Spelling suggestions: "subject:"biol"" "subject:"diol""
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Chemical methods to increase the reactivity of lignin : In the context of green chemistry and education for sustainable developmentBirgersson, Erica January 2015 (has links)
The research concerning lignin in high value applications has increased during the last years due to its renewability and availability in the black liquor from pulp mills. Today the major part of kraft lignin found in the black liquor is used as fuel to gain energy in the recovery boiler. Lignin functions as natural glue in plants so that the function of kraft lignin as a phenol replacement in wood adhesives has been researched. Due to lignin's low reactivity the molecule must be modified prior to use. Demethylation is a method to increase the phenolic content in lignin to produce more reactive sites. Thiol mediated and iodine mediated demethylation was performed. Demethylated lignin was characterized by changes in phenolic and hydroxylic groups, molecular mass, elemental composition and other properties using methods including UV, SEC and 31 P NMR. The results showed a decrease in the phenolic content contrary to the increase that was expected. Really low yields were also gained which makes the results non-representative. Size evaluation showed that the percentage of high molecular content in the demethylated lignin sample had increased, which point towards the loss of low molecular mass fractions. Due to demethylation lignin may have been more hydrophilic and soluble in DMF and water. In addition to this bond cleavage may have produced smaller fragments which also increase the solubility. The results point towards the loss of smaller fragments in the DMF and water phases. The applied demethylation methods were evaluated in context of green chemistry. Production, waste, involving chemicals and efficiency were discussed and analyzed. The applied demethylation methods use DMF as solvent which is not a green alternative, greener solvents such as water or other energy adding methods could be used to make the process greener. The use ofNaOMe produces methanol as a byproduct which could be eliminated by using NaOH, future studies on the efficiency of the bases in the needs to be done. Nature science has a reputation of being hard and firm. By bringing in social issues in science education new ways of looking at science opens up. A social problem and at the same time an environmental problem in today's society is the large plastic mountain in the Pacific Ocean. An educational material of the "Samhallsfragor med Naturvetenskapligt Innehiill",SNI, (Societal issues with scientific content) principle has been evaluated with respect to the abilities that can developed together with whether students increase their science knowledge through this. The study showed that students can develop almost all abilities described in the curriculum and their knowledge in science by this type of material. Keywords Biomaterial, lignin reactivity, thiol mediated demethylation, iodine mediated demethylation, green chemistry, SNl-fall. / Forskning kring lignin i produkter har ökat under de senaste åren på grund av lignins fornyelsebarhet och tillganglighet i svartluten från massabruken. Idag används den största delen av sulfatligninet från svartluten som bränsle for att producera energi i sodapannan. Lignin fungerar som ett naturligt lim i växter och på grund av detta undersöks funktionen av kraftlignin som fenolersättning i trälim. Med anledning av ligninmolekylens låga reaktivitet behover lignin modifieras fore användning i produkter. Demetylering är en metod för att öka fenolhalten i lignin och skapa en högre reaktivitet. I denna studie utfördes Tiolmedierad och jodidmedierad demetylering. Det demetylerade ligninet utvärderades med avseende på forändringar i fenol-och hydroxylgrupper, molekylvikt, elementarsammansättning och andra egenskaper med hjälp av olika metoder,inklusive UV, SEC och 31 P NMR. Resultaten visade en minskning i fenolinnehall i motsats till den ökning som förväntades. Riktigt låga utbyten påvisades också vilket gör att resultaten inte är representativa. Storleksutvärdering visade att andelen med högt molekylviktsinnehåll i det demetylerade ligninproven hade ökat, vilket pekar mot förlust av lågmolekylära fraktioner. På grund av demetyleringen kan ligninet ha blivit mer hydrofilt och lösligt i DMF och vatten. Utöver detta kan bindningsklyvning ha skapat mindre fragment som också ökat lösligheten. Resultaten pekar mot förlust av mindre fragment i DMF-och vattenfaserna. De tillämpade demetyleringsmetoderna utvärderades med avseende på grön kemi. Produktion, avfall, kemikalier och effektivitet diskuterades och analyserades. De tillämpade demetyleringsmetoderna använder DMF som lösningsmedel, vilket inte är ett grönt alternativ. Grönare lösningsmedel såsom vatten, eller andra typer av energitillsättning, kan användas för att göra processen miljövänligare. Användandet av NaOMe i den thiolmedierade demethyleringen skapar metanol som en biprodukt vilket kan bytas ut mot vatten om NaOH istället används. Vidare studier behöver göras för att undersöka de båda baserna effektivitet. Naturvetenskapen har ett rykte om att vara hård och fast. Genom att föra in sociala frågor i den naturvetenskapliga utbildningen kan nya sätt att se på vetenskapen skapas. Ett samhälls problem och samtidigt ett miljöproblem i dagens sämhalle är det stora plast berget i Stillahavet. Ett undervisningsmaterial för"Samhällsfrågor Med Naturvetenskapligt Innehåll", SNI, principen har utvärderats med avseende på vilka förmågor som kan tränas tillsammans med huruvida eleverna kan öka sin vetenskapliga kunskap. Studien visade att eleverna kan utveckla nästan alia formågor som beskrivs i läroplanen och sina kunskaper inom naturvetenskapen genom denna typ av utbildningsmaterial. Nyckelord Biomaterial, ligninreaktivitet, tiol medierad demetylering, jodmedierad demetylering,grön kemi, SNI-fall.
