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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Soziale Trinität für soziale online Netzwerke : ein Beitrag zur Bedeutung des Glaubens an die soziale Trinität als Inspiration und Ressource für ein erfüllendes zwischenmenschliches Zusammenleben im Kontext sozialer Online-netzwerke / Social trinity for social networking sites : a contribution to the importance of the faith in the social trinity as a [sic] inspiration and resource for a fulfilling human communal life in the context of social networking sites

Staub, David 03 1900 (has links)
German text / Diese Forschungsarbeit versucht aufzuzeigen, inwiefern der Glaube an die Trinität als Gemeinschaft von Vater, Sohn und Heiligem Geist zu einem erfüllenden zwischenmenschlichen Zusammenleben in sozialen Online-Netzwerken beitragen kann. Im Gespräch mit den drei Theologen Jürgen Moltmann, Leonardo Boff und Gisbert Greshake wird das Konzept der Sozialen Trinität mit seinen Implikationen für das zwischenmenschliche Zusammenleben erarbeitet. In einem zweiten Teil werden die neuen Möglichkeiten von sozialen Online- Netzwerken und die deutlichsten damit verbundenen Mängel für das zwischenmenschliche Zusammenleben am Beispiel von Facebook dargestellt. Schlussendlich wird danach gefragt, inwiefern die Erkenntnisse aus der theologischen Diskussion für den spezifischen Kontext sozialer Online-Netzwerke fruchtbar gemacht werden können. Es werden drei unterschiedliche Aspekte herausgearbeitet, in denen der Glaubende durch das Eingebundensein in die göttliche Gemeinschaft eine neue Sicht auf seinen sozialen Kontext erhalten und eine hilfreiche Ressource finden kann, um den Unzulänglichkeiten des zwischenmenschlichen Zusammenlebens in sozialen Online-Netzwerken entgegenzuwirken. / This thesis wishes to demonstrate in how far faith in the Trinity as community of Father, Son and Holy Spirit can contribute to a fulfilling human communal life on social networking sites. In conversation with the three theologians Jürgen Moltmann, Leonardo Boff and Gisbert Greshake, a concept of the Social Trinity and its implications on human communal life is being elaborated. In a second part, the new possibilities and the gravest shortcomings of human interactions on Facebook are depicted. Finally, it is asked, in how far the findings of the theological discussion can be fructified in the specific context of social networking sites. In three different aspects it will be elaborated, in which the believer can find, through his or her incorporation into the godly community, a new perspective for his social context and a helpful resource to counter the shortcomings of human communal life on social networking sites. / Philosophy and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Systematic Theology)

A comparison of Celtic and African spirituality

Lubbe, Linda Mary 11 1900 (has links)
This study explores two ancient approaches to spirituality, together with the cultural contexts in which they developed. Spirituality is a popular concept today among people of widely differing religious traditions, and among those who espouse no religious tradition. Spirituality defines the way in which people relate to what concerns them ultimately, and ways in which this concern is manifested in their daily lives. This popular interest has resulted in the rise of spirituality as an academic discipline. An in-depth study of Celtic and African Spirituality is presented in this study. Celtic Spirituality dates from the fifth century CE onwards, whereas African Spirituality predates written history. Few examples of African Spirituality are recorded in writing before the twentieth century, although some have existed for centuries in oral form. Many Celtic poems, and other examples of traditional oral literature were collected and recorded in writing by medieval monks, and thus preserved for later generations in writing. Both Celtic and African Spiritualities have a healthy, integrated approach to the material world and to the spiritual world. They acknowledge a constant interaction between the two realms, and do not dismiss or devalue either the physical or the spiritual. Art and oral literature also play an important role in enabling communication and expression of ideas. Power and powerlessness emerges as a dominant theme in African thought and spirituality, especially where African peoples perceive themselves to be powerless politically or economically. Areas of relevance of Celtic and African Spiritualities to the life of the church today are identified and discussed, such as ecological spirituality; oral and symbolic communication; the role of women in church and society; and the theme of power. These are areas from which the world-wide church has much to learn from both Celtic and African Spiritualities. The findings of this study are then discussed in terms of their relevance and helpfulness to church and society. Insights from Celtic and African spiritualities should be used in the future to deepen devotional life of individual Christians and of congregations, and ideas such as ecological responsibility and recognition of the value and gifts of women should permeate the teaching and practice of the church in the future. / Religious Studies & Arabic Studies / D. Th.(Religious Studies & Arabic Studies)

