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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação do uso de trombolíticos, antibióticos e analgésicos em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia bariátrica em hospital público de Porto Alegre / Brasil

Fischer, Maria Isabel January 2014 (has links)
Objetivo: Avaliar o uso de trombolíticos, antibióticos e analgésicos e a ocorrência de complicações pós-cirúrgicas em pacientes obesos submetidos à cirurgia bariátrica (CB) no Hospital Nossa Senhora da Conceição/RS. Método: Foi conduzida uma coorte prospectiva, não controlada no período de junho de 2011 a outubro de 2013. Foram realizadas entrevistas com os pacientes durante o período de internação, 15 e 30 dias após a cirurgia. Para avaliação da profilaxia antibiótica os desfechos foram infecção de ferida operatória (IFO) e óbito. Eventos tromboembólicos foram os desfechos estudados para investigação da tromboprofilaxia, sendo também analisados custos associados. Os dados relativos ao paciente, à cirurgia e aos fármacos utilizados foram coletados a partir do prontuário do paciente. A dor foi avaliada nos três primeiros dias pós-cirurgia por dois instrumentos independentes. Resultados: Um total de 149 pacientes fez parte do estudo da profilaxia antibiótica, sendo predominantemente mulheres (89,3%). A idade média foi de 41,6 anos e o índice de massa corporal médio foi de 51,7 kg/m2. Comorbidades como diabetes e hipertensão foram observadas em 40,3% e 59,7% dos pacientes, respectivamente. Todos os pacientes receberam profilaxia antimicrobiana (cefazolina 73,8%, cefoxitina 25,5% e gentamicina 0,67%). IFO foi constatada em 9 (6,04%), 4/110 (3,64%) e 5/38 (13,2%) dos pacientes recebendo cefazolina e cefoxitina, respectivamente (RR=3.62 - 95% IC 1,02-12,8, p=0,049). A vigilância pós-alta detectou 4/9 (44,4%) dos casos de IFO. O estudo da tromboprofilaxia contou com 134 pacientes. Enoxaparina 40 ou 60 mg foi administrada em todos os pacientes, sete tiveram doses flutuantes e seis receberam heparina sódica em adição. Um paciente (0,75%) apresentou evento tromboembólico. O custo total da tromboprofilaxia foi de US$ 3,346.89. No estudo que avaliou a medicação para dor pós-operatória, foi observado que morfina + dipirona foi o esquema analgésico mais freqüente nos dois primeiros dias (69.9% e 61,4% dos pacientes, respectivamente), sendo dipirona isolada mais frequente no terceiro dia. Quando a escala analógica visual foi empregada para avaliação da dor 54,8% e 41,4% dos pacientes apresentaram dor moderada ou intensa nos dois primeiros dias, respectivamente. De acordo com esta escala não foram encontradas diferenças nas doses médias de morfina e dipirona para as categorias de dor leve, moderada ou intensa. Contudo, usando-se o questionário como instrumento para avaliação da dor, foram observadas doses mais altas de morfina em pacientes com escores de dor mais elevados (p<0,01). Conclusões: A escolha do antimicrobiano isoladamente não garante a profilaxia, uma vez que outras variáveis podem influenciar. Os dados demonstram falta de uniformidade na profilaxia antimicrobiana e sugerem a superioridade da cefazolina sobre a cefoxitina na prevenção da infecção de ferida operatória. Em relação aos tromboliticos utilizados na profilaxia foi observado que as diretrizes do hospital estudado não são seguidas. Os custos desta profilaxia variam com o medicamento empregado e indicam a necessidade de uma reavaliação nas diretrizes da instituição. Para analgesia, não observamos diferenças nas doses médias de morfina e dipirona. Uma proporção elevada de pacientes apresentou dor moderada ou intensa nos primeiros dois dias após a cirurgia, sugerindo inadequação da analgesia. O estudo contribui