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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influence of Salinity Variations on the Desorption and Lability of Soil Organic Carbon Associated with Tidal Freshwater Marshes

Koren, Lindsey Michelle 24 April 2009 (has links)
Tidal freshwater marshes (TFMs) are unique ecosystems that bridge the gap between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems and are important in the sequestration of soil organic carbon. With the ever changing global climate, TFMs are left vulnerable to downstream effects of rising sea level and salt water intrusion due to increases in flooding by saline waters. These changes often act over large spatial and temporal scales resulting in significant impacts to local and regional environments. This multidisciplinary study assessed the amount and lability of desorbed organic carbon in tidal freshwater marsh soils from the Waccamaw River Marsh, South Carolina and Sweet Hall, a marsh on the Pamunkey River, Virginia. Soils from each marsh were extracted at 0-35 practical salinity units (psu) and the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration, and carbon lability of the leachates were measured. At increasing levels of salinity, soil desorption amounts were higher in the Waccamaw River marsh interior and similar between the Waccamaw River creekbank and Sweet Hall levee. A larger fraction of desorbed DOC was consumed in the more organic soils from the Waccamaw River marsh in comparison to the more mineral soil from Sweet Hall Marsh. Finally, the rate of decay of the desorbed carbon was highest in the Sweet Hall levee soils, indicating more labile desorbed carbon, while the Waccamaw River Marsh soils had lower decay rates indicating less labile desorbed carbon. By understanding how salt water intrusion affects desorption and lability of soil organic carbon, in coastal marshes, we may be able to better understand how increasing sea levels may affect carbon storage in coastal ecosystems.

Evolution et habitabilité de systèmes planétaires autour d’étoiles de faible masse et de naines brunes / Evolution and habitability of planetary systems orbiting low mass stars and brown dwarfs

Bolmont, Emeline 13 November 2013 (has links)
La découverte de plus de 900 planètes autour d’autres étoiles que le Soleil rend notre époque excitante. Ces systèmes planétaires nous ont fait changer notre perception du monde qui était jusqu’alors basée sur nos connaissances du système solaire. Certains systèmes détectés sont beaucoup plus compacts que notre système solaire et les planètes se trouvent extrêmement proches de leur étoile. Pour comprendre la structure de ces systèmes et leur évolution, il est important d’étudier les effets de marée.Les missions d’observations des exoplanètes commencent à détecter des planètes de moins en moins massives dans la zone autour d’une étoile appelée zone habitable. La zone habitable est définie comme la plage de distances orbitales pour laquelle une planète ayant une atmosphère peut avoir de l’eau liquide à sa surface. L’étude du climat des exoplanètes, étant donné un flux et un spectre stellaire, est importante pour la caractérisation de l’atmosphère de ces exoplanètes (que JWST sera en mesure de faire).Dans cette thèse, ces problématiques d’évolution dynamique de systèmes planétaires et de climats de planètes sont développées pour le cas de systèmes planétaires orbitant des naines brunes et des étoiles de faible masse dans le but futur de contraindre des paramètres des modèles de marée ou des observations. Dans un premier temps, j’ai traité le cas de l’évolution par effet de marée d’une planète orbitant une naine brune, une naine M ou une étoile de type solaire dont l’évolution du rayon est prise en compte. L’objectif était d’étudier l’influence de la contraction de l’étoile (ou naine brune) sur l’évolution orbitale des planètes. Dans un deuxième temps, j’ai cherché à étudier l’influence des effets de marée sur l’évolution dynamique d’un système multiplanétaire orbitant une naine brune, une naine M ou une étoile de type solaire dont l’évolution du rayon est aussi prise en compte.Ces deux projets permettent d’aborder le problème de l’habitabilité des planètes au- tour de ces objets, en particulier autour des naines brunes qui refroidissent avec le temps. En effet, une planète se trouvant dans la zone habitable d’une naine brune se situe suffisamment proche de la naine brune pour ressentir l’influence des effets de marée. Ainsi, des paramètres importants pour l’étude des climats sont en partie déterminés par les effets de marée – paramètres comme l’excentricité et l’obliquité entre autres. Dans cette thèse, cette problématique est succinctement abordée en vue d’une poursuite en post-doctorat. / The discovery of more than 900 planets orbiting other stars than our Sun makes this period very exciting. Our knowledge which was based on the Solar System has been challenged by new planetary systems which are very different from our system. Some of them are much more compact than the Solar System. Some planets are located extremely close-in from their star, within the orbital distance of Mercury, in a region where tidal effects are important. Understanding the structure of the known exoplanetary systems and the future ones requires to take into account the physics of tidal evolution.The missions dedicated to the finding of exoplanets are beginning to detect less massive planets in the habitable zone of their host star. The habitable zone is here defined as the range of orbital distances where a planet with an atmosphere can sustain liquid water at its surface. The study of the climate of exoplanets, given a stellar flux and spectra, is important for the characterization of planetary atmosphere – which JWST will make possible.This thesis provides a study of the dynamical and tidal evolution of planetary systems orbiting evolving brown dwarfs and low mass stars in order to constrain some tidal parameters and in the case of planets around brown dwarfs put some constrains on observability. First, I studied the tidal evolution of single-planet systems orbiting a brown dwarf, a M-dwarf or a Sun-like star whose radius evolution is taken into account. The aim of this study was to study the influence of the contraction of the brown dwarf or star on the orbital evolution of the planets. Second, I endeavored to study the tidal evolution of multiple-planet systems orbiting a brown dwarf, a M-dwarf or a Sun-like star whose radius evolution is also taken into account.These two projects allow me to study the question of the habitability of planets orbiting those objects, in particular orbiting brown dwarfs which are known to cool down with time. A planet orbiting a brown dwarf in its habitable zone is sufficiently close to the brown dwarf to feel tidal effects. So parameters such as the eccentricity or obliquity, which are important for the climate are partially determined by tides. In this thesis, this question is briefly addressed but will be deepened in a future post-doc.

