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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


SERGIO GONCALVES MENDES 30 June 2016 (has links)
[pt] A partir do Concílio Vaticano II e, particularmente, a partir do decreto Optatam Totius, foi pedida uma renovação da Teologia Moral segundo três orientações fundamentais: o resgate da tradição bíblica, o acento na História da Salvação e o vínculo com a Liturgia. Tal renovação se faz urgente e necessária face aos inúmeros desafios para se tratar teologicamente do tema da sexualidade na pós-modernidade. É por essa razão, que a mistagogia da Iniciação Cristã apresenta-se como uma maneira de, simultaneamente, atender aos apelos do Concílio Vaticano II e falar uma linguagem acessível ao ser humano pós-moderno. É, com efeito, a partir de uma aproximação mistágógica ao Ritual de Iniciação Cristã de Adultos que se descortinam uma série de implicações para a ética da sexualidade tais como a comunicabilidade, a relacionalidade, a criatividade, a fecundidade, a ludicidade, a responsabilidade, a esponsabilidade, etc. Tais implicações ampliam o horizonte de possibilidade para se tratar do tema da ética da sexualidade na pós-modernidade, ao mesmo tempo que reorientam essa disciplina teológica à centralidade do mistério pascal de Cristo. / [en] From the Second Vatican Council and particularly from the decree Optatam Totius, a renewal of Moral Theology was requested in three basic guidelines: the rescue of the biblical tradition, the accent in the Salvation History and the link with the Liturgy. Such renewal is urgent and necessary in meeting the many challenges to talk theologically about the sexuality in post-modernity. Because of that, the mystagogy of Christian Initiation is presented as a way to simultaneously meet the Second Vatican Council appeals and speak a language accessible to postmodern human being. It is, in effect, from a mystagogical approach to the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults that several implications for the ethics of sexuality such as communicability, relationality, creativity, fertility, playfulness, responsibility, nuptiality, etc., are revealed. Such implications extend the horizon of possibility to address the ethics of sexuality theme in post-modernity, while redirect this theological discipline to the centrality of the Paschal Mystery of Christ.


PAULO HENRIQUE DE GOUVEA COELHO 02 January 2017 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho visa analisar a ação do Espírito Santo sobre o ser humano. Agindo no homem todo, corpo e alma, abrangendo as suas duas faculdades, a inteligência e a vontade, o Espírito Santo santifica, ilumina, vivifica, cura, e finalmente diviniza o homem. Para que ele possa realizar estas funções, faz-se mister que o Espírito Santo esteja acima do homem, é preciso que seja divino, ele não pode ser uma criatura, tal como o homem, como imaginavam alguns cristãos. Para tanto, esta pesquisa pretende estudar algumas questões referentes à terceira pessoa da Santíssima Trindade, mais especificamente, às relações do Espírito Santo com o Pai e o Filho e a sua natureza divina. Partindo de um estudo da pneumatologia dos primeiros séculos do cristianismo e, principalmente do século IV, quando ocorreram os grandes debates em torno da divindade do Espírito Santo que culminaram nas decisões do Concilio em 381, quando foi declarada a divindade do Espírito Santo. O fundamento dessa pesquisa são as cartas de Atanásio a Serapião, que analisam diretamente este tema. E uma vez fundamentada a questão da divindade do Espírito Santo, torna-se exequível esta pesquisa. / [en] This work aims to analyze the role played by the Holy Spirit over the human being regard his intelligence and will. His action sanctifies, enlightens, cure, brings life and deifies men and women. His sanctifying action bears his efficiency and reality over the creature as once conceived by former Christians. In order to clearly define the divine nature and role of the Blessed Trinity s Third Person, this work aims to answer some of the questions especially concerned to the relations between the Holy Spirit, the Father and the Son. From the pneumatology study of the first centuries of Christian era, especially the IV century, characterized by the importance of debates which culminated on the decisions taken by the Council of 381 AD stating the divinity of the Holy Spirit. Its documental references are the letters written by Athanasius and Serapion over the subject, which gives basis for divinity of the Holy Spirit and possibility of its present research.