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Structural Battery Electrolytes / Strukturella Batteri-ElektrolyterÖberg, Pernilla, Halvarsson, Amanda, Rune, Julia, Bjerkensjö, Max January 2021 (has links)
Strukturella batterier är multifunktionella; de tillhandahåller lagring av elektrokemisk energi samtidigt som de bidrar med en lastbärande funktion. Tillsammans möjliggör detta att batteriet kan integreras i karossen hos ett elektriskt fordon eller apparat. Denna multifunktionalitet möjliggör således en avsevärd reducering i fordonets vikt. Kompositmaterialet är förstärkt av kolfiberelektroder, innesluten i en elektrolytstruktur. För att förverkliga detta koncept måste batteriets elektrolyt kunna motstå mekanisk belastning, samtidigt som den transporterar joner mellan batteriets elektroder. Denna studie syftar till att bygga vidare på konceptet av fas-separerade polymerelektrolyter, skapade från polymerisationsinducerad fasseparation via termisk härdning, vilket är en teknik utvecklad av Schneider et al. och Ihrner et al. Vidare undersöks effekten av att dels använda en elektrolytlösning baserad på EC:PC, men även att inkorporera tioler till polymernätverket. Tvärbindningsmolekylerna som användes i denna studie inkluderade trimetylolpropan tris(3-merkaptopropionat) (3TMP), pentaerythritol tetrakis(3-merkaptopropionat) (4PER), och dipentaerythritol hexakis-(3-merkaptopropionat) (6DPER). Dessa skiljer sig i antal funktionella tiolgrupper. Konduktivitet, termo-mekanisk prestanda och strukturberoende egenskaper undersöktes genom tre laborativa faser. Den första fasen behandlade inverkan på elektrolytsystemet av ändrat lösningsmedel, tiol-funktionalitet samt tiolgruppförhållandet gentemot allyl gruppen på den primära monomeren. Sampolymeren innehållandes 6DPER uppvisade bäst multifunktionalitet, varpå denna utvecklades vidare i fas två där en optimal sammansättning fastställdes som bestod utav 45 viktprocent jonlösning. I den slutliga fasen konstruerades en halv-cell baserat på den tidigare optimerade elektrolytkompositionen; den uppmätta kapaciteten visar tydlig förbättring jämfört med tidigare forskning. Resultatet som erhölls i denna studie bidrar till förståendet av strukturella batteri-elektrolyter samt den forskning som en dag kan komma att förverkliga strukturella batterier och dess tillämpningskrav. / Structural batteries are multifunctional; providing electrochemical energy storage synergistically with a load-bearing function that enables their integration into the body panels of electric devices and vehicles. Thus, massless energy can be achieved. As a composite material, it is composed of reinforcing carbon fibre electrodes embedded in an electrolyte matrix. To realize this concept, the electrolyte must simultaneously transfer mechanical load and transport ions between electrodes. The following study builds on a phase-separated polymer electrolyte, created using polymerization-induced phase separation via thermal curing, formulated by Schneider et al. and Ihrner et al.. The impact of the incorporation of thiols for copolymerization and as cross-linking agents for the polymer network was researched along with use of an EC:PC-based solvent. The three thiols studied were: trimethylolpropane tris(3-mercaptopropionate) (3TMP), pentaerythritol tetrakis(3-mercaptopropionate) (4PER), and dipentaerythritol hexakis-(3-mercaptopropionate) (6DPER). These differed in regard to the amount of thiol functional groups present. Ionic conductivity, thermo-mechanical performance and structure-property relationships were studied across 3 laboratory phases. The first phase concerned the effect of thiol-functionality, the thiol functional group ratio relative to the allyl group present in the primary monomer, and the solvent interaction. 6DPER was concluded to be the most promising cross-linking agent. During the second phase, the effect of electrolyte content was evaluated with an optimum of 45 weight% determined. The third phase concluded the study, wherein a half-cell was assembled with the optimized electrolyte formulation showing improved capacity relative to previous studies. The results developed here contribute to the understanding of structural battery electrolyte systems and their continued research to meet application demands.
