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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A 3 dimensional contingency model of project management : An exploration of task-centred groups in two large organisations

Partington, K. D. January 1983 (has links)
The t t es i s explores the structure and process of proje c t manage ment in two Passenger Transport Executives(G .M. P . T. E . and S. Y . ~ . T.E ) In view of thedearth of practical advice on· proj ect management , the research i s con c erned n ot only wi th the wider i mp li cat io~s of pro j ec t management but a l s o to provide valid counsel to practisi ng managers . Issues raised in the litera ture sugg es t ed that successful project management was a com plex, shifting amal gam of four " id eE l~ ty pes , whose boundarie s were delineated by two structural d i mens ion s (Un structured- Structur ed and Proj ect orienta ti on- Functional orientation) . Al th ough the concept of power was c ommon to both dim ens i ons , each wa~ felt to constitute a sepa r ate ~~ pect of proj ect ma ~ agement and it was h ypothes i sed that successful pr oj ect management came about from the management of a II dynamic balance " a cross b ot h dime ns i ons - maintaining a crude trade off which at any poi n t in time would be gov erned by the characteristics of the task , environment and the culture of the incumbent or gani sati on . Exhaustive analysis of 6 pro j ect g r oups added to the working ~ypo theses suggested by the literature . In the empirica l melting pot , observations, analysis and working hypotheses were coalesc ed to g i ve a normative three- dimensional contingency model of proj e c t nan6gement and retros pe ctively , the relative success or fa ilure of proj ect ma nagement i n both organisa tions is explained with reference t o this model. The results underline the i mportance of training and of past experience in group problem- solving te chn i ques . But the experience of project manage~e nt in G. K. T. and S . Y. T. sug gests that admini s trators contemnlating project ma" ageme n~ shoul d consi der the culture of their organi sa ti on and pay due re ga rd to the likely strength of cult ural and historice.l opposi ti on . The research a lso pOi nts to the need fo r careful "hand s-on" manage ment to ensure the mai ntenance of a dynami c balan c e over the life of the proje ct- exe rcising a crude trade~~ff between t he vertical and l ateral dimensions of proj e ct management . In a wider philosophical and theoretical s ense the research shows the folly of exercising simple structural expedients to solve complex problems of organisation and concludes t hat there are no simple solutions to the problem of incre asi ng organisational s i ze and complexity , and no short c uts to organi sational f l exibility .

Zhodnocení dopadu ekonomické krize 2009 na letecký průmysl / The impact of the economic crisis 2009 on the air transport industry

Jarolímová, Petra January 2010 (has links)
At the beginning the thesis deals with the financial crisis 2007 which has lead to the economic recession. It introduces the impact of the economic crisis on the travel and tourim industry in general with the focus on the air transport industry. It mentions the particular measures of the airlines against the economic crisis and characterises the important role of IATA during the economic crisis. At the end of this thesis there is a forecast of the further development of the air transport industry.

Globální distribuční systémy a další informační technologie v leteckém průmyslu / Global distribution systems and other information technologies in the air transport industry

Chámová, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis analyses information technologies in the air transport industry, primarily global distribution systems. The first part of the thesis focuses on basic terms of information technology and introduces subjects of the air transport industry, which are air traffic control, airlines and airports. The second part of the thesis describes all information technologies, which are used by above mentioned subjects for organization and operation of air transport. This part is mostly dedicated to global distribution systems, which are inessential for distribution of air transport.

Decentralized Transactions in a Centralized Environment : A Blockchain Study Within the Transport Industry / Decentraliserade transaktioner i en centraliserad omgivning : En blockchainstudie inom transportindustrin