The role of the local church in the extension of the Kingdom of God

Botsis, Dorian 31 May 2005 (has links)
The Kingdom of God is wherever the Triune God is worshipped as Lord. It exists beyond time and place, but breaks into our time and place wherever creation worships the Triune God as Lord. The local church, in its present time and geographical place, is the microcosm of the Kingdom of God. As such, the local church contains within it all the resources necessary for the Kingdom of God to be established. Therefore, the local church is called to lead creation to worship the Triune God as Lord. It does this by fulfilling three specific works as specified in Scripture: the work of evangelism; the work of discipleship and the work of reconciliation. The modern day church must start a revolution to discover afresh these works and become what Scripture describes as the ecclesia of the hodos: the local church extending the Kingdom of God. / Systematic Theology & Theological Ethics / M.Th. (Systematic Theology)

The maleness of Christ : revelational or cultural?

Williams, Neil Harvey 11 1900 (has links)
The maleness of Christ: revelational or cultural? is a biblical-theological investigation of the significance of Christ's maleness. This thesis attempts to answer questions as to the significance and meaning ofJesus' maleness. Is the maleness of Christ revelational of God's being and character; is it foundational for the gospel; is it reflective of an ongoing created order? Is revelation and salvation impossible apart from a male redeemer? Or could Christ have been born a woman in a different time and culture? Chapter one describes the various positions and arguments: complementarian, biblical egalitarian, Christian feminist, and post-Christian feminist. Chapter two examines two related topics to the problem, namely slavery and the Sabbath. This section investigates how the church has decided, regarding other issues, what is revelational or cultural. We consider the various implications that the slavery and Sabbath debates have on our topic. Our subject relating to the significance of Christ's maleness has many interrelated concerns. In answering the questions regarding Jesus' maleness, chapter three organises much of the material under the motif of the sonship of Christ. This structure allows us to remain focused as well as interact with the differing topics affecting our concern, such as innertrinitarian relationships, the relationship between revelation and culture, the so-called subordination of the Son, the truth and status of analogy, inclusive language, and the implications of Christ as the image of God. Also included this chapter is a discussion on the relationship between Jesus and Wisdom and whether we can refer to Christ as "Daughter." The chapter concludes with a section on whether Christ's maleness either relates to an ongoing created order of male headship or allows for the transformation of patriarchy. / Philosophy and Systematic Theology / D.Th. (Systematic Theology)

Mission as relationship : an analysis of trends in both the pastoral and scientific context in relation to the Missio Dei

Lock, Gavin David 01 1900 (has links)
The dissertation underlines an approach towards mission, where the epistemology, hermeneutical key and methodology centre around relationship. This, by tracing trends in the pastoral context, verified through research and an analysis of congregational surveys. The results were then analysed in terms of biblical revelation (the creation narratives, God's covenental relationship with Israel, Christ as the New Israel, Christ's missiological methodology and an understanding of the Holy Trinity). The resulis were then also brought into conversation with recent developments in science, recognising the interdependence of all things, and also exploring recent definitions of mission. The study then grapples with a new way of engaging in theology. This new model simultaneously promotes the symbiotic nature of theologies, while placing them within the framework of relational objectives; using dialogue as medium, Holland and Henriot's Social Analysis and quantifiable relationship goals to engender a theological process accessible to people from all contexts and backgrounds. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (Missiology)

