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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Changing identities in urban South Africa : an interpretation of narratives in Cape Town

Leilde, Anne C. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil (Sociology and Social Anthropology))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / Identity reflects and aims to control one’s experience. It is an act of consciousness which is neither essential nor immutable but a social construct open to change as circumstances, strategies and interactions fluctuate. It needs therefore to be situated historically and relationally, as identity is a matter of social context. This thesis sets out to investigate processes of identity formation in post-apartheid South Africa, i.e. a context marked by deep changes at both symbolic/material structural levels, in particular within the urban setup. On the basis of focus group discussions with residents of Cape Town, various, and at times contradictory, strategies of identification are explored. Residents’ discourses are analysed on the basis of two entry points, that of the context or the ‘scale’ within which discourse occurs (from the local, to the urban, the national and the continental) and that of the traditional categories of class, race and culture. The narratives that urban citizens draw upon to make sense of their lives and environment illuminate the emergence of new social boundaries among citizens which, though volatile and situational, reveal a changing picture of South Africa as a nation.

Validity in image-based research : a Delphi study

Gaede, Rolf Joachim 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The area of study is the notion of validity in image-based research, i.e. research approaches where visual images such as photographs or video recordings form an integral part of one or more of the methods used. In the literature investigation chapters of the study, (1) the notion of validity is reviewed with special reference to contributions by Cook and Campbell, Guba and Lincoln, Kvale, Lather and Morse; (2) the inherent properties of visual images are discussed from a semiotic perspective, and (3) following a discussion of reflexivity in image-based research, the various domains of image-based research practice are demarcated according to the unit of analysis, the data format, the researcher role (outsider, insider, participant) and the production of the visual material (ex ante or ex post with weak or strong researcher control). The literature investigation chapters were taken as the point of departure for the development of a conceptual framework for assessing validity in image-based research, the mechanics of which are illustrated with reference to selected aspects of image-based research projects by Lomax and Casey, Clark and Zimmer, Rich and Chalfen, DuFon and Chaplin. The conceptual framework was refined on the strength of a Delphi study. The Delphi procedure involved canvassing and pooling the opinions of experts in the field of image-based research about issues of validity with a view to ensure that the assumptions made during the development of the conceptual framework fit sufficiently with image-based research practice. Flowing from the literature investigation chapters as well as the Delphi procedure, the central thesis of the study is that the notion of validity is in the first instance contextdependent and that this is compounded in the case of image-based research by the relative instability of iconic codes and the strong drift towards 'unlimited' semiosis inherent in the visual communication process. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studieveld behels ‘n ondersoek na die gedagte van geldigheid soos van toepassing op beeldgebaseerde navorsing, d.w.s. navorsingsbenaderings waar visuele beelde soos foto’s of video-opnames ‘n integrale deel uitmaak maak een of meer van die metodes wat gebruik word. In die hoofstukke wat die literatuurstudie uitmaak, word (1) die gedagte van geldigheid onder die loep geneem met spesifieke verwysing na die bydraes van Cook en Campbell, Guba en Lincoln, Kvale, Lather en Morse, (2) word die inherente eienskappe van visuele beelde vanaf 'n semiotiese oogpunt bespreek, en (3) word die verskeie velde van beeldgebaseerde navorsingspraktyk afgebaken volgens die eenheid van ontleding, die dataformaat, die rol van die navorser (buitestaander, binnestaander, deelnemer) en die produksie van die visuele materiaal (ex ante of ex post met sterk of swak navorserkontrole). Die hoofstukke wat gemoeid is met die literatuurstudie is as vertrekpunt geneem vir die daarstelling van ‘n konsepsuele raamwerk vir geldigheid aangaande beeldgebaseerde navorsing, en die werking hiervan is geïllustreer met verwysing na geselekteerde aspekte van beeldgebaseerde navorsing deur Lomax en Casey, Clark en Zimmer, Rich en Chalfen, DuFon end Chaplin. Hierdie konsepsuele raamwerk is verder verfyn op grond van ‘n Delphi-prosedure. Die Delphi-prosedure het behels dat die opinies van deskundiges in die veld van beeldgebaseerde navorsing aangaande kwessies van geldigheid ingewin en saamgevoeg is met die oog om te verseker dat die aannames wat gemaak is ten tyde van die ontwikkeling van die konsepsuele raamwerk genoegsaam gepas is vir die praktyk van beeldgebaseerde navorsing. Die tesis van die studie, gebaseer op die uitkomste van die literatuurstudie en die Delphi-prosedure, is dat die gedagte van geldigheid konteks-afhanklik is, wat in die geval van beeldgebaseerde navorsing vererger word deur die feit dat ikoniese kodes relatiefonstabiel is en dat die proses van visuele kommunikasie 'n sterk tendens na 'eindelose' semiosis toon.

