Spelling suggestions: "subject:"byopsis"" "subject:"bryopsis""
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[pt] O saneamento básico, constitui-se como fator essencial para o desenvolvimento do país. A Lei número 11.445/2007, estabelece a obrigatoriedade da elaboração dos Planos Municipais de Saneamento Básico (PMSB), no intuito de eliminar ou minimamente reduzir a distribuição desigual do acesso aos serviços. O objetivo geral da dissertação é propor um modelo de avaliação de PMSBs que permita identificar os conteúdos previstos na legislação, avaliando também a qualidade dessas informações, com enfoque no monitoramento e avaliação dos programas de abastecimento de água tratada e esgotamento sanitário, com o auxílio de um método híbrido multicritério de apoio à decisão. A pesquisa pode ser considerada aplicada, descritiva e metodológica. A metodologia compreendeu pesquisa bibliográfica e documental; adaptação do Roteiro de Avaliação de PMSB, no intuito de qualificar os planos; construção de um quadro lógico de programas de saneamento básico para a posterior proposição de indicadores candidatos e respectivas métricas; emprego de um método híbrido de apoio à decisão; e desenvolvimento de um estudo realizado no âmbito dos Programas de abastecimento de água tratada e esgotamento sanitário propostos pelo PMSB de Vitória, visando demonstrar a aplicabilidade do modelo. Destacam-se como resultados um novo modelo avaliação de PMSB e de monitoramento e avaliação (MA) de programas de saneamento básico, propostos pelos PMSBs; a ferramenta de seleção e classificação de indicadores visando à melhoria contínua de programas de saneamento básico e dos PMSBs; e um conjunto consistente de 17 indicadores de MA para o programa de abastecimento de água tratada e 14 indicadores para o programa de esgotamento sanitário do PMSB de Vitória. / [en] The basic sanitation, guaranteed by the Federal Constitution and defined by Law No. 11,445 / 2007, National Basic Sanitation Law as the set of services, infrastructure and operational facilities for water supply, sanitary sewage, urban cleaning, urban drainage, of solid waste and rainwater, is an essential factor for the development of the country. Defined by Demoliner (2008, p. 174) as one of the most sensitive and deficit sectors of the country, basic sanitation includes measures aimed at preserving or
modifying environmental conditions in order to prevent diseases and promote health, quality of life of the population and the productivity of the individual, facilitating economic activity. With that being said, aiming at the universalization of sanitation services and improvement of the sanitary conditions of Brazilian municipalities, Law No. 5 was established on January 5, 2007. 11.445 - National Policy on Basic Sanitation, which determines national guidelines for the sector, establishing principles of universality, integrality and social control as differential factors in the struggle for quality of life, providing everyone with the right of access to basic sanitation. Characterized as a regulatory framework for universal access to basic sanitation, Law 11.445 / 07 establishes the obligation to elaborate the Water and Sanitation Municipal Planning (WSMP), encompassing the entire territory of the municipality in order to eliminate or minimally reduce the unequal distribution access to services (Mota, 2008). It is evidenced that the WSMP evaluates the state of environmental health, including the provision of public services, defining the schedule of actions and investments required to provide basic sanitation services, defined as a set of guidelines, studies, programs, projects, priorities, goals, normative acts and procedures. In this way, the plan acts as a strategic management tool for municipalities, service holders.
