Spelling suggestions: "subject:"transplants"" "subject:"oftransplants""
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Response of cabbage (Brassica Oleracea Var Capitata) transplants to nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium nutritionMore, Ketseemang 21 September 2007 (has links)
Please read the abstract in the dissertation / Dissertation (MSc (Agric))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Plant Production and Soil Science / unrestricted
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Russian Cultural Factors Related To Perceived Criminal Procedure Fairness: The Juxtaposition Of Policy And PracticeSemukhina, Olga B. 01 January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the Russian culture and citizens' perceived fairness of the new Criminal Procedural Code of Russia of 2001 (CPC of 2001). The CPC of 2001 is a key policy in the Russian criminal law reform with the purpose of implementing adversarial procedure elements in Russia. The existing literature has documented the lack of public support along with observed violations of the CPC's major provisions which as made this an important area for study. It is theorized that the apparent contradiction between the underlying values of the Russian culture, and CPC's adversarial procedure that reflects anti-cultural values, are responsible for the lack of substantial public support and acceptance of the CPC of 2001. The theory of motivational values developed by Schwartz (1990) is used as a framework to examine the Russian culture. Damaska's (1986) theory of procedural models is used to examine the adversarial elements of the new CPC of 2001. The group value theory of fairness is employed to examine the relationships between Russian cultural values and the public opinion about the criminal procedural law (Lind & Tyler, 1988). The study used a multi-stage stratified random sample of 1,588 Russian residents to explore the relationship between the culture and the perceived fairness of the CPC of 2001. The sample is representative of the Russian Federation population. The data is analyzed through four structural-equation models, a set of non-parametric tests, and descriptive statistical analysis. The findings of this thesis confirmed that cultural values in Russia are predominantly collective. On average, 69% of Russian respondents reported that collective values play a very important role in their life. The type of prevailing values was dependent on the demographic characteristics of the sample: age, gender, place of residence, level of education, marital status, and household income. It was found that the majority of Russian citizens believe that the inquisitional criminal procedure is an ideal of fair law. On average, 72% supported the inquisitorial procedural model in Russia. Unlike the adversarial procedure, the inquisitorial procedural model is not based on competition between the equal parties of prosecution and defense. Instead, it is viewed as a cooperative process between the judge, prosecutor and defense in their inquiry into the circumstances of the case. The adversarial procedural model was not supported by most citizens. Only 33.5% reported that the adversarial procedural model can be considered fair. The study corroborated that the new CPC was not fully supported by the majority of respondents. An average of 27.5% of respondents in Russia reported that the CPC of 2001 is a fair law, in comparison to 72.5% who think that the CPC of 2001 is unfair. The findings validated that the CPC of 2001's inclusion of adversarial procedural elements contradict key values of the contemporary Russian culture. It is concluded that the CPC of 2001 should be reformed to facilitate citizen acceptance. Greater acceptance will support the attempt to advance the democratization of the criminal process through increased civil rights while simultaneously enhancing positive social control. It is proposed that the planned policy reforms that contain additional elements of the adversarial criminal procedure be introduced in a phased manner. It is also recommended that the adversarial procedure values should be publicized through public awareness educational programs. The data analysis also suggests that confounding factors such as citizen distrust of the criminal justice institutions can contribute to problems associated with acceptance of the criminal law reform. The research model developed for this study can be used to examine policies related to criminal law reform in other former Soviet Union countries.
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Immunomagnetic and pharmacologic purging of tumor-involved bone marrow for patients undergoing regimens of high-dose chemotherapy and autologous bone marrow supportPap, Stephen A. January 1992 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Boston University / PLEASE NOTE: Boston University Libraries did not receive an Authorization To Manage form for this thesis or dissertation. It is therefore not openly accessible, though it may be available by request. If you are the author or principal advisor of this work and would like to request open access for it, please contact us at open-help@bu.edu. Thank you. / Autologous Bone Marrow Transplantation (ABMT) provides a way to rescue the hematopoietic system in patients receiving high dose chemotherapy. Solid tumors like lung and breast cancer are the targets for new therapies that involve high dose chemotherapy with AMBT due to their growth and pathologic characteristics. Reinfusion of bone marrow with metastatic neoplastic cells could also seed viable tumor cells, and thus be a reason for treatment failure, restricting high-dose chemotherapy with bone marrow support to patients whose marrow is morphologically free of tumor cells. The use magnetic beads for physical separation of tumor from normal cells and the use of a toxin delivered by a monoclonal antibody are examined as two purging methods for treatment.
