Spelling suggestions: "subject:"1treatment compliance"" "subject:"entreatment compliance""
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Análise da correlação existente entre Senso de Coerência e adesão ao tratamento em pacientes com diagnóstico de insuficiência cardíaca crônica / Correlation Analysis between Sense of Coherence and Treatment Compliance of patients with a diagnosis of Heart FailureMoretto, Simone Alvarez 14 June 2013 (has links)
Introdução: a insuficiência cardíaca (IC) caracteriza-se por uma síndrome complexa, que apresenta, como principais sintomas, falta de ar, fadiga e função cardíaca anormal, o que exige, dos pacientes, mudanças no estilo de vida. Observa-se que as orientações de cuidado, muitas vezes, não são incorporados pelo portador de IC, sendo este um importante aspecto para a piora clínica deste paciente. Na perspectiva do enfrentamento, o Senso de Coerência proposto por Aaron Antonovsky, referencial adotado nesta pesquisa, é um construto que, se bem aplicado aos portadores de IC, pode revelar aos profissionais de saúde a percepção que os pacientes apresentam acerca de sua condição de doença. Objetivo: analisar a existência de correlação entre a adesão ao tratamento e o senso de coerência em pacientes ambulatoriais com diagnóstico de IC. Material e Método: estudo exploratório, descritivo, prospectivo e de abordagem quantitativa, realizado no ambulatório especializado em Insuficiência Cardíaca e Transplante do Instituto do Coração do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, com amostra de 100 pacientes. Os instrumentos utilizados na análise foram o Questionário de Senso de Coerência e o Questionário de Adesão em Pacientes com Insuficiência Cardíaca, além de um roteiro de entrevista semiestruturada para a caracterização da amostra da população de estudo. Os dados clínicos foram coletados do prontuário eletrônico dos pacientes. A regressão linear múltipla foi a estratégia utilizada para identificação dos fatores associados à adesão e ao senso de coerência, enquanto o nível de significância utilizado foi 5%. Resultados: o perfil biossocial da amostra foi predominantemente de homens (70%), com idade superior a 40 anos (89%), casados ou com companheiros (66%), baixa escolaridade (65% ensino fundamental), vinculados à religião católica (66%), aposentados (44%), com antecedentes clínicos de hipertensão (54%), dislipidemias (31%) e diabetes (25%). O principal diagnóstico responsável pelo quadro de IC foram as miocardiopatias (91%). Com relação ao senso de coerência, a distribuição da pontuação na amostra da população estudada variou entre 79 e 196, com média de 147,99 e desvio padrão de 23,101. A pontuação do questionário podia variar entre 29 e 203 pontos. A pontuação no questionário de adesão variou entre 26 e 58 pontos, média de 43,13, desvio padrão em 8,099. Neste questionário, a pontuação poderia variar entre 0 e 60 pontos. A idade foi o único fator preditor de adesão ao tratamento. Gênero e renda familiar apareceram como fatores preditores do domínio compreensão do senso de coerência. O gênero, isoladamente, foi determinado como fator preditor dos domínios Manuseio, Significado e para o senso de coerência. A correlação entre senso de coerência e adesão ao tratamento não foi significativa. Houve correlação significativa e negativa entre idade e adesão ao tratamento. A miocardiopatia mostrou-se como significativa, quando se refere à adesão ao tratamento. Neste caso, dentre os indivíduos que apresentaram valores menores ou iguais à média para o escore adesão (51%), 43% eram miocardiopatas. A hipertensão arterial sistêmica apresentou-se como variável significativa para o domínio compreensão do construto senso de coerência. Dentre os indivíduos que apresentaram valores menores ou iguais à média, para o escore em questão (51%), 22% eram hipertensos. Conclusões: a análise do Senso de Coerência e sua relação com a adesão ao tratamento em doenças crônicas é, em geral, pouco estudada. Não houve correlação entre Senso de Coerência e adesão ao tratamento, porém o instrumento de adesão não apresentou consistência interna relevante para a análise. Os resultados desta pesquisa poderão ser utilizados para a melhoria da prática assistencial de enfermeiros no cuidado a pacientes com IC. / Introduction: heart failure (HF) is characterized by a complex syndrome that has as its main symptoms shortness of breath, fatigue, and abnormal cardiac function. It demands a change of lifestyle in patients, that most of the time, are not adequately adopted, causing problems in treatment Compliance. In the confrontation perspective, the Sense of Coherence proposed by Aaron Antonovsky, used in this research as reference, is a construct that, if well applied to the sufferers of heart failure, it could reveal to the health professional, the perception patients have around their illness. Objective: Analyze the existence of a correlation between compliance to treatment and Sense of Coherence in clinical patients with a diagnosis of heart failure. Materials and Method: This is a exploratory study, descriptive, prospective, of a quantitative approach, which took place in the Heart Failure