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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A tipografia customizada como elemento identitário em sistemas de identidades visuais. Um estudo sobre o desenvolvimento de fontes digitais personalizadas / Custom typefafeces as an indentity element in visual identity systems

Cardinali, Luciano 18 May 2015 (has links)
Esta dissertação investiga os procedimentos e métodos empregados por designers de tipos para a concepção e o desenvolvimento de fontes digitais customizadas, associadas exclusivamente a sistemas de identidades visuais corporativos, explorando o potencial expressivo dessas tipografias, procurando identificar seus atributos conotativos, históricos, culturais e emocionais, assim como os possíveis significados e interpretações que estas formas podem evocar, com atenção especial para a tipografia contemporânea. Fontes digitais são elementos centrais para a consolidação de uma identidade visual, além do importante papel em muitas outras especia- lidades do design gráfico. O objetivo prático desse estudo é delinear as decisões adotadas no processo do design e da estrutura formal de seis fontes digitais personalizadas, para uso corporativo exclusivo, baseando-se em informações coletadas diretamente dos designers envolvidos, em textos publicados e análises próprias. Em um sentido mais amplo, o estudo visa colaborar com designers e contratantes de serviços de design tipográfico, sobre a necessidade de uma atenção mais ponderada no momento da escolha ou adoção dos tipos que compõem uma deter-minada identidade visual, considerando a tipografia um agente consolidador de uma identidade autêntica, por meio das qualidades formais, expressivas e conotativas dos tipos. Apesar da subjetividade nas avaliações que o tema envolve, o resultado observado é que a tipografia tem condições de carregar e transmitir a identidade de uma instituição, até mesmo nas situações em que a própria marca está ausente, assumindo o papel de transportar, juntamente com o conteúdo da mensagem, valores, comportamentos e personalidade. Neste contexto, a tipografia corporativa customizada, ou seja, aquela desenvolvida e adaptada especialmente para este fim, desempenha um importante papel, o que esta dissertação busca elucidar. / This work studies the procedures and methods used by type designers for conceiving and developing custom digital fonts used exclusively in corporate identity systems. By exploring the expressive potential of these fonts and with regard to contemporary typography, the nvestigation tried to recognize their connotative, historical, cultural and emotional attributes as well as possible meanings and interpretations these shapes may evoke. Besides playing an important role in many graphic design areas, digital fonts are key elements to corporate identities. This study\'s goal is to outline the decisions adopted in the process of designing and creating the formal structures of six custom digital corporate fonts, based on nformation from their designers, in published texts and the author\'s own analyzes. In a broader sense, the study draws attention of designers and clients who hire type design services, on the need for a more careful choice and or adoption of fonts that make up a particular corporate dentity. Thereby, the typography should be considered as an authentic agent for consolidating that identity through its formal, expressive and connotative qualities. Despite the subjectivity in the evaluation, the outcome is that the typography is able to carry and transmit the identity of a company or nstitution even when the the logo is absent. Along with the content of the message, it takes on the role of carrying the values, behavior and personality of the brand. In this sense, the customized corporate font, that s, the font specially developed or adapted for that purpose is believed to play a fundamental role which this study sought to find out.

A tipografia customizada como elemento identitário em sistemas de identidades visuais. Um estudo sobre o desenvolvimento de fontes digitais personalizadas / Custom typefafeces as an indentity element in visual identity systems

