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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Processo anaeróbio conjugado com processos oxidativos avançados (POA) no tratamento dos efluentes do processo industrial de branqueamento da polpa celulósica / Anaerobic process conjugated with advanced oxidation processes (AOP) for the treatment of the bleaching effluents from a kraft pulp mill

Thiago José Momenti 15 December 2006 (has links)
Alguns dos chamados processos oxidativos avançados (POA) foram aplicados após um processo biológico anaeróbio no tratamento de efluentes do processo industrial de branqueamento da polpa celulósica, visando a aumentar a biodegradabilidade desses efluentes e remover compostos tóxicos, de modo a permitir que um posterior tratamento biológico possa ser mais eficiente e atender às regulamentações ambientais. Para que esse objetivo fosse alcançado, as seguintes etapas de tratamento foram realizadas: processo biológico realizado em reator anaeróbio horizontal de leito fixo (RAHLF), visando à redução inicial da carga orgânica do efluente, seguido de aplicação de um dos POA: 'O IND.3', 'O IND.3'/'H IND.2'O IND.2', 'O IND.3'/UV, UV, 'H IND.2'O IND.2', 'H IND.2'O IND.2'/UV e 'O IND.3'/'H IND.2'O IND.2'/UV, visando a aumentar a biodegradabilidade dos compostos recalcitrantes encontrados no efluente do primeiro tratamento biológico e diminuir a toxicidade. No tratamento biológico, a biomassa anaeróbia se adaptou facilmente à água residuária. Dessa forma, o reator atingiu a estabilidade e apresentou eficiências de remoção de DQO e AOX adequadas para esta etapa da pesquisa (média de 50%), satisfazendo o objetivo de promover uma redução inicial da matéria orgânica de fácil degradação presente nessa água residuária. Com relação aos POA, foi concluído que todos os processos testados provocaram modificações na biodegradabilidade do efluente do RAHLF. O processo 'O IND.3'/UV, realizado em meio neutro, foi considerado o mais eficiente, provocando um aumento de biodegradabilidade de 160%, após 45 minutos de oxidação com uma concentração de ozônio de 1155 mg/L. Através da análise de AOX, observaram-se também degradações médias dos compostos organoclorados maiores que 95% para todos os processos testados. Os resultados gerais mostram a importância e a vantagem de se utilizar um POA como complemento de um tratamento biológico para efluentes de baixa biodegradabilidade, provocada pela presença de compostos recalcitrantes e tóxicos. / Some advanced oxidation processes (AOP) were applied after an anaerobic process for the treatment of bleaching effluents from a kraft pulp mill, aiming the increase of the effluent biodegradability and the removal of toxic compounds, in a way that a further biological treatment could be more efficient to attain the environmental regulations. A horizontal anaerobic imobilizaded sludge reactor (HAIS) was used as the anaerobic treatment in order to reduce the effluent initial organic load. The AOP used were 'O IND.3', 'O IND.3'/'H IND.2'O IND.2', 'O IND.3'/UV, UV, 'H IND.2'O IND.2', 'H IND.2'O IND.2'/UV and 'O IND.3'/'H IND.2'O IND.2'/UV. These AOP were not applied only to promote a further degradation of the remaining COD from the HAIS reactor, but in order to increase the effluent biodegradability and eliminate AOX or other toxic compounds from this effluent. In this way, the AOP would provide an effluent with characteristics to be easily treated by a further and final biological process. In the biological process, the anaerobic biomass was fast adapted to the wastewater. The HAIS reactor reached the stability and had efficiency in COD and AOX removals of approximately 50%, satisfying the aim of promoting an initial reduction in the easy-to-degrade organic matter presented in the bleaching effluents. All the tested AOP promoted modifications in de HAIS effluent biodegradability. The 'O IND.3'/UV at pH 8 was the more efficient process, achieving an increase of 160% on the biodegradability of the HAIS effluent after 45 minutes of oxidation and an ozone concentration of 1155 mg/L. By the AOX analyses, it was observed average degradations of the organochlorine compounds higher than 95% for all the AOP tested. The general results show the importance and the advantage of using an AOP as a complement of a biological treatment process for the degradation of effluents with low biodegradability, due to the presence of recalcitrant and toxic compounds.

