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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Efeito da associação da triancinolona à viscossuplementação do joelho / Effect of the addition of corticosteroid to viscosupplementation of the knee

Gustavo Constantino de Campos 19 March 2014 (has links)
O presente estudo destinou-se a avaliar se os resultados clínicos iniciais da viscossuplementação poderiam ser melhorados com a adição de corticosteróide. As injeções intra-articulares são usadas há muitos anos no tratamento da osteoartrite dos joelhos, principalmente com suspensões cristalinas de corticosteróides. A viscossuplementação é uma intervenção relativamente nova, atualmente recomendada no tratamento da osteoartrite. Trata-se da injeção de ácido hialurônico exógeno em articulações diartrodiais, visando, além de restaurar as propriedades reológicas do líquido sinovial, efeitos modificadores da doença osteoartrite. Revisões sistemáticas mostram que a melhora clínica ocorre em duas a cinco semanas após a viscossuplementação. Comparando-se a viscossuplementação com a injeção intraarticular com corticosteróides, dados recentes sugerem maior eficiência no alívio da dor nas quatro primeiras semanas após a infiltração com corticosteróides, similaridade dos procedimentos ao redor da quarta semana e melhores resultados com a viscossuplementação após a oitava semana. Este inicio de ação mais tardio, associado a relatos de sinovite reacional após a viscossuplementação podem desencorajar médicos e pacientes ao uso desta modalidade de tratamento. No presente estudo foram avaliados 104 pacientes em tratamento para osteoartrite do joelho no grupo de doenças osteometabólicas do Instituto de Ortopedia do Hospital das Clínicas da FMUSP. Os pacientes foram randomizados em dois grupos. Um dos grupos foi denominado VS e recebeu uma única injeção intra-articular de 6ml de Hylan GF-20 (Synvisc One®-Genzyme) no joelho estudado. O segundo grupo foi denominado VS+T e recebeu uma injeção intra-articular de 6ml de Hylan GF-20 (Synvisc One®-Genzyme) mais 1ml (20mg) de Hexacetonido de Triancinolona (Triancil®-Apsen). Foram aplicados a escala visual analógica de dor (EVA) e os questionários de WOMAC e Lequesne uma semana antes da injeção e após uma, quatro, 12 e 24 semanas. Os dois grupos com 52 pacientes cada eram homogêneos. Na primeira semana, o WOMAC e a EVA apresentaram melhores resultados no Grupo VS+T (p < 0,01) em relação ao Grupo VS. Na quarta semana não houve diferença entre os grupos. Ambos apresentaram resultados similares nas semanas 12 e 24. Concluiu-se que a adição de hexacetonido de triancinolona melhorou os resultados clínicos da viscossuplementação no curto prazo, sem interferir nos resultados a longo prazo ou na incidência de efeitos adversos / The present study aims to assess if the initial results of viscosupplementation can be improved by the addition of corticosteroid. Intraarticular injections have been used for many years to treat arthritis and other painful articular disorders, mainly using long-lasting crystalline corticosteroid suspensions. Viscosupplementation is a relatively new intervention that is now widely used and recommended for the treatment of knee osteoarthritis. It is comprised of the injection of exogenous hyaluronic acid in diarthrodial joints, in order to restore the rheological properties of synovial fluid and also to promote osteoarthritis disease-modifying effects. Several placebo-controlled studies reported that clinical improvement began only within two to five weeks after viscosupplementation. When comparing viscosupplementation versus intraarticular injection of corticosteroid, recent data suggest that from baseline to week four, intraarticular steroid were more effective for pain relief. By the fourth week, however, both provided similar relief, but beyond the eighth week, hyaluronic acid provided greater pain reduction. The mechanism of action of hyaluronic acid, with delayed onset of pain/functional improvement, combined with reports of reactional sinovitis may discourage physicians and patients regarding this treatment modality. The present study evaluated 104 patients receiving usual care for knee osteoarthritis at the University of São Paulo Medical Center. Patients were randomized to receive either a single intra-articular injection of 6ml of Hylan GF-20 (Synvisc One®-Genzyme) (Group VS) or a single intra-articular injection of 6ml of Hylan GF-20 (Synvisc One®-Genzyme) plus 1ml (20mg) of Triamcinolone Hexacetonide (Triancil®-Apsen) (Group VS+T). VAS, WOMAC and Lequesne questionnaires were applied one week prior the injection, and after one, four, 12 and 24 weeks. The two groups with 52 patients each were homogeneous. At week one, WOMAC and VAS showed better results for Group VS+T compared to Group VS (p < 0,05). At week four the scores did not show statistically significant differences. The groups showed similar results at weeks 12 and 24. In conclusion, the addition of triamcinolone improved first-week symptom and functional scores of viscosupplementation, but not beyond. It did not seem to alter the likelihood of adverse effects