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[pt] Os cerca de 250 Sistemas Isolados do Brasil, concentrados na região Norte, representam aproximadamente 1 por cento do consumo nacional de energia elétrica, sendo historicamente atendidos por meio de geradores a diesel, uma solução cara, poluente e dependente de uma complexa logística de fornecimento de combustível. Apesar de diversas publicações indicarem que fontes renováveis já são técnica e economicamente viáveis, sobretudo em economias dependentes de combustíveis caros, a geração a partir do diesel ainda predomina nessas localidades. Esta dissertação tem por objetivo hierarquizar propostas de políticas públicas, visando à inserção de fontes renováveis nos sistemas isolados do Brasil, por meio de uma ferramenta de análise multicritério. Com isso, ter-se-á a transição de dependência em combustíveis fósseis para uma economia baseada em energias renováveis. Para subsidiar a seleção e hierarquização dessas propostas, indo além das habituais avaliações técnico-econômicas, criou-se um modelo utilizando os métodos multicritério de apoio à decisão AHP e fuzzy-TOPSIS, por serem ferramentas reconhecidas como ideais para a modelagem de problemas em que subjetividade, incerteza e ambiguidades estejam presentes. Como resultado, concluiu-se que a política pública de maior impacto seria a implantação de projetos-piloto de usinas híbridas, combinando geração a diesel com fotovoltaica, por exemplo, de forma a auxiliar a transposição de barreiras culturais e de conhecimento sobre tecnologias alternativas nos sistemas isolados. Outras políticas apontadas como relevantes seriam: a simplificação do licenciamento ambiental de projetos baseados em fontes renováveis e a adoção de um modelo de planejamento determinativo, exigindo nos leilões uma penetração mínima dessas fontes. / [en] Isolated systems are those places not connected to the national grid, for technical or economic reasons and supplied by local generation. Nowadays in Brazil, there are about 250 isolated systems, concentrated in the Northern region, which sums only 1 percent of the electricity total consumption of the country, but represents around 40 percent of the territory. Most of these systems are supplied by diesel power plants, with a few examples of generation by natural gas, biomass or small-hydro. Historically, the diesel gensets have been an easy solution, due to its facility to build, operate and maintain. Also, these power plants do not require complex projects and large areas and have relatively low investment cost associated. Despite the complex logistics of fuel supply, mostly done by boats along
Amazonian rivers, the energy generation has worked quite well in the last
decades. However, the operational costs, especially those related to the fuel, are
very high. In some places, depending on the season and navigability, it can reach
R$ 10/liter (around US$ 3/l), resulting in high generation costs, that can achieve
R$ 1,600/MWh (around US$ 450/MWh). All electricity consumers in Brazil share
a great part of this cost.
Other problems related to the diesel-based generation are the pollutant and
greenhouse gases emissions, in the middle of the Amazon forest, where most of
the isolated systems are located. Some effort has been made to connect isolated
systems to the national grid, reducing the local generation, and consequently, its
costs and emissions. However, the expansion of conventional power grid has high
costs and, in some cases, technical and environmental constraints (Ribeiro, et al.,
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Optimalizace obnovy vozového parku menší stavební firmy / The optimalization of the renewal of vehicle park for a smaller building companyPítr, Vítězslav January 2010 (has links)
The main goal of this degree work is the application of methods of multiple criterion assessment of options for the choice of new vehicles. I have used three methods with cardinal information in this degree work. It is possible to classify these methods according to a calculation procedure, which is used for finding a compromise option. I have chosen the method of weighted sum based on the principle of the benefit maximilization, the method TOPSIS based on the distance minimalization from the ideal option, and the method ELECTRE III based on the preferential relation. I have used these methods for determination of the compromise option for the purchase of new vehicles. I have compared vehicle running costs and purchase costs with current costs delivered from a building company and then I have determinated an annual saving of costs. At the end of this degree work I have given renewal models which I have determined through the optimal method in the case of the renewal of worn-out equipment. I have analysed the problem from more views, from the view of the multiple criterion assessment of options, then from the costs view and finally from the view of renewal models.
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Multiple Attributes Group Decision Making by Type-2 Fuzzy Sets and SystemsJaffal, Hussein, Tao, Cheng January 2011 (has links)
We are living in a world full of uncertainty and ambiguity. We usually ask ourselves questions that we are uncertain about their answers. Is it going to rain tomorrow? What will be the exchange rate of euro next month? Why, where and how should I invest? Type-1 Fuzzy sets are characterized by the membership function whose value for a given element x is said to be the grade of membership having a value in the interval [0, 1]. In addition, type-1 fuzzy sets have limited capabilities to deal with uncertainty. In our thesis, we study another concept of a fuzzy description of uncertainty which is called Type-2 fuzzy sets. According to this concept, for any given element x, we can’t speak of an unambiguously specified value of the membership function. Moreover, Type-2 fuzzy sets constitute a powerful tool for handling uncertainty. The aim of our thesis is to examine the potential of the Type-2 fuzzy sets especially in decision making. So, we present basic definitions concerning Type-2 fuzzy sets, and operations on these sets are to be discussed too. Then, Type-2 fuzzy relations and methods of transformation of Type-2 fuzzy sets will be introduced. Also, the theory of Type-2 Fuzzy sets will serve for the construction of the fuzzy inference system. Finally, we utilize interval type-2 fuzzy sets in the application of Multiple Attributes Group Decision Making which is called TOPSIS.
