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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Das Designkonzept im Transportation Design: Einordnung, Analyse und zukünftige Anwendung

Krzywinski, Jens 06 June 2011 (has links)
Bisherige Vorstellungen von Design als ausschließlich produktbezogene Gestaltung haben sich überlebt, auch wenn dieser fundmentale Bruch in der Alltagswahr nehmung häufig überdeckt wird. Die vorliegende Untersuchung zum Designkonzept, verstanden als die Wesensbestimmung eines zu entwerfenden Objektes, greift diese Entwicklungen auf einer konkrete Ebene auf. So ist der Hauptbezugspunkt der vorzunehmenden Wesensbestimmung das ganzheitliche Erleben eines Produktes – Product Experience – nicht seine geometrische oder funktionale Beschaffenheit. Die in diesem Buch dargestellten Untersuchungen erfolgten im Transportation Design, einem der etabliertesten De signbereiche. Die zur Erstellung eines Designkonzeptes verwendeten Werkzeuge wie Personas und Szenarien entstammen anderen Fachdisziplinen, werden aber mit den designeigenen Werkzeugen der Zeichnung oder Illustration verarbeitet und ver dichtet. Dabei nutzen sie Modelle der Handlungsregulation und des komplexen Problemlösens als theoretische Grundlage. Das so entstandene Designkonzept kann strukturiert in die integrierte Produktentwicklung eingebunden werden und wird Teil eines Semantic Frontends. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen bestätigen die Existenz von Designkonzepten und geben eine umfassende Beschreibung von Merkmalen, Inhalten, Funktionen sowie ihrer Erstellung.:VORWORT 15 1 EINSTIEG UND PROBLEMLAGE 19 1.1 Design – Versuch einer generellen Einordnung 19 1.2 Design – Versuch einer wissenschaftlichen Einordnung 22 1.3 Einordnung des Technischen Designs an der TU Dresden 25 1.4 Wissenschaftliche Problemlage 27 1.4.1 Einführung und eigene Vorarbeiten 27 1.4.2 Konzeptphase und Designkonzept 29 1.4.3 Orientierung im Design – Erleben (Experience) als Ausgangspunkt 31 1.4.4 Design und Entwurfsprozess 32 1.4.5 Produktentwicklung 35 1.4.6 Psychologie 37 1.4.7 Transportation Design 40 1.4.8 Wirtschaft und Management 42 1.4.9 Designforschung – Forschung im, über und mit Design 43 1.5 Zusammenfassung und Untersuchungsfokus 45 2 DESIGN UND DESIGNFORSCHUNG 51 2.1 Einführung 51 2.2 Design und Designprozess 53 2.2.1 Designbasics – Simon & Schön 56 2.2.2 Designdefinition – Uhlmann 58 2.2.3 Experience Design – Cagan & Vogel, Press & Cooper, Schifferstein & Hekkert 60 2.2.4 Designprozess und Unsicherheit – Cross 63 2.2.5 Problemlösen 2.0 – Roozenburg & Dorst & Lawson 66 2.2.6 Design integrativ – Buchanan & Margolin 70 2.2.7 Produktentwicklung – Ulrich & Eppinger 72 2.2.8 Integrierte Produktentwicklung – Lindemann 74 2.2.9 Designausbildung – Bürdek & Heufler 77 2.2.10 Vergleich der Auffassungen – Ausgangspunkt für ein Theoriegerüst 78 2.3 Designforschung 80 2.3.1 Design – eine Wissenschaft? 80 2.3.2 Zur Geschichte der »Designforschung« 83 2.3.3 Forschung aus Insider- und Outsiderperspektive 86 2.3.4 Forschung über Design (research about design, research into Design context) 87 2.3.5 Forschung im Design (research in design) 88 2.3.6 Forschung durch Design (research with design, design inclusive Research) 89 2.3.7 Design thinking 90 2.3.8 Positionierung des eigenen Forschungsvorhabens 93 3 DESIGNKONZEPT 95 3.1 Einführung zum Begriff Konzept 95 3.2 Konzeptbegriff in Produktentwicklung und Design 96 3.3 Produktstudien und Concept Design 100 3.4 Merkmale und Funktionen von Designkonzepten 102 3.5 Zum Entwicklungsprozess von Designkonzepten 105 3.6 Unterstützungswerkzeuge zur Konzepterstellung 108 3.6.1 Klassische Werkzeuge – Image Boards und Wortmarken 109 3.6.2 Moderne Werkzeuge – Szenarien, Personas und Trends 110 3.6.3 Kataloge, Galerien und Tagebücher 111 3.7 Beispiele für Designkonzepte 112 3.7.1 Designkonzepte von Serienprodukten 112 3.7.2 Designkonzepte aus Ausbildungssprojekten 115 4 QUALITATIVE UNTERSUCHUNGSMETHODEN 121 4.1 Einführung 121 4.2 Gütekriterien qualitativer Forschung 122 4.3 Studien im Designprozess 124 4.4 Interview 126 4.4.1 Leitfadengestützte Interviews 127 4.4.2 Experteninterview 128 4.5 Beobachtung 129 4.6 Tagebuch und Handlungsprotokoll 130 4.6.1 Tagebuch 131 4.6.2 