Spelling suggestions: "subject:"trait variation"" "subject:"brait variation""
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Trait Variation and QTL Mapping in Early-Season Maize PopulationsKhanal, Raja 26 October 2011 (has links)
Maize (Zea mays L.) inbred lines for hybrid breeding are usually developed within distinct heterotic groups. Breeders impose strong selection and maintain relatively small population sizes that are adapted to local environments, where the aim is to identify the desired recombinant types in the progeny. However, linkages between loci that control a trait may not permit breeders to obtain the desirable genetic recombination in these populations. It is hypothesized that different favorable and unfavorable alleles accumulate within the lines from different heterotic groups. In addition, within each inbred line, favourable alleles are linked with unfavourable alleles. Two early-season maize inbreds, CG60 (Iodent) and CG102 (Stiff Stalk), were used to develop a selfed recombinant inbred line (SRIL) and an intermated recombinant inbred line (IRIL) populations. Furthermore, individuals from within these populations were testcrossed with an inbred tester from the Lancaster Sure Crop heterotic group, to give rise to selfed SRIL testcross (SRIL-TC) and IRIL testcross (IRIL-TC) populations. The inbred and inbred-testcross populations were evaluated for trait variation and QTL mapping. The genetic variance was high in inbred populations (SRIL and IRIL) with transgressive segregation for flowering time and agronomic traits. However, genetic variances and correlation coefficients did not significantly differ between the inbred populations. Results suggested that pleiotropic genes were prevalent for these traits. In addition, linkages between the loci that control these traits were not common within parental genomes. Genetic linkage maps developed from the IRIL population were larger than those of the SRIL population. In the inbred-testcross populations (SRIL-TC and IRIL-TC) high means and high levels of trait variation were observed for all traits. The genetic variances and correlation coefficients of hybrid traits did not significantly differ between the SRIL-TC and IRIL-TC populations. Twenty five significant small to moderate QTL were detected, but only one, for grain moisture, was shared between inbred-testcross populations. Overall, the two inbred parents from different heterotic groups have many distinct alleles that contribute to traits. The recombinant inbred line populations had high means and variances for grain yield and related traits, which opens the possibility of utilizing these lines for hybrid breeding.
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Functional genomics of a model ecological species, Daphnia pulexMalcom, Jacob Wesley 25 February 2014 (has links)
Determining the molecular basis of heritable variation in complex, quantitative ecologically important traits will provide insight into the proximate mechanisms driving phenotypic and ecological variation, and the molecular evolutionary history of these traits. Furthermore, if the study organism is a “keystone species” whose presence or absence shapes ecological communities, then we extend our understanding of the effects of molecular variation to the level of communities. I examined the molecular basis of variation in 32 ecologically important traits in the freshwater pond keystone species Daphnia pulex, and identified thousands of candidate genes for which variation may affect not just Daphnia phenotypes, but the structure of communities. I extended the basic results to address two questions: what genes are associated with the offspring size-number trade-off in Daphnia; and can we identify candidate “keystone gene networks” for which variation may have a particularly strong influence on eco-evolutionary dynamics of limnetic communities? I found that different genes, with different biological functions, are associated with the trade-off in subsequent broods, and propose a model linking evolutionary frameworks to molecular biological functions. Next I found that quantitative genetic variation in keystone traits appears to co-vary with the selection regimes to which Daphnia is subject, and identified two candidate gene networks that may underpin this genetic variation. Not only do these results provide a host of molecular hypotheses to be tested as Daphnia matures as a model genomic organism, but they also suggest models that link molecular research with broader themes in ecology, evolution, and behavior. / text
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Partitioning of multivariate phenotypes using regression trees reveals complex patterns of adaptation to climate across the range of black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa)Oubida, Regis Wendpouire 04 March 2014 (has links)
