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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Proposta de uma didática de tradução de linguagens especializadas para licenciados em língua inglesa

Delgado, Heloísa Orsi Koch January 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho defende a inserção da tradução de textos especializados na formação específica para o ensino de língua inglesa. A ideia justifica-se pela carência de cursos de graduação em Tradução no país e de disciplinas autônomas de familiarização em tradução nos cursos de Licenciatura em Letras. Propõe-se uma alternativa pedagógica em Tradução para futuros docentes com o objetivo de instrumentalizá-los e familiarizá-los nesta área, de forma qualificada, e incentivá-los a buscar outra habilitação profissional no futuro, caso seja de seu interesse. A partir de uma revisão sobre Didática da Tradução, Estudos da Tradução, Teoria da Assimilação, texto e linguagem especializados, apresenta-se uma proposta didática para uma disciplina específica que trate da tradução de textos científicos. A proposta está articulada com uma metodologia particular de coleta de dados, que partiu do pressuposto da validade de mapas conceituais como uma estratégia eficiente de ensino. / This doctoral thesis advocates the inclusion of the theme of translation of specialized texts in the field of English Language Teaching. This idea is considered here mainly because of two facts: i) there are few Translation Studies undergraduation courses in our country; and ii) there are no autonomous disciplines whose subject matter is the integration of translation studies in the English teaching course curriculum. A qualified integration of these two areas at an undergraduate level would provide a basis for the familiarization of prospective teachers with translation tasks of specialized languages, and possibly motivate them to obtain another professional qualification in the future. An educational proposal for an autonomous discipline of scientific text translation is presented, based on the areas of Didatics of Translation, Translation Studies, Assimilation Theory and Languages for Specific Purposes. This proposal is structured in a specific data collection methodology which assumed that the concept map is an efficient teaching strategy.

Proposta de uma didática de tradução de linguagens especializadas para licenciados em língua inglesa

Delgado, Heloísa Orsi Koch January 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho defende a inserção da tradução de textos especializados na formação específica para o ensino de língua inglesa. A ideia justifica-se pela carência de cursos de graduação em Tradução no país e de disciplinas autônomas de familiarização em tradução nos cursos de Licenciatura em Letras. Propõe-se uma alternativa pedagógica em Tradução para futuros docentes com o objetivo de instrumentalizá-los e familiarizá-los nesta área, de forma qualificada, e incentivá-los a buscar outra habilitação profissional no futuro, caso seja de seu interesse. A partir de uma revisão sobre Didática da Tradução, Estudos da Tradução, Teoria da Assimilação, texto e linguagem especializados, apresenta-se uma proposta didática para uma disciplina específica que trate da tradução de textos científicos. A proposta está articulada com uma metodologia particular de coleta de dados, que partiu do pressuposto da validade de mapas conceituais como uma estratégia eficiente de ensino. / This doctoral thesis advocates the inclusion of the theme of translation of specialized texts in the field of English Language Teaching. This idea is considered here mainly because of two facts: i) there are few Translation Studies undergraduation courses in our country; and ii) there are no autonomous disciplines whose subject matter is the integration of translation studies in the English teaching course curriculum. A qualified integration of these two areas at an undergraduate level would provide a basis for the familiarization of prospective teachers with translation tasks of specialized languages, and possibly motivate them to obtain another professional qualification in the future. An educational proposal for an autonomous discipline of scientific text translation is presented, based on the areas of Didatics of Translation, Translation Studies, Assimilation Theory and Languages for Specific Purposes. This proposal is structured in a specific data collection methodology which assumed that the concept map is an efficient teaching strategy.

A taxonomy of problems in arabic-english Translation: a systemic functional Linguistics approach Tawffeek abdou

