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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Simulação de escoamentos gás-sólido reativos em leitos fluidizados circulantes / Simulation of reactive gas-solid flows in circulating fluidized beds

Christian Léa Coelho da Costa Milioli 02 May 2006 (has links)
Reatores de leito fluidizado circulante são intensamente utilizados em aplicações de larga escala como craqueamento catalítico de petróleo e combustão de carvão. Projeto e desenvolvimento nestas áreas são fortemente baseados em plantas de demonstração, a custos elevadíssimos. Nesse contexto, tratamentos utilizando mecânica dos fluidos computacional assumem considerável relevância. Os complexos padrões de escoamento gás-sólido que se desenvolvem nos reatores de leito fluidizado circulante determinam taxas de reação e exigem, portanto, descrições hidrodinâmicas rigorosas. Os modelos Eulerianos do contínuo ou de dois fluidos são correntemente considerados a escolha mais prática na busca destas descrições. Estas formulações são baseadas na aplicação da hipótese de meio contínuo tanto para fases macroscopicamente contínuas quanto dispersas. Neste trabalho, desenvolve-se simulações numéricas para descrever processos hidrodinâmicos e reativos em reatores de leito fluidizado circulante aplicando modelagem de dois fluidos. Considera-se situações típicas de combustão em leito fluidizado circulante de carvão mineral. Como processo reativo considera-se a absorção de dióxido de enxofre por calcário. Realiza-se análises hidrodinâmicas, e de efeitos hidrodinâmicos sobre a reação de interesse. Realiza-se simulações de regime permanente e de regime transiente. Mostra-se que as simulações de regime permanente permitem análises qualitativas do processo, e provêem condições iniciais para simulações transientes diretamente no regime de escoamento estatisticamente permanente. Em relação à hidrodinâmica, conclui-se que os modelos de dois fluidos correntes são ainda bastante crus. São claramente necessárias melhores descrições reológicas e relações constitutivas sub-grade mais acuradas. Em relação à reação química, conclui-se que predições reativas acuradas somente poderão ser obtidas se descrições hidrodinâmicas rigorosas forem combinadas com descrições reativas igualmente rigorosas. / Circulating fluidized bed reactors are widely used in large scale applications such as catalytic cracking of petrol and coal combustion. Development and design in those areas are strongly based on demonstration plants, at extremely high costs. In this context, treatments applying computational fluid mechanics assume considerable relevance. The complex gas-solid flow patterns which develop inside the circulating fluidized bed reactors determine reaction rates, so that rigorous hydrodynamic descriptions are required. The continuum Eulerian or two-fluid models are currently considered the more practical choice for providing such descriptions. Those formulations are based on the application of the continuum hypothesis for both macroscopically continuous and dispersed phases. In this work numerical simulation is performed to describe both hydrodynamics and reactive processes in circulating fluidized beds applying two-fluid modeling. Typical situations of circulating fluidized bed coal combustion are considered. The reactive process considered is the absorption of sulfur dioxide by limestone. Analyses are performed of hydrodynamics, and regarding hydrodynamic effects over the concerning reaction. Both steady state and transient simulations are performed. It is shown that steady state simulations allow qualitative analyses, and do provide initial conditions for transient runs straightly inside the statistical steady state flow regime. Concerning hydrodynamics, it is concluded that the current two-fluid models are still very crude. Clearly, better rheological descriptions are required alongside with more accurate sub-grid constitutive relations. Regarding chemical reaction, it is concluded that accurate reactive predictions shall only be found if rigorous hydrodynamic descriptions are combined with equally rigorous reaction descriptions.

Modèles superfluides d'étoiles à neutrons en relativité générale : applications à la dynamique des pulsars / General relativistic models of superfluid neutron stars : applications to pulsars dynamics