Local adaptation to climate in temperate forest trees involves the integration of multiple physiological, morphological, and phenological traits. Latitudinal clines for the relevant component traits are frequently observed for species that have a north-south distribution, but these relationships do not account for climatic variation within a given latitudinal band, which may be reflected in adaptive traits. We used black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa) as a model to characterize the interplay between geography, climate, and adaptation to abiotic factors. Twelve traits (height, diameter, volume index, crown diameter, number of branches, number of sylleptic branches, relative number of branches, Relative canopy depth, Bud set, Bud flush, cold index of injury, carbon isotope ratio) were measured in a range-wide sample of 124 P. trichocarpa genotypes grown in a common garden. Heritability's were moderate to high (0.24 to 0.55) and significant population differentiation (QST > 0.3) suggested adaptive divergence. When climate variables were taken as predictors and the 12 traits as response variables in a multivariate regression tree analysis, aridity (Eref) explained the most variation, with subsequent splits grouping individuals according to mean temperature of the warmest month, frost-free period (FFP), and mean annual precipitation (MAP). This grouping matches relatively well the splits using geographic variables as predictors: the northernmost groups (short FFP and low Eref) had the lowest growth performance, and the highest cold hardiness. The groups spanning the south of British Columbia (low Eref and intermediate temperatures) displayed an average growth and cold hardiness. The group from the coast of California and Oregon (high Eref and FFP) had the best growth performance and the lowest cold hardiness. The southernmost and high-elevated group (with High Eref and low FFP) performed poorly, had a low cold hardiness and a significantly lower WUE. / Master of Science
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Context dependency of plant – animal interactionsKönig, Malin A. E. January 2014 (has links)
The strength and direction of interactions between organisms vary spatially across the landscape. Traditionally, the focus has been on how trait variation affects the interactions between species. However, differences in abiotic and biotic environmental factors may also alter the distribution, phenology and behavior of the interacting species. To be able to understand why an interaction varies across the landscape, the effects of trait variation has to be separated from the effects of the environmental context. In this thesis, I try to separate the effects of context and trait differences on plant resistance against herbivory, through experimental and observational studies conducted with two cytotypes of the perennial herb Cardamine pratensis and its main herbivore, Anthocharis cardamines. The results show that differences in plant resistance against oviposition under controlled conditions were mainly mediated by flower size; larger flowers were more attractive to the female butterfly. However, among-populations differences in oviposition under natural conditions were not related to the resistance observed under controlled conditions, or to ploidy type, flowering phenology or plant size. Within populations under natural conditions the oviposition patterns by A. cardamines was affected by the plant traits plant size and flowering phenology. The result of this thesis shows that among-population differences in intensity of plant-herbivore interactions were caused by differences in environmental context rather than by herbivore preferences for any phenotypic plant traits, while host plant selection within population was based on plant traits. This suggests that biotic and biotic context can have important effects on the intensity of plant-herbivore interactions. Although genetic traits influenced the outcome of the interaction within populations, it was the environmental context of the populations that determined largely if the interaction took place or not. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defence the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 2: Manuscript in review in Plos One; Paper 3: Manuscript in review in <em></em>Ecological Entomology; Paper 4: Manuscript</p>
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The influence of environmental drivers and biological invasion on intraspecific variation in crayfish behaviorScarasso, Marco January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Interação solo-vegetação campestre:estudos de caso em diferentes escalas ecológicasAndrade, Bianca Ott January 2014 (has links)
Enquanto em regiões temperadas o conhecimento sobre a relação solo-vegetação é consolidado, nos trópicos e subtrópicos é preliminar. É urgente a necessidade de se determinar os fatores abióticos que controlam padrões vegetacionais visando dar suporte a estudos de recuperação e conservação. O presente estudo analisa a relação entre fatores abióticos e vegetação campestre na forma de três artigos científicos (capítulos I, II e III) e um artigo de revisão (capítulo IV). Nos primeiros três artigos, analisou-se a variância da vegetação em diferentes escalas ecológicas; e no artigo de revisão, discutiu-se de forma aplicada a variância de fatores bióticos e abióticos em resposta à degradação. Dessa forma, a presente tese objetivou responder as seguintes questões: (I) Que diferenças podem ser observadas dentro de uma mesma espécie quanto à funcionalidade e suas estratégias