para desenvolvimento de protocolos para profilaxia de IFO e de eventos tromboembólicos, assim como para melhor manejo da dor pós-operatória em pacientes submetidos à CB. / Aim: To study the use of antimicrobials, thrombolytic agents and analgesics and the occurrence of post-surgical complications in patients submitted to bariatric surgery (BS). Method: A prospective, non-controlated cohort was carried on in the period June 2011-October 2013. Patients’ records and interviews during hospitalization and 15 and 30 days after surgery were used as source of data. Outcomes for antibiotic prophylaxis were surgical site infection (SSI) and death. Thromboembolic events were the outcomes studied in the investigation of thromboprophylaxis. Costs associated to thrombolytic agents were also considered. Pain was evaluated in the first three days after surgery by two independent instruments. Results: A total of 149 patients were included in the suty of antibiotic prophylaxis, predominantly women (89.3%). Average age was 41.6± 8.88 years and body mass index was 51.7 kg/m2. Diabetes was identified in 40.3% of the patients and hypertension in 59.7%. All patients received antibiotic prophylaxis (cefazolin 73.8%, cefoxitin 25.5%, and gentamicin 0.67%).The timing of antibiotic administration, redose, and use during 24 hours after surgery were not uniform.SSI was confirmed in 9(6.04%) patients, 4/110 (3.64%) and 5/38 (13.2%) receiving cefazolin and cefoxitin, respectively, (RR=3.62 - 95% CI 1.02-12.8, p=0.049). Four patients had SSI detected after hospital discharge. Among 134 individuals analyzed in the study about thromboprophylaxis, enoxaparin 40mg or 60mg was administered to all patients, seven patients had dose fluctuations between 40 and 80 mg and six patients also received heparin sodium, the drug recommended by hospital guideline for prophylaxis. One patient (0.75%) developed deep vein thrombosis. The total cost of prophylaxis was US$ 3,346.89. In the evaluation of post surgery pain, we observed that morphine + dipirone was the most frequent analgesic scheme employed in the first two days (69.9% and 61.4%, respectively), while dipirone was predominant in the third day. When the visual analogical scale was used, 54.8% and 41.4% of patients presented moderate or intense pain in the first and second day after surgery, respectively. Also, using this instrument differences were not observed in the average doses for both analgesics for patients presenting light, moderate or severe pain. Having the questionnaire as reference, we observed higher average doses of morphine in patients with higher scores (p<0.01) in the first day. Conclusions: Antibiotic prophylaxis in BS remains controversial and antibiotic choice does not guarantee the prophylaxis; there is also influence of other variables. Our data has shown lack of uniformity on this regard and suggests that cefazolin presented better results over cefoxitin to prevent SSI. Thrombolytic agents were used not accordingly to the hospital guideline, with one related outcome detected. The cost of prophylaxis might, depending on the drug product of heparin used indicating the importance of defining the medication in the guideline of the institution. We did not observe differences in the average dosages for both analgesics. A considerable proportion of patients presented moderate to intense pain during the first two days after surgery, suggesting that the analgesia was inadequate. This study contributes in developing analgesia protocol and points out the importance of pain assessment in these patients. This study contributes to a better use and standardization of antibiotic prophylaxis, thromboprophylaxis, and pain management in patients submitted to BS.