Nejsvětější Trojice jako základ totožnosti stvořených osob / The Most Holy Trinity as the Foundation of the Identity of Created Persons

HANKE JAROŠOVÁ, Světla January 2013 (has links)
According to Scripture God created human beings "in our image, after our likeness". The likeness used to be conceived in terms of the rational nature human beings possess. Modern thought has come to conceive of the likeness rather in terms of being person, who receives her identity in relationships from others and at the same time mediates the others´ identity to them. The author presents the historical development of the concept of person as well as selected contemporary approaches, which she evaluates in light of the personal life of the Triune God as it is witnessed in Scripture and incessantly communicated in the liturgy of the church. She also presents ways of conceiving of created personhood she has attained in this light. Created persons are created in order to receive divine self-communication and to be able to participate in it, which they can in dependence on the one, who is the true revelator of God, as participation in his revelatory activity. By accepting their dependence, they become capable of acting freely through themselves and fulfill the task entrusted to them by creation.

Poetická imaginace presbyteriánské spirituality v kancionálu Trinity Hymnal / The Poetic Imagination of Presbyterian Spirituality in the Trinity Hymnal

WINSTED, Margareta January 2018 (has links)
In modern day American Protestant churches, both conservative and liberal ministers, pastors, theologians and lay leadership struggle over how to arrange and conduct worship services (liturgy) and how to integrate contemporary or traditional hymns. Many characterize this struggle as ?Worship Wars?. This dissertation concerns the poetic imagination of the Trinity Hymnal (1990), the hymnal of conservative Presbyterian churches that was originally published as a reaction to the liberal stream of Presbyterianism. Thus, the dissertation presents the Anglo-American debate in poetic theology, focusing on the poetic imagination of Presbyterian spirituality and its development to the Czech environment. The first section concerns the concept of Poetic theology focusing on the Protestant poetic theology as defined by W. A. Dyrness. The Presbyterian spirituality is then characterized by McGrath typology. His Theological foundations for spiritualiy are first determined by the teaching of Presbyterianism (especially Calvinism and the Westminster Confession of Faith), and then examined in the poetic imagination of hymns found in the Trinity Hymnal. The poetic imagination of the hymns, which is based primarily on the poetic imagination of Scripture and the Anglican Book of Common Prayer, demonstrates the intermingling of the Christian traditions of the songs and suggests the theological value of poetic language. This dissertation presents and analyzes the issue of Presbyterian search for adequate expression of hymns in worship. The method applied here offers a new basis for further exploration of current trends in the American worship tradition of Presbyterianism. In this respect it concerns a unique exploration of the interconnection of the poetic language of Presbyterian hymns with the Anglican liturgy. It also presents the research of poetic imagination of spiritual hymns and linking of the traditions as a topic to enrich ecumenical discussion.

Bývalý paulánský klášter u Nové Bystřice / Former Monastery of Order of Minims nearby Nová Bystřice

MUSIL, Stanislav January 2009 (has links)
This thesis deals with the establishment of the Paulans order, and his activities at Czech, establishment of the Paulans monastery of the Holy Trinity by Nová Bystřice. It describes the important circumstances of the paulans monkery arrival to this convent. Thesis also observe the termination of the convent in 1533 and his new establishment in 1626 and following 200 years of this greatest properity. Then it also describes the final termination of the convent in 1785, caused by the reforms of emperor Josef II.

Dorothy L. Sayersová - předchůdkyně postkritické theologie? / Dorothy L. Sayers - Predecessor of the Postcritical Theology?

BIRKETT, Petra January 2010 (has links)
The thesis explores the theology of Dorothy L. Sayers and shows a connection between her and the post critical theology.


