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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Técnicas de transferência de aprendizagem aplicadas a modelos QSAR para regressão / Transfer learning techniques applied to QSAR models for regression

Rodolfo da Silva Simões 10 April 2018 (has links)
Para desenvolver um novo medicamento, pesquisadores devem analisar os alvos biológicos de uma dada doença, descobrir e desenvolver candidatos a fármacos para este alvo biológico, realizando em paralelo, testes em laboratório para validar a eficiência e os efeitos colaterais da substância química. O estudo quantitativo da relação estrutura-atividade (QSAR) envolve a construção de modelos de regressão que relacionam um conjunto de descritores de um composto químico e a sua atividade biológica com relação a um ou mais alvos no organismo. Os conjuntos de dados manipulados pelos pesquisadores para análise QSAR são caracterizados geralmente por um número pequeno de instâncias e isso torna mais complexa a construção de modelos preditivos. Nesse contexto, a transferência de conhecimento utilizando informações de outros modelos QSAR\'s com mais dados disponíveis para o mesmo alvo biológico seria desejável, diminuindo o esforço e o custo do processo para gerar novos modelos de descritores de compostos químicos. Este trabalho apresenta uma abordagem de transferência de aprendizagem indutiva (por parâmetros), tal proposta baseia-se em uma variação do método de Regressão por Vetores Suporte adaptado para transferência de aprendizagem, a qual é alcançada ao aproximar os modelos gerados separadamente para cada tarefa em questão. Considera-se também um método de transferência de aprendizagem por instâncias, denominado de TrAdaBoost. Resultados experimentais mostram que as abordagens de transferência de aprendizagem apresentam bom desempenho quando aplicadas a conjuntos de dados de benchmark e a conjuntos de dados químicos / To develop a new medicament, researches must analyze the biological targets of a given disease, discover and develop drug candidates for this biological target, performing in parallel, biological tests in laboratory to validate the effectiveness and side effects of the chemical substance. The quantitative study of structure-activity relationship (QSAR) involves building regression models that relate a set of descriptors of a chemical compound and its biological activity with respect to one or more targets in the organism. Datasets manipulated by researchers to QSAR analysis are generally characterized by a small number of instances and this makes it more complex to build predictive models. In this context, the transfer of knowledge using information other\'s QSAR models with more data available to the same biological target would be desirable, nince its reduces the effort and cost to generate models of chemical descriptors. This work presents an inductive learning transfer approach (by parameters), such proposal is based on a variation of the Vector Regression method Adapted support for learning transfer, which is achieved by approaching the separately generated models for each task. It is also considered a method of learning transfer by instances, called TrAdaBoost. Experimental results show that learning transfer approaches perform well when applied to some datasets of benchmark and dataset chemical


Enas Ahmad Alikhashashneh (7013450) 16 October 2019 (has links)
<p>This dissertation proposes an approach to reduce the cost of manual inspections for as large a number of false positive warnings that are being reported by Static Code Analysis (SCA) tools as much as possible using Machine Learning (ML) techniques. The proposed approach neither assume to use the particular SCA tools nor depends on the specific programming language used to write the target source code or the application. To reduce the number of false positive warnings we first evaluated a number of SCA tools in terms of software engineering metrics using a highlighted synthetic source code named the Juliet test suite. From this evaluation, we concluded that the SCA tools report plenty of false positive warnings that need a manual inspection. Then we generated a number of datasets from the source code that forced the SCA tool to generate either true positive, false positive, or false negative warnings. The datasets, then, were used to train four of ML classifiers in order to classify the collected warnings from the synthetic source code. From the experimental results of the ML classifiers, we observed that the classifier that built using the Random Forests</p> <p>(RF) technique outperformed the rest of the classifiers. Lastly, using this classifier and an instance-based transfer learning technique, we ranked a number of warnings that were aggregated from various open-source software projects. The experimental results show that the proposed approach to reduce the cost of the manual inspection of the false positive warnings outperformed the random ranking algorithm and was highly correlated with the ranked list that the optimal ranking algorithm generated.</p>

Knowledge reuse for deep reinforcement learning. / Reutilização do conhecimento para aprendizado por reforço profundo.