Löf, Marcus January 2017 (has links)
The blockchain technology constitutes a domain where significant research is done. The technology revolutionized the world through the cryptocurrency Bitcoin, and since then new applications of the technology have emerged. One of the applications is to represent real assets as digital assets on a blockchain, so called smart-property. In this thesis a smart-property solution is utilized to address creditworthiness issues within the transport industry. A Proof-of-Concept (PoC) is implemented using smart-property through colored coins on Bitcoin’s blockchain. To conclude the usefulness of the solution, two alternative solutions are proposed for comparisons. Requirements for a solution to the problem are specified, and the solutions are evaluated against them. Thus the thesis investigates and compares the solutions’ abilities to address the creditworthiness problem motivating the thesis. The evaluation aspects constitute of: confidentiality, integrity, availability, consistency, immutability, response time, cost, customer usefulness, trust and environmental issues. It is concluded that a smart-property solution is adequate for the problem. The solution however got inadequacies, mainly regarding confidentiality, but that is concluded not to affect the problem domain. / Blockchainteknologin utgör ett område där mycket forskning utförs. Teknologin revolutionerade världen genom kryptovalutan Bitcoin, och sedan dess har nya applikationer av teknologin växt fram. En av applikationerna är att representera verkliga tillgångar som digitala tillgångar på en blockchain, så kallad smart-property. I denna uppsats används smart-property för att lösa kreditvärdighetsproblem som finns inom transportindustrin. En implementation för att påvisa konceptets ändamålsenlighet utförs där smart-property används genom colored coins på Bitcoins blockchain. För att kunna bedöma användbarheten hos lösningen, föreslås även två alternativa lösningar för jämförelse. Krav för en lösning på problemet specificeras i uppsatsen och lösningarna evalueras mot dessa. Alltså undersöker och jämför denna uppsats lösningarnas förmåga att lösa kreditvärdighetsproblemet som motiverar denna uppsats. Aspekterna för evaluering utgörs av: konfidentialitet, integritet, tillgänglighet, konsistens, oförändlighet, responstid, kundnytta, pålitlighet och miljöpåverkan. Slutsatsen som dras är att en lösning baserad på smart-property är adekvat för problemet. Lösningen har dock brister, främst vad gäller konfidentialitet, som däremot inte påverkar problemdomänen.

The impact of Chinese airport infrastructure on airline pollutant emissions: A hybrid stochastic-neural network approach based on utility functions

Cui, Q., Antunes, J., Wanke, P., Tan, Yong, Roubaud, D., Jabbour, C.J.C. 01 December 2024 (has links)
Yes / With China being the world’s largest emitter of greenhouse gases and its aviation sector burgeoning, the environmental performance of Chinese airlines has global significance. Amidst rising demands for eco-friendly practices from both customers and regulators, the interplay between airport infrastructure and environmental performance becomes pivotal. This research offers an innovative methodology to gauge the environmental performance of Chinese airlines, emphasizing the distance traveled between airports using weighted additive utility functions. Leveraging neural networks, the study investigates the impact of various airport infrastructural characteristics on environmental performance. Noteworthy findings indicate that ground control measures, automatic information services at origin airports, surface concrete on runways at both ends, and a centerline lighting system in destination airports positively influence environmental performance. In contrast, longer and wider runways at origin airports, increased distances to control towers, and asphalt runways at destination airports adversely affect it. These insights not only underscore the importance of strategic infrastructure enhancements for reducing carbon footprints but also hold profound policy implications. As global climate change remains at the forefront, fostering sustainable airport infrastructure in China can significantly contribute to worldwide mitigation efforts.

Simulating Heavy Vehicles on Australian Rural Highways

Fry, John January 2005 (has links)
The major purpose of this thesis is to offer a detailed look at the development of two models used to assist in the detailed study of Australian two lane two way highways with particular reference to heavy vehicles. The first model governs the acceleration behaviour of vehicles on upgrades and downgrades. The second model controls overtaking manoeuvres on two lane two way highways where movement into the lane of oncoming traffic is required. Both models are implemented through a suite of transport simulation modelling software called Paramics.

Simulating Heavy Vehicles on Australian Rural Highways

Fry, John January 2005 (has links)
The major purpose of this thesis is to offer a detailed look at the development of two models used to assist in the detailed study of Australian two lane two way highways with particular reference to heavy vehicles. The first model governs the acceleration behaviour of vehicles on upgrades and downgrades. The second model controls overtaking manoeuvres on two lane two way highways where movement into the lane of oncoming traffic is required. Both models are implemented through a suite of transport simulation modelling software called Paramics.

Long-haulage transport in China : A mapping of segments, needs and future trends for semi-trailers / Fjärrtransport i Kina : eEn kartläggning av segmant, behov och framtida trender för semi-trailers