Desenvolvimento de sistemas de controle ótimo para a operação de processos aeróbios de tratamento de esgotos / Development of optimal control system for the operation of aerobic wastewater treatment processes

José Antonio Tosta dos Reis 17 January 2003 (has links)
Neste trabalho, a partir da aplicação da teoria de controle ótimo, são estabelecidos sistemas de controle aplicáveis a três importantes sistemas aeróbios de tratamento de esgotos - filtros biológicos, processos de lodos ativados e os processos combinados formados a partir da combinação dos filtros biológicos e lodos ativados. Para a definição dos sistemas de controle são necessários modelos dinâmicos que descrevam o comportamento dos diferentes sistemas de tratamento. Da literatura são obtidos os modelos dinâmicos destinados à descrição do comportamento do processo de lodos ativados; para o filtro biológico, é proposto um modelo combinando à equação de balanço do reator e o modelo de ordem variável, este último destinado ao cálculo do fluxo de substrato para o interior de biofilmes profundos. Os resultados demonstram que, independentemente do sistema de tratamento considerado, os sistemas de controle reduzem substancialmente os tempos de acomodação e os desvios apresentados pelas variáveis de estado em relação as suas condições de equilíbrio. Por fim, função da inviabilidade de monitoramento de todas as variáveis de estado utilizadas para caracterizar os sistemas de tratamento, são propostos, a partir de modelos simplificados, controladores que incorporam a observação de estados. Também neste caso, os controladores estabelecidos permitem melhorar significativamente o desempenho dos sistemas de tratamento de esgotos analisados. / This paper constructs automatic control systems by means of optimal control theory for three different combinations of wastewater treatment units, namely, trickling filter, activated sludge process and a combined process. The dynamic model for the activated sludge process available in literature and a model proposed for the trickling filter were used in the construction of control systems. It is shown that the controls obtained in this study substantially reduce the durations necessary for the reestablishment of the equilibrium conditions in terms of state variables and the attenuation of oscillations around these conditions. Controls including observers for the state variables were devised on the basis of simplified models for the process in order to deal with the difficulties involved in monitoring all the state variables. These control systems were also found to be quite effective in improving the performance of the wastewater treatment plants considered in this paper.

Modified track-etched membranes using photocatalytic semiconductors for advanced oxidation water treatment processes