Kardijalni biomarkeri u predviđanju operativnog rizika kardiohirurških bolesnika sa oslabljenom sistolnom funkcijom leve komore / Cardiac surgery operative risk assessment in patients with impaired systolic left ventricular function using cardial biomarkers

Radišić Bosić Jasna 29 June 2017 (has links)
<p>Kardijalni biomarkeri u predviđanju operativnog rizika kardiohirur&scaron;kih bolesnika sa oslabljenom sistolnom funkcijom leve komore Evaluacija rezultata u kardiohirurgiji podrazumeva praćenje ishoda operativnog lečenja u određenom vremenskom periodu. Najče&scaron;će je to interval od 30 dana od datuma intervencije. Najče&scaron;ći kriterijumi za praćenje su stopa mortaliteta i morbiditeta, dužina boravka u jedinici intenzivnog lečenja, ukupna dužina hospitalizacije i tro&scaron;kovi lečenja. Stratifikacija rizika podrazumeva da se bolesnici mogu podeliti u grupe u zavisnosti od broja i važnosti preoperativno utvrđenih faktora rizika, odnosno da se pre operacije može predvideti ishod hirur&scaron;ke intervencije kod svakog od njih pojedinačno. U Evropi je, u periodu između 1995. i 1999. godine, na osnovu multicentrične studije u 8 evropskih zemalja i 128 kardiohirur&scaron;kih centara u kojima je operisano 19.030 odraslih bolesnika, kreiran EvroSKOR - EuroSCORE (European System for Cardiac Operative Risk Evaluation) model za stratifikaciju rizika u kardiohirurgiji. Međutim, neminovne promene i napredak u operativnom lečenju doveli su do toga da je neophodno ažurirati postojeći sistem stratifikacije. Tako je 2012. godine u rutinsku upotrebu uveden novi sistem Euroscore II. Na Klinici za kardiohirurgiju Instituta za kardiovaskularne bolesti Vojvodine (IKVBV), EuroSCORE model uveden je u rutinsku upotrebu od početka 2001. godine. Analizom rezultata, posle dvogodi&scaron;nje primene, pokazalo se da je model bio precizan, odnosno da nije postojala značajna razlika između očekivanog (3,7%) i stvarnog mortaliteta (3,47%). U poslednjih nekoliko godina, kod bolesnika kojima sledi kardiohirur&scaron;ka intervencija, u smislu razmatranja njihove prediktivne vrednosti, sve vi&scaron;e pažnje se poklanja kardijalnim biomarkerima. Najznačajniji biomarkeri u kardiovaskularnoj medicini su: Troponin, Kreatin kinaza MB izoenzim (CKMB), N-terminalni pro B-tip natriuretski peptid (NT-proBNP), C-reaktivni protein (CRP), Laktat dehidrogenaza (LDH), Mokraćna kiselina (Acidum uricum). Ciljevi ovog rada su bili da se kreira model za predviđanje preoperativnog rizika kardiohirur&scaron;kih bolesnika sa oslabljenom sistolnom funkcijom leve komore na osnovu preoperativnih vrednosti određenih biomarkera i da se kreira novi model sa kombinacijom prethodnog modela i već postojećeg modela EuroSCORE II. Ispitana su 704 bolesnika sa oslabljenom sistolnom funkcijom leve komore, ejekcione frakcije manje ili jednake 50%. Bolesnici su operisani na Institutu za kardiovaskularne bolesti Vojvodine, od 20. januara 2014. do 20. aprila 2016. Kod bolesnika su urađene tri vrste operacija: revaskularizacija miokarda-koronarna hirurgija, hirurgija stečenih srčanih mana - valvularna hirurgija i kombinovane operacije. Od biohemijskih analiza, 24 sata pre operacije, urađene su sledeće analize: troponin I, kreatin kinaza, kreatin kinaza MB izoenzim, masena kreatin kinaza, laktat dehidrogenaza, C-reaktivni protein, NT-proBNP i mokraćna kiselina. Praćen je postoperativni mortalitet, postoperativni infarkt miokarda i postoperativni cerebrovaskularni incident i njihova povezanost sa preoperativnim vrednostima nabrojanih biomarkera. U studiju su bili uključeni svi bolesnici sa stečenim bolestima srca, stariji od 18 godina, kod kojih je ejekciona frakcija leve komore bila manja ili jednaka 50% i kod kojih su izvr&scaron;ene sledeće vrste operacija: revaskularizacija miokarda - koronarna hirurgija, hirurgija stečenih srčanih mana - valvularna hirurgija i kombinovane operacije - koronarna i valvularna hirurgija. Rezultati su pokazali da je postoperativni mortalitet bio 3,13%, da je postoperativni infarkt miokarda imalo 7,95% a postoperativni cerebrovaskularni incident 9,23% od ukupnog broja ispitanika. 1. Povezanost vrednosti biomarkera sa postoperativnim infarktom miokarda kod bolesnika sa oslabljenom ejekcionom frakcijom leve komore: povi&scaron;ene preoperativne vrednosti troponina I su bile povezane sa postoperativnim infarktom miokarda. Povezanost preoperativnih vrednosti biomarkera sa postoperativnim cerebrovaskularnim incidentom kod bolesnika sa oslabljenom ejekcionom frakcijom leve komore: povi&scaron;ene preoperativne vrednosti troponina I i CRP-a su bile povezane sa postoperativnim cerebrovaskularnim incidentom. 