorsingsmetodologie het uit twee primêre dele bestaan: eerstens, „n literatuurstudie van al die relevante literatuur oor die spesifieke onderwerp, ten einde die nodige in-diepte begrip in verband met die onderwerp te ontwikkel; en tweedens, kwalitatiewe- en kwantitatiewe data-insameling, deur gebruik te maak van „n semi-gestruktureerde vraelys.
Die eerste deel van die studie, naamlik die uitgebreide literatuuroorsig, het eerstens gehelp om die nodige agtergrondinligting oor verstandelike- en fisiese gestremdhede van skoolgaande kinders te voorsien en tweedens, het dit gehelp om „n aantal uitdagings te identifiseer wat moeders ervaar wat vir hul kinders met gestremdhede sorg, asook om te identifiseer watter behoeftes hierdie uitdagings tot gevolg het, vanuit „n ekologiese perspektief. Die behoeftes is gekategoriseer in vier kategorieë van behoeftes: (1) behoeftes van toeganklikheid; (2) ekonomiese behoeftes; (3) sosiale- en kulturele behoeftes; en (4) verstandelike/sielkundige behoeftes. Vervolgens, is maniere bespreek waarop hierdie behoeftes bevredig kan word, van formele ondersteuning, soos staatstoelae, tot informele ondersteuning, byvoorbeeld ondersteuning deur familie en vriende. Deur middel van die assessering van die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks, is daar bevind dat, terwyl die land „n baie positiewe beleidsomgewing voorsien, deur sy konstitusie, beleide en toelae-sisteem, is daar in baie gevalle agterstande met betrekking tot die praktiese implementering daarvan. Nadat die bevindinge van die eerste deel van hierdie tesis gebruik is om „n vraelys saam te stel, het die tweede deel van die studie, naamlik die empiriese studie, bestaan uit die voorstelling en die analisering van die antwoorde van 19 moeders wat sorg vir hul kinders met gestremdhede wat ʼn laerskool in Cloetesville, „n lae-inkomste gemeenskap in Stellenbosch, bywoon. Die vraelys het, onder andere, die fisiese-, sosiale-, emosionele-, sielkundige- en ekonomiese behoeftes van die moeders, die rol van die skool, familie, vriende, nie-regeringsorganisasies en ander hanteringsopsies om die voorafgenoemde behoeftes te bereik, asook die moeders se bewustheid van beskikbare hulpbronne, ondersoek. Die bevindinge in die Suid-Afrikaanse lae-inkomste gemeenskap het grootliks ooreengestem met die bevindinge aangedui in die literatuurstudie. Daar is bevind dat die moeders hulself in baie moeilike ekonomiese- en werksituasies bevind het, wat beteken het dat hul moes staatmaak op kinderondersteunings- en ongeskiktheidstoelae. Verder, het die moeders gerapporteer dat hul emosionele- en fisiese stres ervaar het, as „n gevolg van hul verantwoordelikheid om vir hul kinders met gestremdhede te sorg. Daar is ook bevind dat, alhoewel die ontvangs van toelae en die feit dat hul kinders spesiale skole bygewoon het, sommige van hul uitdagings verlig het, was dit nie as voldoende beskou nie. Aan die ander kant, het die studie die belangrikheid van die begrip en ondersteuning van familie en vriende om moeders te help om hul behoeftes te bevredig, bevestig en beklemtoon. Daar is ook bevind dat die meeste van die moeders wat aan die studie deelgeneem het, positiewe persepsies van hul rol as versorgers van hul gestremde kinders gehad het: byvoorbeeld, deur hulself as goeie moeders te sien, deur trots te wees daarop om self-onderhoudend te wees, asook deurdat hul rol as versorgers, „n positiewe invloed op hul verhoudings met hul familie gehad het.
As „n gevolg van die resultate van die studie, is verskeie aanbevelings aan die regering (Maatskaplike Ontwikkeling) en diensverskaffers (maatskaplike werkers, onderwysers, dokters) gemaak: eerstens, behoort die regering te poog om „n beter kongruensie tussen die positiewe beleidsomgewing in Suid-Afrika en die implementering van hierdie beleide te bereik; tweedens, onder ander aanbevelings aan diensverskaffers, moet bewustheid in gemeenskappe geskep word, ten einde die stigma gekoppel aan gestremdheid te verminder en om begrip en ondersteuning te verhoog. Laastens, alhoewel die studie „n sukses was, is dit slegs „n eerste stap met betrekking tot die vervulling van die gaping in literatuur in verband met die ervarings van moeders wat sorg vir hul verstandelike- en fisies gestremde kinders in Suid-Afrikaanse lae-inkomste gemeenskappe. Hierdie onderwerp moet egter gekomplimenteer en getoets word deur verdere navorsing.
