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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Geração de código estrutural implantável em nuvens a partir de modelos de componentes independentes de plataforma

OLIVEIRA, Thiago Araújo Silva de 31 January 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-12T16:01:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 arquivo7566_1.pdf: 2847690 bytes, checksum: 1d3626862b82aca95ac1d01b74011871 (MD5) license.txt: 1748 bytes, checksum: 8a4605be74aa9ea9d79846c1fba20a33 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) visa melhorar a produtividade e qualidade de software, deslocando recursos que na maioria dos projetos são gastos em questões específicas da plataforma de programação para direcionar esforços somente as questões de negocio, independentes de plataforma. No âmbito de um projeto com objetivo de implementação em uma unica plataforma, o retorno do investimento em modelos é claro somente se grande parte do codigo for gerado automaticamente a partir de modelos independentes de plataforma (PIM). No entanto, esse serviço ainda e um desafifio, uma meta a ser atingida. Esta dissertação de mestrado contribui para o projeto WAKAME e mostra que esse objetivo e alcançável. O projeto concentra esforcos na construção de uma ferramenta CASE MDE disponvel como uma aplicação WEB. Com o WAKAME, o desenvolvedor pode especifificar o PIM da aplicação editando visões na ferramenta. As visões estruturais usam diagramas de classes UML, enquanto as operacionais utilizam expressões em OCL Imperativa. Essas visões são unificadas dentro de um modelo unificado (SUM), alvo das transformações. O WAKAME almeja que ao se concluir especificação do PIM, o usuario possa automaticamente realizar a geração de codigo e a implantação da aplicação no servico de nuvem da Google. Dentro desse objetivo, essa dissertação contribui na geração de codigo estrutural e nas tarefas de infraestrutura da aplicação. Metodologicamente, este trabalho tambem contribui com uma inovadora arquitetura com duas fases de geração de codigo: 1) criação de uma nova representação do modelo atraves de um framework de transformação independente de plataforma; 2) realizar a transformação da representação em objetos para codigo atraves de um motor de templates. A nova representação oferece uma arquitetura extensivel para outras plataformas

An Abstract Meta-model for Model Driven Development of Web Applications Targeting Multiple Platforms

Fatolahi, Ali January 2012 (has links)
In this thesis, we present an abstract meta-model for model driven development of web applications targeting multiple platforms. We review the existing technologies and the related work in order to obtain a list of requirements for such an abstract model. The abstract model is built by extending an existing UML-based model for web applications. We demonstrate that it is possible to map this abstract model to more than one specific development platform by providing transformations for these mappings. We also lay out the general outline of a model-driven process based on the proposed abstract model. The abstract model and the model-driven process are supported by a set of tools, case studies and a visual modeling notation. Model-driven techniques have been used in the area of web development to a great extent. Most of the existing approaches are tuned toward specific platforms or develop only certain parts of web applications. These approaches generally use meta-models adapted to their targeted platforms. In order to flexibly target multiple platforms, the level of abstraction of the meta-model must be raised. Such a meta-model must allow the description of relevant features of web applications independently from the specificities of specific platforms. Additionally, transformations mapping from abstract to specific web descriptions must be expressible in a flexible way. In this thesis, we propose such an abstract meta-model. Mappings that transform abstract models to specific platforms are also presented. Different benefits can be foreseen from this approach. By relieving developers from low-level platform-specific related design, the approach has the potential to shift the development task to issues related to business needs. Another benefit is shortened development time. This could help web developers to overcome the problem of schedule delays, which is recognized as one of the top five most-cited problems with large-scale web systems. The approach is specifically suitable for information-intensive web-based systems. These applications typically involve large data stores accessed through a web interface. A distinctive aspect of this approach is its use of a specification of the data mapping as part of its high-level input. More importantly, the common features required to process data and communicate data objects between different layers and components are targeted.

