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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effets de l’inflammation viscérale dans deux modèles de stéatohépatite non alcoolique (NASH) induite par la programmation foetale ou la carence en donneurs de méthyles / Effects of visceral inflammation in two models of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) produced by fetal programming effect or deficiency in methyl donors

Harb, Zeinab 02 April 2019 (has links)
La carence en donneurs de méthyle (acide folique et vitamine B12) (MDD) pendant la gestation et la lactation produit une stéato-hépatite non alcoolique (NASH) chez les animaux soumis au régime riche en graisses (HE) pendant l'âge adulte, en dépit d’une normalisation histologique et métabolique par un régime normal entre le sevrage (J21) et l’âge de puberté (J50). Le microbiote peut déclencher l'inflammation par les lipopolysaccharides (LPS) par inadaptation de l’activation de récepteur Toll-like 4(TLR4). Notre hypothèse de base est que le régime MDD, le régime HE, les LPS du microbiote et l’inflammation intestinale (modèle Dextran Sodium Sulfate (DSS) comme déclencheurs et l'immunité innée en tant que modulateur font partie d’un même scénario conduisant à la NASH. Des rats carencés (MDD), soumis ou non au régime riche en graisse à l’âge adulte (HE) et exposés ou non à deux inducteurs de l’inflammation locale et systémique, le DSS (inflammation intestinale) et les LPS (effets systémiques de l’inflammation intestinale) ont été étudiés. Nous n’observons pas d’altération de l’immunité innée (TLR4) dans les groupes MDD/DSS, MDD/HE et MDD/HE/LPS. L’inflammation observée au niveau intestinal chez les rats MDD/DSS est également observée au niveau hépatique, avec de stéatose et activation de l’inflammasome et de la chimiokine MCP-1 et IL-1beta. De façon surprenante, cet effet systémique ne met pas en jeu la voie TLR4 et son ligand LPS même quand les rats étaient exposés au LPS directement au niveau péritonéal.Notre étude permet de conclure que la NASH favorisée par les effets systémiques de l’inflammation intestinale est médiée par MCP-1/IL-1β, mais pas par l'activation de TLR4 par translocation de LPS. L’immunité innée n’ étant pas impliquée même par l’injection directe du LPS, les effets respectifs et synergiques de régime MDD, du régime HE et du LPS restent à décrypter par la suite. / Deficiency of methyl donors (folic acid and vitamin B12) (MDD) during pregnancy and lactation produces non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) in animals fed high fat (HE) diet, despite histological and metabolic normalization by a normal diet between weaning (J21) and puberty (J50). The microbiota can trigger inflammation by lipopolysaccharides (LPS) by inadaptation of Toll-like receptor activation 4 (TLR4). Our basic assumption is that MDD, HE diet, microbiota LPS and intestinal inflammation (Dextran Sodium Sulfate (DSS) model) as triggers and innate immunity as a modulator are part of the same scenario leading to NASH. Deficient rats (MDD), whether or not exposed to the high-fat diet in adulthood (HE) and whether or not exposed to two inducers of local and systemic inflammation, DSS (intestinal inflammation) or LPS (systemic effects intestinal inflammation) were studied. We did not observe alterations in innate immunity (TLR4) in the MDD/DSS, MDD/HE and MDD/HE/LPS groups. Inflammation observed in the intestines in MDD/DSS rats is also observed in the liver, with steatosis and activation of the inflammasome and chemokine MCP-1 and IL-1beta. Surprisingly, this systemic effect does not involve the TLR4 pathway and its ligand LPS even when the rats were exposed to LPS directly at the peritoneal level. Our study conclude that NASH favored by the systemic effects of Intestinal inflammation is mediated by MCP-1/IL-1β, but not by activation of TLR4 by translocation of LPS. Since innate immunity is not involved even by the direct injection of LPS, the respective and synergistic effects of MDD diet, HE diet and LPS remain to be decribed thereafter.

