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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Characterisation of DNA replication of tomato leaf curl geminivirus / Seyyed Ali Akbar Behjatnia.

Behjatnia, Seyyed Ali Akbar January 1997 (has links)
Bibliography: leaves 133-152. / xi, 152 leaves : ill. (some col.), col. map ; 30 cm. / Title page, contents and abstract only. The complete thesis in print form is available from the University Library. / Studies biological relatedness of strains of tomato leaf curl virus and cross-interaction with the replication-associated protein requireed for DNA replication. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Adelaide, Dept. of Crop Protection, 1997

The effect of a homoeopathic preparation of sweetpotato whitefly (bemisia tabaci genn.) in the control of the invasion of tomato plants (lycopersicon esculentum l.) by sweetpotato whitefly

Carey, Angela Moira January 1999 (has links)
A dissertation submitted in partial compliance with the requirements for the Masters Degree in technology: Homoeopathy, Technikon Natal, 1999. / The most common and difficult insect to control in the greenhouse is the whitefly. Sweetpotato whitefly (Bemisia tabaci Genn.) was the species of whitefly selected to be investigated in this trial. Sweetpotato whitefly is a major pest on a variety of plants, ranging from ornamental flowers to agricultural crops such as tomato and cotton, resulting in important financial losses. Effective control options of sweetpotato whitefly are limited. / M

The relationship of peanut stunt virus to cucumber mosaic virus and aspermy viruses of tomato and chrysanthemum

Groelke, John William January 1970 (has links)
Host range and symptomatology of peanut stunt virus (PSV), cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), the Blencowe isolate of tomato aspermy virus (TAV-B) and a chrysanthemum virus (CV-L) varies on selected hosts. In sucrose density-gradient centrifugation each virus has a sedimentation rate of approximately 100s. Purified preparations of PSV and CV-L are homogenous and stable while CMV and TAV-B aggregate and lose infectivity. In acrylamide gel electrophoresis, all the viruses move as a single component with CMV migrating faster than the other three. Formaldehyde-stabilization of PSV and CMV did not increase the titer of immune sera. Classical microprecipitin and gel diffusion tests were unsatisfactory because of nonspecific precipitation and antibodies to normal host antigens. Analysis of incubated homologous and heterologous virus-antibody mixtures by density-gradient centrifugation detected specific precipitation with surface antigenic sites on the virions. In reciprocal tests, CMV and CV-L show no serological relationship. CV-L and TAV-B react reciprocally and are strains. CMV antiserum reacts with TAV-B, but not conversely. PSV reacts reciprocally with the other three viruses, and thus is related at the strain level to all three. Of the viruses compared, PSV appears to be most like the hypothetical parent strain of the CMV group, since it possesses antigenic sites in common to at least three members of the group. / Master of Science

Population structure of Phytophthora infestans in selected central, Eastern and Southern African countries

