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Modélisation numérique de l'impact d'une ferme hydroliennes sur les conditions hydrodynamiques et sédimentaires du Passage du Fromveur en Mer d'Iroise / Numerical modelling of the impact of tidal stream turbines on the hydrodynamic and sedimentary environment of the Fromveur Strait off the Western Brittany coastsMichelet, Nicolas 18 October 2018 (has links)
En dépit d’un développement opérationnel actuel seulement émergeant le long des côtes françaises, l’extraction de l’énergie cinétique des courants de marée par les hydroliennes apparaît, dès à présent, comme une solution prometteuse pour contribuer, localement, à la transition énergétique de territoires insulaires déconnectés du réseau électrique continental, ayant des besoins électriques limités, et situés dans des espaces naturels sensibles et/ou touristiques intégrant un patrimoine visuel à préserver. Ce travail de thèse se consacre à la modélisation numérique tridimensionnelle des impacts hydrodynamiques et sédimentaires d’hydroliennes d’axe horizontal déployées dans le site pilote d’implantation de fermes hydroliennes du Passage du Fromveur, au cœur du parc naturel marin d’Iroise, à la pointe Bretagne. Les simulations numériques se basent sur le modèle océanographique ROMS (« Regional Ocean Modelling System ») modifié pour intégrer un sous-modèle théorique de disque actuateur assimilant l’hydrolienne à un disque poreux opposant à l’écoulement une force équivalente à la poussée de la turbine. La méthode est validée avec des mesures effectuées en laboratoire dans le sillage d’un disque poreux de 10 cm de diamètre (D) immergé dans un courant permanent. Une résolution spatiale minimale égale à D/10 est nécessaire pour reproduire les observations. Après une étude de convergence numérique à échelle réelle, le modèle ROMS est appliqué, selon une approche gigogne de maillages imbriqués focalisée sur le Passage du Fromveur, pour examiner les interactions des sillages et les effets cumulés au sein d’un parc de huit turbines de 10 m de diamètre susceptible de satisfaire au besoin énergétique de l’île d’Ouessant. L’agencement des turbines suit les recommandations communément adoptées avec une disposition en quinconce et des espacements longitudinaux de 10D et latéraux de 5D. En condition de vive-eau moyenne, le désalignement du courant au pic de flot exacerbe les interactions entre sillages, réduisant la production énergétique du parc de près de 15 % par rapport à celle du pic de jusant. Ce déficit de production énergétique est limité à 2 % en ramenant l’espacement latéral des turbines à 3D. Les prédictions de ROMS sont enfin exploitées pour appréhender l’influence de cette dernière configuration de parc sur la dynamique sédimentaire locale. Les principaux effets attendus concernent (i) le dépôt de sédiments de plus de 2 mm de diamètre dans le sillage des dispositifs et (ii) la mise en mouvement de cailloutis de 5 cm de diamètre entre les sillages. / In spite of a present only emerging operational development along the coast of France, the extraction of the kinetic energy of tidal currents by turbines appears as a promising solution to contribute locally to the energetic transition of insulary territories that are not connected to the continental electricity grid, with limited power needs, and are located in protected and touristic natural areas with a visual heritage to preserve. This doctoral thesis was devoted to the three-dimensional numerical modelling of the hydrodynamic and sedimentary impacts induced by horizontal-axis turbines deployed within the pilot site of the Fromveur Strait, in the natural marine Iroise park, off western Brittany. Numerical simulations are performed with the oceanographic model ROMS (Regional Ocean Modelling System) modified to integrate a theoretical actuator-disk sub-model that assimilates the device to a porous disc opposing the flow with a force equal to the turbine’s thrust. This method was assessed against laboratory measurements within the wake of a porous disc with a diameter (D) of 0.1 m immersed in a permanent flow. A spatial resolution as small as D/10 was required to reproduce observations. After a numerical convergence study at full scale, ROMS was applied, using a nested grid approach targetted towards the Fromveur Strait, to examine wake interactions and cumulative effects within an array of height turbines of 10-m-diameter expected to fulfill the energy need of the island of Ushant. The array layout followed the commonly recommended staggered configuration with respective longitudinal and lateral spacings of 10D and 5D. During spring tidal conditions, the misalignment of the peak flood flow enhanced the wake interactions, reducing by about 15% the array power production in comparison with the peak ebb flow. This lack of power production capacity was lowered to 2% by reducing the lateral spacing to 3D. ROMS predictions were finally exploited to address the influence of this last array of turbines on the local sediment dynamics. Main effects were expected on (i) the deposition of sediments with diameter over 2 mm within the turbine wakes and (ii) the setting in motion of gravels with a diameter of 5 cm between the wakes.