Mohammed, Tawffeek Abdou Saeed January 2011 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / Working with Arab students pursuing a degree in English Language and Translation at the Taiz University, Republic of Yemen, has brought to the researcher‟s attention a number of errors or problems encountered in Arabic to English translation. This study aims to investigate the problems encountered by student translators (STs), novice translators (NTs) as well as more experienced translators (Ts) while translating from Arabic into English. The study starts with the assumption that Arabic and English belong to different families of languages and thus there is rarely a word-for-word equivalence in both languages. The present study is cross-sectional in nature. It is based on empirical data collected from several categories of translators. In other words, the data was collected from fourth-year students in the department of English and Translation in the Faculty of Arts, Taiz University, as well as five NTs who have previously graduated from this department and are currently working in a number of accredited translation offices in Taiz. The study also investigates the challenges faced by Ts. For this purpose, a novel, a tourist brochure, an editorial, and three academic abstracts all translated by established publishing houses and translation centres in and outside Yemen are examined. These texts are analyzed to determine to what extent the problems faced by STs and NTs reoccur in published translations produced by Ts. For its conceptual framework, the study adopts an eclectic approach that does not stick rigidly to a particular paradigm but rather draws upon multiple linguistic and translation theories. However, it is mainly based on Halliday‟s Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG) and the problems have been classified along his taxonomy of meaning metafunctions into ideational, interpersonal and textual. Extra-textual problems are also analyzed. Several SFG-based translation models such as Hatim and Mason‟s (1990) sociometic model, House‟s (1977, 1997) translation quality assessment model, Hervey et al. (1992) register analysis model and Baker‟s (1990) equivalence model are also employed in the study to help the researcher examine the problems encountered in Arabic-English translation within those four categories. In addition, Nord‟s functional model to translation which is based on Skopos theory is also taken into consideration although to a minimum extent. In addition to the analysis of translations produced by various categories of translators, the study uses several triangulation research tools such as questionnaire, Thinking Aloud Protocols (TAPs), retrospective interviews, and classroom observation. These tools are employed to assist the researcher to identify the possible causes for the problems the STs, NTs, and Ts experience from the perspective of the participants themselves. The current translation programme at Taiz University is also analyzed to determine to what extent it contributes to the poor performance of the student translators and would-be translators. The study concludes that STs, NTs and even Ts encounter several problems at the ideational, interpersonal and textual levels. They also encounter problems at the extra-textual stratum. The study attributes these problems to structural and cultural differences between the two languages, the reliance on the dictionary rather than the meaning in use of lexical items, the differences in the cohesion and coherence systems of Arabic and English, the negligence of the role of context in translation as well as unfamiliarity with text-typologies and genre conventions. In other words, participants follow a bottom-up approach in translation and come close to the source text translating it literally. This approach is very damaging because it ignores the fact that the three metafunctions might be realized differently in the two languages. Furthermore, the study concludes that the manner in which translation is taught at Taiz University as well as the syllabus contribute mainly to the lack of translation competence of the student translators and would-be translators. The programme is inadequate and it needs urgent review and improvements. The present syllabus does not keep abreast with the latest theoretical and practical developments in the discipline of translation as well as neighbouring disciplines such as contrastive linguistics, text-analysis, discourse analysis, corpus linguistics and the like. As for methodology, the study concludes that it is the transmissionist (teacher-centred) teaching approach rather than the transformational (learner-centred) which is commonly used in teaching translation. As a result, the read-and-translate approach dominates the scene and no tasks, activities, or projects are given to the STs. The study provides some recommendations, which if implemented, can be useful in enabling Yemeni and Arab universities to improve the competence among student translators in order to improve translation teaching at academic level. A major contribution of this study is the description and classification of translation problems in Arabic-English translation on the basis of meaning systems. Unlike traditional descriptive error analysis, which is widely used to analyze the translation product, SFG-based text analysis provides a systematic description of translation problems which allows a precise articulation of the nature of problems that would otherwise be explained simply as translations which “sound unnatural or awkward” (Kim 2008; Yallop 1999). As far as the researcher knows, no study in the Arab world has yet tackled translation problems from this perspective. Other studies have tackled deviated forms produced by students or translators using an error analysis technique rather than a holistic approach based on solid theoretical knowledge. In other words, while most other studies focused on specific „errors‟ and error analysis and ended at that, the present study does not only looks at „errors‟ as „difference‟ (from contrastive analysis) but rather from several perspectives. It is also more comprehensive by triangulating several sources of data and pooling them together for a more informed understanding.

Analyse matricielle définitoire : outil linguistique au service de la conception d’un programme de traduction pour des étudiants de langues étrangères / Defining Matrix Analysis : A language tool used to design a translation programme for foreign language students

Sello, Kagiso Jacob 05 March 2013 (has links)
Notre constat de départ est que malgré un intérêt croissant des institutions enseignant les langues étrangères pour l’enseignement de la traduction, il n’existe à notre connaissance aucune étude portant sur la conception d’un programme de traduction professionnelle adapté à des apprenants de langues étrangères qui leur permettrait d’acquérir la compétence traductionnelle, c’est-à-dire les savoirs et savoir-faire nécessaires au traducteur en contexte professionnel. Ces institutions confondent souvent l’enseignement de la traduction et la traduction utilisée comme outil d’enseignement des langues étrangères. Le programme de traduction de l’université du Botswana ne fait pas exception, et nous proposons donc de le reconceptualiser afin qu’il réponde aux exigences de la profession. Par la mise à l’épreuve du modèle de l’analyse matricielle définitoire, outil linguistique destiné à interpréter et comparer la manière dont les langues naturelles construisent le sens, la présente thèse se propose de déceler les paramètres de l’environnement d’apprentissage sur lesquels une intervention est requise pour améliorer la qualité du programme et le rendre plus efficace. Pour ce faire, nous analyserons les erreurs de traduction commises par les étudiants qui suivent ce programme en vue d’en identifier les sources et de prendre les mesures destinées à en réduire la probabilité d’occurrence par la définition d’objectifs d’apprentissage adaptés à ce public, accompagnés des bases d’une solide assise théorique à destination de l’enseignant. / Our initial observation is that, in spite of the growing interest in teaching translation in institutions offering foreign language programmes, no study, to our knowledge, has been done on the designing of a professional translation programme appropriate for foreign language learners which could allow them to acquire translation competence, that is, knowledge and skills required by translators in a professional setting. These institutions often confuse teaching of translation and use of translation as a foreign language teaching tool. The translation programme of the University of Botswana is no exception, and we therefore propose to redesign it so that it can respond to the requirements of the profession. By putting to test the Defining Matrix Analysis model, a linguistic tool intended to interpret and compare the way natural languages construct sense, this thesis proposes to find the parameters of the learning environment on which an intervention is required in order to improve the quality and the efficiency of this programme. To achieve this goal, we are going to analyse translation errors made by students who are pursuing this translation programme with the aim of identifying their sources and taking measures destined to reduce their probability of occurrence by defining learning objectives adapted to this group of learners, accompanied by a solid theoretical basis for teachers.

