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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Paleoclimatic Reconstruction and Evaluation of Sub-Centennial Climate Variability in the Late Holocene Using Records from Massive Corals (New Caledonia), Tree-Rings (New Mexico) and Speleothems (China)

DeLong, Kristine Lee 05 November 2008 (has links)
This study focuses on how the construction of a paleoclimate time series influences the interpretation in the frequency domain. Three time series are examined: a New Caledonian coral (Amedee Island), a Chinese speleothem (Dongge Cave), and New Mexican trees (El Malpais). This study presents a monthly resolved coral Sr/Ca time series from New Caledonia that reconstructs sea surface temperature (SST; 1648-1999). The chronology is based on density-band counting, cross-correlating Sr/Ca, and ²³°Th dating. The intracolony coral Sr/Ca variations are coherent on interannual to centennial time scales and are reproducible for >300 years. The SST reconstruction reveals estimated cooling trend (~0.4°C) from 1741-1815, a colder nineteenth century (~0.6°C), and a warming trend (~0.6°C) in the twentieth century. Spectral and wavelet analysis reveals significant inter-decadal periodicities (~14-21 years/cycle) that modulate with time, and nearly persistent multi-decadal periodicities (~25-33 years/cycle) that do not exhibit coherence with the Inter-decadal Pacific Oscillation. The multi-decadal periodicities may be a harmonic of the inter-decadal periodicities or may represent an independent mode not previously recognized. The Dongge Cave time series is based on uneven time intervals between data points (∆t) requiring interpolation to a constant ∆t for analysis with traditional spectral methods. A comparison of the even and uneven ∆t spectra using the Lomb-Scargle transform reveals the interpolated spectrum contains suppressed periodicities (<20 years/cycle), in contrast to the uninterpolated spectrum, resulting in a steeper slope in the red noise model thus influencing significance testing. The El Malpais time series is an average of tree-ring width series. Spectral analysis of the entire time series identified significant periodicities. However, significance varies between three temporal subsets, in which the number of series varies; therefore, these periodicities may be a function of the number of series or may represent a real temporal variability. Cross-spectral analysis of the El Malpais and Dongge Cave time series reveals significant coherence; however, cross-wavelet analysis, which examines localized frequencies in the time domain, reveals a lack of correlation; therefore, coherence in the frequency domain does not indicate correlation in the time domain.

Microbial Phosphorus Removal in Waste Stabilisation Pond Wastewater Treatment Systems

Mbwele, Lydia Ambakisye January 2006 (has links)
<p>Waste Stabilisation Ponds (WSPs) are characterised by low phosphorus (P) removal capacity. Heterotrophic bacteria are principal microbial agents in WSPs in addition to algae. As treatment proceeds in WSPs, algal growth increases and pH rises, this has lead to believe that P removal is mainly through sedimentation as organic P algal biomass and precipitation as inorganic P. In activated sludge treatment plants (AS), microbial P removal has been improved and is termed as enhanced biological phosphorus removal. There was a need to establish whether it was possible to enhance P removal in WSPs. A performance assessment of pond system at the University of Dare s Salaam (UDSM), Tanzania, has shown that 90% of the P removed was in the primary pond (facultative) and the rest in the maturation pond (aerobic).</p><p>In these studies, a pure strain A. hydrophyla was isolated from an activated sludge wastewater treatment plant in Sweden. This plant has a train that functions with enhanced biological phosphorus removal. The strain was tested for P uptake in minimal media supplemented with glucose, succinate or acetate, grown aerobically and anaerobically/aerobically. This strain was able to take up P without having been subjected to the anaerobic phase. It was observed that P uptake was enhanced after the anaerobic phase with media supplemented with glucose, but not with succinate or acetate. Phosphorus uptake repeatedly followed the bacterial growth pattern with correlation coefficients of more than 95%. Therefore P removal has a direct correlation with bacterial growth.</p><p>Two isolates Acinetobacter sp. (isolated from the primary facultative pond) and E .coli (isolated from the maturation pond) were obtained from a tropical WSP treatment system at the UDSM. They were subjected to aerobic P uptake experiment similar to those of A.hydrophyla. The uptake per unit absorbance of bacterial growth was found to be comparable to that of A.hydrophyla, isolated from AS. These results showed that heterotrophic activity is important in WSPs. It is possible to enhance P removal in these systems by designing the primary ponds for maximum heterotrophic activity and probably enrichment.</p>

