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Bloggen ett strategiskt verktyg? : En studie av tre offentliga ledares kommunikation via webbenGrefveberg, Christina January 2006 (has links)
Denna uppsats fokuserar på att fånga upp en relativt ny och växande företeelse inom elektronisk kommunikation, bloggen. Med min undersökning vill jag belysa bloggens möjligheter som ett kommunikationsmedel för ledare inom offentlig verksamhet samt öka förståelsen för vad en blogg är. Ett utmärkande drag för bloggen, som är en uppdaterad webbplats vars startsida karaktäriseras av ett antal daterade texter i omvänd kronologisk ordning, är att den beskrivs som en dagbok med en personlig, subjektiv och vardaglig text utan krav på källkritik av innehållet. Bloggen beskrivs gärna som en form av ”gräsrotsjournalistik” men den används också som strategisk kommunikation till exempel av offentliga aktörer som politiker och företagsledare eller som ett komplement inom traditionella media. Jag har valt att göra en kvalitativ textorienterad analys av tre ledares bloggar: Rektor Kåre Bremer vid Stockholms universitet, vice-ordförande Margot Wallström vid EU-kommissionen och generaldirektör Andreas Carlgren vid Integrationsverket. Jag ville veta vad de bloggar om, hur de använder sig av attributet och hur pass privat eller offentligt deras kommunikation är. I min undersökning kom jag fram till att de tre ledarskribenterna använder bloggen/elektronisk kommunikation som ett strategiskt redskap att kommunicera men de gör det på lite olika sätt. Margot Wallström använder sig av sin privata sfär som metod för sin strategiska kommunikation samtidigt som hon verkar i det offentliga rummet. Hon utnyttjar alltså sitt privata liv för att lyfta upp frågor som berör den offentliga verksamhet hon verkar inom. De två manliga ledarna använder inte den privata sfären utan håller sig till frågor som i stort rör deras verksamhet. Kåre Bremer är den ledare som tydligast fokuserar på sin organisation och för ut ett målinriktat budskap. Detta sker genom att han i högre grad utnyttjar bloggens möjligheter till att skriva ofta och kort. Han tar upp och återkommer till ämnen eller frågor som han anser är viktiga att föra ut till medarbetarna i verksamheten. Han drar sig inte heller för att framföra synpunkter om sin verksamhet gentemot sina uppdragsgivare som riksdag och regering. Andreas Carlgrens personliga brev utnyttjar däremot inte bloggens tekniska attribut eller internets snabba publiceringsmöjlighet. Hans elektroniska brev är allmänt hållna och långa samt utkommer för sällan för att upplevas som ett nyhet eller som en dagbok. Professionen styr de tre ledarnas bloggar, man är medveten om sitt ledarskap. Deras samtalsstil uppfattas som personlig även om de skriver korrekt och med ett välformulerat skriftspråk. Endast Margot Wallström utnyttjar bloggen som interaktiv media med möjlighet till respons via inlägg från läsaren. Samtliga tre ledare poängterar att deras bloggtexter är deras egna personliga åsikter men helt klart är att den information som de förmedlar uppfattas som källkritisk korrekt, representativ och giltig. Min undersökning bekräftar att bloggen bör ses som en formell kanal med en informell stil som ledningen med fördel kan använda som komplement om denne har klart för sig vilka kommunikativa mål man vill uppnå. Den får dessutom bäst effekt om ledaren utnyttjar bloggens tids- och rumsliga styrka.
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Effect of CNC axis movement on the surface roughness in millingLiu, Yuan January 2015 (has links)
In this paper, the performance of a new measurement system CITE (CNC Integrity Tracing Equipment) is investigated. CITE measurement system is the name given to the data acquisition hardware and software developed by University West for recording the movements of CNC machine tools. It can be used for monitoring of the milling process and recording the milling errors. The aim of this study is investigate the capability of the CITE system in prediction of the surface roughness. In an example cutting test, the CITE measurement system was used for recording selected sections in straight milling process and curved milling process. After that, surface roughness, predicted by the CITE measurement system, was compared with the CMM (Coordinate measurement machine). The investigation shows that the CITE measurement system is comparable to the CMM for evaluation of roughness in curved sections. In straight sections, the evaluation of roughness by CMM machine is close to the simulation values that predicts surface roughness considering tool run-out.
