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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pharmacogénétique et pharmacogénomique des inhibiteurs de tyrosine kinases : exemple de la leucémie myéloide chronique / Pharmacogenetic and pharmacogenomic of tyrosine kinase inhibitors : exemple of chronic myeloid leukemia

Dulucq, Stéphanie 20 December 2012 (has links)
Les inhibiteurs de tyrosine kinases (ITKs) sont une nouvelle classe thérapeutique ayant connu un grand essor ces dix dernières années. Inhibiteurs compétitifs de l’adénosine triphosphate (ATP), ils sont utilisés dans le traitement de nombreux cancers dans lesquels une dérégulation de tyrosine kinases a été mise en évidence. Malgré une efficacité prouvée, des cas de résistance sont rapportés, en particulier avec l’exemple de la leucémie myéloïde chronique (LMC) et le traitement par ITK. Cette variabilité inter-individuelle peut être due à des mécanismes de résistance propre de la cellule tumorale ou à des variations dans les paramètres pharmacocinétiques de la molécule. De nombreuses études ont analysé l’impact de polymorphismes (SNPs) dans des gènes codants pour les déterminants pharmacocinétiques et pharmacodynamiques des ITKs. Nous avons analysé l’impact de SNPs sur l’obtention de la réponse moléculaire majeure à 1 an dans 2 cohortes de patients atteints de LMC et traités par imatinib. C1236T, G2677T/A et C3435T, 3 SNPs du gène MDR-1 codant pour la glycoprotéine P et les SNPs de la région codante du gène SLC22A1 à l’origine du transporteur d’influx hOCT1. L’impact bénéfique de l’allèle 1236T ou haplotype *4 et l’impact péjoratif de l’allèle 2677G ou haplotype *1, retrouvés dans la 1ère cohorte n’ont pas été retrouvés dans la 2ième cohorte suggérant un impact mineur voire nul de ces derniers sur la réponse à l’imatinib. L’impact des SNPs de SLC22A1 observés dans la 2ième cohorte nécessite d’être confirmé. Des travaux supplémentaires à plus grande échelle, selon des critères nécessitant d’être harmonisés, sont nécessaires avant d’espérer pouvoir aboutir à une «médecine personnalisée» pour l’imatinib mais également de façon générale pour l’ensemble des ITKs. / Tyrosine kinases inhibitors (TKIs) are a new class of drugs having bloomed over the past decade. As competitive inhibitors of the adenosine triphosphate, they are used in the treatment of many cancers in which deregulation of tyrosine kinases has been demonstrated. In spite of dramatic efficacy, cases of resistance have been reported particularly with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) and TKI treatment. This inter-individual variability may be due to mechanisms of intrinsic resistance of tumor cells or changes in the pharmacokinetic parameters of the molecule. Numerous studies have analyzed the impact of polymorphisms (SNPs) in genes coding for pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic determinants. We analyzed the impact of SNPs on major molecular response at 1 year in 2 cohorts of patients with CML treated with imatinib. C1236T, G2677T/A, C3435T, three SNPs in the MDR-1 gene encoding P-glycoprotein and SNPs in the coding region of the SLC22A1 gene encoding hOCT1. The protective impact of the 1236T allele or haplotype*4 and the pejorative impact of the 2677G allele or haplotype*1, found in the 1st cohort, were not replicated in the 2nd cohort, suggesting minor or no impact on the response to imatinib. The impact of SLC22A1 SNPs observed in the 2nd cohort needs to be confirmed. Further works on a larger cohort, according to criteria that need to be harmonized, are necessary before we reach a “personalized medicine” for imatinib but also for all TKIs

Innovations thérapeutiques non vasodilatatrices dans l'hypertension artérielle pulmonaire / Non vasodilator therapeutic innovations in pulmonary arterial hypertension