and Transplant Specialty Clinic at the Instituto do Coração (Heart Institute) of Hospital das Clínicas of the Medical College of the University of São Paulo (InCor-HC FMUSP), with a sample of 100 patients. The means used for analysis were Sense of Coherence and Treatment Compliance Questionnaire, as well as a directed semi-structured interview for the characterization of the sample of the population in the study. The clinical data was collected from the patients electronic medical records. Multiple Linear Regression was the strategy used to identify the factors associated to Treatment Compliance and Sense of Coherence, and the significance level used was 5%. Results: The Biosocial profile of the sample was predominantly of males (70%), over 40 years old (89%), married or with partners (66%), retired (44%), with a history of clinical hypertension (54%), dyslipidemia (31%) and diabetes (25%). The primary diagnosis responsible for the Heart Failure Clinical profile was Cardiomyopathy (91%). As for the Sense of Coherence, the distribution of scoring points in the sample of the population studied varied between 79 and 196, with an average of 147, 99 and standard deviation of 23.101. The scoring in the Questionnaire can vary between 29 and 203 points. The scoring in the Treatment Compliance Questionnaire varied between 26 and 58 points, average of 43,13 and Standard Deviation in 8.099. In this questionnaire the scoring can vary between 0 and 60 points. Age was the only predictor in Treatment Compliance. Gender and family income appear as predicting factors in the domain of Sense of Coherence comprehension. Isolated, gender was a determinant as a predicting factor in the domains of handling, Significance and Sense of Coherence. The correlation between Sense of Coherence and Compliance of Treatment wasnt significant. There was a significant and negative correlation between age and Treatment Compliance. Cardiomyopathy appeared as significant when dealing with Treatment Compliance. In this case, among the individuals that showed lower or equal values to the average score of Treatment Compliance (51%), 43% had Cardiomyopathy. Systemic Arterial Hypertension, appeared as a significant variable for the domain of Comprehension of the Sense of Coherence Construct. Among the individuals that showed lower or equal to the average score in question values (51%), 22% were hypertensive. Conclusion: The Analysis of the Sense of Coherence in relation to Treatment Compliance in chronic diseases is in general, not very well researched. There was no correlation between Sense of Coherence and Treatment Compliance, although the Treatment Compliance instrument did not present internal consistence relevant to the analysis. The conclusions of this research can be employed in the improvement of clinical practice of nurses in the caring of patients with Heart Failure.
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Análise das condições do uso de medicamentos por idosos atendidos em ambulatório de hospital universitário / Analyzing the conditions of medication use by elderly patients assisted at a university hospital. 2007.Volpe, Crís Renata Grou 03 August 2007 (has links)
O envelhecimento é inevitável, a população brasileira está envelhecendo, fazendo necessário um sistema que direcione as questões que surgem com esta situação. O presente estudo, uma investigação epidemiológica descritiva, inquérito prospectivo, teve como objetivo estudar as condições do uso de medicamentos em pacientes,com idade igual ou superior a 60 anos, atendidos em ambulatório de um hospital universi tário de Ribeirão Preto-SP, bem como avaliar a adesão desses pacientes ao tratamento farmacológico. Foram entre vistados 127 pacientes que utilizavam medicamento domiciliar do ambulatório de geriatria do referido hospital, aleato riamente, 79,5% pertenciam ao sexo feminino, com idade média de 75,37 anos e 32,3% analfabetos. Houve predo minância dos casados com 45,7% e viúvos 45,7% e aposentados 69,3%, com predominância também da baixa renda familiar 39,3%, renda de 2 salários mínimos. O grupo estudado fazia uso em média de 6,5 medicamen tos por dia, a maioria dos pacientes adquiriam seus medicamentos no posto e complementavam com a farmácia. Os pacientes tinham, em média, 6,6 diagnós ticos por cada um, demonstrando a complexidade dos entrevistados. O Teste Morisky e Green foi utilizado para mensurar a adesão individual ao trata mento farmacológico, sendo que do total de 127 entrevistados, 55 % esqueciam de tomar seus medicamentos, enquanto 36 % se descuidavam do horário, 81 % não tomam quando se sentiam bem e ainda, 64,6 % deixavam de tomar, caso os medicamentos faziam mal. Quando utilizado o Critério 1, obtivemos uma adesão de 47%, e ao Critério 2, uma adesão de 22%. Foram consideradas as atividades de vida diária (AVD), avaliadas pela aplicação da Escala de Barthel de AVD, sendo que 91,3% apresentam grau leve de dependência, a Escala de depressão geriátrica (EDG) foi aplicada nos pacientes e os índices de depressão encontrados na população estudada foram um quanto preocupan tes, 60% dos pacientes tinham sintomas depressivos, dos quais 24% apresenta vam