Evaluating the integration of ICTs into teaching and learning activities at a South African higher education institution

Van der Merwe, Antoinette Deirdre 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study is a structured evaluation of the integration of ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) in teaching and learning activities at the University of Stellenbosch. Although anecdotal evidence exists of the success of the e-Learning initiatives at the University of Stellenbosch, this study addresses these questions in a more structured approach within the global and local higher education context in order to: - Improve the e-Learning project (as part of the e-Campus initiative) and other e-Learning initiatives, - Generate knowledge to improve our understanding of how the e-Learning initiatives work and how people change their attitudes and behaviours because of successful interventions, - Evaluate the institutional characteristics of successful integration, - Evaluate the technological environment and, more specifically, the use of WebCT as learning management system, and - Assess the overall progress of the e-Learning initiatives at the University of Stellenbosch. This evaluation is done taking the broader global and changing local higher education landscape and, more specifically, the interplay of three of the main global drivers into account. The three drivers discussed are: knowledge as a driver of growth in a networked society, the information and communication technology revolution and new competitors in the higher education marketplace The first part of the study is therefore a literature review of the changing global higher education landscape, with a specific focus on how these changes are contextualised within the unique South African post-1994 higher education landscape. After considering the global and South African higher education landscape, the study then provides a critical overview of the status of the integration of ICTs into teaching and learning activities world wide, the possible benefits of the integration of ICTs into teaching and learning activities and the implications of these changes for the lecturers, students and the higher education institutional and technological environment. These overviews of both the global changing higher education landscape and the integration of ICTs into teaching and learning activities serve as the backdrop for the case study and retrospective assessment of e-Learning initiatives at the University of Stellenbosch. The study contains a description of the e-Campus initiative, the e-Learning project and other e-Learning initiatives. In the retrospective assessment, the main focus of the study, I make use of quantative and qualitative methods to analyse the results of two Web surveys administered to students andlecturers who use WebCT. These results are integrated with other data sources to assess the progress made at the University of Stellenbosch. This retrospective assessment of the e-Learning activities at the University of Stellenbosch, set against the backdrop of the global changing higher education landscape, enables me to make general recommendations for: - Dealing with changes in the higher education context on an institutional level as a result of the three forces discussed, - Integrating ICTs at the institutional level in all business process at a higher education institution, - Integrating ICTs in teaching and learning activities, paying attention to the enabling institutional and technological environment, as well as to good teaching and learning practice, and - Improving the implementation of the e-Campus initiative and, more specifically, the e- Learning project and other e-Learning initiatives at the University of Stellenbosch. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie is ‘n gestruktureerde evaluering van die integrasie van IKTs (Informasie- en Kommunikasietegnologieë) in leer- en onderrigaktiwiteite by die Universiteit van Stellenbosch. Alhoewel daar wel anekdotiese bewyse is dat die e-Leer inisiatiewe by die Universiteit van Stellenbosch suksesvol is, spreek hierdie studie die vrae binne ‘n gestruktureerde benadering aan met inagname van die globale en plaaslike hoër onderwys konteks om: - Die e-Leer projek (as deel van die e-Kampusinisiatief) en ander e-Leer inisiatiewe te verbeter, - Kennis te genereer om ons begrip van hoe e-Leer inisiatiewe werk en hoe mense hulle houdings en gedrag as gevolg van suksesvolle intervensies verander, te verbeter, - Die institusionele eienskappe om sukses te behaal met die integrasie, te evalueer, - Die tegnologiese omgewing, en meer spesifiek die gebruik van WebCT as leer bestuurstelsel te evalueer, en - Die totale vordering met e-Leer inisiatiewe by die Universiteit van Stellenbosch te evalueer. Hierdie evaluering word gedoen met inbegrip van die breër globale en plaaslike veranderende konteks, met spesiale inagname van die wisselwerking tussen drie van die hoof globale drywers. Die drie drywers wat bespreek word is: kennis as drywer van groei in ‘n netwerksamelewing, die revolusie in informasie en kommunikasie tegnologieë, en nuwe kompetisie in die hoër onderwys landskap. Die eerste deel van die studie is dus ‘n literatuuroorsig van die veranderende globale hoër onderwys landskap, met ‘n spesifieke fokus op hoe hierdie veranderinge binne die unieke Suid-Afrikaanse hoër onderwys landskap ná 1994 gekontekstualiseer word. Na ʼn oorweging van die globale en Suid-Afrikaanse konteks, voorsien die studie ‘n kritiese oorsig van die status van die integrasie van IKTs in leer- en onderrigaktiwiteite wêreldwyd, die moontlike voordele van die integrasie van IKTs in leer- en onderrigaktiwiteite en die implikasies van hierdie veranderinge vir dosente en studente, sowel as vir die institusionele en tegnologiese omgewings van hoër onderwys. Hierdie oorsigte van beide die veranderende globale hoër onderwys landskap en die integrasie van IKTs in leer- en onderrigaktiwiteite verskaf die agtergrond vir die gevallestudie en retrospektiewe evaluering van die e-Leer aktiwiteite by die Universiteit van Stellenbosch. Die studie bevat ‘n beskrywing van die e-Kampus inisiatief, die e-Leerprojek en ander e-Leer inisiatiewe. In die retrospektiewe evaluering, wat die hooffokus van die studie uitmaak, maak ek gebruik van kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe metodes om die resultate van twee vraelyste teontleed wat aan studente en dosente wat WebCT gebruik, versprei is. Hierdie resultate is geïntegreer met ander databronne om die vordering wat reeds aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch gemaak is, te evalueer. Hierdie retrospektiewe evaluering van die e-Leer aktiwiteite by die Universiteit van Stellenbosch teen die agtergrond van die veranderende globale hoër onderwys landskap, stel my in staat om algemene aanbevelings te maak om: - Op institusionele vlak veranderinge te hanteer wat ‘n resultaat is van die drie kragte wat bespreek is, - IKTs op institusionele vlak in alle besigheidsprosesse van die instelling te integreer, - IKTs in leer- en onderrigaktiwiteite te integreer, terwyl aandag geskenk word aan die institusionele en tegnologiese omgewing wat dít moontlik maak, asook aan goeie leer- en onderrigpraktyk, en - Die implementering van die e-Kampus inisiatief, en meer spesifiek die e-Leer projek en ander e-Leer inisiatiewe by die Universiteit van Stellenbosch, te verbeter.

