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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Role of eIF3a expression in cellular sensitivity to ionizing radiation treatments by regulating synthesis of NHEJ repair proteins

Tumia, Rima Ahmed .N. Hashm 11 November 2015 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Translation Initiation in protein synthesis is a crucial step controlling gene expression that enhanced by eukaryotic translation initiation factors (eIFs). eIF3a, the largest subunit of eIF3 complexes, has been shown to regulate protein synthesis and cellular response to cisplatin treatment. Its expression has also been shown to negatively associate with prognosis. In this study, we tested a hypothesis that eIF3a regulates synthesis of proteins important for repair of double strand DNA breaks induced by ionizing radiation (IR). We found that eIF3a up-regulation sensitizes cellular response to IR while its knockdown causes resistance to IR. We also found that eIF3a over-expression increases IR-induced DNA damage and decreases Non-Homologous End Joining (NHEJ) activity by suppressing expression level of NHEJ repair proteins such as DNA-PKcs and vice versa. Together, we conclude that eIF3a plays an important role in cellular response to DNA-damaging treatments by regulating synthesis of DNA repair proteins and, thus, eIIF3a likely plays an important role in the outcome of cancer patients treated with DNA-damaging strategies including ionizing radiation.

Investigation of cap-independent translation in neuronal differentiation

Ruhe, Larissa 15 June 2020 (has links)
Initiation der Translation ist ein komplexer und stark regulierter Prozess, bei dem Ribosomen die mRNA binden. Die überwiegende Mehrheit eukaryotischer mRNAs wird durch einen 5‘-Cap-abhängigen Mechanismus translatiert. Dazu bindet der eIF4F-Proteinkomplex die mRNA an der 5'-Cap-Struktur, um weitere eIFs und die kleine ribosomale Untereinheit zu rekrutieren, welche dann die 5'UTR von 5'- in 3'-Richtung bis zu einem Startcodon scannt. Anschließend trifft die große ribosomale Untereinheit dazu und die Proteinsynthese beginnt. Darüber hinaus kann die Translation durch IRES, interne ribosomale Eintrittsstellen, vermittelt werden, welche das Ribosom unabhängig von Cap und 5‘-Ende zum Startcodon rekrutieren. Die zelluläre IRES-vermittelte Translation gilt als ineffizient unter physiologischen Bedingungen, wird aber durch Stress aktiviert. Da die Regulation dieses Mechanismus weitaus unbekannt ist, haben wir die zelluläre, Cap-unabhängige Translationsinitiation untersucht. Dafür haben wir eine embryonale Stammzelllinie generiert, welche eine dominant-negative Mutante von 4E-BP1 exprimiert. 4E-BP1 bindet das 5‘-Cap-bindende Protein, sodass eIF4F nicht am 5'-Cap andocken kann. Wir haben das Proteom während der Überexpression von 4E-BP1 und der neuronalen Differenzierung bestimmt, um Translationsdynamiken systemisch zu erfassen. Gene mit verminderter Sensitivität für die Cap-abhängige Translation wurden so identifiziert und in bicistronischen Reporter-Assays getestet. Nach strenger Validierung wurde eine Cap-unabhängig translatierte mRNA, Pqbp1, entdeckt. Der zweite Teil dieser Studie untersuchte die Cap-unabhängige Translation einer circRNA, welche keine freien Enden hat und daher per IRES translatiert werden muss. Wir konnten bestätigen, dass circMbl in vitro translatiert wird und konnten so innerhalb eines Kooperationsprojekts zu der Erkenntnis beitragen, dass circRNAs im Fliegengehirn translatiert werden. / Translation initiation is a complex and highly regulated process which involves the assembly of an elongation competent ribosome on the mRNA. The vast majority of eukaryotic mRNAs is translated by a canonical cap-dependent mechanism. This requires the eIF4F protein complex to bind the mRNA at the 5’-cap to recruit further eIFs and the small ribosomal subunit which then scans the 5’UTR in 5’ to 3’ direction until a start codon is encountered. Afterwards the large ribosomal subunit joins and protein synthesis begins. Besides that, translation of mRNAs can be mediated by IRESs, internal ribosome entry sites, which recruit the ribosome in a cap and 5’-end-independent manner to the start codon. Such cellular IRES-mediated translation is thought to be inefficient under physiological conditions but activated during stress. As the regulation of this mechanism is not well understood, we aimed to elucidate cellular cap-independent translation events. Therefore, we generated a mouse embryonic stem cell line with inducible overexpression of a dominant negative mutant of 4E-BP1. 4E-BP1 sequesters the cap-binding protein eIF4E so that the eIF4F protein complex fails to assemble at the 5’-cap. We performed shotgun proteomics during 4E‑BP1 overexpression and neuronal differentiation to globally monitor translation dynamics. Genes with reduced sensitivity for cap-dependent translation were identified and tested for internal translation initiation in bicistronic reporter assays. After stringent validation one cap-independently translated mRNA, Pqbp1, was discovered. The second part of this study investigated cap-independent translation initiation on a circRNA, which by nature lacks free ends and thus requires IRES-mediated translation. We could show that circMbl is translated in vitro and thus contributed to the scientific evidence for the translation of circRNAs in fly brain, which was studied in a collaboration project.

Charakterizace podjednotek eukaryotického translačního iniciačního faktoru 3 (eIF3) u samčího gametofytu A. thaliana / Characterization of eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunits (eIF3) in A. thaliana male gametophyte

Linhart, Filip January 2017 (has links)
From RNA-to-protein, translation initiation and protein synthesis is mediated by trans-acting factors that recognize mRNA features common to almost all eukaryotes. Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 complex (eIF3) is a highly conserved protein complex that recognizes 5'-CAP elements of the mRNA to initiate translation. eIF3 consists of nine subunits, three of them having two isoforms: eIF3A, eIF2B1, eIF3B2, eIF3C1, eIF3C2, eIF3D, eIF3E, eIF3F, eIF3G1, eIF3G2, eIF3H and eIF3K. This work deals with functional characterization, expression and subcellular localization of eIF3B1, eIF3B2 and eIF3E in Arabidopsis thaliana male gametophyte and interaction of eIF3E with the Constitutive photomorphogenesis 9 (COP9) complex as a regulatory complex of eIF3E post-translational control. Here we show that depletion of eif3b1 or eif3b2 is not gametophytic lethal and that the two protein might function redundantly, whereas, knockout of eIF3E causes male gametophyte lethality. Interestingly, eif3b1 show post-fertilization defects during embryogenesis, suggesting that its redundancy with eIF3B2 is restricted to the gametophyte. Gene expression studies revealed high expression of eIF3 subunits in actively dividing zones of leaf primordia, root meristem and root elongation zones as well as in the vegetative...

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