Glatt, Ruben 12 June 2019 (has links)
With the rise of Deep Learning the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Research has entered a new era. Together with an increasing amount of data and vastly improved computing capabilities, Machine Learning builds the backbone of AI, providing many of the tools and algorithms that drive development and applications. While we have already achieved many successes in the fields of image recognition, language processing, recommendation engines, robotics, or autonomous systems, most progress was achieved when the algorithms were focused on learning only a single task with little regard to effort and reusability. Since learning a new task from scratch often involves an expensive learning process, in this work, we are considering the use of previously acquired knowledge to speed up the learning of a new task. For that, we investigated the application of Transfer Learning methods for Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) agents and propose a novel framework for knowledge preservation and reuse. We show, that the knowledge transfer can make a big difference if the source knowledge is chosen carefully in a systematic approach. To get to this point, we provide an overview of existing literature of methods that realize knowledge transfer for DRL, a field which has been starting to appear frequently in the relevant literature only in the last two years. We then formulate the Case-based Reasoning methodology, which describes a framework for knowledge reuse in general terms, in Reinforcement Learning terminology to facilitate the adaption and communication between the respective communities. Building on this framework, we propose Deep Case-based Policy Inference (DECAF) and demonstrate in an experimental evaluation the usefulness of our approach for sequential task learning with knowledge preservation and reuse. Our results highlight the benefits of knowledge transfer while also making aware of the challenges that come with it. We consider the work in this area as an important step towards more stable general learning agents that are capable of dealing with the most complex tasks, which would be a key achievement towards Artificial General Intelligence. / Com a evolução da Aprendizagem Profunda (Deep Learning), o campo da Inteligência Artificial (IA) entrou em uma nova era. Juntamente com uma quantidade crescente de dados e recursos computacionais cada vez mais aprimorados, o Aprendizado de Máquina estabelece a base para a IA moderna, fornecendo muitas das ferramentas e algoritmos que impulsionam seu desenvolvimento e aplicações. Apesar dos muitos sucessos nas áreas de reconhecimento de imagem, processamento de linguagem natural, sistemas de recomendação, robótica e sistemas autônomos, a maioria dos avanços foram feitos focando no aprendizado de apenas uma única tarefa, sem muita atenção aos esforços dispendidos e reusabilidade da solução. Como o aprendizado de uma nova tarefa geralmente envolve um processo de aprendizado despendioso, neste trabalho, estamos considerando o reúso de conhecimento para acelerar o aprendizado de uma nova tarefa. Para tanto, investigamos a aplicação dos métodos de Transferência de Aprendizado (Transfer Learning) para agentes de Aprendizado por Reforço profundo (Deep Reinforcement Learning - DRL) e propomos um novo arcabouço para preservação e reutilização de conhecimento. Mostramos que a transferência de conhecimento pode fazer uma grande diferença no aprendizado se a origem do conhecimento for escolhida cuidadosa e sistematicamente. Para chegar a este ponto, nós fornecemos uma visão geral da literatura existente de métodos que realizam a transferência de conhecimento para DRL, um campo que tem despontado com frequência na literatura relevante apenas nos últimos dois anos. Em seguida, formulamos a metodologia Raciocínio baseado em Casos (Case-based Reasoning), que descreve uma estrutura para reutilização do conhecimento em termos gerais, na terminologia de Aprendizado por Reforço, para facilitar a adaptação e a comunicação entre as respectivas comunidades. Com base nessa metodologia, propomos Deep Casebased Policy Inference (DECAF) e demonstramos, em uma avaliação experimental, a utilidade de nossa proposta para a aprendizagem sequencial de tarefas, com preservação e reutilização do conhecimento. Nossos resultados destacam os benefícios da transferência de conhecimento e, ao mesmo tempo, conscientizam os desafios que a acompanham. Consideramos o trabalho nesta área como um passo importante para agentes de aprendizagem mais estáveis, capazes de lidar com as tarefas mais complexas, o que seria um passo fundamental para a Inteligência Geral Artificial.