Implementation evaluation as a dimension of the quality assurance of a new programme for medical education and training

Wasserman, Elizabeth 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this thesis, an ‘alignment approach’ to the quality assurance of medical curricula is developed and practically illustrated in the evaluation of a section of a new curriculum in undergraduate medical education and training instituted at the Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Stellenbosch in 1999. The background of curriculum innovation at this institution during the 1990s is described, and the literature on the concepts of quality assurance is explored in higher education in general and in medical education and training in particular. The current focus on socially responsive curriculum renewal and accountability illustrates the need for this study. The empirical part of the study was conducted in two phases. The first phase consisted of a ‘clarification evaluation’. The planning of the new curriculum introduced in 1999 was analysed retrospectively through a study of the planning documents and interviews with leaders of the planning process. The results of this clarification evaluation are presented in the form of a ‘Logic Model’. The implicit theory of the curriculum, as represented by the Logic Model, was then evaluated regarding its consistency with trends in medical education. These trends were determined through a study of the literature on the subject published during the time of the planning of the curriculum. It was found that the planning of the curriculum was in line with most of the identified trends, but that it lacked detailed information on how the basic sciences and clinical skills training were to be addressed. This compromised the evaluability of phase I of the curriculum and of the clinical rotations1 by the method use in this study. Because of this, and also considering the time frame of this evaluation, phase I of the curriculum and the late clinical rotations were excluded from the second phase of the study. The aims identified for the curriculum during the process of clarification evaluation were also aligned with the document, The Profile of the Stellenbosch Doctor 2 . This indicates that the planning process of the curriculum was in line with its intended outcome.The second phase of the study consisted of an ‘implementation evaluation’ of phases II and III of the theoretical components and of the early and middle clinical rotations of the curriculum. Data for this implementation evaluation were collected from April 2002 to June 2003. Module chairpersons3, lecturers and students were used as sources of data for the evaluation of the theoretical phases. The perceptions of these groups regarding the implementation of phases II and III of the theoretical part of the curriculum were collected by means of questionnaires designed specifically for this study. For the evaluation of the clinical rotations, the results of the standard student feedback obtained by the Faculty of Health Sciences were used as a source of data for a secondary analysis. The study guides provided for each of the theoretical modules and the clinical rotations were also used as a secondary source for the analysis of data. The data obtained were then analysed by using the framework provided by the Logic Model. Following this, a judgment of the quality of the implementation of the curriculum was made. The planned curriculum was aligned with the practised curriculum by drawing up a ‘curriculum scoreboard’. It was found that alignment was adequately achieved for six of the identified aims, while the implementation of four of the aims was not aligned to the planning according to the criteria used in this study. The study illustrates that the methods of programme evaluation can be validly applied in the evaluation of a curriculum in medical education and training. The Logic Model enables an alignment between the planned and the practised curriculum, which can be used as a measure of the quality of a curriculum in terms of ‘fitness of purpose’. 1 See Addendum A for a diagrammatic overview of the curriculum. The curriculum was structured into three theoretical phases (phases I, II and III) and three clinical rotations (early, middle and late). 2 This document was drawn up during the initial phases of the planning process of the curriculum and regarded by the Faculty as a blueprint for the intended outcomes of the curriculum. 3 A module chairperson in the context of the Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Stellenbosch is a senior faculty member responsible for the organisation and management of the modules presented as part of the curriculum in medical education and training. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie tesis word ʼn ‘belyningsbenadering’ tot die gehalteversekering van mediese kurrikula ontwikkel en prakties op die proef gestel deur ʼn gedeelte van die nuwe kurrikulum vir voorgraadse mediese onderrig, wat in 1999 aan die Fakulteit Gesondheidswetenskappe van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch ingestel is, te evalueer. Die agtergrond van kurrikulumverandering in hierdie instansie gedurende die 1990’s word ondersoek, en daar word ’n oorsig gegee van die literatuur oor die konsepte van gehalteversekering wat op daardie stadium in die hoër onderwys in die algemeen en in mediese onderrig in besonder in gebruik was. Die huidige fokus op sosiaal responsiewe kurrikula en verantwoordbaarheid illustreer die noodsaaklikheid van ʼn studie van hierdie aard. Die empiriese gedeelte van die studie is in twee fases uitgevoer. Die eerste fase het bestaan uit ‘n ‘verklarende evaluasie’. Die beplanning van die 1999-kurrikulum is retrospektief geanaliseer deur die bestudering van die relevante beplanningsdokumente en deur onderhoude met leiers van die beplanningsproses te voer. Die resultate van die verklarende evaluasie is in die vorm van ʼn ‘Logika Model’ voorgestel. Die implisiete teorie van die kurrikulum, soos voorgestel in die Logika Model, is daarna geëvalueer ten opsigte van die ooreenstemming van die model met die tendense in mediese onderrig wat op daardie stadium geldig was. Hierdie tendense is nagespeur in die belangrikste literatuur oor die onderwerp wat in dieselfde tydperk as die beplanning van die 1999-kurrikulum gepubliseer is. Die bevinding was dat die beplanning van die kurrikulum in lyn is met die meerderheid geïdentifiseerde tendense, maar dat die basiese wetenskappe en opleiding in kliniese vaardighede nie in detail aangespreek is nie. Dit het die evalueerbaarheid van fase I van die kurrikulum en die kliniese rotasies4 deur die metode wat in hierdie studie gebruik is, gekompromitteer. Om hierdie rede, en met inagneming van die tydsraamwerk van hierdie evaluasie, is fase I en die laat kliniese rotasies nie in die tweede gedeelte van hierdie studie ingesluit nie. Die doelwitte van die kurrikulum wat gedurende die verklarende evaluasie geformuleer is, is ook met die dokument, Die Profiel van die Stellenbosch dokter 5, belyn. Dít het aangedui dat die beplanningsproses van die kurrikulum in lyn met die beoogde uitkoms daarvan is.Die tweede deel van die studie het bestaan uit ʼn ‘implementerings-evaluasie’ van fases II en III van die teoretiese komponente en van die vroeë en middel kliniese rotasies van die kurrikulum. Data vir die implementerings-evaluasie is vanaf April 2002 tot Junie 2003 ingesamel. Modulevoorsitters6, dosente en studente is as bronne van data vir die evaluering van die teoretiese fases gebruik. Die indrukke van hierdie groepe persone betreffende die implementering van die teoretiese fases is deur middel van vraelyste ingesamel wat spesiaal vir hierdie studie ontwerp is. Vir die evaluering van die kliniese rotasies is die resultate van die standaard studenteterugvoer wat deur die Fakulteit ingewin word, gebruik as bron vir sekondêre analise. Die studiegidse wat vir elke teoretiese module en die kliniese rotasies verskaf word, het ook as ʼn bron vir sekondêre data-analise gedien. Die data wat vir hierdie studie ingewin is, is deur middel van die raamwerk wat deur die Logika Model verskaf is, geanaliseer. Daarna is ʼn oordeel gevel oor die kwaliteit van die implementering van die kurrikulum. Die kurrikulum-soos-beplan is belyn met die uitgevoerde kurrikulum deur ’n ‘kurrikulumtelbord’ op te stel. Die bevinding was dat hierdie belyning voldoende bereik is vir ses van die geïdentifiseerde doelstellings van die kurrikulum, terwyl die uitvoering van vier van die doelstellings nie goed met die beplanning daarvan belyn was volgens die kriteria wat vir hierdie studie gebruik is nie. Hierdie studie illustreer dat die metodes van programevaluasie geldig toegepas kan word in die evaluering van ’n kurrikulum in mediese onderrig en opvoeding. Die Logika Model maak dit moontlik om die beplande kurrikulum met die uitgevoerde kurrikulum te belyn. Dit kan dan gebruik word as ’n maatstaf van die kwaliteit van ’n kurrikulum in terme van ‘geskiktheid vir doel’.4 Sien Addendum A vir ʼn diagrammatiese oorsig van die kurrikulum. Die kurrikulum is gestruktureer volgens drie teoretiese fases (fases I, II en III) en drie kliniese rotasies (vroeg, middel en laat). 5 Hierdie dokument is gedurende die vroeë fases van die beplanningsproses van die kurrikulum saamgestel en word deur die Fakulteit as ʼn bloudruk vir die beoogde uitkomste van die kurrikulum beskou.6 ’n Module-voorsitter in die konteks van die Fakulteit Gesondheidswetenskappe van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch is ʼn senior lid van die fakulteit wat verantwoordelik is vir die organisasie en bestuur van die modules wat as deel van die kurrikulum in mediese onderrig en opleiding aangebied word.