Solar PV Powered Air Conditioner Analysis for an Office/Classroom in a Tropical Climate

Howley, Brian, Fleischer, Marc January 2015 (has links)
This thesis focuses on using photovoltaic produced electricity to power air conditioners in a tropical climate. The study takes place in Surabaya, Indonesia at two different locations the classroom, located at the UBAYA campus and the home office, 10 km away. Indonesia has an average solar irradiation of about 4.8 kWh/m²/day (PWC Indonesia, 2013) which is for ideal conditions for these tests. At the home office, tests were conducted on different photovoltaic systems. A series of measuring devices recorded the performance of the 800 W PV system and the consumption of the 1.35 kW air conditioner (cooling capacity). To have an off grid system many of the components need to be oversized. The inverter has to be oversized to meet the startup load of the air conditioner, which can be 3 to 8 times the operating power (Rozenblat, 2013). High energy consumption of the air conditioner would require a large battery storage to provide one day of autonomy. The PV systems output must at least match the consumption of the air conditioner. A grid connect system provides a much better solution with the 800 W PV system providing 80 % of the 3.5 kWh load of the air conditioner, the other 20 % coming from the grid during periods of low irradiation. In this system the startup load is provided by the grid so the inverter does not need to be oversized. With the grid-connected system, the PV panel’s production does not need to match the consumption of the air conditioner, although a smaller PV array will mean a smaller percentage of the load will be covered by PV. Using the results from the home office tests and results from measurements made in the classroom. Two different PV systems (8 kW and 12 kW) were simulated to power both the current air conditioners (COP 2.78) and new air conditioners (COP 4.0). The payback period of the systems can vary greatly depending on if a feed in tariff is awarded or not. If the feed in tariff is awarded the best system is the 12 kW system, with a payback period of 4.3 years and a levelized cost of energy at -3,334 IDR/kWh. If the feed in tariff is not granted then the 8 kW system is the best choice with a lower payback period and lower levelized cost of energy than the 12 kW system under the same conditions.

Herd investigations on sperm production in boars, and sow fertility under tropical conditions - with special reference to season, temperature, and humidity /

Suriyasomboon, Annop, January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Uppsala : Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, 2005. / Härtill 3 uppsatser.

Aplicação da dendrogeomorfologia na caracterização e datação de processos erosivos em voçorocas na região de Piracicaba, SP / Application of dendrogeomorphology in characterization and dating of erosion process in gullies in the region of Piracicaba, SP