Contribution à l'étude du monde d'action de deux adjuvants synthétiques ciblant TLR4, diC14-amidine et CRX-527

Legat, Amandine 15 February 2010 (has links)
Une compréhension fine et détaillée ciblant les mécanismes d’action de nouvelles molécules adjuvantes sur notre système immunitaire vise de manière directe à l’élaboration de nouveaux vaccins plus ciblés et plus efficaces, mais aussi à élargir nos connaissances quant à l’induction d’une réponse immune protectrice.<p>Au cours de cette thèse nous avons voulu comprendre les modes d’action de deux molécules lipidiques distinctes.<p>La première est le lipide cationique diC14-amidine dont il avait été démontré une action sur les cellules dendritiques en culture par une voie qui restait à élucider. Ce lipide cationique s'organise sous forme de liposomes en milieu aqueux et peut s'associer à de nombreux antigènes. La seconde est un analogue synthétique de l'adjuvant monophosphoryl lipide A (MPL), un dérivé du LPS, nommé CRX-527. À l'instar de sa molécule parente, le CRX-527 active le récepteur TLR4 et est considéré comme un adjuvant potentiel de vaccin ou comme immunostimulant isolé.<p>Au cours de notre travail, nous avons démontré que la diC14-amidine active les cellules cibles via le récepteur TLR4. En effet, l'absence de ce récepteur abolit les réponses induites par le lipide cationique diC14-amidine et la transfection du gène codant pour TLR4 rend répondeuses des cellules qui n'exprimaient pas ce récepteur. De plus, la diC14-amidine active et mature des cellules dendritiques, aussi bien de provenance murine qu'humaine, suggérant qu'elle puisse être utilisée en tant qu’adjuvant. Il avait d’ailleurs été précédemment décrit que l'injection d'un complexe diC14-amidine / allergène chez la souris induisait une réponse immune suffisante pour conférer une protection contre cet allergène. Dans ce contexte, nous avons caractérisé au niveau cellulaire la réponse induite suite à l'injection du complexe diC14-amidine / ovalbumine chez la souris. Cette réponse se manifeste par une production d'IFNγ lors d'une re-stimulation ex vivo par l'antigène OVA. <p>En ce qui concerne la molécule CRX-527, nous nous sommes particulièrement focalisés sur le rôle du co-récepteur du TLR4, le CD14, dans les réponses innées induites par le CRX-527. Nous avons établi que, de manière inattendue et contrairement à la plupart des ligands TLR4, le CRX-527 induit la production de nombreuses cytokines et chimiokines en complète absence de CD14, même à faible dose. De plus, l'ajout de CD14 sous sa forme soluble ne modifie pas le niveau des réponses associées à la voie de signalisation MyD88 / NF-κB. Cependant, il semblerait que la stimulation de cellules par du CRX-527 en présence de CD14 soluble recombinant, favorise plutôt la voie TRIF / IRF3, comme le suggère l'augmentation du taux de production d'IFNβ et d'activation d'IRF3. La molécule CD14 (membranaire et/ou soluble) ne serait donc pas qu'un simple transporteur de ligands, comme il l'a été décrit par le passé, mais bien une protéine impliquée dans la modulation des réponses induites lors de l'activation du TLR4. Le CD14 jouerait donc un rôle, aussi bien au niveau de la discrimination des ligands, que celle des voies de signalisation activées.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences agronomiques et ingénierie biologique / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Caracterização das ações do extrato da inflorescência da Achyrocline satureoides sobre a função de neutrófilos na inflamação / Characterization of Achyrocline satureoides inflorescence extract actions on the neutrophils role in inflammation