A neuro-evolutionary multiagent approach to multi-linked inverted pendulum control

Sills, Stephen 29 May 2012 (has links)
Recent work has shown humanoid robots with spinal columns, instead of rigid torsos, benefit from both better balance and an increased ability to absorb external impact. Similarly, snake robots have shown promise as a viable option for exploration in confined spaces with limited human access, such as during power plant maintenance. Both spines and snakes, as well as hyper-redundant manipulators, can simplify to a model of a system with multiple links. The multi-link inverted pendulum is a well known benchmark problem in control systems due to its ability to accommodate varying model complexity. Such a system is useful for testing new learning algorithms or laying the foundation for autonomous control of more complex devices such as robotic spines and multi-segmented arms which currently use traditional control methods or are operated by humans. It is often easy to view these systems as single-agent learners due to the high level of interaction among the segments. However, as the number of links in the system increases, the system becomes harder to control. This work replaces the centralized learner with a team of coevolved agents. The use of a multiagent approach allows for control of larger systems. The addition of transfer learning not only increases the learning rate, but also enables the training of larger teams which were previously infeasible due to extended training times. The results presented support these claims by examining neuro-evolutionary control of 3-, 6-, and 12-link systems with nominal conditions as well as with sensor noise, actuator noise, and the addition of more complex physics. / Graduation date: 2012

Learning with Markov logic networks : transfer learning, structure learning, and an application to Web query disambiguation

Mihalkova, Lilyana Simeonova 18 March 2011 (has links)
Traditionally, machine learning algorithms assume that training data is provided as a set of independent instances, each of which can be described as a feature vector. In contrast, many domains of interest are inherently multi-relational, consisting of entities connected by a rich set of relations. For example, the participants in a social network are linked by friendships, collaborations, and shared interests. Likewise, the users of a search engine are related by searches for similar items and clicks to shared sites. The ability to model and reason about such relations is essential not only because better predictive accuracy is achieved by exploiting this additional information, but also because frequently the goal is to predict whether a set of entities are related in a particular way. This thesis falls within the area of Statistical Relational Learning (SRL), which combines ideas from two traditions within artificial intelligence, first-order logic and probabilistic graphical models to address the challenge of learning from multi-relational data. We build on one particular SRL model, Markov logic networks (MLNs), which consist of a set of weighted first-order-logic formulae and provide a principled way of defining a probability distribution over possible worlds. We develop algorithms for learning of MLN structure both from scratch and by transferring a previously learned model, as well as an application of MLNs to the problem of Web query disambiguation. The ideas we present are unified by two main themes: the need to deal with limited training data and the use of bottom-up learning techniques. Structure learning, the task of automatically acquiring a set of dependencies among the relations in the domain, is a central problem in SRL. We introduce BUSL, an algorithm for learning MLN structure from scratch that proceeds in a more bottom-up fashion, breaking away from the tradition of top-down learning typical in SRL. Our approach first constructs a novel data structure called a Markov network template that is used to restrict the search space for clauses. Our experiments in three relational domains demonstrate that BUSL dramatically reduces the search space for clauses and attains a significantly higher accuracy than a structure learner that follows a top-down approach. Accurate and efficient structure learning can also be achieved by transferring a model obtained in a source domain related to the current target domain of interest. We view transfer as a revision task and present an algorithm that diagnoses a source MLN to determine which of its parts transfer directly to the target domain and which need to be updated. This analysis focuses the search for revisions on the incorrect portions of the source structure, thus speeding up learning. Transfer learning is particularly important when target-domain data is limited, such as when data on only a few individuals is available from domains with hundreds of entities connected by a variety of relations. We also address this challenging case and develop a general transfer learning approach that makes effective use of such limited target data in several social network domains. Finally, we develop an application of MLNs to the problem of Web query disambiguation in a more privacy-aware setting where the only information available about a user is that captured in a short search session of 5-6 previous queries on average. This setting contrasts with previous work that typically assumes the availability of long user-specific search histories. To compensate for the scarcity of user-specific information, our approach exploits the relations between users, search terms, and URLs. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in the presence of noise and show that it outperforms several natural baselines on a large data set collected from the MSN search engine. / text

Zkoumání úlohy univerzálního sémantického značkování pomocí neuronových sítí, řešením jiných úloh a vícejazyčným učením / Zkoumání úlohy univerzálního sémantického značkování pomocí neuronových sítí, řešením jiných úloh a vícejazyčným učením

Abdou, Mostafa January 2018 (has links)
July 19, 2018 In this thesis we present an investigation of multi-task and transfer learning using the recently introduced task of semantic tagging. First we employ a number of natural language processing tasks as auxiliaries for semantic tag- ging. Secondly, going in the other direction, we employ seman- tic tagging as an auxiliary task for three di erent NLP tasks: Part-of-Speech Tagging, Universal Dependency parsing, and Natural Language Inference. We compare full neural network sharing, partial neural network sharing, and what we term the learning what to share setting where neg- ative transfer between tasks is less likely. Fi- nally, we investigate multi-lingual learning framed as a special case of multi-task learning. Our ndings show considerable improvements for most experiments, demonstrating a variety of cases where multi-task and transfer learning methods are bene cial. 1 References 2

