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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stromal components and micro-RNAs as biomarkers in pancreatic cancer

Franklin, Oskar January 2016 (has links)
Background Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) patients have the poorest 5-year survival rates of all cancer forms. It is difficult to diagnose at early disease stages, tumour relapse after surgery is common, and current chemotherapies are ineffective. Carbohydrate antigen 19-9 (Ca 19-9), the only clinically implemented PDAC biomarker, is insufficient for diagnostic and screening purposes. PDAC tumours are characterised by a voluminous stroma that is rich in extracellular matrix (ECM) molecules such as collagens, hyaluronan (HA) and matricellular proteins. These stromal components have been suggested to promote PDAC cell migration, proliferation, evasion of apoptosis and chemotherapy resistance. Those events are mediated via interactions with adhesion receptors, such as integrins and CD44 receptors expressed on cancer cell surfaces. Micro-RNAs (miRNA) post-transcriptionally regulate gene expression in health and disease. At the time of PDAC diagnosis, miRNA levels are altered both in plasma and tumour tissue. Before PDAC diagnosis, tissue miRNA levels are altered in precursor lesions, raising the possibility that plasma miRNAs might aid in early detection. In this thesis, it is hypothesised that stromal components and miRNAs can serve as tissue or blood based biomarkers in PDAC. The aims are: (1) to characterise the expression of stromal components and their receptors in normal and cancerous tissue; (2) to find potential stroma-associated tissue and blood-based biomarkers for diagnosis and prognosis estimates; (3) to determine the cellular effects of type IV collagen (Col IV) in PDAC; (4) to determine if plasma miRNAs that are altered in manifest PDAC can be used to diagnose PDAC earlier. Methods The expression patterns of Col IV, Col IV-binding integrin subunits (α1, α2, β1), Endostatin, Osteopontin (OPN) and Tenascin C (TNC) were analysed in frozen PDAC and normal pancreatic tissue. A tissue microarray (TMA) was constructed using formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded primary tumours and lymph node metastases. The TMA was used to study the expression levels and associations with survival of the standard CD44 receptor (CD44s), its variant isoform 6 (CD44v6), HA, OPN and Col IV. Circulating levels of HA, Col IV, Endostatin, OPN and TNC were measured in PDAC patients and healthy individuals, and compared with conventional tumour markers (Ca 19-9, CEA, Ca 125 and TPS). The functional roles of Col IV were studied in PDAC cell lines by: (1) growth on different matrices (2) blocking Col IV binding integrin subunits, (3) blocking the Col IV domains 7s, CB3 and NC1, and (4) by down regulation of PDAC cell synthesis of Col IV using siRNA transfection. Plasma miRNAs alterations were screened for in samples from patients with manifest disease, using real-time quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR). To find early miRNA alterations, levels of those miRNAs that were altered at diagnosis were measured in prediagnostic plasma samples. Results High tissue expression of both the standard CD44 receptor (CD44s) and its variant isoform CD44v6 as well as low expression of stromal OPN were associated with poor survival. In addition, high CD44s and low OPN predicted poor survival independent of established prognostic factors. Circulating Col IV, Endostatin, OPN, TNC and HA were increased in preoperative samples from PDAC patients. Preoperatively, higher levels of serum-HA and plasma-Endostatin were associated with shorter survival. Postoperatively, higher levels of Col IV, Endostatin and OPN were associated with shorter survival. On the contrary, only one of the conventional tumour markers was associated with survival (Ca 125). Col IV stimulated PDAC cell proliferation and migration and inhibited apoptosis in vitro, dependent on the collagenous domain (CB3) of Col IV and the Col IV binding integrin subunit β1. Reduced endogenous Col IV synthesis inhibited these effects, suggesting that PDAC cells synthesise Col IV to stimulate tumour-promoting events via a newly discovered autocrine loop. 15 miRNAs were altered in early stage PDAC patients and the combination of these markers outperformed Ca 19-9 in discriminating patients from healthy individuals. However, none of the miRNAs were altered in prediagnostic samples, suggesting that plasma miRNA alterations appear late in the disease course. Conclusions Up regulated stromal components in PDAC tumours are detectable in blood samples and are potential diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers in PDAC. High circulating levels of Col IV, Endostatin, OPN and HA predict poor survival, as well as high expression of CD44s and CD44v6 and low expression of OPN in tumour tissue. PDAC cells synthesise Col IV, which forms BM-like structures close to cancer cells and promote tumour progression in vitro via an autocrine loop. Several plasma-miRNAs are altered in PDAC, but are not useful for early discovery.