Rossouw, Arnoux 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to develop modi ed tract-etched membranes using nanocomposite TiO2 for advanced water treatment processes. Photocatalytic oxidation and reduction reactions take place on TiO2 surfaces under UV light irradiation, therefore sunlight and even normal indoor lighting could be utilised to achieve this effect. In membrane ltration, caking is a major problem, by enhancing the anti-fouling properties of photocatalysts to mineralise organic compounds the membrane life and e ciency can be improved upon. In this study the rst approach in nanocomposite membrane development was to directly modify the surface of polyethylenetherephthalate (PET) track-etched membranes (TMs) with titanium dioxide (TiO2) using inverted cylindrical magnetron sputtering (ICMS) for TiO2 thin lm deposition. The second approach was rst to thermally evaporate silver (Ag) over the entire TM surface, followed by sputtering TiO2 over the silver-coated TM. As a result a noble metal-titania nanocomposite thin lm layer is produced on top of the TM surface with both self-cleaning and superhydrophilic properties. Reactive inverted cylindrical magnetron sputtering is a physical vapour deposition method, where material is separated from a target using high energy ions and then re-assimilated on a substrate to grow thin lms. Argon gas is introduced simultaneously into the deposition chamber along with O2 (the reactive gas) to form TiO2. The photocatalytic activity and other lm properties, such as crystallinity can be in uenced by changing the sputtering power, chamber pressure, target-to-substrate distance, substrate temperature, sputtering gas composition and ow rate. These characteristics make sputtering the perfect tool for the preparation of di erent kinds of TiO2 lms and nanostructures for photocatalysis. In this work, the utilisation of ICMS to prepare photocatalytic TiO2 thin lms deposited on track-etched membranes was studied in detail with emphasis on bandgap reduction and TM surface regeneration. Nanostructured TiO2 photocatalysts were prepared through template directed deposition on track-etched membrane substrates by exploiting the good qualities of ICMS. The TiO2-TM as well as Ag-TiO2-TM thin lms were thoroughly characterised. ICMS prepared TiO2 lms were shown to exhibit good photocatalytic activities. However, the nanocomposite Ag-TiO2 thin lms were identi ed to be a much better choice than TiO2 thin lms on their own. Finally a clear enhancement in the photocatalytic activity was achieved by forming the Ag-TiO2 nanocomposite TMs. This was evident from the band-gap improvement from 3.05 eV of the TiO2 thin lms to the 2.76 eV of the Ag-TiO2 thin lms as well as the superior surface regenerative properties of the Ag-TiO2-TMs. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was om verbeterde baan-ge etste membrane (BMe) met behulp van nano-saamgestelde titaandioksied (TiO2) vir gevorderde water behandeling prosesse te ontwikkel. Fotokatalitiese oksidasie- en reduksie reaksies vind plaas op die TiO2 oppervlaktes onder UV-lig bestraling, en dus kan sonlig en selfs gewone binnenshuise beligting gebruik word om die gewenste uitwerking te verkry. In membraan ltrasie is die aanpaksel van onsuiwerhede 'n groot probleem, maar die verbetering van die self-reinigende eienskappe van fotokatalisators deur organiese verbindings te mineraliseer, kan die membraan se leeftyd en doeltre endheid verbeter word. In hierdie studie was die eerste benadering om nano-saamgestelde membraan ontwikkeling direk te verander deur die oppervlak van polyethylenetherephthalate (PET) BMe met 'n dun lagie TiO2 te bedek, met behulp van reaktiewe omgekeerde silindriese magnetron verstuiwing (OSMV).Die tweede benadering was eers om silwer (Ag) termies te verdamp oor die hele BM oppervlak, gevolg deur TiO2 verstuiwing bo-oor die silwer bedekte BM. As gevolg hiervan is 'n edelmetaal-titanium nano-saamgestelde dun lm laag gevorm bo-op die oppervlak van die BM, met beide self-reinigende en verhoogde hidro liese eienskappe. OSMV is 'n siese damp neerslag metode, waar materiaal van 'n teiken, met behulp van ho e-energie-ione, geskei word, en dan weer opgeneem word op 'n substraat om dun lms te vorm. Argon gas word gelyktydig in die neerslag kamer, saam met O2 (die reaktiewe gas), vrygestel om TiO2 te vorm. Die fotokatalitiese aktiwiteit en ander lm eienskappe, soos kristalliniteit, kan be nvloed word deur die verandering van byvoorbeeld die verstuiwingskrag, die druk in die reaksiekamer, teiken-tot-substraat afstand, substraattemperatuur, verstuiwing gassamestelling en vloeitempo. Hierdie eienskappe maak verstuiwing die ideale hulpmiddel vir die voorbereiding van die verskillende soorte TiO2 lms en nanostrukture vir fotokatalisasie. In hierdie tesis word OSMV gebruik ter voorbereiding van fotokatalitiese TiO2 dun lms, wat gedeponeer is op BMe. Hierdie lms word dan in diepte bestudeer, met die klem op bandgaping vermindering en BM oppervlak hergenerasie. Nanogestruktureerde TiO2 fotokataliste is voorberei deur middel van sjabloongerigte neerslag op BM substrate deur die ontginning van die goeie eienskappe van OSMV. Die TiO2-BM dun lms, sowel as Ag-TiO2-BM dun lms, is deeglik gekarakteriseer. OSMV voorbereide TiO2 dun lms toon goeie fotokatalitiese aktiwiteite. Nano-saamgestelde Ag-TiO2 dun lms is egter ge denti seer as 'n veel beter keuse as TiO2 dun lms. Ten slotte is 'n duidelike verbetering in die fotokatalitiese aktiwiteit bereik deur die vorming van die Ag-TiO2 nano-saamgestelde BMe. Dit was duidelik uit die bandgapingverbetering van 3,05 eV van TiO2 dun lms in vergelyking met die 2,76 eV van Ag-TiO2 dun lms. 'n Duidelike verbetering is behaal in die fotokatalitiese aktiwiteit deur die vorming van die Ag-TiO2 nano-saamgestelde TMs.

Mikropolutanty ve zdrojích vod a možnosti jejich odstranění / Micropollutants in water resources and ways of their elimination

Lukášová, Daniela January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with micro-fuels in drinking water sources and their subsequent removal. In the thesis mainly pesticides and pharmaceuticals are described. The reader is first introduced to the most common pesticides occurring in water and their consumption. Drugs are described in a similar context. In addition, there are practical studies on the occurrence, degradation and removal of micro-pollutants from water. The final thesis is a laboratory experiment dealing with the removal of salicylic acid from water by filtration through the filtration material Bayoxide E33 and activated carbon. The thesis describes the procedure and results of the experiment.