Chaumais, Marie-Camille 13 June 2012 (has links)
L’hypertension artérielle pulmonaire (HTAP) correspond à un groupe de maladies qui se caractérise par une obstruction vasculaire suite à une vasoconstriction excessive, une prolifération cellulaire et la création de thromboses in situ, conduisant à une augmentation progressive des résistances vasculaires pulmonaires puis au décès. De nombreuses avancées dans la prise en charge de l’HTAP ont été réalisées ces dernières années avec la mise à disposition de médicaments principalement vasodilatateurs. Cependant, aucun de ces médicaments n’est curatif de la maladie témoignant de la nécessité à obtenir de nouvelles thérapeutiques. Des molécules axant leur effet sur la lutte contre la prolifération cellulaire liée à l’activation des récepteurs à tyrosine-kinases (RTK) ou le stress oxydant (SO) paraissent aujourd’hui comme de potentielles innovations thérapeutiques dans l’HTAP. Cependant, à l’heure actuelle, les données sur le SO dans l’HTAP sont trop peu détaillées pour cibler correctement cette voie physiopathologique. De même, les inhibiteurs de tyrosine-kinases ont montré un bénéfice dans la prise en charge de l’HTAP mais associé à des effets indésirables graves tels qu’une toxicité cardiaque. Dans ce travail, nous avons approfondi le mécanisme d’action du SO dans la physiopathologie de l’HTAP et complété l’identification des RTK dans le remodelage vasculaire pulmonaire afin de permettre la mise au point de thérapeutiques efficaces avec un rapport bénéfice risque favorable pour le patient. / Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) corresponds to a group of diseases characterized by a vascular obstruction due to vasoconstriction, cellular proliferation and in situ thrombosis, leading to a progressive increase in pulmonary vascular resistances. New knowledge in the PAH management were performed in the last few years, specifically for vasodilators. However, none of those treatments cure the disease and new drugs are still needed. Molecules targeting cellular proliferation induced by tyrosine kinases receptors (TKR) activation or oxidative stress (OS) seem to be potential therapeutic innovations. However, knowledge on OS in PAH is not enough accomplished in PAH to target accurately this pathophysiologic pathway. Similarly, tyrosine kinase inhibitors have shown efficacy in PAH management but associated with severe adverse events as cardiac toxicity. In this study, mechanism of action of OS in pathophysiology of PAH was detailed and identification of TKR involved in vascular remodeling was completed in order to find efficient therapeutics with a favorable risk benefit ratio for PAH patient.

Déterminants pharmacologiques de l’efficacité des inhibiteurs de tyrosine kinases / Pharmacological determinants of the effectiveness of tyrosine kinases inhibitors