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Sulfur supply as a sustainable technology for phytoextraction: its effects on cadmium uptake and detoxification in Panicum maximum Jacq. cv. Massai / Suprimento de enxofre como tecnologia sustentável para fitoextração: efeitos na absorção e detoxificação de cádmio em Panicum maximum Jacq. cv. MassaiRabêlo, Flávio Henrique Silveira 08 February 2018 (has links)
Cadmium (Cd) concentration in the environment has increased in most recent decades, which represents a serious socio-environmental problem, since Cd is toxic to most living beings. Thus, it is important to reduce the concentration of this metal in contaminated environments, and the use of plants properly supplied with sulfur (S) can contribute to this (phytoextraction), since S is a component of metabolites involved in defense responses against stress caused by Cd. Therefore, our aim with this study was to evaluate the effect of S on i) Cd uptake kinetics, ii) root development and nutrient uptake, iii) metabolic profiling and thiol peptides synthesis, and iv) activity of antioxidant and photosynthetic system of Massai grass (Panicum maximum Jacq. cv. Massai) used for Cd phytoextraction. The studies were carried out in a greenhouse conditions using pots of 0.5 and 2.0 L for development of the study about Cd uptake kinetics (treatments represented by combinations of S: 0.1 and 1.9 mmol L-1 and Cd concentrations: 0.1 and 0.5 mmol L-1) and Cd detoxification mechanisms (treatments represented by combinations of S: 0.1, 1.9 and 3.7 mmol L-1 and Cd concentrations: 0.0, 0.1 and 0.5 mmol L-1), respectively. Pots were distributed in randomized blocks, with four replications. Plants used in Cd kinetics study were exposed to treatments for 14 days after they remained in solutions containing only S for 42 days, while plants used in Cd detoxification study were exposed to treatments for 9 days after growing in solutions containing only S for 44 days. At the end of studies, plants used were harvested and sent for analysis. Maximum uptake rate (Vmax) and Cd apoplastic influx of Massai grass exposed to highest Cd concentration was highest when the plants were supplied with highest S concentration. The root development of Massai grass was strongly inhibited when plants were exposed to 0.5 mmol L-1 Cd, but proper (1.9 mmol L-1) S supply allowed highest Cd uptake, while excessive S supply (3.7 mmol L-1) decreased iron plaques formation in the roots of plants. Lysine, cysteine, ornithine, arginine, tryptophan and histidine were accumulated in more than one tissue in plants exposed to Cd, as well as galactinol. Glutathione (GSH), phytochelatins (PCs) and their homologues were strongly induced by Cd, whereas plants supplied with 1.9 and/or 3.7 mmol L-1 S showed the highest concentrations of these peptides. Plants supplied with highest S concentration showed lowest lipid peroxidation and highest photosynthetic rate, which evidences that antioxidant system of these plants was more efficient in mitigating the damages caused by Cd. In view of these results, it is clear that Massai grass properly supplied with S shows greatest Cd tolerance, as well as phytoextraction potential / A concentração de cádmio (Cd) no ambiente aumentou em décadas recentes, o que representa sério problema sócio-ambiental, visto que o Cd é tóxico para a maioria dos seres vivos. Por isso, é importante reduzir a concentração desse metal em ambientes contaminados e o uso de plantas adequadamente supridas com enxofre (S) pode contribuir para isso (fitoextração), uma vez que o S é componente de metabólitos envolvidos no combate ao estresse causado pelo Cd. Assim, o nosso objetivo com esse estudo foi avaliar o efeito do S na i) cinética de absorção do Cd, no ii) desenvolvimento radicular e na absorção de nutrientes, no iii) perfil metabólico e síntese de compostos tiol, e iv) na atividade do sistema antioxidante e fotossintético do capim-massai (Panicum maximum Jacq. cv. Massai), utilizado para fitoextração de Cd. Os estudos foram conduzidos em casa de vegetação utilizando-se vasos de 0,5 e 2,0 L para a condução do estudo de cinética de absorção de Cd (tratamentos representados pelas combinações das doses de S de 0,1 e 1,9 mmol L-1 e Cd de 0,1 e 0,5 mmol L-1) e para o estudo dos mecanismos