de alocação sob diferentes graus de disponibilidade de recursos?; (II) Quão variáveis são as propriedades físicas e químicas do solo em diferentes escalas espaciais; e existem propriedades dos solos que podem explicar com maior precisão a distribuição das espécies em diferentes escalas espaciais? (III) Que porcentagem de variância da vegetação pode ser explicada por propriedades pedológicas e climáticas; e quais características de solo e clima melhor explicam esses padrões de vegetação? No capítulo IV é apresentado um modelo conceitual sobre degradação dos campos e sua aplicação aos campos do Rio Grande do Sul (RS). Para responder as questões acima usei dados ao nível de espécie de campos calcáreos da Alemanha (capítulo I); dados ao nível de comunidade em seis áreas campestres do Rio Grande do Sul, sul do Brasil (capítulos II e III); e através da revisão de literatura relacionada à degradação, quanto à capacidade de recuperação dos campos do RS (capítulo IV). Os resultados evidenciaram que: (I) dentro de espécies ficaram evidentes duas estratégias frente à limitação de recursos, enquanto a resposta dos atributos aos diferentes tratamentos se mostrou constante; (II) a variação dos parâmetros do solo relaciona-se à escala espacial aplicada e a variância da vegetação geralmente responde a diferentes parâmetros de solo em diferentes escalas; (III) 45% da variância da vegetação entre biomas nos campos do RS foi explicada por características pedológicas e climáticas, sendo em grande parte governada pela precipitação anual e a porcentagem de saturação por alumínio do solo; e (IV) o modelo conceitual apresenta variações ao longo de dois eixos (biótico e abiótico) e poderá servir de suporte a estudos de conservação e recuperação de campos tropicais e suptropicais, bem como facilitar a tomada de decisões quanto ao manejo e conservação. Como conclusão geral, verificou-se que a vegetação campestre responde a variações ambientais em diferentes escalas espaciais e pode adotar diferentes estratégias para sobrepor filtros ambientais e processos de degradação. O entendimento da relação entre a vegetação e o meio abiótico é de grande importância para tomada de decisões quanto ao emprego de formas alternativas de manejo e conservação. / Whereas in temperate regions the abiotic-biotic relationship is well-known, in the tropics and subtropics our understanding is still preliminary. There is an urgent need to determine abiotic factors that control vegetation patterns in order to give support to restoration and conservation approaches. The present thesis analyses the relationship between abiotic factors and grassland vegetation in three original research papers (chapters I, II and III) and a review paper (chapter IV). In the first three papers, vegetation variance in response to abiotic factors was analyzed at different ecological scales; and in the fourth, the variance in biotic and abiotic factors in response to degradation process was discussed with a more applied view. Thus in this thesis the aim is to answer the following questions: (I) Which differences can be found in functional plant traits and allocation strategies within species at different levels of water and nutrient availability?; (II) How variable are physical and chemical parameters in different spatial scales; and are there soil parameters that can more accurately explain plant distribution in different spatial scales? (III) How much of RS grassland vegetation variance can be explained by soil and climatic properties; and which climatic and soil properties better explain these vegetation patterns? In chapter IV a conceptual model of grassland degradation is presented and applied to Rio Grande do Sul (RS) grasslands. To address these questions I used species-level data in a calcareous grassland in Germany (chapter I); community-level data in six sites in RS, South Brazilian grasslands (chapter II and III); and a review of literature studies concerning RS grassland degradation and restorability (chapter IV). The results showed that: (I) at a intraspecific level, the study species showed two allocation strategies in relation to resource stress, while the responses of individual traits to the soil treatments were consistent across species; (II) soil parameters variation are related to the measurement scale applied and the vegetation variance often responds to different soil parameters at different scales; (III) climatic and soil properties explained 45% of vegetation variance between biomes in RS grasslands and the main factors controlling its variance are annual precipitation and percent aluminum saturation; and (IV) the conceptual model is displayed as biotic and abiotic changes along the axes and can serve as a general framework to study degradation and restorability of tropical and subtropical grasslands, and further it may facilitate decisions on alternative management and conservation. As a general conclusion, the grassland vegetation responds to changes in the environment in different scales and may use different strategies to overcome environmental selective forces and degradation process. The understanding of this relationship is of high importance to facilitate decisions on alternative management and conservation.