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Modélisation de la turbulence engendrée par la morphologie du fond dans le Raz Blanchard : approche locale avec la LBM-LES / Modelisation of turbulence induced by the seabed morphology in the Raz Blanchard : LBM-LES local approachMercier, Philippe 21 March 2019 (has links)
Le développement des énergies renouvelables passe par l’exploitation de nouvelles sources d’énergie. La filière hydrolienne, dédiée à la récupération de l’énergie des courants de marée, est proche de l’industrialisation. Cependant, les conditions hydrodynamiques turbulentes des sites hydroliens sont encore mal connues. Cette thèse propose d’examiner à l’échelle locale l’effet des rugosités du fond marin sur la génération de tourbillons hautement énergétiques par la simulation numérique en mécanique des fluides de type méthode de Boltzmann sur réseau. Cette méthode est particulièrement adaptée à la simulation d’écoulements instationnaires sur un domaine de simulation complexe. Dans un premier temps, les phénomènes physiques de détachements tourbillonnaires sur des macro-rugosités canoniques sont décrits. L’appariement de structures tourbillonnaires est mis en évidence dans le processus de formation de tourbillons hautement énergétiques. Dans un deuxième temps, la simulation permet d’observer de tels phénomènes dans le cas d’écoulements environnementaux intégrant une bathymétrie réelle. Ces simulations, validées par rapport à des mesures in situ, mènent à une meilleure compréhension des effets du fond marin sur la turbulence en milieu hydrolien. En particulier, l’importance des failles géologiques dans la génération de turbulence dans la zone d’étude est mise en évidence. / Renewable energy development calls for exploitation of new energy resources. Tidal stream power harvesting is now close to the industrialisation step. Still, turbulent hydrodynamic conditions at tidal sites are not well understood. This thesis aims to investigate the local scale effect of sea bottom roughnesses on energetic vortex generation with computational fluid simulations using the lattice Boltzmann method. This method is highly indicated for unsteady flow simulations of complex domains. First, the physical phenomena involved in vortex emission around canonical macroroughnesses are described. Vortex merging is identified in the generation process of energetic vortices. Then, such physical events are reproduced in the case of environmental flow simulations using a real seabed morphology. These simulations are validated on in situ measured data, and lead to a better understanding of the sea bottom effect on tidal stream site turbulence. They demonstrate the role of geological faults on the local turbulence.
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Field observations and numerical model simulations of a migrating inlet systemHopkins, Julia A. January 2017 (has links)
Thesis: Ph. D., Joint Program in Oceanography/Applied Ocean Science and Engineering (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering; and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution), 2017 / Cataloged from PDF version of thesis. / Includes bibliographical references. / Waves, currents, and bathymetric change observed along 11 km of the southern shoreline of Martha's Vineyard include storm events, strong tidal flows (> 2 m/s), and an inlet migrating 2.5 km in ~7 years. A field-verified Delft3D numerical model developed for this system is used to examine the hydrodynamics in the nearshore and their effect on the migrating inlet. An initial numerical experiment showed that the observed 700 tidal modulation of wave direction in the nearshore was owing to interactions with tidal currents, and not to depth-induced refraction as waves propagated over complex shallow bathymetry. A second set of simulations focused on the separation of tidal currents from the southeast corner of Martha's Vineyard, showing the positive correlation between flow separation and sediment transport around a curved shoreline. Observations of waves, currents, and bathymetric change during hurricanes were reproduced in a third numerical experiment examining the competition between storm waves, which enhance inlet migration, and strong tidal currents, which scour the inlet and reduce migration rates. The combined field observations and simulations examined here demonstrate the importance of wave and tidal current forcings on morphological evolution at timescales of days to months. / by Julia A. Hopkins. / Ph. D. / Ph.D. Joint Program in Oceanography/Applied Ocean Science and Engineering (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering; and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)
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Architektury, stratigrafie a sedimentární režim pískovcových těles spodního a středního turonu v sz. části české křídové pánve / Depositional architectures, stratigraphy, and depositional regime of Lower-Middle Turonian sandstone bodies, northwestern part of the Bohemian Cretaceous BasinSkopcová, Monika January 2010 (has links)