sintomas de depressão grave. Quanto aos resultados do Mini Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM), 63% dos pacien tes estavam com alterações cognitivas significantes. Foi possível relacionar os índices de adesão com os resultados obtidos na EDG, MEEM e Barthel, e concluiu-se que, enquanto mais presente os sintomas de depressão e as alterações cognitivas menor a ade são, bem como quanto maior a indepen dência, avaliada pela escala de AVD de Barthel, maior a adesão. O proces samento dos dados foi efetuado pelo programa EXCEL e SAS. Os dados apresentados evidenciam que a adesão ao tratamento farmacológico é um padrão de comportamento individual, que reflete nas crenças, medos, danos causados pela doença e vantagens do tratamento farmacológico. Também se identificou necessidade de estratégias que visem racionalizar o uso de medicamentos em idosos para melho ria de sua qualidade de vida. / Aging is inevitable. The Brazilian population is aging and, thus, there is a growing need for a health system that addresses the issues related to this situation. The present study is a descriptive epidemiologic survey, a prospective inquiry. The objective is to study the conditions of medication use in elderly patients (60 years or more), who were assisted at the out clinic of a university hospital in the city of Ribeirao Preto (SP, Brazil). The study also aimed to evaluate patient complian ce to the pharmacological treatment. Random interviews were carried out with 127 patients who used home medication from the geriatrics out clinic of the referred hospital. Patients were mostly women (79.5%), with an average age of 75.37 years, and 32.3% were illiterate. Most were widowed (45.7%) and retired (69.3%). Family income was low for most patients (39.3%), that being of 2 minimum wages. The studied group took, in average, 6.5 medications per day, and most patients received their medication from the health unit and supplemented any additional need at a regular drugstore. Patients were rather complex, with an average of 6.6 diagnosis each. The Morisky and Green test was used to measure compliance to the pharmacological treatment, and revealed that 127 patients (55 %) forget to take their medication, 36 % did not pay close attention to the hours, 81 % did not take the medication when feeling healthy, and 64.6% stop taking their medication if it makes them feel sick. When Criterion 1 was used, compliance was 47%, whereas for Criterion 2 it was 22%. Daily life activities (DLA) were taken into consideration and evaluated in order to administrate the Barthel DLA scale, and 91.3% presented low degree of dependence. The geriatric depression scale (GDS) was administered and the rates for the studied population were rather alarming: 60% of the patients were considered as symptoms depression, with 24% presenting seri ous depression symptoms. Regarding Mini-Mental State (MMS) results, 63% of the patients presented significant cognitive deficit. Compliance rates were related to the results from GDS, MEEM, and Barthel. It is concluded that compli ance decreases as the rates for depression and cognitive deficit increase. Moreover, higher independence rates (evaluated by Barthel DLA scale), were obtained for higher compliance. Data were proces sed using EXCEL and SAS. It is eviden ced that that compliance to pharmacolo gical treatment is an individual behavior pattern, which reflects on the beliefs, fears, harms caused by the disease, and to the advantages of the treatment. It was also observed that there is a need for strategies that aim to rationalize medication use in the elderly so quality of life can be enhanced.
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Análise das condições do uso de medicamentos por idosos atendidos em ambulatório de hospital universitário / Analyzing the conditions of medication use by elderly patients assisted at a university hospital. 2007.Crís Renata Grou Volpe 03 August 2007 (has links)
O envelhecimento é inevitável, a população brasileira está envelhecendo, fazendo necessário um sistema que direcione as questões que surgem com esta situação. O presente estudo, uma investigação epidemiológica descritiva, inquérito prospectivo, teve como objetivo estudar as condições do uso de medicamentos em pacientes,com idade igual ou superior a 60 anos, atendidos em ambulatório de um hospital universi tário de Ribeirão Preto-SP, bem como avaliar a adesão desses pacientes ao tratamento farmacológico. Foram entre vistados 127 pacientes que utilizavam medicamento domiciliar do ambulatório de geriatria do referido hospital, aleato riamente, 79,5% pertenciam ao sexo feminino, com idade média de 75,37 anos e 32,3% analfabetos. Houve predo minância dos casados com 45,7% e viúvos 45,7% e aposentados 69,3%, com predominância também da baixa renda familiar 39,3%, renda de 2 salários mínimos. O grupo estudado fazia uso em média de 6,5 medicamen tos por dia, a maioria dos pacientes adquiriam seus medicamentos no posto e complementavam com a farmácia. Os pacientes tinham, em média, 6,6 diagnós ticos por cada um, demonstrando a complexidade dos entrevistados. O Teste Morisky e Green foi utilizado para