Bouchet, Stéphane 16 December 2011 (has links)
Durant la dernière décennie, les inhibiteurs de tyrosine kinases (ITK) ont radicalement changé l’évolution de certains cancers comme la leucémie myéloïde chronique (LMC) ou les tumeurs stromales gastro-intestinales (GIST). Ils sont aujourd’hui largement utilisés dans le traitement de diverses pathologies malignes, permettant un allongement de la survie globale. Cependant, certains patients ne montrent pas d’amélioration au cours du traitement par ITK. Les mécanismes évoqués sont multifactoriels et possèdent une origine pharmacocinétique, pharmacodynamique ou pharmacogénétique. En effet, l’une des causes majeures de variabilité commune à tous ces ITK réside dans un métabolisme impliquant le cytochrome 3A4, dont l’expression est soumise à de nombreux facteurs. L’objectif de cette thèse a été d’approfondir ces mécanismes et d’évaluer certaines stratégies afin d’augmenter l’efficacité de ces médicaments. Ce travail a consisté en premier lieu à développer une méthode chromatographique sensible et rapide permettant le dosage de neufs ITK commercialisés ou en phase avancée de développement. Cet outil, à la base du suivi thérapeutique pharmacologique, a été utilisé dans le cadre de la LMC pour mesurer les concentrations plasmatiques d’imatinib de plus de 3000 patients. Les informations cliniques de ces patients ont été saisies dans une base de données servant de support à l’évaluation de la réponse en fonction de la concentration. Nous avons ainsi confirmé que les patients présentant des concentrations supérieures au seuil d’efficacité de 1000 ng/mL avaient une plus grande probabilité de réponse. Dans la continuité de ce projet, nous avons évalué la relation concentration-efficacité de l’imatinib dans les GIST et trouvé un seuil d’efficacité voisin de 800 ng/mL. Tous les facteurs de variabilités ne sont cependant pas maitrisables avec un dosage plasmatique. La littérature rapporte en effet que certains ITK sont des substrats de transporteurs cellulaires potentiellement impliqués dans la résistance au traitement. Nous avons donc entrepris de doser ces ITK à l’intérieur même des cellules, d’abord in vitro afin d’évaluer ces mécanismes de transport, puis in vivo dans les cellules de patients traités par ces ITK. Un lien a ainsi été montré entre la capacité d’incorporation des molécules et la réponse au traitement. Enfin, le versant pharmacogénétique de l’un de ces transporteurs (MDR1) a été étudié, indiquant une relation entre certains haplotypes ou polymorphismes et la concentration plasmatique d’une part et la réponse à l’imatinib d’autre part. En conclusion, ces différentes stratégies basées sur le dosage plasmatique ou intracellulaire et sur la pharmacogénétique semblent apporter des éléments permettant l’amélioration de la réponse au ITK ou la détection précoce de mauvaise réponse. / During the last decade, tyrosine kinases inhibitors (TKI) have dramatically changed the prognosis of several cancers such as chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) or gastro-intestinal stromal tumours (GIST). They are widely used in the treatment of various malignant pathologies, leading to a prolonged overall survival. However, some patients do not show improvement when treated with TKI. The supposed mechanisms are multifactorial and could have an origin in pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics or pharmacogenomics. Indeed, one of the major reasons of common variability of these TKI involves their metabolism by cytochrome 3A4, whose expression is subjected to many factors. The aim of this thesis was to deepen these mechanisms and to assess some strategies to increase the efficacy of these drugs. This work consisted first in developing a rapid and sensitive chromatographic method allowing determination of nine commercialised (or in advanced clinical development) TKI. Serving as a basis for therapeutic drug monitoring, this was used as part of CML management to measure imatinib plasmatic concentration of more than 3000 patients. The clinical information of these patients was recorded in a database and used as support for the evaluation of the response according to concentration. Thus, we confirmed that patients having concentration higher than the effectiveness threshold of 1000 ng/mL got higher probability of response. In the same way, we assessed relationship between imatinib concentration and efficacy in GIST and found an effectiveness threshold closed to 800 ng/mL. However, several factors of variability remain unmanageable with only plasmatic determination. Indeed, literature reported that some TKI were substrates of cellular transporters, potentially involved in the resistance to treatment. We therefore decided to determine concentration of these TKI into the cells, first in vitro to assess these mechanisms of transport, and then in vivo into the cells of patients treated by these TKI. A link was shown between the incorporation ability of molecules and the response to the treatment. Finally, a pharmacogenetic approach showed a relationship between some haplotypes or polymorphisms of a transporter (MDR1) and plasmatic concentration on one hand, and response to the imatinib on the other hand. In conclusion, these different strategies based on plasmatic or intracellular determination of TKI and on pharmacogenomics contribute to improvement of the response to TKI or early detection of non-response.

Monitoramento terapêutico de mesilato de imatinibe: relação entre níveis séricos e alcance de resposta molecular maior na leucemia mielóide crônica / Therapeutic drug monitoring of imatinib mesylate: relationship between serum levels and the molecular outcome (as determined by major molecular response) in chronic myeloid leukemia