The use of magnetic beads conjugated with specific antibodies (SM1, LAM2 and LS1) against tumor antigens to purge 2-3 logs of Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC) contamination from bone marrow is demonstrated. Optimal performance calls for short double exposure to anti-tumor cell-antigen monoclonal antibodies, followed by exposure to magnetic beads coated with antibodies specific for the monoclonal anti-SCLC antibodies, maintaining a bead-to-cell ratio of 10:1 to 100:1.
Specific toxin delivery to three breast cancer cell lines (ZR-75, BT20 and MCF7) expressing the DF3 antigen was demonstrated by the use of DF3 immunotoxin (DF3-IT). The optimal concentration of the DF3-IT immunotoxin for highest tumor kill was shown to be 1x1Q-9 M, but this caused a loss of bone marrow progenitor cell colonies of about 30%.
Both methods are limited chiefly by the level of antigen expression in the target tumor cells. The purging efficiency could be improved by targeting a wider range of antigens or by inducing higher levels of antigen expression. From the clinical perspective, the advantages and need for purging involved bone marrow to bring about substantially improved curative strategies remains a question still unanswered. / 2999-01-01
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States have historically used Certificate of Need (CON) regulations to regulate cost, quality, and access to healthcare services. Federally mandated in 1974, the regulation required the states to review requests for new healthcare construction and services. In theory, community-level planning backed by the state-level CON review and health planning process would prevent unnecessary duplication of services and the accompanying costs (Smith-Mellot, 2004). However, none of the published studies have examined the association of CON regulation on volume and outcomes of solid organ transplants. In 1984, the federal mandate ended, and each state was allowed to determine whether or not to maintain its CON programs; more than one-third of the states eliminated them (Altman & Ostby, 1991). Currently, 37 states including the District of Columbia have CON programs (American Health Planning, 2010). Of those states, 21 include organ transplant as a reviewable, regulated service. Although several studies have investigated whether CON regulation has affected healthcare cost, to date very little has been written about the impact of CON on volume and quality of care; the data that does exist is contradictory. In 1988, investigators studied the effects of CON regulation on mortality and observed that greater regulatory stringency was a positive and significant predictor of hospital mortality rates (Shortell & Hughes, 1988). In contrast, DiSesa et al (2006) found no significant difference in risk-adjusted mortality for cardiac surgery patients in states with and without CON regulations. The gap between evidence and decision-making and the large number of states that use CON to regulate healthcare services indicate a need for a study on the quality of healthcare services. Solid organ transplantation is a complex, high-cost treatment that was performed over 27,000 times in 2008. The purpose of this study is to assess the association of solid organ transplant CON regulations using clinically rich data available from the Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients (SRTR). This study tests the hypotheses that states with solid organ transplant CON regulations have fewer transplant centers, higher volumes of heart and kidney transplants per center, lower graft failure rates and lower patient mortality rates per center. In addition, this study assesses these hypotheses using two different transplant procedures (heart and kidney). This study provides additional information for transplant centers to use in their strategic decision making. Moreover, with the presence of minimum volume standards for transplant procedures mandated by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) now, the policy implications of continuing or repealing CON regulations should be examined.