Sandstone bodies of the Lower and Middle Turonian well exposed in the northwestern part of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin represent deposits of the coarse-grained deltas. Aim of this paper is to interpret the architectures, stratigraphy and depositional regime of these bodies. The main architectural elements are clinoforms which show intermediate dip 4ř to 5ř of the delta slope and the direction of the progradation of the delta to the west-southwest. Correlation of the lithological profiles with the well - log data provided the stratigraphic classification of the outcrops in the studied area mostly to the genetic sequence TUR2. Correlations in one of the two stratigraphic cross - sections revealed the existence of the second delta body prograding into the basin from Most - Teplice Palaeohigh during TUR1. Detailed study of the sedimentary structures in the outcrops show high degree of reworking of foresets by tidal generated current. Two main directions of the paleocurrents results from the analysis - dominant current to the NW and subordinate current to the SE - SSE.
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Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av och förutsättningar för att identifiera symtom på depression hos äldre patienter inom kommunal hälso- och sjukvård : En metasyntes / Nurses' experiences of and prerequisites for identifying symptoms of depression in elderly patients in municipal health care : A meta-synthesisBlock, Sofie January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Den psykiska ohälsan har ökat stadigt det senaste decenniet i Sveriges befolkning. Efter 65 års ålder är depression den vanligaste psykiska sjukdomen. Symtomen för depression hos äldre ser oftast annorlunda ut jämfört med hos yngre och kan därför vara svåra att upptäcka. Majoriteten av de som får vård av den kommunala hälso- och sjukvården är 65 år och äldre, vilket medför att sjuksköterskorna har ett stort ansvar när det gäller att identifiera tecken på depression hos dessa patienter. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av och förutsättningar för att identifiera symtom på depression hos äldre patienter inom kommunal hälso- och sjukvård. Metod: En systematisk litteraturstudie enligt SBU:s (2017) beskrivning av en systematisk litteratursökning. Tio artiklar syntetiserades i en metasyntes som inspirerades av Howell Major och Savin-Badens (2010) innehållsanalys för kvalitativa studier. Resultat: Metasyntesen resulterade i följande tre teman; tid, holistiskt perspektiv samt kunskap och erfarenhet. Tid och kontinuitet var väsentligt för att skapa en trygg och tillitsfull vårdrelation. Det holistiska perspektivet underlättade upptäckten av symtom på depression hos äldre och möjliggjorde personcentrerade omvårdnadsinsatser. Sjuksköterskorna upplevde att både de själva och de äldre hade bristfälliga kunskaper om depression. Sjuksköterskorna önskade få ökad kunskap i ämnet. Slutsats: Tidvattenmodellen kan genom sitt holistiska perspektiv och sin syn på tid, ge stöd i sjuksköterskans omvårdnadsarbete kring att identifiera symtom på depression hos äldre. Vidare kan en psykiatrisjuksköterska i kommunal hälso- och sjukvård bidra med att kunskapen om depression ökas både hos sjuksköterskor, annan vårdpersonal och hos patienter. / Background: Mental ill-health has steadily increased over the past decade in Sweden's population. After the age of 65, depression is the most common mental illness. The symptoms of depression in the elderly usually look different compared to the younger ones and can therefore be difficult to identify. The majority of those receiving municipal health care are 65 years and older, which means that the nurses have a great responsibility when it comes to identifying signs of depression in these patients. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe nurses' experiences of and prerequisites for identifying symptoms of depression in elderly patients in municipal health care. Method: A systematic literature according to SBU’s (2017) description of a systematic literature search. Ten articles were synthesized in a meta-synthesis inspired by Howell Major and Savin-Badens (2010) content analysis for qualitative studies. Result: The meta-synthesis resulted in the following three themes; time, holistic perspective and knowledge and experience. Time and continuity were essential to creating a safe and trusting care relationship. The holistic perspective facilitated the detection of symptoms of depression in the elderly and enabled person-centered nursing care. The nurses felt that both themselves and the elderly had insufficient knowledge of depression. The nurses wanted to gain increased knowledge in the subject. Conclusion: The Tidal model can, through its holistic- and time perspective, provide support in the nursing work when it comes to identifying symptoms of depression in the elderly. Furthermore, a psychiatric nurse in municipal health care can help to increase the knowledge of depression in nurses, other healthcare professionals and in patients.