2. Analiziran je uticaj preoperativnog nivoa svih biomarkera, pojedinačno, na značajne neželjene kardijalne i cerebrovaskularne događaje - Major Adverse Cardiac and Cerebrovascular Events (MACCE) kao ishod posle operacije na srcu, kod bolesnika sa oslabljenom ejekcionom frakcijom leve komore. Dobijeni su sledeći rezultati: Preoperativna vrednost nivoa troponina I veća od 0,01&mu;g/L i MACCE bili su povezani. Povećane preoperativne vrednosti nivoa C-reaktivnog proteina (CRP) i postoperativni MACCE bili su povezani. Povećane preoperativne vrednosti nivoa laktat dehidrogenaze (LDH) i MACCE bili su povezani. Zaključci ove teze su: 1. Nezavisni prediktor postoperativnog infarkta miokarda i značajnih neželjenih kardijalnih i cerebrovaskularnih događaja, kod kardiohirur&scaron;kih bolesnika sa oslabljenom sistolnom funkcijom leve komore, ejekcionom frakcijom manjom ili jednakom 50%, jeste povi&scaron;ena preoperativna vrednost troponina I. 2.Vrednost preoperativnog troponina I je slab marker za predviđanje postoperativnog infarkta miokarda i značajnih neželjenih kardijalnih i cerebrovaskularnih događaja, kod kardiohirur&scaron;kih bolesnika sa oslabljenom sistolnom funkcijom leve komore, ejekcionom frakcijom manjom ili jednakom 50%. 3. Na pojavu postoperativnog cerebrovaskularnog incidenta, kod kardiohirur&scaron;kih bolesnika sa oslabljenom sistolnom funkcijom leve komore, ejekcionom frakcijom manjom ili jednakom 50%, ne utiče nijedna od ispitivanih varijabli. 4. Nezavisni prediktori postoperativnog mortaliteta kod kardiohirur&scaron;kih bolesnika sa oslabljenom sistolnom funkcijom leve komore, ejekcionom frakcijom manjom ili jednakom 50%, na osnovu kojih je moguće kreirati prediktivni Model su godine starosti i povi&scaron;ene preoperativne vrednosti NT-proBNP. 5. Kreirani Model je dobar marker za predikciju ishoda posle operacije na srcu, kod kardiohirur&scaron;kih bolesnika sa oslabljenom sistolnom funkcijom leve komore, ejekcionom frakcijom manjom ili jednakom 50%. 6. Povi&scaron;ena preoperativna vrednost NT- proBNP može da bude dobar marker u predikciji smrtnog ishoda posle operacije na srcu kod bolesnika sa oslabljenom sistolnom funkcijom leve komore, ejekcionom frakcijom manjom ili jednakom 50%. 7. Model EuroSCORE II se pokazao kao slabiji marker za predikciju ishoda posle operacije na srcu kod kardiohirur&scaron;kih bolesnika sa oslabljenom sistolnom funkcijom leve komore, ejekcionom frakcijom manjom ili jednakom 50%. 8. Testiranjem kreiranog modela, podelom na manje rizične i vi&scaron;e rizične bolesnike, u odnosu na visinu ejekcione frakcije leve komore, pokazalo se da je model dobar marker za predviđanje smrtnog ishoda posle operacije na srcu, u obe grupe.</p> / <p>Cardiac surgery operative risk assessment in patients with imapired systolic left ventricular function using cardial biomarkers Evaluation of results in cardiac surgery involves monitoring the outcomes of operative treatment in a given time period. Typically, this interval includes 30 days from the date of operation. The most common criteria used for monitoring are the rate of mortality and morbidity, length of stay in the intensive care unit, the total length of hospitalization and medical costs. Risk stratification means that patients can be divided into groups depending on the number and importance of preoperatively identified risk factors, and that the outcome of surgery for each of the patients can be predicted preoperatively. In Europe, in the period of 1995-1999 on the basis of a multi-center study in 8 European countries and 128 cardiac centers in which 19,030 adult patients were operated on, EuroSCORE (European System for Cardiac Operative Risk Evaluation) model for risk stratification in cardiac surgery was developed. However, the inevitable changes and progress in the surgical treatment rendered the EuroSCORE model obsolete warranting updated system. It was in 2012 when a new system EuroSCORE II was introduced into practice At the Clinic for Cardiac Surgery of the Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases, EuroSCORE model was introduced in routine clinical use since the beginning of 2001. By analyzing the results, two years after application, it was shown that the model was accurate, and that there was no significant difference between the expected (3.7%) and the actual mortality (3.47%) In recent years, in patients who are candidates for cardiac surgery, more attention is paid to cardiac biomarkers in terms of evaluating their predictive power. The most significant biomarkers in cardiovascular medicine are: Troponin, creatine kinase MB isoenzyme (CKMB), N-terminal pro B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP), C-reactive protein (CRP), Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), and uric acid (Uric uricum). The objectives of this study were to create a model to predict preoperative risk for cardiac surgery patients