Virginia Domínguez Castillo 29 April 2016 (has links)
O solo é um recurso natural essencial para os seres humanos. Porém, atualmente, as atividades humanas estão provocando a degradação do solo principalmente através da aceleração dos processos erosivos. Os estudos sobre estes processos ajudam na compreensão, interpretação e conservação do solo. Assim, este trabalho pretende estudar e datar os processos erosivos em uma voçoroca localizada na Estação Experimental de Tupi (Piracicaba SP) mediante o uso da dendrogeomorfologia. A dendrogeomorfologia é uma ciência relativamente recente que relaciona os anéis de crescimento das árvores com processos geomorfológicos permitindo a reconstrução cronológica e ocorrência dos eventos. A relevância deste estudo é conhecer o potencial desta ciência em áreas tropicais já que atualmente este tipo de estudos são escassos nestas áreas. Esta técnica foi aplicada utilizando raízes expostas de espécies do gênero Pinus sp. A datação do processo erosivo baseou-se nas mudanças no padrão de crescimento das raízes, tais como: a largura do anel, crescimento excêntrico, porcentagem do lenho tardio e densidade do lenho ocorridas após a sua exposição pelo processo erosivo. Através do estudo destas alterações determinou-se o primeiro ano de exposição da raiz e se calculou a taxa de erosão anual. Os resultados mostraram que a voçoroca está formada pela integração de dois sistemas de diferentes origens que confluem em um degrau de erosão. A abertura das voçorocas está influenciada pela presença de processos de \"piping\" na área, os quais também afetam a morfologia das raízes quando enterradas. A taxa de erosão vertical, segundo o método de GÄRTNER (2007), atingem valores entre 17,0 e 36,5 mm/ano quantificando o processo de afundamento da voçoroca; e a taxa de erosão horizontal, segundo o método de MALIK (2008), valores de 0,70 e 1,45 m/ano caracterizando o avanço longitudinal da mesma. Estes resultados são elevados se comparados com resultados obtidos em climas temperados por outros autores e similares aos publicados por BOVI (2013) na mesma área de estudo. Finalmente, a dendrogeomorfologia se corrobora como uma ferramenta de grande potencial em áreas tropicais. Os dados e informações obtidos podem se traduzir num banco de dados dendrogeomorfológicos e contribuir à expansão desta ciência no Brasil e áreas de ambientes tropicais. / Soil is a vital natural resource for humans. However today, human activities are causing soil degradation mainly by accelerating soil erosion. Studies of these processes help to understand, interpret and conserve the soil. This work aims to study and date the erosion in a gully located in the Experimental Station of Tupi (Piracicaba SP) using dendrogeomorphology. Dendrogeomorphology is a relatively new science that relates the growth tree rings with geomorphological processes allowing chronological reconstruction and occurrence of events. The relevance of this study is to know the potential of this science in tropical areas because currently this type of studies are lacking in these areas. This technique was applied using exposed roots of species of Pinus sp. The dating of the erosion process was based on the changes in the pattern of root growth, such as the width of the ring, eccentric growth, percentage of latewood and density of the wood that occur after exposure by erosion. Through the study of these changes the first year of root exposure was determined, and the annual rate of erosion was estimated. The results showed the gully is formed by the integration of two different systems that converge in an erosion step. The opening of the gully is influenced by the presence of piping in the area, which also affect the morphology of the roots when buried. The vertical erosion rate, according to the method of GÄRTNER (2007), reached values between 17.0 and 36.5 mm/year quantifying the deepenning process of the gully; and horizontal erosion rate according to the method of MALIK (2008), values of 0.70 and 1.45 m/year characterizing the longitudinal advancement of the gully. These results were high compared with results obtained in temperate climates by others authors, and similar to those published by BOVI (2013) in the same site. Finally, dendrogeomorphology demonstrates great potential as a tool in tropical areas. The data and information obtained can be translated into a dendrogeomorphological database and contribute to the expansion of this science in Brazil and areas of tropical environments.

Une lecture de la forme urbaine et des microclimats : le cas de Barranquilla / A reading of the urban form and microclimate : the case of Barranquilla

Villadiego Bernal, Kattia 17 November 2014 (has links)
Le changement climatique et le phénomène d'Ilot de Chaleur Urbain - ICU sont quelques effets de l'action humaine sur le milieu. Les conséquences de ce phénomène sont perçus non seulement en termes d'économie - consommation énergétique, mais aussi directement sur le confort des habitants. Dans le contexte des villes tropicales, où les citoyens sont exposés à une forte chaleur, le confort thermique devrait être considéré comme une priorité dans l'élaboration des politiques d'aménagement et conception des espaces extérieurs. Nous avons étudié ce phénomène à travers un cas concret, la ville de Barranquilla, qui répond non seulement à la condition tropicale, mais qui exprime la réalité et les conflits de l'Amérique Latine et de la Colombie. A travers notre étude, nous avons confirmé la relation entre le microclimat et la forme urbaine ; nous avons aussi caractérisé cette relation et fait une contribution à l'enrichissement de l'état de l'art. Mais nous avons également mis en évidence le lien qui peut exister entre les conditions de confort dans les espaces extérieurs et les conditions socio-économiques de la population dans les villes, qui comme Barranquilla, sont marquées par la ségrégation sociale et la fragmentation spatiale. Enfin, nous avons conclu que la meilleure façon d'intégrer des aspects climatiques à la conception urbaine, c'est d'inclure ces connaissances sous forme de principes dans la formation du concepteur urbain. Dans cette optique, nous proposons d'orienter la réflexion vers la création d'une pédagogie plus active basée sur la sensibilité des acteurs et sur le travail collectif et collaboratif. / Climate change and Urban Heat Island (UHI) phenomena are some of the effects of human activity. The consequences of UHI are perceived not only in terms of economic (energy) costs, but also in terms of thermal comfort for inhabitants. In the context of tropical cities, where citizens are exposed to extreme heat, thermal comfort should be considered a policy priority in the design of public space.We have studied the phenomenon of thermal comfort through the case of Barranquilla, a city which not only meets the tropical conditions but also shows us the peculiar conflict and reality of Latin America and Colombia. In our study, we confirmed the relationship between microclimate and urban form; we also characterized this relationship and contributed to enrich the state of the art. In this study we put into evidence the connection between thermal comfort conditions in outdoor public spaces and socio-economic conditions of people in cities marked by social segregation and spatial fragmentation, such as Barranquilla.Finally, this study concludes that the best way to incorporate thermal comfort into urban design and planning is not through design strategies but through the assimilation of principles. Thus, we propose a new pedagogy based on sensitivity to the thermal environment and on collective efforts to enrich the practice of urban design and to develop a symbiosis with climate considerations that seems to have faded at some point in the history of urban development.