Luciano Cardinali 18 May 2015 (has links)
Esta dissertação investiga os procedimentos e métodos empregados por designers de tipos para a concepção e o desenvolvimento de fontes digitais customizadas, associadas exclusivamente a sistemas de identidades visuais corporativos, explorando o potencial expressivo dessas tipografias, procurando identificar seus atributos conotativos, históricos, culturais e emocionais, assim como os possíveis significados e interpretações que estas formas podem evocar, com atenção especial para a tipografia contemporânea. Fontes digitais são elementos centrais para a consolidação de uma identidade visual, além do importante papel em muitas outras especia- lidades do design gráfico. O objetivo prático desse estudo é delinear as decisões adotadas no processo do design e da estrutura formal de seis fontes digitais personalizadas, para uso corporativo exclusivo, baseando-se em informações coletadas diretamente dos designers envolvidos, em textos publicados e análises próprias. Em um sentido mais amplo, o estudo visa colaborar com designers e contratantes de serviços de design tipográfico, sobre a necessidade de uma atenção mais ponderada no momento da escolha ou adoção dos tipos que compõem uma deter-minada identidade visual, considerando a tipografia um agente consolidador de uma identidade autêntica, por meio das qualidades formais, expressivas e conotativas dos tipos. Apesar da subjetividade nas avaliações que o tema envolve, o resultado observado é que a tipografia tem condições de carregar e transmitir a identidade de uma instituição, até mesmo nas situações em que a própria marca está ausente, assumindo o papel de transportar, juntamente com o conteúdo da mensagem, valores, comportamentos e personalidade. Neste contexto, a tipografia corporativa customizada, ou seja, aquela desenvolvida e adaptada especialmente para este fim, desempenha um importante papel, o que esta dissertação busca elucidar. / This work studies the procedures and methods used by type designers for conceiving and developing custom digital fonts used exclusively in corporate identity systems. By exploring the expressive potential of these fonts and with regard to contemporary typography, the nvestigation tried to recognize their connotative, historical, cultural and emotional attributes as well as possible meanings and interpretations these shapes may evoke. Besides playing an important role in many graphic design areas, digital fonts are key elements to corporate identities. This study\'s goal is to outline the decisions adopted in the process of designing and creating the formal structures of six custom digital corporate fonts, based on nformation from their designers, in published texts and the author\'s own analyzes. In a broader sense, the study draws attention of designers and clients who hire type design services, on the need for a more careful choice and or adoption of fonts that make up a particular corporate dentity. Thereby, the typography should be considered as an authentic agent for consolidating that identity through its formal, expressive and connotative qualities. Despite the subjectivity in the evaluation, the outcome is that the typography is able to carry and transmit the identity of a company or nstitution even when the the logo is absent. Along with the content of the message, it takes on the role of carrying the values, behavior and personality of the brand. In this sense, the customized corporate font, that s, the font specially developed or adapted for that purpose is believed to play a fundamental role which this study sought to find out.

Univerzalno pismo – modernistička utopija ili savremena komunikacijska potreba / Universal Type: Modernist Utopia or Current Communication Requirement

Nedeljković Uroš 06 May 2016 (has links)
<p>Sa ciljem da se ponude odgovori u širem kontekstu disciplina, disertacija je segmentirana u dva dela. U prvom delu, tj. u poglavlju pod naslovom Stanje u oblasti istraživanja, hronološki se razmatra poimanje i atribuiranje univerzalnog u tipografskoj praksi modernizma i postmodernizma,i introspektivno analiziraju istorijska mišljenja i prakse, okolnosti i refleksije. Na osnovu konstatovanih suprotstavljenih mišljenja i do kraja ne određenih odgovora na ova pitanja, u drugom delu teze, konkretizovana su istraživačka pitanja i izdvojile hipoteze koje su testirane eksperimentalnim putem. Na osnovu rezultata istraživanja dati su odgovori na istraživačka pitanja i potvrđene alternativne hipoteze.</p> / <p>Aiming to provide answers that will cover broader discipline context, this thesis is segmented in two parts. In the first part i.e. The State of the Research Field section, comprehension and attribution of the universal in the typographic practice of modernism and postmodernism has been chronologically examined, with additional<br />introspective analysis of historical thinking and practices, circumstances and reflection in order to find answers to questions synthesized in the title of thesis. Based on the presented opposed opinions, and questions that have not<br />been completely answered, in the second part, this thesis focuses on research question and hypothesis which have been empirically tested. Based on the results of the research the answers to the research questions have been provided, and the alternative hypotheses have been confirmed.</p>