Apprentissage de représentations pour la reconnaissance visuelle / Learning representations for visual recognition

Saxena, Shreyas 12 December 2016 (has links)
Dans cette dissertation, nous proposons des méthodes d’apprentissage automa-tique aptes à bénéficier de la récente explosion des volumes de données digitales.Premièrement nous considérons l’amélioration de l’efficacité des méthodes derécupération d’image. Nous proposons une approche d’apprentissage de métriques locales coordonnées (Coordinated Local Metric Learning, CLML) qui apprends des métriques locales de Mahalanobis, puis les intègre dans une représentation globale où la distance l2 peut être utilisée. Ceci permet de visualiser les données avec une unique représentation 2D, et l’utilisation de méthodes de récupération efficaces basées sur la distance l2. Notre approche peut être interprétée comme l’apprentissage d’une projection linéaire de descripteurs donnés par une méthode a noyaux de grande dimension définie explictement. Cette interprétation permet d’appliquer des outils existants pour l’apprentissage de métriques de Mahalanobis à l’apprentissage de métriques locales coordonnées. Nos expériences montrent que la CLML amé-liore les résultats en matière de récupération de visage obtenues par les approches classiques d’apprentissage de métriques locales et globales.Deuxièmement, nous présentons une approche exploitant les modèles de ré-seaux neuronaux convolutionnels (CNN) pour la reconnaissance faciale dans lespectre visible. L’objectif est l’amélioration de la reconnaissance faciale hétérogène, c’est à dire la reconnaissance faciale à partir d’images infra-rouges avec des images d’entraînement dans le spectre visible. Nous explorerons différentes stratégies d’apprentissage de métriques locales à partir des couches intermédiaires d’un CNN, afin de faire le rapprochement entre des images de sources différentes. Dans nos expériences, la profondeur de la couche optimale pour une tâche donnée est positivement corrélée avec le changement entre le domaine source (données d’entraînement du CNN) et le domaine cible. Les résultats montrent que nous pouvons utiliser des CNN entraînés sur des images du spectre visible pour obtenir des résultats meilleurs que l’état de l’art pour la reconnaissance faciale hétérogène (images et dessins quasi-infrarouges).Troisièmement, nous présentons les "tissus de neurones convolutionnels" (Convolutional Neural Fabrics) permettant l’exploration de l’espace discret et exponentiellement large des architectures possibles de réseaux neuronaux, de manière efficiente et systématique. Au lieu de chercher à sélectionner une seule architecture optimale, nous proposons d’utiliser un "tissu" d’architectures combinant un nombre exponentiel d’architectures en une seule. Le tissu est une représentation 3D connectant les sorties de CNNs à différentes couches, échelles et canaux avec un motif de connectivité locale, homogène et creux. Les seuls hyper-paramètres du tissu (le nombre de canaux et de couches) ne sont pas critiques pour la performance. La nature acyclique du tissu nous permet d’utiliser la rétro-propagation du gradient durant la phase d’apprentissage. De manière automatique, nous pouvons donc configurer le tissu de manière à implémenter l’ensemble de toutes les architectures possibles (un nombre exponentiel) et, plus généralement, des ensembles (combinaisons) de ces modèles. La complexité de calcul et de taille mémoire du tissu évoluent de manière linéaire alors qu’il permet d’exploiter un nombre exponentiel d’architectures en parallèle, en partageant les paramètres entre architectures. Nous présentons des résultats à l’état de l’art pour la classification d’images sur le jeu de données MNIST et CIFAR10, et pour la segmentation sémantique sur le jeu de données Part Labels. / In this dissertation, we propose methods and data driven machine learning solutions which address and benefit from the recent overwhelming growth of digital media content.First, we consider the problem of improving the efficiency of image retrieval. We propose a coordinated local metric learning (CLML) approach which learns local Mahalanobis metrics, and integrates them in a global representation where the l2 distance can be used. This allows for data visualization in a single view, and use of efficient ` 2 -based retrieval methods. Our approach can be interpreted as learning a linear projection on top of an explicit high-dimensional embedding of a kernel. This interpretation allows for the use of existing frameworks for Mahalanobis metric learning for learning local metrics in a coordinated manner. Our experiments show that CLML improves over previous global and local metric learning approaches for the task of face retrieval.Second, we present an approach to leverage the success of CNN models forvisible spectrum face recognition to improve heterogeneous face recognition, e.g., recognition of near-infrared images from visible spectrum training images. We explore different metric learning strategies over features from the intermediate layers of the networks, to reduce the discrepancies between the different modalities. In our experiments we found that the depth of the optimal features for a given modality, is positively correlated with the domain shift between the source domain (CNN training data) and the target domain. Experimental results show the that we can use CNNs trained on visible spectrum images to obtain results that improve over the state-of-the art for heterogeneous face recognition with near-infrared images and sketches.Third, we present convolutional neural fabrics for exploring the discrete andexponentially large CNN architecture space in an efficient and systematic manner. Instead of aiming to select a single optimal architecture, we propose a “fabric” that embeds an exponentially large number of architectures. The fabric consists of a 3D trellis that connects response maps at different layers, scales, and channels with a sparse homogeneous local connectivity pattern. The only hyperparameters of the fabric (the number of channels and layers) are not critical for performance. The acyclic nature of the fabric allows us to use backpropagation for learning. Learning can thus efficiently configure the fabric to implement each one of exponentially many architectures and, more generally, ensembles of all of them. While scaling linearly in terms of computation and memory requirements, the fabric leverages exponentially many chain-structured architectures in parallel by massively sharing weights between them. We present benchmark results competitive with the state of the art for image classification on MNIST and CIFAR10, and for semantic segmentation on the Part Labels dataset


