Spelling suggestions: "subject:"fourism service"" "subject:"colourism service""
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UAB ,,Megaturas” turizmo paslaugos vertinimas / Evaluation of tourism services of JSC “Megaturas”Mikonytė, Kristina 22 June 2011 (has links)
Darbo objektas – UAB „Megaturas“ teikiamos turizmo paslaugos.
Tyrimo problema – kaip vartotojai vertina UAB „Megaturas“ teikiamas turizmo paslaugas.
Tyrimo tikslas – įvertinti UAB „Megaturas“ teikiamas turizmo paslaugas.
Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Apibrėžti turizmo produkto sampratą ir struktūrą; 2. Atskleisti turizmo paslaugos pasiūlos ir paklausos teorinį aspektą; 3. Išanalizuoti UAB „Megaturas“ turizmo paslaugų rinkoje situaciją; 4. Išanalizuoti UAB „Megaturas“ teikiamas turizmo paslaugas.
Tyrimo hipotezės: 1. UAB ,,Megaturas“ turizmo paslaugų pasiūlos (paslaugų kriterijų) palankesnis vertinimas siejamas su dažnesniu keliavimu su UAB ,,Megaturas“. 2. UAB ,,Megaturas“ turizmo paslaugų pasiūlos (paslaugų kriterijų) palankesnis vertinimas siejamas su didesniu ketinimu ateityje keliauti su UAB ,,Megaturas“.
Svarbiausios išvados: Daugelis UAB „Megaturas“ turizmo paslaugų kriterijų vertinami vidutiniškai ir geriau nei vidutiniškai, palankiausiai (vertinimų eilės tvarka, pradedant nuo stipriausiai įvertino): patikimumas; transporto paslaugų punktualumas; toliau – kelionių vadovų profesionalumas; kelionės transporto patogumas; paslaugų kokybė; toliau – personalo malonus aptarnavimas; paslaugų kainos ir kokybės santykis; saugumas; lūkesčių patenkinimas; paslaugų organizavimas; pažintinių kelionių įvairovė. Dažniau keliaujantys su šiuo kelionių organizatoriumi respondentai geriau vertina: jo patikimumą, kokybę, pažintinių kelionių įvairovę, kainos priimtinumą, kainos ir kokybės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Object of the work is services rendered by JSC “Megaturas”.
The problem of the work – how consumers evaluate tourism services of JSC “Megaturas”.
The aim of the work is to evaluate services rendered by JSC “Megaturas”. The tasks of the work: 1. To define the concept and structure of tourism product; 2. To reveal theoretical aspect of demand and supply of tourism services; 3. To analyze the situation of services in JSC “Megaturas” market; 4. To analyze services rendered by JSC “Megaturas”.
The hypothesis of research: 1. More favorable evaluation of services rendered by JSC “Megaturas” is related to the more often consumption of JSC “Megaturas” tourism services. 2. More favorable evaluation of services rendered by JSC “Megaturas” is related to the greeter intention to consume JSC “Megaturas” tourism services in the future.
Main conclusions: Most criteria of services rendered by JSC “Megaturas” were evaluated averagely of better, the most favorable aspects of services rendered by JSC “Megaturas” are: reliability of agency, punctuality of transport services, professionalism of travel guides; comfortably through the journey, quality of services; kindness of service; proportion of services price and quality; safety; satisfaction of expectations; organization of services, variety of journeys. Those respondents who travel with JSC “Megaturas” more often, gave higher evaluations to: reliability; quality; variety of journeys; acceptability of price; proportion of services... [to full text]
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Sėkmingos kaimo turizmo vadybos principai - atvejų analizė Lietuvoje / Successful rural tourism management principles – Lithuania‘s case analysisDulko, Ana 20 January 2009 (has links)
Tarptautinio turizmo administravimo baigiamojo darbo tema yra aktuali, nes pastaraisiais metais kaimo turizmas tapo viena labiausiai plėtojamų veiklų kaime. Kadangi kaimo turizmo rinkoje yra susiduriama su didelę konkurenciją, norint sėkmingai plėtoti sodybos veiklą, tampa aktualu ieškoti naujų, patobulintų vadybos principų. Darbe pabrėžiama, kad sėkminga kaimo turizmo vadyba priklauso nuo atskleistų vadybos principų suderinamumo ir poveikio kryptingumo, kur svarbiausias veiksnys yra savininko autentiškumas, meistriškumas ir sugebėjimai viską sujungti į vieną visumą. Norint pasiekti sėkmės kaimo turizmo versle, reikėtų vadovautis pagrindiniu principu, kuris teigia, kad į kiekvieną žmogų reikia žiūrėti kaip į tikslą savyje, o ne tik kaip priemonę savo tikslams pasiekti.