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Management of volunteers at the Cape Town association for the physically disabledDamon, Michelle Lynette 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Social Work (Social Work))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / An exploratory-descriptive research design together with a qualitative approach was chosen with the purpose of obtaining knowledge of and insight into volunteer management as a function of social work management, using the Cape Town Association for the Physically Disabled as a case study. The motivation for the study stemmed from personal experience of the researcher being employed at the aforementioned organization. The Cape Town Association for the Physically Disabled is a non-government organization which utilizes volunteers for both direct and indirect volunteer work. The goal of the study is to provide a framework to the social workers of the Cape Town Association for the Physically Disabled for the management of volunteers, to enhance developmental social service delivery.
The literature review covered the conceptualization, history and nature of volunteer work in social work focusing on the development of volunteerism internationally and in South Africa. This allowed the researcher to conceptualize volunteerism and also get a better understanding of what happens on an international, national and domestic level. The theoretical framework was social development focusing on the ecosystems perspective. The literature review specifically focused on the history of volunteerism, the management of volunteers including the different models of, as well as guidelines for, managing a volunteer programme.
The researcher chose to involve social workers at the Cape Town Association for the Physically Disabled since the social workers utilize volunteers, and in so doing also manage these volunteers.
The results of the investigation largely confirmed that the Cape Town Association for the Physically Disabled should refine their volunteer programme policy. Furthermore, the results confirmed that the social workers were not all aware of the process of management of volunteers. The research study also recommends the human resources model of management for volunteers to be utilized at the Association.
The recommendations were aimed at the management of volunteers in terms of recruitment, selection, training, orientation and supervision of volunteers according to the human resources model of management.
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Die benutting van speltegnieke tydens maatskaplike gevallewerkintervensie met die kinderhuiskindSwart, Petra 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Social Work (Social Work))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / The purpose of this study is to develop a theoretical framework for social workers in
children’s homes that may be used for play techniques during social casework
intervention with a children’s home child. The influence that the placement in a
children’s home has on the child, creates the context for this study. Specific
behaviour- and emotional problems that exist within the child were identified and play
techniques for the solving of these problems was described.
The research was done based on an extensive literature study, which focused on the
role and function of a children’s home, the needs, behaviour- and emotional
problems of the children’s home child and the usage of a practice framework and
play techniques by social workers.
A combined qualitative and quantitative research method and an explorative and
describing research design have been used in this study, since this combination
resulted in reaching the goal of the study. The empirical research investigated the
usage of play techniques by social workers during social casework intervention with
a children’s home child. The overall sample consisted of the 23 children’s homes in
the Cape Metropole where currently 31 social workers are employed. Semistructured
questionnaires were used as an interview instrument with an availability
test sample consisting of 18 social workers.
In light of the findings derived from the literature study and empirical research,
appropriate conclusions and related recommendations were made. The main
conclusion of the study is that the participants use play techniques randomly and not
in conjunction with a practice framework. The main recommendation of this study is
that social workers should use play techniques during social casework intervention,
based on a specific practice framework in order to assure responsiveness.
Continuous education in this regard is the responsibility of each social worker
working in a children’s home.
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The role of the social worker in the reunification of foster children with their biological parentsDe Villiers, Angelique 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Social Work)--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A combination of an exploratory and descriptive study together with an approach
containing elements of both the quantitative and qualitative approach was chosen in
order to obtain knowledge of and insight into the role of the social worker in the
reunification of foster children with their biological parents. The motivation for this study
arose from the awareness of the lack of South African literature on the role of the social
worker in the reunification of foster children with their biological parents as well as the
lack of accessible information about social workers’ use of reconstruction services in the
reunification of foster children and biological parents in South Africa. The researcher
became aware of this lack in South African literature about family reunification services
and programmes delivered during a preliminary search done on the Nexus Data-Base
(1999). The aim of the study is therefore to gain a better understanding of how social
workers render reconstruction services to contribute to the reunification process of
foster children with their biological parents in terms of the Child Care Act 74 of 1983.