A Weberian analysis of Afrikaner Calvinism and the spirit of capitalism

Begg, Mohammed Rashid 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Max Weber’s text, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (1904-5), also called “the Weber thesis”, has animated debates on the relationship between religion, particularly Calvinism, and capitalism for over a century. Many studies have been done to test the validity of the relationship between religion, particularly Protestantism, and capitalism in different parts of the world. However, the case of the relationship between Calvinism and capitalism in South Africa has received limited scholarly attention. In the view of the political economist Francis Fukuyama, ‘the failure of the Calvinist Afrikaners to develop a thriving capitalist system until the last quarter of the [19th] century’ is an anomaly that needs explanation. My doctoral thesis takes up this challenge and offers an understanding of the engagement of Boers/Afrikaner Calvinists with trade, later modern industrial capitalism, from 1652 to 1948. In order to understand the South African case study — Calvinism found roots at the Cape in 1652 and is significant still today — I have employed historical sociology as my methodology. My preference was guided by Weber’s use of a form of this methodology. This allows for nuanced understandings of Calvinism and forms of capitalism at different periods in its evolution. I have employed Weberian sociological theory, including his ideal type constructs such as the Protestant ethic, bureaucracy and the spirit of capitalism, to gain greater insight. In my analysis I have also relied on Weber’s Verstehen (interpretive) frameworks to offer more nuanced results. To add to the conceptual framework, I have used Weber’s metaphor of the “switchmen” in order to trace the impact of ideas. Of course, the focus is on Calvin’s ideas as they were reintroduced at different periods in South African Calvinist history: often to suit new socio-political conditions and material interests. I trace the values of the Protestant ethic and the attitudes expressing the spirit of capitalism, following Weber, through an investigation of bureaucratisation of business and government. I show the increased convergence of the Afrikaner Calvinist volk with the spirit of modern industrial capitalism in the early 20th century through the call by the elite among the Afrikaners acting as ideological “switchmen” through their ideas and wanting to alleviate poverty amongst the group. Finally, the thesis shows the validity of the Weber thesis and its use for the study of Afrikaner Calvinism, including in period that follows after 1948. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Max Weber se teks, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (1904-5), ook genoem “die Weber tesis”, het debatte oor die verhouding tussen religie, veral Calvinisme, en kapitalisme vir meer as ‘n eeu geanimeer. Daar is vele studies wat poog om die geldigheid van ‘n verband tussen religie, veral Protestantisme en kapitalisme in ander dele van die wêreld te beoordeel. Die verhouding tussen Calvinisme en kapitalisme in Suid Afrika het egter beperkte akademiese ondersoek gekry. Na die siening van die politieke ekonoom Francis Fukuyama is “die onvermoë van die Calvinistiese Afrikaners om ‘n welvarende kapitalistiese stelsel te ontwikkel tot voor die laaste kwart van die [19de] eeu” ‘n anomalie wat verduideliking benodig. My doktorale tesis neem die uitdaging aan en bied insig in die verband tussen Afrikaner Calvinisme en handel, later, moderne industriële kapitalisme, van 1652 tot 1948. Historiese sosiologie, gelei deur ‘n Weberiaanse benadering, is as metodologie toegepas om insig te kry in die Suid-Afrikaanse gevallestudie – Calvinisme vestig in die Kaap in 1652 en is tans nog betekenisvol. Dit het my in staat gestel om ‘n genuanseerde begrip van Calvinisme en die vorms van kapitalisme in verskillende tydperke in sy evolusie te ontwikkel. Weberiaanse sosiale teorie, insluitend sy ideale tipes konsepte, soos die Protestante etiek, burokrasie en die gees van kapitalisme is toegepas om beter insig te kry. In my analise het ek op Weber se Verstehen (interpretatiewe) raamwerke gesteun om meer genuanseerde resultate op te lewer. Weber se metafoor van die “switchmen” is aangewend om die nalatenskap van idees te volg. Die fokus is natuurlik veral op die wyse waarop Calvyn se idees herhaaldelik gebruik is gedurende verskillende tydperke in Suid-Afrikaanse Calvinistiese geskiedenis: soms om nuwe sosio-politieke kondisies en materiële belange te bevredig. Ek het die waardes van die Protestante etiek en houdings wat, volgens Weber, die gees van kapitalisme uitdruk, in die burokratisering van besigheid en regering ondersoek. Ek het toenemende konvergensie tussen die Afrikaner Calvinistiese volk en die gees van moderne industriële kapitalisme in die vroeë 20e eeu, gevoed deur die oproep van die elite onder die Afrikaners wat waarneem as ideologiese “switchmen” deur hulle idees in die poging om armoede onder die groep te verlig, uitgelig. Laastens, die tesis bewys die geldigheid van die Weber tesis en sy toepassing in die studie van Afrikaner Calvinisme, insluitend die tydperk wat volg na 1948.

Post-war state-led development at work in Angola : the Zango housing project in Luanda as a case study

Croese, Sylvia 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This dissertation is a case study of the Zango social housing project in Luanda, the capital of the southern African state of Angola. Through an examination of the Zango project, which was born on the cusp of peace after nearly 30 years of civil war in 2002, I provide insight into the nature, workings and possible outcomes of post-war state-led development in Angola under non-democratic conditions. I do so by analyzing how the Angolan state ‘sees’ and does development, as well as how this development works. Empirically, this thesis argues that post-war state-led development is controlled by the Angolan presidency and financed and managed through extra-governmental arrangements. This both enables as well as limits state-led development as it allows for the maintenance of a gap between a ‘parallel’ and the formal state of Angola. In this process, local governments and citizens are largely side-lined as development actors. Yet, through an analysis of local governance and housing allocation arrangements in Zango, I show that the formal Angolan state is no empty shell and that its officials and those they engage with may operate in ways that take ownership of development directed from above. Theoretically, this thesis then argues for a research approach to the African state and state-led development that is empirically grounded. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis is ‘n gevallestudie van die Zango sosiale behuisingsprojek in Luanda, die hoofstad van die Suider-Afrikaanse staat van Angola. Ek poog om insig te gee in die aard, aktiwiteite en moontlike resultate van na-oologse staatsgeïnisieerde ontwikkeling in Angola onder nie-demokratiese toestande deur ‘n ontleding van die behuisingsprojek wat in 2002, met die aanbreek van vrede na die 30 jaar burgeroorlog, aangevang het. Dit word gedoen deur ‘n analise van hoe die Angolese staat ontwikkeling ‘sien’ en onderneem, sowel as hoe ontwikkeling ontplooi. Hierdie tesis redeneer dat empiries staatsgeleide ontwikkeling na die oorlog beheer word deur die Angolese Presidensie en gefinansieer en bestuur word deur buite-staatsinstellings. Dit fasiliteer sowel as beperk ontwikkeling omdat dit ‘n gaping tussen ‘n ‘parallele’ en die formele Angolese staat handhaaf. Hierdie proses sluit beide plaaslike regering en burgers grootliks as ontwikkelingsakteurs uit. Deur middel van ‘n ontleding van die plaaslike bestuur en die toekenning van wooneenhede in Zango, toon ek aan dat die formele staat tog nie ‘n lëe dop is nie en dat amptenare en ander betrokkenes eienaarskap van ontwikkeling gerig van bo kan neem. Dus, teoreties, word aanspraak gemaak vir ‘n benadering tot die staat en staatsgeïnisieerde ontwikkeling in Afrika wat empiries gefundeer is.