Análise de estratégias para melhoria do conforto térmico em salas de aulas / Evaluation of strategies to improve thermal comfort on classrooms

Chaves, Victor Leandro Arantes 31 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Franciele Moreira (francielemoreyra@gmail.com) on 2018-03-01T13:07:14Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Victor Leandro Arantes Chaves - 2016.pdf: 35798905 bytes, checksum: aa006b5b27f11381be02b866455b36da (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2018-03-01T13:17:39Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Victor Leandro Arantes Chaves - 2016.pdf: 35798905 bytes, checksum: aa006b5b27f11381be02b866455b36da (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-01T13:17:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Victor Leandro Arantes Chaves - 2016.pdf: 35798905 bytes, checksum: aa006b5b27f11381be02b866455b36da (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-08-31 / The unsatisfactory thermal performance of buildings belonging to higher education institutions in Brazil cause users discomfort in classrooms and affect student performance. To ensure the well- being to the user, the use of mechanical systems for cooling of environments such as the use of air conditioners is necessary to reduce air temperature indoor, by one hand, and increase the energy expenditure of the building by about 50%, by the other side. This study analyses thermal comfort and energy efficiency in the School of Civil Engineering and Environmental UFG through measurements "in loco" and the perception of the users as well as by computer simulation. The methodology consists of: a) analysis of architectural design; b) lifting climatic summer data on air temperature and humidity within the classroom, and the views of users in three different situations - with open windows and doors and on evaporative air conditioner, open windows and doors and natural ventilation, and windows and doors closed and air conditioning on -; c) treatment of climatic data; d) comparison of the collected results and the perception of the users; e) evaluation thermal energy by computer simulation and prescriptive method of RTQ-C. They interviewed 200 users. About 83.3% of respondents were dissatisfied in the situation with natural ventilation, 68.5% in the situation on evaporative air conditioner and 70.2% in the situation with air conditioning on. Although the results suggest that the situation using air conditioners is the most comfortable, the number of users who feel uncomfortable is very high in all situations, not meeting the levels recommended by the ISO 7730 (2005). / O comportamento térmico insatisfatório de edifícios pertencentes às instituições de ensino superior no Brasil provoca o desconforto das salas de aula, afetando o desempenho dos alunos, bem como elevam o gasto energético da edificação, devido à utilização de sistemas mecânicos para arrefecimento dos ambientes, sendo que o consumo de energia pode aumentar cerca de 50% devido ao uso de aparelhos condicionadores de ar. Este estudo avalia o conforto térmico e a eficiência energética na Escola de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental da UFG, através de medições “in loco” e a percepção dos usuários, bem como por simulação computacional. A metodologia consiste em: a) análise do projeto arquitetônico; b) levantamento de dados climáticos de verão, temperatura do ar e umidade relativa, dentro da sala de aula, e a opinião dos usuários em três diferentes situações - com janelas e portas abertas e climatizador evaporativo ligado, janelas e portas abertas e ventilação natural, e janelas e portas fechadas e com ar condicionado ligado -; c) tratamento dos dados climáticos; d) comparação dos resultados coletados e a percepção dos usuários; e) avaliação termo- energética por simulação computacional e método prescritivo do RTQ-C. Foram entrevistados 200 usuários. Cerca de 83,3% dos entrevistados estavam insatisfeitos na situação com ventilação natural, 68,5% na situação com climatizador evaporativo ligado e 70,2% na situação com ar condicionado ligado. Apesar dos resultados apontarem que a situação utilizando climatizadores é a mais confortável, o número de usuários que se sente desconfortável é muito alto em todas as situações, não atendendo os níveis recomendados pela ISO 7730 (2005).