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Ecology across Boundaries : Food web coupling among and within ecosystemsBartels, Pia January 2011 (has links)
Cross-boundary movements of energy and material are ubiquitous. Freshwater ecosystems receive nutrients, dissolved, and particulate organic matter from adjacent terrestrial ecosystems, whereas terrestrial ecosystems mainly receive prey organisms and detritus deposited by physical processes such as floods from freshwater ecosystems. Within lakes, fish are considered as integrators between habitats due to their high mobility, although they often occupy either near-shore littoral or open-water pelagic habitats and develop habitat-specific morphologies. Such intra-population divergence in morphological traits might limit the use of multiple habitats. In this thesis, I first focused on quantity and quality of reciprocal fluxes of particulate organic matter between freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems and responses of recipient consumers. Freshwater ecosystems generally received higher amounts of externally-produced resources than terrestrial ecosystems. Despite this discrepancy, aquatic and terrestrial consumer responses were similar, likely due to the differences in resource quality. Second, I investigated the potential of particulate organic carbon (POC) supporting benthic food webs in lakes; a pathway that has largely been neglected in previous studies. I found that POC can substantially subsidize the benthic food web and that the effects on the benthic food web were transferred to the pelagic habitat, thus emphasizing the importance of benthic pathways for pelagic production. Third, I examined how water transparency can affect intra-population divergence in perch (Perca fluviatilis). I observed that increased water transparency can considerably increase morphological divergence between littoral and pelagic populations likely due to its effects on foraging. Finally, I investigated the effects of such intra-population divergence on littoral-pelagic food web coupling. I found that low morphological divergence corresponded with high overlap in resource use, whereas strong morphological divergence resulted in low overlap in resource use. Here littoral populations mainly utilized littoral resources and pelagic populations primarily utilized pelagic resources, indicating that habitat coupling might be strongly limited when intra-population divergence is high. In conclusion, although different ecosystems seem separated by distinct physical boundaries, these boundaries are often crossed. However, the development of habitat-specific adaptive traits might limit movement between apparently contiguous habitats.
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Interação solo-vegetação campestre:estudos de caso em diferentes escalas ecológicasAndrade, Bianca Ott January 2014 (has links)
Enquanto em regiões temperadas o conhecimento sobre a relação solo-vegetação é consolidado, nos trópicos e subtrópicos é preliminar. É urgente a necessidade de se determinar os fatores abióticos que controlam padrões vegetacionais visando dar suporte a estudos de recuperação e conservação. O presente estudo analisa a relação entre fatores abióticos e vegetação campestre na forma de três artigos científicos (capítulos I, II e III) e um artigo de revisão (capítulo IV). Nos primeiros três artigos, analisou-se a variância da vegetação em diferentes escalas ecológicas; e no artigo de revisão, discutiu-se de forma aplicada a variância de fatores bióticos e abióticos em resposta à degradação. Dessa forma, a presente tese objetivou responder as seguintes questões: (I) Que diferenças podem ser observadas dentro de uma mesma espécie quanto à funcionalidade e suas estratégias de alocação sob diferentes graus de disponibilidade de recursos?; (II) Quão variáveis são as propriedades físicas e químicas do solo em diferentes escalas espaciais; e existem propriedades dos solos que podem explicar com maior precisão a distribuição das espécies em diferentes escalas espaciais? (III) Que porcentagem de variância da vegetação pode ser explicada por propriedades pedológicas e climáticas; e quais características de solo e clima melhor explicam esses padrões de vegetação? No capítulo IV é apresentado um modelo conceitual sobre degradação dos campos e sua aplicação aos campos do Rio Grande do Sul (RS). Para responder as questões acima usei dados ao nível de espécie de campos calcáreos da Alemanha (capítulo I); dados ao nível de comunidade em seis áreas campestres do Rio Grande do Sul, sul do Brasil (capítulos II e III); e através da revisão de literatura relacionada à degradação, quanto à capacidade de recuperação dos campos do RS (capítulo IV). Os resultados evidenciaram que: (I) dentro de espécies ficaram evidentes duas estratégias frente à limitação de recursos, enquanto a resposta dos atributos aos diferentes tratamentos se mostrou constante; (II) a variação dos parâmetros do solo relaciona-se à escala espacial aplicada e a variância da vegetação geralmente responde a diferentes parâmetros de solo