Spelling suggestions: "subject:"1translation method"" "subject:"atranslation method""
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Translation in Foreign Language Pedagogy: The Rise and Fall of the Grammar Translation MethodSiefert, Thomas Raymond 14 August 2013 (has links)
Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) is identified as dismissing translation, applying to all
"translation" the restricted expression of translation within the discredited Grammar Translation Method (GTM). Recent, negative classifications of the GTM are considered and, this dissertation observes, the concept of the GTM is shown as prone to being mythologized. A summary definition of the GTM is offered. Of the five Prussian language teachers viewed by history as originating the GTM, Joahnn Valentin Meidinger and, to a lesser degree, Heinrich Gottfried Ollendorff are shown offering methods and an approach to translation that are most similar to the definition of the GTM used today. Johann Heinrich Philipp Seidenstücker, Johann Franz Ahn, and Carl Julius Ploetz are found also to stand in the lineage of the GTM, but with important qualifications. The name "Grammar Translation Method" is asserted by this dissertation to originate in the Reform Movement, specifically, Wilhelm Viëtor’s Der Sprachunterricht muß umkehren! (1882) and a lecture of Viëtor’s from 1899. Viëtor is noted characterizing "traditional" methodologies with the terms "Grammatik" and "Übersetzung," beginning with Meidinger’s Practische Französische Grammatik (1783). Translation is found to remain problematic for the Reform Movement. A separate, concurrent movement, resulting in the Direct Method, is seen banishing all use of translation, and arguably lives on in CLT today. The formulation of a novel definition of the translation of texts is attempted. This definition, along with opinions from Translation Studies, is applied to a statement by Viëtor, where translation is particularly problematized, with the goal of mitigating this problematic. The dissertation recommends that CLT similarly use this definition of translation, so as to mitigate its own skepticism towards translation.
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The current Japanese counseling profession is in the process of reforming and uniting the system and training together for counseling and related professions. Supervision is one of significant training piece in this profession; however, its familiarity among Japanese counseling professionals is very unclear. This study explored how Japanese counseling professionals conceptualize the ideal figure of a clinical supervisor based on the identified fundamental elements of clinical supervision in the US. The preliminary analysis indicates that each aspect of the U.S. clinical supervision models might be adoptable to Japanese counseling professionals. Yet the small sample size does not confirm the conceptual framework of the ideal clinical supervisor for Japanese counseling professionals, the main analysis indicated an alternative culturally appropriate conceptual framework. Further research embracing Japanese cultural characteristics and sound ethical manner in the professional counseling and supervisory relationship would enrich the clinical supervision in Japan.
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La percepción de métodos didácticos en la enseñanza del español comolengua extranjera : Análisis cualitativo sobre la percepción de los alumnos de los métodos gramática- traducción,método situacional y método comunicativo / Uppfattningen av pedagogiska metoder i undervisningen av spanska somfrämmande språk : En kvalitativ studie om elevers uppfattning av didaktiska metoder: grammatik & översättningsmetoden, kontext metoden och den kommunikativa metoden.Afram, Eliane January 2014 (has links)
Nuestra tesina trata de indagar en cómo piensan los alumnos de bachillerato sobre los métodos didácticos elegidos para aprender una lengua extranjera. El objetivo de esta tesina es investigar tres métodos didácticos; método gramática- traducción, método situacional y método comunicativo, comprobar si los estudiantes los utilizan, y cuál les resulta más útil y por qué. Hemos investigado qué opinan los alumnos con la ayuda del método cualitativo a través de entrevistas cualitativas. Podemos decir que los alumnos utilizan los métodos hasta cierto punto en su enseñanza. Piensan que todos los métodos tienen sus aspectos positivos y negativos. Los aspectos positivos y negativos están repartidos de manera igual entre los métodos didácticos. / Denna uppsats handlar om att undersöka hur gymnasieelever som studerar moderna språk uppfattar de undervisningsmetoder vi valt att studera när de lär sig ett främmande språk. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka tre undervisningsmetoder; grammatik - och översättningsmetoden, kontext-metoden och den kommunikativa metoden, för att kontrollera om eleverna använder dem, vilken de tycker är mest användbar och varför. Vi har, med hjälp av kvalitativ metod och kvalitativa intervjuer undersökt hur eleverna uppfattar dessa didaktiska metoder. Vi kan säga att eleverna använder metoderna till viss del i sin undervisning. Enligt deras åsikt har alla metoder positiva sidor men även negativa. De positiva och negativa aspekterna är jämlika mellan olika undervisningsmetoder.