with impaired systolic left ventricular function on the basis of preoperative levels of certain biomarkers and to create a new model with a combination of the previous model and already existing EuroSCORE II model. The study included 704 patients with impaired systolic left ventricular function, ejection fraction less than or equal to 50%. All patients underwent cardiac surgery at the Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases, from January 20th 2014 until 20th April 2016. Patients were submitted to three types of operations: revascularization - coronary surgery, surgery of acquired heart defects - valvular surgery and combined operations. Following biochemical analyses were performed 24 hours prior to surgery: troponin I, creatine kinase, creatine kinase MB isoenzyme, mass creatine kinase, lactate dehydrogenase, C-reactive protein, NT-proBNP and uric acid. Postoperative mortality, postoperative onset of myocardial infarction and occurence of cerebrovascular accident and their correlation with preoperative values of listed biomarkers were registered. The study included all patients with acquired heart disease, older than 18 years, with the left ventricular ejection fraction less than or equal to 50% who were submitted to the following types of operations: revascularization - coronary surgery, surgery of acquired heart diseases - valvular surgery and combined operations - coronary and valvular surgery. The results showed that the postoperative mortality was 3.13%, new onset of postoperative myocardial infarction was detected in 7.95% of the patients and postoperative cerebrovascular accident developed in 9.23% of patients. Correlation of preoperative biomarkers values with postoperative myocardial infarction in patients with impaired left ventricular ejection fraction - elevated preoperative troponin I were associated with postoperative myocardial infarction. Correlation of preoperative biomarkers values with postoperative cerebrovascular incident occurence in patients with impaired left ventricular ejection fraction - elevated preoperative troponin I and CRP were associated with postoperative cerebrovascular incident. The influence of preoperative levels of all biomarkers, separetly, on the rate of significant adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular events - Major Adverse Cardiac and Cerebrovascular Events (MACCE) as the heart surgery outcome, in patients with impaired left ventricular ejection fraction. The following results were obtained: Increased preoperative levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) and postoperative MACCE were related. Increased preoperative levels of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and MACCE were related. The conclusions of this thesis are: 1. Independent predictor of postoperative myocardial infarction onset and significant adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular events in cardiac surgery patients with impaired systolic left ventricular function (ejection fraction less than or equal to 50%) is elevated preoperative value of troponin I. 2. Preoperative Troponin I value was poor marker for predicting postoperative myocardial infarction and significant adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular events in cardiac surgery patients with impaired systolic left ventricular function (ejection fraction less than or equal to 50%). 3. None of the studied variables showed influence on the postoperative cerebrovascular accident occurence, in cardiac surgery patients with impaired systolic left ventricular function (ejection fraction less than or equal to 50%). 4. Independent predictors of postoperative mortality in cardiac surgery patients with impaired systolic left ventricular function (ejection fraction less than or equal to 50%), that could be used to create a predictive model are: age and elevated preoperative value of NT-proBNP. 5. Developed model showed satisfactory results for predicting outcome after heart surgery in cardiac surgery patients with impaired systolic left ventricular function (ejection fraction less than or equal to 50%). 6. Elevated preoperative value of NT-proBNP may be a good marker for mortality prediction after the cardiac surgery in patients with impaired systolic left ventricular function (ejection fraction less than or equal to 50%). 7. EuroSCORE II model showed poor performance when predicting outcomes after cardiac surgery in patients with impaired systolic left ventricular function (ejection fraction less than or equal to 50%). 8. Validation of the newly-created model, considering low and medium risk patients, based on the value of left ventricular ejection fraction, showed that the model is a good marker for the mortality prediction in both groups.</p>