Darbo tyrimo objektas yra kaimo turizmo sėkmingi vadybos principai
Darbo tyrimo tikslas - nustatyti taikomų sėkmingos vadybos principų svarbą sodybos veikloje, bei pateikti pasiūlymus vadybos tobulinimui.
Darbe iškelta problema, kad egzistuoja sodybos šeimininkų patirties stoka kaimo turizmo versle, nepakanka informacijos, o tai sąlygoja netinkamų vadybos principų pasirinkimą.
Magistro baigiamasis darbas susideda iš keturių pagrindinių dalių. Pirmoji – kaimo turizmo sėkmingos vadybos principams nustatyti, teoriniu pagrindu, atlikta mokslinės literatūros analizė. Antroji – metodologinė dalis, kur aprašoma kaip vyks tyrimas. Trečioji – tiriamoji dalis, kur anketinės apklausos metodu ištirta aukščiausiai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The subject of international tourism administration master thesis is of current interest as rural tourism has become one of the most rapidly growing rural activities in recent years. As the rural tourism market faces a strong competition it becomes important to find new, improved management principles in order to successfully develop the homestead activities. The final paper stresses that the successful rural tourism management depends on the coherence of disclosed management principles and impact orientation where the most important factor is the authenticity, excellence of the owner and his ability to merge everything. The basic principle - any person should be seen as a goal itself, but not as means to reach another person’s aims - must be followed if one wants to achieve success in the rural tourism business. Successful rural tourism management principles are described as the object of the research. The target of the research is to estimate successful management principles importance for homestead activities as well as to submit proposals for the management improvement. The problem of the farmstead owners’ lack of experience in the rural tourism business is discussed in the final work homestead. Insufficient information leads to the improper management principles choice. Master's final research paper consists of four main parts. To define successful rural tourism management principles, scientific theoretic literature analysis is provided in the first part. The second part... [to full text]
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Turizmo paslaugų sutartis / Tourism services agreementJasikevičienė, Monika 22 January 2009 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe analizuojama turizmo paslaugų sutartis, jos nuostatas reglamentuojantys LR bei kitų ES valstybių teisės aktai, atskleidžiami turizmo paslaugų teikimo kokybės teisiniai aspektai. Vykdant darbe iškeltus uždavinius, pateikiama turizmo turizmo paslaugų samprata, rūšys ir specifika, analizuojamos turizmo paslaugų teikimo sutarties atsiradimo priežastys, jos sudarymo bei įsigaliojimo sąlygos, apžvelgiama turizmo paslaugų teikimo teisinio reglamentavimo situacija. Turizmo paslaugų sutarties turinys šiame darbe nagrinėjamas, jos nuostatas lyginant su pagrindinių santykius šioje srityje reglamentuojančių LR teisės aktų bei direktyvos 90/314/EEC normomis, atliekant teismų praktikos analizę. Moksliniams tyrimams skirtoje darbo dalyje analizuojama ginčų, kylančių iš turizmo paslaugų sutarties nagrinėjimo tvarka; pristatoma LTA atlikta studija, kurioje, lyginant su kitų ES valstybių teisės aktų nuostatomis iškeliami turizmo paslaugų teikėjams ydingi LR teisės aktų normų aspektai; aprašoma turizmo paslaugų vartotojų anketinės apklausos metodika, pristatomi jos rezultatai ir jų vertinimai. Darbo pabaigoje pateikiamos išvados bei rekomendacijos turizmo paslaugų teikimo sutarties tobulinimui, apginamos iškeltos hipotezės. Darbe pateikti 5 paveikslai, 4 lentelės, 8 priedai. Darbo apimtis - 60 puslapių. / The concluding work for master's degree analyses the contract in tourism services legal acts of LR and other ES countries determening its reguliations, legal aspects of tourism services quality are as well dealt with in this study. According to the tasks risen in this particular study, the understanding kinds and specificity of tourism services are presented, the reasons of tourism services agreement appearance, the conditions of its performance and its coming into action are analysed, legal reguliation situation of tourism services is glanced at. The content of tourism services agreement is analysed in this study on the basis of comparing its regulations with the main lans of LR legal acts and directive 90/314/ECC norms regulating relations in the sphere, employing the analysis of court practice. The part of the study for scientific research deals with the analysis of arguments, rising from tourism services agreement, solving order. The study carried out in LTA is presented which points out invalid LR lan acts norms aspects in comparison with other ES countries law acts regulations, the methods of tourism services consumers questionaries are described, its results and evaluation are presented. The concluding part of the study presents the conclusions and recommendations for the improvement of tourism services agreement the outcoming hypotheses are defended. The study includes 5 pictures, 4 tables and 8 appendices. The scope of the study is 60 pages.