Sourie, Aurélien 19 April 2017 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est d'étudier différents aspects microscopiques et macroscopiques liés à la présence de superfluidité dans les étoiles à neutrons. Dans un premier temps, nous avons calculé des configurations stationnaires d'étoiles à neutrons superfluides en rotation, en relativité générale, basées sur l'utilisation d'équations d'état réalistes. A l'aide de ces configurations d'équilibre, nous avons ensuite développé un modèle simple de glitch, en relativité générale, vu comme un transfert de moment cinétique entre les neutrons superfluides et les particules chargées constituant l'étoile. Cela nous a permis d'obtenir des temps caractéristiques de montée qui pourront être comparés à de futures observations précises de glitches afin d'apporter de meilleures contraintes sur l'intérieur de ces étoiles. Enfin, nous nous sommes également intéressés à la dynamique des vortex superfluides, en présence de tubes de flux, dans le cas où les protons dans le coeur des étoiles formeraient un supraconducteur de type II. / The aim of this thesis is to study different aspects, both microscopic and macroscopic, associated with the presence of a large amount of superfluid matter inside neutron stars. First, we computed stationary configurations of rotating superfluid neutron stars, in general relativity, using realistic equations of state. Based on these equilibrium configurations, we then developed a simple model of pulsar glitches, in general relativity, seen as angular momentum transfers between the superfluid neutrons and the charged particles composing the star. This enables us to infer spin-up time scales that could be compared with future accurate glitch observations, in order to get some constraints on the interior of neutron stars. Finally, we also focused on the dynamics of superfluid vortex lines, accounting for the presence of fluxtubes, if the protons are forming a type II superconductor in the core of neutron stars.

Configurations de vortex magnétiques dans des cylindres mésoscopiques supraconducteurs