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Verification of numerical models for hydrothermal plume water through field measurements at TAGWichers, Sacha January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (S.M.)--Joint Program in Applied Ocean Science and Engineering (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Ocean Engineering; and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution), 2005. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 63-65). / Hydrothermal vents discharge superheated, mineral rich water into our oceans, thereby providing a habitat for exotic chemosynthetic biological communities. Hydrothermal fluids are convected upwards until they cool and reach density equilibrium, at which point they advect laterally with the current. The neutrally buoyant plume layer can have length scales on the order of several kilometers, and it therefore provides the best means to detect the presence of vent fields on the seafloor, which typically have length scales on the order of a few meters. This thesis uses field measurements of the velocity, temperature and particulate anomalies associated with the TAG hydrothermal plume to demonstrate that tidal currents exert a strong impact on the plume shape, and to provide new constraints on the thermal power of the TAG hydrothermal system. The results show that the power output of the TAG system is on the order of 6000 MW, which is up to two orders of magnitude greater than previous estimates, and that there is considerably more entrainment than had previously been assumed. / by Sacha Wichers. / S.M.
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Nuclear Outbursts in the Centers of GalaxiesReza, Katebi January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Validity of Holocene Analogs for Ancient Carbonate Stratigraphic Successions: Insights from a Heterogeneous Pleistocene Carbonate Platform DepositHazard, Colby 01 February 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Observations of modern carbonate depositional environments and their accompanying depositional models have been used for decades in the reconstruction and interpretation of ancient carbonate depositional environments and stratigraphic successions. While these Holocene models are necessary for interpreting their more ancient counterparts, they inherently exclude important factors related to the erosion, diagenesis, and ultimate preservation of sediments and sedimentary structures that are ubiquitous in shallow marine carbonate environments. Andros Island, Bahamas is an ideal location to examine the validity of Holocene conceptual models, where geologically young (Late Pleistocene) limestones can be studied immediately adjacent to their well-documented modern equivalents. For this study, two 3D ground-penetrating radar (GPR) datasets (200 MHz and 400 MHz) were collected at a schoolyard in northwest Andros. These surveys reveal the geometries and internal characteristics of a peloidal-oolitic sand wave and tidal channel in unprecedented detail. These two prominent features are underlain by low-energy lagoonal wackestones and packstones, and are bordered laterally to the northwest by wackestones-packstones intermixed with thin sheets of peloidaloolitic grainstone. A deeper radar surface is observed at approximately 6 m depth dipping gently to the west, and is interpreted to be a karstified exposure surface delineating the base of a complete depositional sequence. Interpretation of the 3D radar volumes is enhanced and constrained by data from three cores drilled through the crest and toe of the sand wave, and through the tidal channel. This study is the first of its kind to capture the complex heterogeneity of a carbonate depositional package in three dimensions, where various depositional environments, sedimentary structures, and textures (mudstone to grainstone) have been preserved within a small volume.The results from this study suggest that the degree of vertical and lateral heterogeneity in preserved carbonate successions is often more complex than what can be observed in modern depositional environments, where sediments can generally only be observed in two dimensions, at an instant in time. Data from this study demonstrate the value of using two overlapping GPR datasets at differing resolutions to image the internal characteristics of a complete carbonate depositional package in three dimensions. From these datasets, a depositional model similar to other Holocene and Pleistocene carbonate depositional models is derived.
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Stellar Populations in Nearby Merging GalaxiesMulia, Alexander John January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Use of Time Series, Barometric and Tidal Analyses to Conceptualize and Model Flow in an Underground Mine: The Corning Mine Complex, OhioSahu, Parameswar January 2004 (has links)
No description available.
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