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Nástin překladatelských postupů a metod v období raného novověku v kontaktu německo-českém / A Study on the Techniques and Methods in German-Czech Translations at the Time of the Renaissance and the ReformationZemenová, Markéta January 2011 (has links)
The thesis is a contribution to the field of Translation Studies focusing on Translation History. It is concerned with the techniques and methods used in German-Czech translations at the time of the Renaissance and the Reformation. Three selected German texts form the 16th and early 17th century and their first translations into Czech were analysed in this work in order to revise and further extend the current research findings on translations of the period and to provide an overview of the main problems connected with investigation of old prints. Based on our original analysis we conclude that the translation techniques and methods used in the time of the Renaissance and the Reformation were very diverse and often mutually contradictory. No evidence of consistent translation strategies or any universal translation norm was found within the scope of our analysis.
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Vývoj překladatelských metod na překladech novely Der Hochwald A. Stiftera / Development of translation methods on the example of various translations of A. Stifter's Novella Der HochwaldNováková, Radka January 2014 (has links)
The thesis deals with the issue of all existing Czech translations of Adalbert Stifter's novella Der Hochwald, which were created in the first half of the 19th century, in the first and in the second half of the 20th century and at the beginning of the 21st century. The first part of the thesis is concerned with Adalbert Stifter's life and work and with the reception of his works within the Czech cultural context. Further, Czech translators of the novella are introduced and the source text is briefly analysed. The final part describes the development of translation methods and offers comparative translation analysis of selected passages. The primary objective of the presented thesis is to describe the changes in translation methods using results of the analysis.
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Román De usynlige Roye Jacobsena v německém a českém překladu / German and Czech Translations of Roy Jacobsen's Novel De usynligeKrchová, Andrea January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this master's thesis is to create an analysis of the Czech and German translations of Roy Jacobsen's novel De usynlige, which was published by Cappelen Damm in 2013. The first part includes a biography of Roy Jacobsen and a literary analysis of his novel. Translators Jarka Vrbová. Gabriele Haefs and Andreas Brunstermann are introduced as well as interviewed. The mainstay of this thesis is to analyse the Czech and German translations. The analysis is focused on the lexical, syntactic and stylistic level and based on Jiří Levý's theory of a faithful and free translation. Afterwards, the translation methods in both translations are deduced and compared with each other. The thesis presents several topics in the field of publishing practices.
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Zábranův Doktor Živago: Okolnosti vzniku a analýza vybraných překladatelských řešení. / Zabrana's Doctor Zhivago: The Making and Analysis of Selected Translation SolutionsKlimeš, Lukáš January 2016 (has links)
(in English): This thesis deals with a version of Boris Pasternak's novel Doctor Zhivago, translated into Czech by Jan Zábrana and Jiří Kovtun. The aims of the thesis are: (1) to follow the journey of the original exile edition from Italy to communist Czechoslovakia, (2) to clarify how both translators contributed to the poetry part of the novel, (3) to outline Zábrana's translation method a comparison of chosen typewritten versions of the translation from various phases of its creation. The primary source of material for all the individual objectives is Zábrana's inheritance, which answers the question why Jiří Kovtun's name does not appear in the first Czech edition of Doctor Zhivago (1990), although he is listed along with Zábrana as the translator of the poetry part in the remaining three editions (2003, 2005, 2011). The original material from the inheritance as well as Marie Zábranová's testimony emphasize the sequence of events that influenced the creation of Zábrana's translation. The final analysis compares chosen typewritten versions of the novel's eighth chapter with the first Czech edition and describes how Zábrana worked. The thesis aims to be beneficial for the Czech history of translation and contribute to the current knowledge about the translation method of Jan Zábrana. Keywords Jan...