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Revers?o de ordem no m?todo Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution - TOPSISAires, Renan Felinto de Farias 29 September 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-11-22T20:29:38Z
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Previous issue date: 2017-09-29 / Durante as ?ltimas d?cadas, v?rios m?todos de Apoio Multicrit?rio ? Decis?o (MCDM) t?m
sido utilizados para auxiliar decisores na sele??o de melhores alternativas para problemas
de decis?o diversos. Dentre eles, o Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal
Solution (TOPSIS) ? um dos mais utilizados. Apesar da sua grande difus?o, este tem
sido criticado devido ? ocorr?ncia de um problema chamado rank reversal (revers?o de
ordena??o), que, em sua mais conhecida denomina??o, se refere ? mudan?a na ordena??o
de um grupo de alternativas anteriormente ordenadas ap?s uma alternativa irrelevante ter
sido adicionada ou exclu?da desse grupo. Apesar da quantidade significativa de estudos
sobre este problema para os m?todos MCDM, tem-se que a an?lise desse problema para o
TOPSIS ainda ? feita de forma superficial, sem um estudo criterioso acerca das causas e
condi??es de ocorr?ncia, bem como marcada por proposi??es de modelos inadequados. Por
conta disso, o objetivo desse estudo foi propor uma extens?o do m?todo TOPSIS para
minimizar a revers?o de ordena??o. Para isso, foi realizada uma pesquisa experimental a
partir de simula??es computacionais geradas aleatoriamente com base em quatro situa??es
de revers?o selecionados na literatura. Nos casos de ambas as problem?ticas investigadas,
de escolha e de ordena??o, foram analisados os efeitos da normaliza??o utilizada e dos
limiares de indiferen?a. Adicionalmente, os casos da problem?tica de escolha tamb?m foram
analisados a partir da regress?o log?stica, no intuito de estimar as condi??es em que h? uma
maior probabilidade de ocorr?ncia de revers?o de ordena??o. Com base nos experimentos
e na an?lise dos modelos da literatura, foi proposta uma extens?o do TOPSIS. O modelo
proposto ? baseado na defini??o de um conjunto de valores intitulado de Dom?nio, que
representa os valores limites de cada crit?rio na matriz de decis?o no intuito de ultrapassar
os inconvenientes do TOPSIS. Para a valida??o da proposta, foi realizada uma aplica??o
num?rica para a problem?tica de sele??o de estudantes e concluiu-se que o modelo proposto
? robusto por, simultaneamente, evitar a ocorr?ncia da revers?o de ordena??o e apresentar
uma boa capacidade discriminat?ria. / During the last decades, various multi-criteria decision-making methods (MCDM) have
been used to assist decision makers in selecting the best alternatives for many decision
problems. Among them, the Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution
(TOPSIS) is one of the most used. Despite its wide dissemination, it has been criticized
due to the occurrence of a problem called rank reversal, which in its most known meaning
refers to the change in the ordering of a group of previously ordered alternatives after an
irrelevant alternative has been added or removed from this group. Despite the significant
amount of research on this problem for MCDM methods, it has been superficially analyzed
in the case of TOPSIS, without a careful study on the occurrence causes and conditions,
as well as marked by propositions inadequate models. Therefore, the aim of this study was
to propose an extension of the TOPSIS method to minimize rank reversal. For this, it was
realized an experimental research through computer simulations randomly generated based
on four reversal situations selected in the literature. In the cases of the both problems types
investigated, of choice and rank, the effects of the normalization used and the indifference
thresholds were analyzed. In addition, the cases of the problem of choice were also analyzed
from the logistic regression, in order to estimate the conditions in which there is a greater
probability of occurrence of rank reversal. Based on the experiments and analysis of the
literature models, an extension of TOPSIS was proposed. The proposed model is based on
the definition of a set of values called Domain, which represents the limit values of each
criterion in the decision matrix in order to overcome the drawbacks of TOPSIS. For the
validation of the proposal, a numerical application was made for the problem of student
selection and it was concluded that the proposed model is robust because it simultaneously
prevents the occurrence of ranking reversal and presents a good discriminatory capacity.