Somatske komplikacije u akutnoj fazi moždanog udara: učestalost, prediktori i uticaj na ishod bolesti / Somatic complications in the acute phase of stroke: frequency, predictors and impact on the outcome of the disease

Milićević Marija 18 October 2019 (has links)
<p>Moždani udar predstavlja drugi uzrok smrti u celom svetu i neurolo&scaron;ku bolest sa najvećim stepenom invaliditeta. Za povoljan ishod moždanog udara veoma je važno sprečavanje i lečenje somatskih kompikacija (SK), pri čemu je njihova učestalost i značaj za oporavak pacijenata potcenjena, a uticaj na ishod moždanog udara zanemaren. Ciljevi istraživanja su bili da se utvrdi učestalost pacijenata sa somatskim komplikacijama u akutnoj fazi moždanog udara; zatim da se utvrdi učestalost svake pojedinačne somatske komplikacije: pneumonije, urinarnih infekcija, duboke venske tromboze, tromboembolije pluća, dijarealnog sindroma i akutnog koronarnog sindroma; zatim da se utvrde faktori rizika za nastanak svake pojedinačne SK, kao i da se utvrdi uticaj SK na ishod bolesti - iskazan kroz njihovu povezanost sa funkcionalnim statusom, dužinom hospitalizacije i mortalitetom pacijenata. Istraživanje je sprovedeno kao prospektivno i obuhvatilo je 403 pacijenta hospitalizovanih zbog akutnog moždanog udara na Klinici za neurologiju Kliničkog centra Vojvodine u periodu od godinu dana. Pacijenti su podeljeni u dve grupe, gde su prvu grupu sačinjavali pacijenti sa registrovanom jednom ili vi&scaron;e somatskih komplikacija (n = 162), a drugu su činili pacijenti koji nisu imali somatske komplikacije (n = 241). Evaluacija pacijenata obuhvatila je registrovanje sociodemografskih karakteristika, ličnu i porodičnu anamnezu, karakteristike moždanog udara, neurolo&scaron;ki status na prijemu i otpustu, funkcionalni status na prijemu i otpustu, laboratorijske analize krvi i urina na prijemu, vrstu i vreme nastanka pojedinačne somatske komplikacije, sve relevantne dijagnostičke metode za postavljenje dijagnoze i definisanje potencijalnih faktora rizika. Somatske komplikacije se če&scaron;će javljaju kod starijih osoba, prosečne starosti 72,9 godina, kod osoba ženskog pola i kod pacijenata sa hemoragijskim moždanim udarom. Somatske komplikacije registrovane su kod 40,2% pacijenata, pri tome urinarnu infekciju imalo je 20,3% pacijenata, pneumoniju 16,3%, infarkt miokarda 4,7%, plućnu tromboemboliju 3,4%, duboku vensku trombozu 2,4% i dijarealni sindrom 2,9% pacijenata. Nezavisni prediktori pneumonije su disfagija, naru&scaron;eno stanje svesti, hronična opstruktivna bolest pluća, mRS veći od 3. Prediktori urinarnih infekcija su: podatak o rekurentnim urinarnim infekcijama, ženski pol, starost preko 70 godina, mRS veći od 3 i NIHSS skor veći od 16. Kao nezavisni prediktori plućnog tromboembolizma dobijeni su duboka venska tromboza, naru&scaron;eno stanje svesti i gojaznost, dok se jedinim nezavisnim prediktorom dijarealnog sindroma pokazala starost pacijenta preko 70 godina. Prediktori akutnog koronarnog sindroma su: starost veća od 70 godina i hemoragijski moždani udar. Pacijenti sa SK, na kraju hospitalnog lečenja imaju značajno lo&scaron;iji funkcionalni status u odnosu na pacijente bez somatskih komplikacija. Somatske komplikacije statistički značajno produžavaju hospitalizaciju. Kod četvrtine pacijenata (25,9%) sa somatskim komplikacijama u akutnoj fazi moždanog udara registrovan je letalni ishod. Najveći procenat smrtnih ishoda kod pacijenata sa somatskim komplikacijama registrovan je kod pacijenata sa infarktom miokarda (63,2%), a najmanji kod pacijenata sa urinarnom infekcijom (18,3%).