Assessing the Responses of Adult, Juvenile, and Larval Fish Assemblages to the Closure of the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet, an Artificial Tidal Pass in Southeastern Louisiana

Cope, Rebecca Weatherall 20 December 2013 (has links)
The creation of the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet (MRGO) in 1963 by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) represents one of the most catastrophic, anthropogenic stressors ever to impact the Lake Pontchartrain estuary in southeastern Louisiana, USA. The artificial tidal pass provided a direct route from the Gulf of Mexico to New Orleans. It allowed for high saline waters to enter Lake Pontchartrain, resulting in detrimental changes to the biotic community of the Lake and surrounding wetland areas. In July 2009, the USACE closed the MRGO in hopes of restoring natural ecosystems. This study assesses changes in the adult, juvenile, and larval fish assemblages in the Lake from data taken before and after the closure. Water quality data were also examined for shifts related to the MRGO closure. Significant decreases in salinity were found following the closure, however no significant differences were found in adult or larval fish assemblages.

Characterization of the hydrodynamics and saltwater wedge variations in a coastal karst aquifer in response to tide and precipitation events (Bell Harbour catchment, Co. Clare, Ireland) / Caractérisation de l’hydrodynamique et des variations spatio-temporelles du biseau salé d’un karst côtier en réponse aux variation tidales et aux précipitations (Bell Harbour, Comté de Clare, Irlande)

Perriquet, Marie 01 May 2014 (has links)
La côte ouest irlandaise située dans les comtés de Clare et Galway est depuis récemment affectée par une augmentation de la fréquence des inondations et une montée du niveau marin. L'impact de ces changements climatiques se fait particulièrement ressentir au niveau des aquifères karstiques côtiers de ces régions, tel que le bassin karstique de Bell Harbour (~50 km²) sélectionné dans le cadre de ce projet: le positionnement d'un biseau salé dans cet aquifère est clairement dû à l'interaction entre sa recharge liée aux événements pluvieux et la forte influence de la marée. Des données (niveaux d'eau et conductivités spécifiques) ont été collectées à l'aide de sondes, à deux sources côtières, six forages, trois lacs et au milieu de la baie durant des périodes prolongées. Trois types d'environnement hydrodynamiques (conduits, fissures et matrices) ont été définis pour chacun des six forages en comparant deux méthodes qui se sont avérées cohérentes entre-elles. Les variations des conductivités spécifiques combinées à la chimie des eaux des six forages et de lacs ont permis d'évaluer l'étendue du biseau salé dans l'aquifère en fonction de la recharge de l'aquifère et des cycles de marée haute/basse et vives eaux/basses eaux: l'étendue du biseau salé dépend des propriétés hydrodynamiques de l'aquifère mais aussi de l'influence relative de la recharge et de la marée sur les niveaux piézométriques, induisant chacun des comportements opposés. Ainsi, la compétition entre la recharge et la marée contrôle l'intrusion d'eau de mer dans l'aquifère, ce qui explique les changements spatio-temporels du biseau salé dans l'aquifère. Les fortes amplitudes de marée semblent être le moteur des brèves intrusions salines dans l'aquifère proche de la rive alors que la position du niveau piézométrique semble influencer l'intensité de cette augmentation de la salinité. La recharge karstique de la région est suffisamment importante tout au long de l'année pour que le biseau salé ne s'étende pas plus loin qu'un kilomètre de la rive. La diminution des précipitations durant l'été (~10 %) ainsi que l'augmentation du niveau marin prévues pour les prochaines décennies, contribueront certainement à une intrusion plus importante du biseau salé dans l'aquifère. / Low-lying coastal areas in the west of Ireland, such as the Galway and Clare coasts, have seen recent increases in flooding frequencies coupled with overall increases in sea level. The impacts of these changes are most strongly felt in coastal karst catchments and this study focuses on one such area, the Bell Harbour catchment (~50 km²), where there is a clear interaction between rainfall inputs and tidal influences, to create a terrestrial salt water wedge. Data (specific conductivity and water levels) have been collected at two coastal springs, six boreholes, three lakes, and from discrete locations in the middle of the bay, using dedicated loggers over extended periods. Two approaches that provided consistent results were used to explain the different hydrodynamic behaviours identified in the boreholes (conduits, fissures and matrix flows). Specific conductivity variations and water chemistry measured inland allowed for assessment of the spatial extent of the saltwater wedge into the aquifer as a function of both karst recharge and tidal movements at high/low and neap/spring tidal cycles. The extent of the saltwater wedge depends on the intrinsic properties of the aquifer but also on the relative influence of the recharge and the tide on groundwater levels, which induce opposite behaviours. This dynamic between recharge and the tide thus controls the seawater inputs, hence explaining temporal and spatial changes in the saltwater wedge in this coastal karst aquifer. Strong tidal amplitudes seems to be the motor of sudden saltwater intrusion observed in the aquifer near the shore while the relative elevation of the groundwater appears to influence the intensity of the salinity increase. The magnitude of annual recharge in the area is high enough to limit saltwater intrusion to no more than about one kilometre inland from the shore. Given the anticipated decreases in summer precipitation (~10 percent), coupled with anticipated sea level rises, the extent of the saltwater wedge into the aquifer is likely to increase in coming decades.