Knowing the triune God : trinity and certitude in the Theology of John Calvin

Krohn, James B. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2002 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: JOHN CALVIN is said to have played a significant role not only in the shaping of Western Christianity, but also in the shaping of Western culture. An adequate appreciation of his thought therefore remains of ongoing significance. In the history of Calvin scholarship, varied interpretations of him have been presented, though in the recent past there has been a growing disinclination towards presenting a coherent exposition of his thought. In the context of these disintegrative proposals, a counter-argument is presented for the viability and desirability of a comprehensive construal of Calvin's thought along historical-theological lines. The argument primarily takes shape by locating Calvin within the sixteenth century intellectual milieu, and particularly by means of uncovering the epistemological consciousness of the Reformation period in reaction to the Renaissance revival of scepticism. The nature of human knowledge, particularly of God, was at the forefront of the sixteenth-century intellectual debate. Calvin, reformer and humanist, was particularly sensitive to this climate, as is illustrated by the Institutia which took the form of a discourse on knowing. However, the theme of knowing God on the basis of Scriptural revelation alone is prevalent in all his work, as an investigation into his neglected writings confirms. It also emerges that the kind of knowledge that Calvin advanced was experimental in nature and Trinitarian in foundation. Experientia and certitude disclosed the dynamic and proof of knowing God on an economic-Trinitarian and soteriological basis. This aspect of Calvin's thought has been overlooked in spite of its relevance to the contemporary post-Kantian crisis of knowing. Having sketched the epistemological background, Calvin's Trinitarian doctrina is examined. A historical-theological orientation to the doctrine provides the framework for appreciating Calvin's axiomatic exposition of the Trinity in the history of doctrinal formulation. Calvin's Trinitarian doctrina is unpacked by means of a historical review in relation to his Trinitarian debates, and by means of its definitive exposition in the 1559 Institutio. Through these, it becomes apparent that he displayed a hitherto mostly unrecognised theological acumen in assimilating Western (Augustinian) and Eastern (Cappadocian) aspects of Trinitarian doctrine due to his exegetical priority. What emerges is a Trinitarian doctrine that affirms God's Triunuy and translates into God's Person-al knowability. This thesis is confirmed by a discussion of Calvin's Trinitarian explication of the Christian life, and is shown to complement the previously highlighted emphasis on knowing. Recovering Calvin's Trinitarian doctrina is therefore of great consequence to post-Enlightenment and contemporary theological debates on God and the Trinity. It naturally follows that both Trinity and certitude were woven into the fabric of Calvin's God-centred hermeneutics. All of his exegetical labour, from Commentary to Instiuaio to Preaching, was focused on hearing the voice of the Triune God speaking in the Word under the sure guidance of the Holy Spirit. The final presentation of a comprehensive interpretation of Calvin is viewed in the light of the transmission of Reformed theology. Knowing the Triune God has the power to confirm and rejuvenate Calvin's theological vision amongst those who view him as their progenitor. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: DIT IS al van Calvyn gese dat hy 'n beduidende rol gespeel het, nie aileen met bettekking tot die vorming van die Westerse Christendom nie, maar ook wat betref die hele Westerse kultuur. 'n Toereikende evaluering van sy denke is dus steeds van belang. Binne die omvang van Calvyn navorsing is daar alreeds 'n verskeidenheid van interpretasies van Calvyn aangebied, hoewel daar 'n toenemende teensin teen die voorlegging van 'n samehangende uiteensetting van Calvyn in die onlangse verlede na vore gekom het. In die konteks van hierdie laasgenoemde standpunte word 'n teenargument aangebied vir die uitvoerbaarheid en ook die wenslikheid van 'n omvattende uitlegging van Calvyn se denke, in ooreenstemming met 'n histories-teologiese grondslag. Calvyn word binne die sestiende-eeuse intellektuele mileu geplaas deur die epis temologiese denke van die Reformasie as reaksie teen die Renaissance oplewing van skeptisisme bloot te Ie. Die aard van menslike kennis, veral die mens se kennis van God, was op die voorpunt van die sestiende-eeuse intellektuele debat, en Calvyn as, hervormer en humanis was baie bewus van hierdie debat. Dit blyk o.m. duidelik uit die lnstitutio wat die vorm van 'n diskoers oor kennis tentoonstel. Die tema van Godskennis, vanuit 'n Skriftuurlike openbaring as enigste grondslag, tree na vore rue net in die Instiuaio nie, maar in al sy werke. Dit blyk ook uit 'n ondersoek van selfs sy minder bekende werke. Uit die ondersoek kom dit ook na vore dat die tipe kennis wat Calvyn bevorder het, eksperimenteel en Triniter van aard was. Experientia en sekerheid word die bevestiging van Godskennis op 'n ekonomies-Trinitere en soteriologiese basis. Hierdie aspek van Calvyn se denke is misken ten spyte van die belangrikheid daarvan vir die post- Kantiese kennis-krisis. Nadat die epistemologiese agtergrond geskets is, word Calvyn se Triniteitsleer [doctrina} ontleed. 'n Histories-teologiese grondslag vir hierdie leers telling verskaf die raamwerk waarbinne Calvyn se unieke uiteensetting van die Drie-Eenheid in die historiese verloop van dogmatiese formulering waardeer kan word. Calvyn se Triniteitsleer (doctrina) word uiteengesit na aanleiding van sy Triniteits-debatvoering, en na aanleiding van die bepalende uitleg daarvan in die 1559 Insiiuaio. Op hierdie wyse word dit duidelik dat Calvyn as gevolg van sy eksegetiese prioriteit 'n tot op hede grootliks onvermelde insig getoon het in die vereniging van die Westerse (Augustiniese) en Oosterse (Kappadosiese) Triniteits-leerstellinge. Wat aan die lig kom is 'n Triniteits-leerstelling wat God se Drie-Eenbaarheid bevestig, en wat voortvloei in 'n weergawe van God se Persoon-like kenbaarheid. Hierdie tesis word gestaaf deur 'n naspeuring van Calvyn se Triniteits-uiteensetting van die Christelike lewe. Daar word ook aangetoon hoe hierdie standpunte die voorvermelde nadruk op kennis bevestig. Die herontdekking van Calvyn se Triniteitsleer (doctTina) is dus van groot belang vir die post-Verligting en konternporere teologiese debatte oor God en die Drie-Eenheid. Beide Drie-Eenbeid en seeerbeid is ten nouste verweef met Calvyn se God-gesentreerde hermeneutiek. Die somtotaal van sy eksegetiese werk, van Kommentaar na Institutio na Prediking, was daarop gefokus om die stem van die Drie-Enige God onder leiding van die Heilige Gees te hoor. Die poging tot 'n omvattende interpretasie van Calvyn word uiteindelik in die lig van die voortgang van Gereformeerde Teologie beskou. "Om die Drie-enige God te ken" is dus 'n integrerende motief wat Calvyn se teologie bevestig en ook sy werk besonder aktueel maak vir die hedendaagse teologiese debat.