Barioni, Éric Diego 01 July 2013 (has links)
Achyrocline satureoides (Lam) D.C., popularmente conhecida como \"marcela\", é utilizada popularmente para tratar diversas doenças, como mal estar gástrico e intestinal, inflamações, diabetes e outros. Como os mecanismos de ação do extrato de A. satureoides ainda não são conhecidos, o presente trabalho visou esclarecer os mecanismos antiinflamatórios do extrato bruto hidroalcoólico das inflorescências de A. satureoides, focando na migração e função fagocítica e microbicida de neutrófilos. Para tanto, o extrato hidroalcoólico foi administrado por gavage (50, 100 e 250mg/kg) em ratos Wistar, machos, adultos, e a inflamação foi induzida pela injeção do lipopolisacarídeo de E. coli (LPS; 2mL de solução; 500 &#181;g/mL em PBS) no tecido subcutâneo dorsal (modelo da bolsa de ar). Animais controles receberam volumes equivalentes de veículo do extrato e indometacina (30mg/kg). Foram quantificados o número de neutrófilos (câmara de Neubauer e esfregaços corados por Panótico) e a concentração de Leucotrieno B4 e CINC-1 (ELISA) no foco de lesão; a interação leucócito-endotélio em vênulas da microcirculação mesentérica após estímulo in situ pelo lipopolisacarídeo de E.coli (LPS; 30&#181;g/40&#181;L; por microscopia intravital); a expressão de moléculas de adesão e do toll-like receptor (TLR-4), além da quantificação do burst oxidativo (induzido pelo miristato-acetato de forbol - PMA) e fagocitose em neutrófilos circulantes (citometria de fluxo); análise histológica e quantificação dos marcadores hepáticos (AST, ALT e Gama-GT) e renais (uréia e creatinina) no plasma por espectrofotometria. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o tratamento com o extrato reduziu o número de neutrófilos e a concentração de LTB4 e CINC-1 na bolsa de ar; reduziu a expressão de TLR4 pelos neutrófilos circulantes e a porcentagem de neutrófilos positivos para L-selectina e &#946;2-integrina; inibiu a adesão e o comportamento rolling de leucócitos ao endotélio microvascular; reduziu o burst induzido por PMA; aumentou o potencial de fagocitose, sem alterar o burst induzido por Staphylococcus aureus, não alterou a morfologia tecidual e a concentração sérica dos marcadores de atividade hepática e renal. Em conjunto, os dados obtidos mostram que dose, aparentemente, não tóxica do extrato de A. satureoides exerce efeito antiinflamatório in vivo frente ao LPS, quantificados pela redução da migração e pelas interferências nas atividades fagocítica e microbicida dos neutrófilos. / Achyrocline satureoides (Lam) D.C., popularly known as \"marcela\", is popularly used to treat several diseases, such as gastric and intestinal disorders, inflammation, diabetes and others. As the mechanisms of the extract of A. satureoides have not been elucidated, this study aimed to investigate the anti-inflammatory mechanisms of the crude hydroalcoholic extract of the flowers of A. satureoides, focusing on migration and phagocytic and microbicidal neutrophils function. The hydroalcoholic extract was administered by gavage (50, 100 and 250mg/kg) into male Wistar rats, adult, and inflammation was induced by injection of lipopolysaccharide E. coli (LPS; 2 mL of solution; 500&#181;g/mL in PBS) into the dorsal subcutaneous tissue (air pouch model). Control animals received equivalent volume of extract vehicle or indomethacin solution (30mg/kg). It was quantified the numbers of neutrophils (Neubauer chamber and stained smears by Panoptic) and concentrations of leukotriene B4 (LTB4) and CINC-1 (ELISA) in the focus of the injury; the leukocyte-endothelium interactions in mesenteric venules of the microcirculation after stimulation by LPS (30&#181;g/40&#181;L; intravital microscopy); the adhesion molecules and toll-like receptor (TLR-4) expressions and quantification of oxidative burst and phagocytosis in circulating neutrophils (flow cytometry); histological analysis and the hepatic markers (AST, ALT and gamma-GT) and kidney (urea and creatinine) concentrations in plasma by spectrophotometry. Data obtained showed that the treatment reduced the numbers of neutrophils and concentrations of LTB4 and CINC-1 in the subcutaneous tissue; reduced the TLR4 expression by circulating neutrophils and the number of &#946;2-integrin- and L-selectin-positive neutrophils; inhibited the leukocyte adhesion and the rolling behavior to vascular endothelium; reduced the burst evoked by PMA; increased the phagocytosis without changing the burst induced by Staphylococcus aureus; and did not alter the tissue morphology and concentration of hepatic and renal enzymes in the serum. Together, these data suggest that dose, apparently non-toxic, of extract of A. satureoides exerts anti-inflammatory effect in vivo, quantified by the reduced migration and by interference in the phagocytic and microbicidal activities of neutrophils.

Avaliação dos mecanismos básicos de ativação via receptores semelhantes ao Toll 4 (TLR-4) em monócitos de recém-nascidos a termo e pré-termo. / Evaluation of the basic mechanisms of activation via Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR-4) in monocytes from term and preterm newborns.