En typsnittsdesigners arbetsprocess / A type designer’s work process

Nilsson, Beatrice January 2018 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker, med hjälp av mailintervjuer, hur professionella typsnittsdesigners arbetsprocess ser ut. Detta skedde genom att svaren från respondenterna granskades, baserat på detta kunde likheter och gemensamma teman sökas. I slutändan så framträder en grov modell över hur deras arbetsprocess ser ut. Den blev generell då typsnittsdesignerna arbetar på aningen olika sätt även om det går att hitta en del likheter. När de kommer till yrket i sig så ser deltagarna ljust på framtiden, både med den tekniska utvecklingen och att det inte ser något slut för att fler typsnitt kommer skapas, då som i alla andra yrken där skapande står i fokus så finns det behov för både kontemporära tolkningar men också uppdaterande av de gamla typsnitten. / This study was constructed by using email interviews, it investigates the profession of the type designers. This was done by analyzing the answers from the interviews and searching for similarities and common themes. In the end a rough model of their work process was constructed, it became a bit general, since all type designs work a bit different, although there are some similarities. When it comes to the profession itself the participants sees a bright future, for both the technical development and that they see no end for more fonts to be created, as in all other professions where creation is in focus, there is a need for both contemporary interpretations but also updating the old fonts.

Företagets kärnvärden i en grafisk profil : Utformandetav en grafisk profil till ett e-handelsföretag med afrikansk inriktning / The company’s core values in avisual identity : Designing a visual identity for an e-commercecompany with African focus

Sumbu, Sonata January 2016 (has links)
Sanke är ett nystartat företag som genom sin hemsida ska sälja produkter som producerats i norra och västra Afrika. Konkurrensen mellan olika företag skapar oändliga valmöjligheter för kunden vilket blir ett problem för de företag som vill nå ut i mediebruset. Därför var målet med examensarbetet är att ge Sanke ett enhetligt grafiskt utseende för att öka medvetenheten och igenkännandet av företaget och dess varumärke. Detta har genomförts genom att utforma en grafisk profil som återspeglar företagets kärnvärden. Genom en intervju med Sanke fastställdes företagets kärnvärden. Dessa användes sedan för att skapa nio olika förslag på grafiska profiler som målgruppen genom en webbenkät gett återkoppling på. Resultatet av målgruppens återkoppling blev Sankes grafiska profil. Den grafiska profilen omfattades av en logotyp, profilfärger och hustypsnitt samt riktlinjer för hanterande av elementen och deras samspel. Slutsatsen blev att det faktum att kärnvärden och färgkonnotationer kan ha olika betydelse för olika individer kan ha försvårat bedömningen av förslagen, men att målgruppen till en vis del visat en gemensam uppfattning. / Sanke is a new company which, through its website will sell products produced in northern and western Africa. Competition between companies createsendless choices for customers, which becomes a problem for the companies that want to reach their customers through the media noise. Therefore, the goal of this project was to provide Sanke a consistent graphical look to increase awareness and recognition of the company and its brand. This was done by designing a visual identity that reflects the company's core values. The company's core values wereestablished through an interview with Sanke. The core values were then used to create nine different proposals for visual identities that the target group through a web survey provided feedback on. The result of the target group’s feedback became Sanke’s visual identity. The visual identity contained a logotype, colours and typefaces as well as guidelines for handling the elements and their interactions. It was concluded that the fact that the core values and colour connotations may have different meanings for different individuals may have complicated the assessment of the proposals. But the target group had in a sense, a common understanding.