Návrh metodiky vývoje IS

Měrka, David January 2008 (has links)
V této diplomové práci se zabývám problematikou metodik pro vývoj IS. Cílem diplomové práce je analýza současného stavu existující metodiky v konkrétní firmě a návrh metodiky pro vývoj IS. Návrh provádím v závislosti na zjištěných existujících problémech současné metodiky. Práce je rozdělena do tří hlavních částí. V první části práce, v kapitole 2, popisuji současný stav a trendy ve vývoji metodik pro vývoj IS. V druhé části práce popisuji jednak současný stav v analyzované firmě, zejména popis prostředí analyzované firmy a existující metodiky, dále pak uvádím zjištěné problémy současného stavu, jejich rozčlenění a popis. Ve třetí části práce pak uvádím popis navrhované metodiky, zejména se zaměřuji na její procesní a organizační aspekty a na oblast dokumentace v rámci navrhované metodiky. Na závěr uvádím některá doporučení pro implementaci navrhované metodiky do prostředí firmy.

Analýza modulu projektového managementu pro SmartPEF

Kmeťová, Lenka January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to create analysis of new module for SmartPEF. This module is used for project management of school projects at the faculty of Bussines and Economics. For creation of this analysis methodology UP and UML language were used. For creation of user design was used principals of user experience. This thesis will be used for future implementation.

Rendering UML Class Diagrams to Support Layout Design

Leyden, Paul Joseph 12 December 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Adding non-traditional constraints to the embedded systems design process

Jayaram, Indira January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Adding extensions to UML dynamic models for better embedded system design

Kedalagudde, Meghashree Dattatri 20 September 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Un formalisme graphique de représentation de contraintes sémantiques pour UML

Parent, Marc Philippe 13 April 2018 (has links)
L'utilisation à grande échelle de UML dans l'industrie informatique est en train d'en faire une norme incontournable pour toute activité de modélisation conceptuelle requise par l'informatisation de systèmes d'information. Toutefois, UML a ses limites. En effet, l'expression de contraintes sémantiques se fait par OCL (Object Constraint Language), un langage basé sur la logique des prédicats du premier ordre. Les avantages d'avoir un formalisme formel, simple et graphique se perdent donc lorsque les contraintes associées au domaine doivent être décrites soit sous une forme textuelle, soit en logique des prédicats du 1er ordre. La méthodologie envisagée consiste donc en l'élaboration d'un formalisme graphique d'expression de contrainte de telle sorte que les contraintes ainsi exprimées puissent être automatiquement transformées en OCL. Les contraintes OCL peuvent alors être vérifiées afin qu'elles soient toutes satisfaites et qu'elles évitent l'introduction d'incohérence dans les données. Dans ce cas, le modélisateur pourra en être averti et pourra ajuster le modèle ou valider l'acquisition de données. Éventuellement, nous visons à ce que ces contraintes puissent s'assurer que la génération du code en tienne compte, d'où leur possible intégration à un outil de modélisation et de génération de code (outil CASE).

Generování kódu ze stavového modelu UML / Code Generation from UML State Machine Description

Píš, Ľuboš January 2012 (has links)
This paper discusses the implementation of a suitable algorithm for code generation from UML state machine diagrams. The work includes analysis of state machines described in UML, followed by a description of the input fi le format of the proposed design of the generator and the generator itself. The generator was fully implemented in the work along with other functional requirements. At the end of this thesis is a description of the resulting implementation.

Uma abordagem para representação de resultados formais na UML / An approach for representing formal results in the UML