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Γονιδιωματική αστάθεια στο επιθήλιο μετά από αλλογενή μεταμόσχευση αιμοποιητικών κυττάρων : μηχανισμός και κλινική σημασίαΘέμελη, Μαρία 15 March 2012 (has links)
Υποθέσαμε ότι το χρόνιο ιστικό στρες που προκαλείται από τις αλλοαντιδράσεις μετά από αλλογενή Μεταμόσχευση Αιμοποιητικών Κυττάρων (άλλο-ΜΑΚ) μπορεί να επάγει την εμφάνιση γονιδιωματικής αστάθειας (GI) στους επιθηλιακούς ιστούς. Για αυτό, 176 στοματικά επιχρίσματα από 71 ασθενείς μετά από άλλο-ΜΑΚ αναλύθηκαν για την ανίχνευση αστάθειας μικροδορυφορικών αλληλουχιών (microsatellite instability-MSI). Tα αποτελέσματα συσχετίσθηκαν με κλινικές παραμέτρους. Σε ένα in vitro σύστημα ανίχνευσης μεταλλάξεων ελέγξαμε την υπόθεση ότι οι αλλοαντιδράσεις μπορεί να επάγουν τη GI στην κυτταρική σειρά HaCaT. Ανιχνεύθηκε MSI στο 52% των αλλομεταμοσχευμένων ασθενών ενώ δεν ανιχνεύθηκε MSI σε ασθενείς μετά από αυτόλογη ΜΑΚ και υγιείς εθελοντές. Βρέθηκε σημαντική συσχέτιση της εμφάνισης MSI με την ηλικία του ασθενούς και του δότη, τη μεταμόσχευση από γυναίκα σε άνδρα και τον αριθμό CD34+ κυττάρων στο μόσχευμα. Οι ασθενείς με ιστορικό σοβαρού βαθμού αντίδρασης μοσχεύματος εναντίον ξενιστή είχαν μεγαλύτερο σχετικό κίνδυνο για εμφάνιση MSI. Δευτεροπαθής κακοήθεια διαγνώσθηκε σε 5 από τους MSI+ ενώ μόνο σε ένα από τους MSI- ασθενείς. Στο in-vitro σύστημα ανίχνευσης GI παρατηρήθηκε σημαντική επαγωγή μεταλλάξεων και βλάβης του DNA μετά από επώαση των HaCaT κυττάρων με Μεικτή Λεμφοκυτταρική Καλλιέργεια (MLC) ενώ η επίδραση με κυτταροκίνες, υπερκείμενο MLC ή ενεργοποιημένα με PHA περιφερικά μονοπύρηνα κύτταρα δεν προκάλεσε την επαγωγή GI. Τα αποτελέσματά μας υποδεικνύουν τη συμμετοχή των ενεργών ριζών οξυγόνου στον υποκείμενο μηχανισμό. Οι in vivo και in vitro μελέτες μας επιβεβαιώνουν ότι παράγοντες που ενέχονται στο αλλοαντιδραστικό μικροπεριβάλλον μετά από άλλο-ΜΑΚ μπορεί να προκαλέσουν GI στο επιθήλιο. Η κατανόηση του υποκείμενου μηχανισμού μπορεί να αναδείξει νέους βιοδείκτες και θεραπευτικούς στόχους. / We hypothesized that chronic tissue stress due to interaction of alloreactive donor cells with host epithelium after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (allo-HCT) may cause genomic alterations. We therefore analysed 176 buccal samples obtained from 71 unselected allo-transplanted patients for microsatellite instability (MSI). MSI was observed in 52% of allo-transplanted patients but never in 31 healthy or auto-transplanted controls. The patient age, the donor age, a female-to-male transplantation and a low number of CD34+ cells in the graft were significantly correlated with genomic instability. There was a trend for increasing risk of MSI for patients who experienced severe graft-versus-host-disease. Secondary malignancy was diagnosed in 5 (14%) of the MSI+ and only in 1 (3%) MSI- patient. In an in-vitro model of mutation analysis we found significant induction of frameshift mutations and DNA strand breaks in HaCaT keratinocytes co-cultured with Mixed Lymphocyte Cultures (MLC) but not after their exposure to IFN-γ, TNF-α, TGF-β, MLC-supernatant, peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) or phytohemagglutinin stimulated PBMC. A ROS mediated mechanism is implicated. Our in-vivo and in-vitro data show that alloreactions after allo-HCT may induce genomic alterations in epithelium. Progress in understanding DNA damage and repair after allo-HCT can potentially provide molecular biomarkers and therapeutic targets.