Dinâmica da desembocadura lagunar de Cananéia, litoral sul do estado de São Paulo / The dynamics of Cananéia inlet, south coast of São Paulo

Ambrosio, Bruna Garcia 23 August 2016 (has links)
As desembocaduras lagunares são sistemas costeiros dinâmicos e complexos em função de seu controle por diversos fatores ambientais, como amplitude de maré, energia de ondas e aporte fluvial. Essas variáveis atuam em conjunto produzindo condições hidrodinâmicas únicas e uma variedade de feições deposicionais. Estes sistemas, compostos por um canal principal e por deltas de maré, possuem fortes influências sobre a evolução da região costeira adjacente. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a dinâmica da desembocadura de Cananéia, a fim de compreender os processos que governam as alterações morfológicas da região, considerando as prováveis influências do delta de maré vazante. Através de imagens aéreas e cartas náuticas históricas foi possível analisar as alterações morfológicas da desembocadura e do delta ao longo das últimas décadas. Posteriormente, foi aplicado o modelo numérico MIKE 21 para simular a propagação de ondas, a hidrodinâmica e o transporte sedimentar na região em duas situações batimétricas e em diferentes casos de ondas incidentes. Para tanto, utilizaram-se dados coletados in situ, resultados de modelos globais (WW3 e CFSR) e informações obtidas na literatura. Os resultados mostram alterações na morfologia da desembocadura com o predomínio de processos erosivos na margem norte, migração do canal e do delta para nordeste, aumento volumétrico do delta e avanço deste em direção ao oceano. Além disso, notou-se que a margem norte é exposta a maiores forças de onda e que, em ambas as margens, esta diminuiu ao longo do período analisado. Os resultados indicam a ação do delta de maré vazante como principal agente transformador de ondas, sendo a sua variação morfológica determinante para a ação das ondas nas margens do canal. A circulação é controlada predominantemente pela maré e o transporte de sedimentos, embora limitado, é aumentado sob o efeito sinérgico entre a ação de ondas e de maré. Devido a sua morfologia e hidrodinâmica, a margem norte é submetida à maior influência de ondas e de maré, resultando em processos erosivos. A dinâmica sedimentar reflete a complexidade deste ambiente. / Inlets are dynamic and complex coastal systems subjected to a variety of forces such as tidal range, wave energy and fluvial discharge. Combinations of these variables produce unique hydrodynamic conditions and a variety of depositional features. These systems, consisting of a main channel and tidal deltas, have strong influence on the evolution of the coastal zone. The aim of this study is to evaluate the dynamics of the Cananéia inlet in order to understand the processes that control the morphological changes in the region, considering the influence of its ebb-tidal delta morphology. Based on aerial photographs and historical nautical charts the morphological changes of the inlet and delta were analyzed over the last decades. Subsequently, the MIKE 21 numerical model was applied to simulate the wave propagation, the hydrodynamics and sediment transport in the region, for two different bathymetric situations and several wave scenarios. Therefore, we used in situ data, global model results (WW3 and CFSR) and information from the literature. Results show changes in the morphology of the inlet with the predominance of erosion on its northern margin, the migration of the channel and delta northeasterly, and the delta volume increase and its growth towards the ocean. Furthermore, it was noted that the northern margin is exposed to greater wave power and on both margins the wave power decreased over the analyzed period. The results show the action of the ebb tidal delta as the main transforming agent of the incoming waves and its morphological variation determines the action of the waves on the margins of the channel. The circulation is controlled predominantly by the tide and the sediment transport, although limited, is increased under the synergistic effect between the action of waves and tide. Due to its morphology and hydrodynamics, the northern margin is subjected to greater influence of waves and tide, resulting in erosional processes. The sediment dynamics reflects the complexity of this environment.

Variabilidade espaço-temporal da morfologia costeira: resultados de sensoriamento remoto / Space-time variability of coastal morphology: results from vídeo remote sensing