Handlungsprototkoll des Designprozesses mittels unterschiedlicher Notizwerkzeuge 132 4.7 Lautes Denken 133 4.8 Introspektion & Reflexion 135 4.8.1 Ansätze zur fragenbasierten Selbstreflexion für Designkonzepte im Transportation Design 136 4.9 AuswertungsMethoden 138 4.9.1 Transkription 138 4.9.2 Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse 138 5 FRAGESTELLUNGEN UND THESEN 141 5.1 Wissenschaftliche Fragestellung 141 5.2 Thesen 142 6 UNTERSUCHUNGSDURCHFÜHRUNG 145 6.1 Einführung 145 6.2 Stichprobe 147 6.2.1 Kriterien der Stichprobe 147 6.2.2 Auswahl der Stichprobe 148 6.3 Variablen 149 6.4 Angewandte Methoden 150 6.4.1 Dokumentation 150 6.4.2 Beobachtung 152 6.4.3 Interviews 155 6.4.4 Inhaltsanalyse 157 6.5 Vorstudien und Voruntersuchungen 160 6.5.1 Stichprobe 160 6.5.2 Untersuchungsdesign und Ablauf 160 6.5.3 DiplomProjekt I als prototypisches Beispiel 161 6.5.4 Entwurfsthema Soapbox 165 6.5.5 Entwurfsthema Nissan 168 6.5.6 Diplomprojekte II 169 6.5.7 Entwurfsthema Off Track Exterieur 170 6.5.8 Diplomprojekt III 172 6.5.9 Einschätzung der Untersuchungswerkzeuge und Vergleich der Voruntersuchungen 173 6.5.10 Einordnung in Entwerfertypen 174 6.6 Hauptuntersuchung 175 6.6.1 Stichprobe 175 6.6.2 Untersuchungsdesign und Ablauf 176 6.6.3 Entwurfsthema Traktor 177 6.7 Nachuntersuchung I und II 180 6.7.1 Stichprobe 180 6.7.2 Untersuchungsdesign und Ablauf 181 6.7.3 Entwurfsthema Upper Range Exterieur 181 6.7.4 Entwurfsthema Upper Range Interieur 183 6.7.5 Entwurfsthema Audi ICON 185 6.7.6 Diplomprojekte IV 186 6.7.7 Zusammenfassung der Nachuntersuchungen 187 6.8 Expertenbefragungen 188 6.8.1 Stichprobe 188 6.8.2 Untersuchungsdesign und Ablauf 188 6.8.3 Audi A3 189 6.8.4 Audi TT 190 6.8.5 Audi RSQ 192 6.9 Beziehungen zwischen Projekten der Vor-, Haupt- und Nachuntersuchungen 194 6.9.1 Projektvergleich Traktor und Upper Range 194 6.9.2 Projektvergleich Soapbox, Off Track und Interieur 197 6.9.3 Quervergleich der Einstiegsprojekte Soapbox und Traktor 202 7 ERGEBNISDARSTELLUNG 205 7.1 Erläuterung 205 7.2 Existenz und Funktion von Designkonzepten 206 7.2.1 Designkonzepte als zentrale Bestandteile des Entwurfsprozesses 206 7.2.2 Designkonzepte als erste stabile Wissenseinheiten des Entwurfsprozesses 207 7.2.3 Designkonzepte als Ursprung des Entwurfes 208 7.2.4 Designkonzepte als Leitlinien und Grenzen 210 7.2.5 Designkonzepte als Definitionen des Entwurfsziels 211 7.2.6 Designkonzepte als Strukturhilfen des Entwurfsprozesses 212 7.3 Inhalte von Designkonzepten 212 7.3.1 Designkonzepte als Träger funktionaler und formaler Anforderungen 212 7.3.2 Designkonzepte als Charakter-/Wesensbestimmung 214 7.3.3 Details und Einzelemente in Designkonzepten 215 7.4 Merkmale von Designkonzepten 216 7.4.1 Designkonzepte, subjektiv, objekt- und kontextgebunden 216 7.4.2 Designkonzepte, hochgradig verdichtet und externalisiert 217 7.4.3 Designkonzepte und Sicherheitsempfinden 219 7.5 Erstellung von Designkonzepten 220 7.5.1 Designkonzepte entstehen iterativ 221 7.5.2 Designkonzepte verarbeiten semantisches und episodisches Wissen 221 7.5.3 Sammlung, Auswahl und Auseinandersetzung mit Designkonzepten 223 7.5.4 Verwendete Werkzeuge zur Erstellung von Designkonzepten 224 7.6 Inter- und Intrapersoneller Vergleich der Ergebnisse 227 7.6.1 Traktor 227 7.6.2 Soapbox 228 7.6.3 Upper Range 228 7.6.4 Off Track 229 7.6.5 Zweite und Dritte Projekte 229 7.6.6 Erfolgreiche vs. weniger erfolgreiche Projekte 230 7.7 Vergleich anhand ausgewählter Entwerfertypen 231 7.7.1 Automotive 231 7.7.2 Industrial 234 7.7.3 Fictional 236 7.7.4 Individual 239 7.8 Zusammenfassung 240 8 DISKUSSION UND INTERPRETATION 243 8.1 Aussagefähigkeit und Einschränkungen der Ergebnisse 243 8.1.1 Aussagefähigkeit anhand qualitativer Gütekriterien 244 8.1.2 Einschränkungen anhand der Variablen 246 8.2 Erkenntnisfortschritt und Anwendungsfelder der Ergebnisse 247 8.2.1 Erkenntnisfortschritt zum bisherigen Stand der Wissenschaft 248 8.2.2 Anwendungsfelder in Forschung, Ausbildung und Praxis 251 9 SYNTHESE ZUM MODELL DES DESIGNKONZEPTES 255 9.1 Designkonzept – Inhalte und Zusammenhänge 255 9.2 Konzepterstellung mit Szenario, Persona und Produktcharakter 257 10 ZUSAMMENFASSUNG 261 11 AUSBLICK 265 ABBILDUNGSVERZEICHNIS 267 LITERATURVERZEICHNIS 273 ANHANG 297