The dynamics of the serum concentration of CEA, CA15-3 and CA19-9 and survival in patients treated for advanced breast and colorectal cancer. The determination of the prognostic correlates of changes in tumour markers CEA, CA15-3 and CA19-9 during chemotherapy treatment for advanced breast and colorectal cancer.

Barker, Laura C. January 2010 (has links)
There is evidence that kinetics of tumour markers (TMs) CEA, CA15-3 and CA19-9 provide valuable information about disease state over time in patients with advanced breast and colorectal cancer but the literature contains differences in methodology so comparing findings is difficult. By modifying criteria developed by Rustin and colleagues [1-5] in ovarian carcinoma we have retrospectively identified a subset of patients (those with progressive (P) TMs) where survival is significantly reduced compared with those with responsive (R) TMs. This is true for CEA, CA15-3 and CA19-9 at the first chemotherapy given in advanced disease (chem1) (Hazard ratios (HR) = 9.99, 8.89, 5.75, P ¿ 0.001 in all cases) and CEA and CA19-9 at the second chemotherapy (chem2) (HR = 7.95, 9.00, P = 0.001 and 0.002 respectively) in patients with breast cancer. It is also true for CEA at chem1 in patients with colorectal cancer (HR = 2.51, P <0.001). Further studies are necessary to see if treatment directed by these criteria can influence survival. CEA and CA19-9 Rustin category in colorectal patients and CA15-3 Rustin category in breast patients correlated significantly with radiological category at chem1 and chem2 (CEA rs = 0.45 and 0.43, CA19-9 rs = 0.26 and 0.35, CA15-3 rs = 0.28 and 0.44). CA19-9 also correlates with radiological category at chem2 (rs = 0.38) in breast patients. This provides valuable information because RECIST criteria can delay radiological identification of disease progression compared with WHO criteria [6, 7] and new therapies may act to stabilise tumour growth rather than reduce it [8]. / Oncology Research Trust Fund at Airedale NHS Trust

MMP-10 is overexpressed, proteolytically active and a potential target for therapeutic intervention in human lung carcinomas

Gill, Jason H., Kirwan, Ian G., Seargent, Jill M., Martin, Sandie W., Tijani, S., Anikin, V.A., Mearns, A.J., Bibby, Michael C., Anthoney, Alan, Loadman, Paul January 2004 (has links)
No / Matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-mediated degradation of the extracellular matrix is a major factor for tumor development and expansion. This study analysed MMP-10 protein expression and activity in human lung tumors of various grade, stage, and type to address the relationship between MMP-10 and tumor characteristics and to evaluate MMP-10 as a therapeutic target in non small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC). Unlike the majority of MMPs, MMP-10 was located in the tumor mass as opposed to tumor stroma. MMP-10 protein was observed at low levels in normal human lung tissues and at significantly higher levels in all types of NSCLC. No correlation was observed between MMP-10 protein expression and tumor type, stage, or lymph node invasion. To discriminate between active and inactive forms of MMP-10 in samples of human NSCLC, we have developed an ex vivo fluorescent assay. Measurable MMP-10 activity was detected in 42 of 50 specimens of lung cancer and only 2 of 10 specimens of histologically normal lung tissue. No relationship was observed between MMP-10 activity levels and clinicopathologic characteristics. Our results suggest that MMP-10 is expressed and active at high levels in human NSCLC compared to normal lung tissues, and, as such, is a potential target for the development of novel therapeutics for lung cancer treatment.