Barroso, Cássia Pianca 30 June 2014 (has links)
A habilidade de prever mudanças morfológicas nas regiões costeiras é restringida pela falta de dados observacionais com suficiente resolução espacial e temporal. Com o desenvolvimento do sensoriamento remoto, esse problema pode ser minimizado, especialmente com o uso de câmeras de vídeo para o estudo de regiões costeiras. Os objetivos dessa tese são, através do uso de imagens de vídeo, (1) desenvolver um método robusto para extrair a localização da linha de costa; (2) analisar um conjunto de dados inéditos de 26 anos de imagens diárias; (3) caracterizar as escalas espaciais e temporais da variação da linha de costa em um local representativo, a praia de Duck, NC; (4) testar esse método em uma praia reflectiva e com cúspides, a praia de Massaguaçu localizada no litoral brasileiro; (5) descrever recentes observações de feições morfológicas de meso-escalas associadas a um canal de marés usando uma técnica óptica inovadora e documentar as taxas e padrões de migração dessas feições morfológicas em New River Inlet, NC. Um modelo foi desenvolvido, chamado ASLIM (Augmented ShoreLine Intensity Maxima) para extrair as posições da linha de costa baseado na intensidade máxima observada nas imagens de exposição (timex) através de um ajuste Gaussiano com um subsequente filtro Kalman filtro, este para reduzir incertezas e ruídos. O ASLIM quando comparado com dados do levantamentos batimétricos mostrou um boa correlação com coeficiente de 0.85, estatisticamente significativo). As ondas foram caracterizadas em termos da altura significativa e os componentes longitudinal e transversal do fluxo de energia da onda (Px e Py, respectivamente). Menos de 2\\% da altura da onda é explicada por escalas maiores do que um ano. 66\\% da variância foi explicada por períodos maiores do que o ciclo anual, apesar do fato das forçantes (ondas) serem dominadas por períodos curtos (menores que 20 dias). O primeiro modo da EOF para a variação da linha de costa contém 49\\% da variância e representou o movimento transversal da linha de costa. O segundo modo (26\\% da variância) está associado com a alternância de sinais de acresção em cada lado píer, enquanto que os modos mais altos (7\\% e 5.6\\%) descrevem os efeitos locais do píer. O píer apresentou uma influência significativa no comportamento da linha de costa, à qual estende-se a 500 metros ao norte e sul do píer, duas vezes mais do que os valores assumidos por estudos anteriores. O píer restringe o transporte longitudinal sazonal entre a parte sul (verão) e a parte norte (inverno), resultando em uma acumulação de sedimentos sazonalmente reversa no lado up-drift da deriva. Sinais de erosão foram encontrados ao lado down-drift do píer e que propagam-se 1200 m/ano para longe do píer. A linha de costa apresentou uma tendência à erosão apenas no lado norte do píer, esta erosão pode estar relacionada com a tendência de aumento do transporte longitudinal para o norte, que é bloqueado devido ao píer, gerando uma acumulação na parte sul do píer e erosão na parte norte. O método ASLIM também foi testado na Praia de Massaguaçu e mostrou ser uma valiosa ferramenta para investigar variabilidade da linha de costa. Nossas observações em New River Inlet (NC), revelaram um complexo de bancos de espraiamento e feições arenosas de meso-escalas que migraram em um padrão coerente horário onde nas regiões offshore migraram em direção contrária a desembocadura do rio enquanto que as feições na região próxima a costa, migraram em direção ao canal. Para quantificar de forma objetiva as taxas e padrões de migração um algoritmo foi desenvolvido (LLSA - Lagged Least Square Algorithm) usando sequências de imagens de exposição (timex). Esse método compara diferentes imagens que possuem diferentes intervalos de tempo, e encontra o intervalo (lag) onde essas imagens são similares. A taxa média de migração encontrada foi de 1.53 m/dia (com desvio padrão de 0.76 m/dia). 72\\% das taxas estimadas foram maiores que 1.0 m/dia, 31\\% foram maiores que 2 m/dia, e as taxas máximas encontradas foram 3.5 m/day, em 23 dias. As taxas de migração média longitudinais mostraram um nó em 110 metros da linha de costa que separa as feições que migram para longe do canal (offshore) e para a linha de costa. O padrão circular pareceu ser consistente com o fluxo residual esperado em um delta de maré vazante. Em conclusão, nossos resultados mostraram que o uso de câmeras de vídeo são uma ótima ferramenta para fornecer informações sobre a dinâmica de morfologias costeiras com alta resolução temporal e espacial, de curto à longo-prazo. / The ability to predict changes of the coastal morphology has been restricted by the lack of observational data in a sufficient spatial and temporal coverage. With the advent of remote sensing, the low spatial and temporal resolution could be overcome, especially with the development of video cameras to study nearshore environments. The goals of this thesis are, using remote sensing techniques, to (1) develop a robust method for extracting shoreline locations; (2) analyze a unique 16 and 26-year record of daily to hourly video images; (3) characterize the space-time scales of shoreline variability at a representative site at Duck, NC; (4) test this method at a reflective and cuspy beach at Massaguaçu Beach located at Brazilian coast; (5) describe recent observations of meso-scales morphology associated with tidal inlets using an innovative optical method and document rates and patterns of migration of these features at New River Inlet, NC. A model was developed, called ASLIM (Augmented ShoreLine Intensity Maxima) to extract the shoreline positions based on fitting the band of high light intensity in time exposure images to a local Gaussian fit with a subsequent Kalman filter to reduce noise and uncertainty. The ASLIM model showed good agreement with survey data (correlation coefficient of 0.85, significant at 95\\% confidence level). Wave forcing was characterized in terms of the significant wave height and the cross-shore and longshore components of wave energy flux. 66\\% of the shoreline variability was explained by periods longer than the annual cycle, despite the fact that wave forcing is dominated by shorter periods. The first EOF mode of shoreline variability contained 49\\% of the variance and represented the cross-shore movement (landward- seaward) of the shoreline. The second mode (26\\% of the variance) is associated with alternating accretion signals on either side of the pier, while the next two higher EOFs (7\\% and 5.6\\%) describe the local pier effects. The pier was found to have a significant influence on shoreline behavior that extends out to 500 meters, nearly twice the length scales assumed by previous studies. The pier restricts seasonal longshore transport from the south (summer) and north (winter) sides, resulting in a seasonally-reversing sediment accumulation on the up-drift side. Erosion signals on the down-drift side of the pier were found propagate away from the pier at 1200 m/year. A shoreline erosion trend that was found only on the north side of the pier may be related to the trend found in the alongshore transport, that it is increasing toward the north and is being blocked by the pier. The ASLIM method was also tested at Massaguaçu Beach and showed to be a valuable tool to investigate shoreline variability processes. Our observations, at New Rivet Inlet (NC), revealed a complex set of swash bars and meso-scale sand banks that migrated in a coherent clockwise pattern with movement in offshore regions being away from the inlet mouth while nearshore migration was back toward the inlet. To quantify migration rates and patterns objectively based on sequences of time exposure images, a Lagged Least Squares Algorithm (LLSA) was developed that found the vector migration rate for which the suite of lagged images were most similar, computed on a tile-by-tile basis. The mean migration rate was found to be 1.53 m/day (standard deviation of 0.76 m/day). 72\\% percent of estimated rates were greater than 1.0 m/day, 31\\% percent were larger than 2.0 m/day, and the maximum rate round was 3.5 m/day, averaged over 23 days. Alongshore averages of cross-shore migration rates showed a node at 110 m from the shoreline that separates migration away from the inlet (offshore) from migration toward the inlet near the shore. The circular pattern of migration appeared to be consistent with expected residual flow on an ebb delta. In conclusion, our results showed that the use of video cameras are a useful tool for providing information about the dynamics of coastal morphologies with a high temporal and spatial resolution, from short to long-term.