Taalkeuse as identiteitsmerker in die rolprent Tsotsi

Du Plessis, Yzelle Elizabeth 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The remarkable story of Tsotsi as a gangster in the movie Tsotsi offers several examples of language variation and of language choice as a marker of identity. The situations and contexts portrayed in the movie define, to some extent, the choices of language or variety speakers make. Context-specific factors playing a determining role include gender, purpose, geographical location, social class, and age. Tsotsi, the main character, is a gangster living in Sophiatown, a township outside Johannesburg. The term “tsotsi” generally refers to one who is well-dressed and stylish, but with an undercurrent of dangerous adventure; the character portrayed by Tsotsi in the movie is a self-made man, successful in terms of township gangster culture. The movie traces six days in the life of this young hoodlum, who rediscovers his humanity through various challenges and personal relationships in his surroundings; he finds dignity and the capacity to love through having to take care of a baby accidentally kidnapped during a car hijacking episode, through his friendship with the young woman he forces to take care of the baby, and ultimately through confronting haunting memories of his past. Tsotsi’s mother tongue is Sotho, but Flaaitaal is his language of choice in certain contexts, marking his identity as a tsotsi. This study considers the language variation typical of South Africa, as exemplified by the language choices made by the various characters in the movie. An analysis is offered of the language choices which play a role in defining the identities of the characters in various contexts, such as the use of Flaaitaal by the gangsters among themselves, who switch to Sotho when the more socially acceptable aspects of their identities should come to the fore, and the use of Sotho by the white police captain while interviewing the Sotho parents of the kidnapped baby. It is this function of language choice as a marker of identity that is the focus of the present work. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die merkwaardige storie van Tsotsi as ‘n bendelid in die rolprent Tsotsi bied geleentheid vir die analise van talle voorbeelde van taalvariasie en van taalkeuse as ‘n merker van identiteit. Die situasies en kontekste wat in die rolprent weergegee word definieer tot ‘n mate die sprekers se keuse van taal of variëteit. Faktore spesifiek tot die konteks wat hierin ‘n rol speel sluit in geslag, funksie, geografiese ligging, sosiale klas, en ouderdom. Die hoofkarakter Tsotsi is ‘n bendelid wat in Sophiatown buite Jonhannesburg bly. Die term “tsotsi” verwys oor die algemeen na iemand wat stylvol voorkom, maar met ‘n agtergrond van gevaarlike avontuur; die karakter wat deur Tsotsi gespeel word is ‘n self-gemaakte man, suksesvol in terme van die bende-kultuur van areas soos Sophiatown. Die rolprent fokus op ses dae van hierdie jong bendelid se lewe, waar hy sy menslikheid herontdek deur verskeie uitdagings en persoonlike verhoudings; hy ontdek menswaardigheid en die vermoë om lief te hê deurdat hy vir ‘n baba moet sorg wat per ongeluk ontvoer word tydens ‘n motorkaping, deur sy vriendskap met die vrou wat hy forseer om die baba te versorg, en uiteindelik deurdat hy sy herinneringe aan sy verlede moet konfronteer. Tsotsi se moedertaal is Sotho, maar Flaaitaal is die taal wat hy in sekere kontekste kies om sy identiteit as tsotsi te merk. Hierdie studie fokus op die taalvariasie wat tipies is van Suid-Afrika soos dit deur die taalkeuses van verskeie karakters in die rolprent voorgestel word. ‘n Analise word aangebied van taalkeuses wat ‘n rol speel in die definiëring van die identiteite van die karakters in verskeie kontekste, soos die gebruik van Flaaitaal onder die bendelede self, wat na Sotho oorslaan in situasies waar die meer sosiaal-aanvaarbare aspekte van hul identiteit uitegebeeld behoort te word, en die gebruik van Sotho deur die blanke polisiekaptein as hy die Sotho ouers van die ontvoerde baba aanspreek. Dit is hierdie funskie van taalkeuse as ‘n merker van identiteit wat die fokus vorm van hierdie studie.

An assessment of the health channel broadcasting multimedia for communication and dissemination of information in the health sector