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行動旅遊服務分類及系統發展研究 / Classification and system development for mobile tourism services張小萍, Chang, Hsiao Ping Unknown Date (has links)
在企業對客戶的行動旅遊服務分類研究結果發現:(1) 在企業對客戶的行動旅遊服務分類中,行動搜尋與通知服務、行動推薦服務、行動交易與付款服務為三項旅客認為最有用,且電信業與旅遊業都認為最重要、最可行、最符合成本效益的服務;(2) 相較於旅遊業,電信業對於企業對客戶的行動旅遊服務態度上較積極;(3) 旅遊業與電信業者對於所提出的企業對客戶的行動旅遊服務的評估,在評分排序上是相同的。
就企業內部的行動旅遊服務分類的研究結果顯示,不同管理階層對於企業內部的行動旅遊服務有不同的需求,而不同的企業內部的行動旅遊服務在技術上的難易程度也不同。透過企業內部的行動旅遊服務分類架構,很容易瞭解到該企業內部的行動旅遊服務在技術上的複雜度與管理上的需求程度。這樣的服務分類架構對於規劃與開發企業內部的行動旅遊服務,提供一個參考基準與指引。此外,本研究結果指出,行動旅遊品質控管服務對管理階層來說,是很重要、可行與符合成本效益的服務。而行動銷售支援服務對管理階層來說,是一個可行有效但不是很重要的服務。最後,本研究建議後續研究將本研究所提的服務分類架構與系統開發架構應用到其他的行動服務領域,以驗證本研究所提出的服務分類架構與系統開發架構的可應用性。 / The service classification and system development of mobile services is an important issue both in research and in practice, and research attention is called to the mobile services for the tourism industry. This study tries to identify, classify, evaluate, and develop value-added mobile tourism services with multiple perspectives. That is, user groups with different perspectives are asked to evaluate the proposed value-added mobile tourism services as well as a mobile tourism service classification framework. Moreover, this study also proposes the system development framework and processes, and the prototype system is built and evaluated to validate the feasibility of the proposed system development framework as well as the effectiveness of the prototype system.
The research scope is focused on the B2C mobile tourism services, and the main contribution of this study is the proposed service classification framework and the system development framework. This study tries to identify and classify B2C mobile tourism services based on the proposed service classification framework and processes. Moreover, tourists, 3G operators and the tourism industry are asked to evaluate the proposed B2C mobile tourism services as well as the service classification. Based on the proposed system development framework and processes, this study also builds and evaluates the prototype system to validate the feasibility of the proposed B2C mobile tourism services. To validate the appliance of our service classification framework, an extension research to the B2E mobile tourism services is also conducted. Management perspectives including managers and employees are taken into accounts to summarize the B2E mobile tourism services and the service classification framework.
The research methodology used in this study is the design science research methodology. With literature reviews, semi-structured group interviews, and surveys to identify, classify, and evaluate B2C mobile tourism services as well as the service classification. The prototype system of the B2C mobile tourism services is built through object-oriented system analysis and design, and the survey questionnaire is used for the system evaluation of the prototype system. As an extension study, the B2E mobile tourism service classification research is built with literature reviews, semi-structured focus group discussions and semi-structured field interviews.
The B2C mobile tourism service classification research results are as follows. (1) The mobile search & notification services, the mobile recommendation services, and the mobile transaction & payment services are top three useful B2C mobile tourism services valued by tourists, and these three B2C mobile tourism services are top three most important, feasible and cost-benefit effective services from the 3G operators’ and travel agencies’ perspectives. (2) The 3G operators hold more positive attitudes towards the B2C mobile tourism services than the tourism industry does. (3) Tourism industry sets the same priority list toward the proposed B2C mobile tourism services as the 3G operators do.
In this study, an application prototype of mobile recommendation services is also implemented to illustrate the development framework and design methods. The mobile recommendation services provide personalized and location-based recommendations regarding sightseeing spots, hotels, restaurants, and packaged tour plans based on tourists’ current location and time, as well as personal preferences and needs. Results from the system evaluation indicate high system satisfaction toward the prototype system.