Ana Lúcia Silveira Lessa 26 November 2014 (has links)
A imaturidade do sistema imune adaptativo ao nascimento envolve alterações funcionais das células apresentadoras de antígenos. O objetivo foi avaliar a ativação via TLR-4 e resposta de monócitos de sangue de cordão umbilical de recém-nascidos (RN) pré-termo <34 semanas (Grupo 1), <font face=\"Symbol\">&#179;34 e <37 semanas (Grupo 2) e a termo (Grupo 3). Os resultados mostraram alta produção de IL-8, TNF-a, IL-1b e IL-6 e significativa menor produção de IL-10 por monócitos neonatais. O fator NF-kB apresentou ativação semelhante entre os neonatos e adultos. As moléculas p38, ERK-1/2 e IRAK-4 apresentaram-se mais ativadas em monócitos dos RN do Grupo 1 quando comparados aos RN do Grupo 3 e adultos. A capacidade fagocitária de monócitos e neutrófilos dos RN mostrou competência reduzida. A produção de H2O2 foi reduzida em monócitos e neutrófilos apenas dos RN pré-termo. Os resultados sugerem um perfil imunológico neonatal funcionalmente distinto, revelando um desequilíbrio da resposta imune inata, com uma menor eficiência no controle desta resposta, o que pode levar a uma predisposição à sepse. / The immaturity of the adaptive immune system at birth involves functional changes in antigen-presenting cells. The objective was to evaluate the activation via TLR-4 and response of monocytes from umbilical cord blood of preterm newborns (NB) < 34 weeks (Group 1), preterm NB <font face=\"Symbol\">&#179;34 and < 37 weeks (Group 2) and term NB (Group 3). The results show high production of IL-8, TNF-a, IL-1b and IL-6 and a significantly lower production of IL-10 by neonatal monocytes. NF-kB factor presented similar activation among neonates and adults. p38, ERK-1/2 and IRAK-4 molecules were more activated in monocytes of newborns from Group 1 as compared to newborns from Group 3 and adults. The phagocytic ability of monocytes and neutrophils from newborns showed a reduced competence. The H2O2 production was reduced in monocytes and neutrophils only in preterm newborns. The results suggest a functionally distinct neonatal immune profile, revealing an imbalance of the innate immune response, with a lower efficiency in the control of this response, which could lead to a predisposition to sepsis.

A role for toll-like receptor-4 in pulmonary angiogenesis following multiple exposures to swine barn air

Juneau, Vanessa Jade 14 June 2007
Swine barn air is a heterogeneous mixture of dust, bacteria and irritant chemicals including ammonia and hydrogen sulphide. Gram-negative bacteria are commonly found in swine barn air and significantly contribute to pulmonary disease in unprotected swine barn workers, through the endotoxin moiety, lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Toll-like Receptor-4 is the ligand for LPS. It is found on many cell types including monocytes, macrophages, neutrophils, endothelial cells, and to a lesser extent, epithelial cells. The severity and outcome of acute lung injury following barn air exposures depends upon the balance between epithelial and vascular endothelial repair mechanisms, including angiogenesis. Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) is an endothelial mitogen produced by mesenchymal and alveolar Type II epithelial cells and by activated bronchial airway epithelial cells. Research investigating the role of cytokines in angiogenesis has shown that close proximity of immune cells and endothelial cells modulates the production of various compounds that regulate vascular function. Given that LPS is the ligand for TLR4 there appeared to be a role for TLR4 in angiogenesis, particularly following endotoxin exposure. To determine whether this was occurring, we examined whether exposure to swine barn air alters vascular density in the lungs and the role of TLR4 using a murine model. Toll-like Receptor-4 wild-type (C3HeB/FeJ) and TLR4 mutant (C3H/HeJ) mice were obtained and exposed to swine barn air for 1-, 5-, or 20-days for 8 hours/day. Wild-type animals showed a 127% increase in vascular density after 20-days barn air exposure. Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-A protein levels were decreased by 0.62-fold after one-day swine barn air exposure in wild-type animals, indicating that VEGF-A is being used as a pro-angiogenic mitogen. Transcription of VEGF-A mRNA was increased in wild-type animals after all swine barn air exposure periods. The receptor VEGFR-1 showed increased mRNA transcription over all time points. These effects were only observed in TLR4 wild-type animals, indicating that these effects are mediated by TLR4. Further, VEGF-A and VEGFR-1 appear to be involved in the manifestation of TLR4-induced angiogenesis in the lung.