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Mesure de l'innovativité et facteurs d'adoption des innovations Web : le cas des Organismes de Gestion de Destination (OGD) français / Measuring the Innovativeness and Factors of ICT Adoption : The Case of French DMOZaman, Mustafeed Al Ridwaan 05 July 2018 (has links)
Le développement des TIC et les innovations numériques qui en découlent ont radicalement changé le comportement des consommateurs. Les organisations s’adaptent à ces changements en transformant leurs pratiques. L’objet de cette recherche est l’innovativité Web comprise comme la capacité des organisations à adopter les innovations Web. La recherche interroge les pratiques d’adaptation des organisations en faveur du numérique : Comment piloter le changement numérique dans les organisations ? Le champ de recherche porte sur les Organismes de Gestion de Destination Touristique (OGD) qui ont la responsabilité du management du tourisme sur leur territoire de compétence. Cette thèse s’articule en deux parties. La première partie se focalise sur la mesure de l’innovativité des sites Web des OGD. Une grille d’analyse de l’innovativité est proposée et les méthodes de l’Aide Multi-Critères à la Décision (AMCD) sont employées afin d’évaluer la performance relative des sites Web de 30 OGD français. La logique du benchmarking est adoptée. Les résultats hétérogènes de cette approche quantitative nous poussent à chercher dans un second temps les facteurs explicatifs de l’innovativité. Pourquoi certains OGD sont-ils plus innovants que d’autres ? Quels sont les facteurs qui facilitent l’adoption des innovations Web par les OGD ? A cet égard, notre seconde partie traite des facteurs d’adoption des innovations Web dans les organisations. Une analogie entre PME et OGD est proposé afin d’identifier théoriquement les facteurs d’adoption des innovations Web. La méthodologie de recherche retenue pour cette seconde partie est de nature exploratoire et qualitative et correspond à un positionnement épistémologique de type interprétativiste. Des entretiens semi-directifs sont menés auprès d’experts en Management du Tourisme et l’étude du cas d’un OGD particulier permet de comprendre en profondeur le pilotage du changement numérique dans les organisations. Cette thèse en sciences de gestion s’inscrit en Management du Tourisme et présente des apports théoriques, méthodologiques et managériaux. Nous proposons un cadre théorique d’analyse de l’innovation Web et nous proposons une méthodologie robuste pour l’opérationnaliser. Cette méthodologie utilise les nombres flous, encore peu employés dans les sciences de gestion et pourtant porteurs de sens lors d’évaluations utilisant des échelles linguistiques. Les résultats de cette approche quantitative sont autant de perspectives d’amélioration des pratiques par les responsables d’OGD. Enfin, nous étudions le pilotage du changement dans les OGD en identifiant les facteurs d’adoption des innovations Web. / The development of ICT has radically changed the customer behaviour and their decision making process. Therefore, the organisations/companies should adapt themselves to these changes by transforming their practices. This thesis has two parts. In the first part, we explore the website-service innovativeness of 30 French DMO websites. An empirical approach is used to establish a structured framework of six evaluation criteria for website’s innovativeness. Fuzzy logic is employed in order to objectively evaluate the service-innovativeness and overall e-service quality of the DMO websites by using the linguistic variables. The TOPSIS method enables a comparison of the relative rankings of DMO websites, and also facilitates an objective metric as a benchmark to compare innovativeness overtime. The heterogeneous results oblige us to conduct an exploratory study in order to understand the reason behind this ranking. In this regard, in the 2nd part, we have focused on the factors of ICT adoption. Semi-structured interviews have been done with the tourism experts in order to understand the factors that facilitate the ICT adoption by the French DMO. Finally, we present the case of one of our benchmarks (Bordeaux Tourist Office) in order to illustrate the ICT adoption process.
