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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Traction Motor Size Optimization with Two-Speed Gearbox in an Electric Vehicle

Patel, Harsh January 2024 (has links)
As electric vehicles (EVs) are seen as the future of transportation, there are two significant challenges to overcome: range and cost. One effective strategy to address these issues is the optimization of powertrain components, which significantly impact both vehicle range and overall cost. In powertrain optimization, particular focus is placed on optimizing the electric motor and gearbox due to their crucial roles in vehicle performance and EV efficiency. A two-speed gearbox configuration for EVs has emerged as a solution to enhance dynamic performance and extend range. However, this approach comes with drawbacks such as increased weight and cost, leading to the prevalent use of single-speed gearboxes in the EV industry. Nonetheless, there is potential for optimizing motor size through the integration of a two-speed gearbox. The key question is whether the benefits of a smaller motor and increased vehicle range, enabled by a two-speed gearbox, outweigh its drawbacks. This study proposes a systematic method for co-optimizing the electric motor's sizing specifications and the gear ratios of a two-speed gearbox. This method achieved a 13% reduction in the required motor power for a sub-compact vehicle's specified 0-100 km/h acceleration, along with a significant motor weight reduction of up to 25%. Additionally, energy consumption was reduced by up to 3.8% for the EPA drive cycle while maintaining the same acceleration performance. / Thesis / Master of Applied Science (MASc)

Modelling and simulation of electromagnetic audible noise generated by traction motors

Botling, Fredrik January 2016 (has links)
An annoying tonal noise is produced by modern electrical trains duringacceleration and deceleration. This noise is caused by electromagneticforces generating structural vibrations, especially from the traction motors.The electromagnetic noise is dominant at low train speeds and affectsboth the passengers on the train and on platforms, as well as peopleliving near the track. The focus on this issue has increased the last years,both regarding legislation, contractual requirements and also because ofexpectations from citizens and travelers. To be able to design low noiseelectric drive systems, a thorough understanding of the cause and thepossibility to predict the electromagnetic noise is needed. This thesisdescribes the modelling and simulation of an complete multi-physicsreal-time environment for prediction and analysis of the electromagneticnoise. The simulation results are validated against measurements of thestructural vibration and acoustic response of a real traction motor fed bya power converter running in the entire operational range. / <p>QC 20161118</p>

Reduction of Audible Noise of a Traction Motor at PWM Operation

Amlinger, Hanna January 2018 (has links)
A dominating source for the radiated acoustic noise from a train at low speeds is the traction motor. This noise originates from electromagnetic forces acting on the structure resulting in vibrations on the surface and thus radiated noise. It is often perceived as annoying due to its tonal nature. To achieve a desirable acoustic behavior, and also to meet legal requirements, it is of great importance to thoroughly understand the generation of noise of electromagnetic origin in the motor and also to be able to control it to a low level. In this work, experimental tests have been performed on a traction motor operated from pulse width modulated (PWM) converter. A PWM converter outputs a quasi-sinusoidal voltage created from switched voltage pulses of different widths. The resulting main vibrations at PWM operation and their causes have been analyzed. It is concluded that an appropriate selection of the PWM switching frequency, that is the rate at which the voltage is switched, is a powerful tool to influence the noise of electromagnetic origin. Changing the switching frequency shifts the frequencies of the exciting electromagnetic forces. Further experimental investigations show that the trend is that the resulting sound power level decreases with increasing switching frequency and eventually the sound power level reaches an almost constant level. The underlying physical phenomena for the reduced sound power level is different for different frequency ranges. It is proposed that the traction motor, similar to a thin walled cylindrical structure, shows a constant vibration over force response above a certain frequency. This is investigated using numerical simulations of simplified models. Above this certain frequency, where the area of high modal density is dominating, the noise reducing effect of further increasing the switching frequency is limited. / <p>QC 20180109</p>

Contribution à la modélisation prédictive des comportements hautes fréquences des moteurs de traction / Contribution to a predictive model of high frequency behaviours of traction motors