Numerical simulation of a marine current turbine in turbulent flow

Xin, Bai January 2014 (has links)
The marine current turbine (MCT) is an exciting proposition for the extraction of renewable tidal and marine current power. However, the numerical prediction of the performance of the MCT is difficult due to its complex geometry, the surrounding turbulent flow and the free surface. The main purpose of this research is to develop a computational tool for the simulation of a MCT in turbulent flow and in this thesis, the author has modified a 3D Large Eddy Simulation (LES) numerical code to simulate a three blade MCT under a variety of operating conditions based on the Immersed Boundary Method (IBM) and the Conservative Level Set Method (CLS). The interaction between the solid structure and surrounding fluid is modelled by the immersed boundary method, which the author modified to handle the complex geometrical conditions. The conservative free surface (CLS) scheme was implemented in the original Cgles code to capture the free surface effect. A series of simulations of turbulent flow in an open channel with different slope conditions were conducted using the modified free surface code. Supercritical flow with Froude number up to 1.94 was simulated and a decrease of the integral constant in the law of the wall has been noticed which matches well with the experimental data. Further simulations of the marine current turbine in turbulent flow have been carried out for different operating conditions and good match with experimental data was observed for all flow conditions. The effect of waves on the performance of the turbine was also investigated and it has been noticed that this existence will increase the power performance of the turbine due to the increase of free stream velocity.

Variabilidade espaço-temporal da morfologia costeira: resultados de sensoriamento remoto / Space-time variability of coastal morphology: results from vídeo remote sensing

