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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Wireless sensor networks for Industrial health assessment based on a random forest approach / Réseaux de capteurs sans fil pour l'évaluation de l'état de santé de systèmes industriels

Elghazel, Wiem 09 December 2015 (has links)
Une maintenance prédictive efficace se base essentiellement sur la fiabilité des données de surveillance.Dans certains cas, la surveillance des systèmes industriels ne peut pas être assurée à l’aide de capteurs individuels ou filaires. Les Réseaux de Capteurs Sans Fil (RCSF) sont alors une alternative. Vu la nature de communication dans ces réseaux, la perte de données est très probable. Nous proposons un algorithme distribué pour la survie des données dans le réseau. Cet algorithme réduit le risque d’une perte totale des paquets de données et assure la continuité du fonctionnement du réseau. Nous avons aussi simulé de différentes topologies du réseau pour évaluer leur impact sur la complétude des données au niveau du nœud puits. Par la suite, nous avons proposé une démarche d’évaluation de l’état de santé de systèmes physiques basée sur l’algorithme des forêts aléatoires. Cette démarche repose sur deux phases : une phase hors ligne et une phase en ligne. Dans la phase hors ligne, l’algorithme des forêts aléatoires sélectionne les paramètres qui contiennent le plus d’information sur l’état du système. Ces paramètres sont utilisés pour construire les arbres décisionnels qui constituent la forêt. Dans la phase en ligne, l’algorithme évalue l’état actuel du système en utilisant les données capteurs pour parcourir les arbres construits. Chaque arbre dans la forêt fournit une décision, et la classe finale est le résultat d’un vote majoritaire sur l’ensemble de la forêt. Quand les capteurs commencent à tomber en panne, les données décrivant un indicateur de santé deviennent incomplètes ou perdues. En injectant de l’aléatoire dans la base d’apprentissage, l’algorithme aura des points de départ différents, et par la suite les arbres aussi. Ainsi, l’absence des mesures d’un indicateur de santé ne conduit pas nécessairement à l’interruption du processus de prédiction de l’état de santé. / An efficient predictive maintenance is based on the reliability of the monitoring data. In some cases, themonitoring activity cannot be ensured with individual or wired sensors. Wireless sensor networks (WSN) arethen an alternative. Considering the wireless communication, data loss becomes highly probable. Therefore,we study certain aspects of WSN reliability. We propose a distributed algorithm for network resiliency and datasurvival while optimizing energy consumption. This fault tolerant algorithm reduces the risks of data loss andensures the continuity of data transfer. We also simulated different network topologies in order to evaluate theirimpact on data completeness at the sink level. Thereafter, we propose an approach to evaluate the system’sstate of health using the random forests algorithm. In an offline phase, the random forest algorithm selects theparameters holding more information about the system’s health state. These parameters are used to constructthe decision trees that make the forest. By injecting the random aspect in the training set, the algorithm (thetrees) will have different starting points. In an online phase, the algorithm evaluates the current health stateusing the sensor data. Each tree will provide a decision, and the final class is the result of the majority voteof all trees. When sensors start to break down, the data describing a health indicator becomes incompleteor unavailable. Considering that the trees have different starting points, the absence of some data will notnecessarily result in the interruption of the prediction process.