Tengdelius, Fredrik January 2012 (has links)
This report describes the Chinese truck transport industry; how companies in that industry manage their businesses and the problems they face regarding how they can conduct their long-haulage transport business as efficiently as possible. The method used in this thesis is a qualitative approach where data mainly have been collected through interviews with transport companies. Initially, the components necessary for road transport are discussed, what separates them and how legal demands limit them. Through studies and interviews with transport companies in China and Europe, differences between the different continents are identified in terms of development level and efficiency in logistics handling. These aspects are connected to factors such as salary differences and legislations to finally identify three key segments for the Chinese market. These segments are then analyzed individually and compared against each other to identify one segment where an optimized semi-trailer could improve the current segment and also be an attractive product, for transport companies in that segment as well as for semi-trailer manufacturing companies. Specifications for a proposed semi-trailer are suggested based on needs for that segment. Finally different options for the introduction of such a product at the Chinese market are investigated considering risk-taking, profit requirements and feasibility. This study shows and arguments that there is a big market potential for better semi-trailers than the ones used in the market today and that the segment with the biggest improvement possibilities is a segment where both weight and volume are bottlenecks in the daily business. This study further shows that a high potential can be seen through a growing market and new legislations in China which implies that current semi-trailers will have to be phased out within a period of fifteen years to a product that fulfills the new legislations. / Denna rapport beskriver den kinesiska lastbilstransportmarknaden, hur aktörerna på denna bedriver sin verksamhet och vilka problem de står inför med avseende på att bedriva sin verksamhet så effektivt som möjligt. Använd metod är en kvalitativ approach där data huvudsakligen införskaffats genom intervjuer med transportföretag. Inledningsvis diskuteras de ingående fordonstyper som utgör en bas för lastbilstransporter, deras olika egenskaper, vad som skiljer dem åt och hur lagkrav begränsar dessa. Genom studier och intervjuer av transportföretag i Kina och Europa identifieras olikheter mellan de två kontinenterna vad gäller utvecklingsgrad och effektivitet i logistikhantering. Dessa kopplas ihop med faktorer så som löneskillnader och lagkrav för att slutligen dela upp den kinesiska marknaden i tre segment. Dessa segment analyseras därefter individuellt och ställs mot varandra för att identifiera ett segment där en optimerad semi-trailer dels skulle kunna förbättra det befintliga segmentet men också utgöra en attraktiv produkt för de företag som befinner sig däri, samt för företag som producerar semi-trailers. Specifikationer för den föreslagna semi-trailern läggs fram baserat på behov i det segmentet. Slutligen utvärderas olika möjligheter för att introducera en sådan produkt på den kinesiska marknaden med avseende på risktagande, vinstkrav och genomförbarhet. Denna studie visar och argumenterar för att det finns en stor marknad för bättre semi-trailers än de som marknaden för närvarande använder och att det segment där störst vinst kan göras är ett segment där både vikt och volym utgör flaskhalsar för den dagliga verksamheten. Studien visar vidare att det finns en potential i semi-trailerförsäljning på den Kinesiska marknaden genom förändrade lagkrav vilka kräver att nuvarande semi-trailers byts ut från marknaden inom en femtonårs period och ersätts med nya lagliga.

Методический подход к оценке эффективности эксплуатации основных средств : магистерская диссертация / Methodological approach to assessing the efficiency of fixed assets operation

Сун, Б., Song, B. January 2022 (has links)
Целью исследования является развитие методического похода к повышению эффективность эксплуатации основных средств. По результатам работы был разработан методический подход к выбору способа воспроизводства горнотранспортного оборудования, основанный на оценке текущего технического состояния оборудования, эксплуатационных расходов, а также необходимости проведения сравнительного анализа с рыночной стоимостью приобретения и прогнозными показателями владения новой техникой, что позволяет повысить эффективность эксплуатации основных средств. / The purpose of the study is to develop a methodological approach to improving the efficiency of fixed assets operation. Based on the results of the work, a methodical approach was developed to the choice of a method for the reproduction of mining and transport equipment, based on an assessment of the current technical condition of the equipment, operating costs, as well as the need to conduct a comparative analysis with the market cost of acquisition and predictive indicators of ownership of new equipment, which makes it possible to increase the efficiency of the operation of fixed assets.

Future changes in the road freight transportation industry: An application of future scenarios / Framtida förändringar inom vägtransportbranschen: en tillämpning av framtidsscenarier