Avaliação do uso de trombolíticos, antibióticos e analgésicos em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia bariátrica em hospital público de Porto Alegre / Brasil

Fischer, Maria Isabel January 2014 (has links)
Objetivo: Avaliar o uso de trombolíticos, antibióticos e analgésicos e a ocorrência de complicações pós-cirúrgicas em pacientes obesos submetidos à cirurgia bariátrica (CB) no Hospital Nossa Senhora da Conceição/RS. Método: Foi conduzida uma coorte prospectiva, não controlada no período de junho de 2011 a outubro de 2013. Foram realizadas entrevistas com os pacientes durante o período de internação, 15 e 30 dias após a cirurgia. Para avaliação da profilaxia antibiótica os desfechos foram infecção de ferida operatória (IFO) e óbito. Eventos tromboembólicos foram os desfechos estudados para investigação da tromboprofilaxia, sendo também analisados custos associados. Os dados relativos ao paciente, à cirurgia e aos fármacos utilizados foram coletados a partir do prontuário do paciente. A dor foi avaliada nos três primeiros dias pós-cirurgia por dois instrumentos independentes. Resultados: Um total de 149 pacientes fez parte do estudo da profilaxia antibiótica, sendo predominantemente mulheres (89,3%). A idade média foi de 41,6 anos e o índice de massa corporal médio foi de 51,7 kg/m2. Comorbidades como diabetes e hipertensão foram observadas em 40,3% e 59,7% dos pacientes, respectivamente. Todos os pacientes receberam profilaxia antimicrobiana (cefazolina 73,8%, cefoxitina 25,5% e gentamicina 0,67%). IFO foi constatada em 9 (6,04%), 4/110 (3,64%) e 5/38 (13,2%) dos pacientes recebendo cefazolina e cefoxitina, respectivamente (RR=3.62 - 95% IC 1,02-12,8, p=0,049). A vigilância pós-alta detectou 4/9 (44,4%) dos casos de IFO. O estudo da tromboprofilaxia contou com 134 pacientes. Enoxaparina 40 ou 60 mg foi administrada em todos os pacientes, sete tiveram doses flutuantes e seis receberam heparina sódica em adição. Um paciente (0,75%) apresentou evento tromboembólico. O custo total da tromboprofilaxia foi de US$ 3,346.89. No estudo que avaliou a medicação para dor pós-operatória, foi observado que morfina + dipirona foi o esquema analgésico mais freqüente nos dois primeiros dias (69.9% e 61,4% dos pacientes, respectivamente), sendo dipirona isolada mais frequente no terceiro dia. Quando a escala analógica visual foi empregada para avaliação da dor 54,8% e 41,4% dos pacientes apresentaram dor moderada ou intensa nos dois primeiros dias, respectivamente. De acordo com esta escala não foram encontradas diferenças nas doses médias de morfina e dipirona para as categorias de dor leve, moderada ou intensa. Contudo, usando-se o questionário como instrumento para avaliação da dor, foram observadas doses mais altas de morfina em pacientes com escores de dor mais elevados (p<0,01). Conclusões: A escolha do antimicrobiano isoladamente não garante a profilaxia, uma vez que outras variáveis podem influenciar. Os dados demonstram falta de uniformidade na profilaxia antimicrobiana e sugerem a superioridade da cefazolina sobre a cefoxitina na prevenção da infecção de ferida operatória. Em relação aos tromboliticos utilizados na profilaxia foi observado que as diretrizes do hospital estudado não são seguidas. Os custos desta profilaxia variam com o medicamento empregado e indicam a necessidade de uma reavaliação nas diretrizes da instituição. Para analgesia, não observamos diferenças nas doses médias de morfina e dipirona. Uma proporção elevada de pacientes apresentou dor moderada ou intensa nos primeiros dois dias após a cirurgia, sugerindo inadequação da analgesia. O estudo contribui para desenvolvimento de protocolos para profilaxia de IFO e de eventos tromboembólicos, assim como para melhor manejo da dor pós-operatória em pacientes submetidos à CB. / Aim: To study the use of antimicrobials, thrombolytic agents and analgesics and the occurrence of post-surgical complications in patients submitted to bariatric surgery (BS). Method: A prospective, non-controlated cohort was carried on in the period June 2011-October 2013. Patients’ records and interviews during hospitalization and 15 and 30 days after surgery were used as source of data. Outcomes for antibiotic prophylaxis were surgical site infection (SSI) and death. Thromboembolic events were the outcomes studied in the investigation of thromboprophylaxis. Costs associated to thrombolytic agents were also considered. Pain was evaluated in the first three days after surgery by two independent instruments. Results: A total of 149 patients were included in the suty of antibiotic prophylaxis, predominantly women (89.3%). Average age was 41.6± 8.88 years and body mass index was 51.7 kg/m2. Diabetes was identified in 40.3% of the patients and hypertension in 59.7%. All patients received antibiotic prophylaxis (cefazolin 73.8%, cefoxitin 25.5%, and gentamicin 0.67%).The timing of antibiotic