Medard, Fabien 09 March 2015 (has links)
La diminution drastique des temps de commutation des convertisseurs MLI, due aux technologies émergentes comme le SiC (Carbure de Silicium), engendre un nombre important de phénomènes hautes fréquences dans les moteurs électriques notamment des tensions inter-spires et des courants de paliers. Ces travaux portent sur l'établissement d'un modèle impédant prédictif, valable sur une large bande de fréquence, fournissant les valeurs des tensions et des courants dangereux pour les moteurs. Pour cela, une maquette à échelle réduite a été étudiée dans un premier temps pour comprendre les phénomènes et offrir un cas simplifié de modélisation. Un bobinage en circuit imprimé a été fabriqué à cet effet. Un modèle de ligne a été développé et offre des résultats satisfaisants en prenant en compte les effets dus à la montée en fréquence. La même démarche de modélisation a été adoptée dans le cas du moteur réel dans la suite des travaux. Des campagnes de mesures sur un moteur instrumenté ont permis d'observer la propagation des ondes dans le bobinage. Une bobine a également été instrumentée pour offrir un accès au potentiel de chaque spire. Un modèle présenté dans la littérature a été approfondi en proposant une méthode d'identification des paramètres à partir de quelques points de mesures. Ce modèle sert de comparaison avec le modèle prédictif établi à la fin de ces travaux. La dernière partie de ces travaux s'intéresse à la modélisation du même moteur de traction. Un modèle de ligne dont les valeurs de paramètres ont été issues de calculs analytiques ou de simulations numériques a été réalisé tout en évitant d'avoir recours à des mesures. Ce modèle a donc un comportement prédictif puisque les données d'entrées sont pour la plus grande majorité uniquement géométriques. Il donne accès aux valeurs de tensions dans le bobinage et à l'amplitude des éventuels courants de paliers. Ce modèle peut alors servir d'outil d'aide à la conception des machines électriques en montrant les conséquences des choix de géométries. / In PWM converter, emerging technologies, like Sic and GAN, tend to decrease the rise time commutation which increases the occurrence of high frequency phenomenon such as bearing currents and voltage between coils. In this thesis, we aim to develop a predictive model able to give the currents and voltages amplitudes of those parasites. To simplify the understood of the phenomenon, a mock-up was built. It consists of a winding coil in a flexible PCB which represents the wave propagation in a real winding. Therefore, a first model was developed taking into account the effects produced by an increasing frequency. The model gives good results. It will be used in the real traction motor. Measures on a modified motor allowed observing the wave propagation across the coil. Those measures results will be compared to our motor model ones. A model found in the literature has also been studied. For this model, we built a parameters identification method based on several measurement points. This model will also be a compared to our motor model. The last part of this work explains the method used to build the predictive model. A line model is used to give an access to the winding. All parameters have been found with analytical formulations or with numerical simulations to avoid the use of measures. This model gives an access to a voltage between coils and to bearings currents. It can be used during the conception of motor to predict those problems.

Minimisation des pertes fer des machines électriques de traction par la modélisation et l'optimisation / Minimization of iron loss of traction electrical motors by modeling and optimization systems