Cássia Pianca Barroso 30 June 2014 (has links)
A habilidade de prever mudanças morfológicas nas regiões costeiras é restringida pela falta de dados observacionais com suficiente resolução espacial e temporal. Com o desenvolvimento do sensoriamento remoto, esse problema pode ser minimizado, especialmente com o uso de câmeras de vídeo para o estudo de regiões costeiras. Os objetivos dessa tese são, através do uso de imagens de vídeo, (1) desenvolver um método robusto para extrair a localização da linha de costa; (2) analisar um conjunto de dados inéditos de 26 anos de imagens diárias; (3) caracterizar as escalas espaciais e temporais da variação da linha de costa em um local representativo, a praia de Duck, NC; (4) testar esse método em uma praia reflectiva e com cúspides, a praia de Massaguaçu localizada no litoral brasileiro; (5) descrever recentes observações de feições morfológicas de meso-escalas associadas a um canal de marés usando uma técnica óptica inovadora e documentar as taxas e padrões de migração dessas feições morfológicas em New River Inlet, NC. Um modelo foi desenvolvido, chamado ASLIM (Augmented ShoreLine Intensity Maxima) para extrair as posições da linha de costa baseado na intensidade máxima observada nas imagens de exposição (timex) através de um ajuste Gaussiano com um subsequente filtro Kalman filtro, este para reduzir incertezas e ruídos. O ASLIM quando comparado com dados do levantamentos batimétricos mostrou um boa correlação com coeficiente de 0.85, estatisticamente significativo). As ondas foram caracterizadas em termos da altura significativa e os componentes longitudinal e transversal do fluxo de energia da onda (Px e Py, respectivamente). Menos de 2\\% da altura da onda é explicada por escalas maiores do que um ano. 66\\% da variância foi explicada por períodos maiores do que o ciclo anual, apesar do fato das forçantes (ondas) serem dominadas por períodos curtos (menores que 20 dias). O primeiro modo da EOF para a variação da linha de costa contém 49\\% da variância e representou o movimento transversal da linha de costa. O segundo modo (26\\% da variância) está associado com a alternância de sinais de acresção em cada lado píer, enquanto que os modos mais altos (7\\% e 5.6\\%) descrevem os efeitos locais do píer. O píer apresentou uma influência significativa no comportamento da linha de costa, à qual estende-se a 500 metros ao norte e sul do píer, duas vezes mais do que os valores assumidos por estudos anteriores. O píer restringe o transporte longitudinal sazonal entre a parte sul (verão) e a parte norte (inverno), resultando em uma acumulação de sedimentos sazonalmente reversa no lado up-drift da deriva. Sinais de erosão foram encontrados ao lado down-drift do píer e que propagam-se 1200 m/ano para longe do píer. A linha de costa apresentou uma tendência à erosão apenas no lado norte do píer, esta erosão pode estar relacionada com a tendência de aumento do transporte longitudinal para o norte, que é bloqueado devido ao píer, gerando uma acumulação na parte sul do píer e erosão na parte norte. O método ASLIM também foi testado na Praia de Massaguaçu e mostrou ser uma valiosa ferramenta para investigar variabilidade da linha de costa. Nossas observações em New River Inlet (NC), revelaram um complexo de bancos de espraiamento e feições arenosas de meso-escalas que migraram em um padrão coerente horário onde nas regiões offshore migraram em direção contrária a desembocadura do rio enquanto que as feições na região próxima a costa, migraram em direção ao canal. Para quantificar de forma objetiva as taxas e padrões de migração um algoritmo foi desenvolvido (LLSA - Lagged Least Square Algorithm) usando sequências de imagens de exposição (timex). Esse método compara diferentes imagens que possuem diferentes intervalos de tempo, e encontra o intervalo (lag) onde essas imagens são similares. A taxa média de migração encontrada foi de 1.53 m/dia (com desvio padrão de 0.76 m/dia). 72\\% das taxas estimadas foram maiores que 1.0 m/dia, 31\\% foram maiores que 2 m/dia, e as taxas máximas encontradas foram 3.5 m/day, em 23 dias. As taxas de migração média longitudinais mostraram um nó em 110 metros da linha de costa que separa as feições que migram para longe do canal (offshore) e para a linha de costa. O padrão circular pareceu ser consistente com o fluxo residual esperado em um delta de maré vazante. Em conclusão, nossos resultados mostraram que o uso de câmeras de vídeo são uma ótima ferramenta para fornecer informações sobre a dinâmica de morfologias costeiras com alta resolução temporal e espacial, de curto à longo-prazo. / The ability to predict changes of the coastal morphology has been restricted by the lack of observational data in a sufficient spatial and temporal coverage. With the advent of remote sensing, the low spatial and temporal resolution could be overcome, especially with the development of video cameras to study nearshore environments. The goals of this thesis are, using remote sensing techniques, to (1) develop a robust method for extracting shoreline locations; (2) analyze a unique 16 and 26-year record of daily to hourly video images; (3) characterize the space-time scales of shoreline variability at a representative site at Duck, NC; (4) test this method at a reflective and cuspy beach at Massaguaçu Beach located at Brazilian coast; (5) describe recent observations of meso-scales morphology associated with tidal inlets using an innovative optical method and document rates and patterns of migration of these features at New River Inlet, NC. A model was developed, called ASLIM (Augmented ShoreLine Intensity Maxima) to extract the shoreline positions based on fitting the band of high light intensity in time exposure images to a local Gaussian fit with a subsequent Kalman filter to reduce noise and uncertainty. The ASLIM model showed good agreement with survey data (correlation coefficient of 0.85, significant at 95\\% confidence level). Wave forcing was characterized in terms of the significant wave height and the cross-shore and longshore components of wave energy flux. 66\\% of the shoreline variability was explained by periods longer than the annual cycle, despite the fact that wave forcing is dominated by shorter periods. The first EOF mode of shoreline variability contained 49\\% of the variance and represented the cross-shore movement (landward- seaward) of the shoreline. The second mode (26\\% of the variance) is associated with alternating accretion signals on either side of the pier, while the next two higher EOFs (7\\% and 5.6\\%) describe the local pier effects. The pier was found to have a significant influence on shoreline behavior that extends out to 500 meters, nearly twice the length scales assumed by previous studies. The pier restricts seasonal longshore transport from the south (summer) and north (winter) sides, resulting in a seasonally-reversing sediment accumulation on the up-drift side. Erosion signals on the down-drift side of the pier were found propagate away from the pier at 1200 m/year. A shoreline erosion trend that was found only on the north side of the pier may be related to the trend found in the alongshore transport, that it is increasing toward the north and is being blocked by the pier. The ASLIM method was also tested at Massaguaçu Beach and showed to be a valuable tool to investigate shoreline variability processes. Our observations, at New Rivet Inlet (NC), revealed a complex set of swash bars and meso-scale sand banks that migrated in a coherent clockwise pattern with movement in offshore regions being away from the inlet mouth while nearshore migration was back toward the inlet. To quantify migration rates and patterns objectively based on sequences of time exposure images, a Lagged Least Squares Algorithm (LLSA) was developed that found the vector migration rate for which the suite of lagged images were most similar, computed on a tile-by-tile basis. The mean migration rate was found to be 1.53 m/day (standard deviation of 0.76 m/day). 72\\% percent of estimated rates were greater than 1.0 m/day, 31\\% percent were larger than 2.0 m/day, and the maximum rate round was 3.5 m/day, averaged over 23 days. Alongshore averages of cross-shore migration rates showed a node at 110 m from the shoreline that separates migration away from the inlet (offshore) from migration toward the inlet near the shore. The circular pattern of migration appeared to be consistent with expected residual flow on an ebb delta. In conclusion, our results showed that the use of video cameras are a useful tool for providing information about the dynamics of coastal morphologies with a high temporal and spatial resolution, from short to long-term.