Stenuit, Geoffrey 09 July 2004 (has links)
Motivées par des données expérimentales sur la magnétisation de réseau de nanofils de plomb, les résolutions numériques des équations stationnaires de Ginzburg-Landau (GL) se sont focalisées sur les géométries à symétrie axiale. L'effet Meissner, les états représentant un vortex d'Abrikosov ou encore des Vortex Géants (``GiantVortex') centrés à l'origine du cylindre ont alors pu être identifiés sous l’hypothèse d’invariance sous rotation selon l’axe de symétrie du cylindre étudié (modèle à une dimension, 1D). En identifiant le type de transition par le caractère continu ou non du paramètre d'ordre autour du changement de phase, une frontière à l'échelle mésoscopique a également pu être identifiée au travers du modèle 1D. Plus spécifiquement, la limite entre les deux types de transitions décrite par le paramètre phénoménologique κ = λ /ξ ( =1/√2 à l’échelle macroscopique) devient une fonction non constante dépendant à la fois du rayon normalisé, u=R/λ, et de la vorticité L: κ =f(u,L). Les deux longueurs caractéristiques λ et ξ représentent respectivement les longueurs de pénétration et de cohérence d’un échantillon supraconducteur. Une comparaison avec les résultats obtenus par Zharkov permet de valider notre démarche numérique employée pour la résolution numérique des équations de GL à une dimension. En employant un modèle à deux dimensions (2D), la symétrie sous rotation des solutions a également été relâchée. Basée sur le principe de moindre action, la résolution propose alors un schéma numérique indépendant du type d'équations du mouvement à solutionner. Les configurations du type MultiVortex ont alors pu être identifiées, et comparées aux solutions du groupe du Professeur F. Peeters. Ces différents accords ont confirmé la démarche développée. Une modélisation de la magnétisation expérimentale d'un réseau de nanofils a également été développée. De par la taille réduite des nanofils, l'interaction magnétique entre ceux-ci a pu être négligée. La magnétisation totale du réseau est alors construite par une sommation incluant la contribution individuelle en magnétisation de chaque fil, pondérée par un poids reflétant une distribution gaussienne pour les rayons des fils constituant le réseau. La magnétisation individuelle est évidemment obtenue par résolution des équations du mouvement de GL précédemment étudiées avec les modèles 1D et 2D. En ajustant les paramètres libres associés à ce modèle décrivant la magnétisation totale du réseau, les données expérimentales ont pu être reproduites endéans 10% de marge d'erreur, l'intervalle d'incertitude caractéristique de la théorie effective de Ginzburg-Landau. Ces variables attachées au modèle de la magnétisation totale, reprennent la valeur moyenne m et l'écart-type s de la distribution gaussienne, ainsi que les longueurs caractéristiques λ(T) et ξ(T) présentes dans la théorie de GL. Un test totalement indépendant de l'analyse des magnétisations a permis de valider les valeurs déterminées pour la distribution des rayons. Les grandeurs ajustées pour les longueurs λ(T) et ξ(T) ont fait l'objet d'une analyse supplémentaire en termes de leur dépendance en température et du libre parcours moyen des électrons. Malgré l'accord entre les données expérimentales et la magnétisation théorique, il est important de mentionner qu'un paramètre libre supplémentaire, associé à l'apparition de configurations décrivant un vortex magnétique, a dû être introduit. Il modifie empiriquement la métastabilité trop longue en mode champ externe décroissant de l'état décrivant un vortex d'Abrikosov. La correction expulse donc le vortex avant sa prédiction théorique liée à la disparition de la barrière de Bean-Linvingston. Une étude plus approfondie de cette barrière de potentiel fut donc également réalisée. Cependant, elle n'est pas concluante en regard des données expérimentales analysées. Il n'en demeure pas moins que la transition apparaît dans un domaine en champ magnétique cohérent vis-à-vis de la description en énergie libre des états de vorticités voisines d'une unité de quantum de flux magnétique. La correspondance entre les longueurs caractéristiques du modèle phénoménologique de GL et les longueurs issues des théories microscopiques de Pippard et BCS a également abordée. Cette étude permet entre autre de comparer les différentes dépendances possibles en température avec les longueurs obtenues de l'analyse de magnétisation des nanofils en plomb. Au delà de l'accord avec le modèle des deux-fluides de Gorter et Casimir, une extrapolation bien en deçà de la température critique Tc est proposée pour les paramètres phénoménologiques λ(T) et ξ(T) de Ginzburg-Landau. Même si la correspondance entre les magnétisations expérimentales et théoriques semblait déjà l'indiquer, il est possible d'appliquer les équations de Ginzburg-Landau pour décrire le comportement magnétique du plomb bien en deçà de sa température critique. De plus, les paramètres associés possèdent une dépendance tout à fait conforme à une autre théorie empirique, le modèle des deux-fluides. Basée sur le modèle de Pippard, une détermination de la valeur du libre parcours moyen des normaux a également été isolée. Elle justifie alors une distinction entre les deux échantillons analysés en terme de leur degré d'impureté. Les résultats électrons obtenus étant en accord avec les procédures de fabrication des nanofils de plomb, cette nouvelle constatation, positive avec l'expérience, confirme une fois de plus la cohérence du modèle développé pour la magnétisation totale, et justifie l'emploi des équations de GL à toutes les températures en dessous de Tc. / Mesoscopic superconductors are described within the framework of the nonlinear Ginzburg-Landau theory. The two coupled nonlinear equations are solved numerically and we investigate the properties, in particular the order of the transition and the vortex configurations, of cylinders submitted to an external magnetic field. Meissner state, Abrikosov vortices, GiantVortex and MultiVortex solutions are described. The Bean-Livingston barrier in mesoscopic cylinders is also numerically studied. This theoretical work was applied to understand experimental magnetizations of lead nanowires in an array well below the superconducting transition temperature Tc. By freely adjusting the GL phenomenological lengths λ (T) and ξ (T), the experimental magnetization curves are reproduced to within a 10% error margin. The Meissner and the Abrikosov state were also experimentally observed in this apparently type-I superconductor. This fact is a consequence of the non-trivial behaviour of the critical boundary κ _c ($=1/√2 in bulk materials) between type-I and type-II phase transition at mesoscopic scales. Beyond the experimental-theoretical agreement, the question whether the GL model remains valid far below Tc is also addressed. The temperature dependence of the adjusted characteristic lengths is compared with different theoretical and empirical laws. The best agreement is achieved for the Gorter-Casimir two-fluid model. A comparison between lead nanowire arrays electrodeposited under constant and pulsed voltage conditions allows us to distinguish both samples in terms of their electronic mean free paths. The characterisation of the latter quantities concurs perfectly with the experimental expectation given the different electrodeposition techniques.

Adaptive traffic control effect on arterial travel time charateristics

Wu, Seung Kook 16 November 2009 (has links)
An arterial traffic control system influences the travel time characteristics of a corridor, including the average corridor travel time and the travel time reliability. However, reliability measures have typically been outside of the focus of arterial control system performance evaluation studies. To assess the effectiveness of arterial traffic control performance evaluation studies are normally limited to average measures of travel time, speed, or delay. As an advanced traffic management system, adaptive traffic control has been developed to address real time demand variability. Thus, an evaluation of the adaptive traffic control system based on reliability may be as important as evaluation based on average travel time or delay. In addition, arterial control systems may also affect the performance of side street traffic as well as arterial corridor traffic. The performance of side street traffic is another measure that should be used in the assessment of the effectiveness of any arterial traffic control system. Finally, an arterial's operational performance often changes throughout a day and over the arterial length. Thus, a system-wide measure that reflects the range of observed operations is needed to thoroughly assess the performance. Given these issues the goal of this research is the development of procedures to evaluate adaptive traffic control's effect on arterial characteristics such as travel time distribution, reliability, side street performance, and system-wide performance. The developed procedures were applied to the evaluation of an adaptive traffic control system, SCATS (Sydney Coordinated Adaptive Traffic System) in Cobb County, Georgia that replaced a semi-actuated coordinated control system. After the procedures were applied, it was found that SCATS produced a less extreme shape of travel time distribution, possibly due to the adaptive feature, but that it did not make statistically significant changes in the selected overall analysis measures. Also, it was found that the results of the performance evaluation can vary depending on the measures selected or the study period and location.