Kilic, Britan January 2022 (has links)
The road freight transport industry is facing radical changes that have the potential to fundamentally change the industry and pressure actors to embrace sustainability throughout their operations and implement technology in the broadest sense. The road transport industry is permeated by the use of fossil fuels and accounts for a significant part of the total CO2 emissions in the world. The entire industry is facing a fossil-free transition to reach the global environmental initiatives that countries have undertaken. At the same time as the industry is phasing out fossil fuels and using more sustainable fuels, the literature has a coherent view that transported goods are expected to increase significantly, and the imprint of the COVID-19 pandemic is increasingly affecting the industry with shortages of drivers and more vulnerable supply chains. This study has aimed to identify changes that affect the road freight transport industry in the short term (0-5 years) and the long term (5-20 years) with a focus on Europe. Furthermore, the study has applied the results of the study to a framework of future scenarios that previous research has contributed with, in collaboration with over 50 industry experts from the transport industry, to evaluate the impact of the changes concerning the expected futures that the research has resulted in. The study has applied literature search, a document study, and interviews with actors from the industry to collect relevant data and has resulted in most of the identified changes that the road transport industry is expected to be affected by in the short and long term.  The changes have been divided into three levels: ecosystem, business, and technology. The macro factors that affect the industry are increased regionalization and urbanization, increased customer requirements and consumption, and extensive introduction of laws and regulations concerning environmental impact and technology. Furthermore, the business changes are increased operational costs, the establishment of partnerships and alliances, circularity, and lack of staff. The technical factors consist of AI, IoT, and new more sustainable fuels. The primary effects include increased local production of goods that contribute to shorter transport distances but more transport, fossil-free transport with mainly electricity and hydrogen as fuel and thus new establishments of electricity and hydrogen infrastructure, many global initiatives to achieve sustainability, extensive application of technologies to streamline supply chains as well as more comprehensive rules and requirements regarding new unexplored technologies. Furthermore, future scenarios have been applied to evaluate the possible impact on the industry, which is visualized in figure 14. Suggestions for further research in the field are changes in the industry that take place but which this work has not addressed as it is not perceived as having significant effects on the road transport industry, such as increased deliveries of fresh goods, 3D printing, multimodal transport, and an older population and thus increased shipments of medical devices. / Vägtransportbranschen står inför radikala förändringar med potential att förändra industrin fundamentalt och pressar aktörerna till att anamma hållbarhet genomgående i sina operationer och implementera teknologi i vid bemärkelse. Vägtransportbranschen genomsyras av användning av fossila bränslen och står för en väsentlig del av de totala CO2 utsläppen i världen. Hela industrin står inför en fossilfri omställning för att nå upp till de globala initiativen som länder åtagit sig att genomföra i ett försök att bromsa den negativa klimatpåverkan som utsläpp leder till. Samtidigt som branschen ska fasa ut fossila bränslen och använda hållbarare drivmedel påstår litteraturen att transporterat gods ökar markant och COVID-19 pandemins avtryck påverkar i allt större utsträckning med brist på chaufförer och sårbarare försörjningskedjor. Denna studie har syftat till att identifiera förändringar som påverkar vägtransportindustrin på kort sikt (0–5 år) samt på lång sikt (5–20 år) med fokus på Europa. Vidare har studien tillämpat resultaten på ett ramverk av framtida scenarion som tidigare forskning bidragit med i samarbete med över 50 industriexperter för att utvärdera förändringarnas påverkan med avseende på de möjliga framtiderna som forskningen resulterat i. Studien har tillämpat litteratursökning, dokumentstudie samt intervjuer med aktörer från vägtransportindustrin i syfte att samla relevant data och har resulterat i flertalet identifierade förändringar som vägtransportbranschen förväntas påverkas av på kort och lång sikt.  Förändringarna har uppdelats i tre nivåer; ekosystemets, affärsmässiga samt tekniska. De makrofaktorer som påverkar industrin är ökad regionalisering och urbanisering, ökade kundkrav och konsumtion samt införande av lagar och regler. Vidare är de affärsmässiga förändringarna etableringar av partnerskap och allianser, cirkularitet och brist på personal. De tekniska faktorerna består av AI, IoT och nya hållbarare drivmedel. De primära effekterna innefattar ökad lokal tillverkning av varor som bidrar till kortare transportsträckor men fler transporter, fossilfria transporter med främst elektricitet och vätgas som drivmedel och därmed nyetableringar av el- och vätgasinfrastruktur, många globala initiativ för att uppnå hållbarhet, omfattande tillämpning av teknologier för att effektivisera försörjningskedjorna samt mer omfattande regler och krav gällande nya outforskade teknologier. Vidare så har framtida scenarios tillämpats för att utvärdera möjlig påverkan på industrin, detta är visualiserat i figur 14. Förslag på fortsatt forskning inom området är förändringar i industrin som sker men som detta arbete inte behandlat då det inte uppfattats som att de ger väsentliga effekter på vägtransportbranschen, exempelvis ökade leveranser av färska varor, 3D-printing, multimodala transporter samt en äldre befolkning och därmed ökade transporter av medicinska hjälpmedel.

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