mensurar a adesão individual ao trata mento farmacológico, sendo que do total de 127 entrevistados, 55 % esqueciam de tomar seus medicamentos, enquanto 36 % se descuidavam do horário, 81 % não tomam quando se sentiam bem e ainda, 64,6 % deixavam de tomar, caso os medicamentos faziam mal. Quando utilizado o Critério 1, obtivemos uma adesão de 47%, e ao Critério 2, uma adesão de 22%. Foram consideradas as atividades de vida diária (AVD), avaliadas pela aplicação da Escala de Barthel de AVD, sendo que 91,3% apresentam grau leve de dependência, a Escala de depressão geriátrica (EDG) foi aplicada nos pacientes e os índices de depressão encontrados na população estudada foram um quanto preocupan tes, 60% dos pacientes tinham sintomas depressivos, dos quais 24% apresenta vam sintomas de depressão grave. Quanto aos resultados do Mini Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM), 63% dos pacien tes estavam com alterações cognitivas significantes. Foi possível relacionar os índices de adesão com os resultados obtidos na EDG, MEEM e Barthel, e concluiu-se que, enquanto mais presente os sintomas de depressão e as alterações cognitivas menor a ade são, bem como quanto maior a indepen dência, avaliada pela escala de AVD de Barthel, maior a adesão. O proces samento dos dados foi efetuado pelo programa EXCEL e SAS. Os dados apresentados evidenciam que a adesão ao tratamento farmacológico é um padrão de comportamento individual, que reflete nas crenças, medos, danos causados pela doença e vantagens do tratamento farmacológico. Também se identificou necessidade de estratégias que visem racionalizar o uso de medicamentos em idosos para melho ria de sua qualidade de vida. / Aging is inevitable. The Brazilian population is aging and, thus, there is a growing need for a health system that addresses the issues related to this situation. The present study is a descriptive epidemiologic survey, a prospective inquiry. The objective is to study the conditions of medication use in elderly patients (60 years or more), who were assisted at the out clinic of a university hospital in the city of Ribeirao Preto (SP, Brazil). The study also aimed to evaluate patient complian ce to the pharmacological treatment. Random interviews were carried out with 127 patients who used home medication from the geriatrics out clinic of the referred hospital. Patients were mostly women (79.5%), with an average age of 75.37 years, and 32.3% were illiterate. Most were widowed (45.7%) and retired (69.3%). Family income was low for most patients (39.3%), that being of 2 minimum wages. The studied group took, in average, 6.5 medications per day, and most patients received their medication from the health unit and supplemented any additional need at a regular drugstore. Patients were rather complex, with an average of 6.6 diagnosis each. The Morisky and Green test was used to measure compliance to the pharmacological treatment, and revealed that 127 patients (55 %) forget to take their medication, 36 % did not pay close attention to the hours, 81 % did not take the medication when feeling healthy, and 64.6% stop taking their medication if it makes them feel sick. When Criterion 1 was used, compliance was 47%, whereas for Criterion 2 it was 22%. Daily life activities (DLA) were taken into consideration and evaluated in order to administrate the Barthel DLA scale, and 91.3% presented low degree of dependence. The geriatric depression scale (GDS) was administered and the rates for the studied population were rather alarming: 60% of the patients were considered as symptoms depression, with 24% presenting seri ous depression symptoms. Regarding Mini-Mental State (MMS) results, 63% of the patients presented significant cognitive deficit. Compliance rates were related to the results from GDS, MEEM, and Barthel. It is concluded that compli ance decreases as the rates for depression and cognitive deficit increase. Moreover, higher independence rates (evaluated by Barthel DLA scale), were obtained for higher compliance. Data were proces sed using EXCEL and SAS. It is eviden ced that that compliance to pharmacolo gical treatment is an individual behavior pattern, which reflects on the beliefs, fears, harms caused by the disease, and to the advantages of the treatment. It was also observed that there is a need for strategies that aim to rationalize medication use in the elderly so quality of life can be enhanced.
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Advances in Cystic FibrosisUtley, Courtney, McHenry, Kristen L. 13 December 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this review was to identify the history of and advances in cystic fibrosis (CF). New treatment plans, medication developments, and a historical perspective of airway clearance therapy (ACT) will be presented. The importance of treatment compliance and time management in the care of cystic fibrosis patients will also be discussed. Furthermore, the development of cystic fibrosis clinics and the pivotal role they play in the treatment of the disease will be addressed. Lastly, a brief discussion concerning the need for and process of lung transplantation will be reported.