Novelty-assisted Interactive Evolution Of Control Behaviors

Woolley, Brian G 01 January 2012 (has links)
The field of evolutionary computation is inspired by the achievements of natural evolution, in which there is no final objective. Yet the pursuit of objectives is ubiquitous in simulated evolution because evolutionary algorithms that can consistently achieve established benchmarks are lauded as successful, thus reinforcing this paradigm. A significant problem is that such objective approaches assume that intermediate stepping stones will increasingly resemble the final objective when in fact they often do not. The consequence is that while solutions may exist, searching for such objectives may not discover them. This problem with objectives is demonstrated through an experiment in this dissertation that compares how images discovered serendipitously during interactive evolution in an online system called Picbreeder cannot be rediscovered when they become the final objective of the very same algorithm that originally evolved them. This negative result demonstrates that pursuing an objective limits evolution by selecting offspring only based on the final objective. Furthermore, even when high fitness is achieved, the experimental results suggest that the resulting solutions are typically brittle, piecewise representations that only perform well by exploiting idiosyncratic features in the target. In response to this problem, the dissertation next highlights the importance of leveraging human insight during search as an alternative to articulating explicit objectives. In particular, a new approach called novelty-assisted interactive evolutionary computation (NA-IEC) combines human intuition with a method called novelty search for the first time to facilitate the serendipitous discovery of agent behaviors. iii In this approach, the human user directs evolution by selecting what is interesting from the on-screen population of behaviors. However, unlike in typical IEC, the user can then request that the next generation be filled with novel descendants, as opposed to only the direct descendants of typical IEC. The result of such an approach, unconstrained by a priori objectives, is that it traverses key stepping stones that ultimately accumulate meaningful domain knowledge. To establishes this new evolutionary approach based on the serendipitous discovery of key stepping stones during evolution, this dissertation consists of four key contributions: (1) The first contribution establishes the deleterious effects of a priori objectives on evolution. The second (2) introduces the NA-IEC approach as an alternative to traditional objective-based approaches. The third (3) is a proof-of-concept that demonstrates how combining human insight with novelty search finds solutions significantly faster and at lower genomic complexities than fully-automated processes, including pure novelty search, suggesting an important role for human users in the search for solutions. Finally, (4) the NA-IEC approach is applied in a challenge domain wherein leveraging human intuition and domain knowledge accelerates the evolution of solutions for the nontrivial octopus-arm control task. The culmination of these contributions demonstrates the importance of incorporating human insights into simulated evolution as a means to discovering better solutions more rapidly than traditional approaches.

Mobilités et lien social : sphères privée et professionnelle à l'épreuve du quotidien

Belton-Chevallier, Leslie 02 November 2009 (has links) (PDF)
De multiples questions se posent sur les liens sociaux. Parmi elles, le présent travail s'intéresse plus spécifiquement à leur orchestration à l'échelle individuelle : comment s'agencent ou sont agencés les liens sociaux qu'entretient au quotidien un individu ? En tant que reflets de ces liens, les mobilités tant réelles (déplacements) que virtuelles (pratiques des Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication) permettent de mettre en évidence les façons dont les liens privés et professionnels s'articulent, se positionnent les uns par rapport aux autres, entre superposition et séparation. Outre l'idéal hypermoderne du fluide ou superposition totale, d'autres topologies aux moindres degrés d'ouverture existent : la région et le réseau. L'existence de ces trois figures topologiques montre que l'agencement des sphères et des liens sociaux vu à travers les pratiques de mobilités est une activité complexe. Cette activité est le produit même des liens sociaux individuels. Ces derniers jouent dans leur dimension verticale (les normes) et dans leur dimension horizontale (les relations interpersonnelles). Toutefois, en tant qu'élément central de ces liens, l'individu joue un rôle important dans le travail d'orchestration du quotidien