em diferentes escalas; (III) 45% da variância da vegetação entre biomas nos campos do RS foi explicada por características pedológicas e climáticas, sendo em grande parte governada pela precipitação anual e a porcentagem de saturação por alumínio do solo; e (IV) o modelo conceitual apresenta variações ao longo de dois eixos (biótico e abiótico) e poderá servir de suporte a estudos de conservação e recuperação de campos tropicais e suptropicais, bem como facilitar a tomada de decisões quanto ao manejo e conservação. Como conclusão geral, verificou-se que a vegetação campestre responde a variações ambientais em diferentes escalas espaciais e pode adotar diferentes estratégias para sobrepor filtros ambientais e processos de degradação. O entendimento da relação entre a vegetação e o meio abiótico é de grande importância para tomada de decisões quanto ao emprego de formas alternativas de manejo e conservação. / Whereas in temperate regions the abiotic-biotic relationship is well-known, in the tropics and subtropics our understanding is still preliminary. There is an urgent need to determine abiotic factors that control vegetation patterns in order to give support to restoration and conservation approaches. The present thesis analyses the relationship between abiotic factors and grassland vegetation in three original research papers (chapters I, II and III) and a review paper (chapter IV). In the first three papers, vegetation variance in response to abiotic factors was analyzed at different ecological scales; and in the fourth, the variance in biotic and abiotic factors in response to degradation process was discussed with a more applied view. Thus in this thesis the aim is to answer the following questions: (I) Which differences can be found in functional plant traits and allocation strategies within species at different levels of water and nutrient availability?; (II) How variable are physical and chemical parameters in different spatial scales; and are there soil parameters that can more accurately explain plant distribution in different spatial scales? (III) How much of RS grassland vegetation variance can be explained by soil and climatic properties; and which climatic and soil properties better explain these vegetation patterns? In chapter IV a conceptual model of grassland degradation is presented and applied to Rio Grande do Sul (RS) grasslands. To address these questions I used species-level data in a calcareous grassland in Germany (chapter I); community-level data in six sites in RS, South Brazilian grasslands (chapter II and III); and a review of literature studies concerning RS grassland degradation and restorability (chapter IV). The results showed that: (I) at a intraspecific level, the study species showed two allocation strategies in relation to resource stress, while the responses of individual traits to the soil treatments were consistent across species; (II) soil parameters variation are related to the measurement scale applied and the vegetation variance often responds to different soil parameters at different scales; (III) climatic and soil properties explained 45% of vegetation variance between biomes in RS grasslands and the main factors controlling its variance are annual precipitation and percent aluminum saturation; and (IV) the conceptual model is displayed as biotic and abiotic changes along the axes and can serve as a general framework to study degradation and restorability of tropical and subtropical grasslands, and further it may facilitate decisions on alternative management and conservation. As a general conclusion, the grassland vegetation responds to changes in the environment in different scales and may use different strategies to overcome environmental selective forces and degradation process. The understanding of this relationship is of high importance to facilitate decisions on alternative management and conservation.
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Interação solo-vegetação campestre:estudos de caso em diferentes escalas ecológicasAndrade, Bianca Ott January 2014 (has links)
Enquanto em regiões temperadas o conhecimento sobre a relação solo-vegetação é consolidado, nos trópicos e subtrópicos é preliminar. É urgente a necessidade de se determinar os fatores abióticos que controlam padrões vegetacionais visando dar suporte a estudos de recuperação e conservação. O presente estudo analisa a relação entre fatores abióticos e vegetação campestre na forma de três artigos científicos (capítulos I, II e III) e um artigo de revisão (capítulo IV). Nos primeiros três artigos, analisou-se a variância da vegetação em diferentes escalas ecológicas; e no artigo de revisão, discutiu-se de forma aplicada a variância de fatores bióticos e abióticos em resposta à degradação. Dessa forma, a presente tese objetivou responder as seguintes questões: (I) Que diferenças podem ser observadas dentro de uma mesma espécie quanto à funcionalidade e suas estratégias de alocação sob diferentes graus de disponibilidade de recursos?; (II) Quão variáveis são as propriedades físicas e químicas do solo em