Large Eddy Simulations for Dispersed bubbly Flows

Ma, Tian, Ziegenhein, Thomas, Lucas, Dirk, Krepper, Eckhard, Fröhlich, Jochen 25 November 2014 (has links) (PDF)
In this paper we present detailed Euler-Euler Large Eddy Simulations (LES) of dispersed bubbly flow in a rectangular bubble column. The motivation of this study is to investigate potential of this approach for the prediction of bubbly flows, in terms of mean quantities. The set of physical models describing the momentum exchange between the phases was chosen according to previous experiences of the authors. Experimental data, Euler-Lagrange LES and unsteady Euler-Euler Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes model are used for comparison. It was found that the presented modelling combination provides good agreement with experimental data for the mean flow and liquid velocity fluctuations. The energy spectrum made from the resolved velocity from Euler-Euler LES is presented and discussed.

Numerical And Experimental Investigation Of Two-phase Flow Distribution Through Multiple Outlets From A Horizontal Drum

Pezek, Enis 01 March 2006 (has links) (PDF)
In CANDU reactors, under normal operating conditions, the inlet headers collect and distribute single-phase liquid flow (heavy water) to the fuel cooling channels via the feeders. However, under some postulated loss of coolant accidents, the inlet headers may receive two-phase fluid (steam/water) and the fluid forms a stratified region inside the header. To predict the thermalhydraulic behaviour of headers for the reactor safety analysis, the two-phase flow distribution within the headers and through the feeders must be modelled. In order to analyse the two-phase flow behaviour of a scaled CANDU inlet header / a transparent and instrumented version of a header with 5 feeders was previously built in the Mechanical Engineering Department of Middle East Technical University (METU-Two Phase Flow Test Facility / METU-TPFTF). The aim of this study is to investigate two-phase flow distribution through multiple outlets from such a horizontal drum both numerically and experimentally. For this purpose, three-dimensional incompressible finite difference equations in cylindrical coordinates were derived by using two-fluid model to simulate adiabatic two-phase flow (air/water) in the header numerically. The discretized equations were then programmed into a computer code which was developed specifically for modelling the header type geometry. A method based on the principles of Implicit Multi Field (IMF) technique has been utilised to solve those equations. The solution algorithm was tested by using some numerical benchmark problems. A number of experimental tests covering single and two-phase flow distribution through outlet pairs from the header were performed. Void fractions and flow rates obtained from these tests are in good agreement with the code results. The code also predicts the void fraction and pressure distribution in the header satisfactorily.


IZABEL SOUTO FERREIRA DA SILVA 10 May 2016 (has links)
[pt] Escoamentos bifásicos no regime anular são caracterizados pela formação de um filme de líquido ao redor das paredes do duto com a fase gasosa escoando na área central do duto. O presente trabalho consiste na simulação numérica de um escoamento anular em tubulação horizontal, com e sem transferência de calor através de um código unidimensional baseado no Modelo de Dois Fluidos. São considerados dois pares de fluidos, sendo o primeiro ar-água, o qual é vastamente estudado na literatura e um fluido típico encontrado na produção de petróleo formado de gás natural e óleo. Parâmetros característicos do padrão de escoamento anular como gradiente de pressão, fator de atrito da interface e espessura do filme de líquido são determinados e comparados com dados experimentais e numéricos, apresentando boa concordância. O gás natural é modelado como gás real, através da aplicação da Equação de Estado de Peng-Robinson e comparado com a modelagem utilizando Equação de Gases Ideais. Para o fluido típico selecionado, este efeito é muito pequeno tanto com relação aos parâmetros hidrodinâmicos como velocidades das fases e queda de pressão como nos parâmetros térmicos como campo de temperatura, perda de calor para o ambiente e coeficiente bifásico de troca de calor. / [en] Annular two-phase flow is characterized by the formation of a liquid layer spread around the pipe circumference with gas flowing in the core area of the pipe. The present work consists in the numerical simulation of an annular flow in horizontal pipe, with and without heat transfer through a one-dimensional code based on the Two Fluid Model. Two pairs of fluids are considered, being the first air-water, which is widely studied in the literature and a typical natural gas and oil fluid from production oil fields. Characteristics parameters of annular flow such as pressure drop, interface friction factor e liquid film height are obtained and compared with experimental and numerical data, showing in both cases good agreement. The natural gas is modeled as real gas, using the Peng-Robinson Equation of State, and compared with the ideal gas modeling. For the typical fluid selected, this effect is quite small on the hydrodynamics parameters such as phases velocities and pressure drop and on the thermal parameters such as temperature, heat loss for the environment and heat exchange coefficient.