Rezende, Vinicius Marcondes 26 March 2018 (has links)
Dentre os vários tipos de leucemia, destaca-se a Leucemia Mielóide Crônica (LMC), um distúrbio mieloproliferativo em que ocorre a translocação entre o gene BCR no cromossomo 22 e o gene ABL1 no cromossomo 9. Essa translocação cria um cromossomo conhecido como Philadelphia (t 9,22)(q34;q11), ou Ph+, e a consequente formação de um produto único de proteínas BCR-ABL1. Essa proteína tem atividade de quinase constitutiva e impulsiona a proliferação descontrolada de células tronco hematopoiéticas. O surgimento de uma nova classe farmacológica no início dos anos 2000 - os inibidores de tirosina quinases, revolucionou o tratamento e o prognóstico da LMC, permitindo que esse câncer fosse tratado praticamente como uma doença crônica, com farmacoterapia oral. A droga de estréia dessa classe, o Mesilato de Imatinib, foi desenvolvida através de modelagem molecular para ser alvo-específica, mas apesar do desenvolvimento exitoso, após o início da comercialização, foram observadas falhas na ação em determinados pacientes. Há evidências de que a avaliação da relação entre a dose de imatinibe (e seus níveis sanguíneos) e a eficácia do tratamento medida através das respostas Hematológica, Citogenética e Molecular, seja uma forma de realizar o ajuste da dose reduzindo efeitos colaterais e custo do tratamento. No presente estudo foram avaliadas as concentrações séricas de imatinib, Cmin e Cmax, em 51 pacientes com Leucemia Mielóide Crônica, dos quais 33 atingiram Resposta Molecular Maior em até 12 meses de tratamento, 11 levaram mais que 12 meses para antingir, e 7 não atingiram. As concentrações séricas obtidas desses pacientes indicaram que no grupo que atingiu RMM em até 12 meses, os valores de vale (Cmin) se apresentaram com mediana de 889.2 ng/mL (721.9 e 1202.4 para primeiro e terceiro quartis respectivamente), sendo que o grupo que levou mais de 12 meses para atingir RMM, a concentração mediana observada foi de 611.0 ng/mL (493.0 e 816.0 para primeiro e terceiro quartis respectivamente), sendo essa diferença estatisticamente significativa (p < 0.05). Dessa forma demonstrou-se a importância do monitoramento das concentrações séricas de imatinib para o ajuste da dose e para a gestão do tratamento na mudança para segunda geração de inibidores de tirosina quinase. Através da análise comparativa dos dados populacionais estudados, observou-se não haver correlação significativa entre as concentrações séricas e índice de massa corpórea (IMC), peso, idade ou sexo / Among the various types of leukemia, Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) stands out as a myeloproliferative disorder in which translocation occurs between the BCR gene on chromosome 22 and the ABL1 gene on chromosome 9. This translocation creates a chromosome known as Philadelphia (t 9,22) (q34; q11), or Ph +, and the consequent formation of a unique BCR-ABL1 protein product. This protein has constitutive kinase activity and drives the uncontrolled proliferation of hematopoietic stem cells. The launch of a new pharmacological class in the early 2000s - the tyrosine kinases inhibitors, revolutionized the treatment and prognosis of CML, allowing that cancer to be treated virtually as a chronic disease with oral pharmacotherapy. The newbie drug of this class, Imatinib Mesylate, was developed through molecular modeling to be target-specific, but despite the successful development, after the beginning of marketing, certain patients presented some failures in the response. There is an evidence that an assessment of the relationship between a dose of Imatinib (and its blood levels) and the efficacy of treatment from its Hematologic, Cytogenetic and Molecular Responses, is a really effective way to perform dose adjustment reducing side effects and cost of treatment. In the present study, the serum concentrations of Imatinib, Cmin and Cmax were evaluated in 51 patients with chronic myeloid leukemia, of which 33 reached major molecular response in up to 12 months of treatment, 10 took more than 12 months to achieve it, and 7 did not reach that. The serum concentrations obtained from those patients indicated that in the group that reached Major Molecular Response (MMR) within 12 months, the trough level (Cmin) presented a median of 889.2 ng / mL (721.9 and 1202.4 for first and third quartiles, respectively), and the group which took more than 12 months to reach MMR, the median concentration observed was 611.0 ng / mL (493.0 and 816.0 for the first and third quartiles respectively), and this difference was statistically significant (p < 0.05). Thus, the importance of monitoring serum imatinib concentrations for dose adjustment and treatment management in switching to second-generation tyrosine kinase inhibitors has been demonstrated. Through the comparative analysis of the population data, there was no significant correlation between serum concentrations and body mass index (BMI), weight, age or gender

Monitoramento terapêutico de mesilato de imatinibe: relação entre níveis séricos e alcance de resposta molecular maior na leucemia mielóide crônica / Therapeutic drug monitoring of imatinib mesylate: relationship between serum levels and the molecular outcome (as determined by major molecular response) in chronic myeloid leukemia