The doctrine of God in African Christian thought : an assessment of African inculturation theology from a trinitarian perspective

Kombo, James Henry Owino 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2000 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Christian faith knows and worships one God known in the Son and in the Holy Spirit. In his revelation, the Father is depicted as being from Himself, the Son as eternally begotten from the Father and the Holy Spirit as eternally proceeding from the Father and the Son. This is what Christian thought means by the doctrine of the Trinity. Although Christian orthodoxy holds the doctrine of the Trinity, the intellectual tools used to capture and convey it vary depending on the epoch, cultural context as well as availability of alternative intellectual images. This point is demonstrated well in Western Christianity. Western theologies exhibit three models of the doctrine of the Trinity: 'God as Essence', 'God as an absolute Subject', and 'God as Community in Unity'. These models can be explained by the influence of specific philosophical presuppositions preferred in certain contexts and at certain times. 'God as Essence' is constructed from the point of view of neo-Platonism, 'God as an absolute Subject' uses the infrastructure of German Idealism, while 'God as Community in Unity' recovers and applies the conceptual tools of the second-century Greeks. Taking note of the theological methodology of Western Christianity and recognising the intellectual resources in the African heritage, African inculturation theology has argued for the use of the conceptual framework of African peoples in the development of theology for African audiences. In an attempt to make a statement to the effect that African Negroes are not neo-Platonists, German Idealists or the Greeks of the second century, and to demonstrate that the African Negroes do have a different ontology that can be deciphered, interpreted, and systematized in one common way, African inculturation theology has posited a simple identity between the African notions of God and God known in the Christian faith. This research assesses and finds inadequate the notion of a simple identity between the African concepts of God and the Christian understanding of God. In view of this it appeals to African inculturation theology to critically and creatively deal with the African Christians' understanding of God. This call means at least two things. Firstly, Nyasaye, Mulungu, Modimo and so on are to function as the conceptual gates for the Christian view of God. This calls for 'Christianisation' of the African notions of God. Secondly, a 'Christianised' Nyasaye, for example, must for the Luo people mean God known in the Son and the Holy Spirit. The 'Christianised' Nyasaye must then make use of native metaphysics for the purpose of indigenising or grounding it in the cultural milieu of the situation of reception. To achieve this goal, this research has located and proposed the NTU metaphysics, which is used widely by African Negroes. According to this metaphysics, God is not just a static 'substance', an authoritarian 'absolute Subject', or a mere relationship; God is 'Great Muntu'. The Son is God because he derives wholly from the whole NTU of the only 'Great Muntu'. The Holy Spirit is God because he has the NTU shared by both the 'Great Muntu' and the Son. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are persons because the 'genuine muntu' in them is the 'Great Muntu', who alone is the ultimate person. Thus the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are persons in the ultimate sense. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Christelike geloof ken en aanbid een God in die Seun deur die Heilige Gees. In sy openbaring leer ons die Vader ken as synde uit Homself, die Seun as van ewigheidheid verwek deur Vader, en die Heilige Gees as van ewigheid uitgaande van die Vader en die Seun. Dit is wat die Christelike geloof bedoel met die leer van die Triniteit. Alhoewel die Christlike ortodoksie gekenmerk word deur die leer van die Triniteit, varieer die intellectuele vorm wat dit aanneem en waarin dit oorgedra word afhangende van die tydperk, kulturele konteks sowel as die beskikbaarheid van altematiewe intellektuele aparatuur. Laasgenoemde kom duidelik na vore in die geskiedenis van die Westerse Christenheid. In die geskiedenis van die Westerse teologie vertoon die leer van die Triniteit drie gestaltes nl. 'God as Essensie', 'God as absolute Subjek', en 'God as Gemeenskaap in Eenheid'. Dit hou verband met die voorkeur vir spesifieke filisofiese voorverondersellings in sekere kontekste en tye. 'God as Essensie' is die resultaat van neo-Platoniese voorveronderstellings, 'God as absolute Subjek' dra die kenmerke van die Duitse Idealisme, terwyl 'God as Gemeenskap in Eenheid' terggryp op en gebruikmaak van die konseptuele aparatuur uit die Griekse denke van tweede eeu. Na aanleiding van die teologiese metode van die Westerse Christendom en met erkenning van die intellectuele moontlikhede van die Afrika erfenis, argurnenteer die Afrika inkulturasie teologie ten gunste van die gebruik van Afrika konsepte vir die ontwikkeling van 'n teologie vir Afrika. In 'n poging om die eie en gemeenskaplike aard van die ontologie van Afrika in onderskeid van die neo-Platoniste, Duitse Idealiste en Griekse filosofie van die tweede eeu, aan te toon, het die Afrika inkulturasie teologie op 'n simplistiese wyse 'n identeit tussen Afrika Godsbeelde en die God van die Christelike geloof geponeer. In hierde navorsing word hierde identifikasie beoordeel en van die hand gewys. Derhalwe word 'n appel gemaak op die Afrika inkulturasie teologie om krities-kreatief om te gaan met die Afrika Christene se verstaan van God. Hierde oproep het ten minste twee implikasies. In die eerste plek moet Nyasaye, Mulungu, Modimo, ens. dien as konseptuele poorte vir die Christlike Godsverstaan. Dit impliseer 'n 'Christianisering' van die Afrika Godsbeelde. Tweedens bring dit mee dat 'n 'gechristianiseerde' Nyasaye by voorbeeld, vir Luo volk impliseer dat God geken word in die Seun en die Heilige Gees. Vervolgens moet gebruik gemaak word van inheemse metafisika met die oop op die verinheemsing of fundering van hierdie 'gechristianiseerde' Nyasaye in die kulturele milieu van die resepsie gemeenskap. Om hierdie doel te bereik, word in hierde studie gebruik gemaak van die NTU metafisika, wat algemen in Afrika voorkom. Volgens hierde metafisika is God nie net 'n statiese 'substansie', n' outoritere 'absolute Subject' of 'n blote relasie nie, maar God is die 'Groot Muntu'. Die Seun is God omdat Hy volkome uitgaan uit die totale NTU van die enigste 'Groot Muntu'. Die Heilige Gees is God omdat Hy die NTU het wat die 'Groot Muntu' en die Seun gemeenskaplik besit. Die Vader, die Seun en die Heilige Gees is persone omdat die 'egte muntu' in hulle die 'Groot Muntu' is, wat allen die absolute persoon is. Derhalwe is Vader, Seun en Heilige Gees persone in absolute sin.