Pule, Boitumelo Bronwen 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Late blight caused by Phytophthora infestans on potato and tomato causes major economic losses worldwide. Until the 1980s, P. infestans populations outside its centre of origin (either central Mexico or the Andean region) only consisted of one mating type (A1), which prevented the pathogen from reproducing sexually. Pathogen populations outside the centre of origin most likely only consisted of a few genotypes prior to the 1980’s. Pan globally, these genotypes probably first consisted of genotype/s that had mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplotype Ia, which was subsequently replaced by a mtDNA haplotype Ib genotype known as the US-1 lineage. This relative simple population structure of the pathogen changed almost worldwide in the late 1970s and early 1980s, when a second set of migrations took place from the centre of origin. These populations contained both A1 and A2 mating type isolates that consisted of several different genotypes, which were more virulent than the pre-1970s genotypes and resulted in the displacement of these genotypes almost worldwide. Some of the new genotypes were also resistant to metalaxyl, the fungicide that was most effective in controlling late blight. In Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), the characteristics of P. infestans populations are not well documented in most countries except South Africa, Kenya and Uganda. Previous studies in SSA showed that populations were dominated by the US-1 lineage and its variants. The exceptions were reports of the presence of a few mtDNA haplotype Ia isolates in Rwanda and Ethiopia. The current study aimed to determine the population structure of P. infestans in eight selected SSA countries (Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Malawi, Mozambique and South Africa), mainly on potato and on a limited scale on tomato and petunia, using ‘old’ markers (mating type determination, glucose-6-phosphate isomerase [Gpi] genotyping, mtDNA haplotyping, DNA fingerprinting with probe RG-57 and metalaxyl sensitivity). Populations were further also genotyped using seven recently published Simple Sequence Repeats (SSRs) markers. This information would help to define the population structure of P. infestans in SSA for the first time on a regional basis, and will also determine whether new migrations have taken place since the last characterization studies took place in 2001. A survey in the eight SSA countries yielded a total of 281 P. infestans isolates, mainly obtained from potato fields (Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Malawi and South Africa), but also from tomato (Malawi, Mozambique and South Africa) and Petunia ´ hybrida (South Africa) that were characterized. Characterization of subsets of the isolates with the ‘old’ markers (176 isolates for mating type, 281 isolates for mtDNA, 70 isolates for [Gpi] and 49 isolates with restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis with probe RG-57), showed that most of the isolates belonged to the US-1 genotype or its variants (US-1.10 and US-1.11). The exception were isolates that belonged to genotype KE-1 (A1 mating type, mtDNA haplotype Ia, Gpi 90/100 and unique RG-57 genotype) that was identified in two fields in Kenya. Genotype KE-1, based on the ‘old’ marker data, is related to genotypes (RW-1 and RW-2) previously identified in Rwanda, and several Ecuadorean and European genotypes. Metalaxyl sensitivity testing of 64 isolates showed that metalaxyl resistant potato isolates were present in all the countries except Malawi, whereas all the tomato isolates were sensitive. Genotyping of 176 isolates with seven recently published simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers revealed a high number (79) of multi-locus genotypes (MLGs) in SSA. However, when locus D13, which was difficult to score, was excluded only 35 MLGs were identified. When locus D13 was excluded from analyses of molecular variance (AMOVA), (i) there was no significant genetic differentiation between populations from central-east Africa (Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda), south-east Africa (Malawi and Mozambique) and South Africa, (ii) the KE-1 population was genetically differentiated (Fst = 0.33; P = 0.001) from the US-1 and US-1.10 populations and (iii) genetic differentiation between populations from potato and tomato was low (Fst = 0.07; P = 0.004). The study has expanded the worldwide genotypic database of P. infestans for SSA. Previously, no populations were characterized from Burundi, Malawi and Mozambique. The characterization work showed that migrations seem unlikely to have taken place in SSA, or if these did occur, it was on a very limited scale. The more severe epidemics in some SSA countries could be due to the presence of metalaxyl resistance. Furthermore, the occurrence of mutations or mitotic recombination might have resulted in more aggressive and/or better adapted genotypes, for example the US-1.10 lineage that was only detected in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. The significance of the discovery of the KE-1 genotype in Kenya needs further investigation since it might (i) be an asexual descendent of genotypes (RW-1 and RW-2) that were previously reported in Rwanda in the 1980s, (ii) previously have gone undetected due to the small surveys that were conducted in SSA, (iii) be a new migrant from countries other than SSA or (iv) have been introduced in the very first introductions into Kenya prior to the 1970s. The SSR results from the survey will allow comparison of the SSA late blight populations with other populations worldwide through the EucaBlight database in future studies. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Laatroes, veroorsaak deur Phytophthora infestans op aartappel en tamatie, veroorsaak groot ekonomiese verliese wêreldwyd. Phytophthora infestans populasies buite hul kern van oorsprong (óf sentraal Meksiko óf die Andes area), het tot die 1980’s slegs uit een paringstipe (A1) bestaan, wat verhoed het dat die patogeen geslagtelik vermeerder. Patogeenpopulasies buite die kern van oorsprong, het heel moontlik vóór die 1980’s slegs uit ‘n paar genotipes bestaan. Wêreldwyd, het hierdie genotipes moontlik aanvanklik uit genotipe(s) bestaan wat mitokondriale DNS (mtDNS) haplotipe Ia bevat het, wat later met ‘n mtDNS haplotipe Ib genotipe, bekend as die US-1 genotipe, vervang is. Hierdie relatiewe eenvoudige populasiestruktuur van die patogeen, het omtrent wêreldwyd in die láát 1970’s en vroeë 1980’s verander, toe ‘n tweede stel migrasies vanaf die patogeen se kern van oorsprong plaasgevind het. Hierdie populasies het beide A1 en A2 paringstipe isolate ingesluit, wat uit verskeie verskillende genotipes bestaan het, wat meer virulent as die vóór-1970’s genotipes was, en wat die verskuiwing van hierdie genotipes omtrent wêrelwyd tot gevolg gehad het. Sommige van die nuwe genotipes was ook weerstandbiedend teen metalaksiel, die fungisied wat mees effektief in die beheer van laatroes was. Die kenmerke van P. infestans populasies is nie goed in die meeste lande in Sub- Sahara Afrika (SSA) gedokumenteer nie, behalwe vir Suid-Afrika, Kenia en Uganda. Vorige studies in SSA het aangedui dat populasies deur die US-1 genotipe en sy variante gedomineer word. Die uitsonderings was aantekeninge oor die teenwoordigheid van ‘n paar mtDNS haplotipe Ia isolate in Rwanda en Etiopië. Die huidige studie was daarop gemik om die populasiestruktuur van P. infestans in agt geselekteerde SSA lande (Burundi, Kenia, Rwanda, Tanzanië, Uganda, Malawi, Mosambiek en Suid-Afrika), hoofsaaklik op aartappel en op ‘n beperkte skaal op tamatie en petunia, vas te stel, deur die gebruik van ‘ou’ merkers (paringstipe-bepaling, glukose-6-fosfaat isomerase [Gpi] genotipering, mtDNS haplotipering, DNS fingerafdrukke met RG-57 en metalaksielsensitiwiteit). Die genotipe van populasies is verder ook bepaal deur gebruik te maak van sewe onlangs-gepubliseerde “Simple Sequence Repeats (SSRs)” merkers. Hierdie inligting sal help om die populasiestruktuur van P. infestans in SSA vir die eerste keer op ‘n streeksbasis vas te stel, en sal ook bepaal of nuwe migrasies sedert die laaste karakteriseringstudies wat in 2001 uitgevoer is, plaasgevind het. ‘n Opname in die agt SSA lande, het ‘n totaal van 281 P. infestans isolate opgelewer, hoofsaaklik vanaf aartappellande (Tanzanië, Kenia, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Malawi en Suid-Afrika), maar ook vanaf tamatie (Malawi, Mosambiek en Suid- Afrika) en Petunia ´ hybrida (Suid-Afrika) wat gekarakteriseer is. Karakterisering van geselekteerde isolate met die ‘ou’ merkers (176 isolate vir paringstipe, 281 isolate vir mtDNS, 70 isolate vir Gpi en 49 isolate met restriksiefragment-lengte-polimorfismeanalise met RG-57), het aangetoon dat die meeste van die isolate aan die US-1 genotipe of sy variante (US-1.10 en US-1.11) behoort het. Die uitsondering was isolate wat tot die genotipe KE-1 behoort het (A1 paringstipe, mtDNS haplotipe Ia, Gpi 90/100 en unieke RG-57 genotipe) wat in twee velde in Kenia geïdentifiseer is. Genotipe KE-1, gebaseer op die ‘ou’ merkerdata, is aan genotipes (RW-1 en RW-2) verwant, wat voorheen in Rwanda, en verskeie Ekwadoreaanse en Europese lande geïdentifiseer is. Metalaksielsensitiwiteitstoetsing van 64 isolate het aangetoon dat metalaksiel-weerstandbiedende aartappel-isolate in al die lande teenwoordig was, behalwe vir Malawi, terwyl al die tamatie-isolate sensitief was. Genotipering van 176 isolate met sewe onlangs gepubliseerde “Simple Sequence Repeat” (SSR) merkers, het ‘n hoë aantal (79) multilokus genotipes (MLGs) in SSA aangedui. Met die uitsluiting van lokus D13, wat moeilik was om te evalueer, is slegs 35 MLGs egter geïdentifiseer. Met die uitsluiting van lokus D13 uit die analise van molekulêre variansie (AMOVA), was (i) daar geen betekenisvolle genetiese differensiasie tussen populasies van sentraal-oos Afrika (Burundi, Kenia, Rwanda, Tanzanië en Uganda), suid-oos Afrika (Malawi en Mosambiek) en Suid-Afrika nie, (ii) die KE-1 populasie geneties (Fst = 0.33; P = 0.001) van die US-1 en US-1.10 populasies gedifferensieerd en (iii) genetiese differensiasie tussen populasies vanaf aartappel en tamatie laag (Fst = 0.07; P = 0.004). Die studie het die wêreldwye genotipe-databasis van P. infestans vir SSA uitgebrei. Voorheen is geen populasies vanuit Burundi, Malawi en Mosambiek gekarakteriseer nie. Die karakteriseringswerk het aangetoon dat die waarskynlikheid klein is dat migrasies in SSA plaasgevind het, of indien dit wel plaasgevind het, dit op ‘n baie beperkte skaal plaasgevind. Die meer ernstige epidemies in sommige SSA lande kan die gevolg wees van die teenwoordigheid van metalaksiel-weerstand. Die voorkoms van mutasies of mitotiese rekombinasie kon verder meer aggressiewe en/of beter aangepaste genotipes tot gevolg gehad het, byvoorbeeld die US-1.10 genotipe wat slegs in die Westelike Kaapprovinsie van Suid-Afrika waargeneem is. Die betekenis van die ontdekking van die KE-1 genotipe in Kenia benodig verdere ondersoek aangesien dit (i) ‘n ongeslagtelike afstammeling van genotipes (RW-1 en RW-2) mag wees wat voorheen in die 1980’s in Rwanda aangeteken is, (ii) voorheen nie waargeneem is nie weens die klein opnames wat in SSA uitgevoer is, (iii) ‘n nuwe genotipe van lande buite die SSA kan wees of (iv) ingebring is tydens die heel eerste inkoms in Kenia vóór die 1970’s. Die SSR resultate van die opname sal vergelykings tussen die SSA laatroespopulasies en ander populasies wêreldwyd toelaat, deur gebruik te maak van die EucaBlight databasis in toekomstige studies.