administration, redose, and use during 24 hours after surgery were not uniform.SSI was confirmed in 9(6.04%) patients, 4/110 (3.64%) and 5/38 (13.2%) receiving cefazolin and cefoxitin, respectively, (RR=3.62 - 95% CI 1.02-12.8, p=0.049). Four patients had SSI detected after hospital discharge. Among 134 individuals analyzed in the study about thromboprophylaxis, enoxaparin 40mg or 60mg was administered to all patients, seven patients had dose fluctuations between 40 and 80 mg and six patients also received heparin sodium, the drug recommended by hospital guideline for prophylaxis. One patient (0.75%) developed deep vein thrombosis. The total cost of prophylaxis was US$ 3,346.89. In the evaluation of post surgery pain, we observed that morphine + dipirone was the most frequent analgesic scheme employed in the first two days (69.9% and 61.4%, respectively), while dipirone was predominant in the third day. When the visual analogical scale was used, 54.8% and 41.4% of patients presented moderate or intense pain in the first and second day after surgery, respectively. Also, using this instrument differences were not observed in the average doses for both analgesics for patients presenting light, moderate or severe pain. Having the questionnaire as reference, we observed higher average doses of morphine in patients with higher scores (p<0.01) in the first day. Conclusions: Antibiotic prophylaxis in BS remains controversial and antibiotic choice does not guarantee the prophylaxis; there is also influence of other variables. Our data has shown lack of uniformity on this regard and suggests that cefazolin presented better results over cefoxitin to prevent SSI. Thrombolytic agents were used not accordingly to the hospital guideline, with one related outcome detected. The cost of prophylaxis might, depending on the drug product of heparin used indicating the importance of defining the medication in the guideline of the institution. We did not observe differences in the average dosages for both analgesics. A considerable proportion of patients presented moderate to intense pain during the first two days after surgery, suggesting that the analgesia was inadequate. This study contributes in developing analgesia protocol and points out the importance of pain assessment in these patients. This study contributes to a better use and standardization of antibiotic prophylaxis, thromboprophylaxis, and pain management in patients submitted to BS.

Avaliação do uso de trombolíticos, antibióticos e analgésicos em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia bariátrica em hospital público de Porto Alegre / Brasil

Fischer, Maria Isabel January 2014 (has links)
Objetivo: Avaliar o uso de trombolíticos, antibióticos e analgésicos e a ocorrência de complicações pós-cirúrgicas em pacientes obesos submetidos à cirurgia bariátrica (CB) no Hospital Nossa Senhora da Conceição/RS. Método: Foi conduzida uma coorte prospectiva, não controlada no período de junho de 2011 a outubro de 2013. Foram realizadas entrevistas com os pacientes durante o período de internação, 15 e 30 dias após a cirurgia. Para avaliação da profilaxia antibiótica os desfechos foram infecção de ferida operatória (IFO) e óbito. Eventos tromboembólicos foram os desfechos estudados para investigação da tromboprofilaxia, sendo também analisados custos associados. Os dados relativos ao paciente, à cirurgia e aos fármacos utilizados foram coletados a partir do prontuário do paciente. A dor foi avaliada nos três primeiros dias pós-cirurgia por dois instrumentos independentes. Resultados: Um total de 149 pacientes fez parte do estudo da profilaxia antibiótica, sendo predominantemente mulheres (89,3%). A idade média foi de 41,6 anos e o índice de massa corporal médio foi de 51,7 kg/m2. Comorbidades como diabetes e hipertensão foram observadas em 40,3% e 59,7% dos pacientes, respectivamente. Todos os pacientes receberam profilaxia antimicrobiana (cefazolina 73,8%, cefoxitina 25,5% e gentamicina 0,67%). IFO foi constatada em 9 (6,04%), 4/110 (3,64%) e 5/38 (13,2%) dos pacientes recebendo cefazolina e cefoxitina, respectivamente (RR=3.62 - 95% IC 1,02-12,8, p=0,049). A vigilância pós-alta detectou 4/9 (44,4%) dos casos de IFO. O estudo da tromboprofilaxia contou com 134 pacientes. Enoxaparina 40 ou 60 mg foi administrada em todos os pacientes, sete tiveram doses flutuantes e seis receberam heparina sódica em adição. Um paciente (0,75%) apresentou evento tromboembólico. O custo total da tromboprofilaxia foi de US$ 3,346.89. No estudo que avaliou a medicação para dor pós-operatória, foi observado que morfina + dipirona foi o esquema analgésico mais freqüente nos dois primeiros dias (69.9% e 61,4% dos pacientes, respectivamente), sendo dipirona isolada mais frequente no terceiro dia. Quando a escala analógica visual foi empregada para avaliação da dor 54,8% e 41,4% dos pacientes apresentaram dor moderada ou