The literature study first focused on the process and procedures of statutory removal of
children within the South African context of the Child Care Act 74 of 1983 to gain a
better understanding of the circumstances where the removal of children is justifiable
according to the Act. The literature study was also undertaken to gain insight into the
decisions social workers make when placing children in foster care as well as the
services social workers deliver to foster parents, biological parents and foster children
during reconstruction service delivery. The role of the social worker in the delivery of
foster care and reconstruction services was explored, where the social development
and strengths perspectives have become the norm, guiding social workers to engage in
a range of interventions as stipulated in the White Paper for Social Welfare (Ministry for
Welfare and Population Development, 1997) and the Integrated Service Delivery Model
(2004). he researcher involved 21 social workers in this study who render reconstruction
services with both children and their parents in selected non-governmental
organizations (NGOs) rendering child and family welfare services in the Strand,
Stellenbosch, Somerset West, Kuils River and the Department of Social Services in
The results of the investigation largely confirmed the findings of the literature study
namely that a large number of children are removed from parental care (the biological
parents), and need reconstruction services from child welfare organizations in South
Africa where social workers are the catalysts in rendering such services. Social workers
however, due to the lack of sufficient resources such as time and sufficient numbers, do
not have the ability to deliver reconstruction services to sustain and enhance the prompt
return of children to their biological parents.
The results therefore gave a good indication of social workers’ delivery of reconstruction
services. Social workers should have their workload reduced, enabling them to provide
more therapeutic services to foster children, biological parents and foster families in the
foster care process; government should support welfare organizations financially,
increasing the probability of welfare organizations to employ more social workers, and
thereby increasing the number of social workers rendering reconstruction services;
social workers should through cooperation with other welfare organizations deliver
foster care services to increase resources such as knowledge and skills to assist foster
children and their biological parents in their reunification.
The recommendations were aimed at services relating to assessment, prevention and
intervention with this vulnerable and marginalized group. The recommendations also
included that future research be done in order to focus on the specific reconstruction
services that could increase the probability of foster children returning to their biological
parents. This may decrease the large number of foster children currently staying in
foster care for longer than the restricted period of two years. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: ʼn Kombinasie van ʼn verkennende en beskrywende studie, tesame met ʼn benadering
wat beginsels van sowel die kwantitatiewe as oor die kwalitatiewe benadering insluit
was gekies in ʼn poging om kennis en insig te verkry van die rol van die maatskaplike
werker in die hereniging van pleegkinders met hul biologiese ouers. Die motivering vir
hierdie studie het na vore gekom na bewuswording van ʼn leemte in Suid-Afrikaanse
literatuur oor die rol van die maatskaplike werker in die hereniging van pleegkinders met
hul biologiese ouers, insluitende ʼn leemte aan toeganklike inligting aangaande
maatskaplike werkers se gebruik van rekonstruksie dienslewering in die hereniging van
pleegkinders met hul biologiese ouers. Die navorser het van hierdie leemte in die Suid-
Afrikaanse literatuur ten opsigte van familiehereniging dienslewering en die lewering
van programme bewus geword tydens ʼn voorondersoek van die Nexus- databasis
(1999). Die doel van die studie was dus om inligting in te samel om ʼn beter begrip te
ontwikkel van maatskaplike werkers se lewering van rekonstruksie dienste wanneer
pleegkinders met hul biologiese ouers herenig word in terme van die Kinderwet, Wet 74
van 1983.
Die literatuurstudie het eerstens gefokus op die proses en prosedure van statutêre
verwydering van kinders binne die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks van die Kinderwet nr 74 van
1983. Statutêre verwydering is ondersoek om ʼn beter begrip te ontwikkel van die
omstandighede waar statutere verwydering toelaatbaar is met verwysing na die
Kinderwet, Wet 74 van 1983. Die literatuurstudie het ook die rol van die maatskaplike
werkers in pleegsorg en rekonstruksie dienslewering ingesluit om ʼn beter begrip te
verkry van die omstandighede waarin maatskaplike werkers besluite moet neem tydens
die plasing van kinders in pleegsorg. Die literatuurstudie het ook gefokus op die rol van
maatskaplike werkers tydens pleegsorg en rekonstruksie dienslewering ten einde ʼn
beter begrip te ontwikkel van die dienste wat maatskaplike werkers bied aan
pleegouers, biologiese ouers en pleegkinders tydens pleegsorg. Die literatuurstudie het ook die rol van die maatskaplike werker in die lewering van
pleegsorg en rekonstrukise dienslewering vanuit n maatskaplike ontwikkeling en sterkte
perspektief verken ten einde ʼn beter begrip te ontwikkel van die beginsels vir
intervensie soos bepaal in die Witskrif vir Welsyn (Departement van Welsyn en
Bevolkings ontwikkeling, 1997) en die Geïntegreerde Diensleweringsmodel (2004).