RENATO DA SILVA MACHADO 08 July 2016 (has links)
[pt] A fé cristã se pauta, desde sua origem, na experiência de Deus Trindade – Pai, Filho e Espírito Santo – que se revela em Jesus Cristo, sobretudo em seu mistério pascal. Diante da atual crise de fé, os cristãos são incitados a promover uma Nova Evangelização, anunciando, com coragem e alegria, o Deus de Jesus Cristo como possibilidade de realização e salvação para o ser humano. Destarte, este trabalho objetiva apresentar, de modo sistemático, a cristologia trinitária de Bruno Forte como caminho para elaboração de um discurso sobre Deus que, partindo da Revelação Trinitária em Jesus Cristo, sobretudo no seu mistério pascal, supere as inúmeras deturpações e manipulações da imagem de Deus presentes no mundo hodierno que favorecem o ateísmo e o indiferentismo à questão de Deus. Procurar-se-á mostrar que uma cristologia trinitária poderá contribuir eficazmente para o caminho de conversão e de Nova Evangelização a ser assumido pela Igreja – esta a relevância do presente trabalho. / [en] The Christian faith is based from its origin in the Trinity experience of God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - which is revealed in Jesus Christ, especially in his paschal mystery. Before the current faith crisis, Christians are encouraged to promote a New Evangelization announcing, with courage and joy, the God of Jesus Christ as a possibility of fulfillment and salvation. This thesis work aims to present, in a systematic way, Bruno Forte s Trinitarian Christology as a way to prepare a discourse about God which, from the Trinitarian revelation in Jesus Christ perspective, especially within the scope of his paschal mystery, will overcome the numerous misinterpretations and manipulations of God s image which have been promoting atheism and indifference to the question of God. It will show that a Trinitarian Christology can contribute effectively to the path of conversion and new evangelization to be assumed by the Church. / [it] La fede cristiana si fonda nella sua origine nell esperienza di Dio Trinità- Padre, Figlio e Spirito Santo - che si rivela in Gesù Cristo, in particolare nel suo mistero pasquale. Data l attuale crisi della fede, i cristiani sono invitati a promuovere una nuova evangelizzazione, annunciando con coraggio e gioia, il Dio di Gesù Cristo come possibilità di salvezza per l essere umano. Questo lavoro, pertanto, presenta in modo sistematico, la cristologia trinitaria di Bruno Forte come un cammino per elaborare un discorso su Dio, che partendo dalla rivelazione trinitaria in Gesù Cristo, e in modo alquanto unico nel suo mistero pasquale, supera le numerose deturpazioni e manipolazioni dell immagine di Dio presenti nel mondo di oggi, che promuovono l ateismo e l indifferenza alla questione di Dio. Si proverà a dimostrare come una cristologia trinitaria possa contribuire efficacemente al cammino di conversione e nuova evangelizzazione ed essere assunta dalla Chiesa - questa la rilevanza del presente lavoro.

A comparative study of the Paraclete statements and references to the Holy Spirit in the Johannine Gospel

Joubert, Johann van Dijk 19 April 2007 (has links)
Please read the "Conclusions" in the section 05chapter5 of this document / Thesis (PhD (NT Studies))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / New Testament Studies / unrestricted

An investigation into Historically Informed Performance Practice among South African flute pedagogues and players

Monard, Merryl Katherine 20 November 2008 (has links)
This study investigates the status of Historically Informed Performance Practice among the South African flute-playing fraternity. Consequently, grounds are established on which to claim a lack of the implementation of Historically Informed Performance Practice in South African flute pedagogy and playing. The main research question that underpins this study is: <ul> <li>Why is there a lack of integration of Historically Informed Performance Practice into the mainstream of current flute performance practice among South African flute pedagogues and players?</li></ul> This research question is addressed through three sub-questions: <ul> <li>Is there an awareness of Historically Informed Performance Practice in South Africa as outlined by performance and pedagogy internationally?</li> <li>How is Historically Informed Performance Practice incorporated into the South African flute examinations system? </li> <li>Does the knowledge of Historically Informed Performance Practice prepare one to be a balanced musician or flautist?</li> </ul> The findings that emerge from the investigation of the research questions are: <ul> <li>South African flute pedagogues fail to differentiate between Historically Informed Performance Practice and ‘authenticity’. This could be attributed to the fact that relatively little research and discourse into Historically Informed Performance Practice has been conducted by South African scholars and musicologists. </li> <li>While Historically Informed Performance Practice is thought to enhance students’ performances of Early Music, resulting in better-balanced musicians, it has not been significantly exploited by South African flute players.</li> <li>South African flute students are superficially aware of some elements of performance practice, but are generally not historically informed with regard to the performance of Early Music.</li> <li>There is no clear indication of Historically Informed Performance Practice being incorporated into the South African independent flute examination system.</li> <li>While there are numerous specialists in Early Music locally, flute pedagogues and players perceive them to be scarce, perhaps due to a lack of discernable demand for historically informed performances by South African audiences.</li> </ul> The research synthesises questionnaire and interview data from local flute pedagogues, Early Music specialists and both national and international flute students in an attempt to discover the reason for the lack of Historically Informed Performance Practice in South Africa. Additionally, a survey of websites detailing South African Early Music activity is performed using the Internet, in order to ascertain if the basis for a future in Historically Informed Performance Practice exists nationally. Lastly, content analyses of the three primary South African independent examination boards’ syllabi and of the former flute periodical, Flufsa News, elucidate the status of Historically Informed Performance Practice nationally. / Dissertation (MMus)--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Music / unrestricted