Modules of emerging xenobiotics detection in mixed urban wastewater / Модули одређивања емергентних ксенобиотика у мешовитим отпадним водама / Moduli određivanja emergentnih ksenobiotika u mešovitim otpadnim vodama

Sremački Maja 27 November 2017 (has links)
<p>Emerging substances of concern (EmS) are wide groups of chemicals frequently used, that are not included in legislation nor mandatory monitored like priority and hazardous priority substances. Group of substances overlapping in priority and emerging substances list provided by legislation are Endocrine Disruptive Compounds (EDCs), referred to as emerging xenobiotics (EXs). The modules of emerging xenobiotics detection and identification presents an interactive, complex and dynamic process shown in the research. Analytical method, LLE followed by GC-MS was successfully adapted and applied to screening of emerging and priority substances in wastewater. The screening and target analyses results were evaluated via risk assessment (ERA) and detected substances chemical properties were statistically evaluated (PCA, HCA an PC) for the purpose of correlation of chemical properties and predicted treatment possibilities from wastewater.</p> / <p>Емергентне супстанце (ЕмС) припадају широј групи хемикалија које се фреквентно користе, а нису обухваћене законски прописаном мониторингу, као приоритетне и хазардне приоритетне супстанце. Емергентни ксенобиотици (ЕК), а посебно супстанце које ометају ендокрини систем (ЕД), су група једињења које припадају и приоритетним и емергентним супстанцама. Модули одређивања ксенобиотика су интерактиван, сложен и динамичан процес, подложан променама, детаљно описан у тези. Аналитичка метода, ТТЕ праћене ГЦ-МС, успешно је прилагођена за скрининг идентификацију емергентних и приоритетних супстанци у отпадној води. За евалуацију добијених резултата коришћене су статистичке методе (ПЦА, ХЦА и ПК) у сврху корелације хемијских карактеристика са предвиђеним третманима отпадних вода, као и процена ризика за животну средину.</p> / <p>Emergentne supstance (EmS) pripadaju široj grupi hemikalija koje se frekventno koriste, a nisu obuhvaćene zakonski propisanom monitoringu, kao prioritetne i hazardne prioritetne supstance. Emergentni ksenobiotici (EK), a posebno supstance koje ometaju endokrini sistem (ED), su grupa jedinjenja koje pripadaju i prioritetnim i emergentnim supstancama. Moduli određivanja ksenobiotika su interaktivan, složen i dinamičan proces, podložan promenama, detaljno opisan u tezi. Analitička metoda, TTE praćene GC-MS, uspešno je prilagođena za skrining identifikaciju emergentnih i prioritetnih supstanci u otpadnoj vodi. Za evaluaciju dobijenih rezultata korišćene su statističke metode (PCA, HCA i PK) u svrhu korelacije hemijskih karakteristika sa predviđenim tretmanima otpadnih voda, kao i procena rizika za životnu sredinu.</p>

Challenges and opportunities with shared data for Water Treatment Plants / Utmaningar och möjligheter med delade data mellan vattenverk