Http://www.100types.com: developing a computer-mediated model for the teaching of type design history

Archer, Ben Unknown Date (has links)
This project's purpose is to relocate traditional paper-based library content about typographic history to a website, curated as a digital museum. The project process is defined as three distinct parts: 1. Scholarship and research. 2. Model-building and website creation. 3. Deployment, testing and evaluation. To support this, the project included the following sub stages: An informal needs analysis generated by reflection on practice. A survey of contemporary typeface classification systems, type education literature and online resources for typographic study. The building of animated and three-dimensional prototype models. The creation of a database of 100 historically significant typeface designs. The sourcing of samples, references, images and the gathering of reproduction permissions from designers, institutions and foundries whose work features in the database. The writing, editing, design and launch of the website at http://www.100types.com Peer feedback and review. An evaluation study of the website with students at AUT University in Auckland, New Zealand. A series of revisions to the website structure and presentation. The writing up of the research process and findings. I chose this topic as the direct result of my experiences teaching typography at AUT University and other tertiary institutions. The need for graphic design students to demonstrate competencies in typography (as a sub-discipline of graphic design) has always been present, but has been fore grounded over the last two decades; however, a recent PhD thesis on the subject has argued that traditional delivery of print-based typographic knowledge no longer serves undergraduate requirements for today's divergent screen-based media (Yee, 2006, p.11). This has been accompanied by a significant rise in the number of available typefaces (Cahalan, 2004, p.62). Unfortunately the means with which to study them has not kept pace with these developments (Dixon, 2002, p.4).Changes occurring within the type manufacturing industry and the wider field of creative industries during the last two decades have made the historical, background context of typography harder to comprehend from an undergraduate point of view. Students complain that they are under-resourced for information (in their preferred research medium) about the typefaces they must demonstrate care and deliberation in choosing. From experience gained in observing an online-learning pilot scheme in 2005, I elected to develop an online reference resource designed for self-directed research of typographic history as a complement to the existing tuition of typographic applications face-to-face in the classroom. While the project offers a useful example of how practice-led research can augment a teaching situation, and is concerned with the promotion of student-centred and self-directed learning at AUT University, this is not its only objective as a public-access location on the internet. In keeping with the rising philosophy of open content for web-based education resources, a conscious decision was made at the project's inception to host and present the website independently of AUT University and its online learning environment.

LARCHITYPE: Design guidelines and concept for a landscape architecture typeface

Clarke, James Daniel 07 May 2013 (has links)
Typefaces contain explicit and implicit character in their appearance. They are valuable to the designer to convey an appropriate rhetorical voice. Typefaces can be powerful expressions for the persona of user groups and their specialized information. This interpretive exploratory study looked at design as research. Textual data was collected from several sources that revealed typeface trends. As a precedent, Helvetica and Times used on National Park plans forecasted Parks Canada’s preference for Helvetica Neue as the current display font family. The second case study revealed several recurrent typefaces used for titles and headings on Canadian Society of Landscape Architects’ professional journals. Lastly, survey data about landscape architects’ current typeface preferences showed a trend for certain styles and persistent connotations. The personality and physical characteristics of these preferences were synthesized into design guidelines and a typeface concept. This representative landscape architecture typeface is intended to promote professional salience and unity. / The continuity of this thesis will generate a digital design resulting in the release of a typeface taking approximately two years. The author will engage with professionals within landscape architecture and typography to ensure that the typeface development and assessment is holistic and fulfills the recommendations outlined by the key informant and popular literature. / Landscape Architecture Alumni Award

Tipografinis projektas ,,Aerofont“ / Typographic project ,,Aerofont“

Cicėnas, Rokas 05 August 2013 (has links)
Tipografika ir muzika: sujungus šias dvi sritis gimė tipografinis projektas „Aerofont”. „Aerofont” - tai erdvinės muzikinės raidės, kurias galima perskaityti, išgirsti ir jomis pagroti. Erdvinių muzikos raidžių funkcionalumas imituoja „aerofonų” (pučiamųjų) instrumentų šeimos sintezatoriaus veikimo principą, nes jomis galima perduoti intertekstinio pobūdžio žinutes. Šiomis raidėmis yra siekiama perteikti estetinę muzikos žinutę be paties autoriaus/atlikėjo, kitaip tariant, kiekvienas, naudodamasis „Aerofont” raidėmis, tampa atlikėju, nes tiek raidžių naudojimas, tiek ir garso skleidimas sukuria sąryšį tarp subjekto ir objekto arba leidžia perteikti ir sintezuoti estetinius bei kultūrinius potyrius. / Typography and music: by connecting these two fields, a typographic project „Aerofont” was born. „Aerofont” is a set of spatial musical letters, which one can read, hear and play. The function of these spatial letters imitates the principles of a synthesizer from an aerofone (wind) instrument family, because it is possible to send out inter-textual messages by using them. The purpose of the letters is to convey the aesthetical message of music without the author/performer. In other words, everyone becomes a musician using the „Aerofont” letters, because the usage of letters and broadcast of sound creates cohesion between the subject and the object and allows the aesthetical and cultural experience to be conveyed and synthesized.