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On energy consumption of mobile cloud gaming using GamingAnywhereMusinada, Suren January 2016 (has links)
In the contemporary world, there has been a great proliferation of using smart-phone devices and broadband wireless networks, the young generation using mobile gaming market is tremendously increasing because of the enormous entertainment features. Mobile cloud gaming is a promising technology that overcome the implicit restrictions such as computational capacity and limited battery life. GamingAnywhere is an open source cloud gaming system which is used in this thesis and calculate the energy consumption of mobile device when using GamingAnywhere. The aim of the thesis is to measure the power consumption of the mobile device when the game is streamed from the GamingAnywhere server to GamingAnywhere client. Total power consumption is calculated for four resolutions by using the hardware monsoon power monitoring tool and the individual components of mobile device such as CPU, LCD and Audio power are calculated by software PowerTutor. The memory usage of the mobile device is also calculated by using Trepn Profiler application when using GamingAnywhere. Based on the obtained results, it was found that there is an increase in power consumption and memory usage of the mobile device on client side when the resolution is varying from low to high. After mapping the results of the hardware with the software, it was identified that there is very small difference between the hardware results and software results from which we could estimate that the software PowerTutor can be used instead of hardware Monsoon power tool as the software is capable of calculating the power consumption of individual components of mobile device
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Breakting smart : The future of hand-held demolitionNordmand Andersen, Philip January 2013 (has links)
This report describes the work method, conclusions and result of my Master Degree in Advanced Product Design at Umeå Institute of Design. The project lasted 17 weeks and took place in spring 2013. The project was carried out in collaboration with Atlas Copco. The main purpose of this project is to explore the future of handheld demolition tools and how to carry out this extremely physically demanding work in an ergonomic and effortless way, while keeping productivity high and complexity low. I will look into the area of robotics, compact machines, and exoskeletons to get inspiration for supportive structures that could potentially semi- or fully automate some of the strenuous movements of today’s work, while trying to incorporate features to solve some of the other problematic aspects like the hazardous silica and asbestos dust spreading in the air and/or detecting hidden pipes and cables to avoid unnecessary interior damages. The result will be a conceptual product meant for the future market of 2025.6
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Optimization of the pressing process of triangular shaped cutting tool insertsMilani, Mauro January 2016 (has links)
Pressing of metallic powders is a manufacturing process widely investigated in the research field and in the industry. This thesis project is focused on optimizing the pressing process of cemented carbide powder utilized for the production of triangular shaped cutting tool inserts. In particular, the filling of powder into the die cavity was investigated with respect to different pressing parameters. The aim of the project was to obtain a uniform density distribution of the powder into the die cavity, and hence to reduce the variation of the height of the insert obtaining more precise dimension of the latter. The tests were carried out at the Sandvik Coromant production department which is the creator of the project. The optimization of the pressing process was performed according to the Design of experiments theory. The dynamic of the sintering process was also investigated. The results showed a significant improvement in the filling of the die cavity and a significant decrease of the variation of the height of the inserts. The new insert obtained has more precise dimensions and is able to meet the more demanding requirements of the customers. The results achieved are directly applicable to a larger number of products, and indicate the direction to follow for further development of the manufacturing process.