Bredhe, Johanna, Hashi, Abdulahi Ismail January 2022 (has links)
The Swedish water sector faces many challenges in terms of climate change, worn out facilities and distribution systems as many of them were built in the 50-, 60- and 70s, but also increased cyber security concerns. Collaborations between different actors are therefore required to address these challenges. This thesis work's purpose is to examine the opportunities a collaboration between water treatment plants could bring for the water sector to achieve a more sustainable drinking water production. The purpose is also to examine the most efficient way to establish a collaboration between them through digital means. A workshop and several interviews with representatives from different water treatment plants were conducted to gather information on possibilities of data/information sharing between them, but also to make a security classification of data/information generated at the water treatment plants. The representatives included process engineers, process technicians, security associates and an associate at Svenskt vatten, an interest organization for the water sector. The result showed that data/information sharing is already taking place in the sector under limited conditions. Smaller VA organizations have more challenges due to lack of skilled workers, partners and time. It is difficult for many in the sector to know where to turn to when in need of help, particularly for smaller VA organizations who usually are the ones with fewer contact networks. It is not to say that only smaller VA organizations are affected but they are more likely to lack contact with other water organizations. The majority of water treatment plants agree on that data/information on treatment processes would be allowed to share under limited conditions. The information classification is a matter for each plant due to different security realities which determines the information classification. This makes it difficult to decide on what parameters could be shared by every water treatment plant. This needs to be investigated further in order to determine what data/information could be shared by most water treatment plants on a platform. Most participants thought that a platform of some kind would be the best solution to simplify data/information sharing between water treatment plants. The suggested platform is a good start for making contacts between water treatment plants and has the potential to enable storage and sharing of data/information in the future. / Den svenska VA sektorn står inför många utmaningar så som klimatförändringar, slitna anläggningar och distributionsnät då många av dem byggdes under 50-, 60- och 70-talet. Även oron kring cybersäkerheten ökar. Samarbeten mellan olika aktörer krävs för att lösa dessa utmaningar. Syftet med examensarbetet är att undersöka de möjligheter som samarbeten mellan vattenverk skulle medföra för att nå en mer hållbar dricksvattenproduktion. Syftet är också att undersöka det mest effektiva sättet att få till ett samarbete mellan vattenverken med digitala medel. En workshop och flertalet intervjuer genomfördes med olika representanter från vattenverk för att samla information om möjligheten med att dela data/information mellan dem. Men också för att göra en säkerhetsklassning av data/information som genereras på vattenverken. Representanterna inkluderade processingenjörer, processtekniker, säkerhetsansvariga samt en medarbetare från Svenskt vatten, en intresseorganisation för vattensektorn. Resultatet visade att delning av data/information redan sker inom sektorn, dock under begränsade former. Mindre VA organisationer har fler utmaningar på grund av brist på anställda med rätt kompetens, samarbetspartners och tid. Många inom sektorn har utmaningar när det kommer till att söka och få hjälp, särskilt för de mindre VA organisationerna som vanligtvis har färre kontakter. Men de är inte bara de små som är påverkade av detta problem, men det är vanligare att de inte har kontakter med andra VA organisationer. De flesta vattenverken ansåg att data/information från reningssteg skulle vara möjligt att dela under begränsade former. Informationssäkerhetsklassning är en enskild fråga för varje vattenverk som baseras på de hot som varje vattenverk står inför. Detta medför att det är svårt att bestämma vilken data/information som kan delas av varje vattenverk. Detta område behöver vidare utredas innan ett beslut kan fattas om vilken data/information alla vattenverk ska dela på en plattform. De flesta deltagarna tyckte att en plattform av något slag skulle vara lösningen för att förenkla delning av data/information mellan vattenverken. Den föreslagna plattformen är en bra start för vattenverk att skapa kontakter och har potentialen att möjliggöra lagring och delning av data/information i framtiden.

A biofilter process for phytoplankton removal prior to potable water treatment works : a field and laboratory study

Castro-Castellon, Ana January 2016 (has links)
Phytoplankton blooms compromise the quality of freshwater ecosystems and the efficient processing of water by treatment works worldwide. This research aims to determine whether in-situ filamentous biofiltration processes mediated by living roots and synthetic filters as media can reduce or remove the phytoplankton loading (micro-algae and cyanobacteria) prior to a potable water treatment works intake. The underlying biofiltration mechanisms were investigated using field and laboratory studies. A novel macroscale biofilter with three plant species, named the "Living-Filter", installed in Farmoor II reservoir, UK, was surveyed weekly for physicochemical and biological variables under continuous flow conditions during 17 weeks. The efficiency of a mesoscale biofilter using the aquatic plant Phalaris arundinacea and synthetic filters, was tested with Microcystis aeruginosa under continuous flow conditions and in batch experiments. The 'simultaneous allelochemical method' was developed for quantifying allelochemicals from Phalaris in aqueous samples. Microscale studies were used to investigate biofilter allelochemical release in response to environmental stressors and Microcystis growth inhibition in filtered and unfiltered aqueous root exudate. Results demonstrate that the removal of phytoplankton biomass by physical mechanisms has a removal efficiency of &le;45% in the "Living-Filter" (filamentous biofilter plus synthetic fabric) and that the removal of Microcystis biomass using only biofilters was 25%. Chemical mechanisms that reduce Microcystis cell numbers are mediated by allelochemicals released from biofilter roots. Root exudate treatments on Microcystis revealed that Microcystis growth is inhibited by allelochemicals, not by nutrient competition, and that protists and invertebrates play a role in removing Microcystis. Filamentous biofilters can remove phytoplankton biomass by physical, chemical and biological mechanisms. Biofilters and synthetic filters in combination improve removal efficiency. Application of macroscale biofilters prior to potable water treatment works benefits the ecosystem. Plant properties, biofilter size to surface water ratio, and retention time must be considered to maximise the benefits of biofiltration processes.