Modélisation et simulation multi-échelles de l'atomisation d'une nappe liquide cisaillée / Multiscale modeling and simulation of atomization of a sheared liquid sheet

Blanchard, Ghislain, Emmanuel 28 November 2014 (has links)
Émissions polluantes, les motoristes souhaitent contrôler au mieux l’atomisation du carburant, injecté généralement sous forme de jets ou de nappes liquides. Les essais étant long et coûteux, leur remplacement par un outil numérique capable de simuler le processus d’atomisation permettrait non seulement une réduction des coûts importante mais faciliterait également la phase de conception. Toutefois, en raison du caractère multi-échelle du phénomène, il est difficile de le décrire dans son ensemble avec les approches habituellement utilisées en mécanique des fluides numérique.L’objectif de cette thèse est de concevoir une nouvelle approche qui permettra à terme de simuler l’atomisation pour une configuration industrielle complète. Celle-ci consiste à coupler deux types de modèles. Le premier, dit modèle bifluide, est un modèle à deux fluides compressibles basé sur les équations de Navier-Stokes diphasiques. Celui-ci permet de décrire les grandes échelles du phénomène d’atomisation correspondant à la formation de ligaments et d’amas liquides dans la zone proche de l’injecteur. Le second, dit modèle de spray, est basé sur une équation cinétique. Dans la zone située en aval de l’injecteur, ce dernier permet de décrire de manière statistique l’évolution du brouillard de gouttelettes issues de la fragmentation primaire du jet de carburant. Le point délicat, à la fois sur le plan de la modélisation et sur celui de l’algorithmique, réside dans le couplage des deux modèles. Celui ci a été réalisé grâce à l’introduction de deux modèles auxiliaires permettant de traiter le transfert de liquide entre le modèle bifluide et le modèle de spray par atomisation ou ré-impact.L’approche proposée a été appliquée à la simulation numérique de nappes liquides cisaillées. Les comparaisons entre les résultats numériques et des résultats expérimentaux montrent que le modèle bifluide permet de prévoir l’influence de la géométrie et des conditions d’injection sur l’atomisation primaire de la nappe liquide. Le modèle d’atomisation permet quant à lui, de reproduire le caractère instationnaire des mécanismes de production de gouttes lors du transfert de la phase liquide depuis le modèle bifluide vers celui de spray. Des cas de ré-impact valident également la robustesse et la généralité de la méthodologie de couplage. / In order to improve efficiency of aircraft combustion chambers and reduce polluting emissions,engine manufacturers try to achieve a better control on fuel atomization, which is usually injectedas a jet or liquid sheet. As experiments are expensive and time consuming, a numerical tool able to simulate atomization would be a powerful asset in engine conception design. However, simulation ofthe whole atomization process with commonly used approach in computational fluid dynamics is still prohibitive due to the multi-scale nature of the phenomenon.The objective of this thesis is to develop a new approach allowing the simulation of the spray formation for a industrial configuration in the near future. This involves coupling of two types of models.The first one, called two-fluid model, is based on the Navier-Stokes equations for two immiscible compressible fluids. This one is used to describe the large scales of the atomization mechanism corresponding to the formation of ligaments and liquids blobs in the near-injector area. The second one,called spray model, is based on a kinetic equation. Further downstream from the injector, this model describes statistically the evolution of the droplet cloud produced by the primary fragmentation of liquid jet. The main difficulty, in terms of both modeling and algorithmic, is the coupling of these twomodels.This has been achieved by introducing an atomization and an impact models which ensure liquid transfer between the two-fluid model and the spray model.This new approach was applied to the numerical simulation of sheared liquid sheets. Comparisons between numerical and experimental results show how the two-fluid model predicts the influence of injector geometry and injection conditions on the primary atomization of the liquid sheet. Concerning droplets production, the atomization model is able to reproduce the unsteady nature of this mechanism when transferring liquid phase from the two-fluid model to the spray model. Test cases for the impact model also validate the robustness and generality of the coupling approach.

