Spelling suggestions: "subject:"trinity."" "subject:"rinity.""
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Architektonická studie sakrálního objektu Brno - Líšeň / Architectural study of the sacral object Brno - LíšeňMádr, Marián January 2020 (has links)
The subject of the diploma thesis is the design of a new Roman Catholic church with conveniences, which will be located in the city of Brno - Líšeň, in the northwestern part of the cadastral area Líšeň, on a sloping plot, between Horníkova and Molákova streets, near the youth center ("Saleska"). The church will serve the Roman Catholic Congregation of the Selesians, who are attended to the education and work with children and youth. The church will be dedicated to the third Divine Person of the Holy Spirit. The main aim of the church is to be a place of meeting in the community of believers, but also a quiet and peaceful place to meet God. The proposal will also consider the construction of a vicarage, which should be a meeting place for parishioners at various events with the possibility of accommodating the Salesians. The idea is proceeded on the main symbols of the Salesians. The design is based on the idea of a home, a circle, which symbolizes the family atmosphere. It is derived from three pillars. The sense, the religion and the kindness, standing on a triangular background that serve as points to create a community bounded by circles. This fellowship is defined by three circular segments in the form of reinforced concrete framework structures, each of them represents one of the divine persons of the Holy Trinity. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. The gaps among the structures serve for such an illumination, which does not distract the attention from the church to the outside environment and preserves the peace and the spirituality in the interior.
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Filosofické aspekty nauky o Trojici v Teologické sumě Tomáše Akvinského / Philosophical Aspects of Aquinas's Doctrine on the Trinity in STH. (q. 27.-43.)Mišejka, Pavol January 2019 (has links)
Philosophical Aspects of Aquinas's Doctrine on the Trinity in Summa Theologiae. The work has the goal to disclose a philosophical background of Aquinas's doctrine on the Trinity in Summa theologiae. The Dogma of the Trinity of Divine Persons is one of the fundamental truths of faith. This fact transcends human reason, yet it is a topic with its position and content, so it was always exciting and theologians tried to cope with this paradoxical claim of a single God in the Three Persons. St. Thomas Aquinas was no exception in this. His scholastic approach uses abundant philosophical material to help him to disclose this reality which exceeds philosophical science as incontrovertible and therefore credible. In his famous work for beginner theologians, he systematically presents his solution based on the analysis of the category of relation. The distinction between being (esse) of relation and its own nature (ratio) will make it possible to distinguish the three Persons in God's only reality. He concludes that divine persons themselves are the relations they represent and that the relations are subsistent. Ultimately, such an understanding of the existence of divine Persons reveals the reason for creation and helps us to understand our salvation, which is according to the Angelic Doctor the ultimate...
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Mariánské, trojiční a světecké sloupy na Královéhradecku a Rychnovsku / Our Lady, Trinity and Saints' Columns in Hradec Králové and Rychnov RegionsKomárek, Albert January 2011 (has links)
My diploma thesis deals with a question of when and where it is possible to seek for origins of columns, questions like why were Our Lady, Trinity and Saints' columns built in Europe and what was the cause of plaque epidemic and its results in Europe are answered. The main part of my diploma thesis focuses on places where these sculptures are situated. The zone is defined by the formal Hradec Králové division and by the town Rychnov nad Kněžnou. The author of this diploma thesis compares his knowledge with works of other authors. In the supplement, the columns are depicted including the map of their placement in Hradec Králové District and in Rychnov nad Kněžnou.
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The Contemplative Gift in the Life of the ChurchSt. Romain, Sister Pia (Kimberly) 01 October 2021 (has links)
Church leaders and other members of the Mystical Body of Christ can avail themselves more to the contemplative gift while undergoing the Paschal Mystery as a team and cultivating spaces of encounter and communion with people in the Church and in the world for deepening union with God and further entry in the process of divinization. Members of the Mystical Body can be more sensitive to the presence of God within themselves and others through devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus that offers an entryway for Divine Love to take captive the affections of the will as the contemplative gift is increasingly activated from within each person. This way is shown through the Holy Family and their common spiritual life which offers a model of Church that invites all people to share in their oneness of heart rooted in the Trinity to be love as one family of God.