An Economic Evaluation of the Development of the Trinity River Basin as Compared with the Tennessee Valley Authority

Moore, Fred DeArmond 06 1900 (has links)
"The Tennessee Valley Authority is a world example of the full development of a river basin in soil conservation, flood control, navigation, electric power, afforestation, and recreation... Many river basin areas in the United States have created planning commissions to further develop the advancement of their own watershed problems. The Trinity Improvement Association is the planning commission for the Trinity River watershed area... In Chapter II a factual resume of the Tennessee Valley Authority will be given, and this chapter will be used as a basis of comparison for the development of the Trinity River Basin. Chapter III covers the problem of soil conservation and flood control within the watershed area; Chapter IV deals with the industrial and municipal use of water and the resources of the tributary area; Chapter V contains a brief history of the canal movement on the Trinity, the feasibility of such a canal, and miscellaneous developments; and Chapter VI contains the conclusions that it seems appropriate to draw. " -- leaf 1.

Divine perfection and human potentiality : trinitarian anthropology in Hilary of Poitiers' De Trinitate

Mercer, Jarred A. January 2015 (has links)
No figure of fourth-century Christianity seems to be at once so well known and so clouded in mystery as Hilary of Poitiers. His work as an historian provides invaluable knowledge of the mid-fourth century, and he was praised as a theologian throughout late antiquity. Today, however, discussions of his theology are founded upon less solid ground. This is largely due to methodological issues. Modern scholarship has often read Hilary through anachronistic historical and theological categories which have rendered his thought incomprehensible. Recent scholars have sought to overcome this and to reexamine Hilary within his own historical, polemical, and theological context. Much remains to be said, however, in regard to Hilary's actual theological contribution within these contextual parameters. This thesis contends that in all of Hilary's polemical and constructive argumentation in De Trinitate, which is essentially trinitarian, he is inherently and necessarily developing an anthropology. In all he says about the divine, he is saying as much about what it means to be human. This thesis therefore seeks to reenvision Hilary's overall theological project in terms of the continual, and for him necessary, anthropological corollary of trinitarian theology-to reframe it in terms of a 'trinitarian anthropology'. My contention is that the coherence of Hilary's thought depends upon his understanding of divine-human relations. I will demonstrate this through following Hilary's main lines of trinitarian argument, out of which flows his anthropological vision. These main lines of argument, namely, divine generation, divine infinity, divine unity, the divine image, and divine humanity, each unfold into a progressive picture of humanity from potentiality to perfection. This not only provides a new paradigm for understanding Hilary's own thought, but invites us to reexamine our approach to fourth-century theology entirely, as it disavows any reading of the trinitarian controversies in conceptual abstraction. Further, theological and religious anthropology are widely discussed in contemporary scholarship, and Hilary's profound exploration of divine-human relations, and what it means to be a human being as a result, has much to offer both historical and contemporary concerns.