Safe Streets, Livable Streets: A Positive Approach to Urban Roadside Design

Dumbaugh, Eric 08 August 2005 (has links)
Transportation safety is a highly contentious issue in the design of cities and communities. To enhance community livability, urban designers, architects and city planners often encourage the placement of street trees, aesthetic street lights, and other roadside features in a buffer zone between the pedestrian realm and the vehicle travelway. While such designs clearly enhance the aesthetic quality of a roadway, conventional geometric design practice regards roadside features located in the clear zone as fixed-object hazards, and strongly discourages their use. This study examines roadside safety in urban environments to better understand the nature of urban fixed-object crashes, as well as the safety impacts of livable streetscape treatments. While the prevailing assumption is that livable street treatments have a negative impact on a roadways safety performance, the existing empirical evidence indicates that such designs are much safer than more conventional roadside designs. Current safety objections to the use of livable street treatments are not based on empirical evidence, but are instead the result of a design philosophy that systematically overlooks the real-world operating behavior of road users. This study details the origin and evolution of this philosophy, termed passive safety, and subjects it to an empirical test to evaluate its applicability to urban arterial roadways. It finds that passive safety assumptions do not meaningfully explain empirical observations of crash frequency and severity. To enhance contemporary geometric design practice, this study then proceeds to more thoroughly examine the nature and characteristics of urban roadside crashes, and proposes a new design approach, termed positive design that better addresses the twin goals of safety and livability.