Fatores de controle das emissões de óxido nitroso (N2O) em tanque de aeração de estação de tratamento de esgoto

Brotto, Ariane Coelho 27 April 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Biblioteca de Pós-Graduação em Geoquímica BGQ (bgq@ndc.uff.br) on 2017-04-27T16:58:25Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Brotto, A. C.pdf: 1827218 bytes, checksum: d583ce8460c1efc5934c93cec6ef4c3d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-27T16:58:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Brotto, A. C.pdf: 1827218 bytes, checksum: d583ce8460c1efc5934c93cec6ef4c3d (MD5) / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Universidade Federal Fluminense. Instituto de Química. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geociências- Geoquímica Ambiental. Niterói, RJ / O estudo das emissões de óxido nitroso (N2O) em processos de tratamento de esgoto tem se tornado necessário e urgente nos últimos anos visto à sua contribuição às mudanças climáticas globais, já que este gás é responsável por 6% do efeito estufa e tem se tornado a principal substância destruidora do ozônio estratosférico do século XXI. Poucos são os estudos que quantificaram as emissões de N2O diretamente em estações de tratamento de esgoto (ETEs) e a literatura apresenta uma grande variação nos fatores de emissão (FEs) obtidos por eles. As Diretrizes de 2006 do IPCC para Inventários de Gases do Efeito Estufa sugerem o FE de 3,2 (2-8) g N2O pessoa-1 ano-1 para estimativas das emissões de N2O em ETEs, que corresponde a 0,035% do nitrogênio total (NT) emitido como N2O. As emissões de N2O em processo de tratamento de lodos ativados foram determinadas no período de janeiro a julho de 2010 em uma ETE municipal no Estado do Rio de Janeiro que trata aproximadamente 14,7 mil m3 dia-1 com média remoção de DQO para o período de estudo de 73% e carga de NT afluente de 46 mg N L-1. Os principais parâmetros operacionais relacionados às emissões de N2O em ETE foram estudados, a saber, concentração de oxigênio dissolvido (OD), concentração de nitrito (NO2 -), pH e temperatura. As maiores emissões de N2O foram observadas quando a concentração de OD se encontrava entre 1,3 e 3,4 mg L-1, o pH entre 5,9 e 6,5 e temperatura acima de 30oC. Enquanto as menores emissões ocorreram em concentrações de OD abaixo de 1,0 mg L-1 e acima de 4,0 mg L-1, e em pH acima de 6,5. O fluxo de N2O estimado é de 4,1 x 105 g N2O ano-1 e os FEs de N2O per capita, por vazão de esgoto tratado e pela carga NT afluente são 8,1 g N2O pessoa-1 ano-1, 8,0 x 10-5 g N2O L -1 e 0,12%. O FE per capita estimado exclusivamente para o tanque de aeração é aproximadamente 2,5 vezes superior ao proposto pelo IPCC (2006) para inventários de emissões de N2O para países que possuam sistemas centralizados de tratamento de esgoto com avançado controle dos processos de nitrificação e desnitrificação. / The study of nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from wastewater treatment processes has become necessary and urgent in the last years due to its contribution to global climate change, since this gas is responsible for 6% of the global greenhouse effect and will become the main ozone-depleting substances (ODS) of the 21st century. Few studies have quantified the direct emissions of N2O from wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) and literature shows a wide variation in the emission factors (EFs) obtained by them. 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories suggests an EF to estimate N2O emissions from WWTP of 3.2 (2.8) g N2O person-1 yr-1, which corresponds to 0.035% of total nitrogen emitted as N2O. Emissions of N2O from a full-scale activated sludge process was determined from January to July of 2010 during measurement campaign at a municipal WWTP in the State of Rio de Janeiro that treat roughly 14,700 m3 day-1 with an average influent removal COD for the period of study of 73% and total nitrogen load (TN) of 46 mg N L-1. The most important operational parameters leading N2O emissions in WWTP were also studied, namely, dissolved oxygen concentration (DO), nitrite (NO2 -) concentration, pH and temperature. The largest emissions of N2O were observed when DO concentration was between 1.3 and 3.4 mg L-1, pH between 5.9 and 6.5 and temperatures above 30oC. While lower emissions occurred in DO concentrations below 1.0 mg L-1 and above 4.0 mg L-1, and at pH above 6.5. Total estimated annual flux of N2O is 4.1 x 105 g N2O yr-1 and the EF of N2O estimated per capita, wastewater flow and the influent TN load are 8.1 g N2O person-1 yr-1, 8.0 x 10-5 g N2O L(wastewater)-1 and 0.12%. The per capita EF estimated exclusively for the aeration tank is almost 3 times higher than that proposed by the IPCC (2006) for N2O emission inventories for countries that predominantly have advanced centralized WWTPs with nitrification and denitrification steps.

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