Análise da máquina Torus sob frenagem eletrodinâmica

Osório, Jonas Obert Martins January 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de estudar a aplicação, para sistema de frenagem veicular, de uma máquina elétrica sem escovas, de armadura toroidal, e fluxo magnético axial produzido por ímãs permanentes de terras raras, a chamada máquina Torus. A máquina foi construída no LMEAE e estudada inicialmente como motor em outro trabalho. Mas, para que se possa avaliar seu funcionamento em sistema de frenagem, o foco é do ponto de vista da máquina como gerador. São realizados testes dinâmicos e estáticos experimentalmente e modelo numérico pelo método dos elementos finitos com um formato de ímãs permanentes de seção setorial, possibilitando o comparativo com a versão anterior da máquina que empregou ímãs de seção quadrada. Mudanças físicas e no sistema de acionamento da máquina, e ensaios de frenagem dinâmica foram realizados. Modelagem analítica para indução magnética foi desenvolvida utilizando-se da técnica de Transformação Conforme. O trabalho busca apresentar as características da máquina e justificativas que demonstram o seu potencial de aplicabilidade em um subsistema veicular sob frenagem regenerativa e a capacidade de fornecimento de energia a um sistema de armazenamento com uma parte de energia cinética, ou seja, baterias e supercapacitores. / This work is carried out with the aim to study the application, by a vehicular braking system, of a brushless electrical machine with a toroidal armature core, and axial magnetic flux delivered by rare earth permanent magnets, the so-called Torus machine. The machine was built in the LMEAE, and previously studied as a motor by other work. However, in order to assess its performance in a braking system, the focus is the point of view of the machine as a generator. Static and dynamic tests are implemented as well as a numerical model by means of the finite element method, in order to compare the machine with sector poles permanent magnets and with square magnet poles. Physical changes and on the driving system of the machine, and dynamic braking tests are performed. The analytical modelling for the magnetic induction was developed using the technique of conformal transformation. The study aims to present the features of the machine and demonstrates its potential applicability to a vehicular subsystem under regenerative braking and the ability to supply an energy storage system with part of the kinetic energy, i.e. batteries and super capacitors.

Contribución a la evaluación y dimensionado de nodos y enlaces en redes de alta velocidad

Pallarès Segarra, Esteve 05 June 2001 (has links)
La tendencia de las redes actuales de telecomunicaciones es la integración de todo tipo de servicios los cuales demandan distintos criterios de calidad. A pesar de ello se siguen utilizando redes clásicas que originalmente fueron pensadas para soportar un único tipo de servicio. Dichas redes son adaptadas para poder soportar con mayor o menor éxito la demanda de nuevos servicios exigida por los usuarios. En este entorno parece lógico desarrollar nuevas herramientas que permitan evaluar el comportamiento de estas redes integradoras de servicios.En este trabajo se han desarrollado nuevas herramientas de análisis para estudiar la de pérdida de información en el buffer de un multiplexor. Para caracterizar el tráfico agregado se ha utilizado un modelo de fluidos con fuentes ON-OFF heterogéneas. Así pues a partir de modelos fiables de tráfico real basados en fuentes ON-OFF es posible utilizar estas herramientas para el diseño y dimensionado de redes de telecomunicaciones. Se han desarrollado técnicas analíticas que permiten obtener una mayor precisión en el cálculo de la probabilidad de pérdida. En el caso de utilizar muchas fuentes, el cálculo de esta probabilidad puede ser una tarea computacionalmente muy costosa e incluso inabordable. En este trabajo se propone una expresión aproximada que facilita dicho cálculo, de manera que tenga un coste computacional razonable. Se han comparado los resultados obtenidos utilizando la expresión aproximada con los valores exactos, obteniendo un resultado bastante satisfactorio. Además la expresión propuesta también es de utilidad para el diseño y el dimensionamiento de nodos y enlaces en redes de telecomunicaciones. Finalmente también se ha propuesto un algoritmo heurístico para el diseño de topologías de redes conmutadas en las cuales se quiera acotar la probabilidad de pérdida de la información. Dicho algoritmo consta de dos fases, primero se construye una topología inicial que cumpla con las restricciones de calidad de servicio impuestas a la red. En una segunda fase se intentan combinar pares de nodos para formar uno solo, siempre y cuando se sigan cumpliendo las restricciones de conectividad y de calidad de servicio. El objetivo es obtener una topología con el mínimo número de nodos y de enlaces posible.

Design Of A Single-phase Full-bridge Diode Rectifier Power Factor Corrector Educational Test System

Unal, Teoman 01 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis an educational test bench for studying the power quality attributes of the commonly used single-phase full-bridge diode rectifiers with power factor correction (PFC) circuits is designed and tested. This thesis covers the active and passive power factor correction methods for single-phase bridge rectifier. Passive filtering approach with dc side inductor and tuned filter along with active filtering approach via singleswitch boost converter is considered. Analysis, simulation, and design of a single phase rectifier and PFC circuits is followed by hardware implementation and tests. In the active PFC approach, various control methods is applied and compared. The educational bench is aimed to useful for undergraduate and graduate power electronics course, power quality related laboratory studies.