Frias, Anthony 12 March 2015 (has links)
Le coût, l'autonomie et la durée de vie sont les principaux aspects qui freine le public dans l'achat d'une voiture électrique. Tous ces aspects sont liés à la batterie qui ne permet de stocker qu'une quantité limitée d'énergie. Dans ces conditions, il est indispensable de maîtriser les pertes d'énergie de la chaîne de traction. La machine électrique étant le principal consommateur d'énergie, elle joue un rôle important dans l'efficacité énergétique globale. Dans ce contexte, comment réduire les pertes de la machine électrique pour la rendre plus efficace ? Pour répondre à cette question, l'objectif de ce travail est de modéliser (avec une précision suffisante) et réduire les pertes fer dans notre application machine électrique de traction afin de les maîtriser. On comblera ainsi le manque de confiance en les modèles de pertes fer que peut avoir le concepteur de machine du concepteur de machine en lui permettant de réaliser des optimisations fines jusque dans les dernières phases de développement. Dans la première partie de ce manuscrit, le lecteur découvrira alors une machine synchrone à rotor bobiné du point de vue du matériau magnétique doux. Les premières conclusions montrent qu'une modélisation fine est nécessaire pour bien prendre en compte les phénomènes générateurs de pertes. On s'intéresse également à la mesure des matériaux magnétiques doux afin de comprendre de manière générale et tangible les pertes dans le matériau. On prend également conscience de la toute première source d'incertitude des modèles, la mesure du matériau. Enfin, nous présentons les démarches couramment rencontrées dans la littérature pour la modélisation des pertes fer. Face aux limitations des modèles couramment rencontrés, le modèle LS (un modèle d'hystérésis scalaire qui décompose les pertes en une contribution statique et une contribution dynamique) est redéveloppé afin qu'il réponde encore mieux aux exigences de l'industrie automobile. Il est précis et facilement identifiable à partir de mesures faciles à réaliser. La contribution statique reprend le modèle de Preisach formulé à l'aide des fonctions d'Everett dont l'identification à partir des caractéristiques mesurées est directe. La contribution dynamique quant à elle est dorénavant identifiable à partir de caractérisations en induction sinusoïdales. La précision du modèle ainsi améliorée est ensuite validée sur 63 cas tests exigeants dont la forme de l'induction est à fort contenus harmoniques. Le modèle développé est ensuite couplé avec un modèle électromagnétique élément finis de la machine électrique et validé par l'expérience. Les mesures faites sur le matériau étant l'un des points faibles des modèles, une méthodologie permettant d'évaluer la pertinence de la plage des mesures est proposée. On dresse également un état de l'art de l'impact du process (découpage, empilement et assemblage des tôles) sur les pertes fer afin d'aider le concepteur à mettre en balance les impacts liés au process qui n'ont pu être modélisés. Enfin des méthodologies parmi lesquels, les méthodologies des plans d'expériences sont mises en place afin d'optimiser les cartographies de commandes en des temps de calcul raisonnables. On montre des gains allant jusqu'à 50% de réduction des pertes totales de la machine dans certaines zones de fonctionnement par rapport à une optimisation dont l'objectif serait de minimiser uniquement les pertes dans les conducteurs de la machine. Ces résultats montrent l'intérêt d'utiliser un modèle de pertes fer précis afin de réduire les pertes totales de la machine. / Cost, range and lifetime are the main aspects that hold back the consumer to buy electric cars. These three aspects are all related to the battery which stores a limited amount of energy. Under such condition energy consumption is a major concern in electric cars. As the major electricity consumer, electrical machines play a key role for global energy savings. In this context how the electric machine can be made more energy efficient? To answer this question this thesis aim to model (accurately enough) and reduce the iron losses in traction electrical machine for electrical car. Indeed iron loss model suffer from a lack of confidence when it comes to fine optimization during the late phase of development. This thesis answers this question and takes into account the development criteria of the car industry and the constraints of the electric car. The first part of the thesis gives an overview of the application by taking a wounded rotor synchronous machine as a case study. The reader will discover the electrical machine with a soft magnetic material perspective. First, conclusion show that fine modelling of the electric machine is necessary to achieve desired accuracy. An overview on soft magnetic material behavior and measurements is then given. The reader will then acquire a broad feeling on soft magnetic material behavior and understands the first source of inaccuracy of the models (the measurements). Then, the typical models for predicting iron losses in magnetic materials are presented in a literature review. The second part of this study focus on iron loss modelling aspect. The loss surface model (a scalar hysteresis model made of a static and dynamic contribution) is used as the base of this modelling work. The static contribution is re-developed using Everett function formulation of the Preisach model is used to allow easy identification of the model directly from measurements. The identification of the dynamic contribution is re-worked to allow identification from sine-wave measurements (triangular wave measurement previously required). The model accuracy is improved and validated on 63 test cases with high harmonic distortion wave forms. The iron loss model is then coupled to finite element model of the electric machine and the limits of the model are investigated. One of the limits coming from measurement limitation, a methodology to evaluate the relevance of the measurement range is proposed. A literature review of the main impact of the process including cutting, stacking and assembling effects on electrical steel magnetic characteristics is intended to complement the modelling work to help the decision making of the designer on aspects that cannot be modeled. Finally methodologies playing with the modelling hypothesis and involving design of experiment and response surface are presented to reduce computational time and allow the optimization of the control of the machine. The optimizations carried out show total machine loss reduction up to 50% for some working point of the machine compared to an optimization dedicated to minimize only Joule's losses. This results show the interest of using a reliable iron loss model to reduce the total loss of the machine.