de detoxificação de Cd (tratamentos representados pelas combinações das doses de S de 0,1; 1,9 e 3,7 mmol L-1 e Cd de 0,0; 0,1 e 0,5 mmol L-1), respectivamente. Os vasos foram distribuídos em blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições. As plantas utilizadas no estudo de cinética foram expostas aos tratamentos durante 14 dias após as mesmas terem permanecido em soluções contendo apenas S durante 42 dias, enquanto as plantas utilizadas no estudo de detoxificação de Cd foram expostas aos tratamentos pelo período de 9 dias após terem crescido em soluções contendo apenas S por 44 dias. Ao final dos estudos, as plantas utilizadas foram colhidas e encaminhadas para análises. A velocidade máxima de absorção (Vmax) e o influxo apoplástico de Cd do capim-massai exposto à maior dose de Cd foram maiores quando as plantas foram supridas com a maior dose de S. O desenvolvimento radicular do capim-massai foi fortemente inibido quando as plantas foram expostas à dose de Cd de 0,5 mmol L-1, mas o adequado (1,9 mmol L-1) suprimento de S permitiu maior absorção de Cd, enquanto o suprimento excessivo (3,7 mmol L-1) de S diminuiu a formação de placas de ferro nas raízes das plantas. A lisina, cisteína, ornitina, arginina, triptofano e histidina foram acumulados em mais de um tecido nas plantas expostas ao Cd, assim como o galactinol. A glutationa (GSH), as fitoquelatinas (PCs) e seus homólogos foram fortemente induzidos pelo Cd, sendo que as plantas supridas com as doses de S de 1,9 e/ou 3,7 mmol L-1 apresentaram as maiores concentrações desses peptídeos. As plantas supridas com as maiores doses de S apresentaram menor peroxidação lipídica e maior taxa fotossintética, o que demonstra que o sistema antioxidante dessas plantas foi mais eficiente na atenuação dos danos causados pelo Cd. Diante desses resultados, fica claro que o capim-massai suprido adequadamente com S apresenta maior tolerância ao Cd, assim como maior potencial de fitoextração
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Sulfur supply as a sustainable technology for phytoextraction: its effects on cadmium uptake and detoxification in Panicum maximum Jacq. cv. Massai / Suprimento de enxofre como tecnologia sustentável para fitoextração: efeitos na absorção e detoxificação de cádmio em Panicum maximum Jacq. cv. MassaiFlávio Henrique Silveira Rabêlo 08 February 2018 (has links)
Cadmium (Cd) concentration in the environment has increased in most recent decades, which represents a serious socio-environmental problem, since Cd is toxic to most living beings. Thus, it is important to reduce the concentration of this metal in contaminated environments, and the use of plants properly supplied with sulfur (S) can contribute to this (phytoextraction), since S is a component of metabolites involved in defense responses against stress caused by Cd. Therefore, our aim with this study was to evaluate the effect of S on i) Cd uptake kinetics, ii) root development and nutrient uptake, iii) metabolic profiling and thiol peptides synthesis, and iv) activity of antioxidant and photosynthetic system of Massai grass (Panicum maximum Jacq. cv. Massai) used for Cd phytoextraction. The studies were carried out in a greenhouse conditions using pots of 0.5 and 2.0 L for development of the study about Cd uptake kinetics (treatments represented by combinations of S: 0.1 and 1.9 mmol L-1 and Cd concentrations: 0.1 and 0.5 mmol L-1) and Cd detoxification mechanisms (treatments represented by combinations of S: 0.1, 1.9 and 3.7 mmol L-1 and Cd concentrations: 0.0, 0.1 and 0.5 mmol L-1), respectively. Pots were distributed in randomized blocks, with four replications. Plants used in Cd kinetics study were exposed to treatments for 14 days after they remained in solutions containing only S for 42 days, while plants used in Cd detoxification study were exposed to treatments for 9 days after growing in solutions containing only S for 44 days. At the end of studies, plants used were harvested and sent for analysis. Maximum uptake rate (Vmax) and Cd apoplastic influx of Massai grass exposed to highest Cd concentration was highest when the plants were supplied with highest S concentration. The root development of Massai grass was strongly inhibited when plants were exposed to 0.5 mmol L-1 Cd, but proper (1.9 mmol L-1) S supply allowed highest Cd uptake, while excessive S supply (3.7 mmol L-1) decreased iron plaques formation in the roots of plants. Lysine, cysteine, ornithine, arginine, tryptophan and histidine were accumulated in more than one tissue in plants exposed to Cd, as well as galactinol. Glutathione (GSH), phytochelatins (PCs) and their homologues were strongly induced by Cd, whereas plants supplied with 1.9 and/or 3.7 mmol L-1 S showed the highest concentrations of these peptides. Plants supplied with highest S concentration showed lowest lipid peroxidation and highest photosynthetic rate, which evidences that antioxidant system of these plants was more efficient in mitigating the damages caused by Cd. In view of these results, it is clear that Massai grass properly supplied with S shows greatest Cd tolerance, as well as phytoextraction potential / A concentração de cádmio (Cd) no ambiente aumentou em décadas recentes, o que representa sério problema sócio-ambiental, visto que o Cd é tóxico para a maioria dos seres vivos. Por isso, é importante reduzir a concentração desse metal em ambientes contaminados e o uso de plantas adequadamente supridas com enxofre (S) pode contribuir para isso (fitoextração), uma vez que o S é componente de metabólitos envolvidos no combate ao estresse causado pelo Cd. Assim, o nosso objetivo com esse estudo foi avaliar o efeito do S na i) cinética de absorção do Cd, no ii) desenvolvimento radicular e na absorção de nutrientes, no iii) perfil metabólico e síntese de compostos tiol, e iv) na atividade do sistema antioxidante e fotossintético do capim-massai (Panicum maximum Jacq. cv. Massai), utilizado para fitoextração de Cd. Os estudos foram conduzidos em casa de vegetação utilizando-se vasos de 0,5 e 2,0 L para a condução do estudo de cinética de absorção de Cd (tratamentos representados pelas combinações das doses de S de 0,1 e 1,9 mmol L-1 e Cd de 0,1 e 0,5 mmol L-1) e para o estudo dos mecanismos de detoxificação de Cd (tratamentos representados pelas combinações das doses de S de 0,1; 1,9 e 3,7 mmol L-1 e Cd de 0,0; 0,1 e 0,5 mmol L-1), respectivamente. Os vasos foram distribuídos em blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições. As plantas utilizadas no estudo de cinética foram expostas aos tratamentos durante 14 dias após as mesmas terem permanecido em soluções contendo apenas S durante 42 dias, enquanto as plantas utilizadas no estudo de detoxificação de Cd foram expostas aos tratamentos pelo período de 9 dias após terem crescido em soluções contendo apenas S por 44 dias. Ao final dos estudos, as plantas utilizadas foram colhidas e encaminhadas para análises. A velocidade máxima de absorção (Vmax) e o influxo apoplástico de Cd do capim-massai exposto à maior dose de Cd foram maiores quando as plantas foram supridas com a maior dose de S. O desenvolvimento radicular do capim-massai foi fortemente inibido quando as plantas foram expostas à dose de Cd de 0,5 mmol L-1, mas o adequado (1,9 mmol L-1) suprimento de S permitiu maior absorção de Cd, enquanto o suprimento excessivo (3,7 mmol L-1) de S diminuiu a formação de placas de ferro nas raízes das plantas. A lisina, cisteína, ornitina, arginina, triptofano e histidina foram acumulados em mais de um tecido nas plantas expostas ao Cd, assim como o galactinol. A glutationa (GSH), as fitoquelatinas (PCs) e seus homólogos foram fortemente induzidos pelo Cd, sendo que as plantas supridas com as doses de S de 1,9 e/ou 3,7 mmol L-1 apresentaram as maiores concentrações desses peptídeos. As plantas supridas com as maiores doses de S apresentaram menor peroxidação lipídica e maior taxa fotossintética, o que demonstra que o sistema antioxidante dessas plantas foi mais eficiente na atenuação dos danos causados pelo Cd. Diante desses resultados, fica claro que o capim-massai suprido adequadamente com S apresenta maior tolerância ao Cd, assim como maior potencial de fitoextração
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OSTE Microfluidic Technologies for Cell Encapsulation and Biomolecular AnalysisZhou, Xiamo January 2017 (has links)