Análise da máquina Torus sob frenagem eletrodinâmica

Osório, Jonas Obert Martins January 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de estudar a aplicação, para sistema de frenagem veicular, de uma máquina elétrica sem escovas, de armadura toroidal, e fluxo magnético axial produzido por ímãs permanentes de terras raras, a chamada máquina Torus. A máquina foi construída no LMEAE e estudada inicialmente como motor em outro trabalho. Mas, para que se possa avaliar seu funcionamento em sistema de frenagem, o foco é do ponto de vista da máquina como gerador. São realizados testes dinâmicos e estáticos experimentalmente e modelo numérico pelo método dos elementos finitos com um formato de ímãs permanentes de seção setorial, possibilitando o comparativo com a versão anterior da máquina que empregou ímãs de seção quadrada. Mudanças físicas e no sistema de acionamento da máquina, e ensaios de frenagem dinâmica foram realizados. Modelagem analítica para indução magnética foi desenvolvida utilizando-se da técnica de Transformação Conforme. O trabalho busca apresentar as características da máquina e justificativas que demonstram o seu potencial de aplicabilidade em um subsistema veicular sob frenagem regenerativa e a capacidade de fornecimento de energia a um sistema de armazenamento com uma parte de energia cinética, ou seja, baterias e supercapacitores. / This work is carried out with the aim to study the application, by a vehicular braking system, of a brushless electrical machine with a toroidal armature core, and axial magnetic flux delivered by rare earth permanent magnets, the so-called Torus machine. The machine was built in the LMEAE, and previously studied as a motor by other work. However, in order to assess its performance in a braking system, the focus is the point of view of the machine as a generator. Static and dynamic tests are implemented as well as a numerical model by means of the finite element method, in order to compare the machine with sector poles permanent magnets and with square magnet poles. Physical changes and on the driving system of the machine, and dynamic braking tests are performed. The analytical modelling for the magnetic induction was developed using the technique of conformal transformation. The study aims to present the features of the machine and demonstrates its potential applicability to a vehicular subsystem under regenerative braking and the ability to supply an energy storage system with part of the kinetic energy, i.e. batteries and super capacitors.

Análise da máquina Torus sob frenagem eletrodinâmica

Osório, Jonas Obert Martins January 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de estudar a aplicação, para sistema de frenagem veicular, de uma máquina elétrica sem escovas, de armadura toroidal, e fluxo magnético axial produzido por ímãs permanentes de terras raras, a chamada máquina Torus. A máquina foi construída no LMEAE e estudada inicialmente como motor em outro trabalho. Mas, para que se possa avaliar seu funcionamento em sistema de frenagem, o foco é do ponto de vista da máquina como gerador. São realizados testes dinâmicos e estáticos experimentalmente e modelo numérico pelo método dos elementos finitos com um formato de ímãs permanentes de seção setorial, possibilitando o comparativo com a versão anterior da máquina que empregou ímãs de seção quadrada. Mudanças físicas e no sistema de acionamento da máquina, e ensaios de frenagem dinâmica foram realizados. Modelagem analítica para indução magnética foi desenvolvida utilizando-se da técnica de Transformação Conforme. O trabalho busca apresentar as características da máquina e justificativas que demonstram o seu potencial de aplicabilidade em um subsistema veicular sob frenagem regenerativa e a capacidade de fornecimento de energia a um sistema de armazenamento com uma parte de energia cinética, ou seja, baterias e supercapacitores. / This work is carried out with the aim to study the application, by a vehicular braking system, of a brushless electrical machine with a toroidal armature core, and axial magnetic flux delivered by rare earth permanent magnets, the so-called Torus machine. The machine was built in the LMEAE, and previously studied as a motor by other work. However, in order to assess its performance in a braking system, the focus is the point of view of the machine as a generator. Static and dynamic tests are implemented as well as a numerical model by means of the finite element method, in order to compare the machine with sector poles permanent magnets and with square magnet poles. Physical changes and on the driving system of the machine, and dynamic braking tests are performed. The analytical modelling for the magnetic induction was developed using the technique of conformal transformation. The study aims to present the features of the machine and demonstrates its potential applicability to a vehicular subsystem under regenerative braking and the ability to supply an energy storage system with part of the kinetic energy, i.e. batteries and super capacitors.