intensa nos dois primeiros dias, respectivamente. De acordo com esta escala não foram encontradas diferenças nas doses médias de morfina e dipirona para as categorias de dor leve, moderada ou intensa. Contudo, usando-se o questionário como instrumento para avaliação da dor, foram observadas doses mais altas de morfina em pacientes com escores de dor mais elevados (p<0,01). Conclusões: A escolha do antimicrobiano isoladamente não garante a profilaxia, uma vez que outras variáveis podem influenciar. Os dados demonstram falta de uniformidade na profilaxia antimicrobiana e sugerem a superioridade da cefazolina sobre a cefoxitina na prevenção da infecção de ferida operatória. Em relação aos tromboliticos utilizados na profilaxia foi observado que as diretrizes do hospital estudado não são seguidas. Os custos desta profilaxia variam com o medicamento empregado e indicam a necessidade de uma reavaliação nas diretrizes da instituição. Para analgesia, não observamos diferenças nas doses médias de morfina e dipirona. Uma proporção elevada de pacientes apresentou dor moderada ou intensa nos primeiros dois dias após a cirurgia, sugerindo inadequação da analgesia. O estudo contribui para desenvolvimento de protocolos para profilaxia de IFO e de eventos tromboembólicos, assim como para melhor manejo da dor pós-operatória em pacientes submetidos à CB. / Aim: To study the use of antimicrobials, thrombolytic agents and analgesics and the occurrence of post-surgical complications in patients submitted to bariatric surgery (BS). Method: A prospective, non-controlated cohort was carried on in the period June 2011-October 2013. Patients’ records and interviews during hospitalization and 15 and 30 days after surgery were used as source of data. Outcomes for antibiotic prophylaxis were surgical site infection (SSI) and death. Thromboembolic events were the outcomes studied in the investigation of thromboprophylaxis. Costs associated to thrombolytic agents were also considered. Pain was evaluated in the first three days after surgery by two independent instruments. Results: A total of 149 patients were included in the suty of antibiotic prophylaxis, predominantly women (89.3%). Average age was 41.6± 8.88 years and body mass index was 51.7 kg/m2. Diabetes was identified in 40.3% of the patients and hypertension in 59.7%. All patients received antibiotic prophylaxis (cefazolin 73.8%, cefoxitin 25.5%, and gentamicin 0.67%).The timing of antibiotic administration, redose, and use during 24 hours after surgery were not uniform.SSI was confirmed in 9(6.04%) patients, 4/110 (3.64%) and 5/38 (13.2%) receiving cefazolin and cefoxitin, respectively, (RR=3.62 - 95% CI 1.02-12.8, p=0.049). Four patients had SSI detected after hospital discharge. Among 134 individuals analyzed in the study about thromboprophylaxis, enoxaparin 40mg or 60mg was administered to all patients, seven patients had dose fluctuations between 40 and 80 mg and six patients also received heparin sodium, the drug recommended by hospital guideline for prophylaxis. One patient (0.75%) developed deep vein thrombosis. The total cost of prophylaxis was US$ 3,346.89. In the evaluation of post surgery pain, we observed that morphine + dipirone was the most frequent analgesic scheme employed in the first two days (69.9% and 61.4%, respectively), while dipirone was predominant in the third day. When the visual analogical scale was used, 54.8% and 41.4% of patients presented moderate or intense pain in the first and second day after surgery, respectively. Also, using this instrument differences were not observed in the average doses for both analgesics for patients presenting light, moderate or severe pain. Having the questionnaire as reference, we observed higher average doses of morphine in patients with higher scores (p<0.01) in the first day. Conclusions: Antibiotic prophylaxis in BS remains controversial and antibiotic choice does not guarantee the prophylaxis; there is also influence of other variables. Our data has shown lack of uniformity on this regard and suggests that cefazolin presented better results over cefoxitin to prevent SSI. Thrombolytic agents were used not accordingly to the hospital guideline, with one related outcome detected. The cost of prophylaxis might, depending on the drug product of heparin used indicating the importance of defining the medication in the guideline of the institution. We did not observe differences in the average dosages for both analgesics. A considerable proportion of patients presented moderate to intense pain during the first two days after surgery, suggesting that the analgesia was inadequate. This study contributes in developing analgesia protocol and points out the importance of pain assessment in these patients. This study contributes to a better use and standardization of antibiotic prophylaxis, thromboprophylaxis, and pain management in patients submitted to BS.