Based on the research results of the B2E mobile tourism service classification, different management levels have different needs for B2E mobile tourism services, and different B2E mobile tourism services have different technology complexities. Through this B2E mobile tourism service classification framework, it is easy to understand the technology complexities of the B2E mobile tourism services and managerial needs for the B2E mobile tourism services. Such service classification framework offers a reference baseline and guidance for planning and system development of B2E mobile tourism services. Moreover, this research results show that from managers’ perspectives, the mobile tour quality control services are important, feasible, and cost-benefit effective while the mobile sales support services are feasible, effective, but not so important services. Finally, future researches are suggested to apply the service classification framework and system development framework to other mobile service domain to validate the appliance of the proposed service classification framework and system development framework.
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An integrated tourism management framework for the Kruger National Park, South Africa, 2003Mabunda, Madoda David 25 August 2004 (has links)
This study sets out to address problems caused by the lack of an integrated tourism management framework that would give a strategic direction to the delivery of tourism services in the Kruger National Park (KNP). The lack of tourism management plans and capacity in protected areas can be traced back to the classic management approach that concentrates exclusively on biodiversity conservation while paying superficial attention to other equally important management elements such as tourism, community participation, financial viability and governance matters. As a result of such management deficiencies, protected areas are unable to raise sufficient revenue from their tourism business to adequately meet obligations of their conservation mandate, community expectations and maintenance of the tourism facilities. Financial problems lead to over-dependence on diminishing and inflation-eroded state subsidies, thus compromising the effective management of parks. A management approach that does not balance the elements that constitute the management function of a protected area has the potential to destroy the resource base on which the attractiveness of a protected area as a holiday destination hinges and risks alienating tourists. The practice of 'fortress conservation' with protected areas treated as distinct units from their surrounding communities is being challenged worldwide. Protected area managers are now constantly looking for management paradigms that can harmonize the fundamental functions of conserving biodiversity, delivering tourism services and ensuring financial viability whilst contributing to the socio-economic development and benefits for local people balancing conservation and socio-economic needs. This is the situation in which the KNP finds itself. The study recommends the adoption of an integrated tourism management framework based on adaptive tourism management principles to enable the Park to cope with continuous uncertainties, conflict management, dynamic systems of societal changes, economic changes, changes of ecosystems and bridging the gap between conservation and tourism. / Thesis (PhD (Tourism Management))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Tourism Management / unrestricted
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Dienstleistungsqualität als Erfolgsfaktor im MessewesenKim, Bong-Seok 16 July 2003 (has links)
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit soll die Gestaltung der Dienstleistungsqualität der Messegesellschaft dargestellt bzw. konkretisiert werden. Die Probleme und Herausforderungen von deutschen Messegesellschaften werden anhand einer ausführlichen Dienstleistungsanalyse aufgezeigt und allgemeine politische, strategische Ansätze zu ihrer Bewältigung dargestellt. Nach Analyse der Dienstleistungsqualität des deutschen Messewesens sollen Schlussfolgerungen für ein Entwicklungskonzept zur Verbesserung der Dienstleistungsqualität im südkoreanischen Messewesen gezogen werden. Messeveranstaltungen werden zukünftig vermehrt an der Dienstleistungsqualität der Veranstalter gegenüber Ausstellern und Besuchern gemessen werden. Hierfür kann bei Umsetzung des im Rahmen dieser Arbeit vorgestellten Management-Konzepts auf das Ergebnis einer Synthese wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse und Praxiserfahrungen zum Thema Dienstleistungsqualität zurückgegriffen werden. Dies sind wichtige Vorschläge, die besonders von sich entwickelnden Messeländern wie KOREA betrachtet werden sollen. Qualität der Aussteller- und Fachbesucherstruktur Qualität des Messestandortes Qualität des Organisationssystems Hochwertige Messedienstleistungen für Aussteller und Besucher Leistungsfähigkeit für neue Kundenbindung Quantität und Qualität der Hotelkapazitäten in für die Nachfrager akzeptablen Kategorien Touristische, kulturelle und kommunikativ-gesellige Vorzüge des Messeplatzes, Anziehungskraft der Messemetropole Transparenz der Auswertung der Veranstaltung Die Dienstleistungsqualität des Messeortes mit touristisch relevanten Einrichtungen und Attraktionen hat unmittelbaren und konkreten Einfluss auf die potentiellen Messe-Touristen mit ihren gruppenspezifischen wie auch individuellen Ansprüchen. Messeveranstaltung und Umfeld sollen in den Augen der Aussteller und Besucher eine komplette und professionelle Dienstleistung darstellen, so dass sich aus dem Zusammenspiel einzelner Faktoren das Gesamtangebot ergibt.
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