AXELLE DANY JULIETTE POCHET 14 December 2018 (has links)
[pt] A exploração segura de reservatórios de petróleo necessita uma boa modelagem numérica dos objetos geológicos da sub superfície, que inclui entre outras etapas: interpretação sísmica e geração de malha. Esta tese apresenta um estudo nessas duas áreas. O primeiro estudo é uma contribuição para interpretação de dados sísmicos, que se baseia na detecção automática de falhas sísmicas usando redes neurais profundas. Em particular, usamos Redes Neurais Convolucionais (RNCs) diretamente sobre mapas de amplitude sísmica, com a particularidade de usar dados sintéticos para treinar a rede com o objetivo final de classificar dados reais. Num segundo estudo, propomos um novo algoritmo para geração de malhas bidimensionais de quadrilaterais para estudos geomecânicos, baseado numa abordagem inovadora do método de quadtree: definimos novos padrões de subdivisão para adaptar a malha de maneira eficiente a qualquer geometria de entrada. As malhas obtidas podem ser usadas para simulações com o Método de Elementos Finitos (MEF). / [en] Safe oil exploration requires good numerical modeling of the subsurface geobodies, which includes among other steps: seismic interpretation and mesh generation. This thesis presents a study in these two areas. The first study is a contribution to data interpretation, examining the possibilities of automatic seismic fault detection using deep learning methods. In particular, we use Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) on seismic amplitude maps, with the particularity to use synthetic data for training with the goal to classify real data. In the second study, we propose a new two-dimensional all-quadrilateral meshing algorithm for geomechanical domains, based on an innovative quadtree approach: we define new subdivision patterns to efficiently adapt the mesh to any input geometry. The resulting mesh is suited for Finite Element Method (FEM) simulations.

Organ Detection and Localization in Radiological Image Volumes

Linder, Tova, Jigin, Ola January 2017 (has links)
Using Convolutional Neural Networks for classification of images and for localization and detection of objects in images is becoming increasingly popular. Within radiology a huge amount of image data is produced and meta data containing information of what the images depict is currently added manually by a radiologist. To aid in streamlining physician’s workflow this study has investigated the possibility to use Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) that are pre-trained on natural images to automatically detect the presence and location of multiple organs and body-parts in medical CT images. The results show promise for multiclass classification with an average precision 89.41% and average recall 86.40%. This also confirms that a CNN that is pre-trained on natural images can be succesfully transferred to solve a different task. It was also found that adding additional data to the dataset does not necessarily result in increased precision and recall or decreased error rate. It is rather the type of data and used preprocessing techniques that matter.