Daar is besluit om 21 maatskaplike werkers wat rekonstruksie dienste tydens pleegsorg
lewer aan sowel kinders as hul ouers wat van die Strand, Stellenbosch, Somerset-Wes,
Kuilsrivier en die Departement van Maatskaplike Dienste in die Paarl afkomstig is, by
die studie te betrek.
Die resultate van hierdie ondersoek het tot ʼn groot mate die bevindinge van die
literatuurstudie bevestig, naamlik dat ʼn hoë persentasie van kinders verwyder word van
hulle ouers se sorg. Hierdie biologiese kinders benodig rekonstruksie dienste gelewer
deur maatskaplike werkers werksaam in kinder-en gesinsorgorganisasies in Suid-Afrika.
Maatskaplike werkers tans werksaam in Suid-Afrika het egter nie genoeg hulpbronne,
tyd of die voldoende aantal maatskaplike werkers om effektiewe rekonstruksie dienste
te lewer in ʼn poging om die terugkeer van kinders na hul biologiese ouers vol te hou en
aan te moedig nie.
Die resultate van die studie het dus ʼn aanduiding gegee van maatskaplike werkers se
vermoë om rekonstruksie dienste vir pleegkinders en hul biologiese ouers te lewer:
maatskaplike werkers se werklading moet verlig word om hulle in staat te stel om meer
terapeutiese dienste te lewer in pleegsorg; die regering behoort maatskaplike werkorganisasies
finansieël te ondersteun, wat die waarskynlikheid van welsynsorganisasies
om meer maatskaplike werkers in diens te neem verhoog, en dus tot ʼn toename sal lei
in die persentasie van maatskaplike werkers wat rekonstruksie dienste lewer;
maatskaplike werkers behoort deur samewerking met ander welsynsorganisasies die
beskikbaarheid en effektiwiteit van hulpbronne soos kennis en vaardighede tydens
rekonstruksie-dienslewering aan kinders in pleegsorg en hul biolgiese ou Die aanbevelings het gefokus op dienste wat verband hou met assessering, voorkoming
en intervensie met hierdie kwesbare kinders in pleegsorg en hul biologiese ouers. Die
aanbevelings sluit in dat vêrdere navorsing gedoen word ten einde die fokus te plaas op
spesifieke rekonstruksie- dienste wat die waarskynlikhied van pleegkinders se terugkeer
na hul ouers sal verhoog. Dit hou die moontlikheid in dat die hoë persentasie
pleegkinders wat vir langer as die beperkte tydperk van twee jaar in pleegsorg bly,
verlaag sal word.
207 |
A social work perspective on the socio-emotional experience of older persons with visual impairmentsMeyer, Tania 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Social Work(Social Work))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / An exploratory research design together with a qualitative research approach was chosen in order to obtain knowledge, insight and understanding regarding the socio-emotional experience of older persons with visual impairments. The motivation for this study resulted from a lack of recent research related to the socio-emotional experience of older persons with visual impairments. The researcher became aware of this lack of recent literature during a preliminary literature investigation. The need for updated research in this field was confirmed by the Department of Social Work and the Department of Ophthalmology at Tygerberg Hospital. The goal of the study is therefore to gain a better understanding of the socio-emotional experience of older persons with visual impairments in order to provide guidelines for social work intervention with these older persons.
The literature study firstly focused on the life-stage of older persons in order to gain a better understanding of the developmental needs and tasks during old age focussing especially on the significance of visual competency in this life-stage. The literature study also included the theoretical framework that guides the social worker’s task, in this study the focus was on the ecological perspective. Primarily, the literature study explored the socio-emotional experiences of older persons affected by visual impairments and the social work interventions that are available for older persons with visual impairments.
The researcher decided to involve ten older persons (65 years of age or older) with visual impairments who are from the service-area of Tygerberg Hospital in the research. A qualitative investigation was carried out by means of conducting semi-structured interviews with the aid of an interview guide.