A role for toll-like receptor-4 in pulmonary angiogenesis following multiple exposures to swine barn air

Juneau, Vanessa Jade 14 June 2007 (has links)
Swine barn air is a heterogeneous mixture of dust, bacteria and irritant chemicals including ammonia and hydrogen sulphide. Gram-negative bacteria are commonly found in swine barn air and significantly contribute to pulmonary disease in unprotected swine barn workers, through the endotoxin moiety, lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Toll-like Receptor-4 is the ligand for LPS. It is found on many cell types including monocytes, macrophages, neutrophils, endothelial cells, and to a lesser extent, epithelial cells. The severity and outcome of acute lung injury following barn air exposures depends upon the balance between epithelial and vascular endothelial repair mechanisms, including angiogenesis. Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) is an endothelial mitogen produced by mesenchymal and alveolar Type II epithelial cells and by activated bronchial airway epithelial cells. Research investigating the role of cytokines in angiogenesis has shown that close proximity of immune cells and endothelial cells modulates the production of various compounds that regulate vascular function. Given that LPS is the ligand for TLR4 there appeared to be a role for TLR4 in angiogenesis, particularly following endotoxin exposure. To determine whether this was occurring, we examined whether exposure to swine barn air alters vascular density in the lungs and the role of TLR4 using a murine model. Toll-like Receptor-4 wild-type (C3HeB/FeJ) and TLR4 mutant (C3H/HeJ) mice were obtained and exposed to swine barn air for 1-, 5-, or 20-days for 8 hours/day. Wild-type animals showed a 127% increase in vascular density after 20-days barn air exposure. Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-A protein levels were decreased by 0.62-fold after one-day swine barn air exposure in wild-type animals, indicating that VEGF-A is being used as a pro-angiogenic mitogen. Transcription of VEGF-A mRNA was increased in wild-type animals after all swine barn air exposure periods. The receptor VEGFR-1 showed increased mRNA transcription over all time points. These effects were only observed in TLR4 wild-type animals, indicating that these effects are mediated by TLR4. Further, VEGF-A and VEGFR-1 appear to be involved in the manifestation of TLR4-induced angiogenesis in the lung.

Níveis de expressão gênica de TLR4 e MYD88 no sangue do receptor predizem o retardo na recuperação da função do enxerto renal de doadores falecidos / Blood TLR4 and MYD88 gene expression levels predict delay in allograft function recovery in recipients from deceased donor kidney transplantation

Oliveira, Vinicius de Andrade [UNIFESP] 29 September 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-07-22T20:50:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2010-09-29 / Objetivo: investigar a participação da imunidade inata, através da análise de expressão dos genes TLR4 e MYD88, na disfunção precoce do enxerto renal em humanos. Métodos: A quantificação do mRNA foi realizada por PCR em tempo real, em biópsias pré-implantação do enxerto, na urina e no sangue (leucócitos) do primeiro dia póstransplante, em 75 transplantes (TX) com doador falecido (DF) e 18 transplantes com doador vivo (DV). Os desfechos considerados foram DGF (delayed graft function) e retardo na recuperação da função renal, independentemente de necessidade de diálise. Resultados: Em biópsias, os níveis de expressão de TLR4 e MyD88 foram maiores em rins de DF do que de DV; mas não se correlacionaram com disfunção precoce do enxerto; na urina, não diferiram entre DF e DV, e tenderam a ser mais elevados em casos de TX-DF com disfunção precoce do enxerto; no sangue, não diferiram entre DF e DV e foram mais baixos em casos com disfunção precoce. Conclusão: os resultados sugerem uma participação de TLR4 e MYD88 na patogenia das alterações que ocorrem em rins de DF e que baixos níveis de expressão gênica de TLR4 e MYD88, mensurados em amostra de leucócitos do sangue periférico colhida nas primeiras 24 horas pós-transplante, podem predizer retardo na recuperação da função do enxerto e, portanto, poderão vir a ter utilidade clínica no tratamento de receptores de transplante renal de doador falecido. / TEDE / BV UNIFESP: Teses e dissertações