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Окказионализмы Нила Геймана, их интерпретация на русском и немецком языках (семантико-структурный аспект) : магистерская диссертация / Neil Gaiman's occasionalisms, their interpretation in Russian and German (semantic-structural aspect)Филатова, А. А., Filatova, A. A. January 2022 (has links)
Объектом исследования данной работы выступают окказионализмы Нила Геймана. Цель данного исследования — выявление продуктивных моделей сохранения семантики и структурных особенностей авторских неологизмов Нила Геймана при передаче их переводчиками на русский и немецкий языки. Метода исследования: проблемный и критический анализ, синтез, реферирование, идеографический, непосредственное и опосредованное описание, метод эмпатии, контент-анализа, метод сплошной выборки, компонентный анализ. В результате исследования устанавливается зависимость структуры и семантики окказиональной лексики от возрастного регистра оригинальных литературных произведений на английском языке, а также сходные способы передачи обозначенных особенностей авторских неологизмов при переводе на русский и немецкий языки. Область применения: лингвистика, перевод и переводоведение, образование. Значимость работы: результаты исследования могут быть использованы в лексикографической практике при составлении двух- и трехъязычного словаря окказионализмов; выявленные эффективные модели интерпретации авторских неологизмов могут найти применение в практике перевода фантастической литературы и окказиональной лексики в целом, в вузовских и школьных курсах русского, английского и немецкого языков при изучении словообразования, лексикологии, стилистики, в подготовке учебных пособий по этим дисциплинам, при проведении спецкурсов и спецсеминаров, при выполнении курсовых и дипломных работ. / The object of this work is Neil Gaiman's occasionalisms. This study aims to identify productive models of preserving Neil Gaiman's authorial neologisms' semantics and structural features when translators interpret them in Russian and German. Research methods: problem and critical analysis, synthesis, abstracting, ideographic, direct and indirect description, empathy method, content analysis, continuous sampling method, and component analysis. The research establishes the dependence of the structure and semantics of an occasional lexicon on the age register of the original literary works in English. Moreover, similar ways of transferring the indicated features of the author's neologisms in the translation into Russian and German. Field of application: linguistics, translation and translation studies, education. The study results can be used in lexicographic practice when compiling a bilingual and trilingual dictionary of occasionalisms. Scientists, translators, and education workers can use the identified effective models of interpretation of authorial neologisms in the translation of fiction literature and occasional vocabulary in general, in university and school courses of Russian, English, and German language when studying word formation, lexicology, stylistics, in preparing textbooks on these disciplines, when conducting special courses and special seminars.
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Překlad z hlediska lingvistiky a didaktiky cizího jazyka / Linguistic and didactic interpretation of translationVoldřichová, Tamara January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the linguistic and didactic interpretation of translation. Its objective is to introduce the reader to the issues of language-focused findings, which are reflected in translators' work and besides, to describe the situation of didactic contribution of translation in second language teaching. The work is divided ino two main parts. In the first one, there is translators' work and his competences being presented on the ground of chosen linguistic theories. These are further extended by a practical part of description and analysis of translation methods. The whole thesis is being closed by the second part which mediates the didactic point of view of the given issue. The basic overview facts of actual situation of the use of translation in modern language classes are summarized in here.
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Překlad z hlediska lingvistiky a didaktiky cizího jazyka / Linguistic and didactic interpretation of translationVoldřichová, Tamara January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the linguistic and didactic interpretation of translation. Its objective is to introduce the reader to the issues of language-focused findings, which are reflected in translators' work and besides, to describe the situation of didactic contribution of translation in second language teaching. The work is divided ino two main parts. In the first one, there is translators' work and his competences being presented on the ground of chosen linguistic theories. These are further extended by a practical part of description and analysis of translation methods. The whole thesis is being closed by the second part which mediates the didactic point of view of the given issue. The basic overview facts of actual situation of the use of translation in modern language classes are summarized in here.
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