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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Den intrinsica fotmuskelstyrkans inverkan på sprint- och hopprestanda samt balans hos friska individer i åldern 14 till 55 år: En systematisk litteraturgranskning och narrativ syntetiserande analys / The effect of intrinsic foot muscle strength on sprint, jump and balance performance among healthy individuals between the age of 14 and 55 year. A systematic literature review and narrative analysis

Jansson, Christer, Milton, Ludvig January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: De intrinsica fotmusklerna (IFM) har potential att påverka idrottslig prestation som hopp, sprint samt balans direkt genom påverkan av muskelstyrkan eller indirekt genom påverkan på det mediala-longitudinella fotvalvet. Ett växande antalet studier visar samband mellan träning av IFM och idrottslig prestation, dock råder ingen konsensus och motstridiga resultat finns. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att kritiskt granska litteratur och undersöka det aktuella vetenskapliga kunskapsläget för sambandet mellan muskelstyrka i IFM och friska individers sprint- och hopprestanda samt balans. Metod: En litteratursökning med noga valda sökord genomfördes i fyra databaser. Efter genomgång av in- och exkluderingskriterier inkluderades 10 studier vilka kvalitetsmässigt bedömdes med Joanna Briggs Institute granskningsmall för tvärsnittsstudier. En narrativ syntetiserande analys genomfördes. Resultat: Kvalitén i inkluderade studier bedömdes i genomsnitt vara medelgod. Det som främst drog ner betyget var hanteringen av confounders och användandet av ej valida mätinstrument. Generellt visade inkluderade studier på ett samband mellan tåflexor styrka/storlek och hopp- och sprintprestanda samt balans. Svårigheten att isolerat mäta IFM försvårar möjligheten att utreda IFMs betydelse för inkluderade studiers utfallsmått. Slutsats: Genomförd litteraturstudie visar möjliga samband mellan styrka/tåflexorstorlek och prestation i hopp och sprint såväl som balans. För att nå en ökad förståelse för hur IFM påverkar idrottslig prestation och balans behövs en större kunskap om hur IFM styrka direkt eller indirekt kan mätas isolerat och hur muskelstorlek kan översättas till styrka. Genomförd litteraturgranskning stödjer ett redan identifierat behov av valida mätinstrument för att nå en ökad förståelse av IFMs betydelse för idrottslig prestation och balans. / Background: The intrinsic foot muscles (IFM) have the potential to improve sprint, jump and balance performance by direct muscle power or indirectly by supporting the medial longitudinal arch. A growing number of studies show the association between exercising the IFM and athletic performance. However, there is no consensus if athletes can benefit from IFM training and inconsistent results are published. Aim: The aim of this study was to conduct a critical systematic review to evaluate the current knowledge of the association between IFM strength and performance in jump sprint and balance in healthy individual’s. Methods: Four data bases were searched for eligible studies. After screening for exclusion and inclusion criteria ten studies were included. The scientific quality was analyzed using the Joanna Briggs Institute ”Critical Appraisal tools” for Cross Sectional Studies, and a narrative synthesis was conducted. Results: The average quality score for the included studies was “moderately good”. The main reason for the low scores was insufficient attention to confounders and the use of non-valid instruments. An association was found in most of the studies between toe flexor strength/size and jump, sprint and balance performance. Difficulties in selectively measuring the IFM activity complicated the possibility to evaluate the impact of IFM on studied outcome measures. Conclusion: The presented study shows an association between toe flexor strength/size and athletic performance. However, to understand how IFM strength training affects athletic performance, both directly and indirectly, more studies focused on how to measure the IFM using valid methods for isolated IFM measures of strength and size is needed.

Konstrukční návrh zavěšení předních kol závodního automobilu / Design of Racing Car Front Suspension

Kroliczek, Václav January 2017 (has links)
This work deals with design of front trapezoidal suspension for racing car Škoda 130RS. The first part describes types of current suspensions and provides a review of important suspension parameters that have great influence to vehicle handling. The second part deals with kinematic analysis existing suspension, its modification and design of new type.

Měření a seřízení geometrie náprav závodních vozidel / Wheel Alignment for race cars

Vanda, Marek January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the design of device for measuring wheel alignment and set- up of race car chassis. The real prototype of measuring device based on previous theoretical design has been made. The measuring procedure is mentioned as well. Another part is focused on factors affecting accuracy of measurement. The last part contains evaluation and discussion of gained results based on several measurements that have been done with prototype of measuring device.