A Igreja entendida como comunhão a partir da relação trinitária e suas implicações na atual vida eclesial

Silva, Rodrigo Antonio da 05 September 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-10-22T12:32:04Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Rodrigo Antonio da Silva.pdf: 763487 bytes, checksum: 6fbcd6c5dfe59659585620883c9ebf44 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-10-22T12:32:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Rodrigo Antonio da Silva.pdf: 763487 bytes, checksum: 6fbcd6c5dfe59659585620883c9ebf44 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-09-05 / Hermetic definitions about the Church can not to express the fullness of her Mystery. Overcoming the vision of juridical emphasis, the ecclesiology developed from the Second Vatican Council takes the theological way of the first millennium and rescues aspects, images and notions that complement each other. The Church recognizes herself as being a mystery: desired by God, she has her foundation, life and destiny in the Trinity. Your life should express Trinitarian communion. It is the new People of God who walk in communion with each other and with God towards the heavenly homeland. Evidently, this vision rescued and renewed in the Council brings with it new ecclesial relations ad intra and ad extra. The Ecclesiology of Communion, along with other important images and definitions, still seems to lack more attention and also remains with an immense open field of practical applications in the ecclesial life. The present dissertative text intends to explore the foundations and relevance of this ecclesiology for the present time and the possible implications already observed in some scenarios of the Church. For this purpose, the author offers the results of the research in three moments: first, he presents the fundamental biblical concepts that relate to the ecclesiology of communion: community, communion and People of God. Next, the contrast between the juridical ecclesiology characteristic of the second millennium and the paradigm shift present in the Dogmatic Constitution Lumen Gentium, as well as some advances achieved in the trinitarian and ecclesiological theologies in the post-Council, is made. Finally, the focus is on some of the ecclesial articulations developed in recent years: the dialogue movement in the internal and external spheres of the Church, the reception in Latin America, as well as the perspectives opened from the pontificate of Pope Francis / Definições herméticas a respeito da Igreja não conseguem expressar a totalidade do seu Mistério. Superando a visão de ênfase jurídica, a eclesiologia desenvolvida a partir do Concílio Vaticano II se coloca na via teológica do primeiro milênio e resgata aspectos, imagens e noções que se complementam. A Igreja se reconhece como sendo mistério: desejada por Deus, ela tem seu fundamento, vida e destino na Trindade. Sua vida deve expressar a comunhão trinitária. Trata-se do novo Povo de Deus que caminha em comunhão entre si e com Deus rumo à pátria celeste. Evidentemente, esta visão resgatada e renovada no Concílio traz consigo novas relações eclesiais ad intra e ad extra. A Eclesiologia de Comunhão, ao lado de outras importantes imagens e definições, ainda parece carecer de maior atenção e também permanece com um imenso campo aberto de aplicações práticas na vida eclesial. O presente texto dissertativo pretende explorar os fundamentos e a relevância desta eclesiologia para a atual época e as possíveis implicações já observadas em alguns cenários da Igreja. Para tal intento, o autor dispõe o resultado da pesquisa em três momentos: primeiramente, apresenta os conceitos bíblicos fundamentais que se relacionam com a eclesiologia de comunhão: comunidade, comunhão e Povo de Deus. Em seguida, é feito o contraste entre a eclesiologia jurídica característica do segundo milênio e a mudança de paradigma presente na Constituição Dogmática Lumen Gentium, além de alguns avanços alcançados nas teologias trinitária e eclesiológicas no pós-Concílio. Por fim, o olhar é voltado para algumas das articulações eclesiais desenvolvidas nos últimos anos: o movimento de diálogo nos âmbitos interno e externo da Igreja, a recepção na América Latina, bem como as perspectivas abertas a partir do pontificado do Papa Francisco

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