Volvo Trucks: A Trucker's Pride : Increasing the Quality of Life for American Long-Haul Truckers

Vaninetti, Travis January 2012 (has links)
Volvo Trucks: A Trucker's Pride   The North American trucking industry is in decline. By 2014, the United States is projected to be short 110,000 drivers (Wikipedia). The hardest hit segment is the long-haul sector, due to the difficult lifestyle of the long-haul trucker. Drivers experience long periods of time away from home, mediocre pay, and “miserable” working conditions. In order to revive the struggling industry and refresh the lifeblood of our civilization, the long-haul trucker lifestyle must be made more appealing. This project is a study into how to make the North American Long-Haul trucker lifestyle appealing to future trucker generations through both interior and exterior design.   In-depth research found that emotional needs of American long-haul truckers are not being met.  Emotional needs are directly linked to the concept of “quality of life”. Therefore, increasing the trucker’s quality of life would help truckers meet their emotional needs and thus help revive the North American trucking industry. Through interviews and questionnaires, pride was determined to be the key emotional need of the American Trucker. These interviews revealed that the best method to appeal to this key emotional need was to rethink the exterior form. It was decided that a design sculpture should be used to illustrate the concept of emotionally appealing transportation. For the interior design, research showed that a trucker’s fundamental human needs were not being met aboard the truck. Expanding the living space on-board and providing truckers access to their basic human needs allow people to truly live life on the road.   The Volvo Vision Long-Haul (VLH) helps future truckers take pride in themselves and their lifestyles. Pride comes from the aesthetics of assertive strength and the confident stance of the vehicle. A higher seating position gives drivers a commanding view of the road and the use of noble materials helps drivers feel they live in a quality environment. Onboard, the Volvo VLH maximizes interior space, providing enough room for a trucker to live life on the road.  To meet basic human needs, the truck has a shower and toilet onboard, along with a kitchen complete with stove and sink. The lofted bedroom offers feelings of exclusivity and expands upward when the vehicle is parked. This unique expanding space is accessed via a spiral staircase, which stores neatly away when not in use. The Volvo VLH meets the emotional needs of the American long-haul trucker, making the lifestyle appealing to future generations.

Conforto, desconforto e usabilidade no design de interiores de aeronaves: a análise ergonômica da atividade como ferramenta de projeto. / Comfort, discomfort and usability on aircraft interiors design: the ergonomics activity analysis as a design tool.