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Análise da correlação existente entre Senso de Coerência e adesão ao tratamento em pacientes com diagnóstico de insuficiência cardíaca crônica / Correlation Analysis between Sense of Coherence and Treatment Compliance of patients with a diagnosis of Heart FailureSimone Alvarez Moretto 14 June 2013 (has links)
Introdução: a insuficiência cardíaca (IC) caracteriza-se por uma síndrome complexa, que apresenta, como principais sintomas, falta de ar, fadiga e função cardíaca anormal, o que exige, dos pacientes, mudanças no estilo de vida. Observa-se que as orientações de cuidado, muitas vezes, não são incorporados pelo portador de IC, sendo este um importante aspecto para a piora clínica deste paciente. Na perspectiva do enfrentamento, o Senso de Coerência proposto por Aaron Antonovsky, referencial adotado nesta pesquisa, é um construto que, se bem aplicado aos portadores de IC, pode revelar aos profissionais de saúde a percepção que os pacientes apresentam acerca de sua condição de doença. Objetivo: analisar a existência de correlação entre a adesão ao tratamento e o senso de coerência em pacientes ambulatoriais com diagnóstico de IC. Material e Método: estudo exploratório, descritivo, prospectivo e de abordagem quantitativa, realizado no ambulatório especializado em Insuficiência Cardíaca e Transplante do Instituto do Coração do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, com amostra de 100 pacientes. Os instrumentos utilizados na análise foram o Questionário de Senso de Coerência e o Questionário de Adesão em Pacientes com Insuficiência Cardíaca, além de um roteiro de entrevista semiestruturada para a caracterização da amostra da população de estudo. Os dados clínicos foram coletados do prontuário eletrônico dos pacientes. A regressão linear múltipla foi a estratégia utilizada para identificação dos fatores associados à adesão e ao senso de coerência, enquanto o nível de significância utilizado foi 5%. Resultados: o perfil biossocial da amostra foi predominantemente de homens (70%), com idade superior a 40 anos (89%), casados ou com companheiros (66%), baixa escolaridade (65% ensino fundamental), vinculados à religião católica (66%), aposentados (44%), com antecedentes clínicos de hipertensão (54%), dislipidemias (31%) e diabetes (25%). O principal diagnóstico responsável pelo quadro de IC foram as miocardiopatias (91%). Com relação ao senso de coerência, a distribuição da pontuação na amostra da população estudada variou entre 79 e 196, com média de 147,99 e desvio padrão de 23,101. A pontuação do questionário podia variar entre 29 e 203 pontos. A pontuação no questionário de adesão variou entre 26 e 58 pontos, média de 43,13, desvio padrão em 8,099. Neste questionário, a pontuação poderia variar entre 0 e 60 pontos. A idade foi o único fator preditor de adesão ao tratamento. Gênero e renda familiar apareceram como fatores preditores do domínio compreensão do senso de coerência. O gênero, isoladamente, foi determinado como fator preditor dos domínios Manuseio, Significado e para o senso de coerência. A correlação entre senso de coerência e adesão ao tratamento não foi significativa. Houve correlação significativa e negativa entre idade e adesão ao tratamento. A miocardiopatia mostrou-se como significativa, quando se refere à adesão ao tratamento. Neste caso, dentre os indivíduos que apresentaram valores menores ou iguais à média para o escore adesão (51%), 43% eram miocardiopatas. A hipertensão arterial sistêmica apresentou-se como variável significativa para o domínio compreensão do construto senso de coerência. Dentre os indivíduos que apresentaram valores menores ou iguais à média, para o escore em questão (51%), 22% eram hipertensos. Conclusões: a análise do Senso de Coerência e sua relação com a adesão ao tratamento em doenças crônicas é, em geral, pouco estudada. Não houve correlação entre Senso de Coerência e adesão ao tratamento, porém o instrumento de adesão não apresentou consistência interna relevante para a análise. Os resultados desta pesquisa poderão ser utilizados para a melhoria da prática assistencial de enfermeiros no cuidado a pacientes com IC. / Introduction: heart failure (HF) is characterized by a complex syndrome that has as its main symptoms shortness of breath, fatigue, and abnormal cardiac function. It demands a change of lifestyle in patients, that most of the time, are not adequately adopted, causing problems in treatment Compliance. In the confrontation perspective, the Sense of Coherence proposed by Aaron Antonovsky, used in this research as reference, is a construct that, if well applied to the sufferers of heart failure, it could reveal to the health professional, the perception patients have around their illness. Objective: Analyze the existence of a correlation between compliance to treatment and Sense of Coherence in clinical patients with a diagnosis of heart failure. Materials and Method: This is a exploratory study, descriptive, prospective, of a quantitative approach, which took place in the Heart Failure and Transplant Specialty Clinic at the Instituto do Coração (Heart Institute) of Hospital das Clínicas of the Medical College of the University of São Paulo (InCor-HC FMUSP), with a sample of 100 patients. The means used for analysis were Sense of Coherence and Treatment Compliance Questionnaire, as well as a directed semi-structured interview for the characterization of the sample of the population in the study. The clinical data was collected from the patients electronic medical records. Multiple Linear Regression was the strategy used to identify the factors associated to Treatment Compliance and Sense of Coherence, and the significance level used was 5%. Results: The Biosocial profile of the sample was predominantly of males (70%), over 40 years old (89%), married or with partners (66%), retired (44%), with a history of clinical hypertension (54%), dyslipidemia (31%) and