Circulating Extracellular Vesicles in Patients with Cancer and Venous Thromboembolism

Varol, Ozgun 16 September 2022 (has links)
Venous thromboembolism (VTE), defined as deep vein thrombosis and/or pulmonary embolism is the second leading cause of mortality in cancer patients, second only to cancer itself. A number of reports suggest that circulating extracellular vesicles (EVs) may be increased in cancer patients with VTE. The aim of this study was to examine circulating EVs in high-risk ambulatory cancer patients, determine if levels are associated with hematological outcomes (VTE, major bleeding event), and to assess the impact of prophylactic antithrombotic therapy (Apixaban). We hypothesized that elevated levels of circulating large EVs will be predictive of cancer associated VTE and/or bleeding events and that treatment with Apixaban will reduce EV levels and incidence of cancer VTE. Plasma samples from patients at baseline, and 90-days follow-up from the Apixaban for the Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism in High-Risk Ambulatory Cancer patients (AVERT) trial were investigated. Total EVs were quantified by their pro-coagulant activity using the Zymuphen MP-Activity kit. Platelet, endothelial and tissue-factor EV levels were quantified by flow cytometry. We observed that circulating EVs exhibited significant associations with sex, age, and cancer type, however we did not observe any relationships with clinical outcomes. Thus, it appears that circulating EVs may not have a role in risk stratification for VTE in in high-risk ambulatory cancer patients.

Comparison of congenital cardiac surgery techniques through the development of national and international cohorts

Deshaies, Catherine 11 1900 (has links)
Plusieurs avancées exceptionnelles ont permis à un nombre grandissant d’enfants avec pathologies cardiaques complexes d’atteindre l’âge adulte. Ainsi, plus de patients développent maintenant des complications en lien avec leur maladie ou leurs antécédents chirurgicaux. Malheureusement, en raison de nombreux obstacles limitant la recherche en cardiopathie congénitale adulte, un écart de savoir perdure et freine l’optimisation des soins. En attendant le couplage de grands registres pédiatriques et adultes facilitant l’accès aux données existantes, les projets multicentriques indépendants demeurent essentiels. Cette thèse présente deux études multicentriques de cohorte comparant des techniques opératoires couramment utilisées dans le traitement de pathologies congénitales cardiaques complexes dans le but de promouvoir la santé des patients à long terme. La première étude visait à évaluer l’impact chronique du type de procédure de Fontan sur le risque thromboembolique. Pour ce projet nord-américain, 522 patients avec connexion atriopulmonaire (21.4%), tunnel latéral (41.8%) ou conduit extracardiaque (36.8%) ont été recrutés. À l’aide d’analyses multivariées contrôlant pour la décennie opératoire et les effets variables dans le temps de l’arythmie et de la thromboprophylaxie, l’étude a conclu à un plus faible risque de complications thromboemboliques systémiques (rapport des risques instantanés [RRI] : 0.20 ; intervalle de confiance [IC] à 95% : 0.04-0.97) et combinées (RRI : 0.34 ; IC à 95% : 0.13-0.91) avec le conduit extracardiaque. Ces résultats remettent en question la croyance populaire selon laquelle cette technique serait plus thrombogène en raison d’un grand contact avec du matériel synthétique et d’un débit limité par le calibre fixe du greffon. La deuxième étude avait pour but d’investiguer, auprès de patients avec tétralogie de Fallot ou sténose pulmonaire corrigée nécessitant une implantation de valve pulmonaire, l’efficacité immédiate et l’innocuité d’une intervention concomitante sur la valve tricuspide. Pour ce projet pancanadien, 542 patients ayant subi un remplacement isolé de la valve pulmonaire (66.8%) ou une chirurgie combinée des valves pulmonaire et tricuspide (33.2%) ont été enrôlés. À l’aide d’analyses multivariées, cette étude a révélé que la chirurgie combinée était associée à une plus grande réduction du grade de régurgitation tricuspidienne qu’un remplacement isolé de la valve pulmonaire (rapport de cotes [RC] : 0.44 ; IC à 95% : 0.25-0.77) sans une augmentation des complications périopératoires (RC : 0.85 ; IC à 95% : 