Http://www.100types.com: developing a computer-mediated model for the teaching of type design history

Archer, Ben Unknown Date (has links)
This project's purpose is to relocate traditional paper-based library content about typographic history to a website, curated as a digital museum. The project process is defined as three distinct parts: 1. Scholarship and research. 2. Model-building and website creation. 3. Deployment, testing and evaluation. To support this, the project included the following sub stages: An informal needs analysis generated by reflection on practice. A survey of contemporary typeface classification systems, type education literature and online resources for typographic study. The building of animated and three-dimensional prototype models. The creation of a database of 100 historically significant typeface designs. The sourcing of samples, references, images and the gathering of reproduction permissions from designers, institutions and foundries whose work features in the database. The writing, editing, design and launch of the website at http://www.100types.com Peer feedback and review. An evaluation study of the website with students at AUT University in Auckland, New Zealand. A series of revisions to the website structure and presentation. The writing up of the research process and findings. I chose this topic as the direct result of my experiences teaching typography at AUT University and other tertiary institutions. The need for graphic design students to demonstrate competencies in typography (as a sub-discipline of graphic design) has always been present, but has been fore grounded over the last two decades; however, a recent PhD thesis on the subject has argued that traditional delivery of print-based typographic knowledge no longer serves undergraduate requirements for today's divergent screen-based media (Yee, 2006, p.11). This has been accompanied by a significant rise in the number of available typefaces (Cahalan, 2004, p.62). Unfortunately the means with which to study them has not kept pace with these developments (Dixon, 2002, p.4).Changes occurring within the type manufacturing industry and the wider field of creative industries during the last two decades have made the historical, background context of typography harder to comprehend from an undergraduate point of view. Students complain that they are under-resourced for information (in their preferred research medium) about the typefaces they must demonstrate care and deliberation in choosing. From experience gained in observing an online-learning pilot scheme in 2005, I elected to develop an online reference resource designed for self-directed research of typographic history as a complement to the existing tuition of typographic applications face-to-face in the classroom. While the project offers a useful example of how practice-led research can augment a teaching situation, and is concerned with the promotion of student-centred and self-directed learning at AUT University, this is not its only objective as a public-access location on the internet. In keeping with the rising philosophy of open content for web-based education resources, a conscious decision was made at the project's inception to host and present the website independently of AUT University and its online learning environment.

Tipografia para crianças: um estudo de legibilidade. / Typography for children: a legibility research