The results of the investigation largely confirmed the findings of the literature study namely that visual impairment severely impacts the daily functioning of older persons. These socio-emotional challenges include: aspects related to family and/or friends; psychosocial implications of vision loss on daily activities like: driving, shopping, sport, television, needlework/ knitting, and reading; and a lack of knowledge regarding available services for older persons with visual impairments.
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ART : the views of counsellors about skills needed in counselling HIV/AIDS patientsFrans, Nocawe R. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Social Work (Social Work))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / South Africa is experiencing a serious HIV/AIDS (Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired
Immune Deficiency Syndrome) epidemic, with millions of its people living with the disease and
dying from related diseases. As there is no cure as yet, counselling as a form of intervention is one
of the most powerful ways to address the psychosocial aspects of HIV/AIDS.
The motivation for this study was the lack of research concerning skills needed by counsellors in
counselling HIV/AIDS patients who are on antiretroviral treatment (ART) or are about to
commence antiretroviral treatment. To add to the knowledge that is lacking, the study was
approached by means of both quantitative and qualitative research methods. The purpose of the
research was explorative and descriptive. The discussion on the literature that was studied provides
an overview of the implications of HIV/AIDS for the individual and the family, and of the
psychosocial implications, in addition to describing antiretroviral treatment and the nature of HIV
and adherence counselling processes and skills.
A sample of 16 adherence counsellors who were between the ages of 27 and 57 years was
interviewed. These adherence counsellors were employed by Sothemba Aids Action, placed at the
different ART sites, trained at the Aids, Training, Information and Counselling Centre (ATTIC) and
have gained one or more years’ experience in HIV/AIDS counselling. A semi-structured
questionnaire was used as research instrument. It contained both open- and closed-ended questions.
All the interviews took place at the clinics where the counsellors were employed or worked.
The results of the study showed that an equal number of respondents from two different ethnic
groups were interviewed; all the participants had received high school education; and a few
obtained tertiary level qualifications. They all received training in basic counselling skills and
adherence counselling skills. A few indicated additional training in Voluntary Counselling and
Testing (VCT), as well as Prevention of Mother-to-child Transmission Counselling (PMTC). A
minority of counsellors indicated making use of a translator and that their experience was that the
message was always misinterpreted. All the adherence counsellors indicated a need for further
training involving social problems and counselling of children at different ages and stages of
development. It was also found that the adherence counsellors lack skills in counselling intervention
processes and in intervention. All the adherence counsellors raised concerns regarding their
working conditions and salaries.
In light of the above it is recommended that patients be counselled in their preferred language, that
all counsellors receive the same training in counselling and in the additional areas where they
experience a shortcoming.
Data on HIV/AIDS and adherence counselling, including the views of counsellors and patients are
limited. It is recommended that more research be done on HIV/AIDS and adherence counselling,
including the different disciplines that are involved and the views of patients about services rendered to them by those in the different disciplines, and counsellors.
209 |
The mentoring of officers commanding in the SA Military Health Service (SAMHS): a military social work perspectiveRadebe, Chrystal 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Social Work (Social Work))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / An exploratory research design together with a quantitative research approach were
chosen to determine whether military social workers possess the necessary
knowledge, skills and values to mentor Officers Commanding (OCs) in the South
African Military Health Service (SAMHS). The motivation for this study was based on
questions the researcher asked as to whether there was a link between the methods
in social work intervention processes, supervision and mentoring processes. During
the preliminary investigation, the researcher found that no prior research under this
specific subject was undertaken. The researcher also determined from her role as
consultant to Officers Commanding in the SAMHS, that whereas military social
workers received supervision upon joining the South African National Defence Force
(SANDF), OCs, received no formal mentoring. It was also found that although a
mentoring policy in the Department of Defence (DOD) existed, no evidence existed
that a mentoring programme was implemented in the SAMHS. The goal of the study
is therefore to provide military social workers with a framework of a mentoring
process for Officers Commanding in the SAMHS.
The literature study firstly focused on describing the military social work environment
in which the military social worker is employed, as well as theoretical frameworks that
guide the military social worker’s task. Although more than one theoretical framework
was discussed, the main focus was on the systems theory and ecological
perspective. The work environment of the OC was also included, as well as the
challenges of their functions, tasks and roles in the SAMHS. Primarily, the literature
study explored the knowledge, skills and values of the military social worker and the
mentoring process.