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[pt] A Dissertação tem como objetivo apresentar o referido conceito, tendo em vista sua relevância na construção do dogma trinitário. A relevância dos Padres Capadócios (Basílio de Cesareia, Gregório Nazianzeno e Gregório de Nissa) por aperfeiçoar, fechar as lacunas e concretizar o dogma. Em relação a metodologia utilizada, a pesquisa analisa, por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica, a cristologia primitiva, suas raízes bíblicas e a reflexão patrísticas do conceito, o significado do termo para os Padres da Igreja e para os arianos, o contexto histórico dos grandes concílios ecumênicos de Niceia (325) a Constantinopla I (381), e a reflexão dos Capadócios. Os principais resultados encontrados da pesquisa foram, que o significado do conceito de eterna geração em sua origem, nas Sagradas Escrituras, difere do seu significado no contexto dogmático. Orígenes, autor desse conceito utiliza de sua interpretação alegórica para ratifica-lo, e sua interpretação vai influenciar posteriormente tanto nicenos como arianos. Diante de um interregno entre os concílios, a influência do Império Romano vai contribuir para disseminação tanto da doutrina quanto da heresia, fortalecendo ambas. Ao refletir sobre a divindade do Cristo e sua origem, os Capadócios reformulam o dogma trinitário herdado do credo niceno, incluindo também a divindade do Espírito Santo. A contribuição da pesquisa é apresentada no que tange ao que significou o termo para a dogmática cristã, em especial para a reflexão sobre a Trindade Imanente, assunto que é um desafio em si mesmo até os dias de hoje e suas aplicações para uma espiritualidade em prol do outro. / [en] The Dissertation aims to present the referred concept, in view of its relevance in the construction of the Trinitarian dogma. The relevance of the Cappadocian Fathers (Basilio de Caesarea, Gregório Nazianzeno and Gregório de Nissa) for perfecting, closing the gaps and making dogma concrete. In relation to the methodology used, the research analyzes, through bibliographic research, the primitive Christology, its biblical roots and the patristic reflection of the concept, the meaning of the term for the Fathers of the Church and for the Aryans, the historical context of the great councils ecumenical events from Nicaea (325) to Constantinople I (381), and the reflection of the Cappadocians. The main results of the research were, that the meaning of the concept of eternal generation in its origin, in the Sacred Scriptures, differs from its meaning in the dogmatic context. Origen, author of this concept, uses his allegorical interpretation to ratify it, and his interpretation will later influence both Nicenes and Aryans. Faced with an interregnum between the councils, the influence of the Roman Empire will contribute to the dissemination of both doctrine and heresy, strengthening both. In reflecting on the divinity of Christ and his origin, the Cappadocians reformulate the Trinitarian dogma inherited from the Nicene creed, also including the divinity of the Holy Spirit. The contribution of the research is presented with respect to what the term meant for Christian dogmatics, especially for the reflection on the Immanent Trinity, a subject that is a challenge in itself until today and its applications for a spirituality in favor from the other.
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Den trefaldiga Urmodern : Kvinnlig treenighet och biblisk intertextualitet i MaresiOtabbong, Emilia January 2023 (has links)
In this paper, the triple goddess portrayed in Maresi: The Red Abbey Chronicles (2014) by Maria Turtschaninoff is analyzed. The paper discusses the female replacement of the all-male trinity in Maresi and how it can be linked to thealogical rewritings of the Bible. Using feministic theory, an analysis is made about how the Maiden, Mother and Crone in Maresi follow or divert from the traditional female archetypes. The biblical intertextuality in the novel is discussed by connecting it to each aspect of the triple goddess. The result is that Maresi is a rewritten version of the Bible, using biblical events and characters to criticize the patriarchy. Turtschaninoff’s portrait of the Maiden, Mother and Crone diverts from the typical female archetypes. This diversion results in a more complex depiction of the woman in literature.
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[pt] A escatologia do amor é o estudo da escatologia de J. Moltmann a partir da sua compreensão de Deus na história do sofrimento do mundo e na história do sofrimento solidário de Deus por este mundo. Amor é o conceito cristão de Deus como Trindade que Se move a partir do Seu futuro em direção à Sua criação. Trata-se do Deus Amor que sofre (como Deus) solidariamente no sofrimento de Sua criação. O Deus cristão não é apático, imóvel, mas amor. Este amor fundamenta a esperança, esta que é característica fundamental da fé cristã. A partir da passagem da escatologia de um discurso informativo para um discurso performativo, esta pesquisa aponta o dado biográfico da teologia de J. Moltmann e a implicação deste dado na compreensão de Deus desde o Evento Pascal de Cristo, que reflete o pathos divino na cruz de Cristo, solidário na situação de abandono e morte do homem, o sim de Deus a este Crucificado pela sua ressurreição e a irrupção em curso de seu futuro por obra do Espírito Santo. Desde esta perspectiva, a existência cristã como informada pela esperança se fundamenta nesse amor revelador de Deus. Esta pesquisa parte da pergunta por Deus e pela esperança em J. Moltmann, segue aprofundando a compreensão moltmanniana de Deus e reflete o enunciado escatológico desta compreensão de Deus como Trindade, cujo amor convidativo liberta, transforma e integra, caracterizando a fé cristã e sua práxis como um dado escatológico. / [en] The eschatology of love is the study of the eschatology of J. Moltmann from his understanding of God in the history of the suffering of the world and in the history of the suffering of God s solidarity for this world. Love is the Christian concept of God as Trinity that moves from His future towards His creation. It is all about the Love God who suffers (as God) in solidarity in the suffering of His creation. The Christian God is not apathetic, immobile, but love. This love bases the hope, which is a fundamental characteristic of the Christian faith. From the passage from the eschatology of an informative discourse to a performative discourse, this research points to the biographical data of J. Moltmann s theology and the implication of this data in the understanding of God since the Paschal Christ Event, which reflects the divine pathos on the cross of Christ, united to the situation of abandonment and death of man, the yes of God to this Crucified One by His resurrection and the rise up of His future by the work of the Holy Spirit. From this perspective, the Christian existence as informed by the hope is based on this revealing God s love. This research starts from the enquiry for God and hope in J. Moltmann, which goes on to deepen Moltmann s understanding of God and reflects the eschatological statement of this understanding of God as Trinity, whose invitative love liberates, transforms and integrates, characterizing the Christian faith and its praxis as an eschatological datum.