Desempenho das Caracter?sticas Produtivas e Reprodutivas de Diferentes Grupamentos Gen?ticos (Holand?s X Gir) na Baixada Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro RJ. / Performance of Productive and Reproductive Characteristics of Different Genetic Group (Holstein X Gir) in Baixada Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro RJ.

Pereira, Viviane Andrade da Costa 12 September 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T14:59:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2008 - Viviane Andrade Costa Pereira.pdf: 231448 bytes, checksum: 762f1272703fcdcc71c86a68c92daa98 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-09-12 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / This study evaluated 4,407 lactations of 1,167 crossbred animals Holstein x Gir obtained on the farm "Morro da Tenda" located in Serop?dica in Baixada Fluminense in Rio de Janeiro during the period from 1970 to 2007. We evaluated the production of milk (PL), lactation length (DL), calving interval (IDP) and milk production per day of calving interval (PLIDP). The data were subjected to restrictions recital productions between 710 and 10,065 kg, IDP between 265 to 548 days, ages at calving to 20 to 160 months and the orders at calving until the 11th. After the restrictions, the data were analyzed using the methodology GLM (Generalized Linear Model) through the SAS program. Later, in statistical analysis, adopted is a model that included the effects of years of calving, season of calving, genetic group, interaction season of calving x genetic group, as well as the covariate age of the animal at calving. For all variables studied, significant results were observed for the effects of years of calving, interaction season of calving x genetic group and the covariate age of the cow at calving. The averages were: 4,683.99 ? 1,596.42 kg, 306.07 ? 71.05 days, 391.82 ? 52.83 days and 11.75 ? 4.26 kg / day for PL, DL, and IDP PLIDP, respectively / Este trabalho avaliou 4.407 lacta??es de 1.167 animais mesti?os Holand?s x Gir obtidos na fazenda Morro da Tenda localizada no munic?pio de Serop?dica na Baixada Fluminense do Rio de Janeiro durante o per?odo de 1970 a 2007. Foram avaliadas as produ??es de leite (PL), dura??o da lacta??o (DL), intervalo de partos (IDP) e produ??o de leite por dia de intervalo de partos (PLIDP). Os dados foram submetidos a restri??es considerando produ??es entre 710 e 10.065 kg, IDP entre 265 a 548 dias, idades ao parto de 20 a 160 meses assim como as ordens de parto at? a 11?. Ap?s as restri??es, os dados foram analisados utilizando-se a metodologia GLM (Generalized Linear Model) por meio do programa SAS. Posteriormente, nas an?lises estat?sticas, adotou-se um modelo que contemplou os efeitos de ano de parto, ?poca de parto, grupo gen?tico, intera??o ?poca de parto x grupo gen?tico, al?m da covari?vel idade do animal ao parto. Para todas as caracter?sticas avaliadas, foram observados resultados significativos para os efeitos de ano de parto, intera??o ?poca de parto x grupo gen?tico, bem como da covari?vel idade da vaca ao parto. As m?dias encontradas foram: 4.683,99 ? 1.596,42 kg; 306,07 ? 71,05 dias, 391,82 ? 52,83 dias e 11,75 ? 4,26 kg/dia para PL, DL, IDP e PLIDP, respectivamente.