diabetes (25%). The primary diagnosis responsible for the Heart Failure Clinical profile was Cardiomyopathy (91%). As for the Sense of Coherence, the distribution of scoring points in the sample of the population studied varied between 79 and 196, with an average of 147, 99 and standard deviation of 23.101. The scoring in the Questionnaire can vary between 29 and 203 points. The scoring in the Treatment Compliance Questionnaire varied between 26 and 58 points, average of 43,13 and Standard Deviation in 8.099. In this questionnaire the scoring can vary between 0 and 60 points. Age was the only predictor in Treatment Compliance. Gender and family income appear as predicting factors in the domain of Sense of Coherence comprehension. Isolated, gender was a determinant as a predicting factor in the domains of handling, Significance and Sense of Coherence. The correlation between Sense of Coherence and Compliance of Treatment wasnt significant. There was a significant and negative correlation between age and Treatment Compliance. Cardiomyopathy appeared as significant when dealing with Treatment Compliance. In this case, among the individuals that showed lower or equal values to the average score of Treatment Compliance (51%), 43% had Cardiomyopathy. Systemic Arterial Hypertension, appeared as a significant variable for the domain of Comprehension of the Sense of Coherence Construct. Among the individuals that showed lower or equal to the average score in question values (51%), 22% were hypertensive. Conclusion: The Analysis of the Sense of Coherence in relation to Treatment Compliance in chronic diseases is in general, not very well researched. There was no correlation between Sense of Coherence and Treatment Compliance, although the Treatment Compliance instrument did not present internal consistence relevant to the analysis. The conclusions of this research can be employed in the improvement of clinical practice of nurses in the caring of patients with Heart Failure.
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Effects of treatment compliance on treatment outcomes for pulmonary tuberculosis patients on Directly Observed Treatment-short Course in Windhoek District, NamibiaNepolo, Ester Ndahekelekwa January 2016 (has links)
Magister Public Health - MPH / Tuberculosis (TB) is a major health problem worldwide, with an estimated 9 million new cases accounting for an estimated 1.5 million deaths in 2012. Non-compliance with TB treatment has become a major barrier to achieving global TB control targets. Namibia is one of the worst affected countries in Africa with a high case notification rate (CNR) of all forms of TB and relatively low treatment success rate compared to the WHO targets. The study aimed at investigating TB treatment compliance and measuring its association to patient characteristics and treatment outcomes, in determining the effects of compliance on treatment outcomes in Windhoek District. This information is crucial for TB programme management and development of targeted strategies. A quantitative observational analytic study using a retrospective cohort design was adopted. New adult Pulmonary Tuberculosis (PTB) patients treated under DOTS in Windhoek District between 1st January 2013 and 31st December 2013 were included in the study based on specified criteria. Data was collected from the patients TB treatment cards using an extraction tool. Selection and information bias was eliminated by using clearly defined inclusion and exclusion criteria using a pre-tested standardised tool. Statistical analysis using descriptive and analytic statistics was done using Epi Info 7 to determine compliance, treatment outcomes and to measure the associations. Overall treatment compliance (89%), initial phase compliance (97.2%) and continuation phase compliance (88.1%) were reported in the study. Age (OR=4.3 95% CI (1.72 – 9.90), p-value=<0.01) and type of area (OR=0.02 95% CI (1.00 – 1.13), p-value=0.05) were associated with compliance in the continuation phase. Overall, type of area (OR=0.03 95% CI (0.00 – 0.91), p-value=0.04) remains associated with treatment compliance. Treatment success is reported among 86.1% of patients. Poor treatment outcomes are associated with non-compliance in the initial phase ( =49.98, p-value=<0.01), continuation phase ( =98.81, p-value=<0.01) and overall ( =110.02, p-value=<0.01). Overall treatment compliance (89%) although higher than expected was lower than the WHO recommended 90% compliance. Very high compliance (97.2%) were reported in the initial phase of treatment whilst compliance was also lower than desired (88.1%) in the continuation phase. Non-compliance recorded in the continuation phase is in agreement with the literature. Age and type of area are associated with compliance as reported in the continuation phase and overall in this study is new contribution of knowledge. The findings suggest that treatment compliance is associated with treatment success in both phases of treatment and overall. Low compliance especially in the continuation phase could lead to poor treatment outcomes such as prolonged infections, relapse, high TB mortality and drug resistance leading to increased programme costs. The study concludes that non-compliance results in poor treatment outcomes highlighting the need for interventions that address compliance in all phases but specifically within the continuation phase and amongst those at risk of having reduced compliance such as those in rural areas and young adult patients aged (15 – 34 years). Recommendations to the District Management Team and TB Programme Managers include: identification of measures that promote treatment compliance; support and monitoring of TB patients’ compliance continuously; strengthening CB-DOT by increasing CB-DOT points and enhancing CB-DOT supporters’ capacity as well as strengthening record keeping as a monitoring tool to increase compliance and improve treatment outcomes.