Study of a recent 5-1 mean motion resonance between Titan and Iapetus / Etude d'une récente résonance 5-1 en moyen mouvement entre Titan et Japet

Polycarpe, William 29 October 2018 (has links)
Lorsqu’un fort effet de marée entre Saturne et ses satellites de glace a été révélé il y a plusieurs années, le système a été sujet à des nombreux questionnements concernant sa formation et son évolution. Une implication importante de ces résultats est que les satellites sont plus jeunes que la planète et ont subi d’importantes modifications orbitales durant leurs évolutions, rendant possible plusieurs traversées en résonance. Dans cette thèse, nous cherchons à vérifier le scénario selon lequel Titan serait à l’origine de l’orbite actuelle de Japet. Si Titan a fortement migré lui aussi, alors il a dû traverser la résonance 5:1 avec Japet. Or, l’orbite de Japet admet deux éléments orbitaux dont les origines restent à être déterminées clairement : d’une part une inclinaison de 8 degrés par rapport à son plan de Laplace et d’autre part, une orbite excentrique d’environ 0,03. En plaçant initialement Japet sur une orbite circulaire et coplanaire avec le plan de Laplace, de nombreuses simulations numériques de la traversée en résonance, utilisant un code N-Corps ainsi qu’un modèle semi-analytique, ont été réalisées. L’analyse des simulations montre que les résultats sont très dépendants de la dissipation interne de la planète, paramétrée par le facteur de qualité Q. Pour des valeurs au-delà d’environ 2000, on obtient en majorité l’éjection de Japet lorsque Titan traverse la résonance. Pour des vitesses de migration élevées (Q en dessous de 100 environ) Japet est très peu perturbé par Titan. Le nombre d’éjections croît avec la valeur de Q et pour des valeurs entre 100 et 2000 la plupart des simulations montrent une capture en résonance, une évolution chaotique de l’excentricité et de l’inclinaison, puis une libération avec des éléments orbitaux perturbés. La valeur des excentricités après la résonance varie entre 0 et 0.15 et l’inclinaison peut croître jusqu’à 11 degrés. Sur 800 simulations effectuées avec le code N-Corps, 2 montrent une sortie de résonance de Japet avec des éléments en accord avec ceux observés actuellement. De plus, en comptant celles venant du modèle semi-analytique, plus d’une vingtaine montrent une inclinaison libre ayant dépassé 4 degrés. Ces simulations numériques nous ont permis de contraindre le facteur de dissipation de la planète à la fréquence de Titan. C’est pour une valeur de Q entre 100 et 2000 que les simulations de traversée en résonance rendent compte au mieux de l’orbite actuelle de Japet, rendant ainsi plausible le scénario d’un récente perturbation de Japet par Titan lors de la traversée de la résonance 5:1. / When a strong tidal interaction between Saturn and its icy satellites was revealed a few years ago, the formation of the system and its evolution were subject to questioning. These results imply that the satellites are younger than the planet and underwent important orbital modifications during their evolution, making possible many mean motion resonance crossings between satellites. In this thesis, we assume that Titan migration is also important, increasing its semi-major axis in time, and crossing a 5:1 resonance with Iapetus. Today, Iapetus’ orbital plane is tilted with respect to a natural equilibrium plane called the Laplace plane, on which a satellite should have naturally been formed. But, among having non-null eccentricity, Iapetus’ orbit stays on a constant 8 degree tilt with respect to this equilibrium plane. We are therefore assessing the possibility for Titan to be responsible for Iapetus’ orbit.Starting with Iapetus on a circular orbit with its orbital plane co-planar with the Laplace plane, we have used a N-Body code and a semi-analytic model to perform numerous numerical simulations.The analysis of the simulations show that the results are very dependent on the quality factor, Q. For values greater than 2000, Iapetus is more likely to get ejected during the crossing of the resonance, whereas setting a fast migration for Titan (Q below 100) avoids any strong perturbation of Iapetus’ orbit. The ejection likelihood increases with Q and for values between 100 and 2000, many simulations show a resonance capture, followed by a chaotic evolution of the eccentricity and the inclination, then a release with perturbed orbital elements. The range of values for post-resonance eccentricities are between 0 and 0.15 while the tilt can grow up to 11 degrees. Out of 800 simulations done with the N-Body code, 2 show elements compatible with Iapetus’ actual orbit. In addition, more than twenty simulations show a tilt having raised over 4 degrees if we count the simulation done with the semi-analytic model.These numerical simulations allowed us to constrain the tidal dissipation of the planet at Titan’s frequency. Some simulations performed with Q between 100 and 2000 account for the orbit of Iapetus we observe today, making plausible the scenario where the resonance with Titan was the source of Iapetus’ perturbed orbit.