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[pt] A presente dissertação tem como título A santificação como propriedade do
Espírito Santo nos Padres Capadócios. Levando-se em conta o apelo crescente do
Concílio Vaticano II para o retorno às fontes patrísticas e a necessidade cada vez
mais crescente por uma abordagem pneumatológica da teologia e da vida da Igreja,
este trabalho tem como objeto analisar a santificação como propriedade do Espírito
Santo nos Padres da Capadócia (Basílio de Cesareia, Gregório de Nazianzo e
Gregório de Nissa). Apoiando-se na Sagrada Escritura e na tradição da liturgia e
dos Padres anteriores e se servindo também da filosofia clássica, o pensamento
deles contribuiu para a definição da fé na Trindade no Concílio de Constantinopla
I (381). Desta forma, o início do capítulo 2 apresenta a teologia apofática de ambos.
O restante do capítulo 2, os capítulos 3 e 4 apresentam a defesa que cada Padre faz
do Espírito Santo, marcando seus diferentes pontos de vista. O principal resultado
encontrado foi que a santificação, apesar de atribuída a toda a Trindade, é atributo
próprio do Espírito como santificador e aperfeiçoador da Criação, provando, assim,
a Sua divindade. Caso contrário, a santificação do ser humano seria impossível. A
contribuição da pesquisa consistiu na significação do tema e no destaque à
necessidade de não se fazer, na atualidade, uma pneumatologia isolada, mas abordar
o aspecto pneumático da cristologia, da eclesiologia e de outras dimensões da
teologia e da vida da Igreja. / [en] This dissertation is entitled Sanctification as a Property of the Holy Spirit in
the Cappadocian Fathers. Taking into account the growing call of the Second
Vatican Council to return to patristic sources and the increasing need for a
pneumatological approach to theology and the life of the Church, this work aims to
analyze sanctification as a property of the Holy Spirit in the Fathers of Cappadocia
(Basil of Caesarea, Gregory of Nazianzus and Gregory of Nyssa). Relying on
Sacred Scripture and the tradition of the liturgy and the earlier Fathers, and also
drawing on classical philosophy, their thinking contributed to the definition of faith
in the Trinity at the Council of Constantinople I (381). Thus, the beginning of
chapter 2 presents the apophatic theology of both. The rest of chapter 2, chapters 3
and 4 present each Father s defense of the Holy Spirit, marking their different points
of view. The main result found was that sanctification, although attributed to the
whole Trinity, is an attribute proper to the Spirit as the sanctifier and perfecter of
Creation, thus proving His divinity. Otherwise, the sanctification of human beings
would be impossible. The contribution of the research consisted in the significance
of the theme and in highlighting the need not to make an isolated pneumatology
today, but to address the pneumatic aspect of Christology, ecclesiology and other
dimensions of theology and the life of the Church.
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Servetus, Swedenborg and the nature of GodDibb, Andrew Malcolm Thomas 30 November 2001 (has links)
Michael Servetus (1508 - 1553) and Emanuel Swedenborg (1688 - 1772) are both considered
heretics. They share many concepts about the nature of God, especially their rejection orthodox
Nicene and Chalcedonian theology. This thesis explores their respective theologies relating to the
Trinity and Christology, with speculation of what sources they may have had in common. While
attention is paid to Ignatius, Irenaeus and Tertullian, particular attention is paid to Tertullian,
whose work Adversus Praxean lays the foundation of Servetus' ideas and has much in common with
Swedenborg's theology. In light of their similarity to Tertullian, the question is asked if Servetus
and Swedenborg would have been called heretics prior to Nicaea. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D.Th. (Church History)
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Servetus, Swedenborg and the nature of GodDibb, Andrew Malcolm Thomas 30 November 2001 (has links)
Michael Servetus (1508 - 1553) and Emanuel Swedenborg (1688 - 1772) are both considered
heretics. They share many concepts about the nature of God, especially their rejection orthodox
Nicene and Chalcedonian theology. This thesis explores their respective theologies relating to the
Trinity and Christology, with speculation of what sources they may have had in common. While
attention is paid to Ignatius, Irenaeus and Tertullian, particular attention is paid to Tertullian,
whose work Adversus Praxean lays the foundation of Servetus' ideas and has much in common with
Swedenborg's theology. In light of their similarity to Tertullian, the question is asked if Servetus
and Swedenborg would have been called heretics prior to Nicaea. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D.Th. (Church History)
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