Mineração de opiniões baseada em aspectos para revisões de produtos e serviços / Aspect-based Opinion Mining for Reviews of Products and Services

Ivone Penque Matsuno Yugoshi 27 April 2018 (has links)
A Mineração de Opiniões é um processo que tem por objetivo extrair as opiniões e suas polaridades de sentimentos expressas em textos em língua natural. Essa área de pesquisa tem ganhado destaque devido ao volume de opiniões que os usuários compartilham na Internet, como revisões em sites de e-commerce, rede sociais e tweets. A Mineração de Opiniões baseada em Aspectos é uma alternativa promissora para analisar a polaridade do sentimento em um maior nível de detalhes. Os métodos tradicionais para extração de aspectos e classificação de sentimentos exigem a participação de especialistas de domínio para criar léxicos ou definir regras de extração para diferentes idiomas e domínios. Além disso, tais métodos usualmente exploram algoritmos de aprendizado supervisionado, porém exigem um grande conjunto de dados rotulados para induzir um modelo de classificação. Os desafios desta tese de doutorado estão relacionados a como diminuir a necessidade de grande esforço humano tanto para rotular dados, quanto para tratar a dependência de domínio para as tarefas de extração de aspectos e classificação de sentimentos dos aspectos para Mineração de Opiniões. Para reduzir a necessidade de grande quantidade de exemplos rotulados foi proposta uma abordagem semissupervisionada, denominada por Aspect-based Sentiment Propagation on Heterogeneous Networks (ASPHN) em que são propostas representações de textos nas quais os atributos linguísticos, os aspectos candidatos e os rótulos de sentimentos são modelados por meio de redes heterogêneas. Para redução dos esforços para construir recursos específicos de domínio foi proposta uma abordagem baseada em aprendizado por transferência entre domínios denominada Cross-Domain Aspect Label Propagation through Heterogeneous Networks (CD-ALPHN) que utiliza dados rotulados de outros domínios para suportar tarefas de aprendizado em domínios sem dados rotulados. Nessa abordagem são propostos uma representação em uma rede heterogênea e um método de propagação de rótulos. Os vértices da rede são os aspectos rotulados do domínio de origem, os atributos linguísticos e os candidatos a aspectos do domínio alvo. Além disso, foram analisados métodos de extração de aspectos e propostas algumas variações para considerar cenários nãosupervisionados e independentes de domínio. As soluções propostas nesta tese de doutorado foram avaliadas e comparadas as do estado-da-arte utilizando coleções de revisões de diferentes produtos e serviços. Os resultados obtidos nas avaliações experimentais são competitivos e demonstram que as soluções propostas são promissoras. / Opinion Mining is a process that aims to extract opinions and their sentiment polarities expressed in natural language texts. This area of research has been in the highlight because of the volume of opinions that users share on the available visualization means on the Internet (reviews on e-commerce sites, social networks, tweets, others). Aspect-based Opinion Mining is a promising alternative for analyzing the sentiment polarity on a high level of detail. The traditional methods for aspect extraction and sentiment classification require the participation of domain experts to create lexicons or define extraction rules for different languages and domains. In addition, such methods usually exploit supervised machine learning algorithms, but require a large set of labeled data to induce a classification model. The challenges of this doctoral thesis are related on to how to reduce the need for great human effort both: (i) to label data; and (ii) to treat domain dependency for the tasks of aspect extraction and aspect sentiment classification for Opinion Mining. In order to reduce the need for a large number of labeled examples, a semi-supervised approach was proposed, called Aspect-based Sentiment Propagation on Heterogeneous Networks (ASPHN). In this approach, text representations are proposed in which linguistic attributes, candidate aspects and sentiment labels are modeled by heterogeneous networks. Also, a cross-domain learning approach called Cross-Domain Aspect Label Propagation through Heterogeneous Networks (CD-ALPHN) is proposed in order to reduce efforts to build domain-specific resources, This approach uses labeled data from other domains to support learning tasks in domains without labeled data. A representation in a heterogeneous network and a label propagation method are proposed in this cross-domain learning approach. The vertices of the network are the labeled aspects of the source domain, the linguistic attributes, and the candidate aspects of the target domain. In addition, aspect extraction methods were analyzed and some variations were proposed to consider unsupervised and domain independent scenarios. The solutions proposed in this doctoral thesis were evaluated and compared to the state-of-the-art solutions using collections of different product and service reviews. The results obtained in the experimental evaluations are competitive and demonstrate that the proposed solutions are promising.

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