The effect of gas on multi-stage mixed-flow centrifugal pumps

Dupoiron, Marine Agnes Nicole January 2018 (has links)
The production from an oil reservoir is a mixture of liquids (oil and water) and gas, and is often maintained by using a pump placed in the well to ensure a continuous flow to the surface. Electrical Submersible Pumps consist of stacked centrifugal pump stages, each comprising a bladed impeller (rotating part) and diffuser (stationary part). In multiphase conditions, the gas tends to accumulate in the impeller, severely reducing the pressure produced by the pump. Radial-flow pumps operate in a plane perpendicular to their rotation axis, while mixed-flow pumps are characterised by a lower meridional angle (generally 40 to 80 degrees), and are generally better at handling gas-liquid mixtures. We first describe the impact of gas on the whole pumping system, from the reservoir to the storage facility, and give context to the subject. The available literature shows that the size of the gas bubbles present in the fluid is critical to the pump performance. A transparent, full-scale pump was built in order to explore the flow features in single and multiphase flows. Laser Doppler Velocimetry and high speed imaging in single phase flow showed a high turbulence level in the wake of the impeller blades, and recirculation cells at low flow rates. In gas-liquid conditions, we demonstrated that the bubble size varies within a pump stage, as break-up occurs at the impeller tip, and coalescence is dominant in the diffuser, especially because of recirculation. The first impeller acted as a mixer, and at moderate to high gas fractions (10 to 30%), the flow patterns at the stage level alternated between bubbly and radially separated flows. Finally, a dispersed-gas model was developed to predict the pressure rise in a mixed-flow pump impeller under gas-liquid conditions. This model based on the forces acting on a single spherical gas bubble, was implemented with a simplified, parametric representation of the flow field in a mixed-flow impeller. In the meridional direction, the Coriolis force opposes the centrifugal force and the adverse pressure gradient. Both forces tend to retain the gas bubble within the impeller. The relative magnitude of the drag force strongly depends on the maximal bubble diameter, which was determined as a function of the flow conditions and used to calculate the gas velocity through the impeller. This method resulted in a better agreement with the experimental data than a one-dimensional two-fluid model where the gas phase follows the same path as the liquid. We used the dispersed-gas model to give quantitative evidence that low blade and meridional angles reduce the gas accumulation and the associated performance degradation.


ARTURO JESUS ORTEGA MALCA 11 August 2004 (has links)
[pt] Diversos processos práticos apresentam uma seqüência de diferentes configurações de escoamentos bifásicos, com diferentes padrões de escoamento. Dependendo das razões entre as velocidades superficiais do gás e do líquido, diferentes padrões de escoamento bifásico podem ser encontrados. O padrão de escoamento slug pode ser formado a partir do padrão estratificado, devido ao crescimento das instabilidades hidrodinâmicas ou devido às ondulações no terreno onde se instala a tubulação. O presente trabalho consiste na análise do escoamento bifásico no padrão slug, ao longo de tubulações horizontais, mediante a aplicação do modelo de dois fluidos em sua forma transiente e unidimensional. Através de uma análise de estabilidade de Kelvin-Helmholtz para escoamento estratificado, estima-se a possível faixa de operação para a obtenção de um modelo matemático bem posto. Diferentes técnicas de discretização foram implementadas e testadas. Comparações com dados disponíveis na literatura foram realizadas. / [en] Several practical processes show a sequence of different configurations of two-phase flows, with different flows pattern. Depending upon the relation between the superficial velocities of gas and liquid, different two- phase flows patterns can be found. Slug flow can be formed from the stratified flow, due to growth of hydrodynamic instabilities or due to undulations of the surface where the pipes are installed. The present work consists in the analysis of two-phase flow in slug flow through horizontal pipes using the two-fluid model in its transient and one-dimensional form. By means of a Kelvin-Helmholtz stability analysis for stratified flows, the operation range for obtaining of a well-posed mathematical model is estimated. Different techniques of discretization were implemented and tested. Comparisons with result obtained in the literature were done.

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