</p> / <p>Stroke is the second cause of death worldwide and neurological disease with the highest level of disability. For a favorable outcome of stroke, the prevention and treatment of somatic complications are of great importance, while their frequency and the importance of the recovery of patients are underestimated, and the influence on the outcome of stroke is neglected. The aims of the study were: to determine the frequency of patients with somatic complications in the acute phase of stroke; to determine the frequency of each somatic complication: pneumonia, urinary infections, deep venous thrombosis, lung thromboembolism, diarrheal syndrome, and acute coronary syndrome; to identify risk factors for the emergence of each somatic complication, as well as to determine the effect of those complications on the outcome of the disease - expressed through their association with the functional status, length of hospitalization and mortality of patients. The study was conducted as a prospective and included 403 patients hospitalized due to acute stroke at the Clinic for Neurology of the Clinical Center of Vojvodina for a period of one year. Patients were divided into two groups; the first group included patients with one or more somatic complications registered (n = 162), and the second group consisted of patients without any somatic complication (n = 241). Patient evaluation included registration of socio-demographic characteristics, personal and family history, stroke characteristics, neurological and functional status at the time of admission and discharge, laboratory analysis of blood and urine at admission, type and time of emergence of each somatic complication, all relevant diagnostic methods for setting diagnosis and defining potential risk factors. Somatic complications are more common in older people (the average age of 72.9 years) in females and in patients with hemorrhagic stroke. Somatic complications were reported in 40.2% of patients, 20.3% of patients had urinary infection, 16.3% pneumonia, 4.7% myocardial infarction, 3.4% pulmonary thromboembolism, deep venous thrombosis 2.4% and diarrheal syndrome 2.9% of patients. Independent predictors of pneumonia were dysphagia, impaired state of consciousness, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, mRS higher than 3. Predictors of urinary infections were: data on recurrent urinary tract infections, female sex, age over 70 years, mRS higher than 3 and NIHSS score higher than 16. As independent predictors of pulmonary thromboembolism, deep venous thrombosis, impaired state of consciousness and obesity were obtained, while the only independent predictor of diarrheal syndrome proved to be the age of the patient over 70 years. Predictors of acute coronary syndrome were: age over 70 years and haemorrhagic stroke. Patients with somatic complications at the end of hospital treatment had significantly worse functional status compared to patients without somatic complications. Somatic complications statistically significantly prolong hospitalization. A quarter of patients (25.9%) with somatic complications in the acute phase of the stroke had a lethal outcome. The highest percentage of deaths in patients with somatic complications was registered in patients with myocardial infarction (63.2%) and the lowest was registered in patients with urinary tract infections (18.3%).</p>