Vinicius Marcondes Rezende 26 March 2018 (has links)
Dentre os vários tipos de leucemia, destaca-se a Leucemia Mielóide Crônica (LMC), um distúrbio mieloproliferativo em que ocorre a translocação entre o gene BCR no cromossomo 22 e o gene ABL1 no cromossomo 9. Essa translocação cria um cromossomo conhecido como Philadelphia (t 9,22)(q34;q11), ou Ph+, e a consequente formação de um produto único de proteínas BCR-ABL1. Essa proteína tem atividade de quinase constitutiva e impulsiona a proliferação descontrolada de células tronco hematopoiéticas. O surgimento de uma nova classe farmacológica no início dos anos 2000 - os inibidores de tirosina quinases, revolucionou o tratamento e o prognóstico da LMC, permitindo que esse câncer fosse tratado praticamente como uma doença crônica, com farmacoterapia oral. A droga de estréia dessa classe, o Mesilato de Imatinib, foi desenvolvida através de modelagem molecular para ser alvo-específica, mas apesar do desenvolvimento exitoso, após o início da comercialização, foram observadas falhas na ação em determinados pacientes. Há evidências de que a avaliação da relação entre a dose de imatinibe (e seus níveis sanguíneos) e a eficácia do tratamento medida através das respostas Hematológica, Citogenética e Molecular, seja uma forma de realizar o ajuste da dose reduzindo efeitos colaterais e custo do tratamento. No presente estudo foram avaliadas as concentrações séricas de imatinib, Cmin e Cmax, em 51 pacientes com Leucemia Mielóide Crônica, dos quais 33 atingiram Resposta Molecular Maior em até 12 meses de tratamento, 11 levaram mais que 12 meses para antingir, e 7 não atingiram. As concentrações séricas obtidas desses pacientes indicaram que no grupo que atingiu RMM em até 12 meses, os valores de vale (Cmin) se apresentaram com mediana de 889.2 ng/mL (721.9 e 1202.4 para primeiro e terceiro quartis respectivamente), sendo que o grupo que levou mais de 12 meses para atingir RMM, a concentração mediana observada foi de 611.0 ng/mL (493.0 e 816.0 para primeiro e terceiro quartis respectivamente), sendo essa diferença estatisticamente significativa (p < 0.05). Dessa forma demonstrou-se a importância do monitoramento das concentrações séricas de imatinib para o ajuste da dose e para a gestão do tratamento na mudança para segunda geração de inibidores de tirosina quinase. Através da análise comparativa dos dados populacionais estudados, observou-se não haver correlação significativa entre as concentrações séricas e índice de massa corpórea (IMC), peso, idade ou sexo / Among the various types of leukemia, Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) stands out as a myeloproliferative disorder in which translocation occurs between the BCR gene on chromosome 22 and the ABL1 gene on chromosome 9. This translocation creates a chromosome known as Philadelphia (t 9,22) (q34; q11), or Ph +, and the consequent formation of a unique BCR-ABL1 protein product. This protein has constitutive kinase activity and drives the uncontrolled proliferation of hematopoietic stem cells. The launch of a new pharmacological class in the early 2000s - the tyrosine kinases inhibitors, revolutionized the treatment and prognosis of CML, allowing that cancer to be treated virtually as a chronic disease with oral pharmacotherapy. The newbie drug of this class, Imatinib Mesylate, was developed through molecular modeling to be target-specific, but despite the successful development, after the beginning of marketing, certain patients presented some failures in the response. There is an evidence that an assessment of the relationship between a dose of Imatinib (and its blood levels) and the efficacy of treatment from its Hematologic, Cytogenetic and Molecular Responses, is a really effective way to perform dose adjustment reducing side effects and cost of treatment. In the present study, the serum concentrations of Imatinib, Cmin and Cmax were evaluated in 51 patients with chronic myeloid leukemia, of which 33 reached major molecular response in up to 12 months of treatment, 10 took more than 12 months to achieve it, and 7 did not reach that. The serum concentrations obtained from those patients indicated that in the group that reached Major Molecular Response (MMR) within 12 months, the trough level (Cmin) presented a median of 889.2 ng / mL (721.9 and 1202.4 for first and third quartiles, respectively), and the group which took more than 12 months to reach MMR, the median concentration observed was 611.0 ng / mL (493.0 and 816.0 for the first and third quartiles respectively), and this difference was statistically significant (p < 0.05). Thus, the importance of monitoring serum imatinib concentrations for dose adjustment and treatment management in switching to second-generation tyrosine kinase inhibitors has been demonstrated. Through the comparative analysis of the population data, there was no significant correlation between serum concentrations and body mass index (BMI), weight, age or gender

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