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Modelling of soil-tool interactions using the discrete element method (DEM)Murray, Steven 14 September 2016 (has links)
Soil disturbance and cutting force are two of the most common performance indicators for soil-engaging tools. In this study the interaction of two soil-engaging tools (a disc opener for fertilizer banding and a hoe opener from an air drill) with soil were modeled using Particle Flow Code in Three Dimensions (PFC3D), a discrete element modeling software. When comparing the disc model to the experiment results, the relative error was 11% for the average soil throw, 1.9% for the average draft force, and 51% for the average vertical force. Results from the soil-hoe model showed a relative error of 15% between the simulated soil throw and the measured one. In conclusion, both the soil-disc and soil-hoe models could simulate the selected soil dynamic properties (except for the vertical forces of the disc opener) with a reasonably good accuracy, considering the highly variable nature of the soil. / October 2016
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Fitness Function for a SubscriberPodapati, Sasidhar January 2017 (has links)
Mobile communication has become a vital part of modern communication. The cost of network infrastructure has become a deciding factor with rise in mobile phone usage. Subscriber mobility patterns have major effect on load of radio cell in the network. The need for data analysis of subscriber mobility data is of utmost priority. The paper aims at classifying the entire dataset provided by Telenor, into two main groups i.e. Infrastructure stressing and Infrastructure friendly with respect to their impact on the mobile network. The research aims to predict the behavior of new subscriber based on his MOSAIC group. A heuristic method is formulated to characterize the subscribers into three different segments based on their mobility. Tetris Optimization is used to reveal the “Infrastructure Stressing” subscribers in the mobile network. All the experiments have been conducted on the subscriber trajectory data provided by the telecom operator. The results from the experimentation reveal that 5 percent of subscribers from entire data set are “Infrastructure Stressing”. A classification model is developed and evaluated to label the new subscriber as friendly or stressing using WEKA machine learning tool. Naïve Bayes, k-nearest neighbor and J48 Decision tree are classification algorithms used to train the model and to find the relation between features in the labeled subscriber dataset
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Algoritmen som kulturellt redskap : Fyra elevers förståelse av additionsalgoritmenBartfai, Sara January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this investigation has been to examine four students, in a second grade class in Stockholm, understanding of the addition algorithm. A small field study has been carried out including both interviews and classroom studies. Vygotsky’s socio-cultural theory and more specifically the concepts of mediation and cultural tools have been applied. Vygotsky asserts that our contact with the world is mediated by cultural tools. The addition algorithm is in this thesis seen as a cultural tool that the students are to appropriate. The results show a variation of the student’s understanding of the addition algorithm. Most importantly it shows that it is possible for students to “say more than they know” with the use of the algorithm. It is difficult to see how much a student really understand of a mathematical concept and easier to see if they do not understand it or are using it in an inappropriate way. Therefore it is necessary for teachers to form a dialogue with the students and ask them why they do as they do while using different mathematical concepts, such as addition algorithms, to acquire a perception of their mathematical understanding.
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Conception d'un outil d'évaluation de l'acceptabilité des médicaments / Development of a validated tool to assess patient acceptability of medicinesVallet, Thibault 19 December 2017 (has links)
Le développement d’un médicament est réalisé dans le but de répondre à des objectifs thérapeutiques tout en prévenant les risques pour les patients. L’observance, qui correspond au suivi rigoureux de la prescription du médecin, est une condition primordiale de la réussite du traitement. L'acceptabilité, qui peut être définie comme la capacité et la bonne volonté du patient à utiliser, et de son donneur de soins à administrer, le médicament tel que est prévu, joue un rôle crucial dans l’observance, notamment chez les individus les plus vulnérables. L’acceptabilité d'un médicament est déterminée par ses caractéristiques et celles des utilisateurs. De ce fait, le concepteur se doit de considérer les spécificités des utilisateurs cibles pour assurer l’adéquation d’un nouveau produit avec leurs besoins et leurs attentes. Intégrer l'évaluation de l’acceptabilité au développement pharmaceutique et clinique des médicaments apparaît alors d’une importance de premier ordre. A ce jour, il n’existe aucun outil validé et reconnu internationalement permettant d’évaluer ce concept multi-dimensionnel. Cette carence s’accompagne d’un manque de connaissances sur ce phénomène complexe. Ces travaux de thèse présente la conception d’un outil, le référentiel d’acceptabilité, qui permet, d’une part, d’évaluer de manière standardisée l’acceptabilité des médicaments, et d’autre part, d’extraire des connaissances utilisables dès les phases amonts du processus de conception de nouveaux produits. La démarche développée et appliquée dans le domaine des médicaments a été formalisée pour être utilisable dans d’autres univers d’étude. / Medicine development must satisfy efficiency and safety objectives. Patient compliance with physician’s prescription is an essential condition to achieve these objectives. Patient acceptability of a medicine improves patient compliance and thus ensures drug success, in particular in paediatric and geriatric populations. Acceptability could be defined as the overall ability and willingness of the patient to use, and its care giver to administer, the medicine as intended. Acceptability is driven by the users’ and the products’ characteristics. Thus, designers have to consider the specific features of the targeted users to develop a medicine with the most adapted characteristics to reach the best acceptability. Evaluation of the acceptability should be an integral part of pharmaceutical and clinical development. Today, knowledge on this complex phenomenon is still fragmented and there are no internationally agreed methods available to assess this multidimensional concept. This document sets out the development of a validated tool, the acceptability reference framework, providing standardized medicines acceptability evaluation and relevant knowledge usable by designers from the early stage of medicine development. As this research was carried out in a medical field, we propose a formalized methodology transferable to other domains.