Ventilação manual e insuflação pulmonar sustentada em modelo experimental: influência do tipo de equipamento e do treinamento dos responsáveis pela operação / Manual ventilation and sustained lung inflation in an experimental model: influence of equipment type and operator training

Prado, Cristiane do 26 February 2016 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Picos de pressão inspiratória excessivos e elevados volumes correntes (VT) durante a ventilação manual podem iniciar a resposta inflamatória no pulmão do prematuro. A manobra de insuflação pulmonar sustentada (IPS) tem sido estudada como um procedimento para melhorar a aeração pulmonar imediatamente após o nascimento. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a influência do ventilador manual em T (peça T) e do balão autoinflável (BAI) nas variáveis de mecânica respiratória durante a ventilação manual e a manobra de IPS, além da influência do treinamento como instrutor do Programa de Reanimação Neonatal da Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria (PRN-SBP), na qualidade da ventilação. MÉTODOS: Em um estudo experimental, prospectivo e randomizado, 114 indivíduos, entre instrutores e não instrutores do PRN-SBP, ventilaram um manequim neonatal intubado, equivalente a um recém-nascido de 2500 gramas, por períodos de três minutos, utilizando um BAI e a peça T. A escolha do primeiro equipamento foi feita por randomização e os operadores não tinham acesso aos dados de mecânica respiratória durante a gravação. Ao final da ventilação manual, foi solicitado que cada indivíduo realizasse uma manobra de IPS durante 10 segundos, a uma pressão de 20 cmH2O. Para cada parâmetro de mecânica respiratória obtido durante a ventilação manual e a IPS, foi realizada uma comparação direta entre os equipamentos, considerando a formação e o treinamento dos participantes. Os dados foram obtidos por um sistema informatizado que permitiu a análise posterior. RESULTADOS: Em relação à ventilação manual, foi encontrada uma diferença nos valores do VT e do TI entre os equipamentos. Com o uso do BAI o VT foi de 28,5 (12,6) mL, mediana (amplitude interquartil) no grupo instrutores e 31,6 (14,0) mL no grupo não instrutores, enquanto que com a peça T foi de 20,1 (8,4) mL e 22,3 (8,8) mL, respectivamente. O TI encontrado com o uso do BAI foi de 0,5 (0,2) segundos, mediana (amplitude interquartil), tanto para instrutores como para não instrutores, enquanto que com a peça T foi de 1,0 (0,6) segundos e 1,1 (0,9) segundos, respectivamente. Em ambos os parâmetros não foram observadas diferenças entre os grupos de profissionais. A capacidade do operador de manter uma pressão alvo de 20 cmH2O durante os 10 segundos de IPS foi avaliada através da área sob a curva de pressão (ASC), que foi 1,7 vezes maior com o uso da peça T em relação ao BAI (p < 0,05). A pressão inspiratória máxima aplicada para a realização da IPS foi maior com o uso do BAI, enquanto que a pressão média das vias aéreas, avaliada entre o início e o final dos 10 segundos de procedimento, foi maior com o uso da peça T. Novamente não foram observadas diferenças entre os grupos de profissionais. CONCLUSÃO: A peça T resultou em menores valores de VT e maiores valores de TI independente do treinamento como instrutor do PRNSBP. A peça T permitiu uma maior eficácia na realização da manobra de IPS, representada pela manutenção da pressão alvo pelo período desejado e por uma maior pressão média nas vias aéreas em relação ao BAI / INTRODUCTION: During manual resuscitation of neonates, excessive peak inspiratory pressure (PI) and high tidal volume (VT) may trigger an inflammatory response in the lungs. The sustained lung inflation (SLI) maneuver has been studied as a procedure to improve pulmonary aeration immediately after birth. OBJECTIVE: To assess the influence of a T-piece manual resuscitator versus a self-inflating bag (SIB) on respiratory mechanics during manual ventilation and the SLI maneuver and the influence of training as a Brazilian Society of Pediatrics Neonatal Resuscitation Program instructor on the quality of ventilation. METHODS: In this experimental, prospective, randomized trial, 114 operators, including Brazilian Society of Pediatrics Neonatal Resuscitation Program instructors and non-instructors, ventilated an intubated neonatal resuscitation trainer (equivalent to a 2500g neonate) for 3-minute periods using an SIB or a Tpiece device. The choice of first device was random, and operators had no access to respiratory mechanics data during recording. At the end of the manual ventilation period, each operator was asked to perform an SLI maneuver for 10 seconds at 20 cmH2O. For each respiratory mechanics parameter obtained during manual ventilation and SLI, a direct comparison between devices was performed, taking operator training into account. Data were obtained through a computerized system for later analysis. RESULTS: During manual ventilation, differences in VT and TI were found between the two devices. The SIB was associated with a median (interquartile range) VT of 28.5 (12.6) mL in the instructor group and 31.6 (14.0) mL in the noninstructor group, whereas the T-piece was associated with a VT of 20.1 (8.4) mL in the instructor group and 22.3 (8.8) mL in the non-instructor group. Regarding TI, the SIB was associated with a median (interquartile range) value of 0.5 (0.2) seconds in instructors and non-instructors alike, whereas the T-piece was associated with a value of 1.0 (0.6) seconds in the instructor group and 1.1 (0.9) seconds in the non-instructor group. No differences between the operator groups were found in either parameter. Operator ability to maintain a 20-cmH2O pressure during the 10-second SLI maneuver was assessed by the area under the pressure curve (AUC), which was 1.7 times greater with the T-piece device than with the SIB (p < 0.05). Peak PI during the SLI maneuver was higher with the SIB, whereas mean airway pressure, assessed between start and end of the 10-second maneuver, was higher with the T-piece. Again, there were no differences between the operator groups. CONCLUSION: The T-piece was associated with lower VT and higher TI values regardless of training as a Brazilian Society of Pediatrics Neonatal Resuscitation Program instructor. The T-piece provided greater efficacy in performing the SLI maneuver, as represented by maintenance of target pressure throughout the desired period and by a higher mean airway pressure as compared with SIB use

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