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Laserterapia e transplante de medula ossea alogenico: efeitos sobre a manutencao da integridade da mucosa oralORSI, MARIANE C.E. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:28:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T13:56:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Dissertacao (Mestrado Profissionalizante em Lasers em Odontologia) / IPEN/D-MPLO / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP; Faculdade de Odontologia, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo
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Aspectos bioéticos envolvidos na obtenção de órgãos para transplantes : a questão do mercado órgãosAndrade, Daniela Alves Pereira de January 2014 (has links)
O tempo de espera para obtenção de órgão para transplante constitui-se num grande problema na área da saúde em todo o mundo. O número de doadores voluntários não cresce na mesma medida da necessidade de órgãos. Diante deste quadro, surgiu um mercado ilícito de órgãos, em que os compradores e intermediadores se dirigirem aos países onde há uma porcentagem grande de população vulnerável, objetivando adquirir órgãos de indivíduos vivos, mediante pagamento. Neste contexto, esta pesquisa buscou avaliar e comparar as percepções de profissionais de saúde e da população em geral com relação à forma de obtenção dos órgãos, em especial a abordagem de mercado, e comparar a opção desinteressada com outra opção, que tem a percepção do envolvimento da necessidade pessoal ou familiar para obter órgãos com o fim de transplante, utilizando a abordagem de mercado. Para atender aos objetivos deste estudo foi elaborado um questionário para coletar a opinião dos participantes. Sua distribuição foi realizada pessoalmente, de forma aleatória, e também foi elaborada uma versão eletrônica que foi divulgada via página no facebook, criada exclusivamente para este fim. A análise das respostas obtidas foram discutidas ao nível de 5% de significância e consideradas significativas quando o valor de p foi < 0,05. Ao todo, 692 pessoas participaram da pesquisa. Foi identificado que na categoria do profissional de saúde há maior tendência do que entre aqueles que não são profissionais da saúde em discordar dos incentivos indiretos relacionados com a redução de impostos e licença remunerada de 30 dias. Estas foram as únicas associações significativas ligadas aos profissionais da saúde no estudo. A maioria dos participantes (80,1%) concordou que a doação de órgãos deve ser um ato desinteressado e estritamente solidário. Por outro lado, 52% acredita que o mercado poderia ser um sistema justo e benéfico para todos, visando ampliar a possibilidade de realização de transplantes. Em uma situação extrema, de carência absoluta de órgãos, 54,9% dos participantes indicaram que pagariam por um órgão para salvar a sua vida ou a vida de algum familiar. Nesta questão, 24,1% discordaram e 20,2% indicaram que não possuem opinião sobre o assunto. / Waiting in aqueue for obtaining organ transplant constitutes a major problem in healthcare worldwide. The numbers of voluntary donors do not grow to the same extent of the need for organs. Given this situation, there was an illicit market for organs, in which buyers and intermediaries to address the countries where there is a large percentage of low-income population, aiming to acquire organs from living individuals, through payment. In this context, this study aimed to evaluate and compare the perceptions of health professionals and the general public regarding the method of obtaining the organs, especially the market approach and compare the disinterested option with another option, which has the perception of involvement personal or family need for organs for the purpose of transplantation, using the market approach. To meet the objectives of this study, a questionnaire was developed to collect the opinions of participants. Its distribution was held personally randomly and was also prepared an electronic version of the questionnaire was disseminated via facebook page created solely for this purpose. The analysis of the responses were discussed at 5% significance and considered significant when the p value was <0.05. In all, 692 people participated in the survey. It was identified that the health professional category there are more likely than among those who are not health professionals to disagree on the indirect incentives related to the reduction of taxes and paid leave of 30 days for those who make donations. These were the only significant associations related to health professionals throughout the study. Most participants (80.1%) indicated that agree that organ donation must be a disinterested and strictly act of solidarity. On the other hand, 52% believe that the market for organs could be fair and beneficial system for all in order to extend the possibility of performing transplants. In an extreme situation, absolute shortage of organs, 54.9% of respondents indicated they would pay for an organ to save your life or the life of a family member. On the same question, 24.1% disagreed and 20.2% indicated that they have no opinion on the matter.