Komplementäre Therapie der zervikalen Dystonie

Viehmann, Manuel Alexander 14 June 2013 (has links)
In der Behandlung der zervikalen Dystonie wird die Therapie mit Botulinumtoxin (BTX) erfolgreich angewendet. Neben dieser Therapie werden von Patienten oft alternative Therapien (CAM [Complementary and Alternative Medicine]) angesprochen und ausprobiert. Diese Studie geht der Frage nach, wie häufig CAM-Therapien genutzt werden, wie deren Wirkung bewertet wird und ob es Prädiktoren für die Therapiewahl gibt. Zur Datenerhebung wurden 265 Fragebögen von zwei Patientengruppen ausgewertet. Gruppe 1 (n=101) bestand aus Patienten der Botulinumtoxinsprechstunde des Universitätsklinikums Leipzig und der Paracelsus Klinik Zwickau. Gruppe 2 (n=165) wurde aus Mitgliedern des Selbsthilfeverbandes Bundesverband-Torticollis e.V. rekrutiert. Bei 86% der Patienten wurde die Therapie mit BTX angewendet. Von den Therapiemöglichkeiten der CAM wurden am häufigsten physikalische Therapien (Massagen n=171) genannt. Am besten bewertet wurden jedoch, neben der BTX-Therapie, spezielle physiotherapeutische sowie psychotherapeutische Verfahren. Die CAM-Therapien wurden häufig in Kombination mit der BTX-Therapie angewendet und von Patienten, deren Erkrankung einen langen chronischen Verlauf vorwies (>10 Jahre). Als Prädiktoren für die Wahl einer CAM-Therapie zeigten sich eine Zugehörigkeit zur Gruppe 2, aufgetretene Nebenwirkungen im Rahmen der BTX-Therapie, männliches Geschlecht und erhöhter Stress bei den Erkrankten. Außerdem fand sich ein signifikanter Unterschied zu einem höheren Bildungsabschnitt und Arbeit in gehobeneren Berufsgruppen bei Patienten, die vermehrt CAM Therapie anwenden. Zusammenfassend wurden CAM-Therapien, neben der Behandlung mit BTX, häufig von den Befragten angewendet. Hohe Zufriedenheitswerte erzielte eine Kombination mit physiotherapeutischen Verfahren oder Psychotherapie. Die Wahl von CAM-Therapien ist von der Erkrankungsdauer, Bildungslage und finanziellen Ressourcen abhängig.:1 EINLEITUNG 5 2 STAND DER FORSCHUNG 6 2.1 Definitionen 6 2.2 Epidemiologie 7 2.3 Pathologie 8 2.4 Klinisches Bild 11 2.5 Therapie 13 3 FRAGESTELLUNG UND HYPOTHESEN 24 4 STICHPROBE UND METHODE 25 4.1 Stichprobe 25 4.2 Erhebungsinstrument 26 4.3 Statistische Auswertung 28 5 ERGEBNISSE 30 5.1 Soziodemographische Daten 30 5.2 Krankheitsbezogene Merkmale 33 5.3 Therapie 35 5.4 Prädiktoren für die Therapiewahl 42 6 DISKUSSION 45 6.1 Das Patientenkollektiv 45 6.2 Diskussion der Botulinum-Toxin-Therapie 47 6.3 Diskussion der alternative Therapien 48 6.4 Diskussion der Prädiktoren für die Therapiewahl 54 6.5 Kritik 58 6.6 Schlussfolgerungen und Empfehlungen 59 7 ZUSAMMENFASSUNG 61 8 LITERATURVERZEICHNIS 64 9 ANLAGEN 72 9.1 Tabellen- und Abbildungsverzeichnis 9.2 Fragebogen 9.3 Erklärung der eigenständigen Abfassung der Arbeit 9.4 Curriculum Vitae 9.5 Veröffentlichungen und Vorträge 9.6 Danksagung


Arabyarmohammadi, Sara 26 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Physical Dependence in Patient With Chronic Low Back Pain Treated With Topiramate: A Case Report

Bratton, Roscoe H., Ward, Sameh A. 15 November 2019 (has links)
In the last decade, prescription of anticonvulsants for treatment of low back pain (LBP) increased 4-fold. Among them, topiramate has frequent side effects and a mechanism of action that is not fully understood. The authors describe a 65-year-old woman with dependence on topiramate prescribed for chronic LBP and discuss how she was successfully weaned off topiramate using duloxetine. A significant agonistic effect by topiramate on α-2 adrenergic receptors in the brain likely accounts for the symptoms of withdrawal that were seen. We attribute the resolution of her topiramate withdrawal symptoms to reduced norepinephrine (NE) release, a known effect of duloxetine administration.