Estudo da ação do veneno de Tityus serrulatus sobre a expressão de transportadores de sódio e água em epitélio alveolar de rato / Effect of Tityus serrulatus venom on sodium and water trasporters in rat alveolar epithelium

Ceila Maria Sant\'Ana Málaque 15 August 2012 (has links)
Acidentes escorpiônicos podem evoluir com edema pulmonar de origem cardiogênica e não cardiogênica. O clearance de edema pulmonar está relacionado principalmente ao transporte ativo de sódio do espaço alveolar para o interstício. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos do veneno de Tityus serrulatus e da dexametasona sobre a expressão dos transportadores de sódio e água e do TLR4 em pulmão de ratos. Foram utilizados ratos Wistar, divididos em três grupos: controle (salina); grupo Vn, que recebeu o veneno de T. serrulatus (3.8 mg/kg) por via intraperitoneal (ip), e o grupo Dx+Vn, que recebeu dexametasona (2.0 mg/kg) por via ip, uma hora antes da injeção do veneno. Os experimentos foram realizados uma hora após a injeção do veneno. Foram realizadas análise bioquímica e dosagens de citocinas no plasma. Nos pulmões foram estudados a expressão de -ENaC, Na+-K+- ATPase, NKCC1, AQP-5 e TRL4 através de western blotting, e a expressão do NF-kB e infiltração de células CD68+ (monócitos/macrófagos) e neutrófilos, através de imunoistoquímica. O veneno de T. serrulatus diminuiu a expressão pulmonar de -ENaC e AQP-5, enquanto aumentou a expressão do NKCC1. A dexametasona preveniu os efeitos do veneno sobre a expressão da -ENaC e NKCC1, mas não da AQP5. Não foi observada alteração da expressão da 1- Na+-K+-ATPase . A expressão do TLR4 foi maior nos animais envenenados que nos grupos Cont e Dx+Vn. O níveis plasmáticos de IL-6, IL-10 e TNF- estavam aumentados nos grupo Vn e Dx+Vn em relação ao controle. O infiltrado de células CD68+ foi maior no grupo Vn. A expressão de NF-kB e o infiltrado ne neutrófilos no tecido pulmonar foi semelhantes nos três grupos avaliados. Os resultados encontrados sugerem que o veneno de T. serrulatus tem efeito sobre as proteínas transportadoras de sódio em células do epitélio alveolar e também sobre a expressão do TLR4 em pulmão; a dexametasona pode regular essas ações / Scorpion envenomation can cause cardiogenic and noncardiogenic pulmonary edema. Pulmonary edema clearance is largely related to active Na+ transport out of the alveoli, rather than to reversal of Starling forces. Our objective was determine the effects of Tityus serrulatus venom and dexamethasone on the pulmonary expression of sodium and water transporters, and Toll-like receptor 4. Wistar rats were divided into groups and injected intraperitoneally: control (saline only); venom (T. serrulatus venom3.8 mg/kg body weight); and dexamethasone+venom (dexamethasone2.0 mg/kg body weight60 min before venom inoculation). At 60 min after venom inoculation, interleukin-6 and -10, together with tumor necrosis factor alpha, were analyzed in plasma. In lungs, we determined expression of the epithelial sodium channel alpha subunit; Na,K-ATPase alpha 1 subunit; Na-K-2Cl cotransporter, NKCC1; aquaporin 5; Toll-like receptor 4 (by Western blotting); and nuclear factor-kappa B. We determined CD68 and neutrophil counts by immunohistochemistry. In venom group lungs, the epithelial sodium channel alpha subunit and aquaporin 5 were markedly downregulated, whereas NKCC1 was elevated, although the Na,K-ATPase alpha 1 subunit was unaffected. Dexamethasone protected the epithelial sodium channel alpha subunit, NKCC1, and Toll-like receptor 4 but not aquaporin 5. Serum interleukin 6, interleukin 10, and tumor necrosis factor alpha were elevated in both groups, as was CD68 expression. Neutrophil counts and nuclear factor-kappa B expression were comparable across groups. Our data show that T. serrulatus venom alters sodium transport in alveolar epithelial cells and increases Toll-like receptor 4 expression. Dexamethasone appears to partially protect against those effects

Indução diferencial das vias MyD88 e TRIF-dependentes em leucócitos totais de equinos estimulados com LPS de E. coli /