Control of tomato late blight (Phytophthora infestans) with biocides on tomatoes (Lycopersicum sculentum) in the community of Carmen Pampa, belonging to Coroico municipality (Nor Yungas, La Paz)

Gutiérrez Coarite, Rosemary 01 January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
In Bolivia, tomato acreage is 6717 and has a yield of 12005 kg/ha and the total production is 80,636 TM. Departments that harvest tomato are Santa Cruz, Cochabamba and La Paz, Santa Cruz being the department that shows the highest rates of production with 40653 TM in comparison with La Paz which has a production of 3109 TM and Cochabamba of 2420 TM. The principle factors in affect are, the best climatic conditions in Santa Cruz, while Cochabamba and La Paz have differences in seasonal changes (National Institute of Statistics, 1998). The importance of the tomato harvest lies in consumption preference, for the nutritional properties, as they provide a rich source of Vitamins A and C, principally for its qualities of high productivity in terms of yield per area, being a factor of great importance in the economy of the farmer. The repeated production of tomato in the same area or locality tends to create problems phytopathologicals caused by fungi, bacteria and viruses, that at times become difficult to handle, thus becoming serious limiting factors that are able to seriously affect the yields, as such the investigation of sickness control is of extreme importance. The community of Carmen Pampa belonging to the municipality of Coroico, Nor Yungas, constituting a suitable area for the cultivation of tomato, but the attack of diseases caused by fungi, principally Phytophtora infestans, with an incidence of rate of 98%, which is increased by high temperature, humidity, precipitation and fog, all of which favor the spread of this fungus. For this reason farmers are forced to use chemical products that cause problems of resistance of the causal agent of the illnesses. The FAO (1992) estimates 3 million poisonings annually at a global level of farmers and families as a result of chemicals, which cause in turn a residual effect, environmental pollution and creates and additional cost in production. In the investigation of intoxication by agrochemicals in Bolivia, in a population of 870 persons studied mentioned that, 88% are unaware of the risks associated with the use and management of using them; the cases of poisonings are more frequent in tropical plains with 46%, the valleys with 26%, the inter-Andean valleys with 14% and the high plains with 12%, without mentioning those of suicide origin. For this reason, the object of the present investigation is to try to control the late blight disease (Phytophtora infestans) in the cultivation of the tomato (Lycopersicum sculentum), with biocides, to eliminate or diminish the use of agrochemical products.