Development of Novel Technologies for Improved Natural Illumination of High Rise Office Buildings

Greenup, Phillip John January 2004 (has links)
Effective daylighting can substantially reduce the energy use and greenhouse gas emissions of commercial buildings. Daylight is also healthy for building occupants, and contributes to occupant satisfaction. When productivity improvements are considered, effective daylighting is also highly attractive financially. However, successful daylighting of sub-tropical buildings is a very difficult task, due to high direct irradiances and excessive solar shading. A device was created that combined effective solar shading and efficient daylight redirection. The micro-light guiding shade panel achieves all objectives of an optimal daylighting device placed on the façade of a sub-tropical, high rise office building. Its design is based on the principles of non-imaging optics. This provides highly efficient designs offering control over delivered illumination, within the constraints of the second law of thermodynamics. Micro-light guiding shade panels were constructed and installed on a test building. The tested devices delivered daylight deep into the building under all conditions. Some glare was experienced with a poorly chosen translucent material. Glare was eliminated by replacing this material. Construction of the panels could be improved by application of mass-manufacturing techniques including metal pressing. For the micro-light guiding shade panel to be utilised to its full potential, building designers must understand its impact on building performance early in the design process. Thus, the device must be modelled with lighting simulation software currently in use by building design firms. The device was successfully modelled by the RADIANCE lighting simulator. RADIANCE predictions compared well with measurements, providing bias generally less than 10%. Simulations greatly aided further development of the micro-light guiding shade panel. Several new RADIANCE algorithms were developed to improve daylight simulation in general.

AvaliaÃÃo dos parÃmetros fisiolÃgicos, metabÃlicos e reprodutivos de ovelhas deslanadas submetidas à suplementaÃÃo energÃtica criadas em sistema semi-intensivo no nordeste do Brasil / Body Condition Score, Energy Supplementation, Hormone Concentrations and Fertility of Hair Seep Ewes Raised in Semi-Intensive System in the Northeast of Brazil