Dikweni, Lulama 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The study reported on here was conducted between December 2003 and April 2004. The aim of the study was to assess the use of Health Channel Broadcast Multimedia (HCBM) in order to maximise its success. The HCBM is an Information Technology method that was used to disseminate health information in public health facilities. HCBM was installed in health facilities and was used as an education tool. This was done by further developing the clinical skills of the health care workers (HCWs) and to inform the patients, including the community members on HIV/AIDS and related communicable diseases. The study was conducted in eight health facilities in seven provinces where HCBM was piloted. Facilities and forty-nine health professionals (HCWs) were selected conveniently and one hundred and twenty-eight patients were sampled using a systematic random method. The convenient sampling method was relevant since these were key facilities with HCBM. There were very few HCWs who did view HCBM and they were drawn into the study. HCBM used programmes disseminating messages in Afrikaans, English, sePedi, seSotho, siSwati, isiXhosa and isiZulu. The Rapid Assessment Response (RAR) approach was used to give a quick appraisal of the study. The report focuses on the cross-sectional reporting of the quantitative technique of the RAR. Of the HCWs, 86% had viewed the broadcast content, 70% were satisfied with the broadcast mode of service delivery; 56% indicated that the messages were good and added educational value to their professional work, while 52% chose to use the IP box content with HIV/AIDS topics. Ninety-two percent of HCWs stated that HCBM targeted patients and young people, 48% said HCBM had the ability to convey information and 48% said it was capable of addressing health problem. When HCBM was being set up, 62% HCWs engaged in decision making. Patients mentioned that HCBM as a method of information dissemination was educative (62%) and informative (52%). They reported that they did hear messages on HIV/AIDS telling them that medication was available for free to treat within 72 hours after being raped (72%); they had the right to say no to unsafe sex (92%); and 76% said the broadcast had the ability to change people’s behaviour. Respondents reported that the messages were easily understood (44%). The conclusion is that the findings will be useful to inform the government and managers of HCBM programmes on how to maximise the success of HCBM, especially at the implementation phase. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie verslag doen verslag oor die resultate van ’n ondersoek wat tussen Desember 2003 en April 2004 onderneem is. Die doel van die verslag is om die doeltreffendheid van die gebruik van ’n multimedia gesondheidsuitsendingkanaal, Health Channel Broadcast Multimedia (HCBM) te bepaal. Hierdie is nuwe tegnologie wat gebruik word om gesondheidsinligting slegs in die openbare gesondheidsektor te versprei. Die studie is by agt openbare gesondheidsfasiliteite in sewe provinsies waar die HCBM volledig gevestig was, onderneem. Nege-en-veertig gesondheidskundiges (HPW’s) is volgens ’n gerieflikheidsteekproef geselekteer, en 128 pasiënte is met behulp van ’n sistematiese ewekansige steekproef geselekteer. Die HCBM het programme gebruik wat boodskappe in Afrikaans, Engels, sePedi, seSotho, siSwati, isiXhosa en isiZulu uitgesaai het. ’n Benadering bekend as die Rapid Assessment Response (RAR) is gebruik om ’n vinnige evaluering van die studie te maak. Die verslag konsentreer op die deursneerapportering van die kwantitatiewe tegniek van die RAR. Van die HPW’s het 85% na die inhoud van die uitsending gekyk, 70% was tevrede met die uitsendingmodus van dienslewering, 56% het aangedui dat die boodskappe goed was en van opvoedkundige waarde in hulle professionele werk, terwyl 52% verkies het om die Internet Platform-inhoud met MIV/Vigs-temas te gebruik. Twee-en-negentig persent van die HPW’s het te kenne gegee die HCBM is gerig op pasiënte en die jeug, 48% het gesê HCBM het die vermoë om inligting oor te dra, en 48% het gesê dit is geskik om na die gesondheidsprobleem om te sien. Tydens die instelling van die HCBM het 62% HPW’s aan besluitneming deelgeneem. Van die pasiënte met grade 0–6 as opvoedingspeil het 75% verkies om brosjures te gebruik bo enige ander massamedia, en 72% mans en 67% vrouens het na boodskappe oor die behandeling van MIV/Vigs-simptome geluister. Inligting oor vrywillige berading en toetsing voor swangerskap is deur 66% van die vrouens gehoor. Meer as 90% van hulle was bewus van die reg om nee te sê vir seks of onveilige seks. Pasiënte oor die hele residensiële gebied was dit eens dat die taalgebruik in die uitsendings maklik verstaanbaar was. Oor al die opvoedkundige grade heen is saamgestem dat die HCBM die voorgenome boodskap oorgedra het. Die gevolgtrekking is dat die bevindings waardevol is om die regering en bestuurders van die uitsendingsprogram in te lig oor hoe om die ander fases te verbeter. Dit sluit Fase 2 in, wat die uitvoering van die HCBM behels.

Between policy and patients : protocols and practice in HIV/AIDS treatment

Human, Oliver 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Sociology and Social Anthropology))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / In recent years the World Heath Organisation (WHO) has recomended standardising HIV/AIDS treatment. Standardisation is based upon a particular model of what occurs within the relationship between a doctor and a patient and is propogated through the application of protocols. This thesis aims to illustrate how a doctor deals with a protocol in the face of contexts over-laden with contingency and excess which the protocol does not account for and which standardisation excludes. In other words, it explores how doctors deal with the failures and restrictions of standardised medicine. The central question this thesis aims to answer is: How do doctors on the ground deal with the standardising demands of global, as well as national, institutions in the face of highly contingent daily realities? I aim to answer this question by critically analysing the relationship between global institutions and the effects of their policies on the ground level. I argue that global organisation such as the WHO attempt to limit the particularities and contingency of local contexts in order to ensure the internal coherence of their own policies. This is made possible through ‘interpretive communities’ of experts, as well as, the relative opacity of ground level actions. However, I also illustrate how doctors applying these protocols are not merely pawns in the state’s and global health organisations schemes but rather depend upon the opacity at ground level in order to ensure the well-being of those marginalised by protocols.