Pereira, Vinícius 05 June 2017 (has links)
A UML é uma notação gráfica utilizada na modelagem de sistemas orientados a objetos, em diferentes domínios da computação. Por ser simples de utilizar, em relação a outras formas de modelagem, a UML é amplamente difundida entre os desenvolvedores de software, tanto na academia quanto na indústria. Entre as suas vantagens, encontram-se: (i) a representação visual das relações entre classes e entidades, pois ao se utilizar de diagramas, a UML facilita o entendimento e a visualização das relações dentro do sistema modelado; (ii) a legibilidade e usabilidade, sem que seja necessário a leitura do código do sistema, uma vez que um desenvolvedor pode compreender quais partes do código são redundantes ou reutilizadas; e (iii) uma ferramenta de planejamento, ao auxiliar na definição do que deve ser feito, antes que a implementação comece de fato, além de poder produzir código e reduzir o tempo de desenvolvimento. Todavia, a UML possui desvantagens, tais como: (i) ambiguidade entre elementos UML diferentes, devido a sobreposição dos diagramas; e (ii) falta de uma semântica clara, o qual geralmente faz com que a semântica da linguagem de programação seja adotada. Para mitigar essas desvantagens, pesquisadores buscam atribuir uma semântica formal à UML. Esse tipo de semântica é encontrado em modelos formais, onde o sistema modelado é livre de ambiguidades e possui uma semântica clara e precisa. Por sua vez, os modelos formais não são simples de serem criados e compreendidos por desenvolvedores. O grau de conhecimento em formalismo necessário para utilizar tal modelo é alto, o que faz com que seu uso seja menos difundido, comparado com a notação gráfica não formal da UML. Apesar dos esforços dos pesquisadores, as técnicas de formalização semântica da UML apresentam, no geral, um problema pouco abordado: apesar de utilizar a UML para modelar o sistema, o artefato final dessas técnicas é um trace formal. Considerando o conhecimento comum de um desenvolvedor de software, esse trace dificulta a análise dos problemas, encontrados pelos model checkers, e a correção dos mesmos no modelo UML. Com o objetivo de auxiliar o desenvolvedor na compreensão dos resultados formais (o trace citado), esta tese de doutorado apresenta uma abordagem baseada em Model-driven Architecture (MDA) capaz de representar as informações dos resultados formais dentro de um modelo UML. Por meio de transformações do modelo UML, essas representações, definidas utilizando a abordagem, auxiliam o desenvolvedor a visualizar o fluxo de execução do model checker dentro do modelo UML. Assim, acredita-se que as vantagens obtidas pela formalização semântica da UML podem ser mais difundidas e utilizadas pelos desenvolvedores, principalmente na indústria. / UML is a graphical notation used for modeling object-oriented software systems in different domains in computer science. Being simple to use, compared to other modeling techniques, UML is widespread among software developers, both in academia and industry. Among its advantages are: (i) the visual representation of the relationships between classes and entities, as when using diagrams, UML facilitates understanding and visualization of relationships within the modeled system; (ii) readability and usability without having to read the system code, since a developer can understand which parts of the code are redundant or reusable; and (iii) a planning tool, helping to define what needs to be done before the implementation actually begins, as well as being able to produce code and reduce development time. However, the UML also has disadvantages, such as: (i) ambiguity between different UML elements due to overlapping diagrams; and (ii) lack of clear semantics, which generally causes the semantics of the programming language to be adopted. To mitigate these disadvantages, researchers seek to assign a formal semantics to the UML. This type of semantics is found in formal models, where the modeled system is free of ambiguity and has a clear and precise semantics. On the other hand, formal models are not simple to create and understand by developers. The degree of formalism knowledge required to use such a model is high, which makes their use less widespread, compared to UML non-formal graphical notation. Despite the researchers efforts, in general the techniques that formalize the UML semantics has a problem that is forgotten: although using the UML to model the system, the final artifact of these techniques is a formal trace. Considering the common knowledge of a software developer, this trace makes it difficult to analyze the problems encountered by model checkers and to correct them in the UML model. In order to assist the developer in understanding the formal results (the trace above), this thesis presents an approach based on Model-driven Architecture (MDA) capable of representing the information of the formal results in the UML model. Through UML model transformations, these representations, set using the approach, help the developer to visualize the execution flow of the model checker within the UML model. Thus, we believe that the advantages obtained by formalizing the UML semantics may be more widespread and used by developers, especially in industry.

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