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Disability Identity Formation in People with Severe Mental Illness and Treatment Seeking and Compliance: A Participatory Action Research StudySommers, Kimberly M. January 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Family- and Adolescent-level Predictors and Moderators of Treatment Compliance and Functional Impairment in Pediatric Chronic PainAggarwal, Richa January 2018 (has links)
Pediatric chronic pain is a common developmental health problem with negative effects that can influence youth throughout their lives. Cognitive behavioral therapy is an efficacious treatment for pain management; however, treatment compliance among adolescents is a major problem. Emerging research suggests that some family-level factors play a role in treatment engagement and outcomes. Moreover, adolescents with greater coping and resilience strategies are more likely to benefit from treatment. However, it is not clear to what extent (a) other family factors predict short-term (3-month) and long-term (6-month) treatment compliance among adolescents with chronic pain, (b) adolescent-level factors predict treatment compliance, and (c) family-level factors interact with adolescent-level factors to predict treatment compliance (i.e., through moderating pathways). In addition, the association of family-level risk factors and adolescent-level resilience factors with functional impairment needs to be further investigated. To address these gaps, the current study explored factors that may predict treatment compliance and functional impairment within a multidisciplinary pediatric pain management program. Sixty-four adolescents (M = 15.00 ± 1.69 years; 85.9% female; 84.4% Caucasian, 6.3% African American/Black, 1.6% Hispanic/Latino, 1.6% Asian, 4.7% Mixed Race, 1.6% “Other”) diagnosed with chronic pain and their primary caregivers were assessed at three time points: their initial intake in the program (N=64), 3-months post-intake (n=62), and 6-months post-intake (n=61). Most family-level and adolescent-level factors, as well as the interaction of these factors, did not predict improved treatment compliance. However, consistent with prior research, several family-level and adolescent-level factors were associated with increased functional impairment among this sample. Study limitations and statistical concerns warrant that these findings be interpreted with caution. Results contribute to our understanding of the importance of family-level factors within the developmental context of adolescence, while also highlighting the need for investigating other relevant influences towards treatment compliance and functional impairment. Delineating such characteristics can inform assessment, as well as tailor treatment targets, recommendations, and outcomes among adolescents with chronic pain within a multidisciplinary treatment setting. / Psychology
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Patient Compliance of Patient Reported Outcome Measures in Measurement-Based Care After an Abrupt Shift to Telehealth During COVID-19Raines, Adam J. 02 1900 (has links)
Measurement Based Care (MBC) is considered to be an evidence-based practice. Despite its well-documented efficacy, it is underutilized in the clinical community for various reasons, including clinician and patient buy-in. A key component to the successful implementation of MBC is the routine administration of Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs). There is a lack of research describing the utilization of MBC in a telehealth setting. As technological innovations continue, a greater number of clinics are offering telemental health services. Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic caused a majority of underprepared clinics to begin implementing telehealth. The present study sought to evaluate patient compliance with PROMs in MBC after an abrupt shift to telehealth due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Participants were collected from a clinical population at a community based psychological training clinic. The participants were separated into groups: modality 1 (in-person services, n = 17), modality 2 (telehealth services, n = 17), and modality 3 (hybrid of modalities 1 and 2, n = 10), to assess the effect of modality on mean PROM compliance. The participants were separated into groups adult (≥18 years of age, n = 23) and child (<18 years of age, n = 17), to assess the effect of maturity on mean PROM compliance. Results showed that mean PROM compliance was significantly higher in the in-person modality than the telehealth modality. Results also showed that PROM compliance was significantly higher in adults than in children. There was not a significant interaction effect of modality and maturity on PROM compliance. Additionally, results showed that PROM compliance decreased significantly after the switch from in-person services to telehealth services in the hybrid modality. These findings show that clinics may face significant barriers to the implementation of MBC after a sudden shift to telehealth caused by an unforeseen stressful event. / M.S. / Measurement-Based Care (MBC) is an effective practice for the treatment of patients in psychological practices. It is a collaborative process that involves the clinician and patient tracking treatment progress and outcomes through the use of consistently administered measures known as Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs). Although MBC has been shown to be effective, there is little literature regarding its use in a telehealth setting. As a greater number of clinics begin offering telehealth services, questions regarding patient adherence to interventions have arisen. Furthermore, the global COVID-19 pandemic forced a majority of underprepared clinics to offer telehealth services. The current study sought to better understand potential barriers to the implementation of MBC in a telehealth setting. Participants were collected from patients receiving therapy at a community based psychological training clinic. The participants were separated into the groups: in-person services (n = 17), telehealth services (n = 17), and hybrid of in-person and telehealth (n = 10), to assess the effect of modality on mean PROM compliance. The participants were separated into groups adult (≥18 years of age, n = 23) and child (<18 years of age, n = 17), to assess the effect of maturity on mean PROM compliance. Results showed that patients in the in-person therapy group were more likely to complete their measures than patients in the telehealth therapy group, regardless of their maturity. Additionally, adult patients were more likely to complete their measures than child patients, regardless of the modality. Results also showed that patients who experienced both in-person and telehealth services were more likely to complete their measures before the switch to telehealth. These findings show that clinics may face significant barriers to the implementation of MBC after a sudden shift to telehealth caused by an unforeseen stressful event.