Utilisation of research in South Africa's research institutes

Bowers, Leisl Joanne 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2004 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The overarching aim of this study is to analyse what researchers in South African higher education institutes and science councils mean by the term 'utilisation'. In specific terms, this aim is interpreted as determining what researchers mean when they indicate that their research findings are being utilised. The data used to conduct this analysis is taken from a national survey conducted to establish the extent to which research findings in South Africa are utilised. The Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies - now called the Centre for Research on Science and Technology - conducted the survey for the National Advisory Committee on Innovation (NACI). This study for NACI involved a questionnaire survey of research being conducted with universities, technikons and science councils, and a telephone survey of a sample of research and development managers in 116 companies. As a researcher in the Centre, I played an active role in this two-fold survey component of the research process. Besides coding the questionnaire for the NACI survey, for the purposes of my study I did additional coding of the questionnaire data. This involved coding 1052 responses to an openended question using a software package. After exporting this data to Microsoft Excel, I further coded the data into one of three categories: Mode 1, Mode 2 and a combination of Mode 1 and Mode 2. This 'new variable' created, formed part of the quantitative analysis since it was correlated with the following variables: the 'trigger' or 'driver' behind the research; the expected outcome of the project or study; the scientific field of the project; the project's or the study's science culture; the source of funding of the study, the modes of dissemination of the results and the intended beneficiary(ies) of the research. Results of the qualitative analyses reveal a profile for projects exhibiting features of Mode 1, Mode 2 or a combination of Mode 1 and Mode 2 knowledge utilisation. With Mode 1 we see that research was likely to be utilised within the discipline, was conducted for the benefit of the researcher's peers and it expanded on existing knowledge - all indicating that Mode 1 knowledge utilisation is predominantly associated with fundamental research. With Mode 2 we see that research was produced primarily for its use value and included the user's interests - indicating that Mode 2 knowledge utilisation is predominantly applied, commissioned and/or strategic. Projects that exhibited both features of Mode 1 and Mode 2 were both indicative of fundamental and applied research. Besides the quantitative analyses also showing the same result mentioned above, it was also discovered that the majority of the projects exhibited features of Mode 2, with one third of the projects exhibiting features of Mode 1 and a small proportion of projects as comprising both modes of utilisation. This was a very interesting finding because it is no longer just speculation that a shift is occurring to more applied, strategic research. The analysis revealed that this shift is a reality. The correlations of mode of utility with the seven other variables produced a range of results that expanded on the features of Mode 1 and Mode 2 type of knowledge production and verified that each mode had qualities unique to itself. My recommendations to researchers in South African research institutes concerns conducting the type of research which will be more relevant to the needs of South African society at large. To funding bodies and programmes of South Africa, the suggestion is to become more informed about the dissemination and intended utilisation strategies that they fund. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie is om 'n analise te doen van die begrip "navorsingsbenutting", soos verstaan deur navorsers binne die publieke Suid Afrikaanse navorsing- en ontwikkelingsektor. Data wat verkry is van 'n landswye ondersoek na die aanwending van navorsingsuitsette binne die publieke sektor, soos onderneem deur die Sentrum vir Interdissiplinêre Studies, is geanaliseer. As 'n lid van die navorsingspan wat die studie onderneem het, was ek aktief betrokke by die proses wat onder meer 'n vraelys-ondersoek ingesluit het na navorsingsprojekte wat in swang is aan SA universiteite, tegnikons en wetenskapsrade. Vir die doel van die studie het ek 1052 response wat die resultaat was van 'n oop vraag in die vraelys in drie kategorieë gekodeer naamlik Modus 1, Modus 2 asook Modus 3, 'n kombinasiekategorie met die benaming "modus van aanwending". Die kwalitatiewe analise het getoon dat in die geval van modus 1, die navorsing mees waarskynlik binne die dissipline en tot die voordeel van die navorser se eweknieë aangewend sal word en dat dit in die meeste gevalle 'n uitbreiding van bestaande kennis behels - 'n aanduiding dat modus 1 navorsing hoofsaakilk verbind kan word met fundamentele navorsing. In die geval van modus 2 blyk dit dat navorsing primêr berus op die utiliteit- of aanwendingswaarde daarvan. Dit vertoon 'n noue verband met die gebruiker se behoefte of belangstelling en is hoofsaaklik toegepaste, kontrak of strategiese navorsing. Projekte wat aspekte van beide modi 1 en 2 vertoon, het tegelykertyd gedui op fundamentele en toegepaste navorsing. Die kwantitatiewe analise het aangedui dat die meerderheid projekte eienskappe van modus 2 vertoon het, met 'n derde van die projekte wat eienskappe van modus 1 vertoon het. 'n Klein hoeveelheid projekte het aspekte van beide modi 1 en 2 vertoon. Hierdie analise het aangetoon dat 'n verkuiwing inderdaad plaasgevind het vanaf fundamentele na meer toegepaste en strategiese navorsing. Die korrelasie van die modus van aanwending met sewe ander veranderlikes, het 'n reeks resultate tot gevolg gehad wat die eienskappe van modi 1 en 2 verder uitgebrei het. Dit het ook bygedra tot die bevestiging van die spesifieke eienskap van elke modus en unieke aspekte van elke modus aangetoon. Aanbevelings word ten slotte gedoen met die oog op 'n keuse vir meer relevante navorsing binne die publieke sektor gemeet aan die kriteria van die navorsingsbehoeftes van die breër Suid Afrikaanse gemeenskap. Aanbevelings m.b.t. disseminasie en navorsingsaanwendingstrategieë van navorsing wat deur befondsingsliggame befonds word, word ook gemaak.

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