L’identité chrétienne orthodoxe est-européenne à la rencontre de la diversité culturelle : étude empirico-herméneutique des communautés immigrantes bulgare, moldave et roumaine à Montréal

Tsvetkova, Denitsa 06 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie le rapport entre l’identité chrétienne orthodoxe et la diversité culturelle en diaspora. Le problème de départ de cette recherche est l’invisibilité des communautés orthodoxes dans l’espace public montréalais, le manque d’interaction entre la société et les communautés orthodoxes et l’isolement ecclésial et culturel des paroisses orthodoxes engendré par le principe ethno-national. La recherche s’attarde sur cet état de fait et en propose une analyse théologique. La méthode praxéologique, empirico-herméneutique, permet de procéder à l’étude de la réalité et de devenir voice over, c’est-à-dire l’interprète des personnes immigrantes. La recherche empirique est basée sur l’observation, une enquête à l’aide de trois questionnaires, de 13 entrevues auxquelles ont participé 68 personnes originaires de Bulgarie, Moldavie et Roumanie, nouveaux arrivants, bien-établis, prêtres et membres des conseils ecclésiaux, ce qui constitue un corpus exhaustif. L’herméneutique est opérée à partir de concepts qui sont déconstruits et reconstruits pour refléter la réalité et le discours des personnes concernées. La recherche fait le constat de l’existence de dynamiques complexes d'isolement et d’ouverture. Quatre types de comportements à la rencontre de la diversité culturelle se précisent. Ce rapport ambivalent à la diversité culturelle résulte non seulement des attitudes historiquement ancrées dans la conscience des peuples est-européens pour préserver leur identité culturelle, mais aussi de leur expérience de l’immigration, du choc culturel, des barrières linguistiques, des difficultés financières et des défis liés à la réalisation professionnelle. Les paroisses ethno-nationales deviennent des points d’ancrage linguistique et identitaire tant religieux que nationaux, mais aussi des îlots de paix, d’un véritable « chez-soi » spirituel. L’analyse est opérée à la lumière de la théologie de l'amour trinitaire et de l'interculturalité. Ces théories, théologique et sociale, sont mises en parallèle. L’étude démontre qu’il existe une contradiction évidente avec la réalité d’invisibilité, d’isolement culturel et de fragmentation ecclésiale des communautés orthodoxes d’Europe de l’Est dans la diaspora montréalaise, malgré certains signes d’ouverture. Elle débouche sur la proposition de quelques pratiques concrètes, à la fin de la démarche. / The thesis studies the relation between the Orthodox Christian identity and cultural diversity in a diaspora context. The problem being examined herein is the invisibility of the Orthodox communities in the public sphere of the city of Montreal, Quebec, Canada, the ecclesial and cultural isolation of Orthodox parishes based on an ethnic principle and the lack of interaction between society and Orthodox communities. The research aims to explore this behaviour and suggests theological guidelines to analyze it. Using the empirico-hermeneutic method, reality of immigrant people is attentively studied and their voices are “translated”, the thesis being voice over for them. The empirical study stems from the observation, the administration of three questionnaires, and 13 interviews with 68 people from Bulgaria, Moldavia and Romania, newcomers and settled-ins through, as well priests and church councils through, making this research a thorough process. The hermeneutic aspect of the research consists of concepts which are de-constructed and then re-constructed around immigrant people in order to zoom in on those concepts according to people’s life experience. The study reveals complex and simultaneous dynamics of isolation and openness. In fact, four types of behaviour have been identified upon contact with cultural diversity. This ambivalent relation to cultural diversity emerges not only from historical attitudes from East-European peoples in order to protect their cultural identity but also following the cultural shock they experienced on their arrival, as well as their financial difficulties, the language barriers and their struggles to professional realisation. Ethnic congregations hence become safe, linguistic, and identity gatherings where people can worship and feel at home. The analysis is conducted through a love paradigm of the Trinitarian theology and of interculturality. Those theoretical, social and theological aspects are then compared and show a distortion with the reality of how invisible, isolated and ecclesially fragmented the East-European communities are in the Montreal diaspora context. Some practical solutions are presented at the conclusion of this research.

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