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Prognostiska faktorer för att inte fullfölja multimodal smärtrehabilitering / Prognostic factors for not completing multimodal painrehabilitationLamers, Petrus, Sagnérius, Linda January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Långvarig smärta är vanligt förekommande och orsakar stort lidande. Multimodal rehabilitering (MMR) är en behandlingsmetod som erbjuds patienter med komplexa rehabiliteringsbehov. Behandlingsföljsamhet definieras hur väl patientens beteende överensstämmer med de rekommendationer patienten kommit överens med sin vårdgivare och har betydelse för behandlingsresultatet. Lite är känt idag om prognostiska faktorer för behandlingsföljsamheten vid MMR. Identifiering av hinder som kan förklara varför patienter inte slutför behandling är därför viktigt för att kunna optimera behandlingseffekterna. Syfte: Att undersöka vilka faktorer som hade betydelse för att inte fullfölja ett MMR 2 program hos patienter med komplex långvarig smärta. Metod: Projektet var en prospektiv kohortstudie. Studiepopulation var patienter mellan 18– 67 år med långvarig smärta, som påbörjade ett MMR program mellan 2009–2016, registrerade i det Nationella Registret över Smärtrehabilitering (NRS). Trettiosex variabler fanns tillgängliga, utfallsmåttet var fullfölja eller ej fullfölja MMR. För att identifiera variabler med störst betydelse för behandlingsföljsamhet skapades regressionsmodeller med logistisk regression. Modellens diskriminativa förmåga testades och goodness of fit bedömdes. Resultat: De tre viktigaste faktorerna som ökade odds för att inte slutföra MMR 2 var patienter med hög smärtintensitet, patienter i yngre ålderskategori och låg motivation. Modellens diskriminativa förmåga var undermålig, goodness of fit var inte signifikant. Slutsats: Modellen kan inte predicera utfall för enskilda individer men ger informationen om vilka faktorer som historiskt har varit viktiga. På sikt kan identifiering av faktorer som försämrar följsamheten bidra till att anpassa MMR program och därmed skapa bättre förutsättningar så att flera patienter fullföljer rehabiliteringen. / Background: Prolonged pain is common and causes great suffering. Multimodal rehabilitation (MMR) is a treatment method that is offered to patients with complex rehabilitation needs. Treatment adherence is defined how well the patient's behavior is consistent with the recommendations the patient has agreed with his / her health care provider and is of importance for the treatment outcome. Little is known today about prognostic factors for treatment adherence at MMR. Identification of obstacles that can explain why patients do not complete treatment is therefore important in order to be able to optimize the treatment effects. Purpose: To investigate which factors were important for the prognosis to not completing MMR 2 treatment in patients with complex long-term pain. Method: The project was a prospective cohort study. Study population were patients aged 18–67 years with long-term pain who started an MMR 2 program between 2009–2016, registered in the National Register for Pain Rehabilitation (NRS). Thirty-six variables were available, the outcome measure was to complete or not complete MMR. To identify variables with the greatest importance for treatment adherence, regression models were created with logistic regression. The model's discriminatory ability was tested, and goodness of fit was assessed Results: The three most important factors that increased odds of not completing MMR were high MPI-PI, patients in the younger age category and low motivation. The model's discriminatory ability was substandard, goodness of fit was not significant. Conclusion: The model cannot predict outcomes on individual level but provides information on which factors historically have been important. In the long term, identification of factors that impair adherence can contribute to adapting MMR programs and thereby create better conditions so that several patients complete the rehabilitation.
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