The sample that was selected for this study was 46 military social workers that
represented all the chief military social workers in specialist posts and those with a
higher ranking from Captain to Colonel. A quantitative investigation was undertaken
by means of a questionnaire which was completed in groups in the respective
The results of the investigation largely confirmed the findings of the literature study
namely that military social workers do fit the requirements to mentor. These
requirements to mentor were evident in the results of the knowledge, skills and
values of military social workers and their understanding of the parallels between the methods in social work, supervision and the mentoring process. The results gave an
indication of the knowledge, skills and values of military social workers to mentor
Officers Commanding in the SAMHS, and the framework of the mentoring process
and how it relates to the casework, group work and supervision processes in social
The recommendations demonstrated that a central body should be identified to coordinate
and plan a mentoring programme in the SAMHS. The recommendations
also include that the Directorate Social Work should provide clear guidelines on how
military social workers should implement the DOD Mentoring policy, and ensure that
military social workers are trained in staff development methods and its processes.
The recommendations included further research: both quantitative and qualitative
research by means of questionnaires and interviews with OCs, as well as monitoring
and evaluation of the mentoring process. This information will benefit military social
workers in their training as mentors. In implementing these recommendations,
military social workers will be able to contribute significantly to the development of
Officers Commanding in the SAMHS and the profession of social work.
210 |
Guidelines for the development of youth mentor programmesArnolds, Lionel 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Close, personal relationships with adults are seen to contribute positively to the
development of young people. Whilst mentoring has been established in other
parts of the world, it is a relatively new concept in South Africa. The purpose of
this study is to establish guidelines for the development of youth mentoring
The literature study deals with the human development of youth during
adolescence. Those factors, both within the family as well as in the environment,
that affect the development of young people, are discussed. The phases of the
mentoring process is also described. The Hearts of Men mentoring programme is
used as an example of a youth mentoring programme that is based in the
An exploratory and descriptive study was undertaken in order to describe the
development of youth during adolescence. An empirical study was undertaken
based on the literature review. A sample comprised of 18 young people
participating in the Hearts of Men mentoring programme in the Strand was
involved in the study. With the help of the empirical study the perception of the
young people with regard to the mentor and mentee roles was examined.
The findings of the study reveal that the young people in the Hearts of Men
programme have a positive experience of the mentoring process and have an
understanding of the mentor and mentee roles.
In order to establish youth mentoring programmes, organisations must possess
the knowledge of and skills in the mentoring process and must have an
understanding of the human development of young people as well as of theories
relating to their development. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Persoonlike verhoudings met volwasse persone word beskou as 'n positiewe
bydraende faktor tot die ontwikkeling van jongmense. Terwyl mentorprogramme
redelik gevestig is in ander dele van die wêreld, is dit 'n relatiewe nuwe konsep in
Suid Afrika. Die doel van hierdie studie is om riglyne daar te stel vir die ontwikkeling
van jeug mentorprogramme.
Die literatuurstudie het gehandel oor die menslike ontwikkeling van jongmense
gedurende adolessensie. Faktore binne die gesin, sowel as die omgewing, wat 'n
invloed het op die ontwikkeling van die adolessent is bespreek. Die fases van die
mentorproses is ook beskryf. Die Hearts of Men program is gebruik as 'n voorbeeld
van 'n gemeenskapsgebaseerde jeug mentorprogram.
'n Verkennende-beskrywende studie is onderneem om die ontwikkeling van die
adolessent gedurende adolessensie te beskryf. 'n Empiriese studie gegrond op die
literatuurstudie is gedoen. 'n Steekproef, bestaande uit agtien jong deelnemers aan
die Hearts of Men mentorprogram in die Strand, is by die ondersoek betrek. Met
behulp van die empiriese ondersoek is die persepsies van die jong persone rakende
die rol van die mentor en mentee in die mentorprogram ondersoek.
Die bevindinge van die ondersoek toon dat die deelnemers aan die Hearts of Men
mentorprogram 'n positiewe ervaring van die mentorproses ondervind, en dat hulle
begrip toon ten opsigte van die rol van die mentor en mentee in die mentorprogram.
Ten einde jeug mentorprogramme te implementeer, moet organisasies oor die
kennis en vaardighede beskik rakende die mentorproses. Organisasies moet ook
begrip toon rakende menslike ontwikkeling van jongmense, en kennis hê oor teorieë
wat op hulle ontwikkeling betrekking het.
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