Dalmagro, Priscila. January 2016 (has links)
Orientador: Juliana Regina Peiró / Coorientador: Sérgio Ribeiro Aoki / Banca:Lina Maria Wehrle Gomide / Banca: Flávia Lombardi Lopes / Banca:José Paes de Oliveira Filho / Banca:Glenda Nicioli da Silva / Resumo: A resposta imune inata é a principal responsável pela defesa do hospedeiro contra endotoxinas de bactérias Gram-negativas. Tal resposta se dá através dos receptores Toll-like-4 e -2, seja pela via MyD88-dependente, TRIF-dependente ou ambas. Entretanto, uma resposta exagerada pode resultar em muitos danos para o organismo e levar até mesmo ao choque séptico. Uma das formas de controle desta resposta se dá através da tolerância à endotoxina (TE). Por isso o presentes estudo tem por objetivo investigar a indução diferencial dos receptores TLR-4 e 2, suas vias de sinalização MyD88 e TRIF-dependentes e avaliar outros possíveis genes relacionados a estas vias após indução da TE. Foi coletado sangue total de cavalos saudáveis (n=6), o qual foram estimulados com diferentes doses (0, 1 ou 10ng de LSP/mL) LPS de E.coli no momento 0 e 4 horas após o primeiro estímulo e 4 horas após o segundo estímulo. O "pool" (n=6) de RNA das amostras, coletado 0, 2, 4 e 8 horas, foi utilizado para a transcrição do cDNA. A hibridização do cDNA marcado com Cy-3 foi realizada em uma lâmina 4x44 contendo sequências específicas da espécie equina. Foi identificado durante a TE, nas diferentes doses de LPS, um aumento de transcritos dos receptores TLR-4 e -2, TNFAIP3 e IL-10 e uma diminuição de outros transcritos de genes importantes, tais como: MyD88, IL1-B, TNF-a, TRAM2, o que caracteriza e esclarece, de certa forma, as alterações na sinalização do TLR nas condições de tolerância à endotoxina. / Abstract: The innate immune response is the main responsible for the host's defense against endotoxins from Gram-negative bacteria. Such response occurs via Toll-like-4 and -2 receptors, MyD88-dependent pathway, TRIF-dependent pathway or both. However, an exaggerated reponse can induce many damages to the organism, including septic shock. One way to control this exacerbated response is through endotoxin tolerance (ET). The goals of the present study were to investigate TLR-4 and 2 receptors, their signaling through MyD88 e TRIF-dependent pathways and evaluate other possible genes related to this ways after ET induction. Blood samples were collected from healthy horses (n=6) which were stimulated with different doses (0, 1 or 10ng of LSP/mL) of LPS from E.coli, for 0 and 4 hours after the first stimulus and 4 hours after second stimulus. The pool (n=6) of RNA, extracted from the samples collected at 0, 2, 4 e 8 hours, was used for the transcription of the cDNA. The hybridization of the cDNA marked with Cy-3 was done in one slide 4x44 containing specific sequences from the equine species. We identified during the ET, on the different doses of LPS, an increase of transcripts for the receptors TLR-4 and -2, TNFAIP3 and Il-10 and a reduction of transcripts of other important genes, such as: MyD88, IL1-B, TNF-a, TRAM2, what characterizes and enlightens the changes in TLR signaling during endotoxin tolerance. / Doutor

Caracterização das ações do extrato da inflorescência da Achyrocline satureoides sobre a função de neutrófilos na inflamação / Characterization of Achyrocline satureoides inflorescence extract actions on the neutrophils role in inflammation