Mujica, Felipe 03 May 2016 (has links)
Estudos de literatura científica mostram que desenvolver produtos confortáveis não é algo trivial. No entanto, o conforto é um aspecto importante a ser considerado para valorizar e diferenciar linhas aéreas e produtos do setor automotivo. O objetivo inicial desta pesquisa era verificar a influência de acessórios e dispositivos de ajustes nos níveis de conforto e desconforto de passageiros em cabines de aviões. No entanto, com o amadurecimento dos métodos, dos protocolos e das ferramentas desta pesquisa, verificou-se que a metodologia proposta, além de ter utilidade para levantar as necessidades dos usuários, no design de cabines para passageiros, pode ser útil para a sensibilização de projetistas, ao integrar o Processo de Desenvolvimento de Produtos (PDP). Desta forma, o método criado a partir de conhecimentos das Ciências Sociais e Etnografia, com técnicas da Observação Participante e da Análise Ergonômica da Atividade, mostrou-se uma poderosa ferramenta para capacitação e sensibilização de projetistas, arquitetos, engenheiros e designers, para promover a inovação no projeto de ambientes e objetos. Portanto, esta tese discute a importância das atividades dos usuários no desenvolvimento de projetos, para permitir que projetistas possam criar soluções que vão mais além do que é sugerido e estabelecido por parâmetros apresentados em normas técnicas e legislação. Assim, apresenta-se aqui uma nova proposta metodológica para o Design de Produtos e Ambientes dedicados a Passageiros e Viajantes, de uma forma mais ampla, que favoreça a experiência em mobilidade. / Scientific studies show that the development of comfortable products is not trivial. However, comfort is an important aspect to be considered to enhance and distinguish airlines and automotive products and services. The initial objective of this research was to verify the influence of accessories and adjustable devices in passengers comfort and discomfort in aircraft cabins. However, with the maturation of the methods, protocols and tools from this research, it become clear that the proposed methodology, besides being useful to assess users\' needs for designing passengers cabins, may be also useful for sensitization designers by integrating the Product Development Process (PDP). Thus, the method created from Social Sciences and Ethnography knowledge, with participant observations\' techniques and Ergonomics\' Activity Analysis, proved to be a powerful tool for training and sensitization designers, architects, engineers and designers, to promote innovation in interiors and objects design. Therefore, this thesis discusses the importance of users\' activities on the development of projects, to empower designers in creating of solutions that go beyond what is suggested and established by parameters of technical legislation and standards. Thus, we present here a new methodological proposal for products and interiors design for passengers and travelers, in a wide focus, that favors experience in mobility.

Conforto, desconforto e usabilidade no design de interiores de aeronaves: a análise ergonômica da atividade como ferramenta de projeto. / Comfort, discomfort and usability on aircraft interiors design: the ergonomics activity analysis as a design tool.

Felipe Mujica 03 May 2016 (has links)
Estudos de literatura científica mostram que desenvolver produtos confortáveis não é algo trivial. No entanto, o conforto é um aspecto importante a ser considerado para valorizar e diferenciar linhas aéreas e produtos do setor automotivo. O objetivo inicial desta pesquisa era verificar a influência de acessórios e dispositivos de ajustes nos níveis de conforto e desconforto de passageiros em cabines de aviões. No entanto, com o amadurecimento dos métodos, dos protocolos e das ferramentas desta pesquisa, verificou-se que a metodologia proposta, além de ter utilidade para levantar as necessidades dos usuários, no design de cabines para passageiros, pode ser útil para a sensibilização de projetistas, ao integrar o Processo de Desenvolvimento de Produtos (PDP). Desta forma, o método criado a partir de conhecimentos das Ciências Sociais e Etnografia, com técnicas da Observação Participante e da Análise Ergonômica da Atividade, mostrou-se uma poderosa ferramenta para capacitação e sensibilização de projetistas, arquitetos, engenheiros e designers, para promover a inovação no projeto de ambientes e objetos. Portanto, esta tese discute a importância das atividades dos usuários no desenvolvimento de projetos, para permitir que projetistas possam criar soluções que vão mais além do que é sugerido e estabelecido por parâmetros apresentados em normas técnicas e legislação. Assim, apresenta-se aqui uma nova proposta metodológica para o Design de Produtos e Ambientes dedicados a Passageiros e Viajantes, de uma forma mais ampla, que favoreça a experiência em mobilidade. / Scientific studies show that the development of comfortable products is not trivial. However, comfort is an important aspect to be considered to enhance and distinguish airlines and automotive products and services. The initial objective of this research was to verify the influence of accessories and adjustable devices in passengers comfort and discomfort in aircraft cabins. However, with the maturation of the methods, protocols and tools from this research, it become clear that the proposed methodology, besides being useful to assess users\' needs for designing passengers cabins, may be also useful for sensitization designers by integrating the Product Development Process (PDP). Thus, the method created from Social Sciences and Ethnography knowledge, with participant observations\' techniques and Ergonomics\' Activity Analysis, proved to be a powerful tool for training and sensitization designers, architects, engineers and designers, to promote innovation in interiors and objects design. Therefore, this thesis discusses the importance of users\' activities on the development of projects, to empower designers in creating of solutions that go beyond what is suggested and established by parameters of technical legislation and standards. Thus, we present here a new methodological proposal for products and interiors design for passengers and travelers, in a wide focus, that favors experience in mobility.

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