Non-Coupled and Mutually Coupled Switched Reluctance Machines for an E-Bike Traction Application: Pole Configurations, Design, and Comparison

Howey, Brock January 2018 (has links)
This dissertation contains a comprehensive analysis of both non-coupled and mutually coupled switched reluctance motors with concentrated windings for an electric bicycle traction application. Multiple pole configurations are analyzed and compared for each motor type. Includes magnetic design, thermal analysis, and structural analysis. A prototype is designed, manufactured, and validated. / This thesis discusses the design of both a conventional non-coupled switched reluctance motor (CSRM) and a mutually-coupled SRM (MCSRM) for an exterior rotor e-bike application. Several novel pole configurations were analyzed for each machine type, and the performance of the final CSRM and MCSRM designs were compared for this application. A commercially available e-bike permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) was purchased, reverse engineered, and validated to define the geometry constraints and performance targets for the designs. Since switched reluctance motors do not use rare-earth permanent magnets, they are often seen as a potential low-cost alternative to permanent magnet machines. The goal of this research is to explain the relative advantages of CSRMs and MCSRMs when compared to PMSM machines for a direct-drive e-bike application. The final CSRM and MCSRM designs are analyzed in detail; electromagnetic, controls, thermal, and structural considerations are all studied. A prototype of the final CSRM design was manufactured and validated experimentally, using a dynamometer setup. The finalized CSRM design is shown to be competitive with the PMSM machine when considering torque output, and is superior in terms of peak efficiency, and high speed torque performance. However, the CSRM noise output and torque ripple were not compared to the PMSM, and a less-common asymmetric-bridge converter is required for the CSRM, which may hinder the ability for the machine to be implemented into existing e-bike packages. The high speed torque performance of the MCSRM is shown to be inferior to both the CSRM and PMSM, as is the torque quality and efficiency. The MCSRM is shown to be highly resistant to saturation which gives it the potential for high torque output at low speed (if thermal limits are not breached), though low saturation levels also contribute to low machine power factor. The MCSRM may be better suited to lower speed, high torque applications, for this reason. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / This thesis studies the design process and analysis of two different motor types, for an electric bicycle application. They are designed to replace a commercially available permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM). This type of motor is typically expensive due to the rare-earth magnet material it requires. The two motors discussed in this thesis are switched reluctance motors (SRMs), which do not require magnet material, and thus have the potential to save cost (in addition to other benefits). One of the SRMs has magnetic fields that are independently controlled (CSRM), and one has fields that are controlled together to produce torque (MCSRM). The magnetics, control, thermal, and structural aspects of the CSRM and MCSRM are studied in detail. Novel geometry considerations (i.e. novel pole configurations) which impact the magnetics of each machine are compared to find the best-performing configuration for each machine type.

Výzkum a vývoj ložisek pro trakční motory / Research and development of bearings for traction motors

Prášilová, Alena January 2011 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with construction design of cylindrical roller bearing for traction motor and design of life test tool for designed bearing. At the thesis beginning there is an overview of new trends in design of cylindrical roller bearing, according to new trends is designed a new construction design of cylindrical roller bearing. Other part of thesis is strain stress analysis, which assesses an optimal inclination of collar faces and optimal raceway modification of hybrid bearing rings. At the end life test will be analyzed.

Automatic data processing of traction motor measured data and vibration analysis of test bench

Dhangekar, Arshey January 2021 (has links)
One of the goals of ABB AB is to develop highly efficient electric motors for traction application. The demand for traction motors is increasing due to the rise in electric vehicles sale and railway locomotive engines. Highly efficient traction motors will assist in reducing the pollution caused by fossil fuels and help make the earth a better place to live by leveraging sustainable energy. The electrical and mechanical characteristics of electric motors are measured and analyzed in the lab. The measured data of the electric motor in the lab are analyzed using the conventional way. One of the significant challenges in a conventional way is to isolate the system with various limitations, and it offers very few choices for measurement. The data management of measured observation readings is affected severely due to this, and it is then risky to determine and analyze the characteristics of electric motors. The first aim is to develop an automatic data processing algorithm for the measurement data collected from the specific setup of the electrical machine. The data processing is done using the MATLAB tool. Statistical methods such as mean, median, moving mean, moving median, Gaussian model for handling missing data, outliers, and data smoothing methods have been implemented to get accurately measured datasets as a part of this thesis. In addition, a study of vibrational analysis of the test bench assembly was performed for the traction motor. The natural frequency of test bench assembly is computed on the Finite Element Method (FEM) tool. All the natural frequencies of the test bench assembly with the traction motor are analyzed, and some of them were closed to the excitation frequency of the traction motor.  This study found that the resonance frequency of the test bench assembly has to be prevented while operating the traction motor during lab to strengthen the life of the test bench.

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