diferentes escalas espaciais; e existem propriedades dos solos que podem explicar com maior precisão a distribuição das espécies em diferentes escalas espaciais? (III) Que porcentagem de variância da vegetação pode ser explicada por propriedades pedológicas e climáticas; e quais características de solo e clima melhor explicam esses padrões de vegetação? No capítulo IV é apresentado um modelo conceitual sobre degradação dos campos e sua aplicação aos campos do Rio Grande do Sul (RS). Para responder as questões acima usei dados ao nível de espécie de campos calcáreos da Alemanha (capítulo I); dados ao nível de comunidade em seis áreas campestres do Rio Grande do Sul, sul do Brasil (capítulos II e III); e através da revisão de literatura relacionada à degradação, quanto à capacidade de recuperação dos campos do RS (capítulo IV). Os resultados evidenciaram que: (I) dentro de espécies ficaram evidentes duas estratégias frente à limitação de recursos, enquanto a resposta dos atributos aos diferentes tratamentos se mostrou constante; (II) a variação dos parâmetros do solo relaciona-se à escala espacial aplicada e a variância da vegetação geralmente responde a diferentes parâmetros de solo em diferentes escalas; (III) 45% da variância da vegetação entre biomas nos campos do RS foi explicada por características pedológicas e climáticas, sendo em grande parte governada pela precipitação anual e a porcentagem de saturação por alumínio do solo; e (IV) o modelo conceitual apresenta variações ao longo de dois eixos (biótico e abiótico) e poderá servir de suporte a estudos de conservação e recuperação de campos tropicais e suptropicais, bem como facilitar a tomada de decisões quanto ao manejo e conservação. Como conclusão geral, verificou-se que a vegetação campestre responde a variações ambientais em diferentes escalas espaciais e pode adotar diferentes estratégias para sobrepor filtros ambientais e processos de degradação. O entendimento da relação entre a vegetação e o meio abiótico é de grande importância para tomada de decisões quanto ao emprego de formas alternativas de manejo e conservação. / Whereas in temperate regions the abiotic-biotic relationship is well-known, in the tropics and subtropics our understanding is still preliminary. There is an urgent need to determine abiotic factors that control vegetation patterns in order to give support to restoration and conservation approaches. The present thesis analyses the relationship between abiotic factors and grassland vegetation in three original research papers (chapters I, II and III) and a review paper (chapter IV). In the first three papers, vegetation variance in response to abiotic factors was analyzed at different ecological scales; and in the fourth, the variance in biotic and abiotic factors in response to degradation process was discussed with a more applied view. Thus in this thesis the aim is to answer the following questions: (I) Which differences can be found in functional plant traits and allocation strategies within species at different levels of water and nutrient availability?; (II) How variable are physical and chemical parameters in different spatial scales; and are there soil parameters that can more accurately explain plant distribution in different spatial scales? (III) How much of RS grassland vegetation variance can be explained by soil and climatic properties; and which climatic and soil properties better explain these vegetation patterns? In chapter IV a conceptual model of grassland degradation is presented and applied to Rio Grande do Sul (RS) grasslands. To address these questions I used species-level data in a calcareous grassland in Germany (chapter I); community-level data in six sites in RS, South Brazilian grasslands (chapter II and III); and a review of literature studies concerning RS grassland degradation and restorability (chapter IV). The results showed that: (I) at a intraspecific level, the study species showed two allocation strategies in relation to resource stress, while the responses of individual traits to the soil treatments were consistent across species; (II) soil parameters variation are related to the measurement scale applied and the vegetation variance often responds to different soil parameters at different scales; (III) climatic and soil properties explained 45% of vegetation variance between biomes in RS grasslands and the main factors controlling its variance are annual precipitation and percent aluminum saturation; and (IV) the conceptual model is displayed as biotic and abiotic changes along the axes and can serve as a general framework to study degradation and restorability of tropical and subtropical grasslands, and further it may facilitate decisions on alternative management and conservation. As a general conclusion, the grassland vegetation responds to changes in the environment in different scales and may use different strategies to overcome environmental selective forces and degradation process. The understanding of this relationship is of high importance to facilitate decisions on alternative management and conservation.