Éric Diego Barioni 01 July 2013 (has links)
Achyrocline satureoides (Lam) D.C., popularmente conhecida como \"marcela\", é utilizada popularmente para tratar diversas doenças, como mal estar gástrico e intestinal, inflamações, diabetes e outros. Como os mecanismos de ação do extrato de A. satureoides ainda não são conhecidos, o presente trabalho visou esclarecer os mecanismos antiinflamatórios do extrato bruto hidroalcoólico das inflorescências de A. satureoides, focando na migração e função fagocítica e microbicida de neutrófilos. Para tanto, o extrato hidroalcoólico foi administrado por gavage (50, 100 e 250mg/kg) em ratos Wistar, machos, adultos, e a inflamação foi induzida pela injeção do lipopolisacarídeo de E. coli (LPS; 2mL de solução; 500 &#181;g/mL em PBS) no tecido subcutâneo dorsal (modelo da bolsa de ar). Animais controles receberam volumes equivalentes de veículo do extrato e indometacina (30mg/kg). Foram quantificados o número de neutrófilos (câmara de Neubauer e esfregaços corados por Panótico) e a concentração de Leucotrieno B4 e CINC-1 (ELISA) no foco de lesão; a interação leucócito-endotélio em vênulas da microcirculação mesentérica após estímulo in situ pelo lipopolisacarídeo de E.coli (LPS; 30&#181;g/40&#181;L; por microscopia intravital); a expressão de moléculas de adesão e do toll-like receptor (TLR-4), além da quantificação do burst oxidativo (induzido pelo miristato-acetato de forbol - PMA) e fagocitose em neutrófilos circulantes (citometria de fluxo); análise histológica e quantificação dos marcadores hepáticos (AST, ALT e Gama-GT) e renais (uréia e creatinina) no plasma por espectrofotometria. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o tratamento com o extrato reduziu o número de neutrófilos e a concentração de LTB4 e CINC-1 na bolsa de ar; reduziu a expressão de TLR4 pelos neutrófilos circulantes e a porcentagem de neutrófilos positivos para L-selectina e &#946;2-integrina; inibiu a adesão e o comportamento rolling de leucócitos ao endotélio microvascular; reduziu o burst induzido por PMA; aumentou o potencial de fagocitose, sem alterar o burst induzido por Staphylococcus aureus, não alterou a morfologia tecidual e a concentração sérica dos marcadores de atividade hepática e renal. Em conjunto, os dados obtidos mostram que dose, aparentemente, não tóxica do extrato de A. satureoides exerce efeito antiinflamatório in vivo frente ao LPS, quantificados pela redução da migração e pelas interferências nas atividades fagocítica e microbicida dos neutrófilos. / Achyrocline satureoides (Lam) D.C., popularly known as \"marcela\", is popularly used to treat several diseases, such as gastric and intestinal disorders, inflammation, diabetes and others. As the mechanisms of the extract of A. satureoides have not been elucidated, this study aimed to investigate the anti-inflammatory mechanisms of the crude hydroalcoholic extract of the flowers of A. satureoides, focusing on migration and phagocytic and microbicidal neutrophils function. The hydroalcoholic extract was administered by gavage (50, 100 and 250mg/kg) into male Wistar rats, adult, and inflammation was induced by injection of lipopolysaccharide E. coli (LPS; 2 mL of solution; 500&#181;g/mL in PBS) into the dorsal subcutaneous tissue (air pouch model). Control animals received equivalent volume of extract vehicle or indomethacin solution (30mg/kg). It was quantified the numbers of neutrophils (Neubauer chamber and stained smears by Panoptic) and concentrations of leukotriene B4 (LTB4) and CINC-1 (ELISA) in the focus of the injury; the leukocyte-endothelium interactions in mesenteric venules of the microcirculation after stimulation by LPS (30&#181;g/40&#181;L; intravital microscopy); the adhesion molecules and toll-like receptor (TLR-4) expressions and quantification of oxidative burst and phagocytosis in circulating neutrophils (flow cytometry); histological analysis and the hepatic markers (AST, ALT and gamma-GT) and kidney (urea and creatinine) concentrations in plasma by spectrophotometry. Data obtained showed that the treatment reduced the numbers of neutrophils and concentrations of LTB4 and CINC-1 in the subcutaneous tissue; reduced the TLR4 expression by circulating neutrophils and the number of &#946;2-integrin- and L-selectin-positive neutrophils; inhibited the leukocyte adhesion and the rolling behavior to vascular endothelium; reduced the burst evoked by PMA; increased the phagocytosis without changing the burst induced by Staphylococcus aureus; and did not alter the tissue morphology and concentration of hepatic and renal enzymes in the serum. Together, these data suggest that dose, apparently non-toxic, of extract of A. satureoides exerts anti-inflammatory effect in vivo, quantified by the reduced migration and by interference in the phagocytic and microbicidal activities of neutrophils.

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