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Prostorová analýza pro účely optimalizace zadání studentských prací z kartografie / Spatial analysis for optimization of student assignments in cartographyFenclová, Karolína January 2018 (has links)
Spatial analysis for optimization of student assignments in cartography Abstract The aim of the diploma thesis is to perform a multi-criteria analysis of large spatial data, which will result in the identification of a predetermined number of the variants of the territory, which are optimal for creating the student assignments. The main part of the thesis is to design and to calculate the spatial evaluation criteria. In the theoretical part, a theory of multi-criteria analysis and examples of its use in general in geoinformatics and assessment of landscape potential are presented. The practical part is devoted to the design of own methodology for assessment of the territory from the point of view of suitability for processing of student tasks, including its application over the territory of the Czechia in order to obtain information about the territory. Multi-criteria analysis was divided into two steps: pre-selection of the territory based on Boolean evaluation and subsequent sorting of the variants from the most suitable to the least appropriate using the TOPSIS method. The scales of the individual criteria were determined by the scoring method. The main result of the thesis is a new set of the variants of the territory, which are comparable with their processing demands. Keywords Spatial analysis,...
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Multi-Criteria Evaluation in Support of the Decision-Making Process in Highway Construction Projectsjia, jianmin 31 March 2017 (has links)
The decision-making process in highway construction projects identifies and selects the optimal alternative based on the user requirements and evaluation criteria. The current practice of the decision-making process does not consider all construction impacts in an integrated decision-making process. This dissertation developed a multi-criteria evaluation framework to support the decision-making process in highway construction projects. In addition to the construction cost and mobility impacts, reliability, safety, and emission impacts are assessed at different evaluation levels and used as inputs to the decision-making process.
Two levels of analysis, referred to as the planning level and operation level, are proposed in this research to provide input to a Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) process that considers user prioritization of the assessed criteria. The planning level analysis provides faster and less detailed assessments of the inputs to the MCDM utilizing analytical tools, mainly in a spreadsheet format. The second level of analysis produces more detailed inputs to the MCDM and utilizes a combination of mesoscopic simulation-based dynamic traffic assignment tool, and microscopic simulation tool, combined with other utilities.
The outputs generated from the two levels of analysis are used as inputs to a decision-making process based on present worth analysis and the Fuzzy TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Situation) MCDM method and the results are compared.
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Využití teorie fuzzy množin a jejich rozšíření v metodě TOPSIS / The use of the fuzzy set theory and their extensions in the TOPSIS methodPokorný, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with extensions of TOPSIS method, which is one of methods for multi-criteria evaluation of alternatives. These extensions use theory of fuzzy sets (FS) and their futher extensions to interval-valued (IVFS), intuitionistic (IFS) and hesitant (HFS) fuzzy sets and their combinations (IVIFS, IVIHFS). Significant part of this thesis explains the principle of fuzzy sets and their generalizations. Descriptions of operators for aggregations of grades of membership has very important role here. Next, very short description of multi-criteria evaluation problems and detailed description of TOPSIS method are contained. The second half of this thesis is dedicated to four existing extensions of TOPSIS metod that uses theories of FS, IVFS, IVIFS and IVIHFS. Every method is illustrated with an example that shows principle of calculations. It illustrates new possibilities of the methods that use new sets theories and potential complications and deviations from the original TOPSIS method. At the end of this thesis, evaluation of usefulness of used approaches is mentioned.
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Vícekriteriální analýza indexu lidského rozvoje / Multicriteria analysis of the Human Development IndexJanů, Jakub January 2014 (has links)
Diploma thesis describes the problem of quantitative expression of the quality of life. For this purpose is used one of the most widespread indicators of quality of life - Human Development Index. This paper describes its basic characteristics, method of calculation, its advantages and drawbacks. One of the objectives of this paper is the elimination of these shortcomings by alternative method of calculation. The methods of multi-criteria evaluation of alternatives and data envelopment analysis models are applied for these purposes. One part of this paper is a theoretical description of the tasks of multi-criteria decision making and their classification into the methods for multi-criteria evaluation of alternatives and into the methods of multi-criteria linear programming. In this paper are used methods WSA, TOPSIS and PROMETHEE, based on the definition of the theoretical characteristics of the methods of multi-criteria evaluation of alternatives. These methods are applied on the source data, obtained from a model of the human development index. After calculation, the results obtained are analyzed and written into the conclusion. Another alternative approach to obtain the level of human development is to evaluate the degree of efficiency of countries using data envelopment analysis models in comparison with the human development index. For these purposes is written the theoretical background, which defines the basic types of data envelopment analysis models. These theoretical findings serve as the basis for the practical analysis by the BCC output oriented model and by the corresponding model of super efficiency. The results of these calculations are analyzed and subsequently written into the final conclusion.
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