Towards vocational translation in German studies in Nigeria and beyond

Oyetoyan, Oludamilola Iyadunni 30 August 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Innerhalb des Faches ‚Auslandsgermanistik‘ existieren bislang keine einheitlichen überschaubaren Richtlinien und Handlungsschritte für die Lehre des berufsorientierten Übersetzens auf allen sprachlichen Leistungsniveaus in Fremdsprachenstudien. Trotz der Einbeziehung der Sprachmittlung in den Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmen (GER), ist hier ein professioneller Gebrauch der sprachmittlerischen Fertigkeiten in der Auslandsgermanistik nicht einbezogen (Fitzpatrick 1997:66). Daraus folgt die noch existierende Trennung der Fertigkeiten, die in den Fächern Übersetzungswissenschaft und Fremdsprachenstudien (im konkreten Fall hier: Auslandsgermanistik) zu trainieren sind. Weitere Folgen solcher Abgrenzungen lassen sich in einem sich noch entwickelnden Land wie Nigeria finden. In diesem Land gibt es aufgrund der Nichtverfügbarkeit von qualifizierten Lehrenden im Fach ‚Übersetzen‘ (de-en, en-de) keine funktionale Übersetzerausbildung, es fehlt auch eine Berufsorientierung im Germanistikstudium für nigerianische Germanistikstudierende. Außerdem bedürfen die Wirtschaftsbeziehungen zwischen Nigeria und Deutschland einer funktionierenden und belastbaren ‚Arbeitsbühne‘, die die Weiterentwicklung der Wirtschaft im Bereich der sprachlichen Dienstleistungen fördert und nicht, wie bisher, einschränkt. In dieser Dissertation wurde daher untersucht, wie das berufliche Übersetzen im Rahmen einer berufsbezogenen Fremdsprachlehre eingebunden werden kann. Am Beispiel des Germanistikstudiengangs in Nigeria lässt sich das anpassungsfähige Modell eines berufspraktischen Lehrplans zum Übersetzen ‚VOTT‘ als Zusatz zu den schon bestehenden Lehrplänen entwickeln.

Towards vocational translation in German studies in Nigeria and beyond: lessons from translation teaching and practice in Germany

Oyetoyan, Oludamilola Iyadunni 21 December 2015 (has links)
Innerhalb des Faches ‚Auslandsgermanistik‘ existieren bislang keine einheitlichen überschaubaren Richtlinien und Handlungsschritte für die Lehre des berufsorientierten Übersetzens auf allen sprachlichen Leistungsniveaus in Fremdsprachenstudien. Trotz der Einbeziehung der Sprachmittlung in den Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmen (GER), ist hier ein professioneller Gebrauch der sprachmittlerischen Fertigkeiten in der Auslandsgermanistik nicht einbezogen (Fitzpatrick 1997:66). Daraus folgt die noch existierende Trennung der Fertigkeiten, die in den Fächern Übersetzungswissenschaft und Fremdsprachenstudien (im konkreten Fall hier: Auslandsgermanistik) zu trainieren sind. Weitere Folgen solcher Abgrenzungen lassen sich in einem sich noch entwickelnden Land wie Nigeria finden. In diesem Land gibt es aufgrund der Nichtverfügbarkeit von qualifizierten Lehrenden im Fach ‚Übersetzen‘ (de-en, en-de) keine funktionale Übersetzerausbildung, es fehlt auch eine Berufsorientierung im Germanistikstudium für nigerianische Germanistikstudierende. Außerdem bedürfen die Wirtschaftsbeziehungen zwischen Nigeria und Deutschland einer funktionierenden und belastbaren ‚Arbeitsbühne‘, die die Weiterentwicklung der Wirtschaft im Bereich der sprachlichen Dienstleistungen fördert und nicht, wie bisher, einschränkt. In dieser Dissertation wurde daher untersucht, wie das berufliche Übersetzen im Rahmen einer berufsbezogenen Fremdsprachlehre eingebunden werden kann. Am Beispiel des Germanistikstudiengangs in Nigeria lässt sich das anpassungsfähige Modell eines berufspraktischen Lehrplans zum Übersetzen ‚VOTT‘ als Zusatz zu den schon bestehenden Lehrplänen entwickeln.

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