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Transferencia ovariana como alternativa para a restauracao das funcoes reprodutivas em femeas de camundongos irradiadas com radiacao gama de Co-60 / Ovarian transfer as an alternative to restore the reproductive functions in mice females irradiated with gama radiation from 60Co.SALGADO, ANDREIA R. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:52:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T13:58:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Dissertacao (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP
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Análise morfológica e biomecânica do âmnio conservado em glicerol esterilizado com diferentes doses de radiação ionizante / Morphological and biomechanical analysis of amnion stored in glycerol sterilized with different doses of ionizing radiationSOARES, FERNANDO A.N. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:41:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:08:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Dissertação (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP
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Aspectos bioéticos envolvidos na obtenção de órgãos para transplantes : a questão do mercado órgãosAndrade, Daniela Alves Pereira de January 2014 (has links)
O tempo de espera para obtenção de órgão para transplante constitui-se num grande problema na área da saúde em todo o mundo. O número de doadores voluntários não cresce na mesma medida da necessidade de órgãos. Diante deste quadro, surgiu um mercado ilícito de órgãos, em que os compradores e intermediadores se dirigirem aos países onde há uma porcentagem grande de população vulnerável, objetivando adquirir órgãos de indivíduos vivos, mediante pagamento. Neste contexto, esta pesquisa buscou avaliar e comparar as percepções de profissionais de saúde e da população em geral com relação à forma de obtenção dos órgãos, em especial a abordagem de mercado, e comparar a opção desinteressada com outra opção, que tem a percepção do envolvimento da necessidade pessoal ou familiar para obter órgãos com o fim de transplante, utilizando a abordagem de mercado. Para atender aos objetivos deste estudo foi elaborado um questionário para coletar a opinião dos participantes. Sua distribuição foi realizada pessoalmente, de forma aleatória, e também foi elaborada uma versão eletrônica que foi divulgada via página no facebook, criada exclusivamente para este fim. A análise das respostas obtidas foram discutidas ao nível de 5% de significância e consideradas significativas quando o valor de p foi < 0,05. Ao todo, 692 pessoas participaram da pesquisa. Foi identificado que na categoria do profissional de saúde há maior tendência do que entre aqueles que não são profissionais da saúde em discordar dos incentivos indiretos relacionados com a redução de impostos e licença remunerada de 30 dias. Estas foram as únicas associações significativas ligadas aos profissionais da saúde no estudo. A maioria dos participantes (80,1%) concordou que a doação de órgãos deve ser um ato desinteressado e estritamente solidário. Por outro lado, 52% acredita que o mercado poderia ser um sistema justo e benéfico para todos, visando ampliar a possibilidade de realização de transplantes. Em uma situação extrema, de carência absoluta de órgãos, 54,9% dos participantes indicaram que pagariam por um órgão para salvar a sua vida ou a vida de algum familiar. Nesta questão, 24,1% discordaram e 20,2% indicaram que não possuem opinião sobre o assunto. / Waiting in aqueue for obtaining organ transplant constitutes a major problem in healthcare worldwide. The numbers of voluntary donors do not grow to the same extent of the need for organs. Given this situation, there was an illicit market for organs, in which buyers and intermediaries to address the countries where there is a large percentage of low-income population, aiming to acquire organs from living individuals, through payment. In this context, this study aimed to evaluate and compare the perceptions of health professionals and the general public regarding the method of obtaining the organs, especially the market approach and compare the disinterested option with another option, which has the perception of involvement personal or family need for organs for the purpose of transplantation, using the market approach. To meet the objectives of this study, a questionnaire was developed to collect the opinions of participants. Its distribution was held personally randomly and was also prepared an electronic version of the questionnaire was disseminated via facebook page created solely for this purpose. The analysis of the responses were discussed at 5% significance and considered significant when the p value was <0.05. In all, 692 people participated in the survey. It was identified that the health professional category there are more likely than among those who are not health professionals to disagree on the indirect incentives related to the reduction of taxes and paid leave of 30 days for those who make donations. These were the only significant associations related to health professionals throughout the study. Most participants (80.1%) indicated that agree that organ donation must be a disinterested and strictly act of solidarity. On the other hand, 52% believe that the market for organs could be fair and beneficial system for all in order to extend the possibility of performing transplants. In an extreme situation, absolute shortage of organs, 54.9% of respondents indicated they would pay for an organ to save your life or the life of a family member. On the same question, 24.1% disagreed and 20.2% indicated that they have no opinion on the matter.
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