Analise experimental de topologias de amplificadores opticos a fibra dopada com Erbio / Experimental analysis of topologies of erbium doped fiber amplifiers

Coelho, Thalles Valente Pinto 01 May 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Aldario Chrestani Bordonalli / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de Computação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-08T10:40:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Coelho_ThallesValentePinto_M.pdf: 8999099 bytes, checksum: 6e6e5ddd4494f52ddec2b46c26746e75 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007 / Resumo: Este trabalho realiza um estudo detalhado de diversas topologias de amplificadores a fibra dopada com érbio (EDFA). Tendo como referência a topologia básica do EDFA (bombeio co-propagante), foram implementadas outras topologias através de modificações do circuito óptico, por meio da inserção de diferentes dispositivos passivos, da mudança da localização da aplicação do bombeio e até da possibilidade de dupla passagem do sinal pela fibra dopada. Com este estudo, é possível verificar os fundamentos de operação do EDFA e também realizar análises comparativas entre diferentes topologias que foram contempladas em trabalhos anteriores. Além disso, foram propostas outras montagens de circuitos ópticos. Para tanto, foram utilizados dois comprimentos de onda distintos para o sinal de entrada, diversos segmentos de fibra dopada com érbio e diferentes valores de potência de sinal e de bombeio óptico. Assim, os resultados obtidos puderam ser comparados, com o intuito de identificar as topologias que melhor se adequam a uma determinada aplicação (potência, linha ou pré-amplificação). Além do ganho de sinal, outros parâmetros analisados foram a figura de ruído e o espectro de saída do amplificador, entre outros / Abstract: This work presents a detailed study of different topologies of erbium doped fiber amplifier (EDFA). By using an optical circuit based on the classic topology of the EDFA, others topologies were implemented. In order to modify the optical circuit, it was necessary to insert passive and/or active optical components, change the position where the pump is coupled and to make a double pass of the signal through the doped fiber. In this study it was verified the fundamentals of the functionalities of the EDFA and, beyond that, we carried out comparative analysis among different topologies, so far this has not been referenced in the current literature. For the experimental measurements we used two distinct wavelengths for the optical signal, several lengths of erbium doped fibers and different powers for pumping and signal. For instance, it was possible to observe a performance comparison with the topologies and identify the best characteristics for a specific function in the optical system (line, power or pre-amplification). Other amplifier operational characteristics are also analyzed, such as, amplifier gain, noise figure and amplified spontaneous emission, among others / Mestrado / Telecomunicações e Telemática / Mestre em Engenharia Elétrica

Three Topics in Descriptive Set Theory

Kieftenbeld, Vincent 05 1900 (has links)
This dissertation deals with three topics in descriptive set theory. First, the order topology is a natural topology on ordinals. In Chapter 2, a complete classification of order topologies on ordinals up to Borel isomorphism is given, answering a question of Benedikt Löwe. Second, a map between separable metrizable spaces X and Y preserves complete metrizability if Y is completely metrizable whenever X is; the map is resolvable if the image of every open (closed) set in X is resolvable in Y. In Chapter 3, it is proven that resolvable maps preserve complete metrizability, generalizing results of Sierpiński, Vainštein, and Ostrovsky. Third, an equivalence relation on a Polish space has the Laczkovich-Komjáth property if the following holds: for every sequence of analytic sets such that the limit superior along any infinite set of indices meets uncountably many equivalence classes, there is an infinite subsequence such that the intersection of these sets contains a perfect set of pairwise inequivalent elements. In Chapter 4, it is shown that every coanalytic equivalence relation has the Laczkovich-Komjáth property, extending a theorem of Balcerzak and Głąb.

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