Letícia Gouvêa Rumjanek 18 May 2009 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A realização de testes para se avaliar a influência de parâmetros tipográficos diversos sobre o desempenho de leitura tornou-se intensa a partir de meados do século XX. Entre estes estudos, poucos foram realizados com crianças em processo de alfabetização sendo que a maior parte não obteve resultados significativos. Apesar disso, professores das séries escolares iniciais acreditam que o desenho tipográfico pode facilitar ou dificultar o reconhecimento de um texto, considerando o público infantil. Tendo como referência estudos realizados com crianças, um método foi selecionado e adaptado para a pesquisa, cujo objetivo principal foi investigar a influência de diferentes desenhos de letras sobre o desempenho da leitura realizada por crianças em processo de alfabetização. Em uma fase inicial, foram realizadas entrevistas exploratórias com professoras e profissionais envolvidos com alfabetização. Além de levantar dados acerca do ensino da leitura e escrita com foco nos diferentes desenhos de letras, os resultados desta fase subsidiaram a seleção de parâmetros para o teste de desempenho de leitura com crianças. Foi elaborado também um teste de opinião e preferência com as crianças participantes, que visou a entender seus julgamentos sobre diferentes desenhos tipográficos. Participaram da pesquisa 147 alunos de três escolas públicas da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, duas municipais e uma federal. O método utilizado na pesquisa consiste na apresentação de sequências ilógicas de palavras. As sequências de palavras, construídas tendo em vista o repertório verbal do público em questão, foram avaliadas em um pré-teste de leitura realizado com 15 crianças. As sequências foram compostas com quatro desenhos de letras distintos, um desenho com serifa, um sem serifa, um geometrizado e um projetado especificamente para crianças. Além desses desenhos, foi apresentado um texto composto apenas com letras maiúsculas. Os critérios de avaliação das leituras foram tempo de leitura, número total de erros e de tipos específicos de erros. Os resultados do teste de opinião e preferência não apontam uma relação entre o gosto por determinado desenho tipográfico e maior ou menor facilidade de leitura. Os resultados considerando tempo e número total de erros não apresentaram diferenças significativas. Entretanto, dois tipos de erros, trocas entre as letras a e o e trocas entre as letras do grupo b, d, p, q e g, apresentaram diferenças significativas, considerando a leitura realizada a partir dos textos compostos com diferentes desenhos de letras. As letras a e o foram trocadas mais vezes nos desenhos que utilizam a forma cursiva do a. E as letras b, d, p, q e g foram trocadas com maior frequência nos desenhos mais geometrizados, e apresentam menos detalhes ou acabamentos, como as serifas. O menor número de substituições ocorridas durante a leitura dos textos compostos com desenhos que apresentam maior diferenciação entre caracteres, independentemente destes estarem de acordo com aqueles praticados na escrita, sugere a existência de necessidades diferentes ao longo do aprendizado dos dois sistemas, leitura e escrita. / The number of articles describing tests to evaluate the influence of various typographical parameters on reading performance increased intensely from middle XX century. Among these studies, few were carried out with children learning to write and read, and the majority of them did not afford significative results. However, childrens teachers of the initial years believe that typographical design may make it difficult or facilitate reading a text. Employing studies with children as references, a method was selected and adapted for the research, whose main objective was to investigate the influence of different typeface designs on the reading performance of children learning to write and read. In an initial stage, exploratory interviews were carried out with teachers and professionals involved in that process. Besides obtaining data on teaching how to write and read focusing on different typeface designs, the results from this survey helped in selecting the parameters for the reading performance test with children. Furthermore, a test of opinion and preferences was elaborated with the participant children, in order to understand their judgments concerning the different typeface designs. One hundred and forty seven students took part in this research, from two city schools and a federal school, all of them in Rio de Janeiro. The method employed consists of presenting illogical sequences of words to children. These sequences were built having in mind the verbal repertoire of the participants and were previously evaluated with 15 children. The sequences were made up with four different typeface designs, one with and one without serif, one geometrized and one specially designed for children. Besides these designs, a text was also presented to the children, which was composed only in capital letters. The evaluation criteria were reading time, total number of mistakes and number of specific mistakes. The results from the opinion tests do not indicate a correlation between liking a particular typeface design and ease in reading. The results from reading time and number of mistakes are not significantly different. However, two types of mistakes, misreading as and os and misreading letters in the group b, d, p, q and g, afforded significant differences, with texts composed in different typeface designs. The letters a and o were misread more frequently with designs which use the cursive a. Also, the letters b, d, p, q and g were misread more frequently with more geometric designs, which possess less details and finishings, such as serifs. The fewer number of misreadings with texts composed in designs that present more differentiation of letters, independently of the fact that these are the ones used in writing, suggests the existence of different needs along the learning of these two processes, writing and reading.

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