The Rivermead Mobility Index allows valid comparisons between subgroups of patients undergoing rehabilitation after stroke who differ with respect to age, sex, or side of lesion

Roorda, L.D., Green, J.R., Houwink, A., Bagley, Pamela J., Smith, J., Molenaar, I.W., Geurts, A.C. January 2012 (has links)
No / To investigate differential item functioning or item bias of the Rivermead Mobility Index (RMI) and its impact on the drawing of valid comparisons with the RMI between subgroups of patients after stroke who differ with respect to age, sex, or side of lesion. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. SETTING: A rehabilitation center in the Netherlands and 2 stroke rehabilitation units and the wider community in the United Kingdom. PARTICIPANTS: The RMI was completed for patients undergoing rehabilitation after stroke (N=620; mean age +/- SD, 69.2+/-12.5y; 297 [48%] men; 269 [43%] right hemisphere lesion, and 304 [49%] left hemisphere lesion). INTERVENTIONS: Not applicable. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Mokken scale analysis was used to investigate differential item functioning of the RMI between subgroups of patients who differed with respect to age (young vs older), sex (men vs women), and side of stroke lesion (right vs left hemisphere). RESULTS: No differential item functioning was found for any of the comparison subgroups. CONCLUSIONS: The RMI allows valid comparisons to be made between subgroups of patients undergoing rehabilitation after stroke who differ with respect to age, sex, or side of lesion.

Lack of attentional retraining effects in cigarette smokers attempting cessation: a proof of concept double-blind randomised controlled trial

Begh, R., Mulville, Jacqui., Shiffman, S., Ferguson, S.G., Nichols, L., Mohammed, Mohammed A., Holder, R.L., Sutton, S., Aveyard, P. 09 February 2015 (has links)
No / Observational studies have shown that attentional bias for smoking-related cues is associated with increased craving and relapse. Laboratory experiments have shown that manipulating attentional bias may change craving. Interventions to reduce attentional bias could reduce relapse in smokers seeking to quit. We report a clinical trial of attentional retraining in treatment-seeking smokers. This was a double-blind randomised controlled trial that took place in UK smoking cessation clinics. Smokers interested in quitting were randomised to five weekly sessions of attentional retraining (N=60) or placebo training (N = 58) using a modified visual probe task from one week prior to quit day. Both groups received 21 mg nicotine patches (from quit day onwards) and behavioural support. Primary outcomes included change in attentional bias reaction times four weeks after quit day on the visual probe task and craving measured weekly using the Mood and Physical Symptoms Scale. Secondary outcomes were changes in withdrawal symptoms, time to first lapse and prolonged abstinence. No attentional bias towards smoking cues was found in the sample at baseline (mean difference = 3 ms, 95% CI = -2, 9). Post-training bias was not significantly lower in the retraining group compared with the placebo group (mean difference = -9 ms, 95% CI = -20, 2). There was no difference between groups in change in craving (p = 0.89) and prolonged abstinence at four weeks (risk ratio = 1.00, 95% CI = 0.70, 1.43). Taken with one other trial, there appears to be no effect from clinic-based attentional retraining using the visual probe task. Attentional retraining conducted out of clinic may prove more effective. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION: UK Clinical Trials ISRCTN 54375405.

Timely care for frail older people referred to hospital improves efficiency and reduces mortality without the need for extra resources

Silvester, K.M., Mohammed, Mohammed A., Harriman, P., Girolami, A., Downes, T.W. 01 July 2014 (has links)
No / Hospitals are under pressure to reduce waiting times and costs. One strategy that may be effective focuses on optimising the flow of emergency patients. We undertook a patient flow analysis of older emergency patients to identify and address delays in ensuring timely care, without additional resources. Prospective systems redesign study over 2 years. The Geriatric Medicine Directorate in an acute hospital (Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust) with 1920 beds. Older patients admitted as emergencies. Diagnostic patient flow analysis followed by a series of Plan Do Study Act cycles to test and implement changes by a multidisciplinary team using time series run charts. 60% of patients aged 75+ years arrived in the Emergency Department during office hours, but two-thirds of the admissions to GM wards were outside office hours highlighting a major delay. Three changes were undertaken to address this, Discharge to Assess, Seven Day Working and the establishment of a Frailty Unit. Average bed occupancy fell by 20.4 beds (95% confidence interval (CI) -39.6 to -1.2, P = 0.037) for similar demand. The risk of hospital mortality also fell by 2.25% (before 11.4% (95% CI 10.4-12.4%), after 9.15% (95% CI 7.6-10.7%) which equates to a number needed to treat of 45 and a 19.7% reduction in relative risk of mortality. The risk of re-admission remained unchanged. Redesigning the system of care for older emergency patients led to reductions in bed occupancy and mortality without affecting re-admission rates or requiring additional resources.

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