Ana GlÃudia Vasconcelos Catunda 28 February 2011 (has links)
FundaÃÃo Cearense de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Cientifico e TecnolÃgico / Foram objetivos deste estudo, (i) conhecer as concentraÃÃes hormonais de leptina e insulina em ovelhas, bem como verificar o efeito do escore de condiÃÃo corporal (ECC), do grupo genÃtico e da suplementaÃÃo sobre as concentraÃÃes de leptina, insulina e glicose mensuradas durante a estaÃÃo de monta, e ainda estudar as associaÃÃes entre estes efeitos e os metabÃlitos sanguÃneos em ovelhas vazias; (ii) avaliar a influÃncia dos efeitos da classe de condiÃÃo corporal, idade, semana de coleta, grupo genÃtico e da suplementaÃÃo energÃtica fornecida antes e durante a estaÃÃo de monta, sobre o peso e a condiÃÃo corporal das fÃmeas, e a influÃncia destes efeitos sobre os parÃmetros reprodutivos, taxa de gestaÃÃo, fertilidade e prolificidade; (iii) e ainda, avaliar os efeitos que exercem influÃncia sobre o peso da ovelha ao parto, o peso da cria ao nascer e sobre a produtividade total das ovelhas do rebanho, traduzida no presente estudo em quilos de cordeiro produzido por fÃmea parida. O experimento foi conduzido na Fazenda Experimental Vale do AcaraÃ, situada no municÃpio de Sobral â CearÃ. As ovelhas foram divididas em dois grupos segundo o grupo genÃtico e o tratamento: Santa InÃs com ou sem suplementaÃÃo (24x24) e Morada Nova com ou sem suplementaÃÃo (24x24), totalizando 96 ovelhas. Todas as fÃmeas foram manejadas em piquetes com mineralizaÃÃo e Ãgua ad libitum, porÃm o grupo 1 (controle) de cada tratamento nÃo foi suplementado e o grupo 2 recebeu suplementaÃÃo. Foram realizadas semanalmente coletas de sangue e informaÃÃes referentes ao peso e ECC das ovelhas. Os dados foram submetidos à ANOVA para se avaliar o efeito da classe de ECC, grupo genÃtico e suplementaÃÃo (lote), sobre o peso corporal, concentraÃÃes de glicose e concentraÃÃes de leptina e insulina, peso e a produtividade das ovelhas. Os parÃmetros reprodutivos como, taxa de gestaÃÃo, fertilidade e prolificidade foram comparados pelo teste de c 2 com 5% de probabilidade de erro. Foram estimadas as correlaÃÃes simples de Pearson entre as concentraÃÃes hormonais, peso e condiÃÃo corporal em funÃÃo do grupo genÃtico e tratamento. Constatou-se que a leptina està presente em baixas concentraÃÃes em ovelhas deslanadas e nÃo influenciando os processos reprodutivos destes animais sob essas condiÃÃes de criaÃÃo. A insulina mostrou importantes associaÃÃes com as variÃveis estudadas, podendo ser indicativa da condiÃÃo nutricional das ovelhas em estaÃÃo de monta. A suplementaÃÃo energÃtica promoveu o aumento do peso e melhorou o escore de condiÃÃo corporal das fÃmeas, nÃo refletindo, contudo, sobre os parÃmetros reprodutivos das ovelhas. O peso corporal das fÃmeas à pariÃÃo à influenciado pelo grupo genÃtico e idade da ovelha. Jà o peso ao nascer dos cordeiros pode ser influenciado pelo tipo de nascimento, peso da ovelha à pariÃÃo e pelo sexo da cria. O escore de condiÃÃo corporal, o genÃtipo e o tipo de nascimento influenciam na produtividade em quilos de cordeiro por ovelha parida. Entretanto, o fornecimento de suplementaÃÃo durante a estaÃÃo de monta nÃo resultou no aumento da produtividade em quilo de cordeiro produzido por ovelha parida no rebanho. Diante do exposto, conclui-se que o fornecimento de suplementaÃÃo energÃtica, para ovelhas deslanadas criadas na regiÃo semiÃrida do nordeste brasileiro, quando manejadas em sistema de pastejo rotacionado recebendo mineralizaÃÃo e Ãgua ad libitum pode ser dispensada, uma vez que a sua oferta onerou os custos de produÃÃo e nÃo resultou em aumento significativo na produtividade das ovelhas. / Through this study it is aimed, (i) to know the leptin and insulin concentrations in sheep, as well as to verify the effect of body condition score (BCS), breed and supplementation on the leptin, insulin and glucose concentrations measured during the breeding season, and also to study the associations between these effects and blood metabolites in empty sheep (ii) to evaluate the influence of class effects of body condition, age, collection week, breed and energy supplementation provided before and during the breeding season, on female weight and body condition, and the influence of these effects on reproductive parameters, pregnancy rate, fertility and prolificity; (iii)and also to evaluate the effects which influence the ewe weight at lambing, the offspring weight at birth and on the total productivity of the flock, referred to in the present study in pounds of lamb produced per female lambing. The experiment was conducted at the Experimental Farm Acaraà Valley, located in the municipality of Sobral - CearÃ. The sheep were divided into two groups according to breed and treatment: Santa InÃs, with or without supplementation (24x24) and Morada Nova with or without supplementation (24x24), totalizing 96 sheep. All ewes grazed in paddocks with mineralization and water ad libitum, however group 1 (control) of each treatment was not supplemented and group 2 received supplementation. Blood samplesand information relating to sheep weight and BCS were collected weekly during the breeding season. Data were submitted to ANOVA to evaluate the effect of the BCS class, breed and supplementation (lot), on body weight, glucose levels and leptin and insulin concentrations, ewe weight and sheep productivity The ewe reproductive parameters, pregnancy rate, fertility and prolificity were compared with test having 5% of error probability. Pearson correlation were estimated among hormone concentrations, weight and body condition related to breed and treatment. It was concluded that leptin is present in low concentrations in hair seep sheep and it seems not to influence the reproductive processes of those animals raised under these conditions. Insulin showed significant associations with the variables studied, which may be indicative of nutritional status of ewes in the breeding season. Energy supplementation promoted weight gain and improved body condition score of females. However, its effect was not reflected on the ewe reproductive parameters. The body weight of females at parturition is influenced by ewe breed and age. The lamb birth weight can be influenced by the type of birth, ewe weight at lambing and sex of the offspring. The body condition score, breed and type of birth influence productivity in kilograms of lamb per ewe parity. However, the supply of supplementation during the breeding season did not result in increased productivity per kilogram of lamb produced per female lambing. According to what was exposed above, it can be concluded that the supply of energy supplementation for hair seep ewes raised in the semi-arid region of Northeastern Brazil, raised under rotational grazing and receiving mineralization and water ad libitum, resulted in no significant increase in sheep productivity and can, therefore, be waived.

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