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Comment les plantes répondent et s'adaptent aux changements climatiques : étude aux marges froides (subantarctique) / How do plants respond and adapt to climate change ? Study at cold margins (sub-Antarctic)Labarrere, Bastien 16 January 2017 (has links)
Le potentiel adaptatif d’une espèce peut être défini par sa capacité à faire face aux changements environnementaux. Le potentiel adaptatif augmente avec la variation du phénotype, du niveau intra-individuel au niveau inter-populations. Cependant, les facteurs qui contrôlent et expliquent cette variation phénotypique sont encore relativement peu compris. Nous avons étudié quatre espèces végétales des îles Kerguelen, en subantarctique, une des régions les plus sévèrement affectée par le changement climatique. Les espèces végétales des îles Kerguelen montrent un fort degré d’intégration phénotypique (i.e. forte corrélation entre les traits), suggéré comme étant une contrainte pour la variation des traits. Chez ces espèces, nous avons étudié les facteurs qui peuvent contraindre la variation phénotypique : les facteurs environnementaux extrinsèques, l’intégration phénotypique intrinsèque et les coûts associés de performance. Nous avons montré que la variation intra-individuelle, i.e. plasticité, peut être contrainte par la modification simultanée de multiple facteurs environnementaux, et par les coûts de performance qui en résultent. En revanche, la plasticité peut être favorisée par un fort degré d’intégration phénotypique (Chapitre 3). Nous avons montré que la variation interindividuelle, à l’intérieur des populations, n’était pas contrainte par des facteurs environnementaux, mais pouvait cependant être favorisée par un fort degré d’intégration phénotypique (Chapitre 1). Egalement, nous avons trouvé que la variation inter-populations à l’intérieur d’une région peut être contrainte par une variation environnementale limitée (Chapitre 1). Finalement, nous avons étudié des métabolites secondaires (amines et flavonols) qui font le lien entre variation environnementale et variation phénotypique. Nous avons trouvé que la composition et la fonction de ces métabolites varient entre régions, suggérant une différentiation évolutive entre régions (Chapitre 2). Les patrons de variation entre régions, suggèrent au niveau intra-spécifique une redondance et une versatilité fonctionnelle des métabolites, que nous somme, à notre connaissance, les premiers à mettre en évidence. Nous suggérons que le changement climatique des îles Kerguelen va avoir un impact négatif sur la performance des espèces végétales. La persistance d’habitats humides favorables à ces espèces sera alors un facteur déterminant de la capacité des espèces à faire face au changement climatique. De plus, ce projet a permis d’identifier des facteurs jusqu’alors peu reconnus qui pourtant favorisent le potentiel adaptatif des espèces. En particulier, le potentiel adaptatif peut être favorisé par (i) le degré d’intégration phénotypique (contrairement à ce qui est communément suggéré) et (ii) la redondance et la versatilité des métabolites (qui a peu été étudiée jusqu’alors). Qui plus est, nous avons mis en évidence pour la première fois, plusieurs coûts et limites de la plasticité, suggérant qu’une réponse plasticité de la plante n’est pas une garantie de succès dans le nouvel environnement. / The adaptive potential of a species can be defined as its capacity to cope with environmental change. Adaptive potential increases with phenotypic variation, from the intra-individual to the inter-population level, but factors controlling and explaining this variation still remain poorly understood.We studied four plant species from Iles Kerguelen in the sub-Antarctic region which is currently facing one of the strongest climate changes worldwide. Plant species from Iles Kerguelen are known to show high phenotypic integration (i.e. strong correlation among traits), a phenomenon that has been suggested to constrain trait variation. For these species we studied what constrains phenotypic variation, considering the external environment, the internal phenotypic integration and the associated performance costs. We found that intra-individual variation, i.e. plasticity, may be constrained by complex environmental change and the performance costs it triggers. In contrast, plasticity may be favored by high degree of phenotypic integration (Chapter 3). We found that inter-individual variation within populations may not be constrained by environmental factors, but may be favored by high phenotypic integration (Chapter 1). We found inter-population variation within regions may be constrained by restricted environmental variation (Chapter 1). Finally, we studied secondary metabolites (amines and flavonols) that connect environmental variation to phenotypic variation. We found that compositions and functions of these metabolites vary among regions, probably reflecting evolutionary differentiation among regions (Chapter 2). Patterns of variation betweenregions suggest that within species metabolites may be functionally redundant or versatile, for which to our knowledge our results are the first hint. Overall, we suggest that climate change in Kerguelen will impact plant species performance, and that the persistence of suitable wet habitats will be determinant in species capacities to cope with such changes. Furthermore, this project identified so far underestimated factors which may favor the adaptive potential of species. Particularly, we emphasize that the adaptive potential of species may increase due to (i) phenotypic integration, (contrary to common suggestion) and (ii) metabolite redundancy or versatility (only poorly studied so far). Moreover, we evidenced, partly for the first time, multiple costs and limits of plasticity and suggest that plasticity does not guarantee plant success in the new environment.
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