Atividade antifúngica de óleos essenciais contra Alternaria solani sorauer, causador da pinta preta do tomateiro

Tomazoni, Elisa Zorz 14 December 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Marcelo Teixeira (mvteixeira@ucs.br) on 2014-06-11T11:58:56Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Eliza Zorzi.pdf: 100212 bytes, checksum: a2f4d30cc621123f87431ed0eebc2ae9 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T11:58:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Eliza Zorzi.pdf: 100212 bytes, checksum: a2f4d30cc621123f87431ed0eebc2ae9 (MD5) / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico

Atividade antifúngica de óleos essenciais contra fungos fitopatogênicos de tomateiro (Solanum lycopersicum) e análise proteômica de tomateiro infectado por Alternaria solani sorauer

Tomazoni, Elisa Zorzi 12 May 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Ana Guimarães Pereira (agpereir@ucs.br) on 2017-08-18T17:31:50Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese Elisa Zorzi Tomazoni.pdf: 191280 bytes, checksum: 07463b9c79d05d601047956fb2e76abf (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-18T17:31:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese Elisa Zorzi Tomazoni.pdf: 191280 bytes, checksum: 07463b9c79d05d601047956fb2e76abf (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-08-18 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, CAPES.

Atividade antifúngica de óleos essenciais contra fungos fitopatogênicos de tomateiro (Solanum lycopersicum) e análise proteômica de tomateiro infectado por Alternaria solani sorauer

Tomazoni, Elisa Zorzi 12 May 2017 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, CAPES.

Atividade antifúngica de óleos essenciais contra Alternaria solani sorauer, causador da pinta preta do tomateiro

Tomazoni, Elisa Zorz 14 December 2012 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico

Determination of the influence of volatiles emitted by the semiochemical lure, T.V. Pherolure® on the volatile profile of a commercial tomato field

Van Tonder, Aletta Johanna 01 1900 (has links)
The use of pheromone-based or semiochemical lures and devices for the detection of insect pest population and monitoring in agriculture is a common practice. In many countries the use of these devices is exempt from registration requirements based on regulatory thresholds set by the relevant authorities, however, not in South Africa. The question arises whether the pheromones or semiochemicals dispensed through such devices, influence the naturally occurring compounds observed and whether a concern of toxicity and ecotoxicity is justified. A tomato field was selected in a commercial growing area of South Africa and a novel five-component lure, T.V. PheroLure®, was identified from a local manufacturer, Insect Science (Pty) Ltd. The T.V. PheroLure® consists of a Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) blend which is placed in a polyethylene bulb. Tomato VOCs were collected before, during and after the application of the T.V. PheroLure® which was used in combination with a yellow bucket funnel trap. The VOCs were collected at different heights (0 cm, 30 cm and 60 cm) of the tomato plants, from planting until harvest (22 weeks) and surrounding tomato fields without the T.V. PheroLure®. The results obtained indicated that: (i) the T.V. PheroLure® had no significant influence on the natural VOCs observed in the tomato field and (ii) that the height of sampling had no influence on VOCs observed. This study also indicated that apart from a slight increased contribution of limonene, there was no significant influence observed from the T.V. PheroLure® compounds on the natural background VOCs found in the tomato field. Therefore, it could be argued that the natural phenology of the plant has a greater influence on the VOCs observed than T.V. PheroLure® and that the concern of toxicity and ecotoxicity is unjustified when using these devices for monitoring purposes only. / Environmental Sciences / M. Sc. (Environmental Science)

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