Novel prognostic biomarkers for renal cell carcinoma

Ronkainen, H.-L. (Hanna-Leena) 13 March 2012 (has links)
Abstract Background and aims: Stage and grade are the most widely used prognostic parameters for renal cell carcinoma (RCC). The clinical course of this disease is not, however, always predictable by traditional prognostic factors. In the era of new molecular targeted therapies a more accurate prognostication of RCC patient survival is important for the individualization of treatment and follow-up of patients. Despite exhaustive research there are still no prognostic biomarkers for RCC in clinical practice. In order to find novel prognostic tissue markers for RCC, we examined the expression of 14 biomarkers involved in carcinogenesis and clarified their prognostic significance in RCC. Material and methods: Out of 189 consecutive patients who underwent surgery for kidney cancer at Oulu University Hospital in the 1990s, 152 patients with histologically verified RCC were included in this study. The stage distribution was 70 (46%), 12 (8%), 51 (34%) and 19 (12%) patients with stages I-IV, respectively. The majority of the tumours (83 tumours, 55%) were nuclear grade II and 5 (3%), 40 (27%) and 22 (15%) of the tumours were grades I, III and IV, respectively. Clinical and follow-up data were obtained from patient records, the Finnish Cancer Registry and on demand from the Population Register Centre of Finland. The biomarkers studied included markers of the oxidative and neuroendocrine systems as well as proteins related to cell adhesion and migration, invasion, metastasis, inflammation and immune responses. The expression of various biomarkers was characterized via immunohistochemical tests of archival tumour material. The staining intensity was compared to clinicopathological parameters and patient RCC-specific survival. Results: The 5-year RCC-specific survival was 77%. The expression of Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9) was an independent marker of favourable RCC-specific survival whereas cytoplasmic myosin VI expression was found to be an independent prognostic factor of poor RCC-specific survival. Cell culture experiments showed how cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) expression is regulated by HuR in RCC. HuR and COX-2 immunoexpression were also related to decreased RCC-specific survival. Immunostaining of Keap1 was associated with advanced RCC and a marker of a poorer RCC-specific prognosis. The expression of different neuroendocrine markers was evaluated but we could not establish any prognostic value for them. Conclusions: In particular, TLR9, HuR and myosin VI can be regarded as promising novel prognostic biomarkers in RCC. Stage, however, is the most important single prognostic factor for RCC. / Tiivistelmä Munuaissyöpä on vuosikymmenten ajan jatkuvasti yleistynyt. Vaikka se diagnosoidaan nykyisin useimmiten sattumalöydöksenä vatsan alueen kuvantamistutkimuksissa ja hoitomenetelmät ovat viime vuosikymmenten aikana kehittyneet, munuaissyöpäkuolleisuus ei ole laskenut. Munuaissyövän ennusteen määrittäminen voi olla haasteellista. Perinteiset ennustetekijät, levinneisyys ja erilaistumisaste, eivät riitä selittämään kaikkien potilaiden taudinkulkua, eikä munuaissyövälle vielä ole kliinisessä käytössä ennusteellista merkkiainetta. Munuaissyöpähoitojen kehittyessä taudinkulun ennustaminen on yhä tärkeämpää, jotta potilaiden hoito ja seuranta voidaan yksilöidä. Tämän väitöskirjatyön tarkoituksena oli etsiä uusia ennusteellisia kudosmerkkiaineita munuaissyöpäkasvaimille. Väitöskirjatutkimus perustuu 1990-luvulla Oulun yliopistollisessa sairaalassa leikatun 152 munuaissyöpäpotilaan aineistoon. Lähes puolet aineiston kasvaimista edusti levinneisyysluokkaa I, ja yli puolet munuaissyöpäkasvaimista oli hyvin erilaistuneita (tumagradus I ja II). Tutkimuspotilaista kerättiin kattavat seurantatiedot. Leikkauksessa poistettujen munuaissyöpäkasvainten arkistomateriaalista tutkittiin eri merkkiaineiden ilmenemistä. Tutkitut merkkiaineet käsittivät oksidatiivisen ja neuroendokriinisen järjestelmän merkkiaineita sekä valkuaisaineita, jotka liittyvät keskeisiin syövän ominaisuuksiin, kuten solujen välisiin liitoksiin ja solujen liikkumiseen sekä etäpesäkkeiden syntymiseen. Lisäksi tutkittiin merkkiaineita, jotka liittyvät tulehdusreaktioihin ja immuunipuolustukseen. Väitöskirjatutkimus paljasti useita uusia kudosmerkkiaineita, joiden ilmeneminen munuaissyöpäkasvaimessa on yhteydessä potilaan ennusteeseen. Näistä merkittävimpiä ovat myosiini VI, joka liittyy syöpäkasvainten metastasointiin, sekä immuunipuolustuksessa vaikuttava Tollin kaltainen reseptori 9 (Toll-like receptor 9, TLR9). Molemmat merkkiaineet osoittautuivat itsenäisiksi ennustetekijöiksi munuaissyövässä. Muita ennusteeseen vaikuttavia merkkiaineita ovat tutkimuksen mukaan oksidatiivista stressiä aistiva Keap1 sekä immunologisiin reaktioihin liittyvä syklo-oksigenaasi 2 (COX-2) ja sen ilmenemistä säätelevä HuR.

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