In novel drug delivery system, the encapsulation of therapeutic cells in microparticles has great promises for the treatment of a range of health con- ditions. Therefore, the encapsulation material and technology are of great importance to the validity and efficiency of the advanced medical therapy. Several unsolved challenges in regards to versatile microparticle synthesis ma- terials and methods form the main obstacle for a translation of novel cell therapy concepts from research to clinical practice. Thiol-ene based polymer systems have emerged and gained great popular- ity in material development in general and in biomedical applications specif- ically. The thiol-ene platform is broad and therefore of interest for a variety of applications. At the same time, many aspects of this material platform are largely unexplored, for example material and manufacturing technology developments for microfluidic applications . In this Ph.D. thesis, thiol-ene materials are explored for use in cell encap- sulation. The marriage of these two technology fields breeds the possibility for a novel microfluidic cell encapsulation approach using a novel encapsulation material. To this end, several new manufacturing technologies for thiol-ene and thiol-ene-epoxy droplet microfluidic devices were developed. Moreover, core-shell microparticle synthesis for cell encapsulation based on a novel co- synthesis concept using a thiol-ene based material was developed and inves- tigated. Finally, a thiol-ene-epoxy system was also used for the formation of microwells and microchannels that improve protein analysis on microarrays. The first part of the thesis presents the background and state-of-the-art technologies in regards to cell therapy, microfluidics, and thiol-ene based ma- terials. In the second part of the thesis, a novel manufacturing approach of thiol-ene-epoxy material as well as core-shell particle co-synthesis in micro- fluidics using thiol-ene based material are presented and characterized. The third part of the thesis presents the cell viability studies of encapsulated cells using the novel encapsulation material and method. In the final part of the thesis, two applications of thiol-ene-epoxy gaskets for protein detection mi- croarrays are presented. / Inkapsling av levande celler i mikrokapslar för terapeutiska ändamål är mycket lovande för frmatida behandling av många olika sjukdomar. Emeller- tid är en behandlings effektivitet i hög grad beroende av vilka material som används för inkapsling och vilken teknisk lösning som används för att ska- pa mikrokapslarna. För närvarande återstår det många utmaningar för att omvandla grundforskningresultat till klinisk verklighet, vilken kräver mer än- damålsenliga tillvägagångssätt för att tillverka mikrokapslar i material som är kompatibla med användningsområdena. De senaste åren har tiol-en baserade polymerer har blivit mycket använda för materialutveckling i stort och för biomedicinska tillämpningar i synnerhet. Med tiol-en kemi kan en mycket stor mängd helt olika syntetiska material framställas, vilket gör tiol-ener intressanta för en mängd applikationer. För närvarande är dock mycket inom denna materialklass outforskat, t.ex. inom material och tillverkningmetodik för mikrofluidiktillämpningar. I denna avhandling används tiol-ener för cellinkapsling. Sammanslagning av dessa teknologier möjliggör en ny typ av cellinkapsling med nya materi- alegenskaper. En mängd olika tillverkningssätt där tiol-en eller tiol-en-epoxi används för droplet-mikrofluidiksystem utvecklades. Core-shell mikrokapsel- syntes för cell-inkapsling baserat på en ny metod för samtidig syntes av både core och shell utvecklades och karaktäriserades. Slutligen utvecklades ett tiol- en-epoxi system för enkel integrering med proteinmikroarrayer på objektsglas. I avhandlingens första del presenteras bakgrund och dagens bästa teknolo- gier för terapeutisk cellinkapsling, mikrofluidik och tiol-en baserade material. I avhandlingens andra del presenteras en ny tillverkningsmetod för mikro- strukturerade tiol-en-epoxi artiklar och samtidig syntes av core och shell för mikrokapslar med användande av mikrofluidik. I den tredje delen presenteras cellöverlevandsstudier för de celler som inkapslats med de nya materialen och de nyutvecklade metoderna. I den avslutande delen beskrivs två specifika fall där tiol-en-epoxi komponenter används för proteindetektion och mikroarrayer. / <p>QC 20171122</p>
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