0.46-1.57) ou du temps d’hospitalisation (ratio du taux d’incidence : 1.17 ; IC à 95% : 0.93-1.46). Ces résultats questionnent la pertinence d’une gestion conservatrice de l’insuffisance tricuspide sévère. De plus, ils confirment qu’une procédure ciblée peut améliorer de façon sécuritaire la fuite modérée au-delà de l’effet produit par la décharge du ventricule – une stratégie potentiellement avantageuse auprès de jeunes patients déjà à haut risque de défaillance cardiaque droite. En conclusion, avec une puissance statistique plus élevée que les études précédemment publiées, ces travaux ont permis une comparaison valide et pertinente de techniques opératoires couramment utilisées en chirurgie cardiaque congénitale, ce qui influencera possiblement la pratique. Ultimement, cette thèse souligne l’importance de promouvoir la collaboration afin de répondre aux besoins émergents des patients avec pathologies congénitales cardiaques complexes. / Outstanding technical advances have made possible for a growing number of infants with complex heart disease to survive into adulthood. Consequently, more patients are now living long enough to experience late complications related to their underlying pathology or sequelae from past interventions. However, due to the inherent challenges of carrying research in adult congenital heart disease, important knowledge gaps prevent further optimization of care. Waiting on broad linkage of pediatric and adult databases to facilitate access to data, stand-alone multicenter research initiatives remain essential. The current body of work presents two multicenter cohort studies which were designed to help improving the long-term health of patients with complex heart disease through a comparison of common operative techniques. The first study sought to evaluate the chronic impact of Fontan surgery type on the thromboembolic risk. This North American cohort enrolled 522 patients with univentricular palliation consisting of an atriopulmonary connection (21.4%), lateral tunnel (41.8%) or extracardiac conduit (36.8%). In multivariable analyses stratified by surgical decade and controlling for the time-varying effects of atrial arrhythmias and thromboprophylaxis, extracardiac conduits were independently associated with a lower risk of systemic (hazard ratio [HR]: 0.20 vs. lateral tunnel; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.04-0.97) and combined (HR: 0.34 vs. lateral tunnel; 95% CI: 0.13-0.91) thromboembolic events. These results cast doubt on the widely held notion that extracardiac conduits are potentially more thrombogenic than lateral tunnels by virtue of greater exposure to synthetic material and relative flow restriction through a fixed pathway. The second study investigated, in patients with repaired tetralogy of Fallot or equivalent disease undergoing a first pulmonary valve implant, the early effectiveness and safety of concomitant tricuspid valve intervention. This pan-Canadian cohort included 542 patients who underwent isolated pulmonary valve replacement (66.8%) or combined pulmonary and tricuspid valve surgery (33.2%). In multivariable analyses, combined surgery was associated with a greater reduction in tricuspid regurgitation grade than isolated pulmonary valve replacement (odds ratio [OR]: 0.44; 95% CI: 0.25-0.77) without an increase in early adverse events (OR: 0.85; 95% CI: 0.46-1.57) or hospitalization time (incidence rate ratio: 1.17; 95% CI: 0.93-1.46). These results strongly question the appropriateness of conservative management of severe tricuspid regurgitation at the time of pulmonary reintervention. Furthermore, they confirm that concomitant tricuspid valve intervention can safely improve moderate insufficiency beyond the effect of right ventricular offloading – a strategy likely worthwhile to adopt in a population of young adults already at high risk of right heart failure. In conclusion, with higher statistical power than previously published studies, the presented body of work allowed for a valid comparison of common surgical techniques used in congenital cardiac care, which will likely impact current practices. Ultimately, this thesis underlines the importance of fostering collaboration in order to meet the emerging health needs of patients with complex heart disease.

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