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"Efeito do tratamento térmico na microestrutura e nas propriedades mecânicas de aços-ferramenta para trabalho a frio" / EFFECT OF HEAT TREATMENT ON MICROSTRUCTURE AND MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF TOOL STEELS FOR COLD WORK APPLICATIONSoares Junior, Edmo 18 September 2006 (has links)
Os aços-ferramenta têm importante participação no mercado mundial de aços. São usados na indústria metal-mecânica como ferramentas de corte, moldes, punções, matrizes, etc. Devido ao uso de grande responsabilidade, é importante discutir a relação entre microestrutura e propriedades mecânicas, porque é uma prática comum na indústria especificar os tratamentos térmicos com base principalmente na dureza final do material, sem considerar que para um mesmo valor de dureza um aço-ferramenta pode apresentar diferenças nas propriedades mecânicas, dependendo do ciclo de tratamento térmico aplicado. Logo, esta seleção de tratamento térmico é um aspecto tecnológico relevante no desempenho de aços-ferramentas.Os materiais selecionados foram os aços VND, Calmax, VF-800 e Vanadis 10, sendo os três primeiros produzidos por fundição rota convencional e o último produzido por processo de pressão isostática a quente (HIP) rota sinterizada.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o tratamento térmico, a microestrutura e as propriedades mecânicas destes quatro açosferramenta para trabalho a frio, para determinar o tratamento térmico capaz de promover a melhor relação dureza-tenacidade. Os resultados mostraram para o aço VND a possibilidade de se trabalhar com nível de dureza um pouco superior ao recomendado pelo fabricante, com sensível melhora nos parâmetros de resistência sem, no entanto, a ocorrência de um decréscimo importante em termos de tenacidade. Para o aço Calmax os resultados mostraram a possibilidade de trabalhar com dureza um pouco inferior à recomendada pelo fabricante, com significativa melhora nos parâmetros de tenacidade, sem a ocorrência de um decréscimo na resistência. Para os aços VF-800 e Vanadis 10, os resultados obtidos utilizando-se temperatura de revenimento inferior à recomendada pelo fabricante mostraram um ótimo desempenho em todos os ensaios, com particular atenção aos resultados de energia absorvida. / Tool steels have important participation in the worldwide market of steels. They are used by metal-mechanical industry as cutting tools, molds, punches, dies etc.Due to the use of great responsibility, it is important to discuss the relationship between microstructure and mechanical properties because it is a common practice in industry to specify heat treatments based mainly in the final hardness of the material without considerations about that for the same value of hardness a tool-steel can present differences in mechanical properties, depending on the heat treatment cycle applied. Thus, the selection of the heat treatment is a relevant technological aspect in the performance of tool steels. The materials selected were VND, Calmax, VF800 and Vanadis 10, being the three first produced by hot ingot casting followed by hot working - conventional route, and the last one by hot isostatic pressing (HIP) process sintering route. The aim of this work was to evaluate the heat treatment, microstructure and mechanical properties of these four tool steels for cold work application in order to determine the heat treatment able to promote the best relationship hardness-toughness. The results have shown for VND steel the possibility of working with hardness slightly higher than that recommended by the manufacturer, with sensible improvement of strength without, however, the occurrence of an important decrease in toughness. For the Calmax steel the results have shown the possibility of working with hardness values slightly lower than that recommended by the manufacturer, with significant improvement in toughness, without the occurrence of a strength decreasing. For the steels VF-800 and Vanadis 10, the results of lower temperature of tempering than the recommended by the manufacturer have indicated good performance in all mechanical tests, with attention to the absorbed energy results.
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