Barriers in the Pre-Decision Stage of Blockchain Adoption for Supply Chain : A Single Case Study in a Swedish Small Enterprise

Klug, Lisa January 2021 (has links)
Background: Blockchain is a technological innovation, and its benefits such as decentralized transactions without a trusted third party, improvements in traceability and efficiency can potentially facilitate complex challenges faced by supply chains (Hughes et al., 2019; Saberi et al., 2019). However, solutions are rather in a demonstration stage, which raises the question of what barriers prevent organizations from adopting blockchain (Kouhizadeh et al., 2021). Especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) have been neglected in blockchain adoption studies (Wong et al., 2020). However, research recognizes that they should be considered separately because of their specific needs (Chouki et al., 2020). Moreover, the pre-decision stage of the adoption is of interest, as blockchain applications for the supply chain are still in a pilot phase (Y. Wang, Singgih, et al., 2019). Research Question: What barriers do SMEs face during the pre-decision stage of blockchain adoption for supply chain? Theoretical Framework: A framework developed by Kouhizadeh et al. (2021) containing barriers that impede blockchain adoption for supply chains is contextualized in the pre-decision phase and focused on SMEs. Methodology and Data Collection: This thesis follows a qualitative, deductive approach. An exploratory single case study was conducted to collect data through semi-structured interviews. This sheds light on the blockchain adoption from the perspective of a Swedish SME in the pre-decision stage that intends to use blockchain for sustainable water management in an agricultural supply chain. Complementary to this, blockchain experts are interviewed to enrich companies' responses that cannot fully illuminate the barriers due to their limited knowledge. Findings: Supply chain barriers emerged as the most important, especially 'SC2- Problems in collaboration, communication, and coordination in the supply chain', and 'SC1- Lack of customers' awareness and tendency about sustainability and blockchain technology'. Furthermore, four characteristics were identified that significantly influence the perception of the barriers in the setting studied: The proactive commitment to adopting blockchain, the affinity and attitude toward information technology (IT), trust, and financial support. Conclusions: Several managerial and theoretical implications result from the study, as well as suggestions for further research. These include that SMEs and consultants should consider the characteristics that influence perceptions of barriers in order to prioritize the barriers, and also in research they should be more emphasized to enhance transferability of blockchain adoption research. Limitations include that the case study was conducted on a single SME in Sweden, therefore a validation of the results in other SMEs would be beneficial. In addition, a longitudinal study could shed light on how the barriers change during the adoption process, and further research could reveal the strategies that SMEs use to overcome the barriers.

Hra piškvorky pomocí 2D manipulátoru / Tic-tac-toe game by 2D manipulator

Maléř, Martin January 2015 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with the renewal of electrical equipment of 2D manipulator and putting it into operation. It contains a description of the machine, used components and their connections. It describes the principle of two communication buses, which are used for machine control. Next part is devoted to the safety analysis of the machine. Following chapters describe developing of a control program and designing of a visualization.

Návrh přední nápravy formule SAE / Design of formula SAE front axle

Honzík, Tomáš January 2008 (has links)
My thesis will be aimed at front axle design. I am going to design the assembly of the front axle in the program ADAMS by MSC. I am going to observe and record most of cinematic changes of the car such as change of position of vehicle roll centre ,wheel camber, geometry adjustment , wheel toe-in measuring and other necessary data. The final report is going to include strength calculation of particular axle parts. I am also going to solve the axle stabilizer including strength calculation.

Sjukvårdskris och svalt mottagande av AI, hur går det ihop? : En fallstudie i vilka faktorer som har störst påverkan på införandet av artificiell intelligens

Forslund, Lia, von Mentzer, Sofia January 2020 (has links)
Det svenska sjukvårdssystemet är konstant under hög press och situationen benämns ofta i media som en sjukvårdskris. Radiologin är en av de medicinska discipliner som drabbats av en kontinuerligt ökande arbetsbelastning och personalbrist. Detta sätter sjukvården i en situation att konstant tvingas väga effektivitet mot kvalitet. Trots höga förväntningar på att innovationer som Artificiell Intelligens (AI) ska kunna bistå behoven, används AI idag i en mycket begränsad utsträckning. Denna studie syftar till att utreda påverkande faktorer för införandet av AI inom radiologin. För att besvara arbetets forskningsfråga har HA Adoption-Decision Model, en modifierad version av det väletablerade Technology-Organization-Environment Framework (TOE), tillämpats. Ramverket innefattar tre kontexter; teknologisk, organisatorisk och extern kontext. Varje kontexts delaspekter, så kallade faktorer, följer under respektive kontext. Dessa tio faktorer utvärderades för att besvara studiens forskningsfråga om vilka faktorer som har störst påverkan på införande av AI inom radiologi. Genom att förena tidigare forskning med resultatet från sex intervjuer visade sig affärsvärde , strategisk lämplighet , ledningsstöd och reglering av datahantering ha störst påverkan. Avslutningsvis presenteras ett förslag om att introducera en elfte faktor, IT-mognad, till ramverket.

Factors affecting the adoption of solar thermal technology : A study on Food and Chemical Industries

Anandarao, Venkatesh, Bandi, Sukrit Reddy January 2021 (has links)
The rising concerns of climate change and global warming have made the current practices of industrial energy generation and consumption highly unsustainable. There is a growing awareness of the importance of renewable energy use in addressing climate change and establishing sustainable development. One of the renewable sources which have gained popularity over time is solar energy. Among the various solar technologies, one potential segment is solar thermal technology which involves solar thermal collectors. This technology mainly concentrates on providing industrial process heat across a wide range of temperature, and it's classified within the industry of Solar Heat for Industrial Process (SHIP). Though the SHIP technologies show strong technical feasibility, only few industries employ solar heat and there is a decreasing trend of adoption.  Hence, this research aims to understand the reasons for decreasing adoption by studying what and how are the factors affecting the adoption of solar thermal technology. This is done by performing a qualitative study across two industrial sectors food and chemical in the region of Middle East and North Africa (MENA). The obtained data by conducting semi-structured interviews are analysed using the Technological-Organization-Environment (TOE) theoretical framework.  The results from the study show that there are 9 important factors affecting the adoption of solar thermal technology that are categorized into technological factors (reliability, flexibility, financial attractiveness, and competitive alternatives), organizational factors (management support and resources) and environmental factors (regulatory environment, technology support provider and competitive pressure). Apart from the technological factors of lack of reliability and financial attractiveness, the organizational factors of lack of resources and the environmental factor of low incentives in MENA region, the aspect of cheap competitive alternatives especially in the MENA region, is causing the decrease in adoption within the food and chemical industry.

Factors disrupting the evolution of Artificial Intelligence from the perspective of an IT company

Jahan, Masrurah January 2021 (has links)
Background: Artificial intelligence has risen to prominence as a subject of study. The pace of artificial intelligence evolution in Bangladesh's IT industry is increasing by the day. In Bangladesh's IT Industry, artificial intelligence (AI) offers enormous potential. Despite the huge potential and advantages of AI implementation or adoption, Bangladesh's IT industry is still failing to move forward with its AI implementation. Objectives: The objective of this study is to identify the main factors that disturb the implementation of AI in the IT Company of Bangladesh. Novelty: In Bangladesh, most of the AI-related research conducted by focusing existing Scope of AI in the Bangladesh, as Bangladesh is in the initial phase of AI Adoption, this paper, therefore, sought to find out the factors that inhibit IT Industry to implement AI. Method: A quantitative method is used to find the results of the study. This paper reports on the results of an online survey questionnaire involving 51 IT professionals from a large IT company of Bangladesh about their perception regarding AI to find out the challenges. Results: Result indicates certain major challenges in AI implementation in Bangladesh’s IT Industry like Lack of AI skills and Incomplete knowledge or understanding regarding AI's capabilities and limitations, Internal culture Lack of Financial investment, , Data management, Lack of technological Infrastructure, Lack of top managerial support, Lack of legal and ethical framework, Non AI Approaches are sufficient by encapsulating them into three challenges context-organizational, environmental and technical barriers using IS theory TOE framework. Contributions: The study offers Insights to policymakers, executives and top-level managers to pay attention of adopting AI in IT Industry of Bangladesh by overcoming the challenges, besides further research can be conducted on how Bangladesh IT industry can overcome the AI implementation challenges. Conclusion: As Bangladesh is progressing with Technology, hence this is a high time to identify the major challenges that inhibit the AI Implantation in Bangladesh’s IT Industry. Policymakers, executives and top-level managers should find a proper solution policy to mitigate the challenges and adapt AI to boost up IT Industry of Bangladesh.

Successful Strategies for Implementing an Enterprise Resource Planning System

Adade-Boafo, Arrogah 01 January 2018 (has links)
The enterprise resource planning (ERP) implementation success rate is as low as 30%. Researchers have shown that ERP system implementation could cause both system and organization failures, affecting operations and stakeholders, alike. The technology-organization-environment conceptual framework was used to ground this qualitative single-case study. The purpose of the study was to explore strategies that a manufacturing firm in Ghana used to implement ERP systems successfully. The population of this case study comprised 5 stakeholders from a manufacturing firm in Ghana who had success in implementing an ERP system. Data were collected using face-to-face semistructured interviews and review of various corporate documents. Data analysis consisted of reviewing interview transcripts, compiling and organizing the data using an open-coding system, grouping the data into themes, and interpreting the meaning of the themes and data. Triangulation was used to strengthen the validity of the case study design. The primary themes that emerged from data analysis included critical strategies that organizational leaders can use to implement ERP systems successfully in Ghana-based manufacturing firms. Significant findings were that leaders who engage in ERP implementation should focus on managing human and technological infrastructure resources, seeking the support of top management, and designing and executing comprehensive change management plans. Implications for positive social change include the potential to increase funding for local schools, after